Where Angels Go, Demons Follow/OOC (All Original Superhero RP)

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I was thinking that it was a sort of alien Terminator / killbot that is sent in a squad to exterminate the world's leaders, and we reprogram one of them to work for the team, and use his files and knowledge of the technology to defeat the others.
Oh, well, that's different. What's their game after offing everyone in charge, though? And why do it? No need to actually answer those questions, but they are the important ones for such a plot.
Because what happens when there is no leaders? The world begins to panic, riots happen and people attempt to take charge, yet anarchy is ensuing. I was thinking that this race felt threatened by how far Earth is coming in terms of technology, and they decide to let us kill ourselves due to fear. The thing is though, they haven't exactly looked into the human race very deeply, they just expected us to be a bit dumber than them.
The team is still starting up, so the events in the opening of the IC could be what introduced everyone. I'll be adding in some of my own creations to fill in the blanks. Everyone else besides Wolverbells and I can be strangers.
Or it can be considered a rip version that is slightly like the Teen Titan Episode where you met the many turned robots and they try and make Victor a real full Cyborg to RObot lol
I just hope things kick off soon.
That's turning out to be pretty difficult. You're always on when I'm asleep haha

What time zone is everyone in?
I'm in US Eastern time, here.
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I've got something to do with Canada, I have no idea what my timezone it. BUt it's 2:49 PM here for me if that answers any questions.
I've got something to do with Canada, I have no idea what my timezone it. BUt it's 2:49 PM here for me if that answers any questions.
Well acquiring to my computer your in EST time then cause it reads the same time as you say and normally it doesn't when people in different time zones post.
Things are slowly flowing along. I will not close my laptop until Wolverbells gets online and we work on this.
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