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With a groan, Wade woke up. "I SMELL CHIMICHANGAS! GIMME!" He went to stand up and promptly fell flat on his face. "Hey! I only like being restrained by fuzzy handcuffs! Get this shit offa me!" Bringing his hands up to his face, Wade began growling and tearing at the tape with his teeth. "Also....WHERE THE FUCK AM I?! I swear if some necrophiliac picked me up while I was out..."
Fandral of Asgard

Fandral smiled as his friend Wade appeared to wake up from some sort of nap.

"Wade my friend, how good it is to see you ! "

A quick draw of his blade and two very quick swishes has a large amount of the tape cut.

" I thought you were a carpet ! Yes I brought food, (( searches through the bags of food to get the chimichangas, handing a bag of three or four to Wade. ))

" Plenty for everyone by the way "

He takes the offered whiskey and takes a sip. Nodding, he takes out his flask and offers it to Jessica.

"Try this, very sweet and very powerful, Asgardian Mead "

In the bag of fast food, is an extensive amount of Mexican style fast food, probably a hundred dollars worth or more.

@Dunruffle @Michale CS @Camleen @The Wanderer @MST3K 4ever @LuckycoolHawk9
"Try this, very sweet and very powerful, Asgardian Mead "

In the bag of fast food, is an extensive amount of Mexican style fast food, probably a hundred dollars worth or more.

Jessica took a small sip of the drink, blinked and took a second. The only indication of how strong she thought it was is the fact that her eyes are slightly watering as she handed back the flask. "Yeah, Sweet. Not my thing, so much. Plenty strong, though."

She rummaged through the bag and found a burrito, decidedly not the chimichanga style, and sat back, unwrapping one end.

"Wilson. You get too much on my nerves and I'll make you regenerate your larynx." Jessica murmured between bites.

@Dunruffle @Gands @Camleen @The Wanderer @MST3K 4ever @LuckycoolHawk9
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As Captain America and Sue drove to the base, Fury called over the comm.

"We got techs on Operation Neuralizer. I've also sent you one more pair of helping hands in light of that becoming necessary. She should be on your tail about....now."

At the moment the called ended, Steve would hear a rumble come up behind him. While obviously a woman from the sleek form, the helmet hid her face. And instead of coming over the comm, the woman only waved up at Cap and while she had a comm, she pointedly didn't respond for the whole ride.

When they arrived at the base, the new and unknown parked a ways off from the group and approached with her helmet still on, but took it off as she went.

The Newcomer

"Nothing personal Cap. Just a little more assurance, you understand. Besides, it's nice to be in the field again" She said and regarded the gathered team. "Interesting roster." She put the helmet under her arm and approached the door, punching in the code. "Unless some of you wanna form a doo-wop crew, let's head inside."

Once inside, Maria saw others had already made it in and introduced herself. She gave each a nod of acknowledgement. Except Deadpool who received an eyeroll.

"Hello there. Maria Hill, your new teammate and logistic support."

@Michale CS
@The Wanderer
@MST3K 4ever
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Cap wasn't sure what to say to everyone concerning the evening's events. HYDRA had taken it easy on them in his view, because they managed to emerge relatively unscathed. If they wanted to unleash the heavy hitters they could've. Cap wasn't about to allow a false sense of security to surround the team he knew that sooner or later HYDRA would be unleashing far more lethal tactics on them. As much as he didn't want to think about it Cap wasn't going to rule our HYDRA using bio or nuclear weapons. They would rather destroy the planet than admit to defeat. He also knew that by now the word was out all over the place that Captain America's return was no longer an urban legend, but it was reality. Which would also mean that there would be others wanting to join up with the team. Even if they didn't bring any special skills to the team they would be joining up just to satisfy some sort of blood-lust or sense of vengeance. They would be turned away and told to join the Military, because they would make better use of that kind of mindset. Where the Military was a blunt force Cap saw this team more like a specialized surgical tool.

Just then came the communique from Fury. He saw what he knew to be a woman on a motorcycle next to him. Another SHIELD agent wasn't going to be turned away. Cap knew that Fury would want to know what was going with this team, because as much as Cap thought of himself overseeing the outfit he knew that Fury was sticking his reputation on the line as well. To be given basically carte blanche like he had been obviously was with a price. Cap was aware of that aspect and would let Nick stay in the loop. Unless something happened where it would be necessary to ensure that SHIELD's reputation in the international community was not damaged.

Nick also said, "I got something you need to see. I do believe that you're getting a wild card in your crew. It'll be on the main computer at the base. I think Dr. Storm-Richards will be able to help you pull it up."

Cap merely said, "Acknowledged" and ended his transmission.

Sue glanced over to the new rider and gave his waist a bit more of a squeeze as he throttled forward.

Upon arriving at the base and seeing everyone else there. Cap took in what he was seeing. Mutants, humans, and meta-humans were coming together for a common goal of saving the planet. Sue dismounted from the Harley and as Cap walked forward she began to become visible. Cap looked at the woman and just the look in her eyes told Cap that she was more than capable of handling herself. Cap replied, "If Fury sent you then obviously bring something to the table that we don't already have in place." Cap looked at everyone and said to Hill with a smile, "We have a good cross section of individuals."

Once inside Hill introduced herself and Cap replied, "Welcome to the team Hill we could use all the help we can get."

Hearing Jones' question Cap removed his mask and said, "Whatever she brings to the table I'm sure she can more than handle herself."

With everyone milling about Cap walked over to the center of the room and walked over to the main computer. He looked at it for a moment, and Sue approached him. She said, "Allow me." With that she was able to pull up the file and Steve saw Deadpool's handiwork with the RPG. He shook his head and said, "There's one in every crowd."

Steve turned back to the center of the room and said, "All right team fall in! Now!" Once everyone had formed somewhat of a group around Steve he said, "My name is Steve Rogers, and in case the uniform wasn't an obvious sign already I am also referred to as Captain America upon occasion. Steve or Cap will do. On this team, we all bring a gift to this op I expect you to show me and your teammates what that gift is each and every time we deal with HYDRA or any of their associates. I will give you a lot of latitude in terms of how you operate, but up to a point! I am willing to listen to your point of view, but at the end of the day we are not The Beatles I make the final call." He looked over at Deadpool and said, "I know who you are and what you can do. However, don't push your luck like that again." Steve punched up the footage of Deadpool blowing up the building. Steve stopped the footage and looked at Deadpool. He said, "I think you got him." Just then his face went very stern and he turned back to the computer. Steve punched up a layout of the docks and the surrounding area. He then highlighted a broken line underneath where the building was. Steve looked back and said, "Luckily that gas line was broken. If it wasn't broken you not only take out the building, the buildings on the dock, but also everything hooked up to that line for a three-block radius. Including a hospital, two apartment complexes, and a police auxiliary station." Steve wanted to lay into Deadpool with every fiber of his being, but he knew it wouldn't do much good now. He said, "Think before you act, and before you tell me I have no idea what it's like in a war-zone remember who I am. I was at Normandy and let me tell you 'Saving Private Ryan' was accurate to a point. Nothing will ever compare to the reality of what was there."

He turned back to the computer and punched up a diagram of the compound. He said, "You all are smart enough to figure out what is where here. I suggest we all try to get some rest at 0700 we will assemble for breakfast. By 0800 we fall out here at which time we will have the morning briefing and the layout of the day. Usually we will assemble at 0500 for breakfast, but after the night we just had I think we could use a little more rest." He looked around and said, "If something happens during the night Logan, Sue, Jones, Spider, and Ward you take care of it. We'll do the entire 'getting to know one another' act during the morning briefing. That is all dismissed."

Steve knew Wanda and Pietro were young and this was all a lot to take in. He walked over to them and said, "I know this going to be a pretty rough first few days for you both, and I'm sorry but in the heat of battle this will serve you well." He gave a nod and said, "Good work this evening."

Walking away Sue walked up to Hill and said, "You have a nice ride. I got one like it myself it's a couple years older though."

Steve made his way into his ready room and sat down. He pulled out a compass and opened it up. Inside he saw a picture of Peggy Carter his first love. Steve said, "Well, looks like I'm back in the game." He kept staring at it and said, "I miss you Peggy, and I'm sorry we never got that dance." He closed the compass and stared at the wall while his mind began to wander back to their first and only kiss. Steve stood up and headed off to the gym for a few rounds with the heavy bag.


@Michale CS
@The Wanderer
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Deadpool grabbed the chimichangas and scarfed them down. "Thanks fandy! You are one of the good ones for sure." Looking at Jessica, Wade smirked. "Sorry doll I don't really remember you. I mean you have a nice body and all but the whole 'I am more man than you' shtick is really overdone. If you actually can get that stick out of your ass, feel free to talk then."

Maria walked in and gave Wade a clear sign of dissaproval, causing him to throw up his hands in exasperation. "Seriously?! What is with all the female hostility? A simple hello too much for you? Fucks sake..."

When Captain America walked in, Wade's jaw dropped. As Steve harshly criticized him, Wade simply stared back in awe. After he left, Wade turned around to the group. "ITS CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! OHMYGODITHINKIMMADIE!!! Did you see how he talked to me? Looks like someone is cap's new favorite. Try not to cry yourselves to sleep, I was the obvious choice. Anyways, meet back here tomorrow yeah? Sounds like a plan. Later gators!" With a merry wave goodbye, Wade skipped out of the base and called an uber to drive him back to his apartment.
Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch

Wanda was so exhausted when she got back to the base, walking through where the group was, getting a bite to eat, thanking Fandral and heading to her bunk. She even skipped her shower.

She would attempt a kiss to Laura's forehead and Logan's cheek.

@Camleen @MST3K 4ever @The Wanderer @Dunruffle
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As the others gather near the entrance (both inside and out), Logan and Laura would be seen just coming around the corner. Those of keen observation would notice that Logan's clothes had fresh slashes and tears in them that weren't there before he and Wanda were sent to 'retrieve' X-23. But Logan showing up with new tears in his clothes is nothing new. He stands on the perimeter of the group, his mind not seeming to be there at the moment. A lot happened on the way back to the docks.

And as for Laura… she stands near Logan, both her hands grasping the strap of her duffle bag. Her eyes move along those gathered, no emotions shown on her features. One by one her gaze stops on each person… her mind telling her how to kill each of them in the most efficient manner. Because that's how her brain works.

But as Captain America arrives (with Sue and Maria in tow), her eyes narrow a little, a small scowl forming on her lips. Yes, she remembers him well.

Her first assassination mission. 10 years old. A presidential candidate. A room of close to 2 dozen people murdered… men, women and children. Captain America was there, but to late. And he allowed her to escape (inadvertently of course, she's a good little actress).

She looks away from him finally after staring a hold in him for a few moments, her features returning to the same neutrality as before. Cap calls for them to fall in, and Logan does so casually. As he does, he grabs Laura's arm and pulls her closer to the group. A soft and discrete snarl of protest escapes her lips, but she goes with him.

Logan and Laura listens to the Captain's speech, Logan nodding in acknowledgement. And Laura, she wonders if that is meant for her too. Frankly she expected to be shackled at this point. As the Captain speaks, Laura's eyes linger on Susan, and then Maria. She heard Cap call the woman 'Hill'. She doesn't know who Maria Hill is, of course. She would try to figure out who the new woman is… but all she sees is another target.

As they are dismissed, Logan speaks softly to Laura as he starts to walk away. "I'm gonna stay outside, stake out the place on m'own. You get rest. Bright'n early. And keep in mind you're in a base surrounded by super powered beings. So no murdering tonight." Laura just stares at him as he speaks, and she is about to say something… but she keeps her words to herself. As Logan heads outside to keep himself on guard, Laura's gaze moves back towards the others.

She says nothing to them as she now moves off… she almost seems to be very anti-social at this point. And that's exactly what she is.

She is able to find the bunk area, and she picks one of them for her own for now. She sets her bag on it, and then settles upon it. Her bunk is against one of the walls, and so she sits up the whole time on the bunk, her back to the wall, her legs crossed lotus style. Her mind tells her that she should 'sleep' like this, to make sure she can kill anything that might threaten her during the night.

She does appreciate Wanda's gesture, even if it does almost get Wanda stabbed when she comes close to Laura. And for a few moments (when Wanda approaches her), she is actually asleep. But that doesn't last. Much of her night will be spent away, just sitting quietly in the dark, constantly on guard…
Fandral of Asgard

As an Asgardian, Fandral didn't need much sleep. Relaxing though, that was different. He toured the facility for a bit, noting only two showers at the moment. He enjoyed the quiet of the night, heading to the shower with a bag and some clothing. He emerged showered and refreshed. He went to his room and got his electronic device. His friends loaded some of his favorite movies onto it and movies and books. It was he had to admit quite useful. He found a working television and connected his device to it, deciding on a western drama to watch with the sound way down. There were some chairs and a couch to sit in and he had the remains of his bag of Mexican food to munch on.

He thought of his new companions again. Impossibly fast guy will be very useful. Susan and the younger girl Wanda also useful. Logan was a warrior and one of three troll bloods, including the youngest girl and of course Wade. Wade seems to have people relating issues. Then Jones, more people issues. The youngest troll blood, people issues. Ward and Miss Hill, are Shield, next best thing to professional warriors. Someone's way of keeping an eye on us. it seems to him, the hardest part will be not killing each other.

On the positive side, Susan, who he was quite fond of, seems to know what she's doing, albeit she'll have to rediscover her passion for this business. Then there was the Captain. He seems a fine fellow..

Then there was Shield. Some of these people he had met were fantastic folks. That being said, they have the worst aspects of secret police in some ways.

He finally ended up catching some sleep on the couch in front of the television. Fandral got up early though, with just a few hours sleep and went to check the food supplies and see about cooking breakfast.

@Camleen @Michale CS @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9
Jessica had kept quiet up until the end of Cap's speech, then casually raised a hand.

"I'm sorry, did they bring back the Draft? Because I don't remember signing up for the Army."

She stood and gestured with the hand holding the bottle of Jack. "Look at these people, you got Arrol Flynn, Psycho Kid and her stepdad, a dude who dresses up like a luchador in a 40's movie, the hyperactive kid and the telepathic witch... Then you got Deadpool. You think you can talk to the rest of us and have them fall in line like Barbie and Ken here?" She gestured to Hill and Ward.

She walked up to Rogers and gestured to him once more. "Talk to us like people not soldiers under your command, and maybe you'll earn some respect from me. You want my help, fine, Rogers, but I'm for damned sure not going to say 'how high' when you say 'jump'. Got it, Captain?"

Jessica smirked. "And don't think you're special. I'm rude to everyone." She stepped back and leaned against the edge of a table, gripping it with one hand with the half finished bottle of whisky in the other.

@Camleen @Gands @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9
Grant Ward

After the two incidents and getting back to base and acknowledging everyone there, he headed towards whatever free room was available. He wasn't sure why it was bugging him, but he wanted to know more about the medic on the first scene and why he seemed so damn familiar to him.

After a good hour or two of research, he hit the same dead end. Whoever this medic was, he was effectively a ghost or at least he didn't have an online prescene/ credit cards. Thankfully, he remembered why he remembered him. Lincoln Campbell, the only inhuman he knew of left. He sighed and went to sleep, focusing on other things such as the evidence as he fell asleep. When he woke up in the morning, he went to the kitchen, made a cup of coffee and sipped it while the others woke up. Perhaps he would get some training in.

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln woke up, slightly hang-over and sighed. How long had he been asleep for? He certainly didn't know and went to make some breakfast. Hopefully, he wouldn't find danger today.

@Michale CS @Camleen @Gands@MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9[/QUOTE]
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Even with the group leaving the docks there was still work to be done. If it were an ordinary day the senior officer would have offered more to the mutants who had helped him out, but there were still policies that needed to be followed... And a gun to turn in. So he would remain, waiting for the internal affairs detective to collect his weapon. The mayhem somehow started to become contained with the most simple tools ever imagined: tape, bags, and people. A crime scene tape established the perimeter, bodies and evidence found themselves in bags thanks to the work of evidence technicians, but it took the men in uniform to keep everything isolated from the public eye.

One person wearing nothing but a police jacket over business casual attire approached Ronald with a clip board at hand. "They're still trying to figure out who was suppose to be at their stations when all of this happened. Seems port authority had forgotten to do their jobs." The man said as he took Ronald's gun off the trunk of the car then looked over at the senior officer with a concerned look on his face. "You gonna be alright Baker?"

"... Yeah."

Eventually everything had been done. After the detective took his gun and his statement the paramedics went through their usual checklists with the officer that had been shot. There was indeed some bad bruising beneath the vest, but needless to say Ronald would live. Fortunately is wasn't severe enough to keep Ronald from being released, so he could return home and act as if nothing had happened.

Location: New York City, Ronald's Residence.
Interaction: N/A

It had been a long time since the officer actually came home. He even almost forgot which key to use to get inside his own apartment. When he finally figured out how which key to use though the officer stepped into his dimly lit room in search for the light switch that was suppose to be within arms reach. It took a bit of feeling around before Ronald found the switch that illuminated the living room that was the first room in the apartment. Everything was just like the way he had left it.

Usually Ronald would have a tough time working his gun belt and vest off, but all of that was left at the station for the investigation. All he had to do was walk into his bed room and toss himself onto the bed. It felt odd for many thoughts were looming over his head... He had seen a lot today, but still he found himself falling asleep like it were any other day. Tomorrow would have its challenges. There will be repercussions for what he had gotten himself into.
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During Cap's speech and rundown, Hill stood back listening quietly with her eyes going around the room to get a read on the reactions of the others. While she was very much accustomed to such talk, she understood why some were not responding to it as well.

Maria even stayed calm and only smirked a little when Jones went on her drunken tirade confirming these estimations. At the Barbie and Ken comment she smiled a little more and waited until the others had left before approaching Jones.

"I'm no Barbie. You'll see that soon enough. But just between us girls about Ward-" Maria extended her pinkie finger and made it wag while mouthing the words 'scale replica'. "-if you're up for it, I like a thorough workout after breakfast. Would appreciate a partner who won't mess with my head, or take out their claws. Just a thought. See you then."

Maria went into the storage area and came out after a few minutes wearing a simple white T-shirt and black shorts, her helmet under her left arm and a duffle on her right shoulder. She then went into the bunk area and took the bottom of an empty one. On the opposite side of where Laura sat with her back to everyone. Maria would turn over, but not have her back to Laura. She closed her eyes, but never went fully into a deep sleep even if the others managed. She rested like a spring for anyone getting too close.

The next morning Hill woke up unscathed and was thankful for it. She went into the kitchen and greeted Ward "Good morning Ward. How's it hanging?" She asked sitting down at the table and sipping her coffee.

@Michale CS @Camleen @Gands @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9
"I'm no Barbie. You'll see that soon enough. But just between us girls about Ward-" Maria extended her pinkie finger and made it wag while mouthing the words 'scale replica'. "-if you're up for it, I like a thorough workout after breakfast. Would appreciate a partner who won't mess with my head, or take out their claws. Just a thought. See you then."

"So, still Ken then." Jones shrugged. "And about the workout, I am generally a little bitchy in the morning. Plus, you're aware I can bench press a SUV, right? You sure you wanna trust me to be able to pull my punches, Hill?" She responded.

After that was taken care of, she shook her head. "Hey, Blondie! I'm not drunk enough yet. Gimme one more sip of of that sweet death you call mead." And, presuming he did, Jessica would find a spot to crash for the night.

The next morning she spoke not one word until she had a cup of coffee in front of her.

@Camleen @Gands @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9
Fandral of Asgard

Fandral had finished cleaning up about Ten minutes earlier before Ward and Hill came in. There was a pile of egg burritos covered on the counter.

"Good morning officer Hill, officer Ward. There are a variety of egg burritos on the counter logistics officer. My name is Fandral, I am hoping Coulson has told you of me ? Oh, and Miss Jones, let's stick to coffee for a moment shall we ? Are you the person I talk to about food, supplies and gear Ms. Hill ?

@Camleen @Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9
@The Wanderer @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle
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"First off, I don't subscribe to the hair of the dog theory so just coffee for me thanks. Second, as nice as this little sleepover has been, I've got a business to run." That didn't stop her from getting a burrito though.

That's when her cell had recovered enough charge to power up and messages came through. "See, business." Jessica looked at the messages and the next word out of her mouth was "Fuck!"

She almost literally growled as she read the messages. "Apparently, I don't have an office for a few days. Fumigation. Someone wants me here.". She knew exactly which someone that was but there was no way she'd say who, to anyone.

" So yeah. Plans and shit. " Jessica said to anyone who'd listen, while nursing her coffee

@Camleen @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
@The Wanderer @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle
re you the person I talk to about food, supplies and gear Ms. Hill ?

"As Deputy Director, I'd say I am. We like to keep our bases well-stocked, but if you feel it needs something else let me know Fandral and I'll see what I can do." Hill responded and helped herself to one of the breakfast burritos, giving the Asgardian a thumbs-up and nod after the first bite.

She almost literally growled as she read the messages. "Apparently, I don't have an office for a few days. Fumigation. Someone wants me here.". She knew exactly which someone that was but there was no way she'd say who, to anyone.

Hill put a finger on her nose. "Not it."

" So yeah. Plans and shit. " Jessica said to anyone who'd listen, while nursing her coffee

"Right Jones. The big plans are more the Captain's area, but in the meantime I have some points to go over with you all." She spoke generally to all who had gathered or just arriving. "I'll admit that Ward and I are outclassed by pretty much all of you. One-on-one I could put up a good fight against some of you, but I'd lose and likely die. So Ward and I need to train and spar with you all to get a feel for how we can adapt our skillset. Obviously we can't stop or really reprimand you for not pulling punches, so we just have to trust those of you with the strength of gods aren't heartless. Ward, anything to add? Questions?"

@Camleen @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
@The Wanderer @MST3K 4ever @Dunruffle

It was a restless night for Laura. But… well she didn't need a lot of sleep. Both because of her body's natural regenerative powers and because she was trained to not need a lot of sleep. One never knows when one needs to do some murdering!

The base was… very big… and it smelled very old. At least to Laura it did. So, when she got out of her bunk she did some walking around of the base. She doesn't speak to anyone, she keeps to herself. Some would say it looks like she's just wandering aimlessly… but in reality, she's mapping the base in her mind. As she walks, she takes in everything around her. She's able to memorize her path and its relativity to the front entrance, thereby making a map in her head.

She was up before the sun… but as she is finishing her 'walk', the smell of food drifts through the air. She knows where the food area is (she has it on her lil map in her head), and she makes her way in that direction. As she walks, she sniffs faintly at the air. The smell of coffee and eggs are pretty prevalent. But also some of the others that had been here overnight. The alien… Hill… Jessica… a man who's name she hasn't heard yet (Ward)... they are in the eatery now. She's still a bit away from it, but she can make out all of them distinctly. She was told to mingle and not murder… so…

She walks into the food area, wearing the same clothes she had worn last night (though she has washed up, she's a psycho murderer not a savage)… simple jeans and sneakers (with a little tear in the toe where her foot claw extended) and a gray hoodie with 'BRAT' emblazoned in black on the front. She steps through the entrance, her head bowed down a little as her jade green eyes wander along those already here. And she notes that Wanda isn't here yet. Hopefully she will be soon. She knows Logan won't arrive yet.

She listens to Jessica and Maria go on about something… Jessica seems in a poor mood. But apparently she's sticking around. Quietly she moves towards the pile o' burritos, taking one of them. Her eyes rest on Maria as she sniffs at the food discretely… and then she starts to eat as she steps away from the group. She still stays in the room of course, she just keeps herself near a wall and not sit with the others. Maria speaks of training with them… and Laura wonders if that meant her too. Her mind lingers on just how long she's going to stay here, or how long she'll be allowed to stay here. She's got options (not a lot, since she killed the last person she was living with), but right now this base seems the most logical choice for her. At least until she gets her mother's letter from Logan… and then perhaps she could just disappear…She does need to find the officer from last night. The name on his card was Ronald Baker... she'll find him easily in the city once she can get away. She knows his scent, there isn't really anywhere he can go that she can't find him. She's kind of a good tracker and all.

She doesn't add anything to the conversations, she only glances toward friendly and very awake Fandral, 'not doing good before noon' Jessica, the seeming quiet Ward, and the… deputy director? Yes she had heard Hill describe herself as such as Laura entered. This is a Shield base, and she's clearly in good with Captain America… so that makes her one of the people in charge here…

But that thought is ended with another chomp of her burrito.

@Ms.Ezra, @The Wanderer, @Michale CS, @MST3K 4ever, @Gands, @LuckycoolHawk9, @Dunruffle, @Furasian
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Hill put a finger on her nose. "Not it."
That actually got a genuine smile from Jones. "You remind me of a friend of mine. In a good way."

"Right Jones. The big plans are more the Captain's area, but in the meantime I have some points to go over with you all." She spoke generally to all who had gathered or just arriving. "I'll admit that Ward and I are outclassed by pretty much all of you. One-on-one I could put up a good fight against some of you, but I'd lose and likely die. So Ward and I need to train and spar with you all to get a feel for how we can adapt our skillset. Obviously we can't stop or really reprimand you for not pulling punches, so we just have to trust those of you with the strength of gods aren't heartless. Ward, anything to add? Questions?"

"I'm just a brawler, Hill. I doubt training with me is going to give you any stunning revelations except even if I didn't have the strength to lift cars that I'd kick ass in a bar fight." She sipped her coffee and shrugged. "Willing to give it a go, better than doing nothing while Captain Boy Scout plots our next field trip."

As an aside, she looks over at Laura for a moment. When their eyes meet, both realize that the other has seen great pain in their lives - and then the moment is gone, and Jessica goes back to having breakfast. She knows better than to poke a bear.

@Ms.Ezra @The Wanderer, @MST3K 4ever, @Gands, @LuckycoolHawk9, @Dunruffle, @Furasian @Camleen
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