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No matter where you were or what you were battling, it would become quickly apparent that a fire was engulfing the forest. Forced to flee to the edges of the environment, the majority of you would find service tunnels leading into new environments.

However, some of you weren't so lucky. Whether it was the flames or the monsters that did them in, Sendo Takeshi, Max Rockatansky, Huang Rong, and Jean-Luc Picard would all meet their untimely end.

Forced to end their fight with the zombies and flee, Locus, Ash, Johnny, Emily Grey, Captain America, Jean, Daniel, Shion, and Nezumi would find themselves in a sort of desert environment. They would be accompanied by Catherine, Travis, and Emily Kaldwin.


Your group would spot a a pair of pteranodons flying off toward a sandy hill in the distance. Down below in the crags looked to be series of interconnected tunnels. You could hear faint voices from down below.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Managing to free themselves from the bugs and the mutant creature, Leo, Rhonda, Alan, and Sherlock would find themselves in a sort of swamp environment. They would be accompanied by The Doctor, Yuriko, Carl, Will, The Master, and Jenny.


It seems you could investigate the houses, or venture deep into the marsh to find an exit of this place.

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster
Jean Kirstein
@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @Atomyk @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Jean looked towards the tunnels, shuddering a little before he turned towards the sandy hill "I... Think the tunnels can wait." he said, paling just a little as he headed towards the sandy hill.
Jean Kirstein
@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @Atomyk @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Jean looked towards the tunnels, shuddering a little before he turned towards the sandy hill "I... Think the tunnels can wait." he said, paling just a little as he headed towards the sandy hill.
"I'm with you! The chance to also maybe get the chance to study pteroanodons along with everything else? My lab is going to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full! Zombies and flying beasts and humans and mammals and reptiles, oh my!" She bounced along with joy, bright and undisguised enthusiasm as per her usual.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine
The bug grabbing at Leo had been deterred by the earlier shot, but it managed to lift him higher after some swaying back and forth. While a fire raged around the group, a creatures stepped out of the ruffling foliage.


It was some mutant creature. Too many limbs swayed back and forth as the creature stepped toward the group.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @Mighty Roman


Hey, can we have a little chat before we eat your brains? Junko could barely believe what she was hearing. These zombies had no brains of their own, clearly.


"Uh, no."

Perhaps it hadn't hit her yet, but Junko was feeling strangely calm for the moment. She still smelled of that awful green goo, and now she had the stank of zombies all over her as well. Her hair was probably a mess after these zombies were running their gross hands through it. She really had no reason to even be here. She was supposed to be signing autographs and doing photo shoots, not being some gross monster's meal. Sighing, Junko lifted her right hand, staring at the scar running across her palm. That had been the start of her misadventures all over again. Was it even possible for her to control where she ended up?

"I probably taste bad and I'd be a really awful zombie, just so you guys know. I hear brains are tastier the smarter the person is, and I'm no Ultimate Mathematician or anything."

"Brains taste all the same to us though I don't imagine you'd understand. They help slow down the pain of death. I died sometime around 1899 and have been decaying ever since. But there was nothing I could dp about it. Being stuck in a coffin feeling yourself rot away. It's a terrible feeling and now I have the chance to put off that fight. All it'll take is the rush of endorphins given off by your brain." The Lead Zombie explained as he knelt down and patted Junko mockingly on the cheek.

"As for being an awful zombie, well you'll submit to the hunger just like the rest of us. But you'll keep your intelligence and an idea of where the other humans may have gone before we captured you. If you're not willing to cooperate then that fate is simply unavoidable, shame really." He'd say before gesturing towards one of the guards standing near Junko to do the honors and devour her brains. But before they could, a flock of zombies swarmed into the cave.

"..What's going on? What caused you fools to barge in here like this? Without any humans to show for your efforts?!" The Lead Zombie scolded to which the newly arrived zombies looked around panicked. "We have to leave! There is this one human who has this super powerful scanner thing. Blew Jeremy's head into ashes! Not to mention we have a fire that's surging all over the place! We have to go before it spreads here! It'll burn all of us to ashes!"

The Lead Zombie seemed to take in this information rather calmly. Reaching for the old-style pistol attached to his hand, he'd aim towards te kneecaps of Jeremy, causing the headless body to topple over.

"Perhaps you've forgotten something. If a significant number of you were to stay here and be consumed by the flames, think of the smoke that'd kick up. Within the smoke would be the Trioxin seeping from your body and mixing into it. The Trioxin-influenced smoke would reach the sky and bring down some acid rain. Would be nothing more than a nuisance to the living. Perhaps if there's more dead things lying about than any of us are aware however, the rain will give them life as just it gave it to us. Besides, it's a convenient way to remove excess baggage like your friend, Jeremy here. If I were to meet this human you speak of, perhaps I'd shake their hand. They've done us a excellent service. That said, the rest of us cannot afford to stay here and perish alongside the undesirables. Take the girl and let us go." He'd gesture to the guards who nodded and picked up Junko like she was a sack of meat which to the zombies was all that she amounted to as they headed out of the caves leaving the disabled/otherwise incapacitated zombies to be burnt to death-for the final time. Although they'd still help their undead brethren once the rain started.

The rest of the horde wasn't keen on leaving the other zombies behind to be burnt to death. But with some having been horribly mutilated by Grey's shooting and only barely managing to escape, they'd never be able to catch brains in their condition and thus they'd only make things harder for the zombies who could still run and do things. So, perhaps this was for the best and with that the horde followed behind the seemingly nameless leader to make their way out of the forest. Speaking of which, Grey would have been able to collect a sample of the Trioxin Zombies if she so desired before they were forced to split off due to the growing fire.

But as they walked to make their way from the fire, a comment arose from the back of the zombie horde.

"So where are we gonna go? I think we'd stick out lik a sore thumb in the desert! Maybe we should head over to the swamp!" One thoughtful zombie proposed as the two zombies holding Junko over their heads rolled their eyes. "We'd get bogged down in a swamp, idiot! Can't catch them if we're up to our waists in swamp goo!" But while the other zombies laughed off the idea, the Lead Zombie mulled it over.

"Just as a crocodile waits below the surface and waits for their prey to strike, we can wait under the water for as long as we need. Waiyt for some unsuspecting humans to follow suit and then we'll grab them. Which is why we'll split here. Some of us head to the Desert and the other half head to the Swamp. I'll keep the human girl with us." The Lead Zombie ordered as he and his guards and a good number of zombies started off for the desert while the rest flocked off towards the swamp.

Back with the others in the desert, Locus glanced around. It was a decent change of scenery from the zombie-infested forest. But with as much intelligence as that last one showed, who's to say they wouldn't just follow? He'd barely been able to fend that one off by himself, not taking hinto account his broken ribs. Speaking of which, he'd clutch at his side as he saw Grey head off after Jean. He wasn't about to ask her to patch him up. But he could at least follow to make sure she stayed in one piece as the enemies seemed to keep improving with every new one that crossed their path.
@Atomyk @C.T. @The Man Without Fear @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

No matter where you were or what you were battling, it would become quickly apparent that a fire was engulfing the forest. Forced to flee to the edges of the environment, the majority of you would find service tunnels leading into new environments.

However, some of you weren't so lucky. Whether it was the flames or the monsters that did them in, Sendo Takeshi, Max Rockatansky, Huang Rong, and Jean-Luc Picard would all meet their untimely end.

Forced to end their fight with the zombies and flee, Locus, Ash, Johnny, Emily Grey, Captain America, Jean, Daniel, Shion, and Nezumi would find themselves in a sort of desert environment. They would be accompanied by Catherine, Travis, and Emily Kaldwin.


Your group would spot a a pair of pteranodons flying off toward a sandy hill in the distance. Down below in the crags looked to be series of interconnected tunnels. You could hear faint voices from down below.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Managing to free themselves from the bugs and the mutant creature, Leo, Rhonda, Alan, and Sherlock would find themselves in a sort of swamp environment. They would be accompanied by The Doctor, Yuriko, Carl, Will, The Master, and Jenny.


It seems you could investigate the houses, or venture deep into the marsh to find an exit of this place.

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster
Leo was glad to find himself back on Solid Ground. He had never really thanked his rescuer, but he could barely remember who it was, considering that the whole experience had been such a blur. That said, he still clung onto the weapon he had found in the tree. He gave a concerned glance up towards the houses.

'There could be someone in there. Or at least, some supplies. Food, weapons, that kind of thing.'
For Leo, this was being an optimist. Usually, he'd try and avoid the Humans, and Max or Mia would suggest going to them for help. But it looked like his only option. Pulling his coat tighter around his body, Leo walked through the swamp towards the houses.

The Doctor meanwhile, looked briefly at his companions. 'How curious....' he said, to no-one in particular. 'Some houses inside a swamp inside a top-secret facility? May as well be an invitation.' He followed Leo, coat trailing in the mud. 'Come along everyone!' He shouted to the others.
@Atomyk @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster
Bits and pieces of undead flesh pelted Daniel in the eye as he swung at the arm. Pulling his head back, not because Daniel's blows hurt him. No because this prey was becoming far too much of a nuisance to try eating. Surely there had to be much more opportune prey who wouldn't put up such a fuss. Tossing Daniel to the ground of it's own accord, the zombie turned with a huff.

"I'll find someone else's brains to eat. You're too much of a pain.." The zombie bemoaned before racing off into the foilage and it seemed like Daniel would have had a moment to breath and recollect himself. Unless of course he decided to follow the zombie?

@Ryu Keiko
Daniel let out a small yelp of victory as the zombie fled. "That's right, run off dammit!" He shouted, though he winced at the pain from the wounds in his hands.... Crap.... I wish there was an easier way to hold these things...." He mumbled before he jogged off, hoping to find some others...

No matter where you were or what you were battling, it would become quickly apparent that a fire was engulfing the forest. Forced to flee to the edges of the environment, the majority of you would find service tunnels leading into new environments.

However, some of you weren't so lucky. Whether it was the flames or the monsters that did them in, Sendo Takeshi, Max Rockatansky, Huang Rong, and Jean-Luc Picard would all meet their untimely end.

Forced to end their fight with the zombies and flee, Locus, Ash, Johnny, Emily Grey, Captain America, Jean, Daniel, Shion, and Nezumi would find themselves in a sort of desert environment. They would be accompanied by Catherine, Travis, and Emily Kaldwin.


Your group would spot a a pair of pteranodons flying off toward a sandy hill in the distance. Down below in the crags looked to be series of interconnected tunnels. You could hear faint voices from down below.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Managing to free themselves from the bugs and the mutant creature, Leo, Rhonda, Alan, and Sherlock would find themselves in a sort of swamp environment. They would be accompanied by The Doctor, Yuriko, Carl, Will, The Master, and Jenny.


It seems you could investigate the houses, or venture deep into the marsh to find an exit of this place.

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster
Daniel ran as the fires consumed the area. What the hell is going on?! One minute a zombie attack, the next, a fucking fire?! Give me a break! He thought loudly in his head as he ran faster. Before long though, he ended up around the others. He blinked and smiled seeing that all the people he recognized and were with was okay... Minus Junko.... Ryu sighed. His hands finally stopped bleeding, but they didn't look too good, and they hurt badly. He shrugged and decided to head towards the tunnels, hoping it would wield some benefits...

@Anyone going towards the tunnels @Atomyk
No matter where you were or what you were battling, it would become quickly apparent that a fire was engulfing the forest. Forced to flee to the edges of the environment, the majority of you would find service tunnels leading into new environments.

However, some of you weren't so lucky. Whether it was the flames or the monsters that did them in, Sendo Takeshi, Max Rockatansky, Huang Rong, and Jean-Luc Picard would all meet their untimely end.

Forced to end their fight with the zombies and flee, Locus, Ash, Johnny, Emily Grey, Captain America, Jean, Daniel, Shion, and Nezumi would find themselves in a sort of desert environment. They would be accompanied by Catherine, Travis, and Emily Kaldwin.


Your group would spot a a pair of pteranodons flying off toward a sandy hill in the distance. Down below in the crags looked to be series of interconnected tunnels. You could hear faint voices from down below.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Managing to free themselves from the bugs and the mutant creature, Leo, Rhonda, Alan, and Sherlock would find themselves in a sort of swamp environment. They would be accompanied by The Doctor, Yuriko, Carl, Will, The Master, and Jenny.


It seems you could investigate the houses, or venture deep into the marsh to find an exit of this place.

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster
"I'm with you! The chance to also maybe get the chance to study pteroanodons along with everything else? My lab is going to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full! Zombies and flying beasts and humans and mammals and reptiles, oh my!" She bounced along with joy, bright and undisguised enthusiasm as per her usual.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine




Catherine must have...Blacked out when that beast entered the exersize room. Not because she was scared, of course, she must have been just...Overwhelmed. She was a lady. She may be a lady of strong will, but she was still a lady, and was still allowed to do weak feminine things like black out when a large beast entered a small, enclosed area. Color began to return to Catherine's face, that anemic feeling (certainly a new experience for her) beginning to wear off. She felt sand under her fingertips, and ever so slowly, bleary consciousness was granted upon the nurse.

...Travis. Where was Travis?

The new location appeared to be a desert, and while she could see some people around, the small boy wasn't one of them. "Travis?" She called out, but didn't bother waiting for a reply. She reached into her pockets to check for her many syringes once more and make sure none were lost or broken. None were. Good. What with everything that had gone on today, she needed to draw some blood, and soon.

Nearest to her was a sort of sandy hill, and she could already see two people venturing up. Who knows, maybe her date was already beyond the hilltop. Catherine took off her nurse's cap, shaking some sand out before rushing to catch up with the other two.

"I hope you two don't mind if I tag along...Seems I've lost my group once again, shame..."

[ @Atomyk @york @C.T. @Arcadium @Whoever's also goin' up this hill]​
No matter where you were or what you were battling, it would become quickly apparent that a fire was engulfing the forest. Forced to flee to the edges of the environment, the majority of you would find service tunnels leading into new environments.

However, some of you weren't so lucky. Whether it was the flames or the monsters that did them in, Sendo Takeshi, Max Rockatansky, Huang Rong, and Jean-Luc Picard would all meet their untimely end.

Forced to end their fight with the zombies and flee, Locus, Ash, Johnny, Emily Grey, Captain America, Jean, Daniel, Shion, and Nezumi would find themselves in a sort of desert environment. They would be accompanied by Catherine, Travis, and Emily Kaldwin.


Your group would spot a a pair of pteranodons flying off toward a sandy hill in the distance. Down below in the crags looked to be series of interconnected tunnels. You could hear faint voices from down below.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @C.T. @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine

Managing to free themselves from the bugs and the mutant creature, Leo, Rhonda, Alan, and Sherlock would find themselves in a sort of swamp environment. They would be accompanied by The Doctor, Yuriko, Carl, Will, The Master, and Jenny.


It seems you could investigate the houses, or venture deep into the marsh to find an exit of this place.

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster

Finally realizing that trying to tell the group was a fools errand Cap would make her way to the tunnels bellow. "We're sitting ducks in an open area like this and the sun's not going to do us any favors." She remarked as she made her way towards the tunnels. "Anyone who feels adventurous are feel free to follow."

Rhonda meanwhile would finally manage to catch her breath. "Oh Jesus...oh lord...I'm dead." She huffed and puffed before finally managed to calm down and take a look around. "I don't know about you but before we move on I think we should check out the houses to see if there's anything we can use." And with that she headed towards the house closest to her.

@Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CookieMonster
The hot sun beats down on your back as you traverse around the deep chasms and toward the sandy hill in the distance. You can feel the heat radiating from below, making it hard to believe this is just one large room inside some kind of facility. More pteranodons could be seen flying high in the sky, one in particular circling around your destination.

It appeared that the sandy hill was formed around a large rock jutting out from the top of the hill. The sand around it seemed too steep to climb, but you could see now that parts of the rock below were jutting out to make steps that you could climb.

You think you can hear a voice from the top of the hill.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium


Stepping around the marsh was a chore as solid ground was hard to discern. Though it was a relatively short walk to the houses, your feet would be covered in muddy water by the time you reached them. One house appeared too dilapidated to enter, forcing you to scour only the one house.

Inside, it was almost too dark to see. It appeared to be only a single room with furniture long lost to mold and time. Still, what remained was a ragged carpet, a crumbling bed, and a dresser that smelled of rotten eggs. It didn't seem likely much could be found by examining any of these objects, but who could say for sure?

@Mighty Roman @Jeremi


Climbing down into the tunnels was not a pleasant experience. Sounds that could have been the wind echoed from the various entrances like a haunting melody. It was tough to see inside, but it seemed that torches were lit periodically inside. None of the entrances seemed particularly inviting, but it seemed a decision had been made for you when a humanoid emerged from the left tunnel.


The creature growled upon seeing you both. It seemed you could either try to fight it and enter the left tunnel, or flee to the right tunnel.

@Ryu Keiko @Jeremi


Junko felt like she was going to be sick. There was no getting out of this situation that she could surmise, not unless a miracle were to happen. Junko had experienced miracles before, but somehow, lost and alone in this place, she didn't feel like one was incoming.


"I guess if you need brains to live, I can't argue with that." The girl swallowed roughly, looking down once again at her hand. Tears began to cloud her eyes, prompting the girl rub at her eyes. "Where are the fans when you need them...?" Junko then looked up, he eyes falling on her captor. "No one's going to want me to model for them if I'm a zombie." A part of her knew that was hardly the worst thing to happen to her, but for some reason, that was all the girl could focus on. Junko had to figure that her luck would run out eventually, just as everyone lost out eventually, whether it was luck or good looks. Why was the multiverse such a bastard?

It was then that a group of the undead came running in, making Junko feel nauseous all over again. She hugged herself as the monsters talked, assuming that she would soon be devoured by the group of them. However, it seemed they had other plans. Junko couldn't help but scream as she was lifted into the zombie group's arms. She tried to be quiet as they carried her away, but every touch of their dirty hands on her bare skin made her whimper.

This can't be happening. I need help so bad. I need something, anything...

Shion followed the group heading for the hill, dragging Nezumi along. The two didn't seem too bothered by the heat, though it did effect them. Shion kept glancing up at the pteranodon circling the sky as they approached.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Atomyk @C.T. @Lissamel @york @Arcadium @hill peeps
"I'm with you! The chance to also maybe get the chance to study pteroanodons along with everything else? My lab is going to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full! Zombies and flying beasts and humans and mammals and reptiles, oh my!" She bounced along with joy, bright and undisguised enthusiasm as per her usual.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Man Without Fear @Jeremi @york @Ryu Keiko @Lizzy @Lissamel @Arcadium @Saint Guillotine
The hot sun beats down on your back as you traverse around the deep chasms and toward the sandy hill in the distance. You can feel the heat radiating from below, making it hard to believe this is just one large room inside some kind of facility. More pteranodons could be seen flying high in the sky, one in particular circling around your destination.

It appeared that the sandy hill was formed around a large rock jutting out from the top of the hill. The sand around it seemed too steep to climb, but you could see now that parts of the rock below were jutting out to make steps that you could climb.

You think you can hear a voice from the top of the hill.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium


Stepping around the marsh was a chore as solid ground was hard to discern. Though it was a relatively short walk to the houses, your feet would be covered in muddy water by the time you reached them. One house appeared too dilapidated to enter, forcing you to scour only the one house.

Inside, it was almost too dark to see. It appeared to be only a single room with furniture long lost to mold and time. Still, what remained was a ragged carpet, a crumbling bed, and a dresser that smelled of rotten eggs. It didn't seem likely much could be found by examining any of these objects, but who could say for sure?

@Mighty Roman @Jeremi


Climbing down into the tunnels was not a pleasant experience. Sounds that could have been the wind echoed from the various entrances like a haunting melody. It was tough to see inside, but it seemed that torches were lit periodically inside. None of the entrances seemed particularly inviting, but it seemed a decision had been made for you when a humanoid emerged from the left tunnel.


The creature growled upon seeing you both. It seemed you could either try to fight it and enter the left tunnel, or flee to the right tunnel.

@Ryu Keiko @Jeremi


Junko felt like she was going to be sick. There was no getting out of this situation that she could surmise, not unless a miracle were to happen. Junko had experienced miracles before, but somehow, lost and alone in this place, she didn't feel like one was incoming.


"I guess if you need brains to live, I can't argue with that." The girl swallowed roughly, looking down once again at her hand. Tears began to cloud her eyes, prompting the girl rub at her eyes. "Where are the fans when you need them...?" Junko then looked up, he eyes falling on her captor. "No one's going to want me to model for them if I'm a zombie." A part of her knew that was hardly the worst thing to happen to her, but for some reason, that was all the girl could focus on. Junko had to figure that her luck would run out eventually, just as everyone lost out eventually, whether it was luck or good looks. Why was the multiverse such a bastard?

It was then that a group of the undead came running in, making Junko feel nauseous all over again. She hugged herself as the monsters talked, assuming that she would soon be devoured by the group of them. However, it seemed they had other plans. Junko couldn't help but scream as she was lifted into the zombie group's arms. She tried to be quiet as they carried her away, but every touch of their dirty hands on her bare skin made her whimper.

This can't be happening. I need help so bad. I need something, anything...

Shion followed the group heading for the hill, dragging Nezumi along. The two didn't seem too bothered by the heat, though it did effect them. Shion kept glancing up at the pteranodon circling the sky as they approached.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Atomyk @C.T. @Lissamel @york @Arcadium @hill peeps
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

Jean blinked, that strange girl that had accompanied them reminded him a little of Hange Zoe; that eccentric member of the Recon Corps who had an... Interesting obsession with researching the titans, though, he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts by that voice ontop of the hill. "I've got a bad feeling about this..." He muttered, gripping both of the kitchen knives he had in his hands tightly as he moved towards the voice cautiously.
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Having to climb up the rocks to reach the apparent voice at the top of the hill, your group is attacked by a pair of the pteranodons. Two in particular fly low enough to claw at Jean's and Shion's heads.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
The hot sun beats down on your back as you traverse around the deep chasms and toward the sandy hill in the distance. You can feel the heat radiating from below, making it hard to believe this is just one large room inside some kind of facility. More pteranodons could be seen flying high in the sky, one in particular circling around your destination.

It appeared that the sandy hill was formed around a large rock jutting out from the top of the hill. The sand around it seemed too steep to climb, but you could see now that parts of the rock below were jutting out to make steps that you could climb.

You think you can hear a voice from the top of the hill.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium


Stepping around the marsh was a chore as solid ground was hard to discern. Though it was a relatively short walk to the houses, your feet would be covered in muddy water by the time you reached them. One house appeared too dilapidated to enter, forcing you to scour only the one house.

Inside, it was almost too dark to see. It appeared to be only a single room with furniture long lost to mold and time. Still, what remained was a ragged carpet, a crumbling bed, and a dresser that smelled of rotten eggs. It didn't seem likely much could be found by examining any of these objects, but who could say for sure?

@Mighty Roman @Jeremi


Climbing down into the tunnels was not a pleasant experience. Sounds that could have been the wind echoed from the various entrances like a haunting melody. It was tough to see inside, but it seemed that torches were lit periodically inside. None of the entrances seemed particularly inviting, but it seemed a decision had been made for you when a humanoid emerged from the left tunnel.


The creature growled upon seeing you both. It seemed you could either try to fight it and enter the left tunnel, or flee to the right tunnel.

@Ryu Keiko @Jeremi


Junko felt like she was going to be sick. There was no getting out of this situation that she could surmise, not unless a miracle were to happen. Junko had experienced miracles before, but somehow, lost and alone in this place, she didn't feel like one was incoming.


"I guess if you need brains to live, I can't argue with that." The girl swallowed roughly, looking down once again at her hand. Tears began to cloud her eyes, prompting the girl rub at her eyes. "Where are the fans when you need them...?" Junko then looked up, he eyes falling on her captor. "No one's going to want me to model for them if I'm a zombie." A part of her knew that was hardly the worst thing to happen to her, but for some reason, that was all the girl could focus on. Junko had to figure that her luck would run out eventually, just as everyone lost out eventually, whether it was luck or good looks. Why was the multiverse such a bastard?

It was then that a group of the undead came running in, making Junko feel nauseous all over again. She hugged herself as the monsters talked, assuming that she would soon be devoured by the group of them. However, it seemed they had other plans. Junko couldn't help but scream as she was lifted into the zombie group's arms. She tried to be quiet as they carried her away, but every touch of their dirty hands on her bare skin made her whimper.

This can't be happening. I need help so bad. I need something, anything...


Rhonda wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell. "Ugh...what a mess..." She remarked aloud stepping further in. While at first glance it seemed like she couldn't find anything of interest...though the drawer smelling like it did made her not want to get closer than she already was. Instead Rhonda would pull the carpet out of the way curious to see if she could find anything under it worth investigating.

@Atomyk @Mighty Roman

Fleeing was not something that Cap usually did. Taking the initiative her energy shield attached to her arm she'd try to get rid of the zombie as quickly and quietly as possible in hopes of not alarming any more to her and her travelling companion.

@Ryu Keiko
Emily blinked, helmet tilting up as a pair of shadows briefly blocked out the sun from her perspective. Oooh yes! I was right, even at that earlier distance! Ancient lifeforms, as they live and breathe! She clasped her hands in excitement, releasing as she saw them swooping downwards, clearly coming in for a slicing claw maneuver. Their intended targets...were not her.

She thrust a hand out with a thumbs up, using the thumb and a few quick mental calculations to track for their trajectory, minus variable wind, and...it was perfect. She smiled wildly as she dashed forwards, hopping up and using Locus's shoulders as a boost as she jumped even higher, trying to sling her arms around one of the Pteranodon's necks and hold on for dear life.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @york @Lissamel @Arcadium
Having to climb up the rocks to reach the apparent voice at the top of the hill, your group is attacked by a pair of the pteranodons. Two in particular fly low enough to claw at Jean's and Shion's heads.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

Shion's eyes widened and something inside of him told him to duck out of the way. Just as he was moving to duck he noticed Dr. Grey try to hold onto one of them? She had guts and determination. He could admire that...even if she was a bit strange.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Atomyk @C.T. @Lissamel @york @Arcadium @hill peeps
The Doctor shrugged. 'Well, I guess they weren't exactly expecting visitors.' He said, as he searched the house. The place was pretty much useless to them, but there at least had to be a reason that it existed. He beckoned Leo over to the wardrobe. 'Now, I'm going to open this door, and if I know my empty swamp houses (which I do), something very very scary, or very very gory is going to jump out of it. Now, when that thing happens, if, or when, it tries to eat us, I want you to knock it out. You ready?'
Leo snapped back to attention. 'Um, er....probably?' The Doctor smiled, putting his hands on the door. 'On the count of 3?' '1....2...' But The Doctor still tore the wardrobe door open before Leo could reach 3.
@Atomyk @Jeremi
Having to climb up the rocks to reach the apparent voice at the top of the hill, your group is attacked by a pair of the pteranodons. Two in particular fly low enough to claw at Jean's and Shion's heads.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
Emily blinked, helmet tilting up as a pair of shadows briefly blocked out the sun from her perspective. Oooh yes! I was right, even at that earlier distance! Ancient lifeforms, as they live and breathe! She clasped her hands in excitement, releasing as she saw them swooping downwards, clearly coming in for a slicing claw maneuver. Their intended targets...were not her.

She thrust a hand out with a thumbs up, using the thumb and a few quick mental calculations to track for their trajectory, minus variable wind, and...it was perfect. She smiled wildly as she dashed forwards, hopping up and using Locus's shoulders as a boost as she jumped even higher, trying to sling her arms around one of the Pteranodon's necks and hold on for dear life.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @york @Lissamel @Arcadium
Shion's eyes widened and something inside of him told him to duck out of the way. Just as he was moving to duck he noticed Dr. Grey try to hold onto one of them? She had guts and determination. He could admire that...even if she was a bit strange.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Atomyk @C.T. @Lissamel @york @Arcadium @hill peeps
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium

"Alright... I can do this!... Again..." Jean muttered, he froze in place as he saw the two flying lizard looking creatures headed their way, he carefully gripped both of his kitchen knives, slowly progressing forwards towards where he had heard the voice. Those birds didn't mean immediate harm, but, he wasn't about to take his chances; there were too many times he had let his guard down just a little at the wrong moment, and, he wasn't about to let it happen again, especially when he was both infected... And left without his 3d maneuver gear.

Climbing down into the tunnels was not a pleasant experience. Sounds that could have been the wind echoed from the various entrances like a haunting melody. It was tough to see inside, but it seemed that torches were lit periodically inside. None of the entrances seemed particularly inviting, but it seemed a decision had been made for you when a humanoid emerged from the left tunnel.


The creature growled upon seeing you both. It seemed you could either try to fight it and enter the left tunnel, or flee to the right tunnel.

@Ryu Keiko @Jeremi

Daniel noticed his female companion ready to fight, and looked down at his injured hands. Logically speaking, there wasn't much he could do, not until he figured a way to utilize the blades without injuring himself. He shook his head and tapped his head slightly, as if to 'wake himself up'. Come on Daniel! he thought in his head. Stop wussing out and actually do something dammit! He yelled at himself silently, before he took his side next to Cap. "I'll follow your lead." He said with a smile towards her~

@Jeremi @Atomyk
The hot sun beats down on your back as you traverse around the deep chasms and toward the sandy hill in the distance. You can feel the heat radiating from below, making it hard to believe this is just one large room inside some kind of facility. More pteranodons could be seen flying high in the sky, one in particular circling around your destination.

It appeared that the sandy hill was formed around a large rock jutting out from the top of the hill. The sand around it seemed too steep to climb, but you could see now that parts of the rock below were jutting out to make steps that you could climb.

You think you can hear a voice from the top of the hill.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium


Stepping around the marsh was a chore as solid ground was hard to discern. Though it was a relatively short walk to the houses, your feet would be covered in muddy water by the time you reached them. One house appeared too dilapidated to enter, forcing you to scour only the one house.

Inside, it was almost too dark to see. It appeared to be only a single room with furniture long lost to mold and time. Still, what remained was a ragged carpet, a crumbling bed, and a dresser that smelled of rotten eggs. It didn't seem likely much could be found by examining any of these objects, but who could say for sure?

@Mighty Roman @Jeremi


Climbing down into the tunnels was not a pleasant experience. Sounds that could have been the wind echoed from the various entrances like a haunting melody. It was tough to see inside, but it seemed that torches were lit periodically inside. None of the entrances seemed particularly inviting, but it seemed a decision had been made for you when a humanoid emerged from the left tunnel.


The creature growled upon seeing you both. It seemed you could either try to fight it and enter the left tunnel, or flee to the right tunnel.

@Ryu Keiko @Jeremi


Junko felt like she was going to be sick. There was no getting out of this situation that she could surmise, not unless a miracle were to happen. Junko had experienced miracles before, but somehow, lost and alone in this place, she didn't feel like one was incoming.


"I guess if you need brains to live, I can't argue with that." The girl swallowed roughly, looking down once again at her hand. Tears began to cloud her eyes, prompting the girl rub at her eyes. "Where are the fans when you need them...?" Junko then looked up, he eyes falling on her captor. "No one's going to want me to model for them if I'm a zombie." A part of her knew that was hardly the worst thing to happen to her, but for some reason, that was all the girl could focus on. Junko had to figure that her luck would run out eventually, just as everyone lost out eventually, whether it was luck or good looks. Why was the multiverse such a bastard?

It was then that a group of the undead came running in, making Junko feel nauseous all over again. She hugged herself as the monsters talked, assuming that she would soon be devoured by the group of them. However, it seemed they had other plans. Junko couldn't help but scream as she was lifted into the zombie group's arms. She tried to be quiet as they carried her away, but every touch of their dirty hands on her bare skin made her whimper.

This can't be happening. I need help so bad. I need something, anything...

As both Alan and Sherlock went ahead into the building, they both flashed their torches inside, hoping to illuminate the room and helping the others.

Having to climb up the rocks to reach the apparent voice at the top of the hill, your group is attacked by a pair of the pteranodons. Two in particular fly low enough to claw at Jean's and Shion's heads.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium


Catherine's jaw dropped at what she was looking at. What even were these!? Birds? They didn't look like Inko, only bird she knew. Dinosaurs? Bone Head--Some weird skeleton archaeologist--Had said dinosaurs could have wings, but--But nothing like this! How was she supposed to deal with this? She was just a nurse!

Alright, a nurse from purgatory who could drain so much blood even the strongest of guests would be looking rather pale, but still.

Here, she wasn't a lizard from purgatory who could do whatever she liked, she was mortal. And she was feeling the fears that came with fragile mortality rather quic--
She smiled wildly as she dashed forwards, hopping up and using Locus's shoulders as a boost as she jumped even higher, trying to sling her arms around one of the Pteranodon's necks and hold on for dear life.
WHAT. Did that one have a death wish!?

Catherine exhaled sharply, deciding to take the safer route and back up a few paces, feeling for her needles. She didn't exactly have much faith that if push came to shove she could draw any sort of blood from these creatures, and despite it all, the nurse didn't look forward to dying for what could very possibly be the second time. Maybe this was all some dream, and when she woke up, James would be playing with her syringes and she would admonish him yet again for doing such a thing.

James playing with her syringes was preferable to this. Truly, it was a dark time to be nurse Catherine.

[ @Atomyk @C.T. @york @Lizzy ]​
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Rhonda would find a trap door underneath the carpet!

On the other hand, The Doctor and Leo would find...


A bunch of spooky skeletons! The collection of bones would flop out of the wardrobe, but were otherwise not animated in any way.

Welcome to the bone zone.

@Jeremi @Mighty Roman @ResistingTheEnlightened


The strange creature growled in the face of Cap's assault. It ran at her with its bladed arm in the air, ready to cut at her side once it got close enough. It's focus was off Daniel for the time being.

@Jeremi @Ryu Keiko


Whether or not you thought Emily was crazy for jumping on the back of so many creatures, it somehow kept working for her. The prehistoric creature flew away from the group before bobbing up and down in an attempt to shake Emily off its back. She would fly high enough to see that a large nest sat on the top of the sandy hill. In the nest were a trio of eggs and what appeared to be two people.

The creatures scattered as Emily made her bold move, but they seemed upset by the disturbance. Catherine would find that she still had needles on her and while these airborne creatures looked like they would be difficult to grab, they didn't look like they would be hard to puncture.

As Jean led the group further upward, they would see the nest from below. The voice heard was clearer now and it sounded like a man mumbling incoherently.

@york @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lissamel @Arcadium
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