Say The Words I Need To Hear

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Jason's head whipped towards the door when he heard the door crashing open, and right in front of him and Ann was the topic of their discussion; their roommates just so happened to have shown up while they were talking about them for the brief few moments that they were, and neither of them looked happy. Clair seemed especially pissed, and before Jason could react, he was tackled against the couch by the purple-haired woman and was trying desperately to stop her from strangling him to death while Neil watched from the sidelines with his arms folded over his chest, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I get it... You're pissed... I... Explain..." Jason choked out, while a familiar friend came to check up on the gang and see how they were doing on the television screen.

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Ann looked at Clair, and giggled a little bit as she tried to strangle Jason, looking at her. "Clair, CLAIR!" She said. "Seriou.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Ann screamed, seeing something else appear on the screen mid sentence, causing her to fall over in a scared little huddle on the other side of the couch.

"I don't want excuses I want answers!" She yelled, still trying to strangle him
Jason would have laughed at Ann's reaction to the final scene of the movie, if he wasn't busy trying to keep her roommate from murdering him right there on the couch. "I just... suggested that we could skip class so... Ann could go to sleep," he croaked out, clawing at Clair's hands as he felt his precious oxygen leaving his lungs. "She was just really tired..."
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Clair's expression turned from anger to happiness in a second and she let go of his neck. "Oh, alright, that's reassuring. But why are you making her watch a scary movie, the poor thing is scared to death." She said, moving over to her friend and cuddling her in her arms.
Jason coughed and rolled over onto the floor with a loud thud after his throat was finally released, groaning as he slowly and eventually got his breath back. "She was the one who asked me if we should watch one," he insisted from his spot on the floor, and then Neil sighed before fully stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "No doubt that you two are probably gonna end up being reprimanded tomorrow for flunking out, regardless of whether or not it was for a good intention."
Ann whimpered softly into her friends arms, as Clair smoothed her hair. "Well yeah, you are going to get reprimanded, but they will be easier on Ann." Clair said.
"Gee, thanks for singling me out like that," Jason huffed, rubbing his neck as he slowly stood back up and then sat down on the couch next to the two women. "She does have a point, you know," Neil interjected. "Even if they operate by such a tight schedule, the teachers won't be as harsh towards Ann since it's pretty obvious that she gets a lot less sleep in comparison to most of the other students here, so it would be understandable for her to take at least one break to get herself rejuvenated. You, on the other-"

"Yeah yeah, piss off, I know the rest of the explanation," the wind user grumbled.
Ann sighed gently, slowly folding into her friends hug. "I'm glad because my grades are not good." As she said, looking at Jason. "Sorry, it sucks for you."
"Why is everyone suddenly against me on this?" Jason snapped, standing up from his seat and taking a look around the room at everyone, the look in his eyes indicating that he'd now been legitimately set off. "Why is this all suddenly my fault?" It's always been like this in the end, hasn't it? I'm on my own, I'm the one who's wrong... It's all bullshit. It really is. Neil flinched at the sudden change in his friend's attitude, and he instantly knew that he was going through that phase again.

"Jason, you need to calm down..."

"Calm down my ass!" Jason shouted, the air current in the room suddenly becoming altered and distorting the view of a few areas here and there. "You know that what I'm saying is right, Neil! Give me a break already!" There was a very deathly silence in the room in the next several moments that followed. Calming his breathing, Jason shook his head and then started towards the door, stopped momentarily by the hand on his shoulder.


"Go away. I don't need you," he grumbled, swatting Neil's arm away and opening the door, slamming it shut behind him and leaving the other three behind in the wake of his outburst.
Ann was frightened that Jason was going of this way, leaving a waking pool of guilt inside her stomach as her best friend, and boyfriend, stomped out of the room angrily, leaving everyone silenced in his wake. After a few seconds, Ann pulled herself from her friends grip, giving Clair a reassuring squeeze of the shoulder, and then heading strait for the door to follow Jason. She didn't want to be in a fight right after they had gotten together.
"Ann. Hold on a minute," Neil said gently, reaching out to grip her forearm before she could reach the door and meeting with her gaze. "We should give him time to cool off. You don't know what he might do if you decide to approach him while he's like that."
Ann pressed her lips tightly together as Neil told her she should stay for a bit. Shaking her arm loose of his, Ann walked back to her room to cool down a bit herself. She hated feeling like Jason was angry for a small thing such as that, and he had to deal with it alone.
Neil sighed as Ann also went her own way, covering his face with his hand and turning back towards the door behind him. Jason was becoming more volatile by the day, he noted, and that was dangerous for all of the people who surrounded him. Obviously there had to be some kind of trigger for his recent behaviour... But just what was that trigger? He couldn't begin to guess what it was, and whenever he tried finding an answer to that question, sometimes it would end up in their dormitory room being destroyed. Jason's emotions were all over the place, and he needed to help straighten them out before someone ended up getting seriously hurt by whatever it was he was bottling up inside him.

"Make sure to take care of her," Neil said in address to Clair. "Ann could also use someone watching over her right now while her best friend's busy fuming."
Clair looked at Neil, and then Ann, and she groaned. "Why today." She mumbled, leaning back. "I'll watch her, you go try and fix that boy before he goes around decimating the whole school." She said, shutting her eyes as she thought about how to fix this situation
"He'll be fine. Don't worry; in the end I always straighten him out."


If Neil was going to tell the honest truth about it to anyone, he was a little nervous about confronting his roommate while he was as angry as he was, recognizing him as someone he needed to be legitimately cautious around and who could be a very dangerous person if he wanted to be. Even if he ended up getting over it at some point in time, Jason had grown quite the temper and learned through unfortunate personal experience that it wasn't just for show. At the very most, he knew he would be at least somewhat approachable since they had become close friends while staying in the same dormitory over the past couple of years together and were able to understand where both parties were coming from for any given topic. Neil just hoped this time wouldn't be some sort of magical exception to that general norm.

"Jason? Jason!" Neil called out, spotting him further down the corridor he was heading through and jogging to catch up to his friend. Whether he was headed back to their dormitory or was on his way to the sparring arena that the students were allowed to use recreationally outside of their Phys-Ed periods, the pyrokinetic man didn't know. Right now, his main objective was simply to get Jason to calm down and prevent him from taking out his bubbling anger out on unsuspecting peers. "Jason, talk to me for a second," Neil pleaded, grabbing the wind user's shoulder firmly and spinning him around so that he could face him.

"Go the fuck away, Neil. I don't need you pestering me right now."
"I don't want to pester you. I'm here to help."
"Right, because everyone's always 'here to help', am I right? Just cut the bullshit already and give me some space."
"I don't understand why you're so angry right now. All we've ever been to you is friendly and caring; we don't deserve this kind of attitude from you, Jason."

"Of course they don't, Neil, but..." Jason's tone had instantly softened up when he spoke following Neil's remark about him as well as Ann and Clair, the group of four who normally stuck so closely together when they weren't conversing with other people. Jason never meant to hurt any of them... He was just so angry about so many things, and he couldn't stop it from resurfacing once so much attention was directed towards him. It was maddening, and he felt like it drove him nuts a lot of the time. He didn't feel like there was anyone or anything that could save him, as though he was falling in a downward spiral that had no end to it.

"... Just tell me honestly that nobody's really been there to help me when I needed it."
"We have been, Jason. You just don't know that yet."

"No, maybe I don't. And I think I'd better figure it out quick, before something bad happens... I can feel it in my gut every day. I just know that something will happen that'll just be beyond my power to be able to stop."

"You need to get rid of that feeling, then. Because we're all here to make things better for you. "I know what-"
"Don't talk about that. Please don't. Just not right now."
"... Fine. But just remember: we're not him. We're not going to hurt you, or judge you for who you are like he did."
"... Yeah. Yeah, I know that."
Ann spent a long time pent up in her room, pacing back and forth and biting her nails as she looked at her floor, wondering weather Jason was ok or not. She hated feeling so shaken, so angry at herself for provoking him. Eventually, Clair had come into her room, and she was sitting on her bed. "Ann, stop pacing." Clair said, holding her head. "You are stressing ME out." She said, rubbing her temples.

"Can't," Ann said, looking at her, "I'm worried."

"Well I would be if he was my friends."

"He's not just a friend."

A long silence fell over the room, causing Ann to freeze in place. 'Shit.' She thought, turning to look at Clair who had the biggest grin plastered across her face. "AAAA Finally!" She said, getting up and glomping her friends. "Yeah, I know, I know, it's still under the radar though, so keep quiet." She said, looking at her. Clair smiled and pressed a hand to her lips.
"So... Anything interesting happen with Ann while you two were ditching class?"
"Shut up, already... Ahem. Um... I actually managed to confess to her, and... Turns out that she feels the same way about me."
"... No kidding."
"Yeah, totally kidding. What do you think, Neil?"

"Nice job, man! Hey, you didn't happen to..."
"I'm going to ask you to stop right there before I decide to repaint the walls."
"Mhm... Seriously though, good job."
"... Thanks."

Neil looked over at (a very embarrassed) Jason and flashed him a smile, striding with his friend through the corridors of the school and heading back with them to Ann's dorm so they and the two girls could all chillax together. He was glad that the hot-headed wind user was finally able to get his feelings out for the person who was now presumably his girlfriend, because now that would be one less thing for him to worry about. That had always been quite a major concern for him for the past little while, but now Jason could let loose knowing that Ann reciprocated their sentiments and that they could go further with their existing relationship between one another. Neil then started to wonder if Ann had told Clair this info while the two boys were away, and he planned on asking her as they arrived back at the doorway to Ann's room, opening it and stepping back inside to look for the two girls.
Ann and Clair where on the couch at this point, and Clair was still regaling Ann for details when she heard the voiced down the hall. Smiling, she leaned back and grinned at Jason and Neil as they walked in. "HEY guys~" She said, looking at Jason and raising her eyebrows. Ann was sitting in the corner of the couch, smiling at Jason from where she was on the couch.
Jason's face turned a dark shade of crimson at the way Clair greeted them, knowing that she had found out the little secret he shared with her roommate while Neil also grinned and leaned against one wall, his gaze locked on his friend as he himself went to go take a seat on the couch, staring at the purple-haired girl for several long seconds and seeing that the stupid grin on her face just wouldn't leave. "... Ann told you about what happened, didn't she."
Ann sighed gently, and pressed a hand to her forehead. 'It was an accident!" She said, her face tomato red as she leaned against the side of the couch. A few seconds later, Clair exploded. "UUU I knew it I knew it I knew it!!!" She said, glomping Jason
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