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Yes I have the little birdie in my ear and she says it's true. But I have no doubt, I change avis, and banners like its going out of style :D
True , True Fun that is , been that long wow... First person I really RP'd with too in my early days :D Lmao , The boy loves his name changes more than anything about here. LOL , I am not shocked in the slightest by this name change because it speaks Justin on so many levels! My sanity is slowly fading and I fear at one point I will never be able to tag him. XD
Well there you go lol. Now time for me to sleep and work on keeping at least most things the same... luckily you'll never see my room, every week I paint it another neon color lol and my mother has threaten to kill me for it rofl... but night and my king will be up tomorrow.
Well there you go lol. Now time for me to sleep and work on keeping at least most things the same... luckily you'll never see my room, every week I paint it another neon color lol and my mother has threaten to kill me for it rofl... but night and my king will be up tomorrow.
More color the better I say lol :D I cannot wait to see my King. ^^
Well there you go lol. Now time for me to sleep and work on keeping at least most things the same... luckily you'll never see my room, every week I paint it another neon color lol and my mother has threaten to kill me for it rofl... but night and my king will be up tomorrow.
Good God man I have a challenge find a name and stick with it for 2 months. If you can you get a hug, if not you get a your drunk go home for every rp post you make with me in it. lol :p
Good God man I have a challenge find a name and stick with it for 2 months. If you can you get a hug, if not you get a your drunk go home for every rp post you make with me in it. lol :p
Okay I am competitive so your on lol... this name for 2 months and maybe for as long as I'm on Iwaku lol and everyone here can be a witness.
@Countess Jin yes I'm here! So sorry but this hasn't been my week. My phone's screen got cracked so i got a temporary replacement but the my computer just crashed and now it's in the shop for repairs...uggghh

So sorry but that's put quite a damper on my CSs since i can only upload on this replacement phone ( which is no ideal CSs material). I'll do my best though but please excuse me if i have a lot of typos or they come out to bare minimums.
@Countess Jin yes I'm here! So sorry but this hasn't been my week. My phone's screen got cracked so i got a temporary replacement but the my computer just crashed and now it's in the shop for repairs...uggghh

So sorry but that's put quite a damper on my CSs since i can only upload on this replacement phone ( which is no ideal CSs material). I'll do my best though but please excuse me if i have a lot of typos or they come out to bare minimums.
Don't worry about it! I'm certain you'll update your CS to make it look pretty when everything is all fixed and brand new again. Thanks for still sticking around! ♥
my coding just went haywire and idk what the hell happened -_- this is just great
Fixing my guy up now and decided to change his fc to this guy^^ and well use Broderick Hunter for another rp of mines.
but here he is
FC Anthony Leon

@Shayla do you love your new King's look XD, I wish my hair would grow that long, I use to have curly long hair like that... than my mother got it cut when I was ten xD and has never been the same lol
Fixing my guy up now and decided to change his fc to this guy^^ and well use Broderick Hunter for another rp of mines.
but here he is
FC Anthony Leon

@Shayla do you love your new King's look XD, I wish my hair would grow that long, I use to have curly long hair like that... than my mother got it cut when I was ten xD and has never been the same lol
That was the saddest story ever. Hair is important and I feel so sorry cause that hair is beautiful xD
I remember my first hair cut. I went from curly Rapunzel hair to helmet head...I swear my mother hated me lol
my coding just went haywire and idk what the hell happened -_- this is just great
Ahh yours is doing the same thing Pasi's did earlier. I think this thread is cursed with coding explosions!
Don't want to be TMI but I have been in the bathroom with my head over the toilet because apparently the food I ate yesterday has given me food poisoning so no way can I finish my King tonight, I hate this but I will try to get him soon. I am sorry.
Don't want to be TMI but I have been in the bathroom with my head over the toilet because apparently the food I ate yesterday has given me food poisoning so no way can I finish my King tonight, I hate this but I will try to get him soon. I am sorry.
Oh honey I have food poisoning all the time because food is life and I like mixing random shit to just put in my mouth.
Take what I'm eating now for an example: Potato chips and Neopolitan ice cream. Yep. I know.

Feel better soon!
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