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Once the room had been cleared of clerics, the Titans large mechanical fists faded out as if they dissolved in mid air, returning her hands to normal. She brushed some of the dust off as the others spoke among themselves, looking up only to tune into the important details when Gillian told them to move out. She looked down to the Cleric at her feet, his helmet crushed into his head from where she'd grabbed and slammed him against the ground instantly killing the unfortunate soldier. She grimaced and was about to walk on before a hand took her shoulder, causing her to look left to FOX. Her eyebrow raised for a moment before she visibly stiffened, unsure how to react despite the warmth in her cheeks.

She cursed him and herself internally for the reaction but after a moment she managed to respond. "It took assaulting a government building for you to eventually muster the courage to ask me out?" she teased with a smirk before giving a nod, "Sounds like fun though Fox, I'd love to" she said with a smile before they continued forward into the next room. The corridor put the Titan on edge, something about it didn't feel right and she was expecting some sort of trap at any moment to be sprung and force them into a difficult situation. Because of this she quickened her pace and moved herself between Gillian and FOX, moving in front of them as she rose her fists.

If anything was to come at them, it'd have to get past her first and she had a far better chance at surviving whatever hit out at them than the two non NOAH's behind her. "I don't like this..." she commented as her red eyes scanned for anything that could remotely be considered a threat.
The sound of metal crashing against metal was almost deafening, however on the same token, so was the explosion that followed just moments after. Before the dust could even settle however, Tia was up in front, trying to defend everyone in the room. Pulling together a rather messy barricade. It looked like it might hold for some time.

However examining Tia a bit more closely, he could watch her twitch, spasm...she was hurting herself quite a deal it seemed, for their safety. Muttering, about not letting the clerics through. Alexander pulled himself out from his cover, Approaching the NOAH, he found a small pillar nearby to hide behind. The RONIN was contemplating what to do, once the barricade failed, the NOAH would be the first person shot. "Dammit Tia. Look at me! You need to let the damn barricade down. You're killing yourself, just to hold them off for a few more minutes!" He called out, waving a hand to try and get the girl to look at him.

"At least fight back, they can't get to us, if they're dead Tia." The RONIN spoke as clearly as he could manage. "Come on. You need to fight back, get mad about this. They want to kill everyone you care about that you have left, that you have left. They burnt down your fucking home, they killed your friends, and took away the closest thing any of us had to a family." Alex's tone was slowly getting more and more upset. "And all you're gonna fucking do, is hold them back, until you die from exhaustion? At least die fighting, with the rest of us here."

While he spoke, Alexander left his cover, and got closer to Tia. Being brave, he laid a hand on the NOAH's shoulders, "Come on kid. You only need to kill people one more time. Now isn't the time to play hero, or the good person. Once that wall comes down, they're going to slaughter you, and me." Stepping in front of Tia, Alex stood in front of her, and raised his rifle.

"Fight them now. Or I'm gonna wait until this wall falls, and I'll die before you do. I'm not letting a kid, go before me."

Dmitry chose to stay close to front, with his M14 in hand. The rifle was more than enough to rip through armor, especially when the ranges were this close. Looking over to Naomi, he gave a chuckle. "Oh, so now you're complaining about the circumstances?" He asked curiously. "Let's just fight like hell, and get this over with." The NOAH offered.

As he went further forward with the rest of the group. "Do me a favor Naomi. Once the fighting starts. Let's try not to hit each other." He said, pulling the visor on his helmet back down.
"Let's just say, you and I...are both close combat specialists. And unlike the lunatic with the sword, we both have to be quite intimate with our targets." Dmitry explained as they moved forward still.


Past the doorway...
What dangers shall fate sow?
Cross the line, don't look back.
You're in the [glow=red]Devil's[/glow] domain now.

Deeper into the narrow corridor, the seven figures lurched, gazes fixated forward upon the bountiful dangers that surely awaited confrontation. There was no going back now, it was time to face what accursed realities lay beyond. With tentative habit, FOX followed Naomi as she trailed ahead of the rag-tag formation, soft eyes studying the sterile metal surfaces which encapsulated them. As the team passed through the narrow corridor, the Ronin kept his rifle within his embrace. He wouldn't die here, no matter what challenges lie beyond... FOX would survive.

The second hallway seemed to stretch infinitely, every prideful step bringing them no closer to their delusions of victory. The space in the corridor was narrow, forcing the team to draw closer in parallel with one another. It didn't take a military prodigy like Gillian to notice their vulnerable position, huddled together like sheep for the slaughter. In fact, the raven haired commander was almost disappointed that their enemy took no such opportunity when their eyes finally caught the glimpse of the end of the hallway.

"Another door?" FOX approached the wall carefully, one hand still fondling the grip of his rifle. No, this door was different. "Elevator." Masculine digits brushed over the control panel, pressing the button he assumed would summon their cart upwards. "As if this couldn't get any more sketchy." He mumbled to himself as the doors slowly pulled themselves apart.

Before FOX could step inside, Gillian placed his hand upon his younger brother's shoulder. "Wait. This smells like a trap."

FOX nodded, "I'll go first. I'll send the elevator up if I make it safely down." He explained.

"Naomi, go with him. Make sure he stays in one piece."

Sapphire stones narrowed, the Ronin's lips searching for a clever rebuttal as he waited for Naomi to join him. Once the two were past the metal doorway, the French Knight took the opportunity to shoot the pair a sly wave.

"See you soon, chéris." He smiled as the doors slowly drew closed.

FOX took a deep breath as the elevator began to move, a sinking feeling embracing his chest as they descended deeper into the wolf's den. As the elevator hit the bottom, the doors slowly whirred open to reveal the interior of a laboratory. Long rows of computer consoles lined the walls, their displays illuminating brilliant hues of light. It was a facility of the like FOX had never seen.


It was, however, a place quite familiar to the NOAH.

At the center of the room, a young woman dressed in a plain, turtleneck sweater greeted the pair. "So, you've finally come." She greeted nonchalantly, emerald rhinestones lacking emotion. "Welcome home, Naomi."

Stepping off of the elevator, FOX pressed the button to send the elevator back up before addressing the woman in the room. "Who are you?" He asked, keeping himself on alert. The woman looked like she presented no threat, but those were of course the most dangerous people. As the remainder of Team one disembarked from the elevator, the woman finally spoke once more.

"My name is Honoka Misaki. I'm a Japanese researcher for Suidokashi Robotics." She brushed her hand through silver locks, "Sorry, I mean I don't come from around here." She explained, realizing that the her home country would mean nothing to those that knew nothing of the outside world.

"You must be here for the schematics. I suppose I'll give them to you if you promise not to kill me." The lack of emotion in her voice made FOX wonder what her true intentions were. Was this woman someone to be trusted?

"You didn't answer my question, Honoka. Who are you, exactly?"

"A monster. Or a mother of monsters. I suppose it depends what side of the fence you're on." The word came dryly from her lips, "I was one of the head researchers of the Oracle Projects."

Lowering his rifle, FOX angrily rushed towards the woman. She didn't resist as the Ronin grabbed her by the collar of her sweater, masculine digits clasping at the woman's neck. "You bitch..." FOX growled, unceremoniously slamming the woman against a nearby computer console. "You fucking bitch! So many dead because of you!" He raised his fist into the air, preparing to bring it down upon the defenseless woman, "All of those people that you experimented on... tortured!" All of his friends that people like her had killed. Before he could bring his fist down upon her, Gillian grabbed him.

"Stop it! She's not worth it! FOX!" Gillian growled, "We need the schematics, we won't get anything if you kill her!"

"Fuck it! I'll smash her head in until we find it!" He shouted, struggling against Gillian as Chevalier grabbed the Ronin by his thrashing legs. "Let me go!" He barked as the men wrested him to the ground. In the ensuing brawl, the two men finally pinned the soldier against the metal floor.

"You done, kid?" Chevalier asked, waiting for the Ronin to stop resisting before letting him go. "Save the whole dramatic, revenge thing for after we get the schematics. Yeah?"


Knights of Black,
Sprawl forth and bring shadow to light,
Punish arrogant resistance and destroy the ghosts of vanity.

A dramatic explosion tore apart the external defenses to the military facility, the sun's rays obscured by the curtain of smoke which veiled the scene. "Dynamic entry complete. Gryphon squadron... deploy front." Through the fog of war, a dozen armored figures dashed forth and into the fog. Thermal optics transmitted into their military glass, crimson eyes illuminated the fog as the elite Black Knights sprawled forth.

As the vanguard made their assault, red outlines of targets appeared through their heads up displays. "Contact. Engaging." Aiming their automatic weapons, the first shots tore through the air towards the enemy positions. "Gryphon One! On your left!" From Gryphon Squad's exposed flank, a scarlet slipstream dashed through the smoke.

"Too slow!" A floating sword found its mark, slashing Valkyrie's target in half. Blood violently stained Valkyrie's canvas as the men turned their attention towards her, the sentient swords deflecting the onslaught of gunfire she received as she retreated back into the fog, her red scarf dashing behind her.

As the smoke from the explosion finally began to clear, a bullet pierced through the battlefield, striking another Knight between his protective plates. Where one fell, another would take its place. "Eliminate these rats." The Knights pushed upwards, running through the hail of gunfire and flying swords as they closed the gap to the exposed entrance.

When it seemed as if the Black Knights were about to overrun the position, a sudden wall emerged in front of them, blocking their entrance into the building as the remaining members of the Cleric advance team were picked off between Valkyrie and the other defenders. "Take down that wall!" The Knights shouted, concentrating their firepower against Tia's defenses.

Noticing a Cleric carrying a large metal tube over his shoulder, Valkyrie quickly sent a sword through the man's chest from afar, pinning the corpse to the ground before he could fire off his missile launcher at the defenses. "Not sure how long we'll be able to keep this up. There's a fuckload of them."
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i won't let you get to them i won't let you get to them i won't let you get to th--

[glow=red]--Look at me![/glow]

Tia's chant was broken by the words of Alexander, her mouth quivering a little, and the shaking eye poking out from a cracked helmet staring at the RONIN as the wall continued to crumble.

The more he talked, the more she seemed to try and look away, as if she was trying to blot out the words he was saying. But, even amidst the hail of gunfire and the pure carnage that continued to escalate around her, there wasn't any way to drown out his words. His words that were - more or less - the truth about the enemy that surrounded her that she knew, but tried to block out.

[glow=red]They want to kill everyone you care about.[/glow]
[glow=red]They burnt down your fucking home.[/glow]
[glow=red]They killed your friends.[/glow]
"--S...s-st... s..."

By now, the NOAH was begging for him to stop. But the words - the facts - filled with fire and redness, forced their way into her head and roared like an engine. Metallic bullets that managed to make their way through the crumbling wall were subconsciously halted and dropped to the floor in front of Tia, but shots crafted from other materials - rubber - were beginning to be fired, and started to find their mark on her body.

Impacts dug into her shoulders and lower body, her armour and the material of the bullets stopping the damage from being fatal. She should've perhaps fallen to the pain and overwhelming force right there and then, and the wall with it, but she didn't.

Because all she could hear was one sentence.


Her bloodshot eye through cracked blackness shrank, twisted, and leaked empty tears. The wall stopped crumbling, and just seemed to suddenly sit at a standstill. In her mind, she couldn't hear anything anymore. The whole world had just become a grey and white haze, splattered with twinkling cases of bullets and glimpses of blood outside the makeshift wall.

Briefly, she felt something on her shoulder, her position a statue and her empty stare looking straight through the figure in front of her.

[glow=red]FIGHT THEM NOW.[/glow]


"Fight them now."

There was no tone to her voice as she mimicked Alex's words, but it was almost as if the NOAH was agreeing. She repeated it again: "Fight them now." And again: "Fight them now." Again, and again, and again, as the creaking of her wire spools sounded and shot through the makeshift wall that'd seemed to stop crumbling.

Whilst keeping up the defenses, Tia began to fight back.

Razor-sharp wire shot out from cracks in the wall, their movements frenzied and like an animal's as they swept across the battlefield, searching for targets. Those not quick enough to dodge or cut the wire as it coiled around them were suffocated; crushed as the wire found gaps and slipped into the flesh past aramid fiber. The neck was usually the target, but when the razor wire cut deep enough and drew enough blood, their fate was sealed anyway.

When one fell to the wire, the soldier and its equipment was dragged back into the wall, becoming a part of the makeshift defenses, before searching to look for a new target. A slow, grisly, but effective killing machine. When one wire was cut or expertly shot, another came creaking out.

Croaking, mangled body after body being dragged back into the crumbling wall, Tia's lightly twitching body just stood there. Her eye fully wide, the world around her seeming surreal as she watched her handiwork.

"I'm sorry."

Who she was apologizing to was unclear, the wall of metal and flesh only beginning to grow as most of the NOAHs did everything they could to thin the seemingly neverending numbers. It wouldn't be long before the elite CLERICs would learn to adapt and find a strategy to easily break her attempts, but as pain numbed out by adrenaline continued to sear through her, this was the best she could do.

To protect the handful of people left that were special to her, Tia had been convinced to embrace who she really was under a poorly fabricated veil. A weapon, a killing machine, and above all, a cornered monster.
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Eresh flinched the moment those doors opened, her gaze shot from the floor to the hall before her. A certain deep memory burst forth into her vision, mind's eye taking hold over the corporeal. In a moment it was gone, but the qualia that she was feeling was no different. A sanitized smell overtook her nose that she wasn't sure was real or imagined. There was a pause before she stepped out of the elevator behind the rest, spurred into doing so only when the elevator doors began to close without her. She stepped forward briskly, doors swinging back open in reaction to her passing through them.

The woman, try as she might to remember, was wholly unfamiliar to her, though it did little to dissuade her hatred. She listened, which, as she reflected, was strange for her. When was it that she would have simply clocked her? FOX touted the dead, the tortured, and the changed as reason for retribution, but all of those things Eresh could forgive in some sense.

What angered Eresh so much was not those things, but what this woman had specifically said.


She said in a way that insinuated that she knew from the beginning what she was creating. That she knew the children she was experimenting with would be, without a doubt, a monster. To condemn them to that fate... To condemn her to that fate.

Eresh's hand clenched. She could do so much to her, and yet as she imagined the various ways she could eviscerate this casually spoken woman, she realized her power would not afford her the opportunity to truly make her suffer. She could kill, instantly, and without much pain.

A monster, as she said... The word ran in her head again, then. Eyes burning, she appraised the scientist further, her greatest fury resting upon those apathetic eyes... Those eyes. Those EYES. Eresh's better sanity snapped back just in time for her not to charge with enough speed to stun everyone else, and inevitably be tackled in turn. Still, her foot took a sudden step forward, boot slamming on the sleek floor.

"The way I see it, you're no idiot, and you know what you're in for. So either you think we'll forgive you for something you show us, or you've come to die. I'm feeling, right now, like you've got nothing that could save you from me or FOX," she growled.

Gaia had been far enough away from the barricaded entrance that little to no harm befell her as she stayed standing with arms crossed over her chest and a stern expression plastered upon her face. Her concrete golems were right next to the explosion and took a good brunt of it which had caused them to crumble from the shockwave; thankfully they seemed to have dispersed most of the harmful force away from a couple of her allies.

As the confrontation continued to escalate Gaia approached the front entrance directly behind Tia and Alexander listening to the conversation transpire between the two. She herself felt the words spewing out of Alexander's mouth shouldn't have been needed as to her most of what he said was obvious. Tia's will appeared weak but she seemed to make a comeback on account of the now groaning CLERIC bodies being added to the barricade. Gaia couldn't help but let out a pleased giggle followed by an odd smile towards the grizzly barricade as she stepped up near the RONIN and fellow NOAH.

"Your death wish has ceased to be amusing Alexander." She stated sternly as she walked past him without so much as a glance up to the barricade. "A friend once told me it is not one's goal to die for his cause but to make the other bastard die for his." A RONIN in her old squad said that. A short spiky haired blonde man by the name of Clyde. Reciting those words caused Gaia to remember that optimistic bastard's smiling face just before she watched that bullet pass through his skull. "Maybe you should start following your own advice and start relieving these bastards from life itself." She paused for a moment as her tone of voice became more sinister as time went on.

"Tia...I'm borrowing your wall and ELEGANCE for a moment." With that Gaia placed with of her hands against the metal mostly metal barricade and began her construction with the aid of the magnetism from Tia's abilities. Every scrap of metal involving the barricade as well as the two vehicle wrecks began to screech as metal violently rubbed against metal. Metal rebar from within the walls on either side of the entrance even forced themselves out of the structure to join the swelling configuration. The unfortunate CLERIC's whom were being added to the wall would be able to scream in pain for a few moments as they would be simply crushed inside the morphing golem as it began to take shape. Once Gaia was done what remained of the defensive wall was nothing short of a horror. A large roughly one and a half stories tall almost gluttonous appearing golem now sat in front of the entrance in place of the barricade. It had a large metal like belly that took up most of its size, smaller proportional legs, long almost tendril appearing arms as they seemed to flex like many intertwined metal cables and wires and finally large dome like head which when it opened upwards like a lid exposed the many rows of rotating razor sharp metal teeth. There was however one more little fact about this monstrosity; from nearly ever crease or hole in the metal golem, crimson blood seemed to seep out from the mangled and crushed bodies already within it.

Gaia's smiled twisted into a grin before speaking a single command to her creation.


Unlike the other golems which roared this one was dead silent as it simply carried out its orders. The only sounds coming from it being the sound of heavy ammunition pinging against its metal surface and the sickening sound of crunching and slashing of bodies as its numerous metal tendrils reached out for its black armor cladded victims and one by one tossed them into its awaiting meat grinder of a mouth.

The metal hallway didn't reveal much and honestly it started to become quickly boring. Not that she particularly liked being shot at or having to flatten enemies into a fine pulp, but she couldn't help but feel like they might have readied themselves for a steep uphill struggle which had instead turned out to be a speed bump of an obstacle. For a time the only sound to break the silence was the heavy thumps of Naomi's reinforced footwear hitting the floor, which for some would probably seem odd since Naomi was all of about five foot five and a half wearing denim shorts, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket.

When they eventually arrived at the end, an elevator appeared before them causing Naomi to give a small but audible sigh. "I hate these things, they say how much weight they can handle but yet they still creak like your grandmothers rocking chair when it's trying to go up and down..." Naomi wasn't talking to anyone in particularly but the fact she was more concerned with the functionality of the elevator rather then the mission spoke volumes of how bored she might have been during the long walk down the pristine metal hallway. Naomi glanced to Gillian when he asked her to join FOX and nodded, walking inside and turning to face the group.

When Chevalier made his sly wave the Titan cocked a smirk and gave her middle finger, just as the doors were closing. "And now the creaking part..." she muttered as it began to descend, causing the Titan to patiently wait for it to reach the bottom before the doors parted, revealing the lab and the woman standing in front of it. Naomi stepped forward, looking around to see if the woman had backup before her eyes laid upon the lab properly for the first time, causing her brow to furrow as it all seemed familiar... too familiar. "Welcome home, Naomi" the words snapped her attention to the woman, feeling a rise of anxiety and loathing build inside of her.

The dots started to connect and the Titan was frozen in place as the conversation rolled over her, neither moving nor reacting as FOX charged in anger only to have the rest of Team One filter into the room around her and pull FOX away from the woman, 'thee' woman... the mother of monsters, her 'surrogate mother'. FOX had eventually and finally given up the struggle, the words exchanged falling def on her ears despite hearing and understanding them. Even Eresh's outburst didn't wake the slumbering Titan whom stood motionlessly as her pupils seemed to stare off into empty space. She remembered this place, the stage of her nightmares.

The nightmares played themselves in her mind, as if the environment had clicked some sort of disarm button to the walls she'd raised to cope and forget about the things she'd been put through, the horrible acts she'd committed such as being ordered to kill the failed experiments of her project as a way to both test her abilities and remove the trash at the same time. Her skin began to scream, remembering the cold steel slicing and stripping away at her layer by layer till muscle tissue was visible. The fear, the ache in her lungs from screaming, the suffering, the upset, she wasn't ready for this.

All of this proceeded through the metal body of the Titan in the short moment that FOX was wrestled to the ground and Eresh shouted towards the scientist. But something started to change as a rising tension began to bleed into the room like blood from a freshly cut wound, a feeling of absolute loathing which one could trace back to the awakening Titan whose eyes burned a purer red than they ever had done in her past. One could almost believe she was about to kill everyone in the room, looking down at her trembling hands as her fingers curled into fists. mechanical armored gauntlets materializing around her hands.

Metal plates began to slide and shift as they powered up, transforming before settling into place as her elegance activated, finalizing the transition of her regular fists into metallic weapons of war. "Revenge doesn't belong to him!" Naomi eventually growled before she strode forward, dull thumps vibrating the immediate space around her as she headed straight for Honoka. The Titan took FOX's example, taking her by the scruff of her clothing and lifting her off the floor. "Monster?! there are no monsters like me!" she half growled half shouted, the urge to snap her in half rising each moment the woman spent in her presence.

"But there are worse fates!" she turned and threw Honoka on the floor, the force of which likely broke a few things without killing her outright. To present her point to the woman behind their misery, Naomi grabbed Honoka by her hair and lifted her from the floor, holding her head in such a way that she was looking straight at Arata. The Titan extended her arm, holding her out towards Arata so that he could take her soul with his sword. She wanted Honoka to know, to 'see'' her fate with her own eyes, to feel the same fear she'd forced upon them and many others during her existence.
Gunsmoke and spent cartridges littered the floor as their brethren's blood spilled on the debris-ridden floor. Against the blades of Ragnarok and the magnetic capabilities of Thunderbird, any sense of security was pointless. This wasn't a simple enough operation that the Black Knights could go into without expecting heavy losses, and in the back, the commander knew instinctively that the funeral procession would be a long one once more.

Gryphon Squad was the sacrifice, the vanguard that would lay their lives down for the second phase. Marching into the meatgrinder of blades, golems, and razor wire, they fired both armor piercing and rubber rounds, muzzles glowing red as they advanced stalwartly to their deaths. Many had already taken the drugs for the occasion, pain reduced to numbness as they were crushed and added to the nightmare wall.

20. 30. 40. 50.

Over half of his brothers within Gryphon Squad had been consumed now.

"Enough," the masked commander spoke to the mic installed within his helm. "Dullahan, T-5 seconds. Prioritize THUNDERBIRD and CREATION."

Lay down your lives for the Queen's future.

A transceiver triggered, transmitting a signal through all the mangled corpses of the Black Knights. There was a singular 'beep' before the explosions went off once more, plastic explosives packed within the armor of the CLERICs erupting simultaneously. The structural integrity of Tia's wall, already weakened by Gaia's golem-creation, was fully compromised, torn to shreds in a fiery ball of flame while the gluttonous golem suffered a similar fate, split into two halves by a small explosion within its stomach as it collapsed onto more of them.

And, within five seconds of yet another explosion, the Holy Armanent granted to her by the Lord Commander himself guided Dullahan through the obscuring flame and smoke, to the perfect angle in which to strike both targets in a single shot.

A silver bullet tore through a distance of 1.7 kilometers, a shooting star to those astute enough to observe it. If unimpeded, it would pierce through the right lung of THUNDERBIRD and shatter the right thigh bone of CREATION.

To bring death to her foes was the least she could do in exchange for watching her brothers die.

Impatience and intolerance and insanity all broiled within him as Arata suffocated within the enclosed space of the elevator, visions upon visions of explosions and implosions and sheer vertical drops bringing a sudden end to the team. It was hard, truly hard, to resist the urge to rip apart those fleshbags that stayed innocently beside him as his stomach lifted, the elevator approaching its destination, but soon, oh so soon, freedom was had!

Freedom, and more flesh to rend.

He didn't need encouragement from Naomi, nor disapproval from Godfather. It didn't matter that she was a mother of monsters. It didn't matter that she had the same 'foreign' name as his own foster mother. It didn't matter that she was willing to parley with information in exchange for her life. None of it mattered a single bit, because in the end…
She was just another faceless, worthless morsel to offer up to the demon sword that consumed so much of himself.

A flash of black surged past the others as Arata lunged, red rings smoldering as he struck to take her head.
Alexander stood stalwartly in his own right, not moving from the front of Tia. He had originally planned to not move at all, however, this was one such occasion where he didn't stop with his protest. Anything to inspire those around him, The Ronin remained, rifle raised, ready for the inevitable collapse of the wall. However now he only protected Tia, she was perhaps their greatest asset in defense at the moment. Thus he was willing to take anything for his fellow FEARLESS members. Even a Silver bullet, designed to kill the strongest NOAH's on the planet.

A deafening explosion followed up the brief pause in violence. Alex stumbled a bit, almost dropping his rifle. However years of practice in the face of danger, and the golem in the way, was just enough to limit the damage. The Ronin felt dizzy, and weak. The massive Golem had blown up in a terrifying, and glorious display. Leaving the entire entrance completely defenseless now. Rifle raised, he barely managed to fire off a small burst of fire, before he felt the wind knocked out of him. Thrown to the ground, he gasped, and squirmed in pain. This was a sensation, very, very unfamiliar to Alex...years of wearing exceptionally heavy armor, made it so strange to actually be shot.

It really didn't seem to help, that the shot fired, was launched from a sniper almost a mile away. The armor plate he did have on was pitiful in comparison to the bullet, it was nothing like his old gear. It was just an aging plate carrier from a long past era. Still writhing on the floor, the wounded ronin managed to find enough bearing to try and crawl to cover. His shoulder was shattered, and more than likely, he was lucky it didn't slam into his heart, or lungs. It was still a major, crippling injury. But it was a survivable one.

"So this is what being shot is like...fuck, why did Andre not hate this shit?" Alex groaned, as he continued to drag himself, and his rifle across the floor, a trail of blood among the rubble, as he finally found shelter behind a small metal desk. Propping himself up against the thing, he managed to press a hand against his wound, in some attempt to slow down the bleeding. For years, Alex had never seen his own blood, it had only ever been the blood of the people he had killed.

A vicious, and biting cold enveloped the crusader...it seemed that his long crusade might soon be at an end. He couldn't fight back properly, and the amount of blood he was losing, would be enough to kill him in a few minutes. But at least, the man had taken a bullet, for Tia. A girl he had served for years as a bartender, and someone he recognized as a friend..."What's your name again kid? Heh, bottle behind me right?" The wounded ronin muttered to himself, smiling a bit about it. A few memories fading into his vision. All the faces, all the friends...his family. His beloved family of renegades.

Fires of rage raced about his thoughts as well, anger, rage. The idea of everyone he cared about dying except for a select few. Alex managed to reach his hand down to the holster on his leg, pulling out the heavy, Desert Eagle pistol he had taken from Dmitry earlier in the week. He gripped the gun between his legs, and pulled the slide back with his one good arm. Managing to load in the first of seven rounds. "Andre died fighting, while wounded. I will too."

Alex managed to lean out a little bit, and line up a shot with his pistol. Firing, he watched a Cleric fall, as he shattered their kneecap. Pulling himself back into the cover, he waited a bit, letting his arm recover from the impressive recoil of the .50 caliber round. Firing a round like that, out of a pistol really wasn't ideal, not with only one hand at least.

She was supposed to be a weapon, was she not? An instrument to help tear this charade of a state down. Yet, here she was, hyperventilating, cowering amidst the rubble. Half of them had infiltrated deep into territory intended to be hidden from all but the regime, while her comrades out here risked their lives so that the enemy couldn't pursue them.


Cowards die many times before their deaths.

With jittery hands, Monad reached out to the coarse stone of the torn wall, and pulled herself upright. It was true that the battlefield remained a greyscale haze, blurred, lingering behind a veil of darkness, but she saw the hasty motions. She FELT the vibrations of collisions. She smelt the deaths of those around her. Where was...


The tall woman reached out, as somewhere in the back of her mind the whirring of a projectile was registered. Her mind was sharpened in unusual ways, but her body was pathetic, nowhere near capable of reacting in time. A mute scream escaped her once she realized her mistake, and an audible one followed, as it hit her; Crusader hasn't been too late. She watched his body shift, the posture so drastically different, despite little change. He had saved her.

"You won't! Not yet!" she assured him, rushing towards him as fast as the uneven, shaking ground allowed her to move.

Taking a step back, the slender NOAH raised her hands, framing Crusader. His injured body a dark lump in a sea of cruel nothingness. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling repeatedly, before the image of the bullet, silvery and lethal, was conjured before her mind's eye. Fragments of pictures hailed down, as her hands began to feel cold and numb. Crusader's armor returned to its previous, whole state, as its various little splinters came flying back. Her lungs began to hurt.

She'd have to keep going. One rewind would not be sufficient. The smell of iron increased, as the air was now not only filled with the bloodshed of suicidal enemy pawns, but her nose began to bleed. The bullet went away, she knew it. She could feel it. She could see it. Still not enough. More.

Her lungs were aching, and she could feel herself get light-headed. Breathing had become a chore, requiring attentive, manual labor. The barrel from which the bullet had been fired surely swallowed it once again. Would this be enough to get out of its destructive way?

The impaired NOAH gasped, her heart sending shockwaves of hurt through her chest. Her ribcage seemed to strain against the insides of her skin, before she finally sank to her knees, clutching onto her left breast, right above where her heart felt as if it'd burst.

"Tia... Alex... Move, quick," she begged, the words pushed through the resistance of her clenched teeth.

The elevator doors opened unceremoniously with an out of place ding. The steel doors revealed a high-tech research facility, one that, unlike her peers in the team with her, broached no sensitive memories. Perhaps fortunately, the place had no significance to her. Her reaction was more muted.

Still, Juniper clenched her fists, her knuckles whitening from the grip on the sword that she still wielded. Her own revenge had all but a single track to mind. For a woman that enabled the suffering of countless experiments, she could understand why her fellow comrades would see fit to serve as judge, jury, and executioner for the one monster that brought about their suffering. But her parlay was not with her.

If they gambled it all here, Valhalla's reckoning would never come.

So what if she was a monster? Get the schematics now, and throw her to the wolves later. Surely emotions could be kept in check for the greater goal.

The former paladin dashed forward, sliding on the polished metal floor to intercept the black mass that would move to decapitate their sole source of information. Flaring her wrist, she parried his blade, clashing with a deafening ring of metal as she launched herself back.

"She still lives yet. Are you all mad? This is not over until we get those schematics!"

Raising her voice with a sharp, incredulous bite, she lifted her sword and put herself in between the crippled woman and her fellow peers.
Dmitry watched as his comrades began a vicious assault on a single woman. A woman that Southpaw recognized quite well, the creator of nearly everything that they spent their lives fighting against. As so elegantly put, she was a Mother of Monsters. Naomi held her in place, as Arata charged forward to slaughter her...Juniper at least provided a temporary distraction from it all, stopping and holding Arata back. There was so much to consider, however it would be better to stop her death, she had more to say, that much was known.

Dmitry unsheathed his claws, each one was nearly seven inches long. Four daggers protruding from each hand, sharpened to a point of true brutality. "Naomi. Please forgive me for what I'm going to do. You'll understand later, I hope." He said before suddenly lunging toward the girl. The cat's speed was not something to be tested. Swiping one set of claws at the other NOAH's side, he only intended for the very tips of his claws to catch, and cut.

Once his swing was done, he kept moving, making a little room between himself and Naomi. "I want answers. You want revenge. You're going to have to kill me, or I'll have to kill you, if you don't surrender." The statement was almost distorted by a horrible growl that rose up in Southpaw's throat. "Now come on. Do you have to kill someone completely defenseless, like a monster. Or are you human enough to let her live?" Crouching down into a fighting stance, the cat pushed his helmet off, and grinned at Naomi. "If you kill her. You truly are a brainless monster, just like they wanted you to be."

Alexander had very little understanding of what had just happened. However staring at the open field of clerics, he had a brief flash, to the golem blowing up in a spectacular display. Hearing Maria, he didn't question the warning, tugging on Tia's sleeve, he tried to take the other NOAH with himself, however in his own panic, he didn't get enough of a grip to guarantee that Tia would be dragged along.. Moving into cover again, the Ronin watched as a bullet hit the back wall, a massive hole forming due to the impact. He considered it for a few seconds, thinking about the location.

The shot had been intended for him, and Tia most likely. Alex looked to Maria, "I don't know how you did that...but thank you. Now then, rest for a bit, you look tired because of whatever you did. I'll keep you safe now." As Alex spoke, he checked his rifle to make sure a round was chambered. Once he established the state of his ammunition count, he managed to poke himself out from cover.

Now it was a game of picking priority targets. Riflemen were almost always ignored, in favor of trying to kill heavy weaponry. Firing in short bursts, always trying to guarantee a kill. "So kind of them to wear my favorite type of armor...I know all the weak points."

Whatever fortitude Tia had built up by her chant - ' fight them now ' - had shattered as she watched the RONIN take the terrifyingly destructive shot for her, the exit wound causing a cascade of blood that painted the debris and bullet casings behind him. Her contracted pupil shaking as she watched this, Tia's lip stammered as Alexander began to croak in her direction, pulling out his shining firearm to make what looked like a 'final stand'.

Utterly bemused by her comrade - no, her friend's action - Tia's exhausted voice cried out in a tone that oddly reverberated through the gunfire and the explosions.
"W-why... A-Alex?! You're not a pawn; y-your life isn't just a disposable object. So... s-stop... stop acting like it is!"
[glow=red]So all the people you've killed were disposable, then? It's just the people you care about that actually 'count'?[/glow]

But before Tia thought she was going to lose somebody else, someone 'reversed' the shot that'd went straight into Alex. Just like that, he was back to normal again, the sheer relief swarming out along with countless other emotions through her body.


Her body quivering, and her ELEGANCE and wire continuing to pick up and scavenge whatever materials were left to remake the defensive wall, Tia's leather boots tripped and stumbled through the floor, pale flesh peeking out from a ripped glove as she reached towards her fellow NOAH. With her original wall - that'd briefly been turned into some form of construct that meshed her and Gaia's ELEGANCE together - utterly destroyed by the explosions, she had to be quick to choose a new course of action.

But as she stared at her fellow NOAH, for a moment, she couldn't act. Tia wanted to reach out and hold her in this carnage, and tell her that everything was going to be okay. Watching her in agony like that was breaking Tia apart, and she knew that ultimately, it was because of her. She didn't want anyone to be in pain because of her anymore.

As much as she wanted to hold onto María, a thought in her mind stopped her from doing that. They were focusing fire on her, and were now starting to bring out the sharpshooters. She couldn't stay near anyone. She had to remain at a distance, or she'd be putting everyone in danger. That must've been only one of the sniper's shots. Dragging herself into new cover, Tia seemed to be deliberately distancing herself from everyone else.

Under her breath, Tia began murmuring. Her words weren't directed at anyone. Just a hasty, incoherent string of words again.
"I won't let you get to them, I won't let you get to them, I won't let you get to them..." Her whole body was shaking again after seeing how everyone around her was willing to sacrifice everything for each other, and so was the second makeshift barrier - this one far weaker, and full of gaps - that tried its best to block off most of the gunfire, magnetic energy around it repelling grenades.

Fight them now/change the world/i won't let you get to them/i'll keep fighting to the end/i'll keep you safe/i promise/i promise/i promise/I PROMISE/I PROMISE


"Let me go, you assholes!" An enraged FOX shrilled, pinned to the ground by Gillian and Chevalier. Despite using all of his strength, he was quickly held into submission by his two comrades. With the two men focused on holding FOX down, however, the defenseless Japanese researcher was left to the mercy of her unhappy creations. First came Eresh's threats, which were shortly succeeded by Naomi's actions.

Yanked off of her feet, Honoka's eyes stared solemnly into Naomi's. Her emotionless visage studied Naomi's portrait as she waited for the Titan to smash her into pieces. She was so beautiful, a perfect amalgamation of her life's work. They were all her creations, but Naomi was... special. Naomi was what Honoka had been brought to VALHALLA to accomplish. If she had just not escaped... perhaps everything could have been different. Perhaps so many wouldn't have had to die.

With a sad smile stretched across her face, she let out a painful cry as the titan smashed Honoka into the floor. Her scream intertwined itself among the unmistakable sound of bones cracking, the wounded researcher crippled against the floor. As Naomi lifted her by her hair, the Japanese Researcher knew that her time had finally come. She was held outward, eyes forced to watch as Arata prepared to consume her. "Your sister would be so proud of you." She gasped between the wounded cries. "If only she could see you right now... so strong, so alive."

As the Sword of Destruction came forth, lashing out to claim her head, a sudden parry intercepted the strike. Shortly thereafter, Southpaw sprung to action, attacking Naomi and threatening her with sharp claws.

"Idiots! What are you doing? We need her to get the schematics for the weapon!" Gillian barked. If they wanted to kill her after, then fine. But until then, she was as vital as any member of their team. There was no use in fighting over something as stupid as this. Yet, if it came down to it, Gillian feared that Arata and Naomi might lash out against their own teammates to sate their thirsts for revenge.

Hearing Gillian speak, a lighthearted giggle escaped the researcher's lips. "Weapon? Who told you the schematics were for a weapon?" She cackled once again, quickly drawing Gillian's attention. "The schematics you're looking for are for a shield, not a weapon." She corrected him, noticing the looks of confusion stretched upon everybody's faces.

Gillian turned towards Chevalier, the source of their information. "What the fuck does she mean?"

"Uh... Well. There... there isn't really a weapon." Chevalier took a deep breath, choosing his next words carefully. "The schematics are so that we can disable a shield, a barrier fueled by elegance that prevents anything from entering or leaving the city." He paused, standing erect as he finally spilled the beans to his plans. "There are many countries outside of Valhalla that are prepared to lend aid, but that shield needs to come down first. My own Elegance is the only reason why I was able to pass the barrier."

"You mean, there's countries that want to invade us." FOX glared upwards, unconvinced by Chevalier's savior story. "Take down one dictator so that you can replace it with another. Is that how it's going to work?"

"No. Not quite, though I would be lying if I said Valhalla didn't have a treasure trove of information that could save many lives." The foreigner crossed his arms against his chest, "Face it. Without outside help, you have no chance of dismantling the Ecclesian government. I know it. You know it."

"So we destroy the shield... and then what? Valhalla becomes a warzone?

"Have you looked outside recently? Valhalla is already a slaughterhouse. We passed women and children getting gunned down in the streets on the way here. Believe it or not, the outside world isn't like that."

The asshole had a point. While FOX would have liked to dwell on their moral predicament further, his mind was consumed by what the researcher had said before that. Naomi's sister? What was she talking about?

"Unfortunately, the schematics aren't of any use without me. So if you kill me, you won't be able to disable the shield." A grimace stretched its way across Honoka's face. "I can take you to the facility safely and you can destroy the shield."

"and what makes us think we can trust you?"

"Nothing. But as soon as I attempt to leave this room, the Ecclesians will try to kill me."

Before any more plans could be made, the lights in the laboratory suddenly flickered, the sounds of running computers falling silent as the room suddenly fell into darkness. "Now, now, Miss Misaki! Did you really think we'd give you the chance to leave?" A young voice laughed from within the blackness.

Without hesitation, FOX raised his rifle, firing two shots into the darkness. The muzzle flash of his weapon illuminated the room momentarily, light showing the image of the same young man that they had faced in the church. Revenant. "Heh. That was quite rude."

"We should retreat! Get to the elevator! I'll hold him off!" Chevalier barked, drawing his sword in anticipation. Of all of the Praetorians, Revenant was the one that Chevalier feared the most. He had no idea what the young boy was capable of. Gillian dashed towards the elevator, slamming his fist against the access button.

"It's not working -- power's out! What should we do?!"

"Get your backs against the wall, he might attack at any angle! Stay alert! Juniper, protect the bitch! Eresh and Arata, watch my back! South, stay with FOX!"

"There's another exit, but it's on the other side of the room..." Honoka explained, navigating her back against the wall. "He's going to try to kill me, you'll be trapped in this room if he does. Nor will you be able to disable the shield."



The battle outside continued to rage on, Ecclesian Knights falling one by one to their equally determined opponents. As Tia and Crusader were saved by Monad, the time reversing NOAH quickly became the next target. Watching her fall to her knees, Jill realized it was only a matter of time before she would be cut down. "María!" She cried, rushing out from her battered position to come to her aid. Dashing between a hail of gunfire, the Seraph skillfully slung her rifle behind her shoulder before nabbing the NOAH into her arms.

As soon as Monad was in her arms, a stray bullet nicked the back of Jill's ankle, causing her to scream out as she and María fell behind what was left of a receptionist's desk. Dropping her rifle against the floor, Jill ignored her own injury as she took a quick assessment of her friend. "Your body's in shock! Stay with me María! Don't close your eyes!"

Although María hadn't been hit, Jill knew enough about Monad's Elegance by now to understand she had taken it too far this time. Throwing her backpack down, Jill hastily removed a needle from her sack, "I'm giving you a quarter-dose of morphine. You need to lower your heart rate or you could go into cardiac arrest!" She slipped the needle into her arm, pushing a quarter of the usual military dose into her. "Sit out now! I don't want to see you--" a bullet sliced through the receptionist's desk, embedding itself into Stingray's shoulder.

Screaming out in pain, Jill rolled over next to Monad, clenching her bloody shoulder as she attempted to stop the bleeding. Clenching her teeth, she already knew what her friend was thinking. Grabbing Monad's wrist with her bloodied hand, Jill glared at her comrade. "Don't you fucking dare." She warned her, knowing that another time reversal like before could kill Monad. Ripping out bandages, the Seraph began to cry as she rolled the fabric around her shoulder. "Fuck, this hurts." It was bad, but upon closer inspection the bullet passed all the way through. She had survived worse than this.

Outside the perimeter, Valkyrie continued to pressure the enemy, hoping to take off some of the fire from those inside. Dashing through the battlefield, the agile warrior gracefully slashed apart any Ecclesian who dare cross her path. "I'll kill you all! I'll fucking kill you all!" She screeched, her body already drenched in blood. As she made her attack, the blades of Ragnarök protected her, fighting as if all sides were protected by ghastly swordsmen.

Eventually however, even the highly capable Valkyrie found herself overwhelmed. As she commanded her blades to strike another target, a Knight managed to break through her defenses, driving a sword through Valkyrie's back and piercing her chest. Before she could pivot in place to kill the man, another knight drove a second sword through Valkyrie's front. Blood gushed out of Valkyrie's throat as her remaining swords slaughtered the two men that had injured her.

"I'll kill you all..." Valkyrie fell to her knees, blood covering her visage as she struggled to stay conscious. With Valkyrie outside and on her knees, a dozen knights surrounded her, aiming weapons at her as the fighting continued to rage on elsewhere. "Fight me, you fucking cowards!" The swords of Ragnarök poised themselves, preparing to strike any man brave enough to challenge their wounded master.

Suddenly, the chorus of gunfire came to a dramatic halt. "All units, stand down." A voice boomed in the distance. Without warning, the knights fell to their knees. "Yes, Lord Commander!" They shouted in unison. As the fighting came to a pause, Lord Commander Vaskus finally revealed himself, stepping before Valkyrie.

"For the crimes committed against Ecclessia, I, Lord Commander Vaskus of Valhalla's Holy Clerical Divisions sentence you to death. Do you have any last words, worm?"

Slowly rising to her feet, Valkyrie grabbed the two swords that were embedded into her. With a cry of pain, she pulled both weapons out, tossing them onto the ground as blood soaked the earth underneath her. "You think I'm afraid of you?" She laughed. "Why don't you come closer so that I can kill you." Red eyes glared as Valkyrie's bloodlust kicked in.

"Tch. You have some nerve for a rodent." Vaskus growled, taking a step closer to Valkyrie. As he moved closer, one of the swords lashed forward to slice him in two. As the blade approached his face, Vaskus casually intercepted the blade in mid air with his hand. "You think this would kill me? Pathetic. Do you think I'm some plebian you can just cut down?" He growled, casually tossing the blade over his shoulder as if it was nothing. The Praetorian then grabbed the stunned Valkyrie by her throat, raising her into the air above him.

"You rebels all talk big words, but I smell the fear in all of you." He grimaced, "Die now, you wretched creature!" With one movement, the commander threw Valkyrie towards Tia's barrier, sending the wounded NOAH plummeting through the air like a toy.

As the gunfire temporarily seemed to stop for a moment, so did Tia's murmuring. She knew this wasn't nearly the end of the encounter, but... why had they stopped firing all of a sudden? Had they surrendered?

Peeking through cover, that didn't seem to be the case. The Commander had simply arrived, and had Valkyrie by the neck. Her teeth gritting together in a mixture of anger and concern as she watched her ally simply get tossed aside like a ragdoll by the ridiculously strong man, Tia did her best to act fast to minimize Valkyrie's injuries.

Her non-lethal spool of thick wire creaking and working at inhuman speeds, in the heat of the moment, Tia's ELEGANCE had created a small, but functional wire net. Spreading it out so it'd catch Valkyrie, the wall temporarily parted as the NOAH went soaring into it, the net going slack as it gently carried Valkyrie's weight, slowed her down, and caught her. It still must've been a painful landing, but was sure better than breaking countless bones by colliding with concrete at that speed.

Pulling away the net and scampering over to the wounded, ashen-haired NOAH, Tia didn't even bother with her signature catchphrase as she summoned her motorcycle, cracking into the storage compartment within and taking out a sizable first aid kit. Tearing it open as she dispelled Mixuki once more, Tia quickly but messily began to patch up her fellow NOAH as best as she could, though she was careful to not administer morphine or painkillers. Her knowledge of first aid was basic, but right now, it was good enough.
"Valkyrie... y-you..." Tia's voice stammered, remembering rumors of what happened to her if she got so close to 'death', "You can hear me, right...? Stay with us. You've got to... stay... with us..."

Stopping the blood loss of Valkyrie as best as she could with bandages and crude sutures for the larger wounds - hands shaking - as Jill did her best to keep MONAD on her feet, Tia knew that the strange sort of respite granted by the Commander's entrance wouldn't last long. For him to simply discard someone as strong as Valkyrie like that, and to be immune to the sheer offensive power of Ragnarök...

"Come on," Tia wheezed, trying to help Valkyrie get back onto her feet once she was done. "Come on, come on, come on... not here... you can't lose yourself here... we're gonna get through this... w-we're gonna get through this..."

The shots from the mysterious sniper seemed to have stopped, for now. Was it just the one bullet? Or were they waiting for the perfect moment to strike again? Either way, hearing the words 'cardiac arrest' come from Jill's mouth caused Tia's eyes to widen, her movements stumbling but frantic as she moved across to check if María was okay.

Just as Tia reached out a shaking hand for María, however, a shot cracked and went right through Jill. Another one of her friends was suffering, because her defense wasn't good enough anymore; some shots could get through.
"Fuck! The wall!" the broken NOAH gasped, trying to fill in the gaps with whatever she could find, but materials were becoming extremely scarce at this point. "I... I... I'm sorry... I can't make it much stronger. There isn't much left. We need to think of something, fast, and s-strike," Tia crouched down, the eye through her cracked visor watering as she tried to encourage María by putting a hand on her shoulder, her shaky fingers stroking the pale skin, "It's ok, María... I'm here. We're all here. Deep breaths... d-don't let the ELEGANCE consume you..."

Desperately raking through her head in the carnage, panic was starting to echo through Tia's voice as the battlefield continued to scar her. Almost desperately, the NOAH looked up at her SERAPHIM ally.
"Do we have any intel on this guy? What are we supposed to do...? We need to come up with something together... strike as one..."

That's how they - by some miracle - had beaten KING, after all. Even if they were working with a mostly different set of skills this time... the tiny bit of optimism that remained within Tia assured her that they could surely do it again.

"Strike as one... strike as one..."

Eresh resigned herself to a disgruntled appearance, crossing her arms and looking the other way, even as multiple attempts were made on Honoka's life. It wasn't her fault if someone else jumped the gun. Explaining the whole purpose of even coming to this place, that is, the apparent shield that was to be taken down, she felt even less inclined to let Honoka live. Still... she did feel like the grunt in this operation, and unwelcome to change the tide of the mission.

"We can't even be sure we can just ditch this facility in one piece, but hefting along your useless ass will be even more dangerous. Do we really want to do th-" Eresh growled before being cut off by the sound of generators winding down. She held steady, eyes turning upwards as if the ceiling would have answers. At the sound of someone unfamiliar, and two sudden gunshots, Eresh flinched, briefly preparing to get into a combative stance. The brief vision of someone with red hair at the other end of the room alerted her; an opponent alone, and mouthing off, was never a good sign.

Bending at the knees, the NOAH was clearly ready for a fight. At the time, she wouldn't have admitted that she was mildly worried by the presence of the one known as 'Revenant'. She knew little of him save the occasional conversation King would have with him. Revenant never bothered her -she never bothered to remember much about him. It didn't change the severity of his presence, regardless. Eyes squinting in the darkness, she could barely register the fear she even had. Too much of it was masked by the adrenaline that poured from floodgates down her back.

"Speak for yourself. I've got my own way out," Eresh said in a hushed voice. If push came to shove, she'd claw her way up the elevator. The thought of abandoning her friends, however, dissuaded her the moment she considered it seriously. "I've got your back," she said firmly, eyeing the darkness where she last saw Arata. The small boy who she'd come to think of as another species to her own Elegance. A version that was written by a poet, rather than by a pyromaniac. He was weirdly calm and distant, a quality that she was never really able to interface with well back when she was still a little experiment. She'd seen his type before, though presumably they acted like that for different reasons. Eresh moved closer to where she figured Chevalier's back was, based on his voice.

"If we're here to die, at least don't show me up, pipsqueak. I'd rather be the cool one if we go out.", Eresh said to Arata. She smiled in the darkness.
Southpaw managed to blink a few times as the lights went out. His eyes weren't perfect in the dark, however they were still adapted beyond that of a human. He could see well enough to make out who was who in the room. Quickly moving near Fox, the noah tried to move as silently as possibly, however being paired with a regular human, wasn't ideal for doing so. "So which one of us is the hunter here? Perhaps it could be us both. You must see what I see in this dark room. Easy prey...excluding one other individual." As he spoke, each word almost sounded as though it were purred out.

"I don't consider myself an apex predator, unless the situation is made perfect for me. And sadly, you've done exactly what I wanted you to."
Dmitry finished his explanation, as he let his eyes continue to scan the room. Moving around, always trying to look for a sign of their enemy. Rolling his shoulders out a bit, this was perhaps the first time the Noah would have a chance to prove himself as useful.

Unlike many of his comrades, Dmitry was actually trained by Ecclesian special forces, on top of whatever the Ronin had to offer. He wasn't very durable, however he was agile, and incredibly deadly. Limiting his breathing as much as he could now, the cat began to slowly move around the room. Anytime he got too far away from fox, he would reach out with a long claw, and poke the ronin lightly, just to let him know, that he was never too far away.

Alexander managed to let one shot out, right after the clerics ceased fire. Grinning a bit to himself as he watched some helpless cleric collapse, from a headshot. Listening to the speech, and watching Valkyrie tossed through the wall wounded, the ronin gave a sigh. "You know, if we were offered a fair fight, maybe we wouldn't seem afraid. Currently my only concern is running out of ammo." The ronin called out in reply, as he spoke, he dropped a magazine from his rifle. Before reloading a new one, and racking the bolt back. Standing up slightly from his cover, he looked out to the battlefield. Surveying it for a few moments through the damaged wall.

"So hero. You here to offer us a fair fight? You against us. Or you gonna keep throwing these boys to their deaths?" Alexander asked curiously. "I'm certainly interested in a fair fight. So long as your clerics leave. But if that won't happen. I'm gonna stand here, and keep killing them." Speaking his mind, the man took time to survey his various allies...most everyone of them was injured, or in shock in some way or another. Tia seemed to be losing her mind, Jill had taken a rather nasty combination of shots. really Alexander felt like he was the only one, not about to die at that moment.

"Tia, I don't know how you plan to strike as one...Jill is wounded. Maria is in shock. You're almost ready to fall over. I'm about the only person here, who's managed to sustain little to no injury." Speaking in a hushed tone, Alex looked to everyone around him for a moment. Once again surveying the situation.

"I just pray those down below us, have it all sorted out...and I hope everyone has made their peace. This might be our last fight."

Naomi held the woman out towards Arata, her features devoid of any sympathy or care for the fact she was offering her soul up to Arata's sword. The lives that'd been lost because of her, the endless suffering caused to so many through her research and even now the nightmares plagued most of them each and every night, dreams of needles and blades pressed against open wounds and sensitive skin reminding them over and over of what they'd all gone through only to be left broken and labeled a monster. They were all just children, what possible excuse could anyone have to subject another soul to such torture. To the Titan this woman was below human, unworthy or rights and had made her life forfeit through her actions.

Red eyes watched as a black blur swung for Honoka's neck and Naomi prepared to release the head from her grasp before another blur appeared from seemingly nowhere, parrying Arata's blade with exceptional dexterity and skill. Naomi's brow furrowed as Juniper manifested before her, the Titan altering her stance as she reached out to grip the ex-paladin by the collar to pull her away. Well that was until Dmitri spoke words at her before slashing her across the cheek, causing red lines to split her flesh as her head flinched to the side. "That was a big mistake... " she growled as the wound on her cheek regenerated, the red lines sealing together. Naomi was immune to most bullets and sharp objects, but his claws were above the lethality grade of bullets.

He was perhaps one of the few NOAH that could actually hurt her, if he were to continuously slash at the same spot to chew through her skin woven with the flexible metal weave. Naomi dropped her hold on Honoka as she turned to face the cat NOAH, raising her fists as she prepared to fight, eyes narrowing as her combat enhancement began to feed her a combat assessment to her subconscious to optimize her for the fight. The enhancement quickly deduced that Dmitri was faster and hitting him would come with additional challenges, therefore suggesting she default to using her shock wave AOE to negate his ability to maneuver around her punches.

Her fists had started to power up to ready the first blasts before the enhancement registered the other friendlies that'd be caught in the salvo, an unavoidable consequence which meant the solution wasn't viable. Naomi decided to instead drop her armored fists entirely, choosing to instead fist fight with her own fists which were exponentially faster than if she were to fight with the huge armored gauntlets. Naomi was about to engage when Honoka spoke again, causing the Titan to pause and turn towards her, her brow still furrowed as she questioned whether she'd heard right. "What?" she asked, "What did you just say?" she had to be sure what she'd heard.

Unfortunately time wasn't on her side as the conversation quickly evolved to refocus on the reason why they were here, the weapon... which was now a shield, the shield around Valhalla. Naomi wanted to tell them all to shut up, so she could get her answer but the situation only worsened as the lights went out and the familiar voice of Revenant filled the room. The Titan only listened to what everyone was saying, quickly understanding that if she wanted answers to any of her questions she would need to ensure that the scum survived this place, as much as the thought of protecting her left a bad taste in her mouth. She listened as Chev gave orders, stepping out in front of the group before she powered up her fists once more.

She smashed her hands into the metal floor, pulling up two large metal plates that she brought together in front of the group to use it like mobile cover. Naomi wouldn't be much help other than this, for she couldn't hit what she couldn't see and she was without the use of her shock waves, unless she wanted to seriously harm and or kill the rest of the people in the room. No, for now she would function as a movable metal wall for the others to hide behind, of course she could separate the plates if ordered or alter the way in which she was holding them should it be requested. "We need to move!" she asked, looking towards Chev to make more orders.
Disappointing. To think that the King he had once imagined to be almighty and untouchable had been laid low by clowns like this. It almost made the Lord Commander laugh amidst the silence that preceded carnage. Oh, if these mongrel plebs were enough to slay the King and his loyal Guard Dog, he could have turned that red-headed sloth into ash years ago.

And now, these outmatched, outgunned dogs were trying to parley, to ask for a semblance of fairness when equality was impossible? Hilarious. Pathetic. These rebellious cockroaches were only skilled at surviving, not at getting anything done. Every one of their past actions had simply been guided by the great Queen, and every one of their present actions was incapable of changing a thing. His brother-in-arms was already installed within the facility, after all, and soon…

"Captain, retrieve the bodies and step back," Vaskus said, curtly. A disdainful glare was leveled at that coward hiding behind cover while spouting such pointless bravado. "I'll show these vermin the true difference between our strengths."

As black forms carried each other away, some pulling out the blades of Ragnarok, others bringing apart bits and pieces of flesh blown away or crushed, he took three steps forwards, daring any of them to attack him. They didn't. Of course they didn't. He knew all their limitations, and knew that the Black Knights had done a good enough job expending all their energy. Dullahan had already 'cleared' CRIMSON's capabilities. He'd have to reward her later. CREATION had already hit the limit of their powers. RAGNAROK was a bygone relic of an older time, the one with the least potential.

And the rest? That smattering of normal men and women?

"Ars Goetia, Malthus Set."

As those commanding words reverberated through the air, an obsidian pillar struck the ground behind him, nine feet tall. Opening up like an iron maiden, the impossible technology swallowed him whole, infinitesimal onyx fibers wrapping around his body as the last trace of contempt in his eyes was swallowed by that blackness. The pitch black humanoid stretched his arms out, the digits of his fingers waving up and down gently, testing a full range of movements, before a single amethyst line spilled out of the smooth mask.

"SYSTEM ONLINE, I am in control."

The alien figure raised out his arm towards the entrance, the makeshift barrier that THUNDERBIRD had scrambled together, thin as paper and as weak as their will to fight. And from that slim, black body, twenty four different high power firearms pixelated outwards, connected to Vaskus by miniature blocks. Sniper rifles, automatic shotguns, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, plasma cannons, sonic disruptors, a whole armory of weapons that were on the cusp of being 'futuristic'. His own hand formed a gun shape, the enhanced vision within the suit showing him exactly where they all were, ensuring him that no matter where he fired, he'd be hitting one of them.

And, with the confidence of a man who ordered the deaths of his own without any hesitation, he fired.

A blinding roar of flame, energy, and steel bombarded the shelter, tearing everything away and away and away.

Ah, Arminius was having a blast! Watching them scurry about, stumbling over equipment in the dark while trying desperately to avoid getting picked off. This was what happened, after all, if they weren't privy to the Radiance of Her Majesty, the Queen. To be reduced to mere animals despite their oh-so-powerful ELEGANCEs, begging for each other's help, perfectly telegraphing what exactly they were going to do. It made him laugh, and if he could blush? Oh, he'd totally blush then!

But, alas, as the facility shook violently from another of the Lord Commander's rampages, it was clear that the redheaded PRAETORIAN wouldn't have nearly as much time to play as he wanted. A pity, what a pity. A true shame, that brought the most profound of sorrows into his heart. Ah, his mind broke. It wasn't like being the leader of a military faction, after all. Day in day out, it was this blessing and that sermon and a whole bunch of circlejerking old men who had nothing better to do but drug idiot followers and have their way with them. What a bore~

"Ah, c'mon, you're gonna do me dirty like that? Just going for the whole boo-hoo watch my back I'll watch yours thing? You're FEARLESS, aren't you? Why don't you act like it? At least that mech-hands dude had the balls to put on a brave face, you know?"

A pause, a giggle as footsteps could be heard up on the ceiling, prancing up and down.

"Oh, well, up until I took them off. There anyone by the name of…Naomi here? I think that Rubel lad said something along the lines of being sorry and all that for never telling you his true feelings! You know, the whole wanting to breed you like a bitch and see what sort of abomination bursts out of your stomach?"

Something splattered against TITAN's great metal doors then, something that stank of squid and sin, something that was lukewarm and sticky.

"Not a scientist, but hey, if you're lucky, maybe you'll still be able to fulfill his last wish before we turned him into an undying nugget, girl! Those hips could probably carry a cow in there, yah know?"

A wink, a twirl, and that young man, walking upside down on the ceiling, looked right towards SOUTHPAW, bright scarlet eyes twinkling like passionate rubies within the darkness. "And geez, I know I said stuff about FEARLESS and all that, but that…that's just hubris, isn't it? You can ask your buddy golden boi over there. He's got the right idea, pissing himself cause he knows there's nothing that can be done about my own personal brand of ELEGANCE. Suppose beasts can only be so smart though."

A lackadaisical shrug, an overbearing brilliant smirk, before REVENANT, in all his magnanimous glory and fathomless kindness said, "Ah, but don't worry, I'm a man of prayer, of faith, and it would hurt me just as much as it'd hurt you if I killed you, so how about this? I'll turn on the elevator again with a" snap "and every one of you can leave, no problem. All I ask in return is for Miss Misaki's head. Super simple, right? You bunch were already going to do it anyways. And you get to leave and live as a result, maybe even long enough to see our Queen's magnum opus at play, before you're all wiped off the face of this sin-drenched Purgatory!"

Another snap of his fingers, and the elevator made a 'ding' sound, even if it still had no power.

"Simple, r-"

It wasn't alive it wasn't alive it WASN'T ALIVE.


Seven steps became one as Arata burst away, discarding everything that Chevalier commanded, that Tear had spoken, that his own mind told him to do. Not now, not here. There was too little to eat, and he wasn't even close to being sated. Regana-Hier hungered even now, demanding a price he couldn't pay with his own body a second time. Red rings burned into his black sclera, provoking muddy tears as the Lionheart dashed for the elevator shaft first, a single strike reducing the door into atomic dust, before he disappeared up the shaft.

Within moments, even the sound of his frenzied steps were silenced.

"-ight. Huh, thought GENOCIDE would be crazier than that, but I guess that's a pity. Woulda looked forward to seeing him turn on you guys. All that betrayal does wonders for my soul, really."

Revenant shrugged, casting a gaze towards the elevator door that had already been restored.

"One less person to make the decision means a faster one though, so hey, what'll it be? Kill this Mother of Monsters and live another day? Or turn into a footnote on my bestselling autobiography?"
"She may not be my true mother...but that woman has every answer I want. She even was kind enough to provide me with training, and a bed. I didn't suffer like many around me did in this place. But I will not let you take her." Dmitry growled lowly. Every second he wanted to leave Fox behind. Every moment he was trapped in this room, he was begging to abandon the people around him. He wanted to fight alone, he hated to be weighed down by other people. Yet he didn't, Southpaw was attached to this group of people. He barely knew some of them, yet he refused to leave them behind.

Reaching onto his back. "I'm not stuck in here with you...you're stuck in here with me." Grinning to himself, he took a moment to slice a few straps off his gear. With a heavy thud, the vest clattered against the floor, armor and ammunition left behind. In favor of even more speed and agility. "And my family of abominations, and their caretakers."

"And it seems it's time to go." Alexander muttered. Running over to Jill, he tried to help her up quickly. "Everyone, we're heading down the hall. We need to get the fuck out of this room." He barked his orders quickly, deciding to take charge while he still could. Drawing his pistol out, the man fired a few shots. Leaving his other arm free to carry at least one wounded individual.
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