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Lore Magus

Creator and Bearer of Worlds
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance is a big plus for me, but I can be pretty adaptable
The setting is modern day Tokyo; where during the day the city seems more or less peaceful, but during the night it's teeming with violence and crime, practically ruled by the Yakuza. To make matters worse: there are some among the ranks of the immense gang with special abilities who choose to abuse them for personal gain. Standard police forces are either incapable of capturing the gangsters, too afraid of them to make the attempt, or, in rare cases, some officials are bribed or personally threatened to back off. Many people aware of the danger are too fearful to go out after dark to even stop at a convenience store or vending machine, and those working at night fear for their lives and well-being. Despite all of this, there is still a select few people who feel incapable of idly watching the chaos. This is a story of one such person, a young man with special abilities of his own and a mastery of various styles of kung-fu, and the people he comes to meet and the trials he will face in the near future as he struggles to keep his true identity as a vigilante crime fighter secret.

This is a small, anime-inspired group RP with a direct focus on a few major characters, my own being a direct center point. As described above, it is set in modern Tokyo, but in a somewhat alternate reality where the only major difference is that a select few people are born with special abilities and powers that no one else has. That being said, it's not exactly impossible for some people to be born with similar abilities to another (there are only so many different kinds), but typically, it should not be very common for a person to be born with such a gift. Within the setting of the RP there are many criminals, normal and super powered alike, committing crimes and the like against innocent people; happening more frequently at night but still occasionally during the day. The local police do their best, but due to the influence of the Yakuza as well as the ability of many of the gangsters themselves they have been having a hard time. This has led a very select few people of able body to take up becoming vigilante heroes during their spare time, the first one to appear having been my own character.

Considering the nature of this RP and the basic plans for it, it should have a maximum of 3-5 people; each controlling preferably 1 or 2 main characters, depending on the roles, and any number of side characters which can be created as needed. This is intended to be an RP where us members discuss among ourselves our desired direction or plan for the RP, how we want it to play out as we go along, and preferably keep it from being too random unless the situation calls for exactly that. Essentially I'd like to make sure everyone is on the same page as we go along, but also keep it open to creative ideas for events or situations to put the characters through if anyone should come up with any.

Currently we are recruiting members, as our original cast of members has had some disappearances. Current members are free to make new characters, but adding a couple more members would help to fill in our cast.There are plenty of potential characters that can be made, as well as some required roles that need to be filled. Some examples of characters we need or can have as sides that have yet to be taken include:
  1. The Heroine (our currently submitted one has left)
  2. Coworkers of An Ling
  3. Someone who is both the above and a vigilante hero(to add an interesting twist)
  4. Gang leader or member
  5. Known/named thug with special abilities (I'd like to use one that's already in the CS, but the user responsible for the character is missing)
  6. Anyone else who would be frequently involved with one of the 2 lead characters (accounting for the Heroine that we need replaced)
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ALright, finally thought of a minor character.

Also, I sort of want to add to Kellyn's power thing "Analytical ability similar to that of BBC's Sherlock." In that he can notice and record things easily.
ALright, finally thought of a minor character.

Also, I sort of want to add to Kellyn's power thing "Analytical ability similar to that of BBC's Sherlock." In that he can notice and record things easily.
Minor character? For anything in particular or just because?
Also, has anyone thought of a new name for the RP? Because we can't just leave it as 'Tokyo Heroes' when I put up the IC (which will be very soon, for real this time) since the characters aren't all heroes and whatnot
Minor character? For anything in particular or just because?
Just for anyone who isn't really interacting with anyone at the time to meet with. Something like a Pop idol or something. Someone who would be out in a crowd, but not in a "Main character" type position.
Just for anyone who isn't really interacting with anyone at the time to meet with. Something like a Pop idol or something. Someone who would be out in a crowd, but not in a "Main character" type position.
Ah, okay. Given the weight you were applying I assumed you meant they would be directly related to something recent, but whatever. Anyways, based on your lack of response I'll assume you'd rather not take on the thugs that hassle Aya, and based on Don's being absent from the site as a whole for over a week now I guess I'll take on the role of the assholes bugging the high school girl as well as the guy who beats them up (Hien). For now I am exhausted after only getting 5 hours of sleep at best in the past 42 hours, so I'm gonna get some rest for a few hours (hopefully around 8), but if anyone has come up with ideas for a name for the RP or if they do please post it a.s.a.p.

@MetalNova @TheTechnologicVampire @Shizuochan @Crow
If the problem is that we're not all heroes, Tokyo Phenomenon? Story? Legends? Something like that, idk haha ^^;
If the RP's centered around hero protagonists, and is primarily focused on a bunch of hero v villain conflicts, Tokyo Heroes is honestly probably a good name.

And it rolls off the tongue fairly well.
If the problem is that we're not all heroes, Tokyo Phenomenon? Story? Legends? Something like that, idk haha ^^;
It's not as much that the characters aren't all heroes, but more because the story is meant to center around Hien and the heroine (Veronica) and the relationship/situation they end up in, and Tokyo Heroes was a placeholder title for until a better name came to the table; essentially it was a "for lack of a better name" type of thing
hey guys, sorry for not letting you know about putting up the IC yet, or for starting the story quite yet; I ended up getting sick last week and having to take a day to sleep it off, followed by a bunch of unwanted stress at work, but I'm at school today and have a few hours before my next class in which I will get everything set up. Also, if anyone wants me to make them a div box stylized posting profile for the RP feel free to ask; I've actually made some for Hien already, check them out here if you want to take a look :)

@Crow @MetalNova @TheTechnologicVampire @Don @Minerva @Shizuochan
so I did get to work on it yesterday, but then there were a few distractions that delayed me, but I've officially got it up now so you are now cleared to post @MetalNova sorry again for the wait ^^'
Hey guys, sorry for the wait on my post but I ended up getting really busy and exhausted IRL, but I'm happy to let you know that I'm working on it right now! :)
Ah, I still have to post!
Ah, I still have to post!
? @MetalNova was next but I guess we could also have the beginning of Veronica's scene start up now too. Just make sure she's not interacting with the current scene since hers is happening at a different location. Happy posting you guys :)
Sorry been a busy week for me, but I should get a post up today!
@Crow @Shizuochan do you guys want to begin your scene this round or do you want me to just go ahead and finish the current scene before we start the next one?
I'm here! Was wondering when I'd get called up. Feel free to finish up your scene; whatever you feel is more manageable for the rp.
oh shit, it's been my turn this whole time hasn't it? o_o I'M SORRY GUYS! I got really busy and then totally forgot! DX I'm going to get to work on my post right now!