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Sherlock Holmes heard the current commotion with Nathan and the man, before stepping in and pushing Ash against the wall, staring into his eyes with a deep sense of anger.


"He is a boy. He is not well developed yet, nor has he developed the strength in order to choose what he will or will not feel. Keep off of him and don't you dare think that for a second he is like you, nor I, Nor Alan, nor anybody. Understood? Good." He turned to Captain America, an implicating finger pointed at her, albeit him not see any of the events happened to Nathan. "The same goes with you, too." He turned back to Ash, before gently hitting the wooden armour on him. "And don't be daft, do you honestly think one of those zombies-" He turned quickly to Alan before speaking "-Saying it like that because I think nobody other than you, me, and that armoured doctor really is trying to figure out what the hell they are-" And then Sherlock quickly looked back at Ash, letting his collar go "-Is gonna bite your chest in order to infect you with whatever parisitic animal it contains in its body? Please, it's stupid but it's smart, that thing will look for a vantage point on your body, preferably the neck where it is most accessible, or some other part of your body if you give it the opportunity." Sherlock sighed, aggresively cleaning the dust off his coat before nodding his head at Nathan. "Be smart about it." He said before walking off. "And the same goes for all of you people." Sherlock Holmes would give no hail to a tyrant.

Alan looked at both Ash, and the others, especially Nathan as he had his hand on Sherlock's shoulder. "Hey, hey woah... Sherlock, come on, stay calm. We've got another objective to do, not trying to hurt the guy. Come on, pry off him, alright?" Alan looked at Sherlock as he let him go, pointing to the Dentistry area, "Sherlock, dentist, go, alright?" He sighed, scratching his beard before he looked at Ash. "Sorry for the trouble... Sherlock's like that. Name's Alan. Alan Wake." He extended his hand at Ash.

@Atomyk @The Man Without Fear @Jeremi
Ash turned around to face the curly hair man reaaal slowly.
"Hello, Mr.Fancy Pants!You ain't but helping with two things,Jack and Sh*t, and jack didn't come here with us. Besides, I don't see you coming up with any better ideas! Zombie comes for my neck, he meets Mr.Floorboardover here" he he's turned with his wooden monstrosity. "If it comes for my arm, it meets Floardboard as well. I hate to break it to you, Jacka*s, but zombies have decaying brains, they're not going to give this as much though as you. Now, are you wanting some cupboard armour or not?"
@Atomyk @Jeremi @evryoneelseinthisroom
"If you really want a needle, I heard those guys say they saw a dirty syringe over there, but it wasn't exactly sterile... But if I was given a choice between becoming...well, let's just say falling seriously ill....and getting an infected wound, I would, go for the latter everyday of the year" Ash handed her the needle


Did he just...?


It was though electricity had darted up her fingers. Oh, who cared if it was dirty or of an inadequate size!? A needle! All hers! Catherine's mouth stretched into a grin that may have been comfortable in her lizard days but certainly looked a little...Out of place on a more human face. She quickly began polishing it on her white nurse's gown, trying to make sure it was utterly spotless, and immediantly her mind went to everyone in the room. Who would have the best blood so she could get the most out of this woefully undersized, puny little contraption? She barely noticed when Ash (oh, bless his generous heart!) handed her some form of wooden splinter as some sort of--She didn't know, alternate option? She was a medic, not exactly a fighter. His rallying speech made her chest swell with pride, and she felt like she was ready, ready for anything.

After all, she was from Gregory House--Which held lost souls that would never see death. She wasn't scared.

Something broke that electrical feeling.
Sherlock Holmes heard the current commotion with Nathan and the man, before stepping in and pushing Ash against the wall, staring into his eyes with a deep sense of anger.
Some other man had the gall to stop Ash before he could be all heroic. Tragic, really. But Catherine wasn't about to command him to shoo away. Besides...Ash may have that lovely heroic gusto, but this one made some rather...Good points. She found her spare hand going up to adjust at her collar, since she no longer had a protective layer of scales to rely on. For a brief moment, she felt a shred of...What? Hopelessness? Absurd. Luckily the man stormed out before she could contemplate it further, and his...Friend?...Was there to pick up the pieces.

"My, that handsome-looking friend of yours is rather...Intelligent." She smiled at Alan, though certainly a more subdued grin then the one she wore when she got her needle. "Though I'm sure all his worries are for nothing. Everyone knows dead bodies are weak. They crumble in the wind and melt in the rain. Certainly we have nothing to fear of with them..." Hopefully, anyway. In her experience dead bodies could be pacified with some alcohol, but she had a lingering suspicion things wouldn't be so simple. She clutched her needle tightly.

"I'm Catherine. Purgatory's most reputable nurse. Charmed, really, my friend. And this..."
"Hello, Mr.Fancy Pants!You ain't but helping with two things,Jack and Sh*t, and jack didn't come here with us. Besides, I don't see you coming up with any better ideas! Zombie comes for my neck, he meets Mr.Floorboardover here" he he's turned with his wooden monstrosity. "If it comes for my arm, it meets Floardboard as well. I hate to break it to you, Jacka*s, but zombies have decaying brains, they're not going to give this as much though as you. Now, are you wanting some cupboard armour or not?"
"...He's my date." She finished with one more smile at Alan, feeling comfortable in calling him that. He hadn't rejected her yet.

[ @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened ]
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1. You must follow in accordance to Iwaku's rules.

2. No OOC talk in the IC. Please take all OOC discussion to the group's General Chat and all roleplay discussion to the group's RP Discussion.

3. No god-modding or meta-gaming. If you're not sure what those terms mean, this blog post might just be for you!

4. There will be no dice rolls for fights. Some certain actions and events might require them, but only if I or someone assisting me says so.

5. Please post once a chapter. Not doing so will result in your character possibly being removed from the game. At the very least, PM me if anything comes up and I'll do my best to keep you around.

"Welcome to Aether"

At first, it felt like just a small pinch.

You may not have even noticed it at first, the obtrusion too benign to even comprehend. It's not something one usually experienced throughout their day; an unknown force that seemed to tug at their very being. The pinch soon became much more violent, feeling as if someone had plunged a hand deep inside you to grab hold of your stomach. A sick sensation came upon you as you were yanked roughly to the side into a corridor of darkness.

After the intense movement, the tugging lessened, but you could still feel something pulling you along. No matter where you were before, all you could see now was darkness-- an inky black void that seemed to cradle you as you were pulled along an invisible track, taking you away to places unknown. If you tried to call out, it turned out be useless, your own voice going silent as it left your lips. Moving also turned out to be fruitless, as whatever was holding on to you was refusing to let go.

You couldn't be entirely sure how long you sat in that blank space, but eventually a series of sensations began to assault you. A loud crashed erupted from somewhere unknown, followed by a harsh hissing sound that could have been steam escaping from a pipe. The smell of sulfur touched your nostrils as a myriad of screams echoed all around you. They got louder and louder, the smell intensifying all the while, until just before it felt like it had gone on forever--

You crashed.

You lay upon solid ground, feeling some sort of fabric beneath you. The sounds of screaming had died out, replace now by the sound of dull banging from somewhere off in the distance. Every few moments, a sizzling sound could be heard from above, flashing a brief bright light. Once you decided to open your eyes and take a look at your surroundings, you quickly saw what was most apparent-- you were not alone. Others, just like you, were waking up in various states of confusion. You all sat on a grand red carpet that ran the length of the room. Under that carpet were pristine beige tiles, their reflective surfaces looking dull with bits and pieces of debris laying on top of them. The room was rectangular, illuminated only consistently by red flashing lights lining the ceiling. On one end of the room stood large metal double doors, while the other end featured a statue that reached toward the ceiling. The statue depicted twin snakes winding around a winged staff, though one of its wings had broken off and fallen to the carpet below. Some of you would recognize this statue as a depiction of the Caduceus medical symbol. Beyond the statue sat an oak desk that ran the length of the wall, flanked by metal doors. Computers and chairs sat behind the desk, resembling a secretary's work space.

Above this desk was a large banner draped on the wall. On this banner read--

Welcome to Aether

@Atomyk as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Locus [Red vs Blue]
@Mighty Roman as Leo Elster [Humans] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Gummi Bunnies as Nezu Jirou/Rat [Tantei Opera Milky Holmes]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Ash Williams [Evil Dead] and Johnny [The Room]
@C.T. as Doctor Emily Grey [Red vs Blue]
@Gibbons as Sendo Takeshi [Hajime no Ippo]
@The Silver Paladin as Yuriko Omega [Command and Conquer: Red Alert]
@OrlandoBloomers as Max Rockatansky [Mad Max]
@Kaykay as Huang Rong [Legend of the Condor Heroes]
@Jerelin as Cersei Lannister [Game of Thrones]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead]
@Jeremi as Rhonda Kerske [Dead Rising] and Roberta Mendez/Captain America [Marvel Comics]
@york as Jean Kirstein [Attack on Titan]
@Gummi Bunnies as William "Will" Owen Herondale [Infernal Devices]
@Lizzy as Shion and Nezumi "Rat" [No. 6]
@BarrenThin as Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek]
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as The Master [Doctor Who]
@Lissamel as Catherine [Gregory Horror Show]
@CookieMonster as Jenny [Doctor Who]
@Ryu Keiko as Daniel Angelle [Original Character]

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Alan Wake [Alan Wake] and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes]
@Arcadium as Travis [Mother 4]
@Saint Guillotine as Emily Kaldwin [Dishonored]
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Richard B. Riddick [Pitch Black]​
Wakey wakey Daniel.... Daniel moaned slightly as he groggily awoke, unaware of what was going on. He just knew he had a sickening feeling in his gut.... "It's too early for me to be up.... Wake me up in like 30 minutes.... or Never." he mumbled to no one in particular. He laid on the floor of the room, not evening trying to wake up or figure out where the hell he was.

(Sorry for the bed intro! I'm writing an essay atm!)

Ash turned around to face the curly hair man reaaal slowly.
"Hello, Mr.Fancy Pants!You ain't but helping with two things,Jack and Sh*t, and jack didn't come here with us. Besides, I don't see you coming up with any better ideas! Zombie comes for my neck, he meets Mr.Floorboardover here" he he's turned with his wooden monstrosity. "If it comes for my arm, it meets Floardboard as well. I hate to break it to you, Jacka*s, but zombies have decaying brains, they're not going to give this as much though as you. Now, are you wanting some cupboard armour or not?"
@Atomyk @Jeremi @evryoneelseinthisroom
Sherlock turned his head a little as he laughed. "You're not getting the point are you? You're only making yourself more cumbersome than you already are and you're not helping yourself to any defense except making yourself slower. Make yourself slower, they get to you, they get to you-" He flicks Ash's neck before making a small "Bloop" Sound from his mouth. "You're one of them. Don't make yourself slow. Don't make yourself like one of them. This has been a really quick public service announcement, simply simple simpleton."


And walked away.

Sherlock turned his head a little as he laughed. "You're not getting the point are you? You're only making yourself more cumbersome than you already are and you're not helping yourself to any defense except making yourself slower. Make yourself slower, they get to you, they get to you-" He flicks Ash's neck before making a small "Bloop" Sound from his mouth. "You're one of them. Don't make yourself slow. Don't make yourself like one of them. This has been a really quick public service announcement, simply simple simpleton."


And walked away.

"Are calling me slow? Well I'm sorry, Ronnald Mc-Freaking-Donnald, how's this for slow?"
Ash swung his good hand round, snaking Sherlock in the nose with a fist, but bloodying his knuckle and his opponents nose. "You see? If you aren't a damn Deadite, Otherwise I would have used ol'Planky here to do some serious damage. Don't insult the king, baby" he handed his opponent some tissues; S-Marts homewares was having a sale of said item, and he had grabbed a few to stock up
Sherlock turned his head a little as he laughed. "You're not getting the point are you? You're only making yourself more cumbersome than you already are and you're not helping yourself to any defense except making yourself slower. Make yourself slower, they get to you, they get to you-" He flicks Ash's neck before making a small "Bloop" Sound from his mouth. "You're one of them. Don't make yourself slow. Don't make yourself like one of them. This has been a really quick public service announcement, simply simple simpleton."


And walked away.

"Are calling me slow? Well I'm sorry, Ronnald Mc-Freaking-Donnald, how's this for slow?"
Ash swung his good hand round, snaking Sherlock in the nose with a fist, but bloodying his knuckle and his opponents nose. "You see? If you aren't a damn Deadite, Otherwise I would have used ol'Planky here to do some serious damage. Don't insult the king, baby" he handed his opponent some tissues; S-Marts homewares was having a sale of said item, and he had grabbed a few to stock up

"... out of all people, why must I be stuck with the blundering idiots? ... for christsakes..." Will grumbled to himself as he twirled a single knife with his fingers. There hasn't been much progression lately, and clearly he was starting to lose his patience with this group he was stuck with.

@The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Atomyk @whoever else is around, lost track. ^^'​


Did he just...?


It was though electricity had darted up her fingers. Oh, who cared if it was dirty or of an inadequate size!? A needle! All hers! Catherine's mouth stretched into a grin that may have been comfortable in her lizard days but certainly looked a little...Out of place on a more human face. She quickly began polishing it on her white nurse's gown, trying to make sure it was utterly spotless, and immediantly her mind went to everyone in the room. Who would have the best blood so she could get the most out of this woefully undersized, puny little contraption? She barely noticed when Ash (oh, bless his generous heart!) handed her some form of wooden splinter as some sort of--She didn't know, alternate option? She was a medic, not exactly a fighter. His rallying speech made her chest swell with pride, and she felt like she was ready, ready for anything.

After all, she was from Gregory House--Which held lost souls that would never see death. She wasn't scared.

Something broke that electrical feeling.

Some other man had the gall to stop Ash before he could be all heroic. Tragic, really. But Catherine wasn't about to command him to shoo away. Besides...Ash may have that lovely heroic gusto, but this one made some rather...Good points. She found her spare hand going up to adjust at her collar, since she no longer had a protective layer of scales to rely on. For a brief moment, she felt a shred of...What? Hopelessness? Absurd. Luckily the man stormed out before she could contemplate it further, and his...Friend?...Was there to pick up the pieces.

"My, that handsome-looking friend of yours is rather...Intelligent." She smiled at Alan, though certainly a more subdued grin then the one she wore when she got her needle. "Though I'm sure all his worries are for nothing. Everyone knows dead bodies are weak. They crumble in the wind and melt in the rain. Certainly we have nothing to fear of with them..." Hopefully, anyway. In her experience dead bodies could be pacified with some alcohol, but she had a lingering suspicion things wouldn't be so simple. She clutched her needle tightly.

"I'm Catherine. Purgatory's most reputable nurse. Charmed, really, my friend. And this..."

"...He's my date." She finished with one more smile at Alan, feeling comfortable in calling him that. He hadn't rejected her yet.

[ @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened ]

Alan was caught somewhat off guard at her, an audible "Huh?" coming out of his open mouth as he stared at her for a moment before a slight smile came from his open mouth. "His name's Sherlock.. And I doubt his worries are for nothing. The Detective is usually right, especially when it comes to dangers like.. Well, like what we're in. It's his kicker. It's what gets him moving... One is easy to kill, but were it not for all of the weapons and shit, then somebodies dead obviously..." He moved his coat pocket to show his belt which retained a small snub nosed Python revolver. "Not gonna use it yet. Have these inside, and some extra rounds in my pocket.." He looked at Catherine before extending his hand. "Alan. Alan Wake. Nice to meet you Catherine."​
"Are calling me slow? Well I'm sorry, Ronnald Mc-Freaking-Donnald, how's this for slow?"
Ash swung his good hand round, snaking Sherlock in the nose with a fist, but bloodying his knuckle and his opponents nose. "You see? If you aren't a damn Deadite, Otherwise I would have used ol'Planky here to do some serious damage. Don't insult the king, baby" he handed his opponent some tissues; S-Marts homewares was having a sale of said item, and he had grabbed a few to stock up
"Vatican Cameos."

Soon, his hand came up in a flurry as it covered his face, the blow being received upon his arm before a punch came to the lower groin area, growling before a foot met his leg as to knock him off balance, before pushing back a little bit, getting some distance.


Yelled Alan, his revolver now out from his belt as it pointed at Ash. "The hell is wrong with the both of you!? Sherlock, DENTISTRY, NOW, YOU-" He waved the revolver in circles at Ash "-STICK WITH YOUR DATE. WE'RE TRYING TO COME ALIVE HERE AND THE BOTH OF YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER. NOW SHUT UP AND WALK." He groaned, the flashlight beam pointed at him almost aggresively, but it was more defensive as Sherlock complied with the order given to him with a simple grumble.​
"Vatican Cameos."

Soon, his hand came up in a flurry as it covered his face, the blow being received upon his arm before a punch came to the lower groin area, growling before a foot met his leg as to knock him off balance, before pushing back a little bit, getting some distance.


Yelled Alan, his revolver now out from his belt as it pointed at Ash. "The hell is wrong with the both of you!? Sherlock, DENTISTRY, NOW, YOU-" He waved the revolver in circles at Ash "-STICK WITH YOUR DATE. WE'RE TRYING TO COME ALIVE HERE AND THE BOTH OF YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER. NOW SHUT UP AND WALK." He groaned, the flashlight beam pointed at him almost aggresively, but it was more defensive as Sherlock complied with the order given to him with a simple grumble.​
Ash, like Sherlock, let out a grumble.
"Where did you get a revolver anyway?"
There were indentations on the page.



"A group..." The voice on the radio paused for a time. "... It sounds to me you don't work here. Can you tell me how--" Stopping to let Captain America speak, Alvin continued, unaware of their bickering. "That's rather strange, then. Amnesia? How many of you are there? Ah-- no, never mind. It doesn't matter." Then, to Sherlock's question, he said, "It's just a research facility. I don't know the exact details-- I was new here."

"Don't lecture me," Nathan growled in response to Locus, practically grinding his teeth. He looked like he wanted to say more, but Alvin's voice over the radio interrupted him.

"Okay, look, I'm not an expert on the facility, but in the case of a lock down, I know all security is active. I do know that you can override the locks if you have the proper clearance... if you've made it to the Medical Center, I'll assume you at least have a bar code capable of passing by the level one doors. Both the Welcoming Center and Living Quarters are level one sections, meaning you should be able to pass between them. The Central Transport should be nearby, but you can only access that with level three clearance... I don't know what clearance you have, but if you have three, that's the fastest way to get here."

A small pause, then-- "Otherwise, pass through the Medical Center and into the Living Quarters. You may be able to find proper clearance in there."

Alvin signed off, leaving your group with that info. Perhaps a door into the Living Quarters was hidden by some of the debris in the room?

@Lizzy @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel
[Completely Lost. :/]
The Doctor nodded in understanding. 'Well, it appears that our messenger is still alive. Which is reassuring. Now, depending on which of these Security Clearances we already have, we should split into groups. That said, we should split into large groups, with equal strength and intellect on each side. One group should search the debris, one should go to the Medical Centre, and one towards the Medical Centre. Who's with me?'

@Lizzy @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel
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"Do you really want to know?"​
A Cheshire Cat grin began to form alongthe S-Mart Employee's face "If it's "unsanitary", you can keep it to yourself, pal. You should stick around; I think we can all agree that there is safety in numbers". Even Wierd Al over there can agree with me on that one" he gestured towards Sherlock

"... out of all people, why must I be stuck with the blundering idiots? ... for christsakes..." Will grumbled to himself as he twirled a single knife with his fingers. There hasn't been much progression lately, and clearly he was starting to lose his patience with this group he was stuck with.

@The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Atomyk @whoever else is around, lost track. ^^'​


"Will, Huang, is there any specific room you'd like to check out?" Shion asked the two. He ignored the two idiots trying to start a fight but was glad that at least someone got them to stop. Though, in all of the limited knowledge he knew about zombies didn't noise attract them? If so then that's not good.

Nezumi on the other hand just sighed, he did look down at his hand when he felt Shion's own hold it.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @others


Did he just...?


It was though electricity had darted up her fingers. Oh, who cared if it was dirty or of an inadequate size!? A needle! All hers! Catherine's mouth stretched into a grin that may have been comfortable in her lizard days but certainly looked a little...Out of place on a more human face. She quickly began polishing it on her white nurse's gown, trying to make sure it was utterly spotless, and immediantly her mind went to everyone in the room. Who would have the best blood so she could get the most out of this woefully undersized, puny little contraption? She barely noticed when Ash (oh, bless his generous heart!) handed her some form of wooden splinter as some sort of--She didn't know, alternate option? She was a medic, not exactly a fighter. His rallying speech made her chest swell with pride, and she felt like she was ready, ready for anything.

After all, she was from Gregory House--Which held lost souls that would never see death. She wasn't scared.

Something broke that electrical feeling.

Some other man had the gall to stop Ash before he could be all heroic. Tragic, really. But Catherine wasn't about to command him to shoo away. Besides...Ash may have that lovely heroic gusto, but this one made some rather...Good points. She found her spare hand going up to adjust at her collar, since she no longer had a protective layer of scales to rely on. For a brief moment, she felt a shred of...What? Hopelessness? Absurd. Luckily the man stormed out before she could contemplate it further, and his...Friend?...Was there to pick up the pieces.

"My, that handsome-looking friend of yours is rather...Intelligent." She smiled at Alan, though certainly a more subdued grin then the one she wore when she got her needle. "Though I'm sure all his worries are for nothing. Everyone knows dead bodies are weak. They crumble in the wind and melt in the rain. Certainly we have nothing to fear of with them..." Hopefully, anyway. In her experience dead bodies could be pacified with some alcohol, but she had a lingering suspicion things wouldn't be so simple. She clutched her needle tightly.

"I'm Catherine. Purgatory's most reputable nurse. Charmed, really, my friend. And this..."

"...He's my date." She finished with one more smile at Alan, feeling comfortable in calling him that. He hadn't rejected her yet.

[ @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened ]

Travis watched as the nurse seemed to turn.. quite content, frankly, as she was given a syringe. He didn't have a weapon yet (and count himself lucky when he finally did), but he, at the very least, hoped that he could be at least some form of use to the people he'll be following. He still had a lingering sensation tugging at his head, but maybe, just maybe, he could use that at least once if he could help it..

"...I might need to follow a group, if that's fine", the kid chimed in. "Not sure I'll be of any use for now, but.. If I had something, like a blunt object.. I think I'll stand a chance. I've got some pretty good swing action from baseball practice, after all." He smiled a bit, one hand in his pocket. "If that doesn't happen soon, then I do have a last resort up my sleeve.."

@Lissamel @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @possibly more
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Travis watched as the nurse seemed to turn.. quite content, frankly, as she was given a syringe. He didn't have a weapon yet (and count himself lucky when he finally did), but he, at the very least, hoped that he could be at least some form of use to the people he'll be following. He still had a lingering sensation tugging at his head, but maybe, just maybe, he could use that at least once if he could help it..

"...I might need to follow a group, if that's fine", the kid chimed in. "Not sure I'll be of any use for now, but.. If I had something, like a blunt object.. I think I'll stand a chance. I've got some pretty good swing action from baseball practice, after all." He smiled a bit, one hand in his pocket. "If that doesn't happen soon, then I do have a last resort up my sleeve.."

"Best save that "last resort of yours for a last resort, kid. Here, take a plank. It's better than nothing. It's simple to use really, hold onto one end and hit people with the other. Well, if you place baseball you're an expert already!" Ash couldn't help overhearing the conversation
"Everyone is welcome to corn along with us, isn't that right, baby?"
The Master eventually got bored to just wandering around and shouting things so he went off to find the Doctor. He walked in on him strategizing to split up into groups, to which the Master wrapped an arm around the Doctor from behind and announced "Better make sure you're with me Doctor! We're gonna go to the Medical Centre and experiment on these Zombies! So exciting!".

@Lizzy @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Cap just looked at the commotion going on between Sherlock and Ash. For someone who not too long ago had pointed a gun in the kids face Sherlock seemed pretty adamant to protect him...

He has to be on some sort of a drug. The commotion was getting worse but Alan pulling out a revolver seemed to calm them down. How was she going to get some of these people to realize that they need to calm down?

But that had to wait for the time being.


"If we're done with seeing who better fills up their jockstrap, we need to get to the Comm center on the double and meet up with Alvin. Are we in agreement about this?"

@Lizzy @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel @Mighty Roman
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Reactions: Krieg
Cap just looked at the commotion going on between Sherlock and Ash. For someone who not too long ago had pointed a gun in the kids face Sherlock seemed pretty adamant to protect him...

He has to be on some sort of a drug. The commotion was getting worse but Alan pulling out a revolver seemed to calm them down. How was she going to get some of these people to realize that they need to calm down?

But that had to wait for the time being.


"If we're done with seeing who better fills up their jockstrap, we need to get to the Comm center on the double and meet up with Alvin. Are we in agreement about this?"

@Lizzy @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel @Mighty Roman

A Cheshire Cat grin began to form alongthe S-Mart Employee's face "If it's "unsanitary", you can keep it to yourself, pal. You should stick around; I think we can all agree that there is safety in numbers". Even Wierd Al over there can agree with me on that one" he gestured towards Sherlock
Sherlock turned for a moment as he waved his hand around. "Yeah, sure, whatever..." Sherlock continued walking off as Alan looked at both men with a nuisance, placing his revolver away...

Except Sherlock again opened his mouth.


"Nope, we should not be immediately searching for him. Have you thought of a way to kill your enemy yet?" He stared at Captain America for a moment. "We should investigate the beings of this location, possibly get more information out of Alvin before actually meeting him. If he's one of the workers here, whether new or not, we need to get the most out of him, enough that we can trust him.. Then we should go to the Comms center. For whatever reason, this man could be one and the same as the others as he worked here." He corrected his coat from the dust settling again. "And besides.." He looked at all the others. "Everybody should resupply. Find anything and use it or reserve it."

Alan looked at the ensuing problem about to occur again, groaning before scratching his head, walking up to Nathan as he patted his shoulder. "You okay, kid?" He asks, genuinely concerned for the teen before nodding at him. "The name is Wake. Alan Wake." He said, extending his hand toward him.

@Atomyk @Jeremi
You know, despite how brave and strong and heroic Ash could be...He was also...Brash. And also cocky. And honestly, pretty annoying. Her smile noticeably fell as she watched him pick fights...Shout...Spout some very strange dialogue that maybe was cheesy?

Alan, on the other hand. He was nice. Could even take authority.

Yelled Alan, his revolver now out from his belt as it pointed at Ash. "The hell is wrong with the both of you!? Sherlock, DENTISTRY, NOW, YOU-" He waved the revolver in circles at Ash "-STICK WITH YOUR DATE. WE'RE TRYING TO COME ALIVE HERE AND THE BOTH OF YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER. NOW SHUT UP AND WALK."

Loud authority, with a gun. Reminded her of her favorite Spanish sharpshooter back home. But this one wasn't a drunk. And probably had far superior aim.
The Doctor nodded in understanding. 'Well, it appears that our messenger is still alive. Which is reassuring. Now, depending on which of these Security Clearances we already have, we should split into groups. That said, we should split into large groups, with equal strength and intellect on each side. One group should search the debris, one should go to the Medical Centre, and one towards the Medical Centre. Who's with me?'
"...I might need to follow a group, if that's fine", the kid chimed in. "Not sure I'll be of any use for now, but.. If I had something, like a blunt object.. I think I'll stand a chance. I've got some pretty good swing action from baseball practice, after all." He smiled a bit, one hand in his pocket. "If that doesn't happen soon, then I do have a last resort up my sleeve.."
"Everyone is welcome to corn along with us, isn't that right, baby?"
He walked in on him strategizing to split up into groups, to which the Master wrapped an arm around the Doctor from behind and announced "Better make sure you're with me Doctor! We're gonna go to the Medical Centre and experiment on these Zombies! So exciting!".

But more on the matter at hand. It was the Master's little...Idea that piqued her interest more then any other, and she was clear on letting that show.

"I definately will be coming to the Medical Centre, if you don't mind a lady tagging along. I certainly know my way around a few tonics and toxins..."

Her eyes moved back to Ash, and then down to Travis. "I could take this adorable little boy along too...If he gets hurt he would need the most immediate medical attention." Catherine did have a soft spot for children. Maybe it was because they had less blood to drain. Or perhaps it was because, for the most part, all the children she knew were innocent--One hotel caretaker's grandson notwithstanding. "Of course my darling is welcome to join me as well...If he wants to...~" She added on, eyes moving from Travis to Ash.

Catherine may like brave, strong, heroic men; but if he thought that meant she was going to be a passive damsel and follow his every footstep, he had some unreasonable expectations for her to follow. And if she had to break up with him--Well. There was always Alan, he was dashing.

[ @ResistingTheEnlightened @Mighty Roman @Arcadium @The Man Without Fear @Gen. Gwazi Senpai ]
Sherlock turned for a moment as he waved his hand around. "Yeah, sure, whatever..." Sherlock continued walking off as Alan looked at both men with a nuisance, placing his revolver away...

Except Sherlock again opened his mouth.


"Nope, we should not be immediately searching for him. Have you thought of a way to kill your enemy yet?" He stared at Captain America for a moment. "We should investigate the beings of this location, possibly get more information out of Alvin before actually meeting him. If he's one of the workers here, whether new or not, we need to get the most out of him, enough that we can trust him.. Then we should go to the Comms center. For whatever reason, this man could be one and the same as the others as he worked here." He corrected his coat from the dust settling again. "And besides.." He looked at all the others. "Everybody should resupply. Find anything and use it or reserve it."

Alan looked at the ensuing problem about to occur again, groaning before scratching his head, walking up to Nathan as he patted his shoulder. "You okay, kid?" He asks, genuinely concerned for the teen before nodding at him. "The name is Wake. Alan Wake." He said, extending his hand toward him.

@Atomyk @Jeremi

Rhonda would answer his first question. "If in doubt go for the head. Otherwise you pump them so full of lead they go up two dress seizes or beat the shit out of them until they start moving." Rhonda tried to give him a friendly smile. "And if we don't have anything to come by, you just ran. I don't know if you noticed but they aren't exactly athletes."

As Rhonda was talking Cap was lulling over what Sherlock had said.

"You are not wrong, but I'm an idealist and I like to think the best of people. So here's another idea..."


"I'm heading alone to the Comms Center. Alone. We don't need to risk any other life if this is really a trap."

Rhonda wasn't too keen on that idea. "Uh you sure this is a good idea sugar? I know that you are a super woman and all but..."

"I'll be fine. Regroup, gather supplies and follow me when you're done." She'd hand out her hand to Sherlock. "I'll be needing the radio."

@Lizzy @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel @Mighty Roman
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