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Quick little update: My character is nearly finished. Just have to write her personality down, and her background and she'll be ready for judgement. I already know what I want to put in those two areas as is, I just need to go to work now and don't have time. I'll work on finishing Xena tonight! ♥
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Hi Lovelies.
Seeing as I'm feeling ultra creative right now, I need some place to express this creativity, and I thought...
"I should give to the people of iWaku."
So, for the next few hours here, or until my creativity comes to a halt, I'll be making...

Here are some examples:




If you're interested/want one, let me know - they're free :) ♥

P.S - I want this to give you all initiative to post in the IC :D! Lets make this is a sick-ass RP!!​
Hi Lovelies.
Seeing as I'm feeling ultra creative right now, I need some place to express this creativity, and I thought...
"I should give to the people of iWaku."
So, for the next few hours here, or until my creativity comes to a halt, I'll be making...

Here are some examples:




If you're interested/want one, let me know - they're free :) ♥

P.S - I want this to give you all initiative to post in the IC :D! Lets make this is a sick-ass RP!!​
I would love if you made me one, Ali!
Hi Lovelies.
Seeing as I'm feeling ultra creative right now, I need some place to express this creativity, and I thought...
"I should give to the people of iWaku."
So, for the next few hours here, or until my creativity comes to a halt, I'll be making...

Here are some examples:




If you're interested/want one, let me know - they're free :) ♥

P.S - I want this to give you all initiative to post in the IC :D! Lets make this is a sick-ass RP!!​
me too
Okay, I'll just need:
Your characters name, preferred colours, and anything else you'd like me to add :)
ALSO!! If you guys have a preferred font (from dafont.com) send me the link and I'll use it ^^
OH! and a picture of the character you want me to use.
Name: Garrett Parker Peace
Preferred Font: HERE
Preferred Colours: Red and Silver
And probably just diamonds and brass knuckles (brass knuckles are optional of course)
@Ali my char isn't up yet but when I get him up would love for you to make a banner for him^^.

Just got home from escaping a library xD, it was fun me and some of my friends had the opportunity to do like an escape puzzle like game where we have solve puzzles find clues and unlock locks to escape the room.

We had an hour to solve all the puzzles and unlock the locks and get out... we took 2 hours and the Instructor guy had to come in and help us xD. It was still fun though.
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@Ali my char isn't up yet but when I get him up would love for you to make a banner for him^^.

Just got home from escaping a library xD, it was fun me and some of my friends had the opportunity to do like an escape puzzle like game where we have solve puzzles find clues and unlock locks to escape the room.

We had an hour to solve all the puzzles and unlock the locks and get out... we took 2 hours and the Instructor guy had to come in and help us xD. It was still fun though.
Just let me know when your chara' is done, and I'll get to it ^^
Also, escape rooms are so fun - I'm really good at them :D

Name: Garrett Parker Peace
Preferred Font: HERE
Preferred Colours: Red and Silver
And probably just diamonds and brass knuckles (brass knuckles are optional of course)
I'll get to it ♥ PM you when I'm done :)
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Most likely he'll be up tomorrow night. Getting him done bit by bit and a few bits left are just strengths and likes and stuff like that so the easy stuff really. 12am here going to bed now but King Valentine Amour will be up tomorrow^^ and IC post if up to will be up once accpeted.
one second distracted
@Ali my char isn't up yet but when I get him up would love for you to make a banner for him^^.

Just got home from escaping a library xD, it was fun me and some of my friends had the opportunity to do like an escape puzzle like game where we have solve puzzles find clues and unlock locks to escape the room.

We had an hour to solve all the puzzles and unlock the locks and get out... we took 2 hours and the Instructor guy had to come in and help us xD. It was still fun though.
Oh! Oh! Have you seen Impractical Jokers? Because I'm pretty sure one of the guys lost, and his punishment was to do one of those room escape things but he also had to pee his pants... Sounds really silly the way I just described it, but it was fucking hilarious.
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Oh! Oh! Have you seen Impractical Jokers? Because I'm pretty sure one of the guys lost, and his punishment was to do one of those room escape things but he also had to pee his pants... Sounds really silly the way I just described it, but it was fucking hilarious.
Yes!!!! Lol I love that show.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"Funny how our best friends can also be our worst enemies."


Character Name:
"It's easier to pronounce than it looks. It's like, Zen-ah."
. Xena Hailey Rose .

Name Meaning:
"I'm going to go ahead and say my parents didn't research the name before they gave it to me."
. A Guest .

"Xen is pronounced more like Zen."
. Xen, X, Rose .

"I'm clearly a girl, you dimwit."
. Female .

"Let's play a game. You guess, and I'll punch you if you're wrong."
. 24 .

"I was born in the winter, which might be why my heart is so cold."
. December 18th .

Zodiac Sign:
"They say Sagittarius's are risk takers. But I don't believe I take risks because of some star sign."
. Sagittarius .

"Who knows this off the top of their head?"
. AB .

"We're the baddest, baby."
. Spades .

"I'd say it's only smart to have an Ace up your sleeve."
. Ace .

"It's blue, that's all I know."
. Tanzanite .


"I may be short, but I can use it to my advantage."
. 5'4'' .

"Look at it yourself? I don't have time for this."
. Blonde, Darker roots, Usually wavy, Slightly Past Shoulders, Soft, Smells like Coconut .

"Blue, like my gemstone."
. Bright Blue .

Distinguishing Marks:
"I have a few scars."
. Few Scars here and There .
. Has a tiny Spades symbol branded behind her right ear .
. Got this tattoo when she was seventeen, because she remembered her mother having a similar one
[/spoili] .

General Appearance:
"People assume Spades only wear black, but that's not true. We just often wear black."
. Xena never goes anywhere without her makeup done, and she often prefers lipstick to lip gloss. Her style is changing, depending on her mood. On Monday she could wear a magenta dress with black boots, but on Tuesday she could wear jeans and a leather jacket. She does, however, always accessorize. Her hair is usually wavy, and kept down, though she does sometimes take the time to style it differently .

"I stretch a lot."
. Xena is extremely flexible. She has excellent balance, and is also much stronger than she appears to be. She is trained in hand to hand combat. Because she is a visual learner she finds it easy to mimic movements she watches, making her a very fast learner .

"I like to pretend I have none."
. Though she will not admit it, Xena has terrible stamina. She has a weak sense of smell, often times not able to smell anything at all. She is very materialistic, and so she will prioritize getting a reward over getting a job done correctly. She considers her dyslexia her biggest weakness .


"I have very little time to do the things I enjoy."
. Shopping, Meditation, Yoga and People Watching .

"Give me something shiny and I'll be happy for a while."
. Jewelry, Stars, Yellow, Clothing, Summer Breeze, Running Water and Cats .

"Loud people give me headaches."
. Loud Noises, Birds, Being Told 'No,' Running, Bright Makeup, Blood, Stripes and Sweet Food .

"I have several talents."
. Along with Xena's ability to act, she is a natural born manipulator. She thinks fast, especially when caught in a tough situation, and will use these two talents to her benefit. She mostly wears heels, and so she has learned t not only walk but also run in them. Xena stretches everyday, and as a result she is so flexible she can put both her feet behind her head. She is also great a baking .

"I can do anything I want to do."
. For one, Xena struggles with admitting she is wrong or taking fault. She cannot sing, nor does she know how to speak any other language but English. She is unable to tell when people are lying to her or, ironically, when she is being manipulated. She has never been good at math or reading, despite the fact that she enjoys the latter, thanks to her being dyslexic .

"I only fear rational things."
. Xena has the fear of oblivion, of being forgotten. She wants nothing more than to be significant. She also fears needles, or more specifically injections. And, for whatever reason, she finds dummies extremely off-putting .

General Personality:
"I take pride in being a closed book."
. A girl of tact, Xena has perfected the art of manipulation. She is not afraid to put up an act to get what she wants, and she will go to great lengths to achieve her goals. As a sort of self-defense mechanism, she has developed a great deal of wit to accompany her sarcastic tendencies. Most people would describe her as just plain mean, mainly because she is only outwardly kind to those she deems worthy. She is insanely honest, and this makes her come off as rather rude. Xena knows how to be very charming, when she wants to be. Because she is usually looking out for herself, if she sees things are not going in her favor she will switch sides immediately, just to be on the winning side. She's calculating and, above all, Xena knows how to appear. She knows who she needs to be in each situation, and will change to fit the role .

Inner Personality:
"Only a few people know who I really am."
. As a child of neglect, Xena truly desires attention. She will go to great lengths to get it, whether it be negative or positive attention. However, she also wants to be loved, or rather to be significant to someone. This makes her very easily manipulated, because if someone shows her even the slightest bit of affection she will become unreasonably loyal to them. She is extremely brave, likely a result of her fending for herself most of her life. Also for this reason, Xena has grown to be rather selfish. She's been taught by the world that if she doesn't look out for herself, no one will. Independent and determined, Xena believes that if she puts the work ins he will get whatever she wants .

Love Interest
. Damon Spade (King of Spades) - They have a secret romance. In public they are professional, but when alone her King makes her feel very loved. She has not yet decided if she loves him, or the attention she gives her. .

Allies / Friends
. n .

. n .

. n .

. Mother - Margaret Rose - Dead - Was a Seamstress [spoili]
[/spoili] .
. Father - Jameson Rose - Dead - Was a Knight
[/spoili] .
. Terran Rose - Younger Brother - Unknown Location and Status [spoili]
[/spoili] .

Special Items:
"Don't touch any of my things."
. An anklet that was passed down in her family [spoili]
[/spoili] .
. A journal, which she writes important information down in
[/spoili] .

"My fist is a mighty weapon, wanna see?"
. While Xena does prefer to fight hand-to-hand, she does know how to wield a few weapons .
. She greatly prefers two duel knifes, one in each hand
[/spoili] .
. However, Xena will also use a sword when she needs to
[/spoili] .
. More often than not, her blades are laced with either poison or a chemical that will leave anyone cut by her weapons in searing pain .

"I do have some magic, though I don't prefer to use it often."
. Disruption [spoili] Xena has the ability to disrupt Mechanical objects. Whether it be a computer or a gun, she can cause it to stop working.
Limitation: She can only disrupt one object at any given time. Also, when using this ability she can not use any other kind of magic. Can also cause migraines, if used for an extensive amount of time.
[/spoili] .
. Phasing
[spoili] The ability to phase through solid matter, such as table. Simply put, this is the ability to walk through walls.
: Xena cannot use any kind of power if she is phasing through things. She will not be able to pick things up. The longer she uses this ability the more blurry her vision becomes. Also, after use, her whole body is often very sore. She can only be in her phasing state for a consecutive ten minutes [/spoili] .
. Enhanced Strength
[spoili] Xena is much stronger than many girls her size. To keep this ability working well, however, she does need to work out often. Her limit is only five hundred pounds.[/spoili] .
. Shadow Walking Potion
[spoili] This potion takes up to twenty four hours to brew, and gives the consumer the ability to travel by shadows. The potion recipe has been passed down in Xena's family for generations.
Limitations: The consumer will not be able to speak or touch anyone while Shadow Walking. They can only jump from one shadow to another, and cannot be seen by anyone or anything. They themselves also cannot be touched. The potion lasts for a period of twenty minutes. Xena seems to have an allergic reaction every time
she uses it, and often gets a rash that remains for about two days after use.[/spoili] .


General History:
"Oh, see, now that's none of your business."
Xena was the first child born to Margaret and Jameson Rose, with a baby boy following her only two years later. She was a happy child, though she never developed a strong bond with either of her parents. Her father was a knight, and so he was away often, and her mother couldn't be bothered with the children she brought into this world. Often times, Margaret was only seen in public with her children when she went to the black market, in hopes of someone taking pity on her and giving her a bargain.

This wasn't unusual in the Kingdom of Spades. Truthfully, Xena was lucky that her parent's kept her, rather than leaving her int he gutter like many Spade commoners did. She was only seven when her parents were caught in a house fire and killed. Her brother's body was never recovered, but he had also disappeared, and so there was rumor that he had set the fire to kill his awful family. Whether this was true or not, Xena was now all alone in the most horrible of kingdoms.

For a time she thought of traveling to a new Kingdom- perhaps the Kingdom of Hearts- where there were kinder souls who might be more willing to take her in. She never got the nerve to leave, however, simply because she knew how Spades worked. She was one of them, so she knew their mindset, their behaviors. She got very good at stealing very quickly. When she was ten she met a boy, Harold, and they became partner's in crime for a while.

Harold had knowledge of hand-to-hand combat, for reasons Xena never found out. In exchange for fighting lessons, Xena taught him how to sew and steal. By the time she was thirteen she was very skilled in the art, and was able to defend herself- which was good, for a girl coming into age. Especially when she lived on the streets of the Spade Kingdom.

One night, Harold disappeared, and the next day Xena witnesses him being executed in the streets by a pair of guards. This sent her into a stage of depression, having again lost the only person in her life. She became reckless- which eventually led to her imprisonment. She became a slave tot he King and Queen, serving them for six years.

Under the rule of King Damon and Queen Elora, Xena started to become defiant. This led to a meeting with the King- which did not go as expected. She assumed she was about to be executed, but the King seemed to take a liking to her. Instead, she was appointed as his Ace, to serve him and only him. She has been Damon's trusted Ace since she was twenty, and has grown to love her status.
[bg=#a8a8a8]"People change, okay? They grow."
@Countess Jin - I have finished my Ace! She is ready for your judgement. ♥
  • Thank You
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On the last parts of my cs and once format is colored and decorated will be posting my King finally XD
I literally just need a few sections in the mental charastics and the histories and both will be done ^w^
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King Valentine Frederick Amour

Valentine: From the Roman cognomen Valentinus which was itself from the name Valens meaning "strong, vigourous, healthy" in Latin.
Frederick: English form of a Germanic name meaning "peaceful ruler", derived from frid "peace" and ric "ruler, power".
Amour: The French word for love, mad passion and/or to be madly in love.

King of Hearts
Peaceful Ruler
Loving Husband

Manly Male


Feb. 14th




The King


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Valentine has beautiful curly, thick, black hair. He was blessed with magnificent curly locks, like a lion's mane, the perfect look for The King of Hearts.

Dark Chocolate

Multiple tattoos on both of his arms.

Valentine's body is one of a True God. All of his exercising and keeping up with leading a Kingdom has kept him active and busy, he works out a lot. His body is strong and intimidating, he usually doesn't have to say anything for someone to give him their attention... he just has to walk into the room. He has smooth and flawless skin, he loves to take baths with sweet scented oils, which keep his skin glowing and smooth. He takes care of himself since he believes that one's appearance is truly the first thing people judge someone on. He isn't one to shy away from the spotlight, not being afraid to show off his muscles and his beautiful body on most occasions.

Valentine wears a lot of pinks and reds, those are the two main colors that he has in his huge wardrobe. He has a classic style with a mix of street, making his own style of clothing in the process.


Diplomacy. Charming. Musically Gifted. Physical Fighting. High Endurance. Intelligent. Resourceful. Caring. Loyal. Leadership. Fast. Flexibility.

Bad Memory. Too Kind. Somewhat Gullible. Too Carefree. Forgives Too Much. Loyal To A Fault.

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Singing. Traveling. Spending time with his Queen and daughters. Meeting new people. Throwing lavish parties for all the Kingdoms. Going to the Theater. Writing poetry. Exercising. Buying new outfits. Making connections. Keeping The Hearts Kingdom protected and secure.

Singing. Dancing. Acting. Writing poetry. Spending time with his family. His Queen showing him love. Showing his Queen love. Meditating in the Gardens. Creating things out of love and other passionate emotions. Analyzing others. Jokes. Chocolate. Doves. All shades of pinks and reds. Exercising. Swimming. Sleeping. Sex. Passion. Romance. Powerful Women and Men. Freedom. Optimism. Creative minds. Royalty. Being The King. Children. Being a great father and husband.

Ignorance. Liars. Cheaters. Wimps. Senseless Violence. Pointless Arguments. Murder. Harm towards the ones he loves and cares about. Secrets. Quietness. Being called the "Weak King." People saying that his Queen is the one actually running the Kingdom. Bullies. Tyrants. Dictatorships. Foolishness. Snobs.

Singing. Performing (Music, Acting, Dancing). Persuasion. Keeping the peace. Romantic Acts. Empathy. Cooking. Meditation.

Telling a lie. Disloyalty. Seeing the bad in others. Keeping a secret or secrets. Hatred. Making tough decisions.

Claustrophobia (Fear of tight spaces). Acrophobia (Fear of heights... ironic with him being soo tall). Losing his family. Death. Killing others. The future.

Everyone that knows or has been in the presence of King Valentine Amour knows that the male is the most kindest and most helpful person in all of Pip. Valentine will give up the shirt on his back if someone needed it, he travels a lot and when he sees a peasant in need he'll always take the time to buy them food that will last them and their family for a month or more. Valentine rules his Kingdom with a Heart of Gold, earning the love and respect of his people. He's not the type to let harm go on in his domain, finding out the issue or issues for himself and taking care of it. In the eyes of his people and his loving family, he is one of the bravest men in the land.

Valentine is a true romantic, always doing something grand and magnificent for his Queen every year on the day they were wedded. He loves her and shows it each and every day. He is known to sing his Queen to bed and wake her up with a note or two. He loves teaching his daughters all about music. One can tell that other than his family and Kingdom, music is Valentine's passion. He is a sweet and gentle King, not one to fly off the handle and attack someone for the littlest incident. He is a pacifist most of the time, until someone dares to try and harm his family and his people. He has a diplomatic mind but can turn into a Commander at war when someone tries to play on his kindness and forgiving ways.

This is the side of him that only his family and close friends and acquaintances have ever seen. His forgetful and chaotic ways that he tries to keep hidden from prying eyes. He has a tendency to forget things and move on to new and what he thinks are better events and/or projects. He is truly emotionally driven, meaning that once his emotions aren't into something he'll usually just drop it and move on. Thankfully his loving Queen is always by his side to remind him of his Kingly duties and will usually be there to help him fix his many mistakes, which he has had a lot of over the years. He is just a man that relies on creativity and wit rather than brute strength and manipulation.

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Wedding Band: A beautiful and stunning ring, bright and magnificent, just like it's owner. Valentine loves flash and extravagance, his wedding band had to represent both things in one... which it did and some.

Lucky Poetry Pen: The luck might just be in his over-imaginative head but to Valentine the beautiful pen is his lucky charm. When he writes poetry and any other kind of writing with it, his writing always comes out perfect. Maybe because he just has great penmanship or maybe the pen is actually lucky... no one will ever know.

Royal Crown: Valentine's Crown is made of wonderful red rubies and other red gemstones and held together with beautiful pieces of the strongest silver in Pip. His crown's beauty matches his Queen's crown, representing their union and love for one another.

(Valentine only owns one weapon, or dual weapon actually. He rarely fights and when he does he uses his magic and wit instead of weapons.)

Love & Hate: (Pretend that the blue one is glowing pink) His only weapon or weapons is his special dual daggers. Since he relies on speed and wit more often than brute strength, Love & Hate are the perfect last resort when he's in a fight... which rarely occurs. They have a special ability or enchantment when he's in a really bad situation. Love & Hate will glow different colors, Love will glow Neon Pink and Hate will glow Neon Red. When Valentine stabs or slices his foe with the daggers they slowly absorb the hate out of the person and inject love and care into their heart. If someone is filled with passionate hate and/or malicious intent, Love & Hate will not be as effective as when they are used on someone with some form of empathy.

Pheromone Manipulation
(Even though he can use this on all humans, it's more effective against the opposite sex. With a mix of his heroism and this power, most women can't help but become enchanted by the King of Hearts).

Emotional Manifestation
(Even though he has the power to replicate himself with a certain emotion attached to the specific copy, the replication has free will... meaning Valentine has no control over the copy and can't tell it what to do or when to return).

Empathic Power Randomization
(The most versatile and to most, Valentine's strongest power. With the energy and magical properties of his passionate emotions he can conjure other powers that are physical representatives of those feelings. He only has the power to manifest abilities from Anger, Love and Sadness. Another weakness of this power is that the power or powers that our manifested are totally at random, so he'll never know which ability he'll get at the time when he's feeling those specific emotions).

Music Manipulation
(A magical ability that came from his love and passion towards all forms of music. He only can control music that is already made and known... meaning he can't make up a song right on the spot and make a person feel an emotion tied to that song. Musical Empathetic Projection is the main application of this ability that Valentine knows how to use proficiently, making people feel love, sadness, fear or even anger and distracting them for a short period of time).

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To be told in the roleplay...

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