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Leo recoiled in horror, unsure of what to do. 'They're dead-' The Doctor ignored him, and picked up one of the skeletons, draping it over his arms as if he were carrying a bride over the threshold. 'Well, in fact they've been dead for sometime. Oh, and murdered and stuffed in the wardrobe. Are the walking dead smart enough to do that?'
He silently wished that he had the Sonic Screwdriver with him-he had no way of finding the cause of death.
'Not stripped of flesh by zombies, but rotted. Naturally, I think.'
The Doctor then looked down at the trapdoor. Leo looked down it. He nodded sagely at his companions. 'Well, one way down.'
The Doctor smiled. 'Just like the old days. Charley would've loved this.' He then frowned, his face fell slowly. He missed her. He missed all of them. He awoke from his daze with Leo shaking him. 'Doctor? Are you okay?' 'Yes yes, everything's fine, completely fine. Let's go.'
He then slid down into the trapdoor that Rhonda had just found, with Leo following shortly after.
@Jeremi @Atomyk @ResistingTheEnlightened
Rhonda would find a trap door underneath the carpet!

On the other hand, The Doctor and Leo would find...


A bunch of spooky skeletons! The collection of bones would flop out of the wardrobe, but were otherwise not animated in any way.

Welcome to the bone zone.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The strange creature growled in the face of Cap's assault. It ran at her with its bladed arm in the air, ready to cut at her side once it got close enough. It's focus was off Daniel for the time being.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


Whether or not you thought Emily was crazy for jumping on the back of so many creatures, it somehow kept working for her. The prehistoric creature flew away from the group before bobbing up and down in an attempt to shake Emily off its back. She would fly high enough to see that a large nest sat on the top of the sandy hill. In the nest were a trio of eggs and what appeared to be two people.

The creatures scattered as Emily made her bold move, but they seemed upset by the disturbance. Catherine would find that she still had needles on her and while these airborne creatures looked like they would be difficult to grab, they didn't look like they would be hard to puncture.

As Jean led the group further upward, they would see the nest from below. The voice heard was clearer now and it sounded like a man mumbling incoherently.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

"Huh...I guess I didn't really expect to find anything. Hey guys I fo-" Before she could call out to the Doctor and Leo they would already be there to open the door and head in. "Not as much as a nice job..." Rhonda mumbled as she followed after them.

@Atomyk @Mighty Roman

Cap would attempt to slam the bladed arm away to the side leaving it wide open for a tackle. If successful Cap would've have followed the creature down to the ground and quickly slam her shield down over its throat in an attempt to decapitate it.

@Ryu Keiko

Whether or not you thought Emily was crazy for jumping on the back of so many creatures, it somehow kept working for her. The prehistoric creature flew away from the group before bobbing up and down in an attempt to shake Emily off its back. She would fly high enough to see that a large nest sat on the top of the sandy hill. In the nest were a trio of eggs and what appeared to be two people.

The creatures scattered as Emily made her bold move, but they seemed upset by the disturbance. Catherine would find that she still had needles on her and while these airborne creatures looked like they would be difficult to grab, they didn't look like they would be hard to puncture.

As Jean led the group further upward, they would see the nest from below. The voice heard was clearer now and it sounded like a man mumbling incoherently.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

"YEEEEEEEHAW!" She exclaimed to the heavens, still clutching for dear life. Part of her wished she didn't have a helmet on, if only to feel the wind glide past her face. "AUDIO LOG SOMETHING NUMBER: I, DOCTOR EMILY GREY, CAN NOW ADD ANOTHER TITLE TO THE LIST! I AM A PTERANODON RIDER!" She wasn't worried too much about falling. Her armor could be locked up with a simple process for tremendous falls such as orbital drops. Plus she had the grav boots too.

"...Look at that view." She whispered, awestruck. "Such a Kodak moment." Her gaze crested over the top of the hill, spotting the nest within moments. "Run program, microphone." She ordered her armor systems.


@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
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Rhonda would find a trap door underneath the carpet!

On the other hand, The Doctor and Leo would find...


A bunch of spooky skeletons! The collection of bones would flop out of the wardrobe, but were otherwise not animated in any way.

Welcome to the bone zone.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The strange creature growled in the face of Cap's assault. It ran at her with its bladed arm in the air, ready to cut at her side once it got close enough. It's focus was off Daniel for the time being.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


Whether or not you thought Emily was crazy for jumping on the back of so many creatures, it somehow kept working for her. The prehistoric creature flew away from the group before bobbing up and down in an attempt to shake Emily off its back. She would fly high enough to see that a large nest sat on the top of the sandy hill. In the nest were a trio of eggs and what appeared to be two people.

The creatures scattered as Emily made her bold move, but they seemed upset by the disturbance. Catherine would find that she still had needles on her and while these airborne creatures looked like they would be difficult to grab, they didn't look like they would be hard to puncture.

As Jean led the group further upward, they would see the nest from below. The voice heard was clearer now and it sounded like a man mumbling incoherently.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
For some reason, now that he noticed the creatures flying above them seemed relatively harmless, and finally, after catching up with her, he noticed the voice he was hearing, and, for once, he seemed to get a little less... Jump, and well, in general, a bit more cocky.

"So... You gonna eat us? Or are you one of the sane ones?" He asked, sounding rahter non-challant all of a sudden. He still felt a little sting from the bite to his ankle, but, for the moment, he seemed to have completely forgotten about it... Was it the bite getting to him? Or, did he just seriously drop his guard?​
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The trap door revealed a ladder leading down into a pitch black corridor. Thanks to Alan and Sherlock, you'd be able to see whee you were going, though the dank smell of rot and mold hitting your nostrils would give you a good idea. Once you'd climbed down the ladder, you'd find a tight corridor made of stone. At most, you'd only be able to walk down it side-by-side in pairs. Though the smell is potentially deadly, nothing that would pose a threat pops out at you as you make your way through. Rats squeak out of our way as you eventually come to a more open area.


What appears to be a sewer flows in front of you. The dirty water almost glows green. Hugging the wall, you'd find another small corridor, this one only big enough to fit a single person in width. You could head down this way, or head up the water's stream and toward what appears to be a light in the distance.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The creature isn't the smartest, though it's stronger than it looks. Slamming away its blade doesn't stun it for very long as it hurriedly moves to swing at Daniel, but a subsequent tackle from Cap would take it down. It would take a few blows, but its head would eventually be knocked right off.

In the now open tunnel, you can hear a giggling in the distance.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


As Jean reached the nest, he would find exactly what Emily had described: three eggs and two human bodies. You would recognize one as the unconscious body of Nathan, while the others was dressed in a lab coat and covered in blood. Presumably a researcher of the facility, the man wouldn't respond to Jean, instead only continuing to mumble to himself quietly. Head buried in his knees, the man was in the fetal position and didn't look like he was in any position to move.

Up above, the pteranodon carrying Emily would suddenly spin around in an attempt to shake his passenger. It decided to hang completely upside-down as another pteranodon moved to collide into it. The impact would cause Emily to fall off, her trajectory putting her into the direction of the nest.

With that done, the various prehistoric creatures flying around the nest would attack in an attempt to defend their eggs and what was to be their meal. Their sharp claws would aim to cut those of you standing around the nest as they flew by.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
The trap door revealed a ladder leading down into a pitch black corridor. Thanks to Alan and Sherlock, you'd be able to see whee you were going, though the dank smell of rot and mold hitting your nostrils would give you a good idea. Once you'd climbed down the ladder, you'd find a tight corridor made of stone. At most, you'd only be able to walk down it side-by-side in pairs. Though the smell is potentially deadly, nothing that would pose a threat pops out at you as you make your way through. Rats squeak out of our way as you eventually come to a more open area.


What appears to be a sewer flows in front of you. The dirty water almost glows green. Hugging the wall, you'd find another small corridor, this one only big enough to fit a single person in width. You could head down this way, or head up the water's stream and toward what appears to be a light in the distance.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The creature isn't the smartest, though it's stronger than it looks. Slamming away its blade doesn't stun it for very long as it hurriedly moves to swing at Daniel, but a subsequent tackle from Cap would take it down. It would take a few blows, but its head would eventually be knocked right off.

In the now open tunnel, you can hear a giggling in the distance.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


As Jean reached the nest, he would find exactly what Emily had described: three eggs and two human bodies. You would recognize one as the unconscious body of Nathan, while the others was dressed in a lab coat and covered in blood. Presumably a researcher of the facility, the man wouldn't respond to Jean, instead only continuing to mumble to himself quietly. Head buried in his knees, the man was in the fetal position and didn't look like he was in any position to move.

Up above, the pteranodon carrying Emily would suddenly spin around in an attempt to shake his passenger. It decided to hang completely upside-down as another pteranodon moved to collide into it. The impact would cause Emily to fall off, her trajectory putting her into the direction of the nest.

With that done, the various prehistoric creatures flying around the nest would attack in an attempt to defend their eggs and what was to be their meal. Their sharp claws would aim to cut those of you standing around the nest as they flew by.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

Nezumi saw this and huffed. He wasn't going to let some prehistoric creature try and take anyone out, especially after the close encounter Shion had moments before. Besides, they had enough to deal with what with zombies around. So, he tried to aim and throw a few scalpels at some of the dinosaurs closer to him and Shion, if this didn't work he'd move closer to Shion and be ready to help him in case it was needed. Shion, who was a bit closer to Jean, kept his grip on the nail gun firm.

@Atomyk @york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
The trap door revealed a ladder leading down into a pitch black corridor. Thanks to Alan and Sherlock, you'd be able to see whee you were going, though the dank smell of rot and mold hitting your nostrils would give you a good idea. Once you'd climbed down the ladder, you'd find a tight corridor made of stone. At most, you'd only be able to walk down it side-by-side in pairs. Though the smell is potentially deadly, nothing that would pose a threat pops out at you as you make your way through. Rats squeak out of our way as you eventually come to a more open area.


What appears to be a sewer flows in front of you. The dirty water almost glows green. Hugging the wall, you'd find another small corridor, this one only big enough to fit a single person in width. You could head down this way, or head up the water's stream and toward what appears to be a light in the distance.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The creature isn't the smartest, though it's stronger than it looks. Slamming away its blade doesn't stun it for very long as it hurriedly moves to swing at Daniel, but a subsequent tackle from Cap would take it down. It would take a few blows, but its head would eventually be knocked right off.

In the now open tunnel, you can hear a giggling in the distance.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


As Jean reached the nest, he would find exactly what Emily had described: three eggs and two human bodies. You would recognize one as the unconscious body of Nathan, while the others was dressed in a lab coat and covered in blood. Presumably a researcher of the facility, the man wouldn't respond to Jean, instead only continuing to mumble to himself quietly. Head buried in his knees, the man was in the fetal position and didn't look like he was in any position to move.

Up above, the pteranodon carrying Emily would suddenly spin around in an attempt to shake his passenger. It decided to hang completely upside-down as another pteranodon moved to collide into it. The impact would cause Emily to fall off, her trajectory putting her into the direction of the nest.

With that done, the various prehistoric creatures flying around the nest would attack in an attempt to defend their eggs and what was to be their meal. Their sharp claws would aim to cut those of you standing around the nest as they flew by.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
"I should have expected this..." Jean muttered, standing up as he looked towards the creatures diving down at them, his expression was one of nervousness at first, but, upon realizing that he didn't have much to lose at the moment... He suddenly became calm.

"Well then... COme get some..." Jean muttered, jumping up suddenly; he had no 3D Maneuver gear to propell him this time, but, he tried his best to avoid the sharp talons coming at him from various directions as he aimed to dig his kitchen knives into one of the creature's claws in an effort to scale it's body. It would have been alot easier if he had his 3D maneuver gear with him, but, regardless of that, he was going to attempt to take one of these creatures down the old fashioned way...​
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A few of the creatures plummeted from the sky as Nezumi's knives punctured them. Two of the creatures dived at Jean, one coming close enough that he was able to dig his knife into the creature's claws and be lifted into the air. The second brushed by Shion close enough to knock him off the sandy hill. He'd crash into the rocks jutting out of the hill if nothing could be done to save him.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
A few of the creatures plummeted from the sky as Nezumi's knives punctured them. Two of the creatures dived at Jean, one coming close enough that he was able to dig his knife into the creature's claws and be lifted into the air. The second brushed by Shion close enough to knock him off the sandy hill. He'd crash into the rocks jutting out of the hill if nothing could be done to save him.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

Nezumi reached out and grabbed at Shion, his reaction slightly quicker than Shion's, who had nearly began to flail in a panic. Nezumi gripped tightly at his sweater sleeve before pulling Shion towards himself. Nezumi threw a scalpel at the dinosaur that had nearly pushed Shion to his death out of revenge and irritation while Shion, although a bit shaken, tried to take a shot at the same creature.

@Atomyk @york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

As Jean reached the nest, he would find exactly what Emily had described: three eggs and two human bodies. You would recognize one as the unconscious body of Nathan, while the others was dressed in a lab coat and covered in blood. Presumably a researcher of the facility, the man wouldn't respond to Jean, instead only continuing to mumble to himself quietly. Head buried in his knees, the man was in the fetal position and didn't look like he was in any position to move.

Up above, the pteranodon carrying Emily would suddenly spin around in an attempt to shake his passenger. It decided to hang completely upside-down as another pteranodon moved to collide into it. The impact would cause Emily to fall off, her trajectory putting her into the direction of the nest.


"...Such teamwork." She complimented even as she fell, the ground rapidly rising up to meet her even as she objectively knew it was her rapidly descending to meet the ground. She tucked herself into a ball, trying to minimize impact as she went down. "I don't want to be a scrambled egg after all!" When she landed and hard, buckling with the impact...she was sure she had a concussion. But as far as she could tell, no other major damage. Scratches and bruises but nothing broken. That is good.

She peeked around the nest with slow and careful movements, trying hard to not appear to be moving to the flying predators above. There were the eggs!

That is even better.

She started to crawl towards them, inch by inch. Every centimeter a painstakingly slow process. I'll have so many samples!!!

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium @york
With Shion rescued and the creature downed, the only one still remaining was the one that Jean had latched on to. The others had flown away instead of facing their deaths.

The man curled into a ball in the nest would suddenly reach out and grab Emily by the hand, his eyes wide in fear. "You're a dead woman," he said, his hand gripping tightly.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
With Shion rescued and the creature downed, the only one still remaining was the one that Jean had latched on to. The others had flown away instead of facing their deaths.

The man curled into a ball in the nest would suddenly reach out and grab Emily by the hand, his eyes wide in fear. "You're a dead woman," he said, his hand gripping tightly.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
"...Um, no. Judging by my pulse, sweat patterns, body heat, physical motion and vision clarity, I would have to say I'm very much alive. Alive and well!" She replied with a bright smile she wished he could see. "How are you doing?" She inquired, still slowly trying to crawl forward even as he gripped her hand.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium @york
The man pulled back, keeping Emily from moving closer to the eggs. He gripped tighter and tighter, seemingly not about to let go any time soon. "You're dead. I'm dead. We're all dead. It's over." The man's teeth were stained with blood and it was hard not to smell it every time he talked. Slowly, he began to reach forward with his other hand, reaching toward Emily's face.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
A few of the creatures plummeted from the sky as Nezumi's knives punctured them. Two of the creatures dived at Jean, one coming close enough that he was able to dig his knife into the creature's claws and be lifted into the air. The second brushed by Shion close enough to knock him off the sandy hill. He'd crash into the rocks jutting out of the hill if nothing could be done to save him.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Jean carefully used his knives to scale the creature's body as he attempted to reach it's top, if he was successfull... He'd judge his distance from the ground, trying to guess where this creature would land if he killed it right now....

Then, he waited fojust the right opportunity, as the creature was swooping over the nest to slice into the creature's neck near the base of it's head, hoping to kill it as quickly as possible...
The process is a little difficult considering its current erratic flight pattern, but Jean manages to cut fatally into the pteranodon. It doesn't seem to be dying very quickly. Th airborne creature bleeds as it descends quickly. Both Jean and the dying creature crash into the nest crushing two of the three eggs inside.

Now, the group is alone with just the babbling man. Nathan, though still unconscious, moans beside the intact egg.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Jean carefully used his knives to scale the creature's body as he attempted to reach it's top, if he was successfull... He'd judge his distance from the ground, trying to guess where this creature would land if he killed it right now....

Then, he waited fojust the right opportunity, as the creature was swooping over the nest to slice into the creature's neck near the base of it's head, hoping to kill it as quickly as possible...

The process is a little difficult considering its current erratic flight pattern, but Jean manages to cut fatally into the pteranodon. It doesn't seem to be dying very quickly. Th airborne creature bleeds as it descends quickly. Both Jean and the dying creature crash into the nest crushing two of the three eggs inside.

Now, the group is alone with just the babbling man. Nathan, though still unconscious, moans beside the intact egg.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

Nezumi climbed into the nest, shortly followed by Shion. Shion went to check Nathan to see if he had any wounds while Nezumi went to Jean.

"You okay? You landed like a sack of oranges." He said rather bluntly to the soldier. Maybe that wasn't the best comparison, but Nezumi gave no fucks whatsoever. He did spare the babbling man a glance.

@Atomyk @york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Now, the group is alone with just the babbling man. Nathan, though still unconscious, moans beside the intact egg.
Catherine had never felt more out of place and superfluous.

Hiking up the hill. Watching the creatures be slain. Seeing the eggs. The man. The man pulling the other lady away from the eggs. This was all...Not things she, as a mere nurse, was trained to deal with. Besides, aside from bloodlust, she wasn't the most ambitious.

She wanted to go back to Gregory House.

"...I'd suppose you're just a little bit shellshocked, my friend. I'd think it's highly unlikely we're all going to die." And then, in more of a mutter, "Although I believe it's happened once before to me..." Every guest did begin as a mortal, after all. That was mere common knowledge. Slowly the nurse strolled beside the babbling man, putting her heels together as she stopped. Catherine reached into her pockets, pulling out needles one by one, systematically examining the insides. Empty, empty...Empty...

"You've probably just been here too long."

[ @Atomyk @Lizzy @york @C.T. ]​
The process is a little difficult considering its current erratic flight pattern, but Jean manages to cut fatally into the pteranodon. It doesn't seem to be dying very quickly. Th airborne creature bleeds as it descends quickly. Both Jean and the dying creature crash into the nest crushing two of the three eggs inside.

Now, the group is alone with just the babbling man. Nathan, though still unconscious, moans beside the intact egg.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

Nezumi climbed into the nest, shortly followed by Shion. Shion went to check Nathan to see if he had any wounds while Nezumi went to Jean.

"You okay? You landed like a sack of oranges." He said rather bluntly to the soldier. Maybe that wasn't the best comparison, but Nezumi gave no fucks whatsoever. He did spare the babbling man a glance.

@Atomyk @york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Catherine had never felt more out of place and superfluous.

Hiking up the hill. Watching the creatures be slain. Seeing the eggs. The man. The man pulling the other lady away from the eggs. This was all...Not things she, as a mere nurse, was trained to deal with. Besides, aside from bloodlust, she wasn't the most ambitious.

She wanted to go back to Gregory House.

"...I'd suppose you're just a little bit shellshocked, my friend. I'd think it's highly unlikely we're all going to die." And then, in more of a mutter, "Although I believe it's happened once before to me..." Every guest did begin as a mortal, after all. That was mere common knowledge. Slowly the nurse strolled beside the babbling man, putting her heels together as she stopped. Catherine reached into her pockets, pulling out needles one by one, systematically examining the insides. Empty, empty...Empty...

"You've probably just been here too long."

[ @Atomyk @Lizzy @york @C.T. ]​
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium @People At Nest

Jean had a look of surprise on his face as he ended up crashing into the next, groaning a little as he rubbed his forehead, getting up... Hearing Nezumi's comment, he rubbed his forehead a little "At least it wasn't a sack of potatoes..." he muttered, his mind still a little frazzled from the fall before he shook his head a few times. "We'd better get everyone we can out of here..." He said, regaining his composure as he glanced towards the intact egg "Before THAT hatches..." he added, shuddering a little.
The trap door revealed a ladder leading down into a pitch black corridor. Thanks to Alan and Sherlock, you'd be able to see whee you were going, though the dank smell of rot and mold hitting your nostrils would give you a good idea. Once you'd climbed down the ladder, you'd find a tight corridor made of stone. At most, you'd only be able to walk down it side-by-side in pairs. Though the smell is potentially deadly, nothing that would pose a threat pops out at you as you make your way through. Rats squeak out of our way as you eventually come to a more open area.


What appears to be a sewer flows in front of you. The dirty water almost glows green. Hugging the wall, you'd find another small corridor, this one only big enough to fit a single person in width. You could head down this way, or head up the water's stream and toward what appears to be a light in the distance.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The creature isn't the smartest, though it's stronger than it looks. Slamming away its blade doesn't stun it for very long as it hurriedly moves to swing at Daniel, but a subsequent tackle from Cap would take it down. It would take a few blows, but its head would eventually be knocked right off.

In the now open tunnel, you can hear a giggling in the distance.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


As Jean reached the nest, he would find exactly what Emily had described: three eggs and two human bodies. You would recognize one as the unconscious body of Nathan, while the others was dressed in a lab coat and covered in blood. Presumably a researcher of the facility, the man wouldn't respond to Jean, instead only continuing to mumble to himself quietly. Head buried in his knees, the man was in the fetal position and didn't look like he was in any position to move.

Up above, the pteranodon carrying Emily would suddenly spin around in an attempt to shake his passenger. It decided to hang completely upside-down as another pteranodon moved to collide into it. The impact would cause Emily to fall off, her trajectory putting her into the direction of the nest.

With that done, the various prehistoric creatures flying around the nest would attack in an attempt to defend their eggs and what was to be their meal. Their sharp claws would aim to cut those of you standing around the nest as they flew by.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

"I think I'm going to hurl." Rhonda replied trying her best to block the horrible smell from entering her nostrils. Once they get to the split Rhonda would give the small corridor the briefest of looks before heading up the water stream. "If any of you guys want to head down that corridor be my guest, but I'm personally done with this shit."

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @Atomyk

The giggling caught Cap's attention...was there someone here that wasn't an insane monster? Motion towards Daniel to be quiet Cap would towards the sound of the giggling with as much stealth she could muster.

@Ryu Keiko
Nathan looked okay, though seemed to be some bruising on his arms. A bump could be felt on his head indicating that he'd taken a nasty fall into the nest. The egg beside him wasn't moving. It would feel cold to the touch and didn't seem ready to hatch any time soon, if it even would. It wasn't very big, only about half the size of an average human.

The man ceased his babbling and looked up at Catherine with wide eyes obscured slightly by his long blond hair. His mouth hung open dumbly, as if something he wanted to say was just on the tip of his tongue. "Shellshocked," he eventually muttered, his voice just above a whisper. He started to repeat it, like the word was now stuck in his head. "Shellshocked. Shellshocked. Shellshocked!" He started repeating it louder now, gaining excitement with every repeat. Soon, he let go of Emily and eyed Catherine's needles greedily. "Shellshocked!" he cried, as he made an attempt to grab one from her so that he could then puncture his own body with it.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Lizzy


As Rhonda moved against the current, it was almost as if something was disturbing the water. Ripples appeared, but nothing seemed to follow them. For now. Continuing toward the light, Rhonda would eventually find the source to be a strange luminescent substance growing on the walls of the sewer drain.


The path continued, though got slightly darker beyond this point.


Unfortunately for Cap, the giggling was just another monster.


The female figure giggled again, before opening her mouth wide and beginning to wail. Her screaming was high-pitched and felt as if it banged painfully against your ears. You'd go deaf if you listened to her for long.

Beyond her, you could see a light further on. This tunnel really did seem to lead somewhere.

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