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You don't want to find out." *The bottle shake violently then stopped when Marx stared at it* " I took me a long time to find it"
You don't want to find out." *The bottle shake violently then stopped when Marx stared at it* " I took me a long time to find it"
Lucifer decided that he honestly didn't care." Oh for the love of- just tell me what the fuck is in it," he said, clearly annoyed right now too.

Almost as if on cue, Mazikeen arrived to find Lucifer. " I knew that I should have checked the bar first," she muttered.
Its you (*.*). That's what inside of the bottle, your soul. I have collect all souls including your without anyone noticing." *He smile very creepily.* "I would have ate you and your soul, but I wanted to see how you react." He sticked out his tongue. It looked like a tongue of a snake.* "Souls are so delicious."

Tomoko didn't want to come to the Multiverse Hotel, she really didn't want to come here. There were so many people here, none of them Tomoko recognized. She slowly made her way through the crowd

"E-e-e...cuse me....e-excuse me." She said quietly, doing her best to avoid everyone. She paused and looked around, yep....this was bad, this would do nothing for her social anxiety.

She gulped loudly, before lugging her down the hall, not really sure where she was headed.
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I'll be right back, lucifer. I'm sensing something delicious." He teleport into the hall way and see a little girl.* Hey excuse me, Little girl, What are you doing here?"

Chara continued to stare at this mysterious person do their thing, the fallen child sitting not too far away and munching chocolate in the process.

@ppl i guess​



Well, it would seem that the lone Bartender that was trying to serve Marx and his pet had a bit of trouble thanks to his teleporting shennanigans, but she was carefully balancing both a bottle of scotch, a few shot glasses, and even a bowl of water for his pet.

"Excuse me... Didn't you order some scotch?" She asked in a rather polite voice.

It seemed like she was kind of oblivious to the chaos happening around her... Or maybe she was just more focused on her job right now.​
Hey there kiddo" * he teleports to Chara.* "How's it going?"

Hello there. Oh yes I did." He takes the scotch* "Thank you very much. Here take this as a gift." * he give alot a money to the girl* " Well here goes nothing." *He drinks the scotch and smiles* "Thank you again for the scotch." *He bows and falls face first into the girl*
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I'll be right back, lucifer. I'm sensing something delicious." He teleport into the hall way and see a little girl.* Hey excuse me, Little girl, What are you doing here?"

Chara continued to stare at this mysterious person do their thing, the fallen child sitting not too far away and munching chocolate in the process.

@ppl i guess​



Well, it would seem that the lone Bartender that was trying to serve Marx and his pet had a bit of trouble thanks to his teleporting shennanigans, but she was carefully balancing both a bottle of scotch, a few shot glasses, and even a bowl of water for his pet.

"Excuse me... Didn't you order some scotch?" She asked in a rather polite voice.

It seemed like she was kind of oblivious to the chaos happening around her... Or maybe she was just more focused on her job right now.​
Hey there kiddo" * he teleports to Chara.* "How's it going?"
Tomoko froze in place when someone literally popped into existence in front of her. Before she could even scream in terror, he was gone, off bothering some girl with peculiar red eyes. She then noticed he had gone back to the bar, this was her chance.

Tomoko started tip toeing towards the exit.
Its you (*.*). That's what inside of the bottle, your soul. I have collect all souls including your without anyone noticing." *He smile very creepily.* "I would have ate you and your soul, but I wanted to see how you react." He sticked out his tongue. It looked like a tongue of a snake.* "Souls are so delicious."
Lucifer Morningstar had expected those words, he had a feeling he knew what he was going to say. Of course, the Devil was no idiot to the matter and had already made provisions before he arrived, little things that he expected. He had already returned the souls to the ones close by to him and he had gotten a good friend of his to prevent them from being stolen.

I'll be right back, lucifer. I'm sensing something delicious." He teleport into the hall way and see a little girl.* Hey excuse me, Little girl, What are you doing here?"
Lucifer wasn't going to try to stop him from doing anything, he knew things already and because of that,looked over at the waitress. " I changed my mind about the gin," he said to her.

He dropped the bottle on the floor and sent the damned soul back to Hell where it belonged. " You all should be fine." He turned to the glamour Mark James. " You might want to be a tad bit better at your illusions, that's a little see through, Baker. Come have a drink with me."

@york @Marxsoul @Gummi Bunnies @Nater Taters
He split into two before this happened. So the one in the bar was a one half of him. The other was standing the exits* "Who are you? Chibi, do you know this girl? "

No, but I think she's afraid of you." a baby winged fox(Which is chibi) poked out its head.*

Afraid of me? Hey little girl. There's nothing to be afraid of" Chibi climbed around Marx's neck* "I just want to know why you're here." He sat down by the exit and was holding an empty bottle*
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He split into two before this happened. So the one in the bar was a one half of him. The other was standing the exits* "Who are you? Chibi, do you know this girl? "

No, but I think she's afraid of you." a baby winged fox(Which is chibi) poked out its head.*
Wandering very lost into the hotel was a small wolf cub who seemed to be very confused about where he was. There was no one here to guide the small pup and he looked very lost too.


Lincoln happened to be out of the bar and noticed the pup." Are you okay,Pup?" He asked, confused by this dog. Chibi did not to seem to like that nickname.

The Fairy godmother did not like what was going on. " Excuse me sir, you should leave her alone," she said.

@Marxsoul @york @Nater Taters @Others around the bar area.
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Chibi?" *He opens a portal and grabs chibi* "Chibi, please don't wander in this place. I can't bear to see you get hurt"

Its ok Marx. Some weird guy was trying to talk to me and he drop a bottle." Chibi nuzzled him for food.*

Oh did he now? Tell me Chibi, Did anything come out of the bottle?" He give Chibi a chacopuff and pets him softly.*

Yeah. A light blue fog came out of the bottle why do you ask?" *Chibi is happy for Marx petting him.

Oh, nothing"
Afraid of me? Hey little girl. There's nothing to be afraid of" Chibi climbed around Marx's neck* "I just want to know why you're here." He sat down by the exit and was holding an empty bottle*
Tomoko looked up at Marx cautiously, the fact that he was asking these questions stressed her

'I-uh......." She paused, not sure what to say, she took a step back
Little girl, there is nothing to be afraid of" * He toss her a lollipop* " I just want to help you find your family" He smiles happily. He tries not about his past.* "I promise I won't hurt you" *He gives a heart warming smile*
Chibi?" *He opens a portal and grabs chibi* "Chibi, please don't wander in this place. I can't bear to see you get hurt"

Its ok Marx. Some weird guy was trying to talk to me and he drop a bottle." Chibi nuzzled him for food.*

Oh did he now? Tell me Chibi, Did anything come out of the bottle?" He give Chibi a chacopuff and pets him softly.*

Yeah. A light blue fog came out of the bottle why do you ask?" *Chibi is happy for Marx petting him.

Oh, nothing"
The other Chibi, the small wolf was looking up at Lincoln and wasn't sure what to do right now. He let loose a small brk too.

" Do you need some food little pup?" Lincoln asked him. He wasn't quite sure if the little pup ad anything to eat.

Chibi nodded, showing that he was indeed very hungry in the moment as he would put it. He looked around for his partners.

Lincoln wasn't sure what to say now either and he bite his tongue. " Let's go in here," he said, trying to guide the pup.

Chibi bumped into Marx and other Chibi, confused about the appearance of the other fox.

@Marxsoul @Nater Taters @york
"Well then, I totally forgot something. When I split into two, Chibi does too" *He carries the empty bottle and hums a sweet melody. * "When Chibi finds out, he'll be upset"
"Well then, I totally forgot something. When I split into two, Chibi does too" *He carries the empty bottle and hums a sweet melody. * "When Chibi finds out, he'll be upset"
Chibi was still very, very confused. It seemed Chibi 2 had no memories of Marx, unlike Chibi 1. Also, strangely Chibi 2 was closer to his original wolf cub form than Chibi 1. He also was silent except barking. He barked at his other self.

@Marxsoul @york @Nater Taters
Oh no." Marx looks at Chibi 2*

What's that noise, Marx?" Chibi was trying sleeping in Marx's hat.* "Sound like . . . barking?"

No, its nothing" He opens a portal underneath Chibi 2* " Bye"
Oh no." Marx looks at Chibi 2*

What's that noise, Marx?" Chibi was trying sleeping in Marx's hat.* "Sound like . . . barking?"

No, its nothing" He opens a portal underneath Chibi 2* " Bye"
Chibi 2 hopped away from the portal too.

He barked even louder than last time to get the attention of the other Chibi, the obvious imposter dog.

He was not happy that someone was trying to get rid of him. Lucifer had noticed and ignored Ben and chuckled. " Yeah, I expected this."

@Marxsoul @others
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