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Which faction do you think you'll join later in the RP?

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I abused my privileges of mod and removed the formatting in your post @DeadAxl
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Undecided: Box @RedWillow Ryn @Seba
The Old Guard: 3
The Coalition: 6
U-ARM: 0
Red Star: 1
Children of Eve: 1 (2? @Sai Zhang needs to reply.)

These are the numbers so far.
So the 14th next month is the longest I'm willing to wait to post. I will warn ahead of time if the cutoff date becomes sooner as opposed to later.
Reminder of when I want to get the next IC post up. I can delay it a little longer than that if necessary, but I'd prefer not to. :ferret:
So, before the mission phase begins, anyone want to interact with Carter some? Could be fun times. If not, then I'd like to have him go and start some shit in a bar or something.
Oh, here is a video going into good depth on the rifle Carter is wielding, albeit ever so slightly different. Such as being more accurate due to future magic tech.

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Here is some more information to keep in mind! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Oh, yeah, and if any of y'all need some additional visualization, here is a shitty MS paint map that does the job.

I would not recommend doing collaborative posts here. At least, not especially long ones. Keep them simple, keep them short, do not take several actions in each of them. I only ask for one paragraph per post in these sections. You can do more if you're feeling up to it, but if not, that's perfectly okay. :ferret:

Oh, and obviously, this section of the story is deadly as hell. Death is everywhere. Try not to die too quickly.

I'm hoping to get another IC post up in a week or two, we'll see how things are doing on my end in the real world.

Mission Objectives
The Old Guard

  • Primary: Secure unknown entity, alive.
  • Primary: Keep Carolyn Antoinette alive.
  • Secondary: Do not lose Squad 1.
  • Secondary: Do not lose Squad 3.
  • Tertiary: Capture a U-ARM Officer.
The Coalition
  • Primary: Secure unknown entity, alive.
  • Secondary: Eliminate commanding U-ARM officer.
  • Tertiary: Find and capture those who stole a Coalition APC.
Children of Eve
  • Primary: Rescue Ezekiel.
  • Secondary: Rescue Ezekiel before any other faction reaches him.
  • Secondary: Recover Ezekiel's equipment. With it, mutants can be enlightened with a greater degree of safety.
  • Tertiary: Do not let anyone see Evelyn or Lillian use their powers.
  • Tertiary: Do not allow Evelyn to come to harm.
Red Star
  • Primary: Rescue the unknown entity.
  • Primary: Do not allow your identities to be compromised.
  • Secondary: Eliminate Jenive Rousseau, a poster child for The Coalition.
  • Secondary: Eliminate Carolyn Antoinette, a member of The Old Guard families.
  • Secondary: Eliminate local U-ARM officer.
U-ARM (Acquired by Mouse)
  • Primary: Destroy the abomination.
  • Secondary: Kill all Coalition officers.
  • Secondary: Capture Carolyn Antoinette alive.
  • Secondary: Destroy the structure to ensure nothing remains.
  • Tertiary: Recover dead officers. Pray for the rest.

Faction Compositions – AO
The Old Guard

  • Squad 1 (Tank Support): C.O. Zan Richards.
  • Squad 2 (PC Squad): C.O. Carolyn Antoinette.
  • Squad 3 (Tank Support): C.O. Janice Bridges.

Each Tank Support squad consists of a single tank containing the CO in question, and anywhere between 12-24 infantry.

The Coalition
  • Extraction Team (PC's): C.O. Jenive Rousseau.
  • Black Squad Veteran: Assassin with significant equipment. Will strike without warning, fear, or mercy, against anyone who threatens their objectives.
  • Cover Team: C.O. Jeff Daniels.

Cover Team consists of around twenty infantry, all in light-weight SST equipment designed to resist small arms fire. Will primarily serve to keep the street clear while Extraction Team proceeds.

Children of Eve (Only faction members of Children of Eve are aware of their composition)
  • Evelyn: A powerful listener in her own right, though her powers are largely unknown.
  • Lillian: A fully awakened listener, loyal to Evelyn's cause, though discernibly not as powerful as Evelyn is. Nonetheless, frighteningly resilient and fast when she needs to be.
  • APC Team: A group of six listeners, who are keeping the APC in hiding. They'll serve as the primary means of escape.

Red Star (Only faction members of Red Star are aware of their composition)
  • Morai Lee: A wise strategist of several years, well equipped to handle the situation.
  • "Pin" and "Yankee": Two specialists with thick accents, akin to that of Morai Lee. Skilled combatants in their own right.
  • "Línghún jī": Something that escaped from The Coalition, now back to haunt them.
  • "Wisdom": A hacker, who is happily gleaning all the information she can. She isn't physically present with the squad, but is wiring them information through heavily encrypted channels.

  • Mouse is aware of their troop composition, but refuses to give it out without good compensation. It is, after all, a risk on his life to do so.
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And the next IC post is up!

Remember: Guns are not your only tools.

Beyond that, I'm not going to say much. :ferret:
@Jorick, @LimeyPanda, and @Pahn, I have a jetpack. I doubt it's strong enough to carry all of us at once, but if we want to hit the streets I can help ferry people down.

Now, that being said, I'd personally rather reach for the stars, if you know what I mean.
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suddenly, overhead of Tristan and Russel, Aleksa's drone arrives and starts rapidly firing down on Eve's position.

(Click picture.)
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Clarifications in case anyone needs them.
  • Carter was knocked out and taken prisoner by U-ARM, who are otherwise expediting the scene. Because he was alone, nobody is alerted to this fact. Which, yes, Potatocat, means you later get to be subject to an interrogation scene—which is probably something you've never done in an RP before. Have fun. :ferret:
  • Box will wake up whenever Pahn decides is best appropriate—ie, at her discretion. She can decide to have Box wake up after Eve & co have already left her sight, or have her wake up while they're still around.
  • At this point it's quite likely that The Coalition has secured the prisoner. TC has likely won this round.
  • Players can affect inter-faction relationships. If Jorick and Limeypanda decide to go over to The Coalition and they make requests for the prisoner that are met, the relationship between The Coalition and The Old Guard will grow. Depending on how Grothnor and Seba (and potentially Jorick and Limey if they wish) handle the negotiation scene, the relationship between Red Star and The Old Guard could warm up, or grow colder.
  • Kiku and Bob may go wherever their players feel is most interesting. Seeing Jenive in a critically frail state and getting access to the prisoner is an equally interesting scene to Morai and Carolyn both being one bad piece of dialogue away from blowing each other away.
  • Whether or not Shlan and Tristan allow Ezekiel to act upon Jenive has lasting consequences...
  • RIP Biscuit.
  • Your choices matter a shit ton. The airstrike scene occurred because of Potatocat. Eve was stopped from simply ripping apart Jenive and Russell because of Tyrannosaurus Rekt. Shlan strapping an explosive on Ezekiel prevented him from making an escape attempt in order to preserve his own life. Ozzy grabbing the knife prompted Morai to decide on an escape plan as opposed to a massive butchery of Coalition forces—the entire negotiation scene is occurring because of this instead of a final ambush scene of The Coalition. Et cetera. I just felt like mentioning it in case anybody felt like their actions didn't matter. :ferret:
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TC has likely won this round.
Shlan strapping an explosive on Ezekiel prevented him from making an escape attempt
FOR THOSE WONDERING: There is one last collab left between The Coalition and The Old Guard forces. Red Star, The Children of Eve, and U-ARM have pulled out of the mission. The last collab is primarily a test of loyalty, forcing players to pick a side between ToG or TC for this end of this mission. For some, it'll be easy. For others, it'll be hard.

FOR THOSE IN RED STAR/CHILDREN OF EVE/DEAD OR KNOCKED OUT: This last round will go on without you. Once it's done, the mission ends, the results will be tabulated, and I'll do end of mission debriefs. Yes, that means some of you have to wait a little longer before jumping back in. :ferret:

@Holmishire Now is a good time to start thinking about a replacement character for the one you lost. Think about which faction you want that character to be on as well. I'll be officially updating the CS (among other things) later.
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Totally commenting to mention new OOC stuff that Brovo updated and definitely NOT bumping this thread!!1!
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@Brovo Updated post is here. Assuming all is ship-shape, I'll require...

  • Instincts (6 points spent in Grunt.)
  • Random Mutations (6 Points spent in Listener. 2 already featured.)
  • Stage of Mutation (Assuming Currently 0, but that will likely change very quickly in post-interview circumstances.)
  • Faction Affiliation Ratings
  • Requisitions.
Updated my sheet as well, take a look!

A few things to note:
  • Need one (or more, but probably one) Instincts, as I spent 4 Points into Grunt
  • Added a cosmetic effect to indicate that he's spent a point into Listener
  • Pilot is a bit odd. Tank Goodness and Armored Beast swapped positions and were renamed to Laser Cannon and AEGIS respectively. Laser Cannon got a bit of a rewrite to indicate it's main effect a bit clearer. Everything else is copied from before.
  • Left in my old sheet for comparison. Will remove once the new CS is approved.
  • Aside from that, just waiting on Faction Affiliations and Instincts
EDIT: Changed Incendiary Rounds to Molten Shrapnel, to give a better idea of the ability. Let me know if there are any side effects I may not be aware of (like my barrel melting or something). Took a page from Jorick's book and gave traits descriptions that give a better idea of what they mean mechanically. Changed Tank to Medium Armor, though note that it is modified to be slightly heavier than average from "AEGIS".
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CS Updated

Five new traits were spent as such:
• Upgraded Enter the Forge
• Upgraded Steel Resolve
• Upgraded Quicksilver
• Added Forge Ahead
• Added Heated Updraft

Also switched Steel Resolve from 'has body armour' to 'has better than average body armour' since light/medium/heavy armor is an automatic part of grunts now.
CS mostly updated, only requires a faction section and maybe some fancy formatting to give it tabs.

Advantages Revamp:
"Firearm Training" changed to "Rifleman"
"Heavy Weapons Training" changed to "Heavy Gunner"; updated to reflect the two-point investment.
"Armourer Training" changed to "Field Mechanic"
"Armour Cybernetics Expertise" changed to "Human Tank"
"Melee Weapons Training" Removed.

@Brovo Sheet requires scrutinization and Instinct equal to a full 12-point investment into Grunt skills.
Bob CS upgraded to new format.

Added TL;DR notes on long-ass descriptions of traits to explain what the fuck they're intended to do. Let me know if you'd prefer I separate those out into an explanation of what each specific point is supposed to do rather than having it the way it is now.

Aside from approval on trait shit, I need grunt instincts, possibly random negative mutations, faction affiliations, and requisitions before the sheet is complete.
IC has been updated. Its all in the new format, and the new points have been spent.
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