Say The Words I Need To Hear

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A smile pulled at the edges of Jason's lips when Ann seemingly affirmed that they'd become more than just best friends to each other, nodding before once again eating out of his bowl of pasta. And then she asked if they were going to go public with that information, and he gave her a shrug in response. "Don't really know about that. But it could probably also wait; we don't need to let everyone know about that just yet. I think it's pretty obvious that our roommates will be the first to know, though. You can trust Clair with not spreading any rumours, right?"
Ann sighed gently, and shook her head. "She won't tell if it's important. But if it isn't, that shit spreads fast." She smiled, looking at him. "But, what does this mean, for us I mean." She said, looking at him and then back at her food. "I have never been in a serious relationship."
"No kidding. It happens all the time here at this damn school," Jason laughed with a shake of his head, looking back at Ann with his own smile when she asked what this meant for them and told him that she'd never been in a serious relationship like this before. "Well, I guess that means we're dating, right? It's like whenever we go out to do something, except now that it'll be... It'll have a more romantic spin on it," he said with a small chuckle. "Don't know how else to explain it other than that. I also suppose that this means we'll be visiting one another's dorms a bit more often, now..."
Ann sighed, looking at him. "So basically as we have always done, just, romantically?" She said, raising an eyebrow. A relationship to her meant ownership over some part of her to another man, which most people took advantage of. Smiling at him, Ann continued to eat. "This is going to feel weird for a while."
"How else can I put it?" Jason asked with a laugh. "There's not really much difference aside from more kissing and stuff, since we're already so close." He smiled when she told him that this was going to feel weird for the next little bit, and he simply shook his head. "Well, don't think it's going to be any different for me. As I'm sure you know, I've dated a couple of girls before- hence my 'charming' personality trait- but those weren't meant to lead into a more serious relationship, so this'll take some time for me to get used to as well."
Ann nodded and finished her food, getting up from the table. This felt really weird, she felt like something has shifted. She was still extremely tired. Sighing, she put her bowl in the sink. "Yay, this is going to be all around awkward." She said, staring at the running water.
"Only if you make it that way," Jason called out, finishing off the last of his own pasta a little later and also going to the kitchen to go and wash his bowl. "It might not come easy, but as long as you can see the situation for what it is, then you'll be able to accept it more easily, too. Philosophy was never my strong point, but I still have points that I can prove in a semi-understandable way, and this is one of them. Just go with the flow like you always do, and things will end up being fine."
Ann sighed as Jason walked over, and she moved aside for him to wash his bowl. "Go with the flow you say, how will I do that with no lead?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow. She was nervous, really. She was afraid she would end up hurting him, and she would loose the only thing in her life that she had loved more than anyone else.
"I'll give you a lead when you need it. Just trust me on this," Jason told her with a reassuring smile, locking his gaze with hers for a few seconds and then leaning in to very briefly kiss her lips before pulling away and continuing to wash the dishes that had been put in the sink. "Right now, I think it's enough that we know we both like each other and that we're willing to take things a little further. We can concern ourselves more with how we're going to go about acting like a couple later on."
Ann sighed, kissing his lips back before looking at him and taking his hand. "Then let's go sit and watch a movie." She said, smiling. "I just want to get back to the way things use to be." She mumbled gently, looking at their hands which where meshed together.
"Sounds alright to me," Jason replied, smiling back at her and squeezing her hand lightly before walking with her into the living room. Sure, it would definitely take a little while before both of them could be fully accustomed to being in a romantic relationship, but at least they could breathe easier now knowing that they had the same feelings toward one another.

"You can pick the movie, by the way. Just make sure to pick a good one," he teased.
Ann smiled slightly and walked over to her tv, pulling up Netflix. "Horror, comedy, or kid movie?" She asked him, leaning back against the couch
"Hm... All three of those sound like good choices, but I think we should go with horror and give ourselves a good scare," Jason answered with a smirk, plopping down on the couch next to Ann. "Besides... It'll be fun to watch you while you get squeamish," he teasingly added.
Ann sighed heavily and glared at Jason, pulling up a horror movie and pressing play. "I hate you." She said, crossing her arms.
"Hey, don't blame me. You're the one who suggested it, remember?" Jason chuckled, shivering a little when he saw the movie that Ann had picked for them. "Sinister... Man, this movie was actually scary as shit the first time I watched it," he mumbled.
Ann sighed, and curled up in a ball on her side of the couch, looking at the screen as the movie started playing. "Whatever." She mumbled, pouting slightly as the movie started.
The opening of the movie certainly wasn't lighthearted at all; it immediately started off with a family with bags over their heads in nooses tied around their necks, currently held to the ground by a lowered tree branch and being filmed by a Super 8 camera in the distance. A few seconds later, said tree branch was raised and the family was soon being strangled in midair by the segments of rope, making for a very disturbing multi-murder that offered a taste of what more was to come. The scene never failed to disturb Jason, and he himself was shifting a little uncomfortably as he watched it unfold.
Ann hated the opening scene of this movie, and she hid her face in the couch as it happened, not bothering to look.
"... Ahem. Very interesting choice you made there, Ann," Jason said quietly as a pathetic attempt to lighten up the mood, but ultimately failed even as the murder scene passed and moved on to showing the film's protagonist moving into a new house with the rest of his family. There was no doubt that this was a legitimately terrifying horror movie, and that there would surely be worse for them to witness.
Ann groaned. "You could have picked a animated movie!" She called, putting her head on the edge of the couch as she tried to keep herself calm
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