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Name: Coby Visser
Age: Mid 20s
Sex: I am Coby
Bio: [You open the soft leather-bound book and trace over the worn pages. Flipping to the earliest pages, the words are faded but still able to be read. There are discolourations, dark, rubbed in… charcoal, but not from the drawings that are purposeful here and there that you saw flipping through…]

'Keeper gave me a journal and that information is important; a record of us and who we are. Who am I? I am the offspring of Redival and Gervais Visser. I am sibling to Ygraine, Vaan, and Elias. I am a child of Kor Megron, The Word Bearer. We live by the words, but he's never really brought words to us, not that I'm aware of. One of these days, maybe I'll see something, but til then, I'm happy here in the mountains away from everything. We don't here about the goblins, or the wars, or the orcs. It's just us.'

[You thumb through the pages. You see a few sketches of nature scenes and what must have been the nature village and even a few important people in their life. However, the words suddenly begin to bleed red across the page and discordant iconography is strewn across the pages intermittently in symbols you cannot read…]

'It happened! They came! Theycametheycametheycame I cannot believe it they came. There are no words to express this. This moment of the demonic, no, the divine, which walked upon the earth for but a moment. And the words, THE WORDS that they spoke and fell upon my ears in a rhapsodic chorus, so many stream to follow, and I, not enough tongues to speak it, not enough words to express it or the mind to relay

[It stops suddenly and falls into discordant scrawling that you are unable to decipher. It continues on like this for a number of pages. The feverish scrawling of one lost in their madness, perhaps, written in layer upon layer. There are no more sketchings for some time… until you come upon one. A finely sketched drawing of nothing more than a slender chain ending in a claw-like hook. What comes next is several pages ripped from the book and a simple note upon a page.]

'I met someone who taught me much and showed me a new way to view the world.'

[The next many pages are filled with rough sketches of many pages of devices fitting together or various plants, compounds or extracts combined and their effects together. A time or two, there is a scene sketched into the journal… a cityline from Vulgo, a forest or mountain in the Wildlands, or as she makes her ways to Gyrus… You read snippets here and there as you go.]

. . .Discovered a new regent for a rather explosive combination today. . .

. . .String keeps snapping, need to adjust tension. Try new material?. . .

. . .Completed contract in West Volgo, Eitic. Prince Pallor Guin III.
Took the royal amulet as evidence. Awaiting payment.. . .

. . .Been collecting information for a month on these demon worshiping goblins.
Tired of eating rabbits.
All they're doing is worshiping a stuffed bird with a deer's head.. . .

. . .Latest mission got a bit of attention… King sent messenger.
Maybe making the ham explode was a bit much, but it got them all.. . .



It's looking good so far

This has peaked my interest, since Isla is gone. May I take Isla spot and join up?

How many magic users are you allowing?

How about a Sneak Thief Mage i.e. Night Blade?
Come up with whatever you want and we'll see if it works. I have no limit on magic users.
Come up with whatever you want and we'll see if it works. I have no limit on magic users.

Now here comes an odd question. How much of a character's face do you have to see for the appearance?
enough to be able to recognize them by their appearance. Gyrus doesn't normally hire people who they can't recognize, its incredibly sketchy. This is a much more calm, peaceful Kingdom that doesn't do business like, lets say the Western Vulgo.

If you're planning on hiding your character's appearance because of a deformity, etc. That's fine. But just hiding it because you're a sketchy assassin would mean that Benedict wouldn't deal with you because of a preconception of your ill reputation. Keep in mind he has to present you lot to Lysander at a banquet with a bunch of other nobles.
enough to be able to recognize them by their appearance. Gyrus doesn't normally hire people who they can't recognize, its incredibly sketchy. This is a much more calm, peaceful Kingdom that doesn't do business like, lets say the Western Vulgo.

If you're planning on hiding your character's appearance because of a deformity, etc. That's fine. But just hiding it because you're a sketchy assassin would mean that Benedict wouldn't deal with you because of a preconception of your ill reputation. Keep in mind he has to present you lot to Lysander at a banquet with a bunch of other nobles.

I understand. I wasn't going to go with sketchy assassin. I actually have a sort of interesting idea I want to run by you before I go on ahead of it, but it's also 4:17 in the morning and I don't know how much justice I'll do the concept while I am half asleep.

I was asking because at the time I was considering something like this, but completely dropped it because of a fresh newer idea that came to mind


But as said I may or may not use this image at all because I have a much much different idea in mind. It's vaguely hard to find a Rogue type character.

Most of the assassin and thieves are populated by popular photos of Corvor, Garret from Thief, and any of the Assassins from Assassin Creed.

And they all don't have the body type I consider thief. Like at all. I don't understand how people can think putting 20 pounds of padded leather and metal on a rogue/thief/assassin is at all going to help them sneak around.

Again, I'll either vaguely run the idea by you before I go to sleep or do it tomorrow after I have slept
Hmm, after thinking about it, I've decided that masked or characters whose faces are covered are alright. Thinking about it, it just seems like a silly and thoughtless restriction on the player
Keep in mind he has to present you lot to Lysander at a banquet with a bunch of other nobles.
Oh, I forgot we start with a banquet... hopefully Jeanna's tongue will not have a chance to ruin the atmosphere and lets not even start considering the worse case scenario with her around...
@Slade I think I pretty much got my CS figured out for the most part atm...... I think. If you could give it a glance over and tell me what you think... Iunno. I'm not sure where it stands at the moment, and it might need some edits. Was just trying to get my thoughts more or less out and sorted cuz this one was a bit chaotic with all the ones I had for it.
Okau I'm awake now, after a shower, I'll go ahead and send you that PM
Everything seems okay, though I'm gonna ask you to look through your bio and correct any typo errors and such. I'm no English whiz myself, in fact I'm cringing at all the errors I made in my OOC that I've yet to fix. But I did have to read through your bio a few times to get the gist of what was going on.

Strengths and Weaknesses are alright, the bio itself works too and I'm happy players are really stretching their legs and having diverse backstories throughout the entire map. Just fix some of the typos and such and you'll be good to go.

Oh and just a thought, I noticed one of the pics you were debating over had elf ears >.> I'm not that insane to think that, that negates everything as I can just, ya know, use my mind and imagine they aren't there xD. But Elves are extinct on the Continent. Don't know if that helps push anything in your favor or not, do what feels right. I know I can be very picky with my pics, everything in my OOC took years of literally scouring through DeviantArt for hours a day. It's an obsession sometimes.
Ah okay yeah that part i did run it in Word now and changed some parts so should be better >.< *the cringe is real and my word blindness makes it worse*
And ahaha yeah i kind of imagined away the ears as well. I sort of wanted to find an image similar to that since Erin in my mind at least is that idealistic freshling Village kid of on the first adventure type thrown into things because connections.
But finding images of fantasy village girl is close to impossible for some reason Q.Q
And the ones i know that has proper clothes have even worse ears ....but are even more adorable *distracted*

Ahaha yeah obsessions *hides large collection of Neko images*
@Slade I think I pretty much got my CS figured out for the most part atm...... I think. If you could give it a glance over and tell me what you think... Iunno. I'm not sure where it stands at the moment, and it might need some edits. Was just trying to get my thoughts more or less out and sorted cuz this one was a bit chaotic with all the ones I had for it.
Love your character so much.

Edit: Also, so far only two members of our group don't use magic (so far), one of which has a fear a magic/magical abilities. The beginning of this mission after the banquet shall be quite interesting.
Love your character so much.

Edit: Also, so far only two members of our group don't use magic (so far), one of which has a fear a magic/magical abilities. The beginning of this mission after the banquet shall be quite interesting.

Hopefully my character can add to the non magical group. While he has magic, its not magic. Like throwing fireballs in people's face magic. He's the in betweener between magic and non magic. As I wanted most of his skills to be an attuned to his stealth capabilities, which is where his strength lies
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Nuit [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][pronounced Nue-we[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Mon regard te secoue-t-il?"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][translation: "Does my gaze shake you?"][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]All though his age may have been surprising to some, he walked with the presence and skill of someone highly trained and experience. An aura of death seemed to dance like a blessing around him, shielding him in a cloak of shadows. They saw his gaze through the mask could paralyze a man with fear. Though it was probably his height that gave him his presence, at 5'8", lean and toned. He chose an unusual layers of cloth to wear. One included a hide cape with feathers pinned to it and his unusual mask that made him look like a bird. He was more inclined into wearing leather gloves over his hands and keeping his blades hidden underneath his cape. Weighs approximately 130 pounds. Through his mask it's noted he has grayish blue irises.[/BCOLOR]


Better Detail on his Main Set of Clothes, when out adventuring

"Face" claim. Probably the way he would come to Lysander's party and maybe when not off killing people. Just you know, not covered in blood.The clothes is something he borrowed.


I'm Figuring using this "Face" Claim for when he's out adventuring. His Adventure Not Mask Not Party Outfit. The mask is probably something he wears under his bird mask. [look I've worked in enough haunted houses to know sometimes you wear something under the mask]

Out of his Gear and Fancy Digs


[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 25[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Easy to Miss [Stealth]; If you ever question whether a man dressed like a bird assassin could be easily missed, well the simple answer is no. Any normal person could not wear bird get up and get by people. But Nuit. Nuit can. It's in the way he moves. It's in the way he uses the light and shadows to aid him. To guide him as his friends. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Dual Wielding Proficiency; Nuit carries three crooked blades with him at all times. Two of them are sheathed at his side kept out of the sight of those around him. While the other is hidden by a dark magic. His gift is in his ambidextrousness.Neither preferring one hand over the other. But using them together as a cohesive unit. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Quick Adaptable Movement; Laughable as it might seem, he can get around quite well. He's quite acrobatic in battle and getting around in his environment. Even with his cape, it seems to actually be taken into factor with his combat. In which he might shield himself with his cape, to sweep under the enemy, using the fabric as a distraction to catch their eye. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magic Blade- Lame maudite crochue [Cursed Crooked Blade][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hidden with his left hand is the Cursed Crooked Blade. A magical blade he tries often to avoid using, due to its drawbacks. The blade can only be summoned through his left hand and by his own magic of what little he has.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The blade itself is quite dull, not being unnecessary special, but has one useful feat;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Buveur de sang [Blood Drinker]; Each consecutive hit that strikes an opponent, allows the Cursed Crooked Blade to cause the opponent to bleed deeper. The Cursed Crooked Blade itself draws the enemies blood towards it, and effectively makes each consecutive hit to the same enemy stronger. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Weakened Left Arm Grip; [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Detail: Due to the poisoning of his cursed blade, the poison acts as a sort of magical arthritis that hurts his left arm joints. Sometimes crippling his ability for an effective sword grip. While it doesn't necessarily mean he cannot hold a sword, doing so can be painful given the state of his arm.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Affect: His arm is both, always in a semi uncomfortable throbbing pain. Often stressed when he uses his blade too hard or striking tougher materials such as a blade or armor. After use of the cursed blade, his arm becomes crippled with pain. In a way that can only be described as fire running up where the poison extends, and resonates throughout the whole arm making his hand too numb to grasp his hilts properly. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Blood Drinker's Limit; Is a single target ability of the blade and will effectively reset when striking the next target. Turning a strengthened hit, back to normal non magical damage. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Cursed; [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Detail; As it may or may have not been clear, Nuit is cursed by his blade. The curse acts as a poisoning and began in his left arm. When his left glove is taken off, most will noticed the blackened fingertips, that extend into black veining running up his arm. Currently extended to his elbow. If he continues the use of the cursed blade, the poison will slowly crawl through his arm, into his lungs first, and then his heart, effectively killing him in 5 years.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Affect; Upon summoning the blade, Nuit's arm will go numb, with what you could describe as the pins n needles feeling. As the poison slowly crawls up his arm. Not allowing him to grip his hilt, and having to shake some feeling into his arm after summon. It takes a minute or two to get a whole feeling his arm again, the whole new area affected by the poison will often be in excruciation pain. [/BCOLOR]

Light Frame;
Detail; Nuit is light framed, even at 130 pounds, for his job he is meant to be light footed and quick on his feet, with free fluid movement. He is not a soldier. And isn't meant to be fighting in the front lines. Despite being capable in fights. That doesn't mean he can last in them.

Affect; In lame man terms Nuit cannot take a lot of beating or endure a thrashing. He's not built to do so nor does he have the stamina. In a fair fight, the Knight with more training is going to pumble Nuit into the ground before Nuit even has a chance to dent the knight. [Nuit will stick to the shadows and flanking enemies, thank you very much]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Morsure ravagée du vautour [Vulture's Ravaged Bite]- The crooked blade often used in his right hand. Coated with a poisonous oil that last for a few fights. An ordinary blade without anything special about it, except for perhaps its appearance. [see his appearance to see all of the appearances of his blades][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]La chanson déformée de Robin [Robin's Warped Song]- The crooked blade often used in his left hand. Coated with the same poison as his right hand. Also just a common blade without any features besides the poison oil he coats his swords with. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nightshade Oil; [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]on his belt he carries a few vials of nightshade oil. Often a small bottle coats the two daggers and since he's no alchemist he often has to go seeking out others expertise for his oil. Though he doesn't mind talking to people in exchange of goods and services.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nightshade Oil Affect; the nightshade oil merely stops the victim from feeling his initial strike. A bit like how you'll never feel a mosquito bite until after it bites you. The Nightshade oil stops you from feeling the first strike of the blade, paralyzing the area for a brief second. Not the individual. Note the individual will more than likely feel the bleeding afterward. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A vial is only good for 1 first strike for each vial, and the vials have to be prepared on the blade beforehand and not during combat. It has to be done at rest time. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Current Ration; 2 Vials Left [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Throwing Knives; Hidden in a holster in his boots.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Various Vials of Poison in his side pouch; clear poisons he slips into his client's drinks or food when he is asked not to draw a blade by those who hire him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Dragon's Tongue; 1 bottle left - Dragon's tongue closes up a victims airways tight. Almost as if they are going through an allergic reaction. Perfect way to disguise death. Effects can be reversed by opening the victims airways up. Flavor text- though often his victims help is too late. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Silver's Lash; 1/2 left 1 bottle- You know what they say a lot goes a long way. Silver lash causes his victims to hallucinate that bugs or small creatures are crawling on them. Often in an attempt to rend themselves of these creatures they fall or leap to their doom. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Note to GM; these technically were meant as background equipment. While I added them I was going under the strict restriction not to use them on my fellow players. And also only use them when given strict permission to do so. I had no actual attempt to use them unless needed for story wise. He's an assassin, he needs more than two daggers to kill. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Logbook; whether or not this seems like a good way to get caught, he has a small, leather bound logbook, of anonymous clients, with no named kills, how much he was paid, and how much he has spent. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Quill; to write in his log book. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Trail rations; things like dried fruit, and some kind of stale jerky he has. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Histoire: [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Trouvez le Nuit Corbeau[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][Find the Night Crow][/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Letter to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]How hard is it to find a man dressed in a damn bird getup? I want him found. I want him hung at the gallows by the morning.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Night Watch to the Captain of the Guard;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The witness account was very vague. We didn't get height. No unusual smells. And the witness only says they caught the shadow of a bird. Not a man dressed like a bird.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Captain of the Guard to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh I am sorry, did a fucking bird get into the Count's Window that night then? Are you so incompetent that you actually think a goddamn bird walks into the window and takes out a blade taking a man's life?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Night Watch to the Captain of the Guard;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well no sir, but we haven't any leads. No one's seen 'im other than the witness and they only caught a glimpse of the individual's shadow. We do have a sketch if that prove any useful.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Captain of the Guard to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well send it through. Clearly you can discern some fucking clues yourself based on a sketch, can't you?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sketch Mailed to the Captain of the Guard[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Captain of the Guard to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]I should have the lot of you fired. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Steel is cold. So is my regret and remorse for your life."[/BCOLOR]

Battle/Assassin Theme
Last edited:
So now we've got six PCs on the group. With one waiting to be confimered by Slade and "maybe" a seventh from @Dovahkiin. I don't recall off the top of my head how many players @Slade wants though I think we are in pretty good standings on that at this point.
So now we've got six PCs on the group. With one waiting to be confimered by Slade and "maybe" a seventh from @Dovahkiin. I don't recall off the top of my head how many players @Slade wants though I think we are in pretty good standings on that at this point.

Imagine Nuit walking into the party with blood on his face, that be pretty awkward to explain. "Strawberry Jam". lol...I'm kidding.

I am pretty excited about Nuit. I like him a lot. And I wanted to stray from stereotypical rogue character. All I need is that one component before I can complete his history.

It's the difference between writing a history I really want to write and might go overboard, then half to rewrite it.

Versus an outright denial of the idea and having to think of something new.
So now we've got six PCs on the group. With one waiting to be confimered by Slade and "maybe" a seventh from @Dovahkiin. I don't recall off the top of my head how many players @Slade wants though I think we are in pretty good standings on that at this point.
Yes! I'm still hoping I haven't taken to long to get a CS up yet, because all these characters look so interesting so far.
Yes! I'm still hoping I haven't taken to long to get a CS up yet, because all these characters look so interesting so far.

I think you're Dova. If you catch my brain waves and know what I am thinking
Apologies if something seems messy but finding an image took most of the time since i need it to help me write the character....and yeah >-<
A bit torn between the two images or if i can find a more village girl like image <__<

The challenge in finding an image of a female not looking to kill something or hump it on google is a mighty challenge.

Name: Erin Fable
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Born in a small village in the western wild lands, that suffice to say stayed relatively calm and safe hidden in a valley up north. Erin as the girl had been named grew up under her grandfather's guiding presence as one of the village elders and current senior in druid craft.

This gave her early years many moments of boredom and conflict as the old man tended to be strict and protective. But as time progressed a compromise grew between the two aided by her combination of fear for dangers and the unknown and a lush hunger for discovery and so she didn't leave the mountains protection till she neared adult age. But had learned all that was to know within it.

Studying under grandfather Erin showed that she had a knack for the elemental powers that nature had to offer and which seemed to flow naturally trough her. Expected to take part as a druid apprentice and one day even succeed one of the masters just like the other apprentices that regularly visited to village for tutoring where. As was common in these parts when one learned the craft. However, the young girl sought other dreams and an escape, as something within her pulled away from the protection of the valley. Perhaps the same that pulled her parents away although hopefully not towards a fate like theirs, which her grandfather feared even though he never spoke of them and their fate. And so, the time came when she left alongside some of the other youngsters and adults in the village. A small group of people seeking something new.

Nearing bigger civilization the group that had journeyed together thinned out, split towards different goals they all searched their own. As time passed and they traveled on, her travelling companions heard of the gathering. Lacking much of a reputable name the small party did however establish good contacts. And somewhere her last name caught interest amongst some men and women of higher stature. A family name that struck a bell with some and before she knew it a small message summoned the girl for a meeting and a job offer.

Elemental powers - holding the powers of nature at your fingertips makes you a difficult foe to approach and Erin holds great potential within her if these powers are nurtured.

Endurance - being a village girl and a druid at that the girl can endure and keep up with almost anyone even on low amounts of sleep and food.

Trusting – When creating a bond of friendship with Erin she will trust you and push you forward seeing the potential in you not giving up until the very end.

Instinct - While she may seem lacking to the world so far the girl has great instincts even if she herself does not realize this.

Lack of Strength – While having a body well fit for a villager that works till sunset she has never gained much raw strength and as such has little to set up against a physical show of force.

Gullible – While trusting in others is a strong part of her, she also has a hard time to root out those who lie often perhaps seeing good where there is but illusion.

Insecure – Like most who has lived a relatively sheltered life Erin also has a strong sense of insecurity and clumsiness when faced with new things. And right now, most of the world is new amazing yes, but oh so frightening.

Elemental weakness - when calling upon her powers she is also connected to them and as such those powers weakness to also becomes her weakness. And can have strong negative effects or even backlashes as she wields her powers.

Equipment: Wandering staff, Basic backpack, Hunters knife and a Bow.
Accepted. Good job. Look into picking an appearance (or just writing one out) if you haven't already.

Name: Coby
Age: Mid 20s
Sex: I am Coby
Bio: [You open the soft leather-bound book and trace over the worn pages. Flipping to the earliest pages, the words are faded but still able to be read. There are discolourations, dark, rubbed in… charcoal, but not from the drawings that are purposeful here and there that you saw flipping through…]

'Keeper gave me a journal and said that information is important; a record of us and who we are. Who am I? I am the offspring of Redival and Gervais Visser. I am sibling to Ygraine, Vaan, and Elias. I am a child of Kor Megron, The Word Bearer. We live by the words, but he's never really brought words to us, not that I'm aware of. One of these days, maybe I'll see something, but til then, I'm happy here in the mountains away from everything. We don't here about the goblins, or the wars, or the orcs. It's just us.'

[You thumb through the pages. You see a few sketches of nature scenes and what must have been the nature village and even a few important people in their life. However, the words suddenly begin to bleed red across the page and discordant iconography is strewn across the pages intermittently in symbols you cannot read…]

'It happened! They came! Theycametheycametheycame I cannot believe it they came. There are no words to express this. This moment of the demonic, no, the divine, which walked upon the earth for but a moment. And the words, THE WORDS that they spoke and fell upon my ears in a rhapsodic chorus, so many stream to follow, and I, not enough tongues to speak it, not enough words to express it or the mind to relay

[It stops suddenly and falls into discordant scrawling that you are unable to decipher. It continues on like this for a number of pages. The feverish scrawling of one lost in their madness, perhaps, written in layer upon layer. There are no more sketchings for some time… until you come upon one. A finely sketched drawing of nothing more than a slender chain ending in a claw-like hook. What comes next is several pages ripped from the book and a simple note upon a page.]

'I met someone who taught me much and showed me a new way to view the world.'

[The next many pages are filled with rough sketches of many pages of devices fitting together or various plants, compounds or extracts combined and their effects together. A time or two, there is a scene sketched into the journal… a cityline from Vulgo, a forest or mountain in the Wildlands, or as she makes her ways to Gyrus… You read snippets here and there as you go.]

. . .Discovered a new regent for a rather explosive combination today. . .

. . .String keeps snapping, need to adjust tension. Try new material?. . .

. . .Completed contract in West Volgo, Eitic. Prince Pallor Guin III.
Took the royal amulet as evidence. Awaiting payment.. . .

. . .Been collecting information for a month on these demon worshiping goblins.
Tired of eating rabbits.
All they're doing is worshiping a stuffed bird with a deer's head.. . .

. . .Latest mission got a bit of attention… King sent messenger.
Maybe making the ham explode was a bit much, but it got them all.. . .

Strengths - - + - - Weaknesses
  • Child of Kor Megron: Born and raised in the West Wildlands, Coby was brought up in a demon worshipping cult and has come to be quite familiar with the topic of demonology. While the topic of demons is vast, they understand more than the average layman and is more familiar with the worship.
  • Insight of the Word Bearer: After hearing the words of Kor Megron, Coby was granted a boon of knowledge. Though much of it is a mess to them, they have managed to work out Alchemy, Arcana, and Clockwork how they all work together into various works, contraptions and pieces. These pieces tend to work in conjunction to be more powerful, precise, quick, or overall deadly.
  • Disciple of Hook and Chain: Coby was a disciple of a master assassin and learned the art of stealth, subterfuge and misdirection and general proficiency in an assassination arsenal from them.
  • Into the Woods: A life that was spent largely in the West Wildlands meant needing to be able to have skills that could survive in it. That meant basic wilderness survival skills such as hunting, foraging, navigating, and setting up a shelter. However, in so much time, Coby has learned to track in rural and wild areas and have a cursory knowledge of flora and fauna.
  • Called Shots: When you are trained from the best and have been at the game for a bit, you learn to go for the weakspots and do the most damage. Coby is proficient in being a disabler when not aiming for the kill-shot.
  • Magically Muted: Coby has no real significant powers with magic, at least, not in the traditional sense. No healing words. No grand illusions. No fireballs or lightning bolts. If they start showing any sort of magical gift, it is likely of an innate, and one that they are not working any grand spells with.
  • Of Few Words: Ever since being visited by The Word Bearer, the words Coby has spoken themself have been exceptionally few and far between.
  • Some Call It Madness: Coby's inventions are typically advancements before their time. They cannot just be picked up around the corner. They have to be made, painstakingly by Coby one-by-one and it takes time. If it breaks, they have to go through the process of making it again. If they want to make something new, it is a process of trial and error and some things are… unstable.
  • Of No Account: Coby is a person whose presence in in the world is quite minimalistic. Of their family, there were no survivors… No one really knows their real identity. They can count on their hand the number of people who know their face, their full name, and their gender as they are relatively androgynous and go through the world relatively little ripples… And when you do, you have no one to fall back on, no one to ask favors of, no one who supports you, cares for you, stands by you… No one.
  • Middle-Weight: Coby can take a few hits, but by no means are they a tank. They are not meant to be in the front lines slugging it out and will feel the effects of each and every hit.
  • Clockwork Courier: A mechanical bird with the appearance of a owl that has arcane etchings into its every piece to bring about its functioning. At its most base, it its designed to deliver things in some manner or another, either delivering a destructive present from above or a written letter over a distance. From there, it returns to Coby.
  • The Gibbering: The blade upon Coby's back is most typically sheathed upon most every situation. Etched upon it are a number of minute, painstakingly careful arcana sigils with room for more along its length. Low muttering begins every time it comes out and ends every time it returns to its sheath. If there are an effects upon the blade from these sigils being present, it's not apparent.
  • Shortsword: A shortsword, made of metal chemically treated to be darkened so that it does not reflect off light as much.
  • Buckskin Leather: Soft leather armor and cloak that is neither restricting or hard. It offers slight protection from harm but more from the elements.
  • Beastly Visor: Coby's Visor is a full helmet that covers their whole face and leaves but a small room to pass food and drink up through. It offers slight protection and has an arcane sigil painted in blood upon it that seems to, for no other reason, keep it in place except for when they wish to take it off, even when others attempt.
  • Personal Journal: Coby's journal, plain and simple. They have charcoal to write with.
  • Wrist-Mounted Bow: A small bow that is collapsible and folds into a gauntlet in Coby's wrist that houses the bolts that Coby currently has prepared.
  • Bow Gauntlet: This gauntlet houses the mounted bow on the top segment and has three chambers of 3 different bolt types in stacks up to 6 that are fed by spring to the top of their chamber to be loaded.
    • Sleeping Toxin Bolts: A potent toxin that is capable one to sleep.
    • Envenomed Bolts: A concoction discovered that sears the contacted flesh and causes an entropy of strength as time wears on.
    • Sparkflash Bolts: A mixture that upon impact will splash together and their volatile nature will explode and let off a bright flash.
  • Rope Dart: A throwing knife attached to a rope that can be thrown into pierceable materials or enemies and used as an anchor.
  • Bandolier of Wonders On this mysterious bandolier are a number of fun things including throwing knives, flashing bombs, smoke bombs, and cherry bombs.
  • Thieves' Tools: An expansive set of tools for picking locks and disarming traps.
Also accepted, You always write super creative characters and I'm far from disappointed. Looking forward to watching this character develop.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nuit [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][pronounced Nue-we][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Mon regard te secoue-t-il?"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][translation: "Does my gaze shake you?"][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]All though his age may have been surprising to some, he walked with the presence and skill of someone highly trained and experience. An aura of death seemed to dance like a blessing around him, shielding him in a cloak of shadows. They saw his gaze through the mask could paralyze a man with fear. Though it was probably his height that gave him his presence, at 5'8", lean and toned. He chose an unusual layers of cloth to wear. One included a hide cape with feathers pinned to it and his unusual mask that made him look like a bird. He was more inclined into wearing leather gloves over his hands and keeping his blades hidden underneath his cape. Weighs approximately 130 pounds. Through his mask it's noted he has grayish blue irises.[/BCOLOR]


"Face" claim. Probably the way he would come to Lysander's party and maybe when not off killing people. Just you know, not covered in blood. I figured the clothes is something he wears underneath his heavy coat.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 25[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Easy to Miss [Stealth]; If you ever question whether a man dressed like a bird assassin could be easily missed, well the simple answer is no. Any normal person could not wear bird get up and get by people. But Nuit. Nuit can. It's in the way he moves. It's in the way he uses the light and shadows to aid him. To guide him as his friends. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Dual Wielding Proficiency; Nuit carries three crooked blades with him at all times. Two of them are sheathed at his side kept out of the sight of those around him. While the other is hidden by a dark magic. His gift is in his ambidextrousness.Neither preferring one hand over the other. But using them together as a cohesive unit. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Quick Adaptable Movement; Laughable as it might seem, he can get around quite well. He's quite acrobatic in battle and getting around in his environment. Even with his cape, it seems to actually be taken into factor with his combat. In which he might shield himself with his cape, to sweep under the enemy, using the fabric as a distraction to catch their eye. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magic Blade- Lame maudite crochue [Cursed Crooked Blade][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hidden with his left hand is the Cursed Crooked Blade. A magical blade he tries often to avoid using, due to its drawbacks. The blade can only be summoned through his left hand and by his own magic of what little he has.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The blade itself is quite dull, not being unnecessary special, but has one useful feat;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Buveur de sang [Blood Drinker]; Each consecutive hit that strikes an opponent, allows the Cursed Crooked Blade to cause the opponent to bleed deeper. The Cursed Crooked Blade itself draws the enemies blood towards it, and effectively makes each consecutive hit to the same enemy stronger. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Weakened Left Arm Grip; Due to the poisoning of his cursed blade, the poison acts as a sort of magical arthritis that hurts his left arm joints. Sometimes crippling his ability for an effective sword grip. While it doesn't necessarily mean he cannot hold a sword, doing so can be painful given the state of his arm. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Blood Drinker's Limit; Is a single target ability of the blade and will effectively reset when striking the next target. Turning a strengthened hit, back to normal non magical damage. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Cursed; As it may or may have not been clear, Nuit is cursed by his blade. The curse acts as a poisoning and began in his left arm. When his left glove is taken off, most will noticed the blackened fingertips, that extend into black veining running up his arm. Currently extended to his elbow. If he continues the use of the cursed blade, the poison will slowly crawl through his arm, into his lungs first, and then his heart, effectively killing him in 5 years.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Unusual Speech Pattern; makes it hard for people to understand him. He has a habit of speaking the common language backwards. Because he's not very good at making up his own languages, he got use to speaking the common tongue backwards as his "secret assassin language". He also gets common metaphors and phrases mixed up. I.e. "the pen is mightier than the sword" might become "the swords might is like a pen". [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Morsure ravagée du vautour [Vulture's Ravaged Bite]- The crooked blade often used in his right hand. Coated with a poisonous oil that last for a few fights. An ordinary blade without anything special about it, except for perhaps its appearance. [see his appearance to see all of the appearances of his blades][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]La chanson déformée de Robin [Robin's Warped Song]- The crooked blade often used in his left hand. Coated with the same poison as his right hand. Also just a common blade without any features besides the poison oil he coats his swords with. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nightshade Oil; on his belt he carries a few vials of nightshade oil. Often a small bottle coats the two daggers and since he's no alchemist he often has to go seeking out others expertise for his oil. Though he doesn't mind talking to people in exchange of goods and services.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Grappling Hook; tied to his side belt around his coat, and hidden underneath his cloak of feathers is a grappling hook. Which he uses to get around when he's on high places. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Throwing Knives; Hidden in a holster in his boots.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Various Vials of Poison in his side pouch; clear poisons he slips into his client's drinks or food when he is asked not to draw a blade by those who hire him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Logbook; whether or not this seems like a good way to get caught, he has a small, leather bound logbook, of anonymous clients, with no named kills, how much he was paid, and how much he has spent. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Quill; to write in his log book. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Trail rations; things like dried fruit, and some kind of stale jerky he has. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Histoire: [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Waiting for GMs approval of what I want to do versus what might be allowed.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Trouvez le Nuit Corbeau[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][Find the Night Crow][/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Letter to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]How hard is it to find a man dressed in a damn bird getup? I want him found. I want him hung at the gallows by the morning.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Night Watch to the Captain of the Guard;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The witness account was very vague. We didn't get height. No unusual smells. And the witness only says they caught the shadow of a bird. Not a man dressed like a bird.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Captain of the Guard to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh I am sorry, did a fucking bird get into the Count's Window that night then? Are you so incompetent that you actually think a goddamn bird walks into the window and takes out a blade taking a man's life?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Night Watch to the Captain of the Guard;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well no sir, but we haven't any leads. No one's seen 'im other than the witness and they only caught a glimpse of the individual's shadow. We do have a sketch if that prove any useful.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Response from the Captain of the Guard to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well send it through. Clearly you can discern some fucking clues yourself based on a sketch, can't you?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sketch Mailed to the Captain of the Guard[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Captain of the Guard to the Night Watch;[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]I should have the lot of you fired. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]

We got a solid foundation here. A bit rough around the edges, so lets get this bad boy smoothed out and see what you can do.

First thing is to up the Ante on the drawbacks of your cursed blade. Make there be some immediate side effects after using it. Such as a pain in the left arm, or maybe it just goes numb as the poison works and spreads just a bit more. Both of it's drawbacks are rather passive and I want to see something that'll put him in an immediate disadvantage so he'll be more cautious about using it. The actual abilities of the Blade I have no problems with. It's balanced out very nicely. Don't think i won't be taking advantage of its weaknesses

The 2nd thing is the poisoned blades and the poison in of itself. It's just a little too overpowered at this point. You don't really go into detail about what your poison does, so I have to assume that it just kills people when the blades make contact and cuts the skin. Which is just too much. Even our most combat heavy characters have to at least get in a fatal blow. So either go into detail about what this poison does (and make sure its not OP), limit the amount of times it can be used (once per battle) and make it clear how many vials of the stuff he has so it can be kept track. Or come up with something new altogether.

The 3rd thing is the Grappling hook. lol lets just wait before we can get cool fancy toys. One of your character's strengths is moving around quickly through environments, having a grappling hook in addition to that at this current stage is too much for me.

the 4th thing is actually one of your weaknesses, the language backwards thing mainly because it'll be hard to interact with NPCs plus I feel it'll discourage other players from wanting to interact with you. Which I don't want. Characters like the one Aenimus put up also have trouble with language, but the difference is that they say few words, instead of saying words that others will find difficult to understand.

Fix these four things and I can approve your character.

Alright for everyone else, a few announcements. First off, I'll be putting a new Cast List Tab in either tonight or tomorrow if I'm lazy. I'll also be tinkering with the OOC to try and get rid of anymore typos I have and see if I can fix the formatting. This is going to result in a lot of trial and error and the OOC post looking incredibly wonky. So don't panic if its like that. It's just me working out the Kinks.

That also reminds me. I want everyone, evening the players that I've accepted, to look over and fix any grammatical errors or typos. These CS's will be linked in the Cast list tab for everyone to see. so don't show people Sloppy writing. This is including myself in this as well
First thing is to up the Ante on the drawbacks of your cursed blade. Make there be some immediate side effects after using it. Such as a pain in the left arm, or maybe it just goes numb as the poison works and spreads just a bit more. Both of it's drawbacks are rather passive and I want to see something that'll put him in an immediate disadvantage so he'll be more cautious about using it. The actual abilities of the Blade I have no problems with. It's balanced out very nicely. Don't think i won't be taking advantage of its weaknesses

The 2nd thing is the poisoned blades and the poison in of itself. It's just a little too overpowered at this point. You don't really go into detail about what your poison does, so I have to assume that it just kills people when the blades make contact and cuts the skin. Which is just too much. Even our most combat heavy characters have to at least get in a fatal blow. So either go into detail about what this poison does (and make sure its not OP), limit the amount of times it can be used (once per battle) and make it clear how many vials of the stuff he has so it can be kept track. Or come up with something new altogether.

The 3rd thing is the Grappling hook. lol lets just wait before we can get cool fancy toys. One of your character's strengths is moving around quickly through environments, having a grappling hook in addition to that at this current stage is too much for me.

the 4th thing is actually one of your weaknesses, the language backwards thing mainly because it'll be hard to interact with NPCs plus I feel it'll discourage other players from wanting to interact with you. Which I don't want. Characters like the one Aenimus put up also have trouble with language, but the difference is that they say few words, instead of saying words that others will find difficult to understand.

Fix these four things and I can approve your character.
Oh I had assumed by the writing language I used, when the blade is summoned the arm goes a bit tingly as the poison spreads. And after use the arm is in pain. I also assumed by the language I used the arm is almost in some form of throbbing ache, when he hits his blade on an enemy blade or through tough enough strikes. But I can fix that up.

2nd; I can fix that. Honestly I wanted more like a poison that doesn't outright kill an enemy, but numbs the area stricken with a wound. So the enemy cannot feel the initial wound when stricken.

3; Yeah I thought so, but I was honestly struggling with what else I could give him at that moment so I panicked, lol

4; yeah that also was a throwaway because I got stuck, ahahahaha

I'll fix those things and hopefully my response provided some clarification of where I was going with his arm.


If you ever had carpal tunnel or tendinitis. Both which I have had. There a days when my wrist is still in a lot of throbbing pain the whole entire day. It's actually very annoying. Actually I'll throw out the language weakness and think about something else.
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Alright Clyde, looking forward to reading the update.

Yes! I'm still hoping I haven't taken to long to get a CS up yet, because all these characters look so interesting so far.
Totally forgot about you when I was reviewing CS's. Go for it. I need some more players. Right now I'm looking for 8-10 that way when we get into the nitty gritty the possible drop out of players won't cripple the RP.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Dovahkiin
Alright Clyde, looking forward to reading the update.

And what about the history? You never actually gave me a yes or no on the idea. While I rewrite some language.
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