Title is a Work In Progress. (Paranormal)

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Maxine Marsh


Maxine is 5'7" tall and weighs somewhere around 130 pounds. Her long limbs lack any significant muscle definition, but she does sport several tattoos with hidden meanings. Her eyes are a soft shade of blue, but look darker when framed by her long lashes and dark eyebrows. Maxine wears minimal make up, and rarely styles her nearly waist-length hair, often letting it air dry after a shower or throwing it up into a ponytail or bun. Her style can be described as vintage, with many long skirts from thrift stores and flowing dresses made of cotton. She likes muted colors the best, and will wear sandals instead of real shoes whenever given the chance. Maxine is also partial to jewelry made of crystals and has an affinity with quartz.

Daring: When it comes to taking risks, Maxine doesn't often hesitate. She is of the philosophy that the world waits for no one, and is excited about trying, doing and experiencing whatever life throws at her. She meets challenges with open arms and a smile.

Gentle: Being a rather empathetic person, Maxine tends to the emotional needs of others in a rather selfless way. She is a listener, and will let anyone talk her ear off for as long as they need it. She is also a good shoulder to cry on but will only offer advice when someone asks.

Mellow: Maxine's default state is relaxed. It takes a very intense situation to rattle her, or make her angry. On the off chance that her feelings are hurt by something, she keeps it to herself and does her best to quickly get over it.

Absent-Minded: It's not that Maxine forgets everything, but she doesn't have a very good concept of time or respect for deadlines. She is often late to events, whether they're important or not, and she has a tendency to misplace items. Of course, Maxine apologizes for making life a little more difficult, but she has never tried to change her behavior.

Secretive: There are some things in life that are personal, and for Maxine, that's just about everything. While she's more than happy to listen to the stories of others, it is rare that she offers anything deep about herself. Maxine will only share herself when the subject is relevant.

Born and raised in the rural part of Massachusetts known as the Berkshires, Maxine is the youngest of four children. Her father was an ornithologist, while her mother was a freelance painter who drew much of her inspiration from the outdoors. Naturally, much of Maxine's early childhood was spent in nature, where she learned to appreciate plants and animals of all kinds. Being able to explore the fields and forests of the rural community that was her backyard sparked Maxine's curiosity for the world around her.

Around the age of ten, the family moved from the Berkshires and into the city when Maxine's father took a teaching job at one of Boston's universities. It was a big change for Maxine, who wasn't used to fences and street signs, or going to school with more than a small handful of kids in a class. It was difficult for Maxine to make friends at first, and she sought comfort in her family, mainly her older brother, Matthew, who also had a difficult time with the move.

Eventually, Maxine was able to make friends and settled into a routine. It was at a middle school slumber party that she had her first memorable experience with the paranormal. While spending the night at a classmate's house near Salem, Maxine got up to get a drink of water when she saw a pale, nearly transparent figure in the hallway. The figure wasn't much taller than herself at the time, and the encounter only lasted for thirty seconds or so, but Maxine was able to sense an incredible amount of sadness. Confused by what she'd seen, but not afraid, Maxine told her friend about the incident in the morning.

Several similar encounters peppered Maxine's life over the next decade. She began to read up on the paranormal and got back in touch with nature. Now, she has an affinity for crystals, believes in natural healing and only likes to buy objects if they have a story--in a way, they call to her.

Since growing up, Maxine has moved states a few times and has both collected and shed a few groups of friends. She met up with the paranormal team after seeing their ad on a local website.

!! -OPEN- !!

Specialties & Abilities
Clairsentience: Maxine has the ability to acquire psychic knowledge by feeling. If she is in a certain building, or a place that has a lot of energy, she is able to decipher the history of the environment and give more information about any major events that may not have been recorded elsewhere.

Object scrying: Using a tangible object as a medium, Maxine is able to gain information about said object. This can be information such as what that object was used for, who is was used by, and sometimes even information about the object's owner.

Strength: Maxine is average in her abilities. She is neither an expert nor a novice, though her scrying ability is the stronger of the two. She is always trying to improve her gifts.

* Smells like a mixture of plumeria and patchouli.
* Feeds the stray cats in the neighborhood.
* Prefers to be called Max, but doesn't mind her given name.

Oren Blair


Oren is 6'3" tall and at 200 pounds, has always been on the skinny side. He has some muscle definition in his arms and legs, but doesn't work out often enough to have a body that anyone might want to emulate. At thirty-three, Oren now has a few wisps of grey hair starting at his temples and showing through the thick beard that he keeps trimmed. His eyes are a mixture of brown and green, and some might even call them soulful, though Oren disagrees. As far as style goes, Oren is a simple man who prefers not to draw a lot of attention to himself. He can often be found in jeans and long-sleeved shirts and a pair of boots. Oren has no tattoos or piercings, and doesn't believe that will change any time soon.

Scholarly: Having suffered through a rather stunted and controlled upbringing, Oren has a healthy love of learning. He will read anything and everything, and when he is particularly interested in something, will study as much as he can about the subject. He is a fast learner as well, and has a knack for remembering and recalling facts.

Outgoing: Something of a natural public speaker and not shy in a traditional way, Oren is friendly and open with strangers. He likes getting to know those around them, and does his best to make sure that everyone is engaged in a conversation and having a good time. Being so outgoing, Oren is also quick to take a stand against things he deems morally wrong.

Frugal: Thanks to growing up with next to nothing, Oren is incredibly resourceful and knows how to stretch every last dollar he makes. He can be cheap at times, but is not greedy and would never dream of doing anything on another's dime.

Difficult: Maybe it has something to do with pride, but Oren can be incredibly stubborn. When he sets his mind on something--even if it's his own opinion that he sees as fact--it is nearly impossible to change. Oren will argue with someone day and night if he believes that he's right about something, and many just don't want to bother wasting such energy.

Ignorant: Again, an isolated childhood has a lot to do with Oren's odd social cues. He has a tendency to say the wrong things at an even worse time, but he also doesn't realize that he is being inappropriate. As he experiences new things, however, Oren has learned what is and isn't acceptable in conversation and has taken many steps to separate himself from what he was taught as a kid.

Oren was born and raised in an incredibly small and isolated community in West Virginia. His father was a Pentecostal pastor who was head of the local church in which the services included snake-handling, faith healing, and asking for donations from people who didn't have much of anything to spare. Oren has one sibling, an older brother, and has no real memory of his mother, who left the family only two years after he was born. His father, a violent drunk, believed in the word of God above all else and felt that the bible offered the only education that a person could ever need. As a result, Oren wasn't in a traditional school very often.

When he was around eight years old, Oren was forced to start participating in church services. His father taught him how to preach to the parishioners, which Oren took to rather quickly due to the positive attention. Along with preaching, he was also taught how to handle the snakes without getting injured and a few years later, at age eleven, he was doing his own faith healing. Although it never seemed to help when his father prayed over someone with a cold, or ran a hand over a broken leg, things were different for Oren. The locals said that he made them feel better, that they could breathe easier when he prayed, that their aches and pains went away. Years later, Oren's older brother, whose leg had been badly broken in a mining accident, was able to walk without a cane after days of dedicated prayer.

At sixteen, when most teenagers were preparing to take their driver's test, Oren got married to his first girlfriend. It was a small wedding at the church, there was no cake and Oren wore jeans to the ceremony. They had only been dating for a few weeks when he'd popped the question, believing that happiness without marriage was a sin against God. It was only nine months later that Oren was a father and trying to raise a family while still essentially being a child himself. Still, Oren was dedicated to his son, and although he later discovered that he and his wife weren't well suited for each other, he fully embraced fatherhood.

A year later, during a particularly rough winter, his son got sick. Having believed and relied on faith healing for so many things, Oren never took the boy to a doctor. He got sicker as the days went on and eventually, it was too late. Prayer had failed, and Oren felt abandoned by God and everything he'd once known. He came to the painful realization that the church was a lie, and he was doing more harm than good. Oren tried to stay in his marriage, in the small town that now looked at him with such pity, but it was too hard.

At twenty, Oren left his wife and family in the middle of the night and never looked back. He cycled through poverty as he moved around the southern United States, fending off poverty with odd jobs; having never graduated high school, manual labor became the norm. He didn't go back to faith healing for nearly ten years until he hit a stray dog with his car one night and found that he missed the feeling that came with fixing things.

Oren met the group by chance when they were investigating a haunted site in the town he was residing in. He asked what they were doing, and told a few stories about smacking the devil out of people when he was a kid. They might still think it's all a lie, but getting to tag along has been an interesting experience.

!! -OPEN- !!

Specialties & Abilities
Faith Healing: Oren has the ability to cure diseases and ailments through religious devotion, though his faith in God waxes and wanes, and he now needs an emotional connection or response in order to effectively heal anything. It can be a useless ability and often makes him feel like a fraud.

Object Exorcism: Whether or not Oren has ever banished a demon from a person as a child is somewhat debatable, but he does have the ability to cleanse objects of negative spiritual energy.

*Smells like sage and cigarette smoke.
*Unafraid of any snakes.
*Doesn't sleep much.

hawt guys why i need a love triangle lol

@mango thank you! i'll try to get a post out.
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@neptune @Lethe I'll shoot you guys a PM soon if I get any ideas for relationships between Kat and your characters~
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So, in the course of speaking to espoir, a question about timelines came up.

I said that Brad wouldn't have been around at the beginning, but that Kat would probably have approached him when the group got a bit more serious, and started needing proper equipment and a van to lug it around. In my head, the early days probably just involved a handheld camera (or even a phone camera) and some very basic equipment and, as they started to get more recognition, then they'd get paid and start buying better equipment.

So, roughly speaking, how long ago did the group begin? Who were the original members, and when did the others join up?
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As far as I know, the group started when Darius was 24, so four years? My calculations may have been wrong when I was thinking of three years.
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Yeah, definitely @mango! isitoktostillshipdariusandkat :3 <3
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Stellar! I just need to wrap up discussions with Lethe and Nep and then I will have the first post up tonight, no later. Thanks for sticking with me, it's been absolute hell (:
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No worries! I completely understand. Things on my end have been busy as HE-with-a-capital-L, too.
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So, I'm not sure if I remember whether or not this was talked about, but I also don't feel like we talked about this, but what is the setting for this paranormal investigation team? Is there a certain city or town we're in? c:
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So, I'm not sure if I remember whether or not this was talked about, but I also don't feel like we talked about this, but what is the setting for this paranormal investigation team? Is there a certain city or town we're in? c:
Man, I am SO glad you said this -- I had it on my mind the trip here and all this stuff happened and I forgot. Well, personally I was thinking Oregon, or we could do Idaho, Maine, Wyoming, I want to do someplace different, and pretty, not NYC or LA -- considering where Darius was brought up (South Dakota) we could have everyone be there, and we could discuss why everyone is there. For example, Sonny was p much a nomad lol.

Does that sound alright to you guys? Let me know. Sorry for not having that taken care of, I feel terrible, I just got a lot goin' on.
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Maine could be fun. It's so pretty there with the ocean.
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Let's do Maine! :D
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Gunna wait for the other twos okays and then I'll get to writing (: And remind me one more time how everyone preferred we start? Was it an abandoned home? Could look up some legit ghost places in maine, even.
I suggested the abandoned home. I'm not sure what the others felt. :3
*waits patiently for things* :3 will do, cap~
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