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She saw what he was doing and looked a little be surprised. She sat quietly and started to polish her armor while it remained on her.
As the energy started to get heavier, it started to look.....watery? Then something interesting happened...electricity seemed to generate within the watery presence, giving the energy a sky blue hue.
Luna watched silently interested in what he was doing. She could feel her own hair standing up a bit on end. She kept watching him quietly.
'Almost there...' Johnathan thought as he stood up, keeping the very voilent energy from going to his back and shoulders..
Luna continued to watch silently, wondering what he was doing exactly. She had never seen anything like that before.
With a smile, Johnathan controlled the energy to the point of where it looked like butterfly wings. It was ready to be added to his already big arsenal of moves.
Luna smiled slightly and watched him still in silence, pulling out the cloth she had used on her sword and starting to polish her boots.
"Here goes..." Johnathan whispered as he got ready to unleash his new and powerful attack. "Storm Style: Shunko (Flash Cry)." With a push off of his feet and aiming at a random tree, he thrusted his hand into it and caused a massive energy explosion in the area around the one tree he used as a test subject which caused a large amount of smoke and dust. "I think that was a bit much..." He said after coughing.
Luna couldn't help but laugh as she tried to fan away the dust. "Perhaps for a tree, yes that was a bit much master. Besides, it was awfully flashy."
"Speaking like that to your master? Getting some backbone eh?" teased the dragon.
Luna quickly covered her mouth and seemed embarrassed. "I...ummm err...I apologize....it's not my place to speak up....."
"It's alright. Got to at least have one level head around or a lot of stupid stuff will happen." Johnathan said as the dust settled. Though she was right, it was way too flashy. "Good thing it's a absolute last resort technique." He admitted as he surveyed the damage.
Luna looked away quietly. Even with his blessing she couldn't help but feel awful about speaking out of turn. It had been so long she had nearly forgotten why she had been protecting mortals in the first place. After a few moments she started to notice a weird smell in the air. It smelled sweet but it was hard to tell what exactly the smell was. The only thing Luna knew was that it was very familiar.
Johnathan had noticed the sweet smell and instantly became on guard...only to let it go when he realized his nervousness. "Damm overly-tuned combat instincts."
Luna seemed to relax a bit as the smell became stronger and a gentle breeze kicked up. It was almost like something was coming towards them. Whatever it was, she didn't seem threatened by it. It smelled slightly of flowers, chocolate, caramel, and sugar.
Johnathan realized the rather sweet smell and relaxed a bit. He sort of wanted to know what was that smell and where was it comming from.
A small whirlwind kicked up and a rather handsome man appeared in it. When the wind died down it was clear the smell was coming from him. He wore golden shining armor and had semi-long brown hair tied back with a red string. His eyes were a bright blue and locked right onto Luna. Luna looked at him, thoughtful for a moment. When she realized who it was she stood up and rushed to hug him. When she got close he slapped her away sending her into a tree.

"Little sister, I'm sorry to say but the Gods no longer need you as a puppet. You've been forgotten until now and I've been sent to dispatch you." he said with a calm expression.

"St-stop joking...." Luna coughed as she slowly got up and dusted herself off, "They could never have forgotten me. I am always a faithful servant of the gods."

The man charged at her and punched her square in the face, sending her though a few trees. "This is NO joke," he growled.

"Sol.....stop.....you're...going a bit....far don't you think?" She managed clearly not willing to fight back.
At the point that Luna's older brother slapped her into a tree, he repressed his energies to the point of where he possibly can't be detected. Silently, he walked up to this Sol person and simply put a hand on his shoulder, secretly activating a temp paralysis seal upon touch. "She's right, it was a bit too much. We could just talk normally, Instead of sending your own sister through a few trees." He said with his tone of voice darkening.
Sol didn't seem too bothered by the paralysis seal though he was severely slowed down by it. "This has nothing to do with you mortal," he growled, "Do you think I'd WANT to do this?! I have my orders now back off or I'll be forced to attack you as well."

Luna struggled to get up, her armor now showing cracks in many places from the impact. She could feel a bit of pain in her back as a large splinter had managed to pierce her armor. Strangely the Dragon's voice managed to echo into Johnathan's head.
"You've got to tell her to release all of her seals...NOW! If you don't he'll break the pact and KILL her!" he practically shouted.

Sol started to walk very slowly with great effort towards his sister. The Dragon had his plan all figured out already and, as much as he wanted to be free, he felt it was wrong to see her die without a fight.
Mortal? Hah, what a severe understatement on Sol's part. Johnathan wasn't anything near mortal. Though he was shocked when that dragon was yelling in his head this time. Maybe it was because of the energy they shared to help the other. For the moment, he had to make a small decision about the consequences of releasing those seals but...."Luna." Johnathan began as he took a few steps back, a hand on his sheathed sword.

"Release the seals."
Luna heard him and her eyes seemed to glow. Her armor seemed to shatter and be replaced with much sturdier armor that looked like a pale gold material. Her power increased immensely. Sol seemed slightly shocked as her eyes had a dark glow to them. Before he could say anything she had him pinned to a tree, the splinter still sticking out from her back. The armor had seemed to form around it.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this." she said in a cold, lifeless voice.

Sol glared at her. "You'll have all of heaven after you!" he growled.

"So be it." she released him and backed off a bit, putting one hand up. "Domine cæli sursum, relinquo mihi telum!"

A flash of light blinded everyone for a moment and once they could see, Luna was holding what appeared to be a bow. She then split the bow into two short swords and attacked her brother without mercy. The two fought fiercely though Sol could not scratch her armor. It was clear her soul was still imprisoned within her body however her full power was revealed. The energy that sparked off of each of their clashing attacks was immense, god-like even.
All Johnathan could do was watch the ensuing god-level fight. He was surprised that Sol was completely outmatched despite what happened earlier.
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