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Wanda Maximoff

Wanda groaned in her bunk. Already morning... crap. She got into her bag and retrieved pain reliever. Grabbing her towel, she headed to the shower. Today's attire, sweatpants and college t shirt Showering did help her feel awake. She wandered down to the kitchen area. Several people were there already. Someone had made breakfast burritos and coffee. Oh heaven, she was very hungry.

"Good morning "

She said it to the room.

"Thank you for making Burritos."

" You are welcome my Lady Wanda "
Fandral of course, she was relatively happy she wasn't the object of his eye. He seemed otherwise very friendly.

Coffee, glorious coffee. Ooh, the pain reliever kicking in. She sat near Laura but was otherwise quiet while she ate.

@Camleen @Michale CS @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra @Dunruffle @MST3K 4ever
The door to the secret base was kicked open and Wade strolled in dressed in his costume. "SUP MY PEEPS!" Walking over to the bunk area, he dropped two large duffel bags on a bed. Wandering over to the kitchen, he grabbed a burrito. "Hello everyone! Thanks to whoever made these burritos!" Looking around, Wade waggled his fingers at Laura, "heya lil X, hows it goin? You and uncle Logan getting along? I imagine your idea of a fun times is stabbing things."
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Coffee, glorious coffee. Ooh, the pain reliever kicking in. She sat near Laura but was otherwise quiet while she ate.
Jessica looked over at Wanda. "Good Morning. Uh... Next time give me some warning and I'll think about cute cat videos or something, instead of what's usually on my mind."

"heya lil X, hows it goin? You and uncle Logan getting along? I imagine your idea of a fun times is stabbing things."

"Shut up, Wade. Nobody likes a morning person." She shot off a comment in Deadpool's direction.

@Camleen @Gands @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra @Dunruffle @MST3K 4ever
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Wade simply shrugged in response to Jessica's insult. "Well I think everyone would prefer a cheerful morning person over a bitchy morning grump. But maybe that is just me." Turning his back to Jessica, Wade looked at Fandral. "So Fandy, how do you like working for SHIELD? Honestly its not all that cracked up to be in my opinion."
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Quietly Laura stands against the wall of her own little world, finishing off her breakfast burrito. Her mind wanders a little though… she does wonder what this day will bring. It's been a long time since she hasn't had some kind of plan or orders for the day when she wakes up. She's not sure how to deal with that. She's definitely not sure she likes it.

She looks up a moment, her eyes only lifting to peer at the group through dark bangs, and yes her eyes do meet Jessica's for a moment. She's quite the loudmouth… and she seemed to be a bit drunk this passed night. Even now she has a sort of attitude towards everyone. Her gaze lingers as Jessica looks away… and she thinks…

If she weren't as quiet as she usually is, she would most likely have the same kind of attitude Jones does.

Her gaze would move towards Fandral, finally able to get a good look at him. She doesn't know what he is… only that he isn't human. His scent tells her that. He does seem to be in a good mood, though. And apparently he made these burritos? Well that's a good skill to have if you're trying to fit in with people.

Something she might have to remember.

Maria had asked for help in sparring… now that's something that's right up Laura's alley. Although she wonders if she was being addressed also. She's not really all that sure she even belongs here… or that she'll be able to stick around for any amount of time. She's fairly sure her and Captain America would be going a few rounds… but that's up to him.

Discretely she sniffs the air, her hands now tucking into the 'kangaroo pocket' of her hoodie. Towards one of the doorways she looks, once more only her eyes moving, just a few moments before Wanda walks in. Ah, good she's still alive. A good sign. She doesn't respond to the 'good morning'. She knows it's morning, but the 'good' part is up for debate. Her gaze follows Wanda as the woman sits not terribly far from her. She still watches Wanda for a few more moments, and finally then she tears her eyes away from her.

Just in time for her morning to take a distinct dive southward.

It's the sound she hears first, her gaze flicking towards the doorway closest to the direction of the distant main entrance. Her brows furrow a little as she sniffs once more discretely, and she knows who it is making a ruckus almost immediately.


She mutters to herself. And a few minutes later… Deadpool arrives into the eating area in all his glory. He addresses her… and she narrows her eyes at him. Her first instinct is to correct him about what she thinks is fun… or about Logan being her uncle… but she just… doesn't… Her hands seem to dig a little deeper into the wide pocket of her hoodie as she stares at him with her head bowed, and she repeats. "My designation is X-23, Deadpool." And that's all, though she's pretty sure Jessica summarizes what everyone else in that room is thinking.
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Fandral of Asgard

" My dear Wade, this is my situation. I gave an oath to my best friend, my Prince that I would protect this world. It is the way of my people anyway, for many generations, to do what is right. Does Shield trust me fully ? No, I understand that. I am an Alien here with unverified intentions. I understand that too. But I feel at least for now, that they have the best chance, while their champion Captain America is on the field to draw these bastards out where we can beat them. I don't like Hydra, don't like what they stand for, don't like their history. No value for life. This may not work for you, my friend. I would understand that and bid you good luck if that is the case. "

Fandral takes a moment to sip from his small flask.

" To some, it might seem a fools errand to oppose Hydra. Hells, I've been such a fool many times in my life, (( he smiles wide)) No reason to change that now!. "

@Camleen @Michale CS @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9
Wade's mask stretched as he smiled widely and clapped Fandral on the back. "I knew you would be a good one. Everyone here takes stuff way too seriously, prime examples being Grumpface Jones and lil X." Hopping up and sitting on one of the counters, Wade idly kicked his legs. "So whats the dealio? Cap want us to go beat up bad guys yet?"

Peter was quiet throughout the evening, before heading off to the bunk area. The place was better than the run down apartment he had slept in for a while. The tech was something else though, it was still confusing to him. Making him miss the past, and how simple it was.

He slept, still in costume. He had put his fedora and trench coat to the side. Not wanting to crumple the fedora any more than it already was. When morning came, it took a few for him to wake up. Groggily, he got up from the bunk. It would seem everyone was off doing something. He left his fedora and trench coat on his bunk. Afterall, he wouldn't need them for now. He kept his revolver in its holster, just incase.

It would seem that everyone was enjoying breakfast. Peter didn't join in eating some of the breakfast burritos. Afterall, Peter wasn't hungry yet. So, instead he sat down away from everyone. Yet close enough so he'd hear something.

He took out the revolver, inspecting it for damages. The weapon meant a lot to him. It was Uncle Ben's from his time in world war one. The only thing he to remind him of his deceased relative.

It was still in decent condition. So long as it could fire without issues, he didn't care if it was dented.

Putting it away, he began to wonder how to get back to his time.....

@Gands @Camleen @Dunruffle @Michale CS @MST3K 4ever @Ms.Ezra


Pietro had gone to sleep a bit earlier than everyone else. It was a habit of his to head to bed early and wake up before anyone else. He had done this a lot back at Xavier's school.

Being amongst the first to wake up. Pietro had little to do. It was too early to go out and do stuff. Afterall, what if he missed an update on the mission? He didn't want to take the risk.

Instead, he pulled out his phone. Loading up a video website, he proceeded to watch funny videos. Ranging form fails to pranks. Smirking every so often, while shaking his head at the ones that didn't seem like pranks.

When Wanda walked in, he gave a wave before returning back to the videos.

@Camleen @Gands @Dunruffle @Michale CS @MST3K 4ever @Ms.Ezra
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When it appeared those who heard her and felt the need to put in their part, Hill finished her burrito and coffee. "Good talk team." She said, making a subtle huff.

This isn't a team yet. And there will probably be another fiasco before they start shaping up.

"Well Jones, anyone who wants to kill time with some training, I'll be in the training area if you're up to it." She put her mug in the sink, and left the breakfast area. Hill went to the duffle near her bunk, and quickly changed into a SHIELD training outfit. It was like the one she'd normally wear, but made of lighter cotton instead, and a pair of black gloves and athletic shoes.

The training area was a long bare room with concrete walls and red padded floors, benches on the side, and a large circular pool at the other end. Its purpose, besides a recreational swim, eluded her. She threw a towel on a bench and did some stretches before engaging in a series of acrobatic exercises while she waited for if/when a training partner decided to join her.

@Camleen @Gands @Dunruffle @Michale CS @MST3K 4ever
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The training area was a long bare room with concrete walls and red padded floors, benches on the side, and a large circular pool at the other end. Its purpose, besides a recreational swim, eluded her. She threw a towel on a bench and did some stretches before engaging in a series of acrobatic exercises while she waited for if/when a training partner decided to join her.

It wasn't long before Jones, with the options of sticking around someone far too happy for the morning and getting some aggression out with a spar, chose the spar.

She cracked her knuckles, then took off her signature scarf and jacket, setting them aside before rolling her neck. "I'll do my best to pull punches, and I'm sure you've got some Judo shit that will have me on my ass a few times. Fine by me." Jessica walked over to a spot fairly far from any of the features - no need for anyone to get tossed or knocked into a pool or a bench.

@Ms.Ezra @Camleen @Gands @Dunruffle @MST3K 4ever
Hill stopped and smiled as she walked up just a few feet from Jones.

"I'll do my best to pull punches, and I'm sure you've got some Judo shit that will have me on my ass a few times. Fine by me."

"Judo is for civilians who need a little more confidence." Hill put up her hands in a Krav Maga stance and braced herself. "Feel free to take a few pointers."

@Michale CS
"Judo is for civilians who need a little more confidence." Hill put up her hands in a Krav Maga stance and braced herself. "Feel free to take a few pointers."

"Like I said, no formal training." Jessica stepped in, testing a jab, very much like a boxer. What few pointers she'd gotten were from Luke, and he was definitely a boxer.

Then, suddenly she threw a right cross, with far more speed than she'd shown with the jab. If Hill wasn't ready for that, even pulled it would be a hell of a blow simply because Jessica felt she needed to have enough speed in the blow to stand a chance of hitting Maria at all.


She keeps her hands tucked into the pocket of her hoodie as she watches Deadpool for a few more moments, and then her attention moves towards Peter and Pietro… a speedster. She notices he only seems to give any attention to Wanda. So they must know one another, right? But it's Peter that's the more fascinating to her at this moment. Her jade green eyes watch the man, him still wearing the same outfit from last night. He's the one that also helped the officer last night. She hasn't seen any meta powers from him yet… and as she suspected he does carry a gun. She can smell the gun powder and residue. He is dressed… oddly… says the girl that used to just wear a black catsuit while killing people.

And then curiously she looks around the room… her brows furrowing. She silently asks herself what is everyone's problem. Why? The Deputy Director gave an order… and Jessica seems to be the only one following commands. This… bothers… her. While they all would see Maria's words as more a suggestion to join her in some light training before the briefing by Captain America… to Laura it was an order. She pushes off the wall, her hand moving to Wanda's shoulder a moment as she passes her. She doesn't smile at her, she doesn't really offer the girl any emotion at all. But just the fact she is allowing herself contact with another human being (and not just to remove their body parts) is kind of a show of progress on her part. And perhaps she also wanted to make sure Wanda was aware she was following Maria and Jessica.

She proceeds to the door of the eatery, and as she walks down the stale smelling (to her) hallway, she absently runs her fingers through her long dark hair. A nervous habit sometimes on her part. She didn't follow Maria soon enough in her mind, she didn't obey her command soon enough. And she hopes nothing comes of it.

She strides into the training room just as Jessica throws that first punch, her gaze moving from one woman to the other. Silently she stands to their side, keeping herself weeeeell out of their range. She doesn't want to intrude on them. She was ordered to join them here, and so here she is. Her hands are now folded in front of her stomach as he watches them, as her analytical mind processes their motions.

She stares at Maria… Krav Maga… a self defense technique originating in the middle east. The philosophy focuses on avoiding combat… but when they do defend themselves, the stances in Krav Maga are designed to end a fight as quickly as possible. Always aiming for the most vulnerable parts of the body.

Her stern gaze then moves to Jessica… who is using a boxing style. An outside fighter approach. She is maintaining distance between them, and using a jab. But she also shows sign of being a brawler… she is using power and speed in her offense. She seems to move more naturally in that regard.

She looks down and away from the spar as she frowns to herself, not liking what is going through her head. Strategies to counter their stances, to break through their defenses. Her mind giving details on the quickest way to execute each of the women.
As the morning broke Steve heard everyone milling up and about. The smell of breakfast burritos filled the air along with coffee. Everyone seemed to be forming their groups and talking about what they wanted to do. Jones and Hill seemed to be hitting it off in their own way; literally. Jones gave him her opinion on everything last night, but she was still here and Steve had dealt with the "bad attitude" solider before. Every outfit had one and when the bullets were flying they were usually the coolest under pressure, so he was willing to let her be herself. As long as it didn't affect the team in a negative way if it did Steve would have no problem flexing his muscles as it were. He slipped on a gray t-shirt and black sweatpants. He didn't feel the need to parade around in his uniform (or costume) if he didn't need to.

Taking a burrito and a cup of coffee he said to Fandral, "Thanks for taking care of breakfast. We'll come up with a rotation in the future." He took a bite and said, "Very good. We could've used these in the trenches in Germany." He said good morning to Wanda and Pietro as well.

Wade was making his presence known to one and all. He was going to be a handful Steve could already see that. A wildcard if there ever was one, again though there was in every group and Steve knew that if he tried to reign in Wade it would make things worse so he was willing to let Wade be Wade…to a point.

The connection between Logan and X23 was something he wasn't too worried about. Steve knew Logan well enough that if anyone in the group could deal with her it was Logan. Kid gloves and staying out of the way was the best thing to do right now.

Steve polished off his burrito and downed the coffee as he began to walk around. Sue now wearing SHIELD black sweats approached him and asked, "What do you think of the team so far?"

Steve replied, "It's a learning process Sue. I feel like the Principal at an elementary school. Only in this case I don't really know the students or the staff, and I doubt SHIELD files are going to tell me everything I need to know."

He took a sip of his coffee and started to say something else when the elevator dinged. Steve knew was somewhat concerned because everyone was inside the compound. Fury wouldn't be visiting them not with Hill already on site. He tensed up as he said, "We got company!" Just then the elevator door opened as a gentleman in a gray Armani suit and dark glasses with slicked back brown hair and dark glasses exited the elevator with sixteen armed men in riot gear.

The man smiled like a cat entering a room full of slow and stupid mice. He took notice of the group and said, "Well, well, well, what have we here? Captain America and the misfits? Yeah that sounds about right. Fury must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel."

Steve took a couple of steps forward as the riot crew began to close ranks. The man said, "Easy boys, my mistake for being so rude and not introducing myself." He pulled out a badge and showed it. He said, "Agent Henry Gyrich, Department of Homeland Security." Steve began to step forward and then turned back to the team and said, "Stand down everyone."

He studied the badge and asked as he gave it back, "All-right Agent, what's this all about? How did you get in here?"

Gyrich chuckled and replied as he walked among the team, "Rogers, Rogers, Rogers one day you will learn that I have connections and friends that you could only dream of. I could've been waiting for you all here last night, but figured I would at least let you all get a decent night's rest before I hauled you all in."

Rogers was now struggling to hold his temper in as he asked, "What are you talking about?"

Gyrich replied, "Destruction of public property on the docks, endangering civilians and Homeland personnel, failure to contact Homeland, and a few other charges that I am considering making up along the way."

Rogers said, "We were trying to keep HYDRA from killing more civilians Gyrich! Homeland was not on scene until it was all over."

Gyrich shrugged his shoulders and said, "Be that as it may Rogers. It's time SHIELD learns that they can't just form a group anytime they want without involving certain other Government agencies or personnel like myself. I have several people in the Government who want to talk about all of this and this rag-tag crew you got here Rogers, and since Fury cannot confirm or deny your crew we can't get him, so we're moving on down the line. If you play ball with us we might let you all keep going on. If not…" he looked at the team and said, "I'll bet some of you all might make it in a freak show or in one of our offices in a basement." He looked at the riot crew and said, "Take him all in

Steve could tell what this was all about. Without even knowing him Steve knew that Gyrich was a career politician who wanted to see his name in the paper. He didn't care about the country or the mission or those involved. Gyrich wanted the glory.

Steve said as he only could to his team as he could see they were getting ready to strike, "Stand down!" Without thinking Gyrich's men even stood down. He said to Gyrich, "They operated under my orders. Everyone single person gathered here, so if you want to question anyone I'm the one you want." Steve stood with his back to Gyirch and put his wrists behind him.

Gyirch shook his head and said, "Ah ever the noble leader falling on his sword for those under his command. Well, I was hoping to perp-walk the whole crew, but a living legend will do." He looked at one of his men and said, "Slap the cuffs on him." Steve could see that this man was taken aback out of the corner of his eye. Steve said, "You heard the orders solider. Do your job." He looked over to Hill and said, "You're in charge Maria."

The solider stepped forward and as he put the cuffs on him he said, "I'm sorry sir."

Steve nodded and said, "It's not your fault young man."

Gyrich said, "Take him away boys." He looked back to the crew and said, "Have a nice day everyone. Oh and if something happens I suggest you all tread lightly. I would hate to have to break up the rest of the misfits."

As Gyrich began to walk away Sue shot a force field and Gyrich walked right into it. She said, "If I recall this is still America where one is innocent until proven guilty. Steve Rogers has rights like the right to legal council."

Gyrich said through a muffled voice, "Your point sweet cheeks?"

Sue reigned in her temper as she asked, "Where is he going so we know where to send him his lawyer?"

Gyrich replied, "Federal Facility in upstate New York called the Montgomery Center. It was being planned to house the freaks, I mean Mutants, until those liberal tree huggers got enough jackasses elected to overturn it."

Sue dropped the Force Field and said, "Thank you, expect his lawyer to be there very soon, and since there are witnesses here we expect to receive confirmation from his lawyer that Steve Rogers arrived on location."

Gyrich glared back at Sue and she said, "Otherwise, anything happens to him and trust me the misfits will be your worse nightmare."

Gyrich asked, "Is that a threat sweet cheeks?"

Sue shook her head and replied, "Oh no, threats imply a chance of a bluff. No, that's a promise."

Gyrich left and Sue looked back to the group and said, "I need to ensure that Steve gets the best legal mind I know of. I'm taking a leave of absence for the time being. Good luck everyone." Sue went by Steve's desk and grabbed the keys to his Harley.

With that Sue was out of the compound and pulled out her cell phone. She dialed a number and after one ring a voice answered, "Murdock."

Sue replied, "Hey Matt it's Sue."

She could almost hear a smile on the other end of the phone as Matt Murdock said, "Well hello there Sue. Why do I get the feeling that this isn't a phone call where you're telling me that you just got out of a hot shower and what the water has done to your bod?"

Sue replied absent-minded, "Don't I wish. I mean…" she regained her composure and said, "Matt, I have a friend who is in trouble and being set up by career politician. I am calling in my favor right now."

Matt said, "You got it Sue. Where are you at? I'll come and get you."

Sue replied, "It's better I come to you. I'll be at your office in an hour and I'll explain everything there."

Matt said, "Fair enough."

There was a pause and Matt finally said, "I've missed you. It's nice hearing your voice again."

Sue replied, "I've missed you too Matt. I can't lie and say I haven't thought about calling you. I just wish that…"

Matt said, "Yeah I know things happen in life, but what we had for the time that we did. I won't ever forget it."

Sue thought for a moment and remembered those six weeks as she said, "Me neither." Sue shook her head and said, "Anyway, we got bigger issues to deal with Matt. See you in an hour."

Sue hung up the phone, climbed on the Harley and was on her way to see Matt Murdock.


@Michale CS
@The Wanderer
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Wanda Maximoff

Wanda had been in the kitchen when Steve came in to eat. Following him out expecting a meeting and activities.

She watched with growing anger and paranoia as Captain America was taken in.

"Deputy Director Hill, can you tell me why a high ranking officer was sent to the team just before Captain Rogers was taken in ? What does Shield know about this ?"

She stands there looking at Hill, trying to keep an open mind as the one non mutant here she trusted was dragged off.

@Camleen @Michale CS @The Wanderer @Dunruffle @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ms.Ezra
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Jessica fell back from the fight and was about to unleash Hell until the Boy Scout fell on his sword. As much as that pissed her off, she knew in her gut it was the best thing for him to do.

The overheard conversation to Matt didn't escape her notice either. She'd only met the guy a few times, but knew he was a damned good lawyer, one that barely made a living because he and his partner took all the hardship cases. Maybe representing Rogers would give him the exposure he needed.

In any event, this only served to strengthen Jessica's resolve. Now she was presented with a bit of a mystery - and there's one -thing Jessica hated (okay one of many things Jessica hated) and that was not knowing the answer to a mystery.

"Hill. For the record, I don't think you knew this was going to happen. I do think your boss knew, however. Government Jugheads like Gyrich piss me off more than most things, so count me in to keep helping you out. I guess training is called off until we reorganize. Too bad, I was just getting into it."

Jessica rattled off, paying little attention to Wanda. Truth be told she wanted to apologize to the mutant more formally, but she's not the kind of person who doles those out.

"What about the rest of you misfits? You still in or did this little peacock scare you off?" She crossed her arms and waited.

@Camleen @Gands @The Wanderer @Dunruffle @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ms.Ezra
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Fandral the loyal

Fandral watched as Steve came in and ate
When Steve thanked him for cooking and mentioned setting up a rotation, "Don't worry about it Captain, it's my pleasure".

Fandral was just finishing cleaning up when Steve got up to leave. Assuming there was to be a morning meeting, Fandral followed..

He watched the drama unfold with growing disapproval. He watched as Steve took responsibility for the team. He watched as Rogers was taken away by the snide official. He contained himself with a soldiers discipline.

He stood there for a moment watching the young woman Wanda inquire of Shields status with Hill. It was a valid question if a tad paranoid.

He stepped to the side and pulled out his phone. He called Coulson.

He went over the situation with Coulson.

"Yes, arrested, yes, Homeland Security.. a man called Gyrich.. Things will be fine ? Perhaps you don't understand my dear Coulson, these people are here because of him. I stayed because of your description of him. Yes, I am certain she is a fine person, and a quality officer. I am telling you it won't be the same. "

He paused for a moment listening.

"Listen, they wanted to take all of us Coulson and at least Gyrich seemed eager to do so. I will tell you this my friend, should they come back for this rest of us, I am not going to stand idly by and watch. I consider it a betrayal and will stand by these people Shield or no damned Shield".

With that, he hung up.

He sighed and gathered his wits for a moment. He had not lost his temper for decades until Looks betrayal, and now this.

He walked back over to where Hill was.
(Assuming Wanda's conversation was done.)

" I have some suggestions Deputy Director Hill. One, the security here seems very poor. May I suggest we search the premises for listening devices ? Change the locks, so that the next time they come, there will be more warning. I would like more devices on our end to watch the outside. Lastly, perhaps our people could Patrol the area tonight, to see if anything else is watching our location."

His attitude and tone were professional. His body language said he was upset, but he wasn't going to take it out on her.

"I will tell you all, no one is taking any of us out of here, without there permission while I am alive to stop them."

He then walked quietly to the far end of the Gym to practice sword katas.

@Camleen @MST3K 4ever @Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Wanderer @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra
"Like I said, no formal training." Jessica stepped in, testing a jab, very much like a boxer. What few pointers she'd gotten were from Luke, and he was definitely a boxer.

Then, suddenly she threw a right cross, with far more speed than she'd shown with the jab. If Hill wasn't ready for that, even pulled it would be a hell of a blow simply because Jessica felt she needed to have enough speed in the blow to stand a chance of hitting Maria at all.


Maria would literally dodge the jab and followup right cross by a hair and grabbing Jones by that arm and going in for a hard hit with the point of her elbow. But Jessica's body would show its durability in the fact it didn't phase her nearly as much as a normal human, and Hill would have to take a thankfully light hit in retaliation.

The sparring between the two women would go much the same, with Hill changing tactics to trip up and bring down Jones momentarily, but for the most part Hill was (sometimes literally) thrown like a rag doll to the mat.

"We got company!" Just then the elevator door opened as a gentleman in a gray Armani suit and dark glasses with slicked back brown hair and dar

When that warning reached the training room thanks to the acoustics of the base, Hill was on the floor panting from Jones tossing her to the mat one last time. "Nice spar Jones. But looks like we got action." She jumped to her feet and sprinted out the door to the main room just as the unexpected guest and his entourage stepped out of the elevator.

For the duration of the conversation between Captain America and Gyrich, Maria stood beside Rogers but remained silent, as if she had been expecting this, but the glare would inform the observant she was no more thrilled about it than anyone. As he was being cuffed and walked out, Hill gave the Captain a salute and acknowledged his passing of command to her.

"We'll do you proud Captain Rogers."

"Deputy Director Hill, can you tell me why a high ranking officer was sent to the team just before Captain Rogers was taken in ? What does Shield know about this ?"

She stands there looking at Hill, trying to keep an open mind as the one non mutant here she trusted was dragged off.

Hill didn't take the insinuation she'd been sent expressly to replace Captain Rogers personally, so she maintained a calm demeanor while explaining to Wanda"Easy kid, my assignment had a lot of duties attached, but taking command was not one of them. I woke up expecting to be fighting with a man I'd only read of in history books, and Agent Coulson would not shut up about.."

Hill. For the record, I don't think you knew this was going to happen. I do think your boss knew, however. Government Jugheads like Gyrich piss me off more than most things, so count me in to keep helping you out. I guess training is called off until we reorganize. Too bad, I was just getting into it."

Jessica rattled off, paying little attention to Wanda. Truth be told she wanted to apologize to the mutant more formally, but she's not the kind of person who doles those out.

"What about the rest of you misfits? You still in or did this little peacock scare you off?" She crossed her arms and waited.

"Thanks Jones, appreciated." She then said to Fandral. "Noted. I'll run a scan for bugs and formulate tighter security later, but one unexpected thing at a time. " She winced and rubbed her rear. "Speaking of what I wasn't expecting, I need ice. Everyone relax while I recover, shower, and call Fury about what our next move is. I'll call you all into the war room when I'm ready. Dismissed."

Hill walked away to the women's restrooms and showers, her head filled with all the annoyance and anger her training wouldn't allow her to express.

Great! Just great! I did not sign up to lead a bunch of ragtags.

@Camleen @Gands @The Wanderer @Dunruffle @LuckycoolHawk9
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Grant Ward

To say Ward wasn't terribly interested in conversing or adding things to Maria's statement, he sipped his coffee and debated going to the training room. After watching the whole scene of Cap being arrested and Maria being in charge, he took another sip of his coffee and then broke it and headed to training. As Maria left, he looked over at the others. " I am sure that she will be fine, but I am going to check up on her," he said. He waited for her to finish so that he could. He wasn't going to barge in on the women's washroom.

@Camleen @Gands @The Wanderer @Dunruffle @Lady Ezra
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Wade simply watched silently as Captain America was taken away. Hopping off the counter, Wade pointed a finger gun at the back of Gyrich as he left. Letting out a sigh, Wade turned to the group. "Well this blows. Normally I would have killed those clowns and sent that prick's head back in a box...but Cap told me to be nice so I did not."

Listening to Fandral suggest better security, Wade nodded. "You are right once again Fandy. Gimme a few hours and I can rig up the front door and porch with all kinds of goodies. Landmines, tripwire grenades, beartraps, the whole nine yards. Won't be as satisfying as lopping that Gyro guy's head off though."
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