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    This is the magic wasted land of Garmanic. Long since has the Day of Mana passed and left the lands a caricature of what it once was. The people have rebuilt. Few races live in isolation now: they can no longer afford to live in the altered lands with the magic warped beasts that prowl them.

    Caravans travel with many guards between cities, often composing of the both revered and reviled mages. Their accursed magic is what brought about these dark days after all. Perhaps you came by one of these caravans.

    Or did you dare the ocean? Many whisper of far worse things than the leviathan beneath the churning waves. A brave soul indeed if you came by ship, but they thank the courage. The supplies are precious.

    Or maybe chance simply had you in the city to begin with. We have our share of street rats hobnobbing around the inn. More than a few noblemen bring their 'work' here too. One has to wonder what brought your sorts about.

    Enough about that, I suppose, whatever brought your arse around, its in with our lot now. Because it seems whatever has brought us together has a slew of trouble in store for us.


    We begin our adventure in Port Neworth, a city of the Baelmyst situated at ocean's edge. The city is well-populated and sturdy, if a bit leaky. The sewers beneath provide a rich ecosystem for the R.O.U.S.s and whatever other grimy creatures can wade through merrily through the filth. Above, though, the expanse of houses packed tight and leaning against each other here and there are centered foremost about the city's keep and the home of the local blue-blood authority, Earl Baan. From there, the sprawl expands out til it touches sea or wall. The wall of solid timber keeps the dangers of the Baelmyst out and is open only along the guarded gates along the major highways. Along the docks, the redlight district cropped up and amidst it the infamous tavern inn, The Bilgerat Bride. It is near this inn, before the docks, our story begins...

    Perhaps you've always lived within the walls of Port Neworth. Or maybe you've made your life on the road, somehow. Or perhaps you've even found yourself washed in with the most recent rabble the docks could drudge up. Your reasons are your own for why it would pique your interest... Coin, fun or a suicidal deathwish hope at heroics... but it's come to your attention that Earl Baan has issued out a statement of warning about some fiend prowling the street at night and absconding with young victims. Attached to his warning, he has offered out a reward to those who can uncover the mystery behind these disappearances and end them.
    • Welcome to Garmanic here you will find background information about the regions of Garmanic and some the world's history! No, not everything, but enough to introduce you and let you run with!
      • Garmanic was a rich planet full of life and divided by race, so it was said to be, by will of the Manica gods. Though many might dispute it, few can stand up against the evidence that the Manica are the eldest race, born of the very planet. With the birth of the races and their bling groping into their new world; so passed the first era.

        It was not long before the races established their divisive lines. Dynasties rose and fell in the blink of an eye. The most successful of which built their cities upon places of power, the very springs from which mana welled up from. They utilized the natural power sources in a way that powered their cities. Some even developed technologies that accessed the powers of mana.

        However as they began to reach a peak of power, many of these power nations found themselves in a struggle for superiority and went to war. It was a rush for the strongest utilization of mana power. It was not long before it reached its peak.

        The Day of Mana: the day on which one city pushed too far and ultimately tapped into the deepest reserves of their mana spring. It resulted in a geyser of magic that flooded forth and spilled out over the land and connected with the other wells, effecting worldwide. Not all were spared from the cataclysm. Many became ill with the Dreamer Disease. They would fall into a slumber and never wake.

        There were, of course, other effects of the mana blight. Some individuals now found themselves capable of manipulating mana to their will. The landscape had been devastated and shifted, it was a new world for many. The wildlife that survived the affair was now a twisted shadow of what it once was.

        Such fiends has forced what has survived to band together. What countries remained have held together, if barely. Cities are now thrive as having the relative safety of numbers whole townships value every warrior and mage that their poor lands can scrounge together.

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        1. Albraz Cordillera
        The Albraz Cordillera are the tallest mountain chain in the world that once
        boasted many great civilizations. With the day of mana, it was amongst the first to be incapable of supporting civilization as the mountain grew too treacherous. The great city of Gargonhaldt was abandoned and has fallen to ruins. Of the mountains, the least treacherous of ways is Taeviel's Crossing, the pass that connects east and west. Those of more stern stuff might attempt the ways through The Gibbering Mines, but few can stand the echoes of mana that whisper endlessly through their passages.
        2. Sea of Didojik
        Named after Emperor Didojik, the Sea of Didojik once represented a time of trade and prosperity for the lands of Enruba. Still, it offers a passage to them, but it offers its own dangers. Still, there are those that would dare the The Blightmire rather than take passage across the Sea of Didojik and tempt the spirits.
        3. Enruba
        The wasted lands, or otherwise known as the desert empire, it was the lands least effected by the mana blight. It has bloomed like a desert flower, capitalizing on the misfortune of the other lands. Unlike in many lands where the mana-ravaged beasts flourish, in the desert, man has learned to reign supreme. In their oasis cities they have developed vertical agriculture systems and waterways, and the crown jewel of these cities is the capital, Kor-Haptep.
        4. Rorchereal Tundra
        The northern lands of snow and ice, the Rorchereal Tundra lends itself to the hardiest of stock. Wintry nomadic tribes make their homes on the Tundra ice. Many tales crop up about the barbaric north and those that make their homes there. Of these tales the most famous is The Epic of Fjörgur, a great warrior of the north and his battle to seal the Bantredyne.
        5. Dyrden Ocean
        Consuming much of the planet's surface, the Dyrden holds many of Garmanic's dangers and mysteries. Of course it is the fastest way to travel between the nations, using Mercuil as a landing point between the ways. However, the depths holds many-a-sea monstrosity for the daring sailor. Many sailors whisper of a mana-contorted leviathan within the depths. Those that might confirm such a thing have perished beneath the churning waves.
        6. Mercuil
        The blighted kingdom, Mercuil is world renowned as the lands that brought about the Day of Mana. It was through their actions that that the mana blight has come to pass upon the world and it is their lands that the effects of the taint is most apparent. Beasts were mutated most dangerously on this continent, the capital of Rah'Vello was destroyed, and they suffered losses by the masses. Due to the dangerous nature of the continent, the population congregated to the few cities that existed. Most fell. The ones that survived built walls to survive, the greatest of which being the coastal city of Selhalune.
        7. Southern Wastes
        The southern arctic continent, it is all but a frozen desert consisting of blizzards and dangerous hidden drops into ice caves that could collapse upon unsuspecting travelers at any moment. The icy climate offers little in the way of survival to those who would brave it, even the most resilient of mana fiends struggle to survive here.
        8. Vossheim
        Vossheim is a land of relative flatness. To the south are the mires that lead out from Baelmyst, within which reagents for powerful potions can be found. To the north are great grasslands. Of this area, the dry brush oft catches catches ablaze into out of control
        wildfire across the planes. For this reason, the cities are constructed of stone and built aside water sources, so that mages might combat the rampaging infernos. Most renowned for having much of the city burned down twice over and still raising from the ashes is the capital, Caville.
        9. Ogdyn Sea
        A vast sea between the regions of Vossheim and Baelmyst, it was carved out by super-massive glaciers that retreated over the landmass north in the early ages of history that gouged out deep holes in the earth, and deposited sediment and meltwater. Due to this the waters support a healthier than normal algae life that make the waters appear green. Aside from that, the Ogdyn Sea boasts thriving fishing communities upon many of its shores, being the safest of any of the great bodies of water.
        10. Baelmyst
        There is a disputation over how the Baelmyst got its name. Some say it was from a great tragedy long ago that cursed the lands. Others say it has just always been evil. Either way, the region is shrouded in an ever present mist. Before the Day of Mana, the mist was thought of as a guardian presence that protected those who lived within from invading forces. Since then, it has taken on a more sinister nature, befuddling travelers who do not ward their way with magic, oft leading them to prey to the beasts or spirits of the forest. Of the cities, Fort Xandra is the most populous of the region, having been the fortress home built by a proclaimed guardian of the woods. Our story, of course, starts in Port Neworth
        11. Trenlow Sound
        The Sound settles between Baelmyst and and the lands surrounding the Albraz Cordillera. Of the seas, it is the one most populated by mana twisted fauna. The most infamous of these creatures exist along Widow Ridge where the creatures conjure the illusion of sailors lost at sea to tempt widowed women to jump to their deaths, dashed upon sharp rocks below.

      • Mercuil
        To the people of the rest of the world, those of Mercuil are seen in a mysterious and supernatural light and tales abounds are held of them. This is not surprising as of the other nations it is the most isolated from the others. Though foreigners will visit their land, namely the city of Selhalune where they dock to replenish supplies before continuing their voyages, they do not travel beyond the walls or seek exceptional interaction with these people. Many still hold hard feelings for the mana blight. However, that is not to say all the stories are uncalled for or untrue. Those from Mercuil are known for their habits of odd medicines, consuming plants and unusual parts of mana fiends. Unlike most of the world that fears spirits and seek to exorcise them, those of this country welcome them into their body, believing that it is their ancestors honoring them and through this they will guide, empower and protect. Since the initial outbreak of Dreamer's Disease, where their country suffered the most who fell to its clutches, it has tapered off into the rarest of cases. Of the nations, they have the lowest rate of those to appear with talent and fewer yet to achieve great power with it. It is just as well, as they have a strong loathing of the practice, believing it to be a sign of a tainted spirit.

        The people of Mercuil live in houses of either gong, an, or asuka stylings depending on the region. Typically, there is a stone shrine built to the ancestors within these homes. Their cities, the only part of the myōden left that were once controlled by the daimyos of the hegemon, are no longer in their rule. Though they are still considered noble families, they had long been stripped of their power for the events that led to the Day of Mana and a meritocracy was instituted.

        The people, always natural in the ways of battle and martial by nature, have adjusted well to the new fight against the mana fiends. With the culling of their population, however, they found a blessing in their traditional matriarchal society. Everyone who could be capable of wielding a weapon needed to be capable of doing so, and men and women have long since fought side-by-side. Of these weapons, the most identifiable by those of other nations are their curved blades of polished folded steel. However, they are avid users of polearms and heavy mechanical bows. Unlike in other countries, iron is less commonly found here, having to be extracted through burning it out of peat in small quantities. This has caused them to develop ō-yoroi armour made of leather, woods and small plates and bands of steel in order to compensate.
        The land of Vossheim is best described as being divided between two separate groups. The first of which would be what the rest of the world consider the 'civilized' Voss, though it is a widely held belief that you cannot trust a man of Voss. Civil Voss is ruled by a Tsar and the line of succession flows through the son. Luckily, the Voss are known for producing large families because assumption of the right to rule is highly sought after and if someone is not bringing the country to a small civil war for their own right to rule, assassination attempts and the occasional battlefield 'accident' when the next in line is thought more fit to rule is a timeheld tradition leading to rulership exchanging hands often enough. Those of civil Voss are monotheistic, worshiping Vhors, a god of battle, storms and master of all waters. They pray to him before every battle for victory, for rain and for the damned Northmen to stop raiding every winter. Overall, civil Voss are a stubborn breed who are never to be bullied about or likely to give in, even when their door has been beaten down by a man of the tundra for the fourth year running.

        'Wild' Voss comprise of nomadic horse tribes who in history divided from their brethren to practice religious freedoms. Many of them have adopted different beliefs, but a commonality between all is cairn worship. These cairns are placed along many common travel routes and it is common practice to stop at each and offer a tribute. While some might deposit coin or baubles if they believe to have read a bad omen, most will leave an offering of food and drink for the next traveler to come by. Doing this is believed to provide for good luck and safe passage and ward off evil spirits on their journeys. Shamans are common among the tribes and are thought to have some measure of power over spirits, having an otherworldly connection between this world and the next. They also provide healing services and serve to interpret omens people have seen in the world and their dreams.

        The region as a whole is known for their love of riding creatures. The more stubborn the creature is to tame, the more respect they have to be able to ride it. One of the symbols of a master rider is a ursine mount. However, there are old tales of times when people once rode griffins into battle.

        "The secret is, son, you need to look into his eyes and let him know who really calls the shots around here." -A great Voss father, teaching his son to ride a Artôrwulf
        Rorchereal Tundra
        The Northmen are a people made of piss and ice, the rest of the world would say. This may be infamy garnered from their inclination of setting raiding parties in the harsh winters, some of which are against other lands but even other clans of the north fall victim to it. When deciding not to bear shield and axe and steal what they need to survive these times of scarce food, it is not unheard of for clans to band together for the purpose of taking down massive game to divide the spoils. Come springtime, they find that the ice has thawed enough to fish and that the grampus are swimming close to the shore and even up the rivers, making it easy for them to harpoon from their skin boats. Little of animals go to waste. Leathers and hides are common in attire. Even the bones prove useful, particularly those of large mana fiends as they can stretch leather over them to make their summer tents. During the winter months, however, their homes are icy igloos.

        Many of the Tundra are contented with their lives as roaming hunters and surviving off of the land. It is not unheard of that one will grow tired of the endless snow and ice and travel the world, plying their trade for those who will pay. However, there are those more mercantile might offer their services on a vessel, traveling to another land. There they would sell their furs, scrimshaw and other northern trinkets and return home with much needed supplies to make life easier. Other practices include marriages that last for a contractual length of time. Upon their end the two parties can choose to renew their vows or part ways. Arranged marriages and the the tradition of "stealing a mate" (one that displays superiority and worthiness to wed) from other tribes prevents genetic stagnation. Northmen, as a burial rite, burn their dead in a funeral pyre as a sacred use of the sparse wood this much of this region produces in order to honor them. However, they do not believe in gods or an afterlife and believe in the power of man, and celebrating life.
        In the land of Enruba, ritual blood sacrifices of sacred stock are given to the mana spring that the imperial estates surround and the grand temple is housed over. Mana technology is still utilized heavily here, potential consequences unheeded and many devote their entire lives to develop the next thing that will revolutionize the world. They revere Manica as living deities and as such treat any who visit with utmost hospitality, paying homage to them in food, housing and gifts. Ceremonies are performed upon death to assure that spirits reach the afterlife and their bodies are fed through mana machines that produce geodes, turning the body to crystals. In this way, they feel they have reached an end as the Manica have.

        The empire is ruled by the Emperor, who appoints his own Grand Vizier. Many more Viziers operate within each city-state of the empire. Of all the regions, it is by far the most rich and opulent, the richest temples are said to be plated with gold and the walls embedded with crystals. They are also the most afforded to scholarly practices and in the capital have a great capital built up from hundreds of years. Agriculture and gardening are central to the land and are the pride of Enruba as it symbolizes their conquering of the desert and their god's triumph over death. Many will go so far as to import rare flora from other lands in order to make their personal gardens more impressive and it is a great insult to suggest their garden left wanting. Many Enrubians have a vast superiority complex when it comes to other countries, and even among those of different social strata. One such example is their regards to traders. Many would not even consider the life of a trader afar in Enruba, if not just because it demands one leaves what they believe to be the chosen land, but because they regard it a profession for liars, cheaters and greedy men.

        Punishments can be severe within the empire for crimes. Bodily punishment is not uncommon. In some instances, 'an eye for an eye' is a principal held, much in the case of stealing where one might lose a hand. For crimes severe such as murder, execution or serfdom are the verdict. Those who owe a great debt might forfeit themselves to an indentured servitude to work off their debts.
        The Baelmyst, even before the Day of Mana, the entire region has been seeped in magic and strange occurrences that defy the laws of nature. A shroud of ever present mist is the indicator for when one enters it's borders. In the past before the Day of Mana the settlements and signs of civilization that were housed within the confines of the mist were not the most wealthy or perhaps large, and to this day they fancy themselves as woodsmen even if they have retreated within cities. But the people who made their living there were content, believing the mist that never vanished protected them from outside invaders. Oh there are tales aplenty, ask any old crone or wise man and he will tell you of many a legend, myth or fable of something odd, strange or otherworldly happening to those who venture off the established paths through the mist and who go deeper. Tales of the passing of time acting strange, a journey that should take you only a week might take a month or you arrive at your destinations within hours.

        Those tales were scarce, but when the Day of Mana came and all Mana wells across the world changed, they warped their surroundings with effects that would not be felt for generations to come. Within the Baelmyst the mist shroud that most folk thought as protecting them became a more grim place for those who live there and travel through. Strange noises first ever heard when one was deep within the confines of the mist could now be heard at the edges of settlements. Children and adults alike who would be at the edge of town might end up missing, their loved ones haunted by singing in the voice of their missing relative from the fog, and when they go out and find the origin of the voice they too disappear. There are places where the mists seems to whisper in your head, filling your mind with words of madness or booming laughter.

        In the past a fortress had been built by proclaimed guardian of the woods, the name of this fortress: Fort Xandra. Many flocked to this site for the protection it offered and it has grown considerably since the time of its founding. The guardian has long since vanished or passed away and now it is ruled by a man proclaiming himself Ard Ri, high king of the Baelmyst. For a long time the various settlements within the confines of the Baelmyst stood alone, valuing their freedom but now a man has arisen to power in Fort Xandra with a purpose to unite the settlements in one nation and under his rule. Several settlements have flocked to him for the protection he claims to offer for the ever increasing threat from within the mist but others refuse, stating that they have protected themselves for generations without a king on a throne.

        Most of the settlements refusing the newly self-crowned ruler seem to be in fact trying to find ways to co-exist with whatever manner of beasts or spirits lurk within the mist around them. Leaving gifts and offerings at the edge of town believing by doing that they will be left alone and spared from the darker horrors that lurk within. Some even go as far as to sacrifice animals or even their fellow townspeople. Some volunteer for that honour while others... not so much. The people are highly superstitious and suspect many things that do not seem as they should, a trait instilled by their mothers and fathers sitting them down as wee babes and sharing with them tales and fables.

        'The tale of Fabian, as heard told by a old sage in the town of Darkring.'

        Gather 'round children, gather 'round... my bones are old, my eyes dulled but I have seen and heard much in my youth and I shall tell you now the tale of Fabian, to enrich your fantasies, but also to warn you for what arrogance and greed may lead you to...

        Fabian, oh sweet and innocent Fabian, born a blessed child but became twice blessed due to arrogance and ignorance. The golden haired boy, the pride of his parents, the envy of his friends. All who knew him, loved him and he in turn loved all who paid attention to him. He was the son of the alderman and anything he wanted he would get from his parents or the other townsfolk. His beauty was unmatched by any of his age or ever witnessed before. 'Touched by the spirits he is!' They cried in adoration! 'A blessed child of the gods, a blessing for our entire village!' Shouted others.

        And he was a blessing, bringing joy and laughter as he grew up to all who met him, but with age he grew arrogant and fat upon the adulation of the village and always expected to get what he wanted. Be it a sweet stick from the baker, or some fresh sausages of the butcher. He even once commanded his father to hose a festival in Fabians honour! And the folk of the village went along with it, because they truly believed that Fabian was blessed by the forest spirits and that if they kept him happy, the village would thrive as it had been since his birth.

        Then one day, a travelling musician came through the village. His voice like an angel, the music coming from his flute brought out emotions long buried in any who heard it to the fore and men and women alike cried openly feeling their moods brightened and hearts yearning for more. But then the musician stopped playing and retrieved a wrapped parcel from his back, upon unwrapping it he revealed a very simple harp, no gold or silver embellishments, no artistic cut of the wood. It simply appeared to be a harp and then it began to play, by itself. And the music of the harp transcended to what the musician played moments earlier on his flute. Images of feasts from ancient times accompanied the music in the minds eye of all who heard it and danced to the tune until the entire village was dancing and feasting through the course of the night. Until finally at dawn, the mist miraculously lifted briefly so the rays of the sun could unobstructed touch the harp as it let out a final note.

        All applauded and cheered and then a voice broke through, heard by everyone. 'I want that harp!' Fabian shouted, his arms crossed and looking at the harp with greed. The crowd murmured, looking from Fabian to the musician who looked surprised and shook his head. 'I am afraid I cannot sell nor give away this item. For you see it is not mine to give. I am merely its caretaker.' He said with a apologetic smile.

        'I want it!' Fabian shouted angrily and looked at his father who nervously swallowed and addressed the musician. 'Where is this owner then perhaps I can pay him to keep the harp.'

        The musician shook his head amused, 'she who owns the harp has no want for money, gold or riches. All she wishes is her music to be heard. To bring joy and dance. That is her reward. I travel with her from town to town, village to village. And she will play everywhere to be heard so that all may enjoy and experience her gift. So she cannot stay in one place.'

        'I don't care! I want it!' Came Fabian's shout once more and the village folk murmured louder, they had always given the blessed child whatever he wanted, never had someone refused him. The musician no longer smiled, shaking his head. 'Young man she only plays when she wants and what she wants is to travel across the realm. You cannot change what is meant to be.' The musician stated calmly and went to wrap the harp back into cloth.

        Fabian looked flabbergasted, nobody refused him! Nobody told him he could not have what he wanted! A rage came over him and he charged out of the throng of people at the musician. All were frozen with shock at what was happening and the musician was as surprised as any as Fabian slammed into him and both of them fell to the ground as Fabian, the blessed child began hitting the musician with his fists, over and over. The weather darkened and a strong, cold wind swept up around the village. Fabian stood up as a lightning strike thundered and boomed nearby, his fists red with blood, the musician lying broken on the ground in the village center. Triumphant he reached for the harp. 'I am the blessed child and I always get what I want!' He laughed with wide eyes as he grabbed the harp and held it aloft. 'Play! I wish to hear the music!'

        No music came and more thunder strikes hit the area around the village, the villagers themselves looking on at the grisly scene in the center with open mouths, frozen in shock at what they had witnessed their blessed child do. 'Play! I said play damn you!' Fabian shouted and cursed, shaking the harp that was still silent. With a scream of rage he brought harp down on the ground and with a might crash it broke apart on the ground. 'If you will not play for me then you will not play for anyone!' Fabian shouted at the crowd.

        The words left his lips as a enormous bolt of lightning smashed down upon the pieces of the harp which started to burn to ash, the smoke twirling, rising in a enormous shape that began to take solid form... as a spirit of the forest came into being. She let out a scream that made the ground tremble and houses collapse, sinkholes opened underneath people who fell into their depths. Many ran, away from the village into the mist which had gotten thicker and was suddenly filled with the sounds of gibbering and cackling voices before the screams of the villages drowned them out.

        The spirit stopped screaming her burning gaze looking at all who remained before looking upon Fabian and she spoke directly into the minds of all present, bringing them to their knees as the voice in their heads was loud enough to deafen them. "A claim of a blessed child that was never blessed, a arrogance of your own creation. This boy is not blessed he shall be cursed and this village as well, twice cursed you all are and twice cursed you all shall remain till my music shall once more play!" She waved with her hand and before Fabians eyes the villagers that had remained, his own father and mother included, twisted and turning into malformed monstrosities of man and tree. As their transformation was finished and they all howled with pain and anguish the spirit turned to Fabian. "You shall forever know thirst, hunger and suffering. You shall not rest nor find bliss in dying of old age. You shall live forever, hunted by those who fed your arrogance to be torn apart at midnight only to be be brought back at dawn to start the cycle anew! Always shall you return here at the place of your crime and you shall forever be haunted by what you have done!" With a crack of thunder the forest spirit vanished, leaving Fabian in the middle of the ruined village center as the twisted forms of what were once his fellow villagers, his worshipers, began to move with purpose towards him, hatred burning in their glowing eyes. And then he screamed, for the first time, the first time of many as each dawn he would be reborn and the cursed villagers would hunt him again to tear him apart limb from limb over and over.

        So hear me well children, never let arrogance and greed blind you.... and if a golden haired young man asks you for refuge and safety for the night. Refuse him and close the door, for what may be hunting him will kill any who dare stand in their path....

    • Welcome to the character design tab!

      I'm sure most of this is pretty self-explanatory by now and if you're having any struggles be sure to contact me with any questions. There are a few areas, however, that I would like to review briefly, though: Race, Strengths/Weaknesses, and Inventory.

      Race: As described in the FAQ, I only have one race created for the world at this time and the rest are your typical fantasy world races. If you have in mind a custom race you would like to play, please discuss with me the attributes of the race and where they might originate from so that I might incorporate them into the world.

      Strengths/Weaknesses: I have in the CS 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses required. However, this is not the limit of the strengths/weaknesses your character is allowed. The general rule of thumb is to keep it balanced. With each sphere of a strength, attempt to give them a weakness that would be of equal value. However, please attempt to limit weaknesses from crippling your characters. If they are not able to effectively participate throughout the roleplay with their peers or go on the journey, then it probably begins to give you an idea of where the line is being drawn on these characters.

      Inventory: I'm not exactly asking to know everything that is in your pockets here. Just a rough outline of major items that you would have on you that your character would find of value to them and utilize in various situations.

      Character Sheet



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      Key Inventory
      • Weaponry:
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      • Tools:
      • Personal:

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      [*]Feature 1: Details
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      [b]Key Inventory[/b]
    • Welcome to the Records tab! Here you will find information on people, locales and factions you have discovered.
      • You know no one yet!
      • You know no places yet!
      • You know no factions yet!
      • As the story progresses, major events will be chronicled and the story will be recorded in an easy to read synopsis so that players and readers alike can reference the information at their convenience! Canonically Coming of Mana has 3 acts planned. However, these acts can change, depending upon the players.
    • Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions tab of the post! Here you might be able to find some of your questions answered regarding the roleplay that other roleplayers, like you, have asked at one point. If it has not been asked yet, don't worry, contact me!

      How does a mage's mana pool work?
      Your body can contain so much mana at a time without it being dangerous. Some individuals have trained themselves to have a greater capacity over time to hold more through training each day, trying to inwardly channel it from the surroundings. You won't necessarily tire yourself or injure yourself to use your reserve, you'll just feel the chamber run to empty. Those who attempt to reach beyond their capacity and channel too much mana find themselves experiencing an effect called 'mana burn' where it begins to release as raw energy from their body that causes real harm to the individual.

      Outside of combat, active channeling can replenish a portion of your reserves if you've been given a brief respite. Some alchemy involves the fluid from the mana springs, so it wouldn't be a stretch to suppose that they would replenish the body, though they are probably tainting in too often a period and potentially addicting with the rush of power.
      What races are there in Garmanic?
      There is only one race that I have created for Garmanic. That is the Manica race. They are a humanoid race of various flesh tones and hues with gem protrusions from their body. While the youngest and most passable for human merely have their heart stone, the eldest find themselves 'returning to mana', their bodies becoming large crystals.

      Aside from that, I will operate along with very recognizable races for the most part. You will see your typical fantasy elves, dwarves, orcs and so on. That is not to say you have to play these races, though! Feel free to create your own race, provide information for me to work upon so that I can incorporate them into the world. Just understand that I might have to make some adjustments to make them fit just a little bit. Your character with your race may not have every property they are known for upon entrance.
      What sort of creatures can I expect from this roleplay?
      I'm not going to start throwing a bunch of brand new creatures at you without any background whatsoever to work off of. I intend to look for some creatures that in some way have been altered from some of our classical fantasy monsters and introduce to you our favorites in a new light. Not just fantasy creatures but some of our the natural beasts that fantasy worlds overlooked that could have become a greater threat given the right forces.

      Don't worry though. You still have a background to fall back on. There was a time when dragons soared through the skies, krakens ruled the seas and goblins were the scourge of every young adventurer.
      Okay, really. When was the Day of Mana?
      Roughly 260 years ago.
      Just what will our choices mean?
      Your choices mean they can take the roleplay into new and unexpected directions. You can take the roleplay off the path of the canon story and craft a story of your own, flipping off events unfolding in the world. Each choice you make will have a far-reaching effect that will ultimately decide the end result of this story. You don't have to be the noble heroes, even. You can be that evil bastard at the end of the day. It all just depends on the choices you make.

    The rules are as follows:

    1. Follow Iwaku's Site Policies and we'll all be just peachy.
    2. Reiterating Iwaku's Site Mechanics Policy: The GM's word is law. I have the final decision in all things of the RP from executing something in the IC to kicking a player from the RP.
    3. Follow basic RP etiquette, that is to say, do not: use meta-knowledge, godmode, puppet others' characters, auto-hit, hog the spotlight, etc.
    4. Don't be an arse. Don't carry qualms about the RP out and about. Just don't. We all know sometimes we get our knickers in a bunch about this stuff from time to time, but we can all be mature about it and go to our brooding corners.
    5. Try and have at least legible spelling and grammar. I know mistakes happen, I'm not asking perfection.
    6. Try and keep up with the RP. Official GM posts advancing the plot will happen once weekly. The hopes is that all players will manage to post once each round. This is not a hard rule. Players are permitted to post as they see appropriate in order to advance interactions and scenes. As well, I understand not everyone will be able to post every single week.
    7. That said, if you are going to be gone for an extended time from the RP, CONTACT ME. Tell me what is happening. That way, we will not have to worry about a hiccup from your character and maybe we can even arrange an excuse for why your character is gone and bring you back when you are less busy!
    8. Death can occur in this RP. It is not my absolute goal to murder-rape-kill your characters but bad things might happen to them. There may be some content you might be uncomfortable with from time to time given the dark setting. I aim to take this setting seriously but not drown you all in doom and gloom and horror.
    9. Talk to me and your fellow RPers! This is a group activity. Your characters should interact! You should talk to me, I would enjoy hearing ideas from my players, they might be incorporated, who knows!
    10. The roleplay will incorporate mature themes that not all readers may find themselves comfortable with. That is not to say that the RP will devolve ultimately to grimdark brutality or erotica, but content of both axis are permitted.
      10a. Sexual content is to fall in line with The Iwaku FAQ #31. That is to say, all sexual content is to be put within a spoiler and labeled with a content warning (and age group restrictions still apply).
      10b. Following in line with The Iwaku FAQ #33, in regards to graphic content, it is important to use judgment calls and when content could cause other to become very uncomfortable, to place the content within spoilers and label it with an appropriate content warning.
    11. Failure to comply with the rules of the RP can result in consequences up to and including being kicked from the RP or reported to staff.
  • Active Characters
    Ailigtriona 'Alex' Somer by @Aenimus
    Amarsin 'Azzy' Orchamis by @Slade
    Terry Sullen by @Jakers
    Khalil 'Al-Ahmaq Alkhadhib' Al-Habib by @VerbalAbuse
    Eris Stoneheart by @VerbalAbuse
    Hainsarku by @Fetzen
    Morohtar Haldir by @~\The Talentless/~
    Ghazal Shadlyah by @DustBunny
    Lady Tamia Revalyen by @Selvi
    Brunhilde Oghwynsdóttir by @Andrea
    Aellor Skyrend by @Kadaeux [Pending]
    Kayto by @Gat [Pending]

    Inactive Characters
    None as of yet

    Dead Characters
    None as of yet
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@Aenimus - Is it alright if I interact with the young lad with the dog in my first IC post?

If so, should we do it in collab form or should I just post and wait for a response?
@Aenimus - Is it alright if I interact with the young lad with the dog in my first IC post?

If so, should we do it in collab form or should I just post and wait for a response?
All good if you go to interact with him... uhm... and at the moment, I'd prefer if it was just post and wait for a response that way everyone can get the chance to interact with people of their choice and be on the same page. :3
@DustBunny There are a couple conflictung points in Ghazal's CS. The fact he appears to be a socialite character but has a flaw of being distant seems a bit off. As well, you make a point to say he will do what he needs to survive in the bio area, but then list in your weaknesses how careful he is to people and animals.

That was my bad. I didn't word those as well as I should have and I apologize ^^; I've added a bit more to each of those things to where the conflict was so as to hopefully express what I really meant. However, if you still find them conflicting I can change them entirely ^_^
Awesome!! I'll try to have my opener tonight or tomorrow, but the storms are messing with my Internet a bit, but I'll have it up soon~
My Kayto shall be .. well at least drafted some time this evening... should be fun.
That was a pretty bad opener, but I lost my inspiration for my post as things came up and I needed to take a few days away from RP, but I'll be better with the next ones~
So I got quite delayed, I'll be done by the weekend I suspect.... and if not, I'm sure i'll get my ass kicked in messenger >.>

Name: Aellor Skyrend
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Race: Ryak

: Aellor is close to eight feet tall, an attribute that makes him something of a midget for his kind, though like all Ryak he is not as strong as their size would hint, the hollow bones meaning their endurance is somewhat lower than most might expect. However due to their wings they are strong enough for most tasks, especially flight.
Ryak, due to his diminutive status, and natural proclivities, found himself at the young age of six apprenticed to a spellbinder of the Skyrend Tribe, learning the magics and arts of their people, Aellor was never quite content with the ways of his folk, his curiosity being far beyond that which was considered to be 'socially acceptable' by the somewhat straight-laced tribe Skyrend.
Aellor kept his own council and learned all he could, asking questions regardless and, eventually, choosing to go on a pilgrimage to the Winged Mother, the Ryak God of Magic. This allowed him the excuse needed to leave his people escorted by a couple warriors. Unfortunately, the world is a harsh place and the over-zealous guardians soon found themselves in shallow graves as Aellor continued on. His curiosity and desire for ever increasing amounts of knowledge, and power, driving him along. Using his own magics to protect himself, often in disquieting ways.


  • Transmutation Mage: Aellor is a trained transmutation mage, and a number of folk have found this to be either incredible (there was a man on the way down from Voss who paid for an... enlargement if you catch my meaning) or utterly horrifying (I have no mouth and I must scream!) the greater the transmutative act the more taxing it is on him.
  • Elementalist Apprentice: Aellor has learned a degree of basic magic in the elemental fields, fire, earth, air and water. Though he is not a master of these fields he can conduct basic magic with them. Preferring the Fireball if necessary.
  • Flight: Aellor, as a Ryak is capable of true flight, naturally and without restraint, this allows for a significant height advantage paired with the incredible eyesight of their race. But it is not without it's issues.
  • Flight: Being capable of flight has it's definite downsides, he is both easily identified for what he is and most equipment needs to be custom made for him unless procured from a Ryak tribe. But most of all is that anything he has needs to be lightweight lest it prevent him flying at all.
  • Fragile: The other big downside to his capacity for flight lay in a fundamental piece of his biology, hollow bones. As with most Ryak, he can't take much damage without it being in real danger of crippling him, though he can, given time, repair the damage with his magic, he doesn't like to put himself in front of something likely to wreck him. He, like most of his kind, find maces, clubs, morning stars and quaterstaffs particularly threatening.
  • Curiosity: Aellor is a being of depthless curiosity, and is more likely to try and sate it than not. In fact, if someone goes to him 'do this no questions asked' the first thing he'd do is ask 'why'. This has lead to him getting into more than a few unpleasant scrapes.
Key Inventory
  • Weaponry:
    • Channeling Rig (The Channeling rig is an arrangement of jewelry made from copper arranged around his arms, hand and head allowing him to channel magic instead of using a staff or want as another might.)
  • Armor:
    • Lightweight Clothing (No armour value.)
  • Tools:
    • The Dimacharus Archive (A mages spellbook, but very very small. Only his Ryak eyesight allows him to read and write within it.
  • Personal:
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Presently unfinished, older character converted to new setting, bio needs a rewrite... a large one so it shall follow tomorrow if I don't get lost in Civilization 6 when I get home....

  • Personal

    Name: Kayto
    Age: 14
    Sex: Female
    Race: Human
    Kayto's early years are a little hazy even to her. Growing up on the streets, she barely even remembers anything of her life before approximately age 5, by which time she ran with some of the other street kids and started getting involved in the shadier side of life, stealing where she could, learning to pick pockets and move swiftly through the cluttered streets to outrun angry shopkeepers and the city guard. each day was a fight to survive which only got worse as she started getting older and started getting noticed more by the gangs working the streets.

    She managed to remain independent for the most part, occasionally working with one of the gangs for jobs they needed an extra hand with, trading her growing skills for food, shelter or favours in tougher times. She made a few friends, ones that wouldn't sell her our for a quick meal or a few coppers, or other less pleasant reasons but for the most part she stayed on her own.

    That changes a couple of years ago. On the cusp of teenage-hood she old enough to be taken some notice of but not yet old enough to really make her mark in what passed for a culture on the streets and the ratways.

  • Technical

    • Small and Nimble: Thanks to her small size and experience in getting out of jams, Kayto is quite adept staying out of reach of grasping hands and getting through tight spaces with a minimum of difficulty.
    • Old Enough to Bleed: Is what the closest person Kayto ever had to an older brother told her a couple of years ago when some of the seedier men started looking at her as more than just a street rat. He then taught her a number of tricks to defending herself against such men. Its far from honourable fighting, but Kayto isn't one to care overly much about being nice to someone trying to hurt her.
    • Fast Hands: Kayto has something of a gift for slight of hand and most things that require a deft hand seem to come to her naturally. Of course the truth is it's simply years of practice from living on the streets
    • Fire Pretty: While most are fully aware of and sensibly fear the damage fire can cause to man and property, Kayto has a, some would say; unhealthy, lack of fear for the element of fire. Her mind associates it with affection, safety and security rather than the more normal association of danger.
    • Strength Proportionate to Size: Kayto is after all still young, and as her body is still growing her strength is much less than most of those around her.
    • Small World: Until two years ago, the streets of the poorer area's of the city were all Kayto knew. While her 'older brother' has tried to give her at least a rudimentary education she knows almost nothing of the world outside the city and little of even the richer lifestyles in the city except what she has seen from a distance. Even with what little education she has her reading is exceptionally limited and writing skills are almost non existent.
    Key Inventory
    • Weaponry: Sling and a pouch of smooth flat stones. Long bladed knife.
    • Armoury: Hard capped boots.
    • Tools: 5 feet of rope, a file and a set of lockpicks.
    • Personal: A bracelet braided of red, blue and black string. An old playing card; The Queen of Spades. A brown scarf with streaks of blue woven through it.
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Alright! Happy to see the two new posts and the two new CSs in the works. That said, I've been doing some thinking and come to some conclusions....

1. posting: officially, the goal is to make sure amd rounds last 1 GM post out each week and that everyone can churn out one post as well. However, you are not limited to this. The aim is to post where appropriate, IE) with some players interacting this round, there may bring about the need for additional posts or even collabs to be posted up to go through with this and potentially even move on to new activities. :3

2. Mature content: seeing how we're all adults here and the nature of the rp is more mature themes, I am not limiting themes and content to vague suggestions when it comes to grim matters, violence or sexual content. There will be times where these things come up. On ones that might be a bit excessive, I might suggest spoiler warning the post with warning tags, but given the nature of the site... I'm giving it the go ahead that we are not bound by the ultimate vaguery and fade-to-black ideation. Worse case scenario, we'll be moved to the Redstar section at some point if staff deems fit, but i dont see it being an issue.
Moves in and creates a nook and cranny where I'll huddle up and start plotting, scheming and creating after a long time of dormancy in this place.

Name: Tamia Revalyen, 'Lady Tamia'
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Standing at a mere 5'5 she may be not considered impressive for her height and perhaps easily overlooked if it were not for her blue eyes, which were often calculated and piercing as she takes in her surroundings and the people she meets. She looks like she has never known a time of poverty with the way she moves and talks. Her blonde hair reaches just past her shoulders some of it braided and tied to make sure it would not obscure her eyes. Always dressed sharp, travel clothes that are more a uniform by appearance emblazoned with a sigil that she wears proudly, some might say arrogantly even. If it werent for her cold eyes and arrogant demeanor one might say her face would have been beautiful, flawless save for a single scar on her left cheek.

Biography: Tamia was born into aristocracy, if you can call the nobility of Voss aristocracy. As a daughter she did not have to worry too much about the line of succession, her many male siblings however were a different matter, by the age of six she had seen four of them having suffered unfortunate 'accidents' one having fallen off his horse, one being mauled by his bear mount, a third died in a honour duel by a arrow in the back and the fourth being somehow stabbed, poisoned and disemboweled all at the same time. And those were just her brothers, cousins she did not know long enough to really care for. She was brought up in wealth otherwise, growing up without a care in the world, save for the deaths among her siblings and then her potential for tapping into Mana was discovered at the age of fourteen.

She was given a tutor initially to make sure her powers would be under control but her particular innate talent of Mana proved to be... somewhat disastrous for her tutor as after only a few lessons servants and relatives witnessed the screaming tutor crashing out of the window, clawing at her body as her veins started to lit up under her skin, pulsing with power and the unleashed out of her wildly before she died screaming and exploding in a ball of arcane blue fire. Tamia watching wide eyed from the broken window.

After that her family was not sure what to do with her, especially after the second tutor suffered a similar fate, while not dead was severely injured. Then a group of individuals came to the estate, dressed in black armour or uniforms, their only means of identification a batch with a emblem of open eye, a sword stabbed through with flames on the background. They would take the young girl and help her harness her powers, her parents only all too happily agreeing with letting her as the last displays of her power saw extensive fire damage to the estate and months of cleaning bits and pieces of her two tutors.

And thus began her tutelage and training within the confines of the Inquisition.

She learned pretty quickly that their goal was not to save her, or necessarily her family or the people she was around back then when the Inquisition took her. Much later she learned that they had even debated just killing her at first before they realized her possible potential. To the Inquisition the Day of Mana showed a great truth to the world, Mana was dangerous and those who wielded it could unleash a second calamity, one the world would not recover from, especially since they are still recovering from the first that happened almost three centuries ago. Normally they hunted people like her, Mana practitioners whose power was unpredictable, dangerous. But then they figured out why her power had affected her tutors, her innate ability was not necessarily wielding the Mana to give form to some type of energy, her power was to twist and warp Mana already present and turn it asunder, to a most violent end in those who are infusing themselves with that power.

So she became a weapon at first, a tool for the Inquisition, akin to a blade in the hands of one of their foot soldiers. At the age of 17 she was accompanying members of the Inquisition in hunting down those Mana practitioners who are crossing the lines and might bring forth nothing but destruction. She was always kept on a leash of sorts, never acting independent and always with a handler nearby if her power proved to be too dangerous. That changed three years later when she was with a Inquisitor hunting a cell of a underground network somewhere in the fog and forests of the Baelmyst. The group she had been told had freed a number of Mana practitioners from around the various nations that had been imprisoned for various crimes, from simple theft, to murder and even causing mana fiends to attack villages and then 'saving' the villages for a reward.

They had been tracking this cell for weeks... though it felt like months at times as the passage of time in the Baelmyst was difficult to gauge, facing mana fiends several times. In the end it was all for nothing as they were ambushed by the ones they were hunting, before she could unleash her power she was knocked out by a conjured fist of rock and stone. Waking up much later, dazed... in a makeshift camp, her shackles, her collar the Inquisition placed on her, all things that made her more a tool, a weapon than a person, gone. She was approached by a woman then, a older female Manica, her gem glowing bright and smiling at the young Tamia.

The group they had been tracking had discovered her in the aftermath of the battle and sensed she could wield the Mana like they could, seeing the shackles believing her to be a prisoner and freed her. The older manica telling the young woman that she was safe now and told her their story. First to not believe whatever the Inquisition told her about them, yes some of them had been imprisoned for crimes but did that mean they had to be left to rot forever and not be allowed to make up for their mistakes? So they were freed and together as a collective they merely wished to journey around using their abilities to protect and give aid where they could without having to worry about people like the Inquisition or the various nations looking over their shoulder or imposing rules or restrictions of what they can or cannot do. That sometimes they need to experiment with their abilities, go beyond their limits, in the end all to just make a better place.

Tamia listened intently, watching the encampment with curiousity, this 'cell' was more akin to a wandering tribe of 'wild Voss' from her homeland. There were only two dozen people and some of them were children she saw playing within the camp, they really seemed to be at peace and just want to be left alone was what she gathered when she listened to the tale. When it was done and the elderly Manica extended her hand asking her if she wanted to join them, or if not they would be happy to send her on her way with supplies to make her own mark in the world. She recalled it exactly, looking at the hand and then at the Manica's face, she truly wished to just live in peace and do her best to help the world around her with like-minded individuals. But all it took was one of them to cross the line and innocent people would get hurt or worse, so she made her decision. The old Manica woman was the first to be torn asunder by her own innate abilities going out of control for her to contain.

In the end she stumbled and limped away from the ruined camp, clutching wounds at her sides, her leg half burned, leaving nothing but burned and withered husks and a few that were killed by more mundane means. She was near dying when a Inquisitor who had gone looking for the first found her and brought her home, her true home. After those events her position had been reevaluated, she had been unshackled and not wavered and was no longer a weapon, a tool. And instead of a new collar she received a black uniform.

Now as a full Inquisitor she was send on missions, at first alongside more veteran ones, also to make certain she remained loyal she suspected but eventually on her own. Her almost emotionless disdain, methodical and calculated approach to tasks and no mercy given earned her a nickname and reputation for cruelty or as a 'ice queen' even among her fellow peers. She does not seem to care about this and only is driven by her own ambitions and whatever creed she follows. Now her journey brings her to the Baelmyst once more, along with a mercenary from the Rorchereal Tundra as her only companion.




  • Exactly Calculated: She detests wasting more effort than is required, using only the exact ammount of power in her spells, never giving in to the temptation to be 'flashy' about her magic and instead opt for precise, calculated strikes designed to wear down her opponents and tear through their defenses upon finding a weak point, conserving her power reserves.
  • More than just a Accessory: The gem attached to her staff blade is more than just decoration, the heart-gem of a Manica which she can tap into like a Manica would, replenishing her powers to stay fresh in extended battles.
  • Entropy Magic: The Day of Mana... the greatest crisis the world has known and also the greatest change for the world. It twisted and turned the natural order of things, some of its effects causing things to simply tear itself apart or have their own bodies turned against them. She is able to do something similar... but with other casters. Using her power to twist and tear apart Mana practitioners using their own connection to the Mana against them, when they use their power she simply applies her own and watch how her magic twists the Mana of her opponents and makes them tear themselves apart.
  • Storm Adept: Some call her a 'Ice Queen' or a 'Storm' wherever she goes, if only they knew how apt those descriptions were. She can tap into the mana with a affinity for ice or lightning to suit her needs for defense or attack.
  • Inquisitor: A cold glare is all she needs to promise pain and suffering to those she deems that deserve it, her bearing, her uniform and more importantly the badge on her clothes and the reputation that is associated with it will get her what she needs and instill fear and respect.
  • Inquisitorial Training: Being a Inquisitor requiresm ore than just a glare, she underwent extensive training to stay in shape and keep up her endurance when things require more physical approaches.
  • A Troublesome Heart: To most the gem of her staff appears just that, a simple gem, not even that valuable. But to the Manica... they know what it is and any of their kind would not willingly give up their heart gem and to see a human have it and use it for her own purposes is rather... distasteful, to say the least.
  • Pride goeth before a Fall: So assured of her own abilities and her belief that she is... well better than anyone else, her demeanor does not make friends and also may lead her to refuse to acknowledge being beaten. Even if it is better to retreat, to fight another day.
  • Sacrifices must be made: Achieving success, victory is the end goal, she is apt at calculating the odds... and if those odds say a 'ally' has to be sacrificed she will not hesitate to make that call. Some may have to die for the great work to achieve completion.
  • Inquisitor: Some look upon the symbol on her uniform with respect, fear, or even adoration... but there are those who see it and will draw a weapon right away to attack... or slink in the shadows waiting for a more opportune moment to strike.
  • Power Overwhelming: Her entropy magic is powerful but as she uses other types of magic, mainly her elemental powers, her main power is a risk to herself. She needs to maintain concentration if she wields other magics or risk her entropy magic turning on herself upon losing concentration and feel herself burn as her own Mana turns against her.
Key Inventory
  • Weaponry: Blade Staff, a green gem attached to one end, the heart-gem of a manica.
  • Armory: Black Leather Armour/Uniform
  • Tools: Torture Kit, Manacles
  • Personal: Journal, writing utensils
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@Selvi if she gets approved, I think Tamia would reveal Eris' Manica heritage. I'd been wondering how I was going to do that.
Updated the rules in the first post. Minor things for the most part that should already be common knowledge, but putting them in place again so if need be, I can easily point at them. Only things really worth mentioning is the refining on the posting rule and an addition on the rules regarding mature content as a quick easy look-up of where to stand in regards to "trigger" content and sexual themes.
@VerbalAbuse if you wanna have another angle for Eris to have, Manica can sense Azzy's Heart Stone
  • Useful
Reactions: VerbalAbuse
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