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A harsh look was directed at Mercury near immediately after Tarlotte had completely launched Yuri, the catgirl obviously ticked off or, at the very least, less than pleased with his little remark. "Entertainment?" she snapped, gritting her teeth. Her immediate reaction was to send the little asshole flying, just like his little not-friend over there. But just as she was about to begin chewing him out and leap into action, she found herself on the receiving end of what would, to humans, likely be a harsh kick to the back.

For her, all it really served to do was knock her off of her feet and piss her off.... Severely so.


In an instant, the seeming 'child' was back on her feet, even angrier than before. Immediately, she lunged forwards, springing off of her hands in an additional front flip. "MEW'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT, MEOW!" This time, the kick came in more of an uppercut form, and was harsher than before. Buttttt almost immediately after gracefully landing on her feet, the huffing, pissed-off catgirl grew distant, starting to slump slightly with a weak 'meow....' before falling to the floor with a small thud.

Okay, so that hadn't been a good idea.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
Well, that was something. Surely this kicking competition wasn't going to get anywhere, but Yuri was pretty mad that he couldn't stop where he was going with this...


"You think that's gonna keep me down, you-"

Before Yuri could do much, someone pulled him back. Who could it possibly be?


"Sorry about that, ma'am. Yurio here gets quite worked up when people rile him up like that. I hope you don't take his actions personally and so."

Viktor laughed off the whole situation, pulling Yuri back before the latter was going to kick Tarlotte again. He could already tell that this wasn't going to end well if he didn't step in.

@Crimson Spartan @Savannah Clause
"Well... maybe. I'm not so sure. To quote, Add said to me: "I have news about the El Shard, so you can help me purify it at this hotel not too long from here." He doesn't seem to be a normal guy, but I'm not a normal guy either. Are you familiar with him? Are you here to help with purifying that El Shard this Add fellow was talking about?"

Ain sounded like a pretty nice guy... probably too nice but he always smiled so that was all you could take away from his personality

@Crimson Spartan
"Hmm... Not exactly what I was given as a message but you could say I am familiar... As in he wants to cut off my arm and possibly kill me..." Raven spoke to Ain. This conversation turned dark quickly.


"I am simply called 'Raven' and as for why I am here. I was told from him that someone I knew was in trouble. I see that isn't the case." Raven added seeming suspicious of this.

@Gummi Bunnies


A harsh look was directed at Mercury near immediately after Tarlotte had completely launched Yuri, the catgirl obviously ticked off or, at the very least, less than pleased with his little remark. "Entertainment?" she snapped, gritting her teeth. Her immediate reaction was to send the little asshole flying, just like his little not-friend over there. But just as she was about to begin chewing him out and leap into action, she found herself on the receiving end of what would, to humans, likely be a harsh kick to the back.

For her, all it really served to do was knock her off of her feet and piss her off.... Severely so.


In an instant, the seeming 'child' was back on her feet, even angrier than before. Immediately, she lunged forwards, springing off of her hands in an additional front flip. "MEW'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT, MEOW!" This time, the kick came in more of an uppercut form, and was harsher than before. Buttttt almost immediately after gracefully landing on her feet, the huffing, pissed-off catgirl grew distant, starting to slump slightly with a weak 'meow....' before falling to the floor with a small thud.

Okay, so that hadn't been a good idea.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan

"What can I say? Can't a guy see an ass-kicking as 'entertainment'...?" Oh boy... Mercury was now recording the fight between Tarlotte and Yuri until Viktor stepped in prompting Mercury to put his scroll away.

@Savannah Clause
Well, that was something. Surely this kicking competition wasn't going to get anywhere, but Yuri was pretty mad that he couldn't stop where he was going with this...


"You think that's gonna keep me down, you-"

Before Yuri could do much, someone pulled him back. Who could it possibly be?


"Sorry about that, ma'am. Yurio here gets quite worked up when people rile him up like that. I hope you don't take his actions personally and so."

Viktor laughed off the whole situation, pulling Yuri back before the latter was going to kick Tarlotte again. He could already tell that this wasn't going to end well if he didn't step in.

@Crimson Spartan @Savannah Clause


"What can I say? Can't a guy see an ass-kicking as 'entertainment'...?" Oh boy... Mercury was now recording the fight between Tarlotte and Yuri until Viktor stepped in prompting Mercury to put his scroll away.

@Savannah Clause

Unfortunately for both parties, it looked like Tarlotte was on the verge of passing out, eyes barely open where she laid on the floor.

But as soon as she got more mana.... She was destroying Mercury's blasted Scroll. And, well, Mercury. And Yuri.

...Hey, if you combined their names, wouldn't it be Mercyuri?

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
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Closed off Wing


This wing of the Hotel was closed off a while back due to a series of murders. The people in the wing, were trapped. Including the killer. Some died, some escaped (somehow) and others went mad. The hotel wants to open it to those who want to try their luck at survival, or to those who just want to explore. The mad ones are still alive (somehow.) and they say it's haunted. The ghosts are mostly harmless. Except for the one of the killer.

But you don't believe in ghosts, right?

Location: Closed off Wing. @anybody or nobody
(Before arrival)
An armored ninja stood on a desolate shipping dock for two full minutes before he began contemplating whether or not he should give up searching for the ever-elusive demon. For two weeks it had evaded his judgment, and this was the tenth time he had followed the wrong trail. It was late, so he decided to go back home and rest after an entire day of searching. He looked toward the sea one last time before turning around and walking away. Just then, he sensed a very faint disturbance, like a whisper in the wind. Then he sensed another. He immediately stopped and began focusing his Ki. He closed his eyes and visualized a blurry image of a location very, very far away. Not being able to see where he would arrive made him apprehensive. Nevertheless, he finished channeling and disappeared in a vortex of purple energy, hoping to find the demon he was searching for.

He arrived in a place most unfamiliar to him. The architecture was much different compared to how most buildings in his world were structured. Arriving in a strange building was the least of his worries, though. What he had to focus on was finding the spiritual or demonic disturbance. He proceeded to walk down the halls, completely lost.

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"Hmm... Not exactly what I was given as a message but you could say I am familiar... As in he wants to cut off my arm and possibly kill me..." Raven spoke to Ain. This conversation turned dark quickly.


"I am simply called 'Raven' and as for why I am here. I was told from him that someone I knew was in trouble. I see that isn't the case." Raven added seeming suspicious of this.

@Gummi Bunnies

"... oh, that's a shame. I suppose that goes to say that Add was not going to show the El Shard for me to purify in the first place. That's not a good thing to hear."

Despite the undertone of disappointment, Ain showcased a smile at almost every moment he had. He didn't even seem to realize he hasn't said his name yet.

@Crimson Spartan

Location: Closed off Wing. @anybody or nobody
(Before arrival)
An armored ninja stood on a desolate shipping dock for two full minutes before he began contemplating whether or not he should give up searching for the ever-elusive demon. For two weeks it had evaded his judgment, and this was the tenth time he had followed the wrong trail. It was late, so he decided to go back home and rest after an entire day of searching. He looked toward the sea one last time before turning around and walking away. Just then, he sensed a very faint disturbance, like a whisper in the wind. Then he sensed another. He immediately stopped and began focusing his ki. He closed his eyes and visualized a blurry image of a location very, very far away. Not being able to see where he would arrive made him apprehensive. Nevertheless, he finished channeling and disappeared in a vortex of purple energy, hoping to find the demon he was searching for.

He arrived in a place most unfamiliar to him. The architecture was much different compared to how most buildings in his world were structured. Arriving in a strange building was the least of his worries, though. What he had to focus on was finding the spiritual or demonic disturbance. He proceeded to walk down the halls, completely lost.


This Diabolic Esper just popped up next to this masked ninja. This was going to be interesting. ;)



This Diabolic Esper just popped up next to this masked ninja. This was going to be interesting. ;)

The ninja, named Shen, was startled by the man and was utterly baffled at the irony of a ninja being ambushed. He immediately unsheathed his spirit blade and assumed a fighting stance.

"A humanoid demon? I haven't seen one in a while. It looks like I was foolish enough to fall into your trap."

When he finished talking, he slowly began to realize that the Diabolic Esper wasn't the source of the disturbance. Despite looking similar to a demon, his signature was much more distinct compared to Shen's usual enemies. Humanoid demons from Valoran, his home world, also looked much more menacing. If this wasn't what was threatening the balance of equilibrium, this was a complete waste of his time.

@Gummi Bunnies
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Newt still hadn't figured out where he was. He approached Mabel Gleeful to ask for directions. " Excuse me, could you give me some directions or indication where I am?" He asked.

@Savannah Clause

Ah. Bingo.

The perfect actress after so many years of faking, the young woman known as Mabel Gleeful easily pulled off the appearance of someone who hadn't been paying the approaching male any mind and was caught off guard by being addressed. With an owlishly blink she looked up at him, tilting her head ever so slightly and blinking a few times more. "Where you are?" she echoed, her voice as much a sultry purr as ever. A small smile tugged at her lips, blue eyes shining in a manner few could fake as perfectly as she. "Surely you have some form of educated guess," she offered with a playful mild amusement.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Whoevs​
The ninja, named Shen, was startled by the man and was utterly baffled at the irony of a ninja being ambushed. He immediately unsheathed his spirit blade and assumed a fighting stance.

"A humanoid demon, huh? I haven't seen one in a while. It looks like I was foolish enough to fall into your trap."

When he finished talking, he slowly began to realize that the Diabolic Esper wasn't the source of the disturbance. Despite looking similar to a demon, his signature was much more distinct compared to Shen's usual enemies. Humanoid demons from Valoran, his home world, also looked much more menacing. If this wasn't what was threatening the balance of equilibrium, this was a complete waste of his time.
@Gummi Bunnies

"Demon? Oh no no no, you got that wrong~ I'm an esper! Like, a time traveling... person, yeah... let's go with that!"

The esper snickered a bit to himself out of childish glee from the looks of it, and soon gesturing his Dynamos to accompany him as usual. The Dynamos appeared to be some sort of metallic weapons that were remotely controlled by this esper, a set of six Dynamos positioning themselves for him to casually take a seat on them.


"And I almost forgot, silly me. My name's Add, but lots of people just call me Esper. I'm fine with both, so whichever sounds best for you to call me by. Kekekek..."

With every minute passing, it sounded like Add had some fun messing with Shen.

Lucifer had planned to ignored Chucky, but the doll wasn't going to let it go. " Tiring. After a few centuries, everything gets boring. Same boring humans who wind up there. Also, this is.. let me just show you," he said, replying to him.



Newt waited for a reply.

" Well from what I gathered, this is not a place in New York and it is much too fancy to be any party. If I were to guess, it would be a hotel, though this seems rather lavish for a hotel," he said, musing over this fact. He placed his suitcase down and looked over at the girl. It shook, almost as if once again the creatures were trying to get out. For once, Newt didn't notice since he was preoccupied with her question. He looked at her and paused when he noticed that his suitcase was open. It seemed that one of the creatures had gotten out. " Well, then, I guess I best be going..." he said, as he looked at the creature. Of course it was that one.


It had somehow already gotten a purse and was eyeing the girl. Newt paused. " You wouldn't happen to be wearing anything shiny?" He asked.

@Savannah Clause
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"Demon? Oh no no no, you got that wrong~ I'm an esper! Like, a time traveling... person, yeah... let's go with that!"

The esper snickered a bit to himself out of childish glee from the looks of it, and soon gesturing his Dynamos to accompany him as usual. The Dynamos appeared to be some sort of metallic weapons that were remotely controlled by this esper, a set of six Dynamos positioning themselves for him to casually take a seat on them.


"And I almost forgot, silly me. My name's Add, but lots of people just call me Esper. I'm fine with both, so whichever sounds best for you to call me by. Kekekek..."

With every minute passing, it sounded like Add had some fun messing with Shen.

Shen listened to Add's explanation silently and sheathed his blade. He felt a bit embarrassed drawing a weapon on someone who had no intention of harming him. Even still, he found it hard to believe that such an intimidating figure could have a non-aggressive and playful personality. He performed a quick, but apologetic bow and began speaking.

"My deepest apologies. You see, I have been searching for a particular demon for a while and detected its presence somewhere in this area. As we speak, it is getting further away. Normally I wouldn't waste any time with idle chatter, but after my disrespect, I am willing to make an exception. My name is Shen, Leader of the Kinkou Order. I am tasked with ensuring equilibrium between the spirit realm and the mortal realm by whatever means possible."

Shen made several glances around the room they were in and noticed something didn't feel right. He tried to tune in on the spirit realm, but there was no response. It was as if it didn't exist. Worry began blossoming in his mind. A question needed to be answered.

"Where am I?"

@Gummi Bunnies
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"... oh, that's a shame. I suppose that goes to say that Add was not going to show the El Shard for me to purify in the first place. That's not a good thing to hear."

Despite the undertone of disappointment, Ain showcased a smile at almost every moment he had. He didn't even seem to realize he hasn't said his name yet.

@Crimson Spartan

"Indeed, truly a shame but that makes me wonder on why he wanted us to meet here like this..?" Raven questioned becoming more suspicious of the situation as time went by.


Unfortunately for both parties, it looked like Tarlotte was on the verge of passing out, eyes barely open where she laid on the floor.

But as soon as she got more mana.... She was destroying Mercury's blasted Scroll. And, well, Mercury. And Yuri.

...Hey, if you combined their names, wouldn't it be Mercyuri?

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
And on that note.


Mercury just walked away.

@Savannah Clause @Gummi Bunnies
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"Pew!" Nebby seems to float towards Lillie, except that a giant building seemed to appear out of nowhere, and landed between Nebby and Lillie.


"Welcome home! Would you like anything to drink?" A Sylveon in maid uniform would speak to Lillie, holding a tray containing a menu.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Chucky snarled and took a swig of the vodka. "So what's it like bein' the devil? I always assumed he'd be, y'know, more ugly. I mean I've been to hell plenty of times but I never actually saw the big man himself."


Star's attention had wandered off yet again and was now focused on the Sylveon wearing the maid uniform. With a smile on her face, Star chewed on her wand and skipped over to the Pokemon.

"OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!" She said before going in for a hug.


"Thank you." Sylveon would then appreciate the hug by hugging back with her feelers.

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Honestly shocked by the scene before her, Lillie's mouth fell open. "Y-You can," the petite girl began to say, so amazed she could hardly finish her sentence. "You can talk!" she finally exclaimed, staring at the Sylveon in awe. "How is that even possible!? I've never met a talking pokémon before!"

@Bomb @thatguyinthestore
Shen listened to Add's explanation silently and sheathed his blade. He felt a bit embarrassed drawing a weapon on someone who had no intention of harming him. Even still, he found it hard to believe that such an intimidating figure could have a non-aggressive and playful personality. He performed a quick, but apologetic bow and began speaking.

"My deepest apologies. You see, I have been searching for a particular demon for a while and detected its presence somewhere in this area. As we speak, it is getting further away. Normally I wouldn't waste any time with idle chatter, but after my disrespect, I am willing to make an exception. My name is Shen, Leader of the Kinkou Order. I am tasked with ensuring equilibrium between the spirit realm and the mortal realm by whatever means possible."

Shen made several glances around the room they were in and noticed something didn't feel right. He tried to tune in on the spirit realm, but there was no response. It was as if it didn't exist. Worry began blossoming in his mind. A question needed to be answered.

"Where am I?" Shen said sternly as if demanding an answer.

@Gummi Bunnies

"A demon, is that right?"

For a moment, Add's eyes returned to a normal color sclera, as if the blackened eyes were a side effect of his time traveling. Giving off a look that was of thoughtful thinking, the Esper snapped his fingers upon remembering something.


"Oh, now I remember! I was looking for some dangerous demon that's lurking around here too. Funny, we both have the same thing on our to-do list. Maybe we can work together and get it done, and it'll be done in no time~!"

Standing up, Add had his Dynamos form together in front of him, voicing out commands.

"Dynamos, display target."

From there, a holographic display appeared, showing a detailed map of the hotel grounds and a marker of suspicious activity was displayed at the... training room.

"There we go~ I'm sure that's where our baddy is hiding out at... Right?"

Almost forgetting, Add blinked and spoke up rather abruptly.

"And about where we are. I don't exactly know... judging by how it breaks all laws of time and space. Weird, huh?"


Honestly shocked by the scene before her, Lillie's mouth fell open. "Y-You can," the petite girl began to say, so amazed she could hardly finish her sentence. "You can talk!" she finally exclaimed, staring at the Sylveon in awe. "How is that even possible!? I've never met a talking pokémon before!"

@Bomb @thatguyinthestore
Star eventually released the Sylveon from her grasp and cocked her head to the side before raising a brow. "What's a Pokemon?" She asked, intrigued to say the least.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb

"Indeed, truly a shame but that makes me wonder on why he wanted us to meet here like this..?" Raven questioned becoming more suspicious of the situation as time went by.


And on that note.


Mercury just walked away.

@Savannah Clause @Gummi Bunnies
Ain tilted his head a bit and wondered what went on in that time traveler's mind. Those thoughts came to a stop when he noticed something... off.

"Say, Raven... How come the stench of demons is plaguing this spot all of a sudden? It's a bit bothersome to smell this scent for a prolonged time. If only they weren't so prone to hiding, removing this smell is going to be some work."

That smile never fleeting from his face, Ain pointed out the strange smell he sensed. Strange enough, Raven couldn't really catch on with Ain's words due to the fact that the Blade Master couldn't smell the scent.

@Crimson Spartan
Unfortunately for both parties, it looked like Tarlotte was on the verge of passing out, eyes barely open where she laid on the floor.

But as soon as she got more mana.... She was destroying Mercury's blasted Scroll. And, well, Mercury. And Yuri.

...Hey, if you combined their names, wouldn't it be Mercyuri?

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
"Go and find some place to practice. I'm sure a hotel this big should have an ice skating rink. Now go~"

Viktor knew that Yuri was going to flip out more if he stayed, so it was best to guide his attention elsewhere. Thankfully Yuri complied and went to find said ice rink, simply because it was obvious to Viktor that Yuri wanted him to coach for him.

Well, that was a bit too late since Yuuri had Viktor's attention... but...

Oh hey! Girl with cat ears and tail was out cold! The former Russian figure skater was that nice of a guy to not just leave someone there.

Sooo, he poked her in the cheek once.

"Wakey wakey~"

@Savannah Clause

Unfortunately for both parties, it looked like Tarlotte was on the verge of passing out, eyes barely open where she laid on the floor.

But as soon as she got more mana.... She was destroying Mercury's blasted Scroll. And, well, Mercury. And Yuri.

...Hey, if you combined their names, wouldn't it be Mercyuri?

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
"Go and find some place to practice. I'm sure a hotel this big should have an ice skating rink. Now go~"

Viktor knew that Yuri was going to flip out more if he stayed, so it was best to guide his attention elsewhere. Thankfully Yuri complied and went to find said ice rink, simply because it was obvious to Viktor that Yuri wanted him to coach for him.

Well, that was a bit too late since Yuuri had Viktor's attention... but...

Oh hey! Girl with cat ears and tail was out cold! The former Russian figure skater was that nice of a guy to not just leave someone there.

Sooo, he poked her in the cheek once.

"Wakey wakey~"

@Savannah Clause


Another rather peculiar-looking cat girl suddenly rushed into the area, rapidly moving as if looking for something. "Master! Master! Oh, Masssssteeerrrrr! Like, where did you go? Xiao can't find you anywhere!" she exclaimed, roaming around for a bit longer before she finally began to slow down her pace. She frowned, her ears and tail drooping. "Am I... lost?" After taking in her surroundings for a few more moments, the feline sighed. "It's true.... Xiao is lost. I need to find my way back to Master soon! He might need my help!"

Like a kitten distracted by a laser pointer, Xiao lost track of her thought when she noticed another girl that looked sort of like a cat. Her eyes widened and mouth fell open. "Is that another girl like Xiao? I've never seen another girl like me!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly for a moment. She then rushed over, just in time to see Viktor poke Tarlotte on the cheek. Unsure what he was doing, she mimicked the man out of curiosity and poked him on the cheek.

"Mrrow, like, hiya mister! Are you this kitty's master?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause

Honestly shocked by the scene before her, Lillie's mouth fell open. "Y-You can," the petite girl began to say, so amazed she could hardly finish her sentence. "You can talk!" she finally exclaimed, staring at the Sylveon in awe. "How is that even possible!? I've never met a talking pokémon before!"

@Bomb @thatguyinthestore

"Of course we can talk! We come from a world where we can communicate with humans!" Sylveon would then turn over to Star to respond to his question.
Star eventually released the Sylveon from her grasp and cocked her head to the side before raising a brow. "What's a Pokemon?" She asked, intrigued to say the least.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb

"Hmmm... I guess you can say we're a group of nice and loving creatures <3" Sylveon would smile as she called for the others. "Come on out guys!"


First out of the building, a group of humanoid foxes would introduce themselves to Lillie and the others.

"My name is Delphox, and this is my sister, Braxien." Delphox said in a refined matter.

"He he! It's nice to meet you!" Braxien energetically spoke.

Next came what seemed to be a dog-like creature that looked like a fighter, but instead, it bowed as well.


"My name is Lucario. A pleasure to meet you all. Welcome to Café Beauty, a traditional maid café from the Pokémon world."

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Another rather peculiar-looking cat girl suddenly rushed into the area, rapidly moving as if looking for something. "Master! Master! Oh, Masssssteeerrrrr! Like, where did you go? Xiao can't find you anywhere!" she exclaimed, roaming around for a bit longer before she finally began to slow down her pace. She frowned, her ears and tail drooping. "Am I... lost?" After taking in her surroundings for a few more moments, the feline sighed. "It's true.... Xiao is lost. I need to find my way back to Master soon! He might need my help!"

Like a kitten distracted by a laser pointer, Xiao lost track of her thought when she noticed another girl that looked sort of like a cat. Her eyes widened and mouth fell open. "Is that another girl like Xiao? I've never seen another girl like me!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly for a moment. She then rushed over, just in time to see Viktor poke Tarlotte on the cheek. Unsure what he was doing, she mimicked the man out of curiosity and poked him on the cheek.

"Mrrow, like, hiya mister! Are you this kitty's master?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Savannah Clause

"A-Ah, you've got that wrong, I don't have any relation with this girl... I just found her like this after stuff happened. Nothing else other than that, I swear."

Surely it would be really out of place to just be labelled as Tarlotte's master out of nowhere, especially when his heart belonged to another already. Seriously though, Viktor realized that this other girl was also bearing cat-like features...

"Besides that, is this a normal trait of yours? Not to offend, but I never seen this in my lifetime."

Out of curiosity, Viktor would carefully touch Xiao's ears for a moment before pulling away. Yet, he remembered about Tarlotte. Whoops.

"Oh, if you don't mind, I'll need some assistance on finding a suitable place to rest this girl here. I wouldn't want to leave her on the floor like this."

Before he could get an answer from Xiao, he would pick up Tarlotte and carry her in his arms.

@Savannah Clause @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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