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Original poster

JANUARY 3, 1947
The orc doorman didn't stir as a pair of scarlet red heels clicked against the classical black and white tiled floor. The woman in those heels strode with a fiery determination, her equally red hair still held in their evening curlers. Her lips were held in a tight frown and her arms were crossed underneath her bust. Walking past the grand stair case nearing the entrance of the lobby, through the front doors and then across the street in the pouring rain she stopped to fish out her keys as she arrived at the doors of her workplace. Maneuvering through the dimly lit front room she then stopped at another door. Sheriff Blacklaw was written on translucent glass. She took a moment to readjust the ribbon of her revealing silk nightgown before knocking at the door, her expression all but happy to be there. "Abraham! We have a situation!"

Abraham heard Victoria before she knocked. He was almost to the door when her voice erupted past it. He opened it briskly. He never did anything with a soft touch. Everything was always fierce and punctual. The office behind him was a mess. A massive wooden table dominated the center of the room. Atop it was a smattering of papers, photographs, and the sheriff's sloppy notes. singular window pointed outside, and directly towards another building. It was cracked open, smoke sliding out of it while the sound of rain entered. It smelled of whiskey and cigarettes. The sheriff practically swallowed the threshold of the door. His broad shoulders kissed the frame and he swiftly buttoned the top button of his shirt before he tightened his tie.

"Victoria," he said, his voice a deep rumble. At work, he'd refer to her as Miss Rider and only Miss Rider. Here, though, with her distraught in her nightgown--she was Victoria. "What's wrong?" He took a step away from the doorway and towards his desk. He may have walked backward to his desk, his eyes intent on her silhouette underneath the gown. Usually, he wouldn't ogle, but she never showed up in her sleep attire. "Must be something taxing for you to give up your much-lauded beauty sleep."

"Taxing..? Hah. Yeah, I suppose you could call it that." She breathed tiredly, her manicured fingers rising up to massage her temples. Victoria walked into the smaller room afterwards, her body swaying past the physically imposing man before walking around to the back of his desk and opened the top right shelf. Coming up with a cigarette moments later she then moved back towards him. Gesturing to the smoke now held lightly between her lips, she explained. "I got a house call from the Council's boy scout, just now."

A certain vulnerability in her voice that few rarely got to hear and the bags underneath her eyes more apparent now that they stood so close, she hesitated. "Mikael told me that Watchers have woken Abraham...the first in nearly half a century."

He watched her as she spoke. Her gaze seemed to avert his, and her eyes seemed heavy--far heavier than he'd ever seen them. Abraham swiftly inhaled at her words, and then he let out a low laugh. "Victoria, it is too late, and I'm too frustrated with this other case for you to be making practical jokes."

There was a pause between them. The silence suffocated the laugh from his throat. His lips drew tight and his brow furrowed. Those blue eyes of his became striking against the darkness of the room.

He grabbed his half finished glass of scotch and downed it in a burning instant. "We need to move--fast. Hells bells," he said, pinching his nose. "I'll get a hold of the other deputies and then we need to get out of here."

Watchers. It had been so long since they'd manifested and if history was any lesson, their appearance meant nothing but trouble.


The human men and women who have been kissed by death and miraculously survived the ordeal. Normal people, who shortly after their experience, begin to see previously unnoticed abnormalities in the world around them. These individuals are labeled Watchers and the hidden world they come to see is one of corruption, strife and the supernatural -- The Grey.

The Watchers find themselves thrown into the chaos of this new and vicious society without warning. Special in the sense that they are apart of two different worlds simultaneously, the individuals are constantly preyed on by this society's dangerous inhabitants and various crime syndicates. Yet at the same time there are those supernatural beings who wish to prevent Watchers from being slaughtered and exploited by their kin. The Occult aim to reach out to and protect these humans from the evils of their world. They house the Watchers, with our without their permission, and help them adjust to their new life. If the Watchers refuse to live by their rules? They disappear never to be asked about again.

For the past fifty seven years however, no Watcher has set foot in New Haven. The presence of Watchers have historically disrupted the workings of the Grey and without them the corrupted elite of their society have grown comfortable. But now the sudden awakening of five Watchers has every supernatural organization criminal and not, weary of their existence. Along with the rise of a new highly addictive drug made of demon blood, the Grey is entering a time of chaos and the only ones seeming to stand against the tides are the Sheriff and his deputies.

Read through every thread made for the RP. This OOC along with the interest check and the lore thread have important information about the universe of the Occult made to be read by the players.

This roleplay is just as much of a noir story as it is a supernatural one. Familiarize yourself with the setting if you aren't already!

I will be accepting characters based on their quality and whether they really add to the story. Just because you posted a character sheet does not mean you are guaranteed a spot. I'm not a fan of the word 'competitive' and did not intend on the admission process being described as such but a (surprising) amount of people showed interest so far. If your character does not make it through this round, WtH is just the first of many roleplays I will be creating for the universe of the Occult.

Communication is key and collaboration posts are likely to happen. PLOT WITH PEEPS. :-)

Expect to speak with me a lot. I like plotting for ways to give player characters more agency in the story.

I don't have a strict paragraph limit but you must give enough in your posts for others to work with.

We will likely be using a courtesy system and I expect a post every few days at the very least.

Don't be a dick to others, simple as that. If you absolutely can't resolve a problem you can bring it to me and I'll deal with it accordingly.

Have hella fun.

[fieldbox="INSERT TITLE HERE, #e80743, solid, Tahoma"]NAME:
AGE: Most Supernaturals right now vary from 270-310 years old.
RACE: Human or Supernatural (Specify if latter.)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.
[fieldbox="INSERT TITLE HERE, #e80743, solid, Tahoma"][SIZE=3][imga=right]http://i.imgur.com/PhJHkJO.jpg?1[/imga][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#800080][B]NAME:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=4][COLOR=#800080][B]ROLE:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=#800080][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=4][B]AGE:[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] Most Supernaturals right now vary from 270-310 years old.
[COLOR=#800080][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][B]GENDER:[/B] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#800080][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][B]SEXUALITY:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#800080][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][B]RACE:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]  Human or Supernatural (Specify if latter.)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.
[COLOR=#800080][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][B]PERSONALITY[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed aliquet vel ac lacus diam eros, pede qui eget cras metus accumsan, per aliquam vestibulum convallis quis ullamcorper. Pellentesque non, class elit sagittis hendrerit enim in, pellentesque suscipit, arcu leo, dapibus urna. Volutpat elit parturient et integer, est sed repellendus ante integer a, habitasse sodales, donec non enim. Morbi cras nec potenti erat, tempor cras curabitur praesent nullam, tellus ultricies felis ut amet. Lorem vestibulum, amet sit sem nibh eleifend, orci egestas, morbi laoreet nulla, potenti et praesent suspendisse tincidunt orci aliquet.[/SIZE][/fieldbox]
You are free to change the colors/font to your liking. :-)

I want history to be sent through a separate PM rather than on the public sheet. Reasoning behind this being I want each character's past to remain a secret to the other writers/characters. I felt like not knowing 100% who an individual is will contribute to the noir feel I'm going for. I won't accept your character until the sheet is up and their history is in my inbox.

Accepting only four Deputies.

Accepting only five Watchers.

Accepting only three to five members of the Cartel.

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Hell's bells? Is that a fellow Dresden fan I spy?

[fieldbox="THE HIDDEN HEIRESS, #612C4D, solid, Tahoma"]NAME: Constance 'Connie' Ambrose
ROLE: Watcher
AGE: 20

GENDER: Female
RACE: Human
Connie is a gorgeous young woman with an imposing appearance to some. She has glossy black hair that she always fixes into a swooping band secured by a lace headband and held together in the back by an array of pins. She only lets her hair down when she's going to bed or she's feeling lost, and she makes sure to only allow a select group of people to witness that. She has unblemished pearly white skin that seems to glow in the moonlight. She is a lover of make up but doesn't slather her face with such and simply uses black eyeliner, and a touch of eye shadow to simulate a 'smoky' eye. Oddly enough, she does not use lipstick as she fears that it will stain her lips, so she only wears a light coating of colorless lip balm. She inherited a set of stunning dark eyebrows from her father and she thinks of them as her most defining feature.

When Connie hosted her parties or was attending the family's social gatherings, she was often seen wearing sleek black dresses with bronze jewelry and shiny black heels. However currently she can usually be seen wearing an variety of colorfully printed frocks complete with more practical heels. Sometimes when the day calls for swiftness, she will wear slacks with a comfortably fitted blouse or t-shirt, which she would usually pear with a dark colored weskit.

Connie is a shrewd young woman who holds no tolerance for those she thinks are beneath her. She was born from privilege and she expects the best and brightest in her life. She is highly prejudiced against poor people and she has no tolerance for them. However she has room for improvement and she isn't a complete stone cold bitch. She has a soft spot for children although she would prefer to not be exposed to the unfortunate dirty ones. She isn't a patient woman and she knows how to get what she wants. Unless she is frazzled, everything she does is calculated and planned out.

In addition to having a soft spot for children, Connie loves her friends. She will do anything she can for them and can sometimes be blinded by how she thinks they are, as opposed to their true selves. On many an occasion, her family members have had to 'persuade' one of her friends to hit the bricks because they were using her and taking advantage of her love for them. On that note, Connie hates when things are done for her that she didn't explicitly ask to be done. If it's possible, she'll 'fight' her own battles and she hates interference. Of course, sometimes, she'll need others to step in and most of the time, it'll physically pain her to ask for assistance.
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Reserved for little me!
[fieldbox=The Nightingale, #FFF601, solid, Monoton]

|| Name || Erzsabet Saint James || Nickname(s)|| Betty; Ezra (sic.); Nightingale || Role || Watcher
|| Age || Twenty-Eight|| Gender || Female || Sexuality || Hetero || Race || Human/Hungarian-American

|| Written Description ||

Betty is undeniably beautiful - flawless pale skin, unblemished but for a beauty mark at the base of her throat, where neck and collar bone meet. Her hair hangs to just below her shoulders, a glossy black usually pinned into an updo, her eyes gaslight blue and rimmed by dark lashes and thick brows. Her form is slender, a well proportioned hour-glass figure, with a full bust and hips, a narrow waist and long, willow arms and legs. She stands at roughly 5'4", but carries herself with the confidence of someone much taller. Her wardrobe generally shifts with her mood, ranging from sophisticated to almost costume like, and Betty is rarely ever seen without her make up, nails and hair done.

While she bears a formidable confidence, Betty is not without both eccentricity and vain self-consciousness. She hates her elbows - finds them too sharply pointed and she swears up and down that one of her eyes is far larger than the other. She also almost never wears flat shoes, even when heels would seem impractical, because she abhors feeling like the shortest person in the room.

Whilst performing, Betty spares no theatrics in making of herself the bombshell personae 'The Nightingale' that she is renown for her.

|| Personality ||

Betty is every bit the actress, her personality never quite the same one moment from the next. She is everything and nothing expected - bubbly and bright, but also cool and clever... as interchangeable as a mask. Because of this, she's a remarkably easy person to like, on the surface, but extremely difficult to get to know on a deeper level. She's built up walls over the years, to avoid the damaging fallout from her troublesome relationships and is all too conscious of self-preservation.

Despite those walls, Betty yearns for the comforts of life and enjoys the company of others. She's friendly, when it suits her and, in the rare event she is able to connect with someone, is intensely loyal and compassionate towards her friends. Her love for the finer things, however, can give the impression of spoiled condescension. Never limiting her luxury, Betty gravitates towards the gaudy and extravagant, from her costumes, to her every day gowns and pant-suits down to her sleepwear.

Always prepared for trouble (or keen to impress), she keeps on her person a small collection of slight-of-hand materials, as well as a lock-pick set. She is almost never seen with her hands empty and is typically fidgeting with something. Betty is an avid smoker, but rarely in public. She does not drink.

Her troubling past keeps her on edge and because of this she is extremely closed off. As well, she sleeps poorly and often has nightmares. Because of her fame and her abilities, she can be cocky and is not without her "Prima Donna" moments, though considerably less so now that she's returned to small time work. She is intensely afraid of water, following a drowning accident that nearly ended her life. She fears dangerous men, the exposure of her secrets, and any and all limitations.

Privately, she hopes to escape her past and the memories that haunt her, and dreams of a life filled with notoriety, passion and a large manor on a quiet hill. Her abilities are without question, though not to say supernatural - Simply put, she has a gift for manipulation and is a remarkably talented grifter, able to change her personality at the drop of dime, as seamlessly as slipping on a new pair of shoes.
[fieldbox="THE LICH, #FFBCA5, dotted"]

Florence "Val" Valentine
Florence is a short girl, standing at only 5 feet, and she does not seem very imposing at first glance. From her scrawny body to her sickly pale complexion, her body screams that she is constantly in her death throes. This is not helped by her general refusal to perform upkeep on her appearance. Her dark hair has a few streaks of grey running through it, despite her youthful appearance, and she lets it fall loose and tangled most of the time. Her eyes are always tinted with the bright red color of fresh blood, and when she is being repaired, even the whites of her eyes will be overcome by the intense color. It is impossible to not find a fresh cut, burn, bruise, or other wound on her body, but it is equally as impossible for that wound to be seen next month.

She wears comfortably worn clothes, usually a simple blouse and pants (and a vest if she's feeling fancy). She also owns a few woefully outdated dresses that look like they were found in the dumpster. Almost all of her clothes are several years, if not decades old, being kept past their expiration date through constant patching and sewing - none of which helps her look any better. She owns approximately three pieces of jewelry that she cycles through once a month - a small quartz crystal shoddily wrapped on a leather cord, a knockoff pearl necklace, and a charm bracelet filled with flowers and hearts. Other than that, she wears a simple iron band on her left middle finger. She tends to smell of rotting flesh, so she stuffs aromatic plants into her pockets, and it's not uncommon for her to leave a trail of lavender, mint, or jasmine behind her. She keeps meaning to buy perfume, but never does.
Florence is a girl who does not believe in half measures. If she commits to something, she is going to finish it or die trying - and given her current condition, it's unlikely that the latter is ever going to happen. While this could be considered reckless, she considers it pragmatic - other supernaturals have their own special abilities, why would she not use the one benefit of her condition to its fullest? She is extremely self-sacrificing in this way, to a practically suicidal degree. She prefers to do the dirty and dangerous work herself, (given her past experiences with violence, and her current immortality) rather than putting someone else in an uncomfortable or dangerous position. Depending on how hungry she is, she can either be very patient or have an irritatingly short fuse. Usually she is difficult to make a permanent enemy of, but if something truly offends or hurts her, she does not forgive easily.​

Pretty much the same profile with some minor changes. Like stealing Mundane's music box.
[fieldbox="Bound in Blood, #e80743, solid, Tahoma"]NAME: Diarmuid ('Dio') Aiden Tuatha
ROLE: Reluctant Consigliere, Rosewell Family
AGE: 294
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
RACE: Supernatural (Leprechaun)
Dio appears, in a word, severe. His visage is most associated with the verbiage 'narrowed' or 'furrowed', bearing a facial structure that approaches the shape of an inverted triangle. With an appearance similar to a fifty-something human, both the strong rigidity of his features, as well as his clean-shaven countenance provide the look of a stern, professional, and entirely unamused customer. His eyes are of a grey gloss, nose pointed, and lips thin. Finally, Dio is of considerable height, a stalwart 6'6", and possessed of wiry strength, further adding to his imposing presence.

He is a man of impeccable decorum, a fact exemplified by his wardrobe. His suits are immaculately tailored, and woven of fabric of his trademark earthen green. A man is nothing without an exceptional top hat, a fact that Dio is all too cognizant of. He seems to carry a wooden cane of some sort, although he does not appear to be lacking in mobility.


Leprechauns, as a group, are known for (rightfully or otherwise) whimsy, mischief, and a certain avarice. Dio would regrettably inform most that he is not a perpetrator of any of those three vices. Indeed, Dio is, first and foremost, a man of remarkable reserve and focus, his life seemingly an exercise in economy. He is eloquent and well-articulated, but of few words. Capable, yet humble and dismissive of his own talents. He approaches life with a certain efficiency. A cordial individual, it is rare for Dio to make enemies or allies alike, as he responds to both anger and charm with impersonal politeness.

His reluctant entry into his newfound line of work has, however, revealed certain dark tinges of the leprechaun's soul. In violence, extortion, and overall unsavory matters, Dio's efficiency has morphed into a sort of ruthlessness. In his quiet moments, he regrettably reflects upon the subconscious joy he feels threatening to surface. Normally cordial, his fuse has shortened immensely. Famously, Dio will fly into an impatient, menacing rage should his requests be denied three times.

A final quirk is his natural love for puns and wordplay. Normally quiet, he seems to be unable to resist in indulging some mind-aching exhibits of humor.
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[fieldbox="MISS RIDER, #e80743, solid, Tahoma"]NAME: Victoria Rider
ROLE: Chief Deputy
AGE: Refuses to tell.
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
RACE: Witch
Impressionable, gorgeous and with a penchant for the deep reds it is not hard to notice the witch out of a crowd. Standing around 5'8", Victoria's most notable feature is her vibrant red hair and a lovely smile. Beyond that she has fair skin, a clear complexion and is always impeccably dressed. Her beauty routine is long drawn and involves multiple magical ingredients, but that's no secret for her. Victoria holds herself with the same confidence while in evening curlers and fluffy slippers as she would in a revealing sheer scarlet dress.

Quick to act and even quicker with verbal barbs, Victoria is nothing short of a bombshell. Confident, intelligent, and fiercely dedicated, Victoria is one of the Sheriff's office fieriest deputies and the witch takes her reputation in stride. She is unafraid to push boundaries as well as rules and has quite the infamous reputation among the Supernaturals because of this.

It is no secret that Victoria was once a member of the Occult's Council. It is also no secret that nearly a century ago she ran away with a human man. It was nothing short of a goddamn uproar when she wasn't executed for her crimes after returning. To this day many attribute her joining the Sheriff's office to Victoria seducing its head but the witch chooses to ignore the whispers. Centuries in supernatural politics have made her jaded and funnily enough, quite wise.
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First off, yes I've been using Victoria as my Iwaku picture this entire time. I've no shame.

Second, @Niiwa, @Shizuochan and @Elle Joyner I've expressed my opinions on your characters and have reviewed their histories through the PMs. Congratulations, Dio, Val and Betty are accepted and will be added into a character roster in the Lore Thread along with Miss Rider and @Tyrannosaurus Rekt 's Sheriff Blacklaw some time soon.

As for everyone else who has posted their sheets -- they are looking good so far! After I get your history I will determine if they make the cut. You can send it to me in either paragraph form or bullet form and I absolutely can't wait to see what you've thought up. ♡
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[fieldbox="BIG BAD WOLF, #e80743, solid, Tahoma"]NAME:
Abraham Blacklaw




Polyamorous Bisexual


Abraham stands at 6'5". His complexion is a light tan, and his hair is a chestnut brown. Around his temples and throughout his beard are streaks of gray. He has strong lines across his brow and around his eyes. His irises are an unnatural pale blue that shines even in the darkest of lights. He has a full beard that he keeps neatly trimmed. He has obvious chest hair that pops up underneath his shirt, and hair along his arms. He is broad shouldered, muscular in his arms and chest, causing his shirt and jackets to become distressed underneath his movement. His midsection is soft, belying years of comfortable living and indulgence. He always wears a three-piece suit and tie. While his life can be defined as "rough around the edges," he's surprisingly well-kempt.

Surprisingly, Abraham has stayed with the times. Yet, that doesn't mean he's nice about it. He's a severe man that enjoys barking orders at his deputies, sarcastically responding to a request from them, and yet sympathetically protecting them. He's prone to heavily smoking and drinking in the presence of others. He'll treat his deputies like family, a stern family. Anyone else is viewed judgementally underneath his gaze. He wants to uphold balance in the supernatural world, and so he acts like the hardass he should be. Yet, to those that know him, he's far kinder and far more open to letting things go. Yet, that number is few and far between.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="The Dirge, #e80743, solid, Tahoma"]NAME: Vincent "Vinny" Ambrose
ROLE: Deputy of the Sheriff's Office
AGE: 98
RACE: Vampire
He's a suave looking fellow with a demeanor to match. Dark black hair is thick upon his head carrying a slight curl with length, though slicked back in the fashion of the era. Thick brows, low upon his features, are set with near permanent lines of a furrow he seems to constantly adorn either in thought or concern for his meandering mind. A five o'clock shadow perpetually haunts his square jaw and crooked lips. All of this combined could make for a rather sweet looking individual, or a man one may not wish to cross. It could be difficult to discern which version sits before them, for he carries himself like the calm before a storm, and for the most part he looks rather calm.
Vincent is a man of hidden emotions, and he prefers it as such. Why give someone the benefit of predicting his next move? His gift in manipulation is likely a family trait, yet unbeknownst to those he interacts with, his conscience is at war with such a tactic. It wasn't until recently he found himself a man with a bleeding heart for the society he was not wholly part of. Due to his vampirism, he is faster and stronger than the average human, and with his family he felt it wasn't being put to the right use. Morality filled his conscience, but his family upbringing is still prevalent in his overall demeanor. He knows he can be a charmer and knows just as well he could be a bruiser. There is a slight tinge of jealousy he carries for humans, even the awakened, for he feels their lives are much simpler, and he longs for a simple life yet knows full well that will never be obtainable. He is a bit of a pessimist, yet dismisses such a term by calling himself a 'realist.' Having recently been ostracized by his kin, he holds a bitterness towards both the Ambroses and the Roswells to match their own against him. He doesn't regret his decisions, and lives by a code: Never do anything you know you'll regret later. Due to this, he is a thinker and a strategist and rarely reacts on impulse.
@Effervescent I've expressed my opinions on your character and have reviewed their history through the PMs. Congratulations! Vincent is accepted and has been added to the character roster in the Lore Thread. :-)
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Effervescent
Added a (slightly still-under-construction) location section in the Lore Thread.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Effervescent
I won't be joining unfortunately but amazing story, very original and it looks very promising. I wish you the best for this roleplay :)
  • Love
Reactions: Bears
[fieldbox="THE HAUNTED, #2C3539, solid, Tahoma"]NAME: Theodore Regan
ROLE: Watcher
AGE: 34
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
RACE: Human
A figure of no imposing height standing at a couple of inches under six feet, Theodore - or Teddy, which he usually goes by - casts a taller shadow than he is supposed to. He walks with an air of indifference about him that lends a casual confidence to his stride, the kind of gait that tells you a man has a big gun tucked into his pants. The angularity of his cheekbones contribute to a gauntness not helped by irregular eating, giving off the effect of a man maladied by a perpetual bout of sickness. What is most striking about Teddy however would be his eyes, a piercing blue the gleam of a tropical sea, something that others have remarked made him look like 'a man possessed'. Enough care is given to his own dressing that he looks presentable; cleanly-shaven, a monthly one-dollar haircut and work clothes in earthy tones.
Known to be a man sparing with his words prior to the war, going through it did not make him any more talkative than before. Taciturn, Teddy is blunt and to the point. To say that he hated the politics behind social interaction would be to imply that he was concerned about them in the first place. The traumatic experiences undergone during the war gave Teddy a perspective towards how meaningless it was to establish oneself as the 'leader' or the 'alpha' of any scenario. Ironically, this aversion contributes to a power in itself socially; that of being an outsider free from the burdens of upholding mores yet hampered by the fact that he would always be regarded as the 'stranger'. What little you see of Teddy is what you get, living life with a brutal honesty some have found to be charming and others downright offensive. A man with a past who acts the part, Teddy turns life into a march of attrition, treating it with a grim resolution that makes it seem like his living rose more out of a defiance of death than the desire to live itself.
@XC I've expressed my opinions on your character and have reviewed their history through the PMs. Congratulations! Teddy is accepted and has been added to the character roster in the Lore Thread. :-)
  • Like
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: XC and Effervescent
Name: Susan Greene

Role: Freelance

Age: 34

Sexuality: Lesbian

Race: Witch


Susan doesn't really care about her appearance very much. Her hair is often unkempt, and makeup is a completely foreign concept to her. She usually wears black or dark blue dresses and sensible shoes, topped with a pearl necklace.

Personality: If you had to sum up Susan in one word, it would be "ambitious". Most of the other supernaturals say that she'll either become the most powerful witch to ever live or a smoldering pile of ash, considering the dark and blasphemous powers she traffics with. So far, though, she's avoided the latter.

Susan does have her weaknesses, though. She is somewhat greedy, and her lust for knowledge can get her into dangerous situations.
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