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Selling out to the man
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Sci-fi
  • [stabs=bcenter|600x800]{slide=A Brief Meeting}"I didn't think you would have actually showed up"

    "I don't like missing opportunities to meet up with old friends"

    "Funny, I didn't ever recall you thinking of me as your friend"

    "In the traditional sense, no. But you and the others are probably the closest friends I've got."

    "And none of us really like each other, do we?"

    "Not if you are planning on killing two of them. No I wouldn't say so."

    "Where did you hear about that!?"

    "Did you think I wouldn't know? Or that any of us wouldn't find out quickly? What with your loud and prideful mouth. I ran into Tonken a few months back and he told me what you had in store for Jacque and Boris."

    "Are you going to try and stop me, Viktor?"

    "No, those two are hardly worth me getting involved. Though I disapprove. I don't want to see my former comrades kill each other."

    "Comrades? Those two are no comrades of mine. Both are traitors to everything we believed in! And don't tell me you have moral qualms about Boris dying?"

    "Hardly, Boris is a repugnant and greedy man. Always was. But he is also powerful. Even Franco and Papyro are wary of him. If you go off on your little purge, you'll do nothing but make a big mess of things. You'll draw attention back to us again. After decades of relative peace."

    "Our peace has been wandering through cities in disguises like beggars! That kind of peace is worth shattering for those two wretches. Jacque's betrayal is even more heinous than Boris's.

    "But it is not worth killing him over"

    "Don't tell me that you-

    "Mind your tongue! I was just as angry as everyone else when I heard what he had done. He did betray our principles I will never deny that. But we have disbanded and Jacque's decision has hurt no one. My life has not been affected by Jacque, and neither has yours. You should leave him be."

    "There are some things worth defending that don't affect your life. I feel none of us learned that lesson when we were young. Those two have wound up putting their services to those we sought to eliminate. They do not deserve to call themselves Wandering Warlords."


    "Nothing left to say Viktor?"

    "Just one thing. Don't go after Karen"

    "Why? I have no reason to-

    "Don't lie to me! It's no secret she's been healing the sick over here in the Eastern Vulgo, including a Prince's son recently. I know that would be enough for you to think about targeting her too."

    "I wasn't going to. But if I did, would you try to stop me?"

    "I would kill you. Assuming Boris or Jacque hadn't already."

    "Hahaha, that's a good one. You think either of them can kill me?!"

    "Jacque? No probably not. He'll give you a bit of trouble. But he would go down eventually. Boris though: Boris I could see mutilating you while showing off that wicked grin of his. Don't underestimate him, it's bad for your health."

    "I can see your point in that regards I suppose. Which is why I'm going after Jacque first. If I die against Boris at least I'll have put one of the bastards into their grave."

    "This is foolish and unnecessary. Which road will you take when going through the Wild Lands? The lower one I presume?"

    "Aye, I took the middle one last time I was going through. I was getting tired of the Goblin tribes by the end of it. They seem more desperate than usual."

    "I hear the lower one is getting bad too. Those massive trade caravans have been getting attacked and massacred. So be careful."

    "Thanks for the advice. I have to stop by Segell City anyhow to pick up a...trinket."

    "Trinket?.... oh no you don't mean-

    "Yup the Ruby ones"

    "Damn it, this foolish escapade of yours is not worth bringing those weapons along for the ride!

    "Viktor! Listen to me. Over three decades years ago twelve of us came together and we swore an oath that we are all bound to keep til the day we are laid to rest. All of us wanted to make a new world and eliminate this miserable old one. We may have disbanded but we still hold onto our oath. And those two have been spitting on our dream for far too long. Do you remember the oath Viktor?

    "Of course I do."

    "Say it with me right now Viktor. Just to make you remember why those two must die."

    "This is silly..."

    "We be the twelve, bloody though we are"
    "Shall never be shackled by bloody chains"
    "And shall strive to break those chains"
    "Off our fellow man"
    "The day of the Crown is near its end"
    "To all Kings and those styled after Kings"
    "We will slaughter you and your kin"
    "And free our fellow man."
  • The Tale Before the Tale, Part one: The War of Kaldra

    This world, simply known as "The Continent" had been a land of peace and order since the beginning of recorded history. When the minor races: Orcs, Humans and Elves rose against the Demons and banished them to another realm and created their own kingdoms and cities. Though there had always been border skirmishes between the three races, no major wars had broken out between themselves within the last 4,000 years of history. But in the present day, the Continent is now a shell of its former self, experiencing horrifying events of cataclysmic proportions within a small historical span of the last five decades.

    50 years ago the Royal family of the sole Orcish Kingdom, Baldric, was wiped out by a Necromancer by the name of Kaldra, who assumed control of the Kingdom and its armies shortly after. Kaldra was deranged, paranoid and highly xenophobic. Believing Orcs to be the superior race and that mankind was only worthy of being slaves and with Elves having no worth at all. Seeing the latter as a growing threat and a "pestilence" that needed to be stopped. Kaldra then begun her invasion. Stretching her Kingdom from both sides of the Continent with the brutal tactics of the Orc army and of course her trump card that made the Necromancer seem untouchable: the aptly named Staff of Kaldra. A mysterious artifact that could summon an infinite army of undead.

    However, the other Kingdoms of the world refused to unite under one banner and attack the Necromancer's armies. Thousands of years of isolationism and a stubborn sense of superiority made Kings and City-state leaders highly distrust one another. An alliance was simply out of the question. Even as it became clear that the Elves were quickly becoming the victims of ethnic cleansing, the Human Kingdoms and City-States refused to assist them. Only the young King Lysander of Gyrus begged the leaders of the World to help the Elves and was planning a campaign to do so himself. Until the region of Ragabash, formerly under the Gyrus royal throne, rebelled and openly aligned themselves with Kaldra amidst claims of horrific abuse and oppression by Gyrus. Lysander was forced to cancel his campaign to save the Elves and marched his armies into Ragabash. Fighting a two year war until Lysander recognized Ragabashes independence, for Kaldra was coming to his capital now to conquer it and Lysander needed to rush his forces back home.

    For Kaldra had won against the elves. They were no more and their once great cities and towns were reduced to smoldering ruins amidst unburied corpses.

    Lysander's forces were tired and worn out from their fighting in Ragabash. But Lysander knew that if they fled behind the walls of the Capital, they would only be starved out. He decided to make one final desperate attempt to attack Kaldra's forces with the plan of slaying Kaldra himself. Lysander led his army of 6,000 men against the infinite hordes of undead and the Orcish army of Baldric and against all odds smashed the staff and slew Kaldra single handily. The Undead withered into dust and the now leaderless Orcs descended into chaos as they were pursued back to their homeland and their once great capital sacked and burned to the ground. Lysander claimed all of Baldric's fertile land for his own Kingdom, destroyed the towns and infrastructure of Baldric and separated the remaining Orcs into weak, fragmented tribes. Who with no good land to farm have been reduced to hunting and gathering the paltry food they can in their reduced homeland of stone and ash.

    To further isolate and punish the Orcs for their "crimes against nature" Lysander issued a proclamation to the remaining Human Kingdoms and City-States, one that even the newly independent Ragabash was forced to follow amidst international pressure. Called "The Elven Retribution" The proclamation states that no Orc is to leave Baldric and any orc caught outside their homeland would be executed immediately. Mankind had effectively succeeded where Kaldra failed. It took the world entirely for itself.

    To this day, 50 years later the Proclamation is still in effect with absolutely no sign of waning. Two generations of men and women have been raised to think of Orcs has foul disgusting creatures whose barbaric and cruel nature resulted in the complete Genocide of the Elves. The Orc population in Baldric has been rapidly in decline within the last five decades due to the meager food that can be found in their barren homeland and the poor nutrition it provides. It has been publicly estimated by scholars that if their situation doesn't improve by another century, they will become extinct as well. Though the public has expressed little care or outright glee in response to these reports.

    The Former Elven Kingdoms, have now become wretched, cursed places that reek of only death and slaughter with the skeletal and charred corpses remaining as Kaldra left them. Now known as The Eastern and Western Wild Lands respectively. These lands are highly dangerous but are almost necessary to travel through due to their geographical locations. The wilderness has taken over the burnt out villages and Goblins have moved into caves and holes they've dug into the ground. Small armies of Goblin tribes now descend upon unprepared travelers and Trade caravans that pass through are small armies of their own. Armed to the teeth with mercenaries to protect their precious cargo from Goblins and all other truly foul things that have taken the Wild Lands as their home. Of course that is not to say of the unnamed horrors that lurk far below. Where none should ever dare go.
  • The Tale before the Tale, Part Two: The 12 Wandering Warlords

    One would think that what would come after Kaldra's war would be peace and rebuilding. But sadly that only lasted for a time. For twenty years later a new, rogue threat emerged. A band of warriors who called themselves "The Twelve Wandering Warlords" began a rampage throughout the Western Vulgo, targeting the Kings and Leaders of the City-States and murdering them, their families and their entourage of bodyguards, often numbering well over a hundred men. Led by their leader, Abimelech "the 1st Wandering Warlord, Master of Pain" they issued an ultimatum to the entire Continent as they spread their carnage over the entire land: The removal of all Kings and their Kingdoms as they saw all Monarchs, good or ill as tyrants that needed to be stopped. Most thought their philosophy insane and deemed them as nothing more than madmen. However this underestimation was soon proved foolish as Lysander brought an army of 1500 men to face the 12 Warlords when they began attacking his territory. Lysander's forces were completely crushed and he was forced to retreat. It was now that the world began to understand the power of these 12, whom seemed to have the power of Gods.

    Lysander soon recovered from his humiliating defeat and undaunted, raised an army of 5000 to challenge the 12 again. This time ending in a draw for the opposing forces. The third and final battle between the two sides would prove to be disastrous. Lysander raised an army of 10,000 men. A size not seen since the days of Kaldra and challenged the Warlords to one final battle.

    Both sides fought for hours, with no end in sight. Until Kubla The 9th Wandering Warlord began to lose control of his own powers. Whom many deemed strange and "demonic" hence his alias "Master of Abominations" and his own body summoned up something truly terrifying that seemed almost beyond comprehension.

    It was a being of terrifying proportions, larger than any city and with an outstretched hand could touch the clouds. It spoke in a rattling, dead voice in a language that no one could understand. It seemed to be a language of made up gibberish and insanity. With the cold fire in its eye sockets it destroyed half of Lysander's army in an instance and made active attempts to crush the Warlords.

    The two sides for a brief moment joined forces and manage to send the malignant deity away after a long struggle. An everlasting seal was placed on the unconscious Kubla, severely weakening his powers but also assuring that he could never summon that being ever again. Scholars who study Demon society would later call this being "The Lord of the Apocalypse" but strangely enough could find no connections to this "Lord" and the Demon realm. For no Demon who was willing to communicate to these scholars ever recognized or recalled something like that in their own world. And when the upper Demon hierarchy got wind of the incident, even they were unsettled. No one has ever been able to figure out what the deity was or where it came from and more importantly, where it is now.

    After the battle, the Warlords, realizing that their actions resulted in almost causing the end of the world. Disbanded and scattered across the globe. Wandering in disguises, and constantly moving.
  • The Current Tale: Your Story

    It has been 50 years since the War of Kaldra and 30 years since the Warlords went their separate ways. But the world is still in chaos and it always seems that disaster can strike at any moment. While there has been peace in Gyrus since the disbanding of the Warlords. It seems some mysterious conflict may erupt again. For the land of Ragabash, a land of small miserable City-States constantly at war with each one may find themselves united under a military Dictator simply known as Khramer. Who through charisma, bribery and threats is slowly bringing the rest of Ragabash under his stern fist to realize his dream, a strong centralized country that can expand outward.

    Further more, the Kingdom of Gyrus relies on trade Caravans from the Eastern Vulgo to supply them with the latest steel weapons for their army. However these Caravans have never made it to Gyrus within the last 6 months, always "disappearing" when entering the Eastern Wild Lands. The now elderly King Lysander has decreed that a small group should investigate the cause of the disappearance, with the expedition led by the skilled knight, Sir Benedict, who has recruited a small party of notable skill to aid him in his investigation into the Eastern Wild Lands. The party currently finds themselves in a banquet hosted by Lysander who intends to use the occasion to not only see the group off but publicly announce his plan of action to the most influential nobles in his realm.

  • [fieldbox="PART ONE, gold, solid"]
    As standard, follow all rules and policies of Iwaku. I don't really want my players getting banned over easily avoidable things.
    Please follow standard RP etiquette. Do not use Meta-game knowledge, have Godmode powers, use other players characters without working with that player, etc. Use common sense and if mistakes are made allow me to correct you and ultimately help in making the rp experience here a positive one for everyone.
    I really want players to settle and develop one character. So only one CS per player.
    As GM and as the only GM, my say on anything is the final say. If you wish to come to me about an idea or question for a character feel free to. But my verdicts on anything regarding this RP is the be all, end all.
    Since RP's are a creative collaborative effort, I understand that there can be frustrating aspects of an RP, such as things not going your way or just general disagreements between players. And while I am certainly sympathetic to such feelings. I wish to remind you that this is a internet Roleplaying forum, so there is no reason to actually get angry. So lets all take a chill pill and work through any minor frustrations that might come along.
    I ask for legible spelling and grammar, nobody is perfect. Including myself. But I expect to be able to understand what it is you're writing.
    Keeping in theme with the rule above, I also ask for at least a Paragraph or two. Under most circumstances, players should be able to write a significant amount down.
    Once the RP gets rolling, I'm going to see if we can jumpstart it and go for one post per week. Things might slow down later on, but as for now this is the posting speed I'm aiming for.
    With that in mind, if something is going on that prevents you from posting. Let me Know either here in the OOC or just a pm.
    This is an RP with dark and mature themes so a content warning tag will be placed in the RP. While sexual themes are allowed at this moment I will ask for a fade to black if something truly explicit is about to happen, such as a sex scene between two player characters, etc. This RP has a tag of 16+ due to sexual imagery being present but not explicit. As such, any sexual imagery that I deem to be vivid will be hidden in a spoiler tag. This RP will not be a constant grim-dark violence simulator but there will be sudden bursts of graphic violence at points. If violent and sexual themes in an RP make you uncomfortable then you should not make a CS here.
    Failure to follow the rules of the RP and Iwaku can result in me having to kick you out and possibly reporting you to the Mods. I hope I'll never have to do that.[/fieldbox]

    [fieldbox="PART TWO, gold, solid"]
    Since I've always advocated that Post-by-post RP's are vastly different from a table-top game, I try to make my CS templates as simple as possible. Most of the stuff you see below should be self-explanatory. The only thing that needs some minor explaining is Strengths/Weaknesses.

    Basically for each of your abilities, whether they be stuff like being good with a weapon, or casting a certain type of magic, a social skill, etc goes in the Strengths. You must also have character weaknesses to balance out your player and prevent them from becoming god-mode. In which case I'll have to decline the CS until changes are made. I don't wish to limit you by automatically telling you what you can and can't do. Just use common sense and if I see any issues we can work through it. Right now I'm asking for the minimum of four strengths and four weaknesses.

    Oh and throughout the RP. Your characters will get stronger and there will be times when you can be given the option of a new strength dependent on your character (which may also come with its own weakness) or a possibility of removing a weakness altogether. So if you stick to it and invest, you'll see your character getting more and more powerful over the course of the RP.






  • Dislcaimer: I'd like to be the first one to apologize for the looks of the maps as its pretty obvious I did this in MS paint. Truth be told this whole project of mine started years ago when I got bored and drew a map, then added more things to it and made it more complicated. It took me about six months of constant tinkering with it to get a rough draft and I came back to about a year later to make some changes. I designed the RP around this map that I was really excited about and am still proud of despite the crudeness of it.

    Over the past couple of years I've tried to replicate it with a few other Map-making programs. Most notably AutoRealm but the program itself is complicated and was too difficult for me to recreate what you see below. Plus I'm fairly certain AutoRealm no longer works on modern operating systems anymore. Combine this with the fact that I'm too stubborn to create a whole new world again using a more legitimate map-making program and you get the results below.

    The Continent [spoili]

    The truth behind the origins of the Continent have been almost completely lost, even by the Demons. And no God-like entities have stepped forward to take credit for the creation of the Continent. Though that hasn't stopped Humans from worshiping Demons throughout hundreds of cults that exist, with some even claiming that their masters they kowtow to were the ones who created the known world. Though actual, respected scholars balk at such nonsense. The earliest records of history began just before the rise of the "Minor races" the Elves, Orcs and Humans witnessed the end of the War between Demons and Dragons, the "Major races", that according to myth and legends lasted for tens of thousands of years, ending with the Dragons being completely wiped out and brought to extinction. Soon after, the trio of the minor races organized and fielded armies to challenge the Demons and banished them from the Continent and forced them into another world altogether, separated by a barrier that keeps the majority of Demons from breaking back through to their former homeland.

    Since then, the Continent enjoyed over 4000 years of peace between the three races and their respective Kingdoms and City-States. It has only been recently with the Wars of Kaldra that the peace was smashed and harmony destroyed with no way to bring things back to the way they used to be. The Humans find themselves dominating the Continent, and also utterly alone.[/spoili]

    Gyrus [spoili]
    Governed by the legendary, but elderly, King Lysander. The Kingdom of Gyrus geography is comprised mostly of flat plains with the occasional swamp, making wheat it's preferred crop. Gyrus through the chaos of the last five decades has become a truly dominant power in the Continent. This is mostly due to Lysander's acquisition of all Orcish farmlands after the war of Kaldra, tripling grain production within the Kingdom. As such all the villages enjoy higher standards of living than most- higher standards for a peasant that is. The majority of the Citizens are little more than serfs bound to the land they were born in and whose lives belong to the various nobles who govern the Kingdom. Though each village is still accommodating for travelers, with inns and poor merchants littering each village for weary adventurers with pockets filled with gold.

    Its military is well maintained and organized. Arguably having one of the best trained armies on the Continent. It's Capital, Voima is well defended and could easily be described as a besieger's nightmare. Divided into seven levels, each level with its own wall for defensive purposes. The King, his immediate family and servants reside on the highest level. With the 6th level being where Nobles and other government officials live. The other five levels are where the rest of the City's populace dwell. With the wealthiest living on the 5th level and the urban poor living on the very first level. [/spoili]

    The Eastern Wild Lands[spoili]

    The former lands of three Elvish Kingdoms. The Eastern Wild Lands is now a dangerous and dreadful place. It's terrain is a combination of hills and thick forests. Making traversing beyond the crumbling roads treacherous and highly stupid. For the various Goblin tribes have settled into the Eastern Wild lands and live behind the protection of the woods or in Caves. Though Goblins aren't the only things that dwell in the Eastern Wild Lands, various other "Beast Tribes" such as Minotaurs have been reported to live in the Wild lands though are far rarer than the Goblins. Roving gangs of desperate Bandits also inhabit the Wild Lands seeking to loot and plunder any trade caravan that they think they can take take.

    Though capturing these Caravans and their goods are easier said than done. Rich Merchants looking to sell their Wares to Either Gyrus or the Lands beyond it almost always have to traverse the Eastern Wild Lands and have resorted to hiring small armies of mercenaries to protect these Caravans from raids by Goblins, Bandits or any other threat presented to them. Anyone that needs to travel through the Eastern Wild Lands will almost always take the lower road as it is arguably the safest of the three. The middle road is firmly in the hands of the Goblin Tribes and the Northern road is a land that has become so corrupted since the end of Kaldra's war that not even the Goblin Tribes will go near it, and the few Travelers who take the Northern road are never heard from again. There are rumors of something "Unnatural" slowing gaining influence over the land. Tales of "disfigured creatures" wandering the Northern road have been popping up more frequently alongside reports of the otherwise fierce Goblin Tribes growing restless and afraid of this influence spreading into their own lands as well.

    It is advised to all those traveling through the Eastern (or Western) Wild Lands to completely avoid and pass by the towns on their travels. For anything of value was plundered by either Kaldra or the Goblins decades ago. All that remains are unburied corpses and the resulting smell of death along with any other filth and disease the towns might bring. It is not uncommon to find decades old Elvish corpses strewn on ditches adjacent to the road. It is considered taboo to touch them as many of the superstitious believe that the bodies are cursed and will damn anyone who places a hand on them.

    Finally, passing by the cities on your travels is to be done with caution. Rumors state of malignant entities that dwell in those Cities that scare away the majority of Goblins, with only the bravest daring to enter. Some have said that a few tribes that are arguably insane have taken residence in the cities. Engaging in unholy rituals and activities.[/spoili]


    A rough terrain that produces a hardy people; with its stone hills and rocky beaches Ragabash was once a vassal state of Gyrus for most of the region's recorded history. Each City having its own Prince that answered to the King of Gyrus. However, Ragabash with the last century had its citizens horrifically abused primarily under the rule of Lysander's Father, King Lidas III, who raised taxes in order to keep up with the extravagance of Gyrus Nobles, enacted the the impressment of young Ragabash boys into the military, violated rights of the Princes by circumventing their rule through threats. Then there was the most notorious affront: the imprisonment and resulting torture of any denizen of Ragabash who spoke out against the crown. Accounts of the torture often included burning of limbs, removal of eyes, mutilation of hands and feet, castration and of course, rape.

    Lysander was a young man of 20 when his father died and he inherited the throne and allegedly knew nothing of the abuses his Father had put into practice. By this time though, the Ragabash Princes had had enough. They declared themselves independent and revolted from Gyrus, openly aligning themselves with Kaldra in order to protect themselves from Lysander's expected wrath. The plan worked, Lysander brought his forces and fought a bloody two year war with the Princes. Ragabash was clearly out classed as Gyrus had the superior numbers and commanders. But Kaldra made sure to take advantage of Gyrus's vulnerability and began advancing on the Capital. Lysander was forced to recognize Ragabash as an independent sovereignty and rushed back home where he would make his famous last stand.

    With Kaldra eliminated, it was said that Lysander was considering retracting his agreement with Ragabash and would conquer it as payment for their treachery. However, the Princes had been making lucrative trade deals with the two Vulgos. Which turned out to be so profitable that the Merchant elite of the Eastern Vulgo privately told Lysander that there would be severe repercussions for Gyrus if he did anything "regrettable". Combined with a populace frustrated and scarred by all the war Lysander finally admitted defeat and gave up on taking back Ragabash.

    What would unfold later on is considered one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Continent, second only to the Genocide of the Elves. What started as a group of revolutionary Princes working together to solve the region's problems and bringing in wealth never before seen in Ragabash would soon devolve into greed, wars and betrayal that would suck all of the wealth from the country and leave it in its current status. Impoverished and in a chaotic state of constant petty warfare between each of the City-States.

    Though things seem to be changing in the past few years. Two years ago the royal family of the City-State, Ditador, was killed in a coup orchestrated by their top general; a man simply known as Khramer. Intelligent, charismatic and brutally effective, Khramer has been slowly expanding his iron grip influence over the rest of Ragabash. Currently resulting in Khramer controlling everything North of Ditador, giving him access to the Borders where trade caravans come a go, where he has placed tolls and taxes on incoming merchants. Resulting in an unprecedented amount of wealth that he is currently using to expand his realm until all of Ragabash is under his thumb.[/spoili]

    The Eastern Vulgo[spoili]

    One of the two Vulgos, The Eastern Vulgo is without a doubt the richest region in the Continent. With a number of City-States having access to Gold mines, Silver mines, and Iron mines just to name a few of its many riches. The Eastern Vulgo is also politically stable for the most part. Wars are fought, but it is treated as more of a private business matter between competing merchants and the public is rarely involved in such disputes other than the grumbling about the increase in prices. Each City has its own set of rules and government infrastructure. While many are ruled by Kings, others are ruled by an elite class of Merchants and Bankers. Either way, leaders are business oriented and their primary concerns are making a profit off of trade with each other and the rest of the Continent. This is the primary reason why large scale wars are a rarity; wars do not create wealth, they consume it. In the eyes of a Vulgo King, even the victor has lost.

    With that being said, it is unfortunate to note that a current war has just started but it has been isolated in the North East. With only four City-States affected by the current calamity: Rubino, Argento, Affari and Rame. The war being over succession claims that due to a series of deaths by the patriarchs of each royal family. The current heads of state have a claim over the other three Cities and are thus fighting over dominion of each other.

    The rest of the City States acted quickly and in unison. Embargoing the four Cities and blocking the roads to the respective countries in an attempt to stop the war from spreading. These attempts so far have been successful and business goes on as usual. With the other leaders of the Vulgo hoping that that this silly war will come to an end soon.[/spoili]


    Dunheim is a land where only the super rich or the super desperate go. A large landmass comprised of nothing but a desert wasteland. Due to the huge landmass of the entire Continent, as well as its neighboring Islands, naval technology is severely underdeveloped to the point that even having a armed navel fleet is unheard of for countries. Dunheim is the exception. The City-States of Dunheim exist on the fringes of civilization. For even calling these Cities "City States" is an exaggeration as they are simply chaotic pirate havens that border on anarchy in which order is kept by whoever is the strongest and richest pirate in town currently. And the hand changes frequently, either from the pirate going off to raid another ship or more likely, getting killed by a rival. These Cities are comprised of blood thirsty knaves and greedy, unscrupulous merchants who deal in Black market products such as Demonic artifacts and slaves. Slavery is banned everywhere else on the Continent, only in Dunheim is there a local market for slaves that are usually captured via a pirate raid against either a merchant ship or on the shores of the Eastern Vulgo if they're brazen enough.

    Though there is one City in Dunheim that is not a pirate infested whore house. It's name is Zla Krew, and rumors state that it is something else entirely. Something far worse. Those unlucky ships who wander too close to the city are quickly captured by mysterious patrols of masked men and are never seen again. No one gets out of Zla Krew.[/spoili]


    A Land of sharp jagged rocks and scorching heat. Baldric is also known as "The Black Land". It is the home of the remaining Orcs. With all their villages burnt to the ground and their once large Capital sacked and destroyed by Lysander they have subsequently been force to live as nomadic tribes who hunt and gather the meek food that can be found in their land. This is due to the lack of fertile soil in Baldric and their farm lands further south being claimed by Lysander after the war. It is a truly unremarkable, dull and horrid place.[/spoili]

    The Western Wild Lands[spoili]

    Technically, Demon worship is not Illegal throughout the Continent, with the exception of the theocratic Xabsiga. Throughout the Millenniums there have been a number of prominent people, from scholars, philosophers, influential merchants and even a small handful of Kings who have been prone to Demon worship, at least the more benign kind of worship and occult followings that don't advocate for bloodshed, sacrifices and sexual depravity. Still, demon worship is extremely taboo throughout the continent due to the populace generally associating it with aforementioned bloodshed, sacrifices and perversions. More than once throughout history have a group of people been accused of Demon worship by the masses and lynched by a mob, only for the authorities to either turn a blind eye or take part in it. Even in more tolerant city-states within the Vulgos it is still not safe for those who wish to serve the occult.

    The Western Wild Lands doesn't suffer to the extent its Eastern half does by virtue of it being less populated before the war of Kaldra. It is still a dangerous and unsettling land, with unburied corpses of decades long elvish corpses still strewn about, and the towns and cities give a look of unspoken atrocities that once dwelled within. However, this land isn't "cursed" like its Eastern counterpart is. Goblin tribes still roam their territories but they are far more docile and less numerous and there are no unsettling rumors to the extent that is prevalent in the Eastern Wild Lands. While far from civilized, this has led to small farming communities sprouting up in the southern and Northern parts of the Western Wild Lands. But what is far more prominent are the various communities of Demonic cults that have sprung up in the swamplands, located in between the northern and southern roads. Far away from any civilization that would harass them. While this means that people who just wish to worship certain deities can do so peacefully, it has also allowed the harmful kind to carry out their twisted practices free from restraint or suppression. Some have even gone out of their way to bring Demons into this world and as such it is possible to see various demons from non-sentient demonic animals wandering the land to powerful, chaotic entities. Whether or not they are friendly is never usually known and is best not to be tested.[/spoili]

    The Western Vulgo[spoili]

    Significantly poorer and less developed than its Eastern Counter part. The Western Vulgo is still a place of commerce and relative stability. Though it has been set back significantly due to it being the first major target of the 12 Wandering Warlords. Who were successful in completely uprooting the Governments of the various City-States and killing off the majority of the main royal families. Forcing the Cities to turn to unlikely members of the extended families and a multitude of Princes scheming to kill each other and take the thrones. What resulted was a decade of civil wars after the end of the Warlords rampage in which thousands were killed. However, peace was eventually made and the surviving Princes went to govern the various City-States. Resulting in the current status quo that has been prevalent for the last 20 years.

    But not all is well. Despite the appearance of stable functioning Governments there is still conflicts constantly shaking things up. The only difference is that instead of armies to do their dirty work. The current generation of Princes and Kings are now resorting to Assassins and hired thugs to kill their enemies behind closed doors and in dark alleyways. It is not odd to see a King reign for less than half a decade, only to be killed by a rival. In conclusion, The Western Vulgo is a dangerous place, full of back door dealings, sly manipulations and a system of quiet murder that has produced some of the best Assassins on the Continent.[/spoili]

    The Kingdoms of Xabsiga and Ardit[spoili]

    The Kingdom of Xabsiga is a fanatical theocracy to put it lightly. They worship their kings as descendants of Dragons, a species extinct long before recorded time. To speak out against the King is seen as speaking against a living, breathing God and therefore heresy. Which is punished by a swift execution. The Government demands that all its citizens, from the highest to the lowest follow their King's orders without question whether it be the building of a new irrigation system, plotting of new farmland or the construction of merchant ships. All without pay of course as working under the Dragon God is more than enough to justify the workloads. Xabsiga has a complex system of a bureaucratic hierarchy of priests who are responsible for all aspects of the Kingdom; from overseeing religious ceremonies to rewriting the tax code to managing the up-keeps of their armies. The Kingdom also has a secret police, the Draco Cauda, that in accordance with tradition is absolved of any "crimes" and is answerable only to the King and is otherwise completely independent. Responsible with primarily rooting out heresy in the Kingdom, members of the Draco Cauda are extremely diverse ranging from decorated knights, powerful mages, veteran soldiers and of course, assassins who lurk in the shadows.

    Once, Xabsiga controlled the entire Island without question and it wasn't until the War of Kaldra that fractures started to appear. Pitting their entire military might against Kaldra's wasn't an easy task and required massive tax hikes on the population to keep up with war costs. The Northern half of the Island began to resent the burden and when the King got word of it, sent out the Draco Cauda to "purge heresy". The results were disastrous, with peasant rebellions popping up all over the Northern half of the Island and the Draco Cauda struggling to put them down effectively. Within six months, sympathetic noble families, looking to take advantage of the chaos began organizing and funding a highly trained rebel army whose hatred of their former king was as fanatical as their initial worship. Led by minor noble turned rebel King, Bar Kokhba. They pillaged the south, looted towns, killed live stock and burned granaries filled with wheat. They pushed back the forces of Xabsiga and began a siege of the capital, Numinus. Only a last, desperate counter attack by the Draco Cauda resulted in a humiliating defeat of the Rebel Army and the death of Bar Kokhba. The rebels retreated behind the safety of their new borders, crowned Bar Kokhba's son as King and restyled themselves as the Kingdom of Ardit, named after an mythical Demonic dragon slayer from forgotten times to signify their full break with the "Dragon King".

    What followed was decades of border Skirmishes, hostile diplomatic relations and a build up of forces for another potentially devastating war. Ardit has the superior numbers but the Xabsiga has the elite and diverse skill of the Draco Cauda along with the populaces still fervent militant devotion to their King.[/spoili]
  •  [tab=Cast of Heroes][/tab][tab=Cast of Heroes][/tab]

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*posting interest in OOC* Still accepting one more perhaps?
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I'm not thinking I'll be able to have time for this anymore. I wasn't expecting it, but I suddenly got a crap ton of interest for a roleplay genre I was hoping for a day or so ago and sparks are flying. Homework is important too (got an essay outline due in two weeks, then essay after that), so I'll have to back down for now. Maybe I'll rejoin later if things settle down. c:

Name: Renvar Setn/Sten Revna
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Renvar wanted nothing more than to be like his father: a Draco Cauda. His father was a paragon of justice and discipline, piously serving as a hand of the Dragon God. It wasn't hard to get the attention the Draco Cauda with his family ties, but making himself useful was another matter. Renvar turned to studying medicine and anatomy, seeking to aid the Draco Cauda as a healer.

After several years of study, he got his chance and was inducted into the order as an Interrogator. Interrogation wasn't the position he sought, but he took to it without complaint, hoping to prove his worth to both his father and the Draco Cauda. He served the secret police for years, slowly coming to enjoy his position.

Two years ago, amid whispers of impending change, Renvar's father disappeared. It didn't take him long to deduce that because of his traditionalist views, the Draco Cauda had purged him to make sure he wouldn't oppose... something. Renvar, afraid the Draco Cauda would be after him next, fled the kingdom, stowing away on a ship to the Western Vulgo, then on to Gyrus. Not long after his arrival, news of the new Dragon God King Novatian came, answering many of his questions.

Going by the name of Sten Revna, he began plying his trade for local Gyrus nobles in exchange for protection from any retribution from Xabsiga or the Draco Cauda. He made a name enough for himself in the courts of Gryus to be selected by Sir Benedict for his mission. Lacking any reason to decline, Sten reluctantly agreed.

Interrogator: If anyone needs to be squeezed for information, Renvar is the person to turn to.
Healer: Renvar is familiar with many methods of healing, including medical, alchemical and magical. He is quite skilled at keeping people alive through traumatic injury.
Harmer: Renvar knows where he can strike to inflict the greatest amount of pain. His magic can amplify the pain he inflicts, turning light grazes and bruises into crippling pain causing all but the toughest and most iron-willed of opponents to double over in agony.
Insightful: Interrogation requires one to read the subject like a book. Renvar has picked up on that skill and can read subtle social and facial clues to anticipate what someone's thinking.

Conflicted: A life of serving the Dragon God, only to be betrayed by the Draco Cauda has left Renvar questioning his place in the world, and his exact loyalty to the Dragon God.
Sadist: Those who inflict pain eventually grow to enjoy it, and Renvar is no exception.
Not a fighter: Though not entirely defenseless, Renvar is not suited to combat. He lacks armor and possesses only basic knowledge of self-defense and swordplay.
Suspicious: While not outright paranoid, Renvar is aware that few people, if any, have successfully evaded the Draco Cauda. He is slow to place his trust in anyone, lest they turn him over to the Draco Cauda, or possibly are Draco Cauda.

Medicine pouch
Surgical blades
Sword and Dagger
Padded armor
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Sir Henry Udolf
Age: 28
Sex: Male
A distinguished knight within The Kingdom of Gyrus Sir Henry Udolf is the pride of the minor noble Udolf household. Said household has had a reputation for producing splendid knights despite not being one of the major noble houses within Gyrus. From the day Henry was old enough to hold a sword he was being trained in the ways of knighthood by his father, uncles and older brothers. He took to the craft quickly and with exceptional prestige.

From early childhood well into adulthood Henry Udolf lived and breathed the life of a Gyrus Knight; becoming officially knighted at the age of nineteen. For the next nine years Sir Henry Udolf faithfully serves in The Kingdom of Gyrus' exquisite military. Occasionally participating in annual tournaments to gain additional prestige and glory for himself and his household. Over time he would even grow to become a crowd favorite at some events. Though, a few knights have been known to challenge Sir Henry Udolf to duels of honor as some disbelieve that a minor noble could be acclaim so much. These duels have ended in the death of the challenging knights as Henry would show no mercy to those who challenge what he has truthfully accomplished.

When the words met Sir Henry's ears that Sir Benedict was recruiting members for a group to be set out on an important mission for the good of the kingdom he personally confronted Sir Benedict and volunteered to join up as surely in Sir Henry's mind that his talents will better serve in doing this that laying about the training grounds yelling at new recruits that they aren't holding their pole-arms or swords correctly.


Martial Prowess
The man is well trained and well practiced in the use of most common pieces weaponry wielded by humans as well as styles of combat used be each.
Exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others. Sir Henry holds himself up and presents himself with pride n valor like an ideal knight. His presence emits a feeling of righteous power and authority.
Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. Sir Henry has already faced numerous dangerous situations throughout his life as well as endured combat injuries. He is by no means a greenhorn who has yet to be bloodied.

Despite his combative upbringing Sir Henry has been educated on how to behave properly before royalty and other figures above or near his status in social settings and events. From how to speak down to the utensils.


Fear of Magic
Being an individual who has no magical talent nor interacts with such individuals, Sir Henry has a great fear of just about any form of magic being used near him as it is a thing he does not understand but fears it's power. The main portion of this fear however comes from The Tales of the 12 Wandering Warlords as to what they were capable of and what had occurred. He is a man who understands much about war and combat but a force of 12 fighting up against thousands and not losing makes Sir Henry fear the potential of anyone who wields magic.

When it comes to punishing wrong doers whether they have broken some form of moral code or any other crime Sir Henry's ways of going about the issues may be anything but civil. A thief's arm will be cleaved off on the spot by his own sword. A captured Kern cultist if not already killed on the spot will be flailed until he revokes his ways to name a few examples. Sir Henry even deals with the normally legal yet taboo cultists harshly as well. Just not anywhere near as bad as the prior or those who commit atrocities within them.
Having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.
No Sympathy
Doesn't feel pity or sorrow for others' misfortune.


- Two-Handed grip, double edged long-sword
(Well made & well maintained)

- Small "Mercy" Dagger
(Location: In a belt sheath hidden under his red over-cape on the front side of his armor)

- Steel Half-Plate Armor
(Well made & well maintained)

- Multi-pouch Belts

- Steel Heater Shield
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*posting interest in OOC* Still accepting one more perhaps?
Of course, no one has really put down anything yet. I guess right now I'm doing a first come first serve? (unless the CS in question is in need of some serious work) but if it gets to the point where I'm getting flooded with CS then I might have to sit down and pick and choose between people.

@Isla always good to let me know. Good luck on your future RPs. :)

EDIT: For Everyone: The formatting for the OOC post is incredibly sensitive. A slight change results in it getting all funky. As such, if you see it in such a state, know that I'm mostly likely already aware of it and will have it fixed in a few moments.

Another Edit: I've been tinkering with the OOC for an hour now with having to struggle with just getting the edits implemented. Right now, most of the glaring problems are gone but there are some hiccups with the NPC list in the Gyrus section. My apologies for it but it'll have to do until Iwaku stops with the insane slowdown thats going on right now. It's impossible for me to actually edit anything atm.
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Just getting my head into D&D with some friends i feel this to be a fitting place to return from my year long Hiatus of RPing as well since creativity has sparked from it's kindling. 8D

The kitten shall join!!!
If it is okay that is ^^;
Hey, letting you know I'm still interested. I'll work on a CS soon. (:
Just getting my head into D&D with some friends i feel this to be a fitting place to return from my year long Hiatus of RPing as well since creativity has sparked from it's kindling. 8D

The kitten shall join!!!
If it is okay that is ^^;
Sure go right on ahead! The OOC so far has been progressing at a slow and steady rate a CS's begin to come through. Put up something! :D

Hey, letting you know I'm still interested. I'll work on a CS soon. (:
Great to hear!


Name: Renvar Setn/Sten Revna
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Renvar wanted nothing more than to be like his father: a Draco Cauda. His father was a paragon of justice and discipline, piously serving as a hand of the Dragon God. It wasn't hard to get the attention the Draco Cauda with his family ties, but making himself useful was another matter. Renvar turned to studying medicine and anatomy, seeking to aid the Draco Cauda as a healer.

After several years of study, he got his chance and was inducted into the order as an Interrogator. Interrogation wasn't the position he sought, but he took to it without complaint, hoping to prove his worth to both his father and the Draco Cauda. He served the secret police for years, slowly coming to enjoy his position.

Two years ago, amid whispers of impending change, Renvar's father disappeared. It didn't take him long to deduce that because of his traditionalist views, the Draco Cauda had purged him to make sure he wouldn't oppose... something. Renvar, afraid the Draco Cauda would be after him next, fled the kingdom, stowing away on a ship to the Western Vulgo, then on to Gyrus. Not long after his arrival, news of the new Dragon God King Novatian came, answering many of his questions.

Going by the name of Sten Revna, he began plying his trade for local Gyrus nobles in exchange for protection from any retribution from Xabsiga or the Draco Cauda. He made a name enough for himself in the courts of Gryus to be selected by Sir Benedict for his mission. Lacking any reason to decline, Sten reluctantly agreed.

Interrogator: If anyone needs to be squeezed for information, Renvar is the person to turn to.
Healer: Renvar is familiar with many methods of healing, including medical, alchemical and magical. He is quite skilled at keeping people alive through traumatic injury.
Harmer: Renvar knows where he can strike to inflict the greatest amount of pain. His magic can amplify the pain he inflicts, causing all but the toughest and most iron-willed of opponents to double over in pain.

Conflicted: A life of serving the Dragon God, only to be betrayed by the Draco Cauda has left Renvar questioning his place in the world, and his exact loyalty to the Dragon God.
Sadist: Those who inflict pain eventually grow to enjoy it, and Renvar is no exception.
Not a fighter: Though not entirely defenseless, Renvar is not suited to combat. He lacks armor and possesses only basic knowledge of self-defense and swordplay.

Medicine pouch
Surgical blades
Sword and Dagger
Padded armor
Hey Grothnor, glad to see that you had some interests. The bio is solid. Having a former Draco Cauda member will be a nice addition to the group later onward. Also the Strengths and Weaknesses you currently have are good.

But you need one more. I ask for a minimum of four strengths/weaknesses. I noticed that your strength, Harmer refers to your magic. Maybe include what that magic is? Your choice but it was just a thought from me. Otherwise you're good. Just make those adjustments and I'll have no reason to deny your cs

Sir Henry Udolf
Age: 28
Sex: Male
A distinguished knight within The Kingdom of Gyrus Sir Henry Udolf is the pride of the minor noble Udolf household. Said household has had a reputation for producing splendid knights despite not being one of the major noble houses within Gyrus. From the day Henry was old enough to hold a sword he was being trained in the ways of knighthood by his father, uncles and older brothers. He took to the craft quickly and with exceptional prestige.

From early childhood well into adulthood Henry Udolf lived and breathed the life of a Gyrus Knight; becoming officially knighted at the age of nineteen. For the next nine years Sir Henry Udolf faithfully serves in The Kingdom of Gyrus' exquisite military. Occasionally participating in annual tournaments to gain additional prestige and glory for himself and his household. Over time he would even grow to become a crowd favorite at some events. Though, a few knights have been known to challenge Sir Henry Udolf to duels of honor as some disbelieve that a minor noble could be acclaim so much. These duels have ended in the death of the challenging knights as Henry would show no mercy to those who challenge what he has truthfully accomplished.

When the words met Sir Henry's ears that Sir Benedict was recruiting members for a group to be set out on an important mission for the good of the kingdom he personally confronted Sir Benedict and volunteered to join up as surely in Sir Henry's mind that his talents will better serve in doing this that laying about the training grounds yelling at new recruits that they aren't holding their pole-arms or swords correctly.


Martial Prowess
The man is well trained and well practiced in the use of most common pieces weaponry wielded by humans as well as styles of combat used be each.
Exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others. Sir Henry holds himself up and presents himself with pride n valor like an ideal knight. His presence emits a feeling of righteous power and authority.
Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. Sir Henry has already faced numerous dangerous situations throughout his life as well as endured combat injuries. He is by no means a greenhorn who has yet to be bloodied.

Despite his combative upbringing Sir Henry has been educated on how to behave properly before royalty and other figures above or near his status in social settings and events. From how to speak down to the utensils.


Demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed. He is usually very by the book and swiftly seeks to correct forms of lazy or indecent behaviors of others.

When it comes to punishing wrong doers whether they have broken some form of moral code or any other crime Sir Henry's ways of going about the issues may be anything but civil. A thief's arm will be cleaved off on the spot by his own sword. A captured demon cultist if not already killed on the spot will be flailed until he revokes his ways to name a few examples.
Having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.
No Sympathy
Doesn't feel pity or sorrow for others' misfortune.


- Two-Handed grip, double edged long-sword
(Well made & well maintained)

- Small "Mercy" Dagger
(Location: In a belt sheath hidden under his red over-cape on the front side of his armor)

- Steel Half-Plate Armor
(Well made & well maintained)

- Multi-pouch Belts
Accepted, everything looks mostly fine. My only issue is that your weaknesses seem a little off. The way you worded "Strict" makes it seem more like a benefit than a weakness, it sounds like he is very disciplined, rather than narrow minded or Draconian. Which I'm assuming is what you were going for.

Also, all of your weaknesses are Social, rather than physical. Social weaknesses are fine since it can adversely affect conversations and outcomes to certain NPCs since they might see you as a bit of an asshole. But I would like to see some kind of physical/psychological weakness present as well.

Also, and this is me just nitpicking like crazy, but I noticed the wording when referencing the Demon Cultist bit in the "Harsh" Weakness. Keep in mind that if this is referencing a Kern Cultist then you are totally justified but general worship of Demons or the establishment of cults is generally legal in Gyrus, just taboo. They only become problematic when they start human sacrifices and other abhorrent things.

All in all both CS's are really solid and I'm happy that the first two i've gotten so far are quite good. The things that need to be fixed are generally rather minor so I'm happy we're off to a good start.
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Sure go right on ahead! The OOC so far has been progressing at a slow and steady rate a CS's begin to come through. Put up something! :D

Great to hear!

Hey Grothnor, glad to see that you had some interests. The bio is solid. Having a former Draco Cauda member will be a nice addition to the group later onward. Also the Strengths and Weaknesses you currently have are good.

But you need one more. I ask for a minimum of four strengths/weaknesses. I noticed that your strength, Harmer refers to your magic. Maybe include what that magic is? Your choice but it was just a thought from me. Otherwise you're good. Just make those adjustments and I'll have no reason to deny your cs

Accepted, everything looks mostly fine. My only issue is that your weaknesses seem a little off. The way you worded "Strict" makes it seem more like a benefit than a weakness, it sounds like he is very disciplined, rather than narrow minded or Draconian. Which I'm assuming is what you were going for.

Also, all of your weaknesses are Social, rather than physical. Social weaknesses are fine since it can adversely affect conversations and outcomes to certain NPCs since they might see you as a bit of an asshole. But I would like to see some kind of physical/psychological weakness present as well.

Also, and this is me just nitpicking like crazy, but I noticed the wording when referencing the Demon Cultist bit in the "Harsh" Weakness. Keep in mind that if this is referencing a Kern Cultist then you are totally justified but general worship of Demons or the establishment of cults is generally legal in Gyrus, just taboo. They only become problematic when they start human sacrifices and other abhorrent things.

All in all both CS's are really solid and I'm happy that the first two i've gotten so far are quite good. The things that need to be fixed are generally rather minor so I'm happy we're off to a good start.
Ok, I think I hit a good homerun on this. I reworded his "harsh" weakness, completely got rid of the "strict" weakness and replaced it with "Fear of Magic" and then of course explained it and I think its good now.

172 cm (~5 feet 9 inches)




With Jeanna's exact origin warped in the haze of the wars that still rage in Ragabash all that is know is that she was born in some village on the peninsula, which was probably burned soon after her birth, after which she somehow ended up in the hands of Brack, an owner of a horse ranch that was to crucial for any of the warring sides to be burned down. Brack was a harsh man that driven the many orphans and lost children he picked up to work hard in the ranch, which were unable to leave thanks to Brack's lie that they are indebted to him for saving them and feeding them.
Jeanna spent six years with Brack, until the day when Brack refused to let her leave when she asked for freedom and sent her to her bed. With her mind set Jeanna said, leaving Brack to return to work: "If you won't me return my freedom I will retake it from you with own my hands." At that Brack just jokingly replied: "Only from my dead hands shit-born. You are mine bitch!" "Then I shall kill you bastard," was Jeanna's thought on that.
Three hours later, when Brack fallen asleep after drinking several bottles of ale, Jeanna sneaked to him and managed to remove Brack's sickle from his belt, which was not hard considering that he was dead drunk. With the sharp farming tool firmly in her grip she wasted no time and drove it into Brack's left eye, which resulted in several things, Brack waking up and starting to scream, Jeanna realizing she liked causing harm to Brack liked it a lot, and the sickle being driven and twisted deeper into Brack's skull. After a few gruesome moments Brack's mind and body finally gave out and the man's scream finally fell silent.
With that Jeanna was free and wasted no time to remove her clothing, now smeared with blood and brain matter and redressing as she woke up the rest of the kids and told them to get the hell out of the building, the sickle, covered in dark red liquid, still in her hand. When everyone was out Jeanna torched the building and proceeded to split the waiting children into twos or threes and give each such group a horse, while leaving one for herself. She then sent the other children away and stayed behind to spend a night in the stable with her new horse. The next morning before she left Jeanna used tools in the small tool shed next to the stables to retrofit her sickle on a longer handle, took a few tools, torched the place and said goodbye to the half-burned ranch for good.
Free and with a thirst for more combat and death Jeanna started roaming the Ragabash countryside, attacking any lone outlaw, be bandit, deserter or something else. As years passed by Jeanna became famous enough to be hired by one of the city-states for a few months. In order to prevent herself from "rooting" in one place Jeanna avoided any contract longer then eight months and always switched her employer after a contract would expire. It was at the age of 15 that Jeanna was starting to get to big to use the sickle and decided to switch to a more powerful, longer-reaching and more terrifying weapon a scythe she ordered from a blacksmith using the coins she saved up by selling equipment from killed enemies. When her scythe was done Jeanna started to challenge herself as hard as she could, to the point of recklessly charging at large groups so she would always walk the thin line between victory and death. During one of such reckless endeavors her horse was killed after serving her faithfully and vigorously for many years. She took the corpse to the burn-out husk that remained from Brack's ranch and buried it nearby so it would rest forever there, in the only place it could probably call home. After a few weeks of searching Jeanna found her current horse and used money saved up from her mercenary contacts to buy it.
Before Jeanna noticed years have passed and she grew bored of fighting in Ragabash, partially due to the fact that most soldiers started to run like hell as she approached, with most of the exceptions mostly being young soldiers unaware of who she was. Add the fact that the Khramer is slowly bringing the peninsula under it's grip and for the last few years Jeanna was seeking a new path that would bring her more exciting battles of carnage, blood and evading death by a hair's width. This new path lays in Gyrus and expedition of the aging King Lysander ...

Extreme Fitness - Years of fighting wars or hellish training when there is no war to fight, combined with the years of hard work at the horse ranch, left Jeanna with an extremely fit body, especially in terms of stamina and strength, allowing her to wield her large and heavy scythe with ease and with only slow and minimal accumulation of fatigue. Her toughness has also been improved, allowing her to continue fighting even with otherwise heavy wounds by willpower alone.
Scythe Wielder - After using a sickle and more recently a scythe Jeanna has become proficient in wielding such weapons. She would be also able to use similar weapons if needed.
Wildness Survival - Having lived alone and without a roof over her head Jeanna learned the hard way what one needs to survive. while living in the wild.
Veteran Mercenary - Having fought as a mercenary for almost half of her life Jeanna is extremely experienced with fighting in all kinds of situations.
Horse Riding - Having been riding for many years on both her first and second horse, Jeanna is an extremely good horse rider.
Strong Willed - Jeanna's mind is hard to shake up, partially due to all the carnage she saw, partially due to self-imposed training from hell.

Battle Junkie - Jeanna is crazy for battles to the point that if she is not in one at least once each week she will try to start one!
Glory or Death - Jeanna only seeks to inch as close as possible to death and still win by eliminating her enemies, making her appear to most as quite a reckless fighter.
One-Track Mind (Battle) - Jeanna not only thinks only about battle, but also usually thinks in battle terms - for example any person she meets is ether a enemy, ally or neutral.
Emphatically Challenged - While being more then sure what her feelings are she is poor at understanding and emphasizing with other people, often appearing to be totally cold and uninterested in the pain and suffering of others. Her trait of being slightly sadistic doesn't help ether.
Swears-a-lot - Jeanna's lingual database is full of insults and she is decently creative with them, making it hard not to hear at least one in her every sentence.
Killing Frenzy - At times Jeanna might get a bit to pumped up while fighting to the point that she stops noticing the difference between allies, enemies and neutrals and just starts killing everything that enters the reach of her scythe.

The Reaper - Her scythe, custom forged for her from steel. Heavy and powerful and probably awkward to wield for anyone but Jeanna, especially from horseback like she does!
Multi-layered leather armor, with iron strengthening key parts and iron guards covering the joints.
Iron chainmail body armor with iron boots that cover most of her legs and a simple iron helmet. (Optional,worn only when she wants to remain anonymous)
Durra - her current horse, a light brown 6 years old mare
A bag for various stuff:
Basic weapon maintenance equipment
Reserve clothing
A Week's Worth of Smoked meat
Souvenirs taken from worth enemies

Don't mind me joining in right? I put an extra weakness in my CS in case you thing one of the ones I put is not bad enough to be a weakness. Anyway will be waiting for feedback.
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@Grothnor , @BlueFlameNikku both of your CS's are accepted. I'll have to remember to make a Cast List Tab in the original post and include a list of everybody.

@gamer5 CS looks good, no glaring problems. Accepted.
Apologies if something seems messy but finding an image took most of the time since i need it to help me write the character....and yeah >-<
A bit torn between the two images or if i can find a more village girl like image <__<
Okay strongly leaning towards this new one under the spoiler, not fully what im trying to find but soooo close to it if it just had a body language more similar to the link above i would be overjoyed >.<... Q-Q sadly this one alone took 6 hours to find

The challenge in finding an image of a female not looking to kill something or hump it on google is a mighty challenge.

Name: Erin Fable
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Born in a small village in the western wild lands, that suffice to say stayed relatively calm and safe hidden in a valley up north. Erin as the girl had been named grew up under her grandfather's guiding presence as one of the village elders and current senior in druid craft.

This gave her early years many moments of boredom and conflict as the old man tended to be strict and protective. But as time progressed a compromise grew between the two aided by her combination of fear for dangers and the unknown and a lush hunger for discovery and so she didn't leave the mountains protection till she neared adult age. But had learned all that was to know within it.

Studying under grandfather Erin showed that she had a knack for the elemental powers that nature had to offer and which seemed to flow naturally trough her. Expected to take part as a druid apprentice and one day even succeed one of the masters just like the other apprentices that regularly visited to village for tutoring where. As was common in these parts when one learned the craft. However, the young girl sought other dreams and an escape, as something within her pulled away from the protection of the valley. Perhaps the same that pulled her parents away although hopefully not towards a fate like theirs, which her grandfather feared even though he never spoke of them and their fate. And so, the time came when she left alongside some of the other youngsters and adults in the village. A small group of people seeking something new.

Nearing bigger civilization the group that had journeyed together thinned out, split towards different goals they all searched their own. As time passed and they traveled on, her travelling companions heard of the gathering. Lacking much of a reputable name the small party did however establish good contacts. And somewhere her last name caught interest amongst some men and women of higher stature. A family name that struck a bell with some and before she knew it a small message summoned the girl for a meeting and a job offer.

Elemental powers - holding the powers of nature at your fingertips makes you a difficult foe to approach and Erin holds great potential within her if these powers are nurtured.

Endurance - being a village girl and a druid at that the girl can endure and keep up with almost anyone even on low amounts of sleep and food.

Trusting – When creating a bond of friendship with Erin she will trust you and push you forward seeing the potential in you not giving up until the very end.

Instinct - While she may seem lacking to the world so far the girl has great instincts even if she herself does not realize this.

Lack of Strength – While having a body well fit for a villager that works till sunset she has never gained much raw strength and as such has little to set up against a physical show of force.

Gullible – While trusting in others is a strong part of her, she also has a hard time to root out those who lie often perhaps seeing good where there is but illusion.

Insecure – Like most who has lived a relatively sheltered life Erin also has a strong sense of insecurity and clumsiness when faced with new things. And right now, most of the world is new amazing yes, but oh so frightening.

Elemental weakness - when calling upon her powers she is also connected to them and as such those powers weakness to also becomes her weakness. And can have strong negative effects or even backlashes as she wields her powers.

Equipment: Wandering staff, Basic backpack, Hunters knife and a Bow.
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Apologies if something seems messy but finding an image took most of the time since i need it to help me write the character....and yeah >-<
A bit torn between the two images or if i can find a more village girl like image <__<

The challenge in finding an image of a female not looking to kill something or hump it on google is a mighty challenge.

Name: Erin Fable
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Born in a small village in the western wild lands that suffice to say stayed relatively calm and safe hidden in a valley up north. Erin grew up under her grandfather's guiding presence and one of the village elders not to mention the current senior in druid craft. The girl's years where a mixture of boredom and small adventures to different areas of the wide Valley.

With a strange combination of fear for dangers and the unknown and a lush hunger for discovery she didn't leave the mountains protection till she neared adult age. But had learned all that was to know within it.

With a knack for the elemental powers that nature had to offer and which seemed to flow naturally trough her. The girl was expected to take part as a druid apprentice and one day even succeed one of the masters just like the other apprentices that regularly visited to village for tutoring. As was common in these parts when one learned a craft. But she sought other dreams and an escape as something within her pulled away from the protection of the valley. Perhaps the same that pulled her parents away although hopefully not towards a fate like her parents, which her grandfather feared even though he never spoke of them and their fate. And so the time came when she left alongside some of the other youngsters and elders in the village a small group of people seeking something new.

Nearing civilisation the group thinned out, split towards different goals they all searched their own and as things would have it the others she traveled with heard of the gathering one day. None of them hade made a big name of themselves yet allthough they did good in gathering contacts. And somewhere her last name caught interest amongst some men and women of higher stature. It was one they where familiar with and before she knew it a small message summoned the girl for a meeting and a jobb offer.

Elemental powers - holding the powers of nature at your fingertips makes you a difficult foe to approach and Erin holds great potential within her if these powers are nurtured.

Endurance - being a village girl and a druid at that the girl can endure and keep up with almost anyone even on low amounts of sleep and food.

Trusting – When creating a bond of friendship with Erin she will trust you and push you forward seeing the potential in you not giving up until the very end.

Instinct - While she may seem lacking to the world so far the girl has great instincts even if she herself does not realize this.

Lack of Strength – While having a body well fit for a villager that works till sunset she has never gained much raw strength and as such has little to set up against a physical show of force.

Gullible – While trusting in others is a strong part of her, she also has a hard time to root out those who lie often perhaps seeing good where there is but illusion.

Insecure – Like most who has lived a relatively sheltered life Erin also has a strong sense of insecurity and clumsiness when faced with new things. And right now, most of the world is new amazing yes, but oh so frightening.

Elemental weakness - when calling upon her powers she is also connected to them and as such those powers weakness to also becomes her weakness. And can have strong negative effects or even backlashes as she wields her powers.

Equipment: Wandering staff, Basic backpack, Hunters knife and a Bow.
Everything seems okay, though I'm gonna ask you to look through your bio and correct any typo errors and such. I'm no English whiz myself, in fact I'm cringing at all the errors I made in my OOC that I've yet to fix. But I did have to read through your bio a few times to get the gist of what was going on.

Strengths and Weaknesses are alright, the bio itself works too and I'm happy players are really stretching their legs and having diverse backstories throughout the entire map. Just fix some of the typos and such and you'll be good to go.

Oh and just a thought, I noticed one of the pics you were debating over had elf ears >.> I'm not that insane to think that, that negates everything as I can just, ya know, use my mind and imagine they aren't there xD. But Elves are extinct on the Continent. Don't know if that helps push anything in your favor or not, do what feels right. I know I can be very picky with my pics, everything in my OOC took years of literally scouring through DeviantArt for hours a day. It's an obsession sometimes.

  • BIDSx6F.png
  • Name: Coby
    Age: Mid 20s
    Sex: I am Coby
    Bio: [You open the soft leather-bound book and trace over the worn pages. Flipping to the earliest pages, the words are faded but still able to be read. There are discolourations, dark, rubbed in… charcoal, but not from the drawings that are purposeful here and there that you saw flipping through…]

    'Keeper gave me a journal and said that information is important; a record of us and who we are. Who am I? I am the offspring of Redival and Gervais Visser. I am sibling to Ygraine, Vaan, and Elias. I am a child of Kor Megron, The Word Bearer. We live by the words, but he's never really brought words to us, not that I'm aware of. One of these days, maybe I'll see something, but til then, I'm happy here in the mountains away from everything. We don't here about the goblins, or the wars, or the orcs. It's just us.'

    [You thumb through the pages. You see a few sketches of nature scenes and what must have been the village and even a few important people in their life. However, the words suddenly begin to bleed red across the page and discordant iconography is strewn across the pages intermittently in symbols you cannot read…]

    'It happened! They came! Theycametheycametheycame I cannot believe it they came. There are no words to express this. This moment of the demonic, no, the divine, which walked upon the earth for but a moment. And the words, THE WORDS that they spoke and fell upon my ears in a rhapsodic chorus, so many streams to follow, and I, not enough tongues to speak it, not enough words to express it or the mind to relay

    [It stops suddenly and falls into discordant scrawling that you are unable to decipher. It continues on like this for a number of pages. The feverish scrawling of one lost in their madness, perhaps, written in layer upon layer. There are no more sketchings for some time… until you come upon one. A finely sketched drawing of nothing more than a slender chain ending in a claw-like hook. There appears to be a number of pages ripped out after it.]

    'I met someone who taught me much and showed me a new way to view the world.'

    [The next many pages are filled with rough sketches of devices fitted together or various plants, compounds or extracts combined and their effects. A time or two, there is a scene sketched into the journal… a cityline from West Vulgo, a forest or mountain in the Wildlands, or as they make their way to Gyrus… You read snippets here and there as you go.]

    . . .Discovered a new regent for a rather explosive combination today. . .

    . . .String keeps snapping, need to adjust tension. Try new material?. . .

    . . .Completed contract in West Volgo, Eitic. Prince Pallor Guin III.
    Took the royal amulet as evidence. Awaiting payment.. . .

    . . .Been collecting information for a month on these demon worshiping goblins.
    Tired of eating rabbits.
    All they're doing is worshiping a stuffed bird with a deer's head.. . .

    . . .Latest mission got a bit of attention… King sent messenger.
    Maybe making the ham explode was a bit much, but it got them all.. . .

  • Strengths - - + - - Weaknesses

    • Child of Kor Megron: Born and raised in the West Wildlands, Coby was brought up in a demon worshipping cult and has come to be quite familiar with the topic of demonology. While the topic of demons is vast, they understand more than the average layman and is more familiar with the worship.
    • Insight of the Word Bearer: After hearing the words of Kor Megron, Coby was granted a boon of knowledge. Though much of it is a mess to them, they have managed to work out Alchemy, Arcana, andClockwork how they all work together into various works, contraptions and pieces. These pieces tend to work in conjunction to be more powerful, precise, quick, or overall deadly.
    • Disciple of Hook and Chain: Coby was a disciple of a master assassin and learned the art of stealth, subterfuge and misdirection and general proficiency in an assassination arsenal from them.
    • Into the Woods: A life that was spent largely in the West Wildlands meant needing to be able to have skills that could survive in it. That meant basic wilderness survival skills such as hunting, foraging, navigating, and setting up a shelter. However, in so much time, Coby has learned to track in rural and wild areas and have a cursory knowledge of flora and fauna.
    • Called Shots: When you are trained from the best and have been at the game for a bit, you learn to go for the weakspots and do the most damage. Coby is proficient in being a disabler when not aiming for the kill-shot.
    • Magically Muted: Coby has no real significant powers with magic, at least, not in the traditional sense. No healing words. No grand illusions. No fireballs or lightning bolts. If they start showing any sort of magical gift, it is likely of an innate, and one that they are not working any grand spells with.
    • Of Few Words: Ever since being visited by The Word Bearer, the words Coby has spoken themself have been exceptionally few and far between.
    • Some Call It Madness: Coby's inventions are typically advancements before their time. They cannot just be picked up around the corner. They have to be made, painstakingly by Coby one-by-one and it takes time. If it breaks, they have to go through the process of making it again. If they want to make something new, it is a process of trial and error and some things are… unstable.
    • Of No Account: Coby is a person whose presence in in the world is quite minimalistic. Of their family, there were no survivors… No one really knows their real identity. They can count on their hand the number of people who know their face, their full name, and their gender as they are relatively androgynous and go through the world relatively little ripples… And when you do, you have no one to fall back on, no one to ask favors of, no one who supports you, cares for you, stands by you… No one.
    • Middle-Weight: Coby can take a few hits, but by no means are they a tank. They are not meant to be in the front lines slugging it out and will feel the effects of each and every hit.

    • Clockwork Courier: A mechanical bird with the appearance of a owl that has arcane etchings into its every piece to bring about its functioning. At its most base, it its designed to deliver things in some manner or another, either delivering a destructive present from above or a written letter over a distance.
    • The Gibbering: The blade upon Coby's back is most typically sheathed upon most every situation. Etched upon it are a number of minute, painstakingly careful arcana sigils with room for more along its length. Low muttering begins every time it comes out and ends every time it returns to its sheath. If there are an effects upon the blade from these sigils being present, it's not apparent.
    • Shortsword: A shortsword, made of metal chemically treated to be darkened so that it does not reflect off light as much.
    • Survival Hatchet: A hatchet, actually rather simple and small.
    • Buckskin Leather: Soft leather armor and cloak that is neither restricting or hard. It offers slight protection from harm but more from the elements.
    • Beastly Visor: Coby's Visor is a full helmet that covers their whole face and leaves but a small room to pass food and drink up through. It offers slight protection and has an arcane sigil painted in blood upon it that seems to, for no other reason, keep it in place except for when they wish to take it off, even when others attempt.
    • Personal Journal: Coby's journal, plain and simple. They have charcoal to write with.
    • Wrist-Mounted Bow: A small bow that is collapsible and folds into a gauntlet in Coby's wrist that houses the bolts that Coby currently has prepared.
    • Bow Gauntlet: This gauntlet houses the mounted bow on the top segment and has three chambers of 3 different bolt types in stacks up to 6 that are fed by spring to the top of their chamber to be loaded.
      Sleeping Toxin Bolts: A potent toxin that is capable one to sleep. (6)
      Envenomed Bolts: A concoction discovered that sears the contacted flesh and causes an entropy of strength as time wears on. (6)
      Sparkflash Bolts: A mixture that upon impact will splash together and their volatile nature will explode and let off a bright flash. (4)​
    • Rope Dart: A throwing knife attached to a rope that can be thrown into pierceable materials or
    • Bandolier of Wonders On this mysterious bandolier are a number of fun things including throwing knives, crush glass eggs, bolos, bottled clouds, sparkwhistler bombs, shadevenom smoke bombs, cherry bombs, caltrops, small flasks of oil, ball of red twine.
      [*]Bottled Clouds: In case of an emergency fall, Coby can drop this. As it interacts with oxygen, it foams up and produces a vast foam protective padding in an area. (1)
      [*]Sparkwhistler Bombs: Bombs that Coby throws down in front of enemies that emit a shrill noise and a bright flash of fire in order to daze and disorient in order to escape. (1)
      [*]Shadevenom Smoke Bombs: Choking smoke bombs that can be deadly if people stay in the smoke too long, but ultimately used to distract and dissuade pursuit. (1)​
    • Wrist and Ankle Catches: In case of an emergency and there is no time to grab a bottle or other such devices, there are small hooks (that could also double as dire emergency tearing weapons) on Coby's's ankles and wrists to catch them.
    • Thieves' Tools: An expansive set of tools for picking locks and disarming traps, including a glass cutter.
    • Creative Toolkit: All the tools Coby needs for their clockwork, alchemy, and arcana work, at least, that they can carry around including a metal etcher with runes over it used for etching arcane sigils.
    • Snap Striker: Flint and steel plates worked into Coby's glove with parts that can be changed out. Essentially, an effective solution to the problem of needing to light fuses with one hand quickly.
    • Ratskull Charm: a skull of a rodent-like creature, simple enough, merely fashioned into a necklace goodluck charm.
    • Nightshade Oil: An oil regent that coats a weapon (or two small ones). It is a numbing poison that allows one to inflict injury without immediate notice. It has the potential to cause the following side-effects: Sedation, hallucination, convulsion, feverish disorientation. (2)
    • Dragon's Tongue: A poison that causes the victim to asphyxiate. (1)
    • Silver Lash: A strong hallucinogenic that causes victims to depart from reality with just a few drops.
    • Poison Pouch: A small pouch of poisonous regents and corresponding antitoxins.
    • Nuit's Logbook: A leather bound ledger accounting for Nuit's work and expenditures.
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This has peaked my interest, since Isla is gone. May I take Isla spot and join up?

How many magic users are you allowing?

How about a Sneak Thief Mage i.e. Night Blade?
I'm also getting really excited about the diversity of character's we've got here already. ^ ^
I'm also getting really excited about the diversity of character's we've got here already. ^ ^

Hopefully I can add to something. As this sounds like a good idea.
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