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Claire blushed a little as indeed, her messed up arms were revealed again, to Aldin! But she listened at his idea and found it quite fascinating. A needle over sharp knives was much preferable! "I could keep the blood in viles- that is brilliant, Aldin!" She told him, sincerely pleased with that idea. She was glad it hadn't hurt Aldin though in the process of learning this trick. "Wish we could have found that out sooner- but then.. I wasn't exactly an open book either." She shrugged a bit. It was simply one of those things she could not have stood to be teased about when she was younger; and as a habit, simply hid everything. "I will start finding viles as soon as possible and we'll work with those instead.." She added, a bit more hopeful with new solutions being found.

Serena nodded, and let Xavier guide her through the process. It wasn't all unpleasant at first with Robert. He had indeed started off as a loving, caring husband. But something changed during their encounter with the brigands... Here her panic rose a bit as the memories of her being stolen out of her husband's arms, Robert standing there staring, as five men rushed for Serena. "My baby! Please-! He's all I have now!" She'd cried to the men. But they laughed and Robert mockingly smiled, as he put the baby inside a tree, waving a hand in a mock-sad farewell gesture to Serena as she was dragged further down the road! She struggled like a vicious hell cat; kicking, elbowing, shoving ruthlessly, only to be pushed back by the men, then kicked brutally down. All five had their sick fun with her. It wasn't until the last one had finished, that she was able to move at all. They'd bludgeoned her head with a big rock; left her alone for a moment, thinking it'd be easier to carry her away when she fell asleep from the nice concussion they'd left her.... Robert hadn't come back to save her- he'd only laughed and waved goodbye. Somehow, Serena had found her burst of desperation and flight-response mode, and lunged away from them. They had chased her, but she found the remains of her torn clothing and dressed herself, stumbling out of the field, she found her baby's crying not far, and took him from the tree branch. "So-Sorry Niald.. I'm going to try to find us a safe place... but you must be quiet...please...Shhh.." He immediately stopped, and she carried him all the way up the mountain slopes, where she found a cave... at first it had an unoccupied feel to it, but she saw people soon, and begged the leader of the cave to help.... Robert was never seen or heard from again.

Serena blinked back tears. But the tears were turning into ice there on her cheeks. "He's not taking me back." She said quietly. She was already thinking of ways to make his life a complete living hell from everything he'd ever put her through and tomorrow or whenever she was supposed to see him- she would let him know what she thought of his betrayal! "To leave a baby alone like that..." Her hands were shaking slightly with rage. She wasn't even thinking of what she had gone through- she was thinking of how easily Niald could have been hurt! She didn't repeat any of the memories however- she simply ... couldn't. It all made her too sick, thinking of those vile acts forced upon her by that many men. She felt shamed, but mostly furious. . .. "I need to... to walk. Not outside----" She paused. "Just somewhere away from this..." She said apologetically, meaning her torn up, fractured heart. She wondered how much more agony she would go through before it just stopped beating. She knew she would be in beserk mode when she saw Robert's sorry face though....

Rebecca scanned twelve books that night, blurry eyed, but having been used to being a good researcher from all her time with Alna. She missed her greatly. She suddenly paused at one big, thick, silver tome and grabbed a highlighter off the long table they sat upon. It was a law of the Golden Fae. Malthen Ana, like everywhere else, had complex laws. The ones about marriage and til death do you part were especially strict and unforgiving. If Robert did claim Serena as his wife again... she'd be devastated. "Niald... is there anyone here right now who could help us find anything about marriage rights?" She asked, rubbing tired eyes. She'd not slept in a while, nor taken breaks from studying. She hadn't eaten since the fish and cornbread meal yesterday, but barely noticed. She wanted to find some kind of help for Niald's mother. Serena needed a break from so much tragedy!
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Aldin smiled, "No need. This can be hooked up to something larger if you like. You can safely take one pint of blood every four days, but after two weeks you have to allow your body a month to rest and rebuild your supply. If you do not need a lot of blood for your magic, you may only have to take blood once a week or so and it should be no problem for your body to keep up." He looked at her arms though, "You should see Lauranna or Caden about your arms though...you have done a lot of damage to them and you are in danger of losing the use of your fingers and wrists if you do not allow her or Caden to heal them." He was seriously worried about her arms. He went to his bag and pulled out some antibiotic cream that he bad from home and put some onto what he could tell was infected. "This will help but, you need to see them...please promise me you will."

Ellisar meanwhile ahd been looking at Rook with an expression of wonder and awe, "Did she say dragon? do you mean to tell me you can change into an actual flying dragon...and actually fly?"

Rook grinned, "I can. Three different sizes even, which I am not sure all shifters can do. Most have one dragon but since my forms were magically created I have three, small, medium and large." he shrugged, "The small on is not a lot bigger than a Bluejay, the medium about the size of a horse and the large one is...well..Claire has seen that one." he looked around the room they were in, "He'd be a bit cramped in here I think...."

Ellisar was so curious he was leaning closer to Rook, "So...I assume Claire would ride the ...large one...? Though...a big enough horse could carry a person...maybe?"

Rook chuckled, "I haven't ever tried to carry anyone, but the large one could easily fly with a passenger, I am not sure about the other...carry her yes...fly with her...I would have to try it with weight first. I don't want to injure anyone..."

Morden frowned as Jorga left and Serena started to unleash her womanly fury. Good, she was fighting and that gave him hope. He'd only just got his wife back, he wasn't about to lose her again. "what happens to our marriage then?" he asked.

Xavier lifted a brow, "The two of your are married?"

Morden nodded.

Xavier frowned, "I think Lazar would be the best one to ask about that...he knows all our laws."

Morden let Serena go for a walk. He knew she needed to think and clear her head and he wanted her to have that time. "Where can I find him?"

Lazar was looking for Tamsin. he needed to talk to her. He was still using the glamour spell until tomorrow at the meeting, but he really wanted to make sure the two of the, were still ok. He knocked on her door and waited praying she would answer.

Xavier scanned the palace, "He is still here...in the hallway outside Tamsin's room. Would you like me to send him tot he library?"

Morden clasped Xavier's arm, "Yes, thank you!" his voice full of optimism. He left then and made his way tot he library and found the youngsters. He went and sat with them. "Naild...we have been to see the king."

Naild frowned, "I can tell it wasn't good news." he leaned forward and looked Morden in the eye. "You have been more a father to me than anyone else. My mother loves you and is happy when she is with you. THAT is what matters, not some stupid law."

Morden smiled, "I love you too Naild. But laws are not stupid, they have a purpose and keep order in a society. I'm sure this will work out, I am not worried. I want to talk to you about something else right now."

Naild tipped his head, "Is something else wrong?"

Morden shook his head, "No...no...nothing is wrong. But, have you realized yet that you are the rightful heir to this kingdom's throne? Jorga spoke of it when we met with him. He is willing to step aside and let you rule as the rightful king."

Naild's eyes got wide as saucers, "I cannot be king! I don't know ANYTHING about being a king..."

Morden held up his hands, "Ok calm down...calm down. Jorga is willing to teach you until you are ready, and then step down at that time. None of his children want the throne. Your father flatly refused it when he arrived. I believe Jorga is hoping you will take your rightful place and allow him to live his life as your adviser."

Naild was sitting there still and quiet but he finally looked at Morden, "Do you believe I can do this?"

Morden smiled and clasped his son's arm, "I know you can. I have no doubt at all that you are the reason we are all here."

Naild looked at Rebecca, "What do you think?" He really wanted to know how she felt about it because it would mean one day she would be queen beside him.
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Claire did get a bit worried that Aldin said she could lose the use of her wrists and fingers! "I promise, I'll find them tonight or tomorrow after the meeting." She reassured them."As for the flying part- it just seems like it would help me cover more ground- especially with this neat design you guys created for helping me not use so much. I think I will try and summon a storm soon, without using blood... maybe something happened when I was pulled into that vortex earlier..." She shrugged. "But yes, all of your ideas are fantastic, guys." She said encouragingly. She smiled at Rook. How had he known all she needed to cheer up was a trip to the lab? What would she have done without him, she wondered. She didn't dwell on it, because there were lots of cheerful things to dwell on and figure out instead. Tomorrow would be here all too soon and she wanted to enjoy the evening.~

Serena walked quite a brisk pace, haunted by tragic memories of her past, and the fact Robert had been the root of all her evil encounters- even from the gossiping, murderous fae in the caves and the glen,... how was she going to deal with him tomorrow? Was he really going to take her to his home and force her to act as if he'd never left her to die at the hands of those brigands?! She wanted to punch a wall. Or maybe go straight to where he lived and punch him. But she couldn't leave. The only thing she could really do was go back to her and Morden's room. She didn't sleep that night. Not at all. She was sitting at the desk, writing her son a farewell letter.. If she ended up going back to Robert against her will... she'd not rest until she was either dead and free of him, or if he was dead because of her. He'd regret the day he ever tried to reclaim her!

Rebecca was surprised at Niald's rejection to the throne.. or hesitancy rather. It was understandable! Laurana had not had an easy time being a queen, or Caden discovering he was a king. "I think you'd be wonderful Niald. You're already fiercely protective, loyal, smart, and you hate injustices as much as I do. Plus, one day as King- you could ensure the safety of your family, and no one would ever be allowed to hurt your mom, or anyone again... I know you'd be a great king." She told him, realizing she'd have to smarten up as a queen and yet dreading that fact of life a little herself. She'd been aged beyond her years by torture and suffering, but all the while, Niald was there. He would be perfect at defending his Kingdom and helping everyone get along better. She knew that.
Ellisar looked at Rook and Claire, "Well...to make a.....well for lack of a better term...saddle...we will need you to change into the dragon so we can measure. I've never seen a dragon, have you?" he asked Aldin.

Aldin nodded, "I saw him...but...I could not even guess at such measurements. It did not occur to me I would ever need to know such a thing at the time, but he is quite impressively large and black. In fact, beautiful in many ways."

Rook bowed, "Thank you. I find that to be one of the most sincere compliments I have ever received. How about if once the meeting is over tomorrow and we have a better idea of the people's reaction to our being here...especially my being here...then I can go outside the palace and change so that you may take these measurements."

Ellisar was overjoyed, "That sounds like an excellent plan! yes quite!" He looked at Claire then, "I do hope that the sky helped you in some way besides defending you, but if you still need the blood this is a good long term solution."

Aldin nodded, "yes, do try and see. if not, I am ready to help as I can. And...I will check on you tomorrow to see if you indeed went to see Caden or Lauranna."

Naild smiled, "Then I will learn. He seems a wise and good king and this city is large and well organized. But Morden...."

Morden lifted a brow, "Yes?"

"I will expect to learn from you as well. And from Nathan and Caden. It occurs to me that there are many great leaders here and that I can benefit from all of their experience and knowledge. I do not want to limit myself to one teacher."

Morden felt mist in his eyes. "I would be honored." He couldn't contain himself and moved to hug his son. "I have never been more proud of you my Son, never." And that was saying a lot because Morden was always proud of Naild.

Xavier found Lazar in the hallway still waiting for Tamsin who was obviously NOT in her room at the moment. "Would you come with me to the library? There is a matter of delicacy that I believe you are perfectly equipped to help with."

Lazar lifted a brow, "Oh...involving what?"

Xavier huffed, "Robert."

Lazar made a face, "What has he done now?"

"Nothing yet but we both know he's an ass and will do the wrong thing just to spite innocent people."

"True...but...what innocent people are you referring to?"

"Serena and Naild...she is his wife and Naild is his son."

Lazar let out a low whistle. "But wait...she arrived with a husband...or a man at least....didn't she?"

"She did, but apparently Robert can still claim his wife...unless you know of..."

"I know what book to look in.."
Claire blushed at Aldin threatening to check that she actually visited Laurana and Caden! She tried not to laugh though. "I promise- I do not want to lose the use of any part of my arms..." She assured him. "I'd only cut so deep because it made easier flow for the storms to get here faster. I promise, on my word, I will see them early in the morning and then tell you how adorable their new son probably is." She smiled. She certainly wasn't used to people looking out for her this way and it showed.... "I like the idea of having more than one saddle size. Would come in handy for whichever form Rook is most comfortable to fly in. As for me getting injured in mid flight? Chances of that are unlikely with the saddle..." She assured Rook and Ellisar.

Rebecca was definitely relieved as she greeted Lazar as he came into the library with the others. "I'll help with whatever research we need to do." She told him. "What are Robert's magical powers, if I may ask?" She wondered. Surely he had spells and tricks. She hoped he wouldn't use any on Serena tomorrow! She was also very proud of Niald, for considering his heritage.

Serena finished her letter to Niald, hiding it under the desk for him to find if Morden discovered it in the morning. For now though, she looked pale and sick. Just washed out grey even, and her eyes had more shadows around them than they had in a long time. She wished she could talk to someone about this, but once more, she felt alone. She understood people would try to help her... but it just boiled down to what would happen in the morning.... She really hoped he simply would leave her with Morden and Niald... but she remembered his cloyingly jealous attitude. How if she even looked wrong at another guy he'd not hesitate to slap her down and yell at her a long time.... She couldn't really hold back the tears again.... She felt like her life was over.~

Theresa wandered around, in search of King Jorga. She knew he was deeply upset from the days' events, and maybe needed someone to speak with... Hopefully he was in his office, or his throne room. She checked his office first, knocking of course. A maid did not simply barge in.
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Aldin looked appeased by her assurances and went to clean his syringe and needle. he felt oddly comfortable in this place and with these few people especially. having people he thought he could form lasting friendships with was helping his mental state quite a bit, as too was finding a means of being truly helpful here. yes, things were definitely looking up.

Ellisar looked at Claire, "Well...only if it is made correctly and you stay put."

Rook chuckled, "And if Rook is strong enough to carry you...I am not sure my Amethyst dragon can, so we will have to test it first." He tapped her nose playfully, "And the jade dragon is for too small to carry you...but he is able to fly into small places and get things...so he can be useful." His eyes clouded for only a second as he remembered WHY the Jade dragon was created in the first place. It was to steal the amulets used to kill Aura and Lars.

Morden shrugged, "I have no idea, but he is a royal so he will have powers."

Jorga entered the library and sat with the group. "So I have seen your father." he said without any fanfare, "He is convinced youa re frauds, but I know different. The Oracle has never been wrong and I can feel that she is right."

Before Jorga could ask Morden nodded to him, "I have spoken to my son...he has agreed to learn at your side, but he has additional requests." Morden nodded to Naild."

Naild cleared his throat and then spoke, "There are many wise and powerful men here. Good leaders and magic users. I want to learn from everyone, and not limit myself to only your tutelage." He reached over, "I find you to be a wise and knowledgeable leader, King Jorga. This city is large, and well organized and this shows strong leadership, but Morden is a great magic user and he knows many things about our history and powers that I can learn. King Nathan is compassionate and noble and I can learn patience and resilience from him. I just see so much I need to learn..."

Jorga chuckled and patted Naild's hand, "You are wise. Do not worry, I am not affronted by this request. In fact, I envy you. I did not have this to lean upon when I was thrust into this position. I am very glad you have it and see the wisdom in taking advantage of it. You are indeed your grandfather's son." He let out a huff of air then, "Toomorrow your father will make his announcement before all of Malthen Ana about his wife and child. No matter what his decision is, mine will stand. You are the true heir to the throne and I will see you get the chance to claim it."

Xavier and Lazar entered then and Lazar went to a stack of books and pulled out three. "Ok....these three books contain all the laws regarding marriage, annulment, and royals. I wish I could remember which one would give you the information you will need when Robert decides to be his normal jackass self." he looked at the children and made a face, "Forgive me..." he coughed, "He may not...but when he does...it will be best to ahve something to use against him."

Jorga smirked, "Just so, and I will leave you all to it and have plausible deniability. I have no idea what you all are doing up here. None at all." He left the library and wandered back to his office and plopped down into his chair. he elbows were on top of the desk and his head fell into them, his hands dug deep into the hair on either side of his head. "so much mess...how did everything get so out of control?" he ehard a soft tap on the door and lifted his head, "Come in?"
Claire blinked her nose being tapped and poked Rook in the arm just as playfully. She smiled, though she was exhausted still from such a long, and trying day, she felt better here in the labs. She loved watching Ellisar invent new things, and it seemed Aldin had a good mind for such inventions as well! "I'll stay still of course- not trying to fall off!" She assured them. "As for your other dragon forms- I think you may be right, your black dragon form is probably biggest, and will be able to handle long distances. Ellisar, let me know if I can get any materials for your saddle-making. I can probably find stuff in the stables tomorrow." She added, thinking about what she'd need to bring. That is, hopefully they'd all survive the King's decree for unity tomorrow morning...~

Rebecca helped Xavier and Lazar bring over the really heavy books, and started flipping through the pages. She knew Niald would be preoccupied with thoughts of some day ruling. She herself was not sure how she'd become a queen; who was going to be able to teach her- besides Laurana? But she was definitely far too busy with the new baby and everything else. People depended on her on a daily basis. She would just have to read more books from now on on wise rulers. She wouldn't have as much help as Niald did here... No, she wasn't going to dwell on her problems then. There was too much going on and she wanted to help Serena. She watched Jorga leave the room, and kept researching. Invisible like always, she allowed her thoughts to roam a bit. How would Robert react tomorrow, she wondered. It seemed everyone knew he was a pompous ass, which was good in a way- he already wasn't well liked, which he definitely deserved that! But letting Serena go home with him was not going to be pleasant for her or Morden or Niald... So she kept researching, trying to pick out clues, or anything that could be helpful.

Theresa stepped in with a tray of stew and his favorite tea. "It'll get better hopefully soon, King Jorga. I'm sure once you've made your statement at tomorrow's meeting, a lot of people will work out their differences." She said, hearing him wonder at the chaos seemingly all around him. She always tried to reassure him he was doing fine as a ruler. She knew he had enough stress on his shoulders and didn't need any more.~

Tamsin was out on her balcony, hadn't heard the knock of Lazar- or she definitely would have opened it! She wasn't angry that he'd disguised himself for so long. The people of Malthen Ana were really unkind a lot of the times, and she knew they definitely needed to learn their place and start listening to King Jorga a lot better. There was no one out on the streets that night, save for Varen and Jasmine, but they patrolled a lot! It did make her smile, seeing Jasmine more at peace with Lazar's terrible hand in her parents' deaths. True he'd been hounded by loan sharks... but Tamsin couldn't understand, what had he owed so much of that he'd kill a poor centaur child's parents and leave her alone like that? It did make her sad. She eventually went to sleep, closing the balcony doors and locking them. She was soon out like a light- and probably the only one asleep in the palace.
Ellisar grinned at Claire, "Well...I would say just bring a saddle but I have a feeling the girth of a horse is a bit different than that of a dragon. But it might be helpful to have one here as reference anyway, we can always take it apart and remake it to suit our purpose." Nothing he loved more than tearing something apart and making it into something entirely different.

Rook nodded, "As I said...the amethyst could carry you, but not fly with you. He may come in handy some day, one never knows." He liked that she looked much more at ease and happy here and he was being able to see a different side of her personality. It was easy to see that these people were her friends and that she totally trusted them. he felt a bit jealous of that comfortable rapport, but he hoped one day she would come to trust him just as much. He was prepared to wait it out and be there until it happened.

Naild watched the king leave smirking a bit at his plausible deniability comment and looked at Xavier who remained, "Excuse me," he said to the large formidable man, "You have amazing control over your magical abilities. I wonder if you would consider helping me to learn to ahve that same control over mine...they are somewhat...different."

Xavier looked shocked by the request but he was curious, "diffferent?"

"I ...communicate with animals and insects..."

"when you say communicate...."

Naild tapped his forehead and then held out his hand and a very large spider dropped from the ceiling onto his palm. once it was there it turned to look at him and he looked at it and then it left again the way it came. "I asked her to tell me something only you would know." he said looking at Xavier, "She said that you sing in the shower and shave your face while you are naked."

Xavier blinked. NO ONE knew he sang in the shower. NO ONE. "So you speak spider?"

Naild shrugged, "I have no idea what I am doing but they understand me and I them. Sometimes if there are a lot of them all I hear is a chorus of buzzing or humming. I cannot single them out when there are many. That I believe will take training and practice, but this is a new things to me..."

Xavier nodded, "Yes it will and I cannot ever remember anyone having such a gift."

Morden nodded, "Nor I, not for many generations. There is one in a book mentioned from ancient times before the fae came to dwell in the Glen and have its protection."

Lazar looked up from the large book he was reading, "I remember reading about such a man as well. Quite fascinating. He was able to call swarms of locusts into battle to defeat his enemies and so many other things." He looked at Naild and wondered how strong the lad really was. King Keylen had one of the strongest magical cores ever found among the fae, which was why it had been trapped when he died and preserved in the forever amulet deep within the palace. He had been studying the history of the fae and it was his firm belief that cores became stronger within a person of pure heart and conscience. The better a man or woman was, the stronger their core. He could not prove this, but it seemed to him to be easily noted and seen among the members of the royals.

Jorga looked at the tray and the tea and frowned, "Forgive me...I have missed another dinner." He sighed and shook his head, "I hope you are right, but I fear there will be protests and divisions." He looked up at her and motioned to the chair opposite his desk. "Would you mind staying for a moment?" he asked though not entirely certain why he had. He felt the need for company and she always seemed calm and supportive. "Will you be shocked if i tell you that I feel like a total failure as a king at the moment?" He lifted the tea and took a sip. Just as he liked it, "Thank you for this. You always seem to know what I need even when I have no idea myself."
Claire smiled. "I think the amethyst dragon will be lovely. I am sure all your forms are useful, Rook." She smiled. "Then first thing after the meeting, I will bring -two- saddles, just so you and Aldin can work with them." She tried to stop a yawn, but it fell out anyway, which she covered. "I'd better head back to my room for the night guys.... else I will drop right here and nap on the counter." She teased, only half-joking though really.. She had hoped she could spend more time down here, but she knew she'd come right back the next day, and every day for that matter.

Rebecca rose an eyebrow at Xavier's singing in the shower! She hid her smile behind her book-reading as she tried to picture a relaxed Xavier... she really couldn't! She smiled at him. "Sometimes -I'll- sing in the shower, but only when I know there's not even a bug on the wall to hear me." She assured him, to take some of the embarrassment off his shoulders. Then, she went back to the laws on marriage. She was getting a bit blurry- eyed however, and had to rub them free of sleep, twice. These books were exhausting. She looked at Morden and Lazar... "I have to ask- is there any way to get Serena's marriage annulled from Robert -before- he takes her to his home tomorrow? If he claims her?" She asked, since Lazar did seem to know a lot about the laws. She wasn't finding anything much in these books so far, and morning was probably just hours away!

Theresa smiled at his invitation and pulled up another chair, just near his own. "I don't mind at all. And no you are not a failure, King Jorga. You have... unruly, unique children who have had no mother figure,and well, people are always cruel to those who have differences to the main crowd. Your daughter Claire is more unique than most- it singles her out. She may -always- be singled out. But... forgive my boldness, sire, I sense Rook is good for her. He's always encouraging her, and he's the reason she came to you at all this day. Else she would still be bullied and hiding notes from you." Theresa thought for a moment..."I think she considers herself a failure to the people, as they cannot stand to be around her. She has been pushed into closets for asking to spend time with the other kids, shoved into bushes, and at one point, even dangled off a cliff. Tamsin rescued her and scared off the youths, but Tamsin felt too badly for her sister to tell anyone either. But I think things will be better for Claire now.. but what else is troubling you?" She asked, gently. She hadn't slept in two days, preferring to clean the palace spotlessly, and tend to the royal family's needs as much as she could. There weren't many palace staff, but she didn't mind. It wasn't that much to work with, and routine was a good thing.~

Aria listened to the group talking about devices and saddles and dragons until nearly 2 a.m! Then, she huffed a bit, fluffed her pillows, and slept as a grey-and black stripped cat,purring away as she slept. She hoped tomorrow wouldn't be too scary,...or noisy... ~
Rook grinned and nodded to the others, "I will see you back to your room then and bid you gentlemen a good evening." He had no idea where the woman went but he didn't want to spook the poor thing any worse than she already was, so he didn't address her before leaving. They walked up together and he smiled, "Your friends are very nice." he said as they did. he liked seeing her smile and be at ease.

Lazar looked over at Xavier too and didn't even try to hide his grin.

Xavier flashed him a death look, "If you breathe a word of that..."

"Yeah yeah I will be mind flayed. Noted, but I know....and you know I know. That is enough for me." He kept scanning and then looked at the girl, "Hopefully we can find something. It has been a very long time since I have read these books and though i would love to say I have a photographic memory, such is not the case. All we can do is look...and pray if you are so inclined."

Jorga listened, "And you knew all of this? Claire trusted you with her secrets?" He frowned, "See...this is what has been tormenting me." He looked over at her with sad hollow eyes, "I must not be a good father if my own children will not tell me things like this....not trust me....but they will trust the head of staff..." his eyes closed and he frowned, "Forgive me...that sounded very demeaning...I did not mean it that way. I see how much you do here and how hard you work. I do not disrespect you in any way." He was making this worse and he wasn't sure how to stop. "And my children are only part of the problem...forty five citizens died today because of crimes they committed against my family under my very nose. There was a riot in the street this morning because people from another fae community sought refuge here...how could I not have seen such hatred and prejudice?

Aldin watched them leave, "So..it's been a long day...if you show me where I can bunk...I think I will turn in as well. Tomorrow proves to be a daunting kind of day as well and rest will help."
Claire pouted at Rook, then laughed... "Oh alright. I suppose it's proper... but please tell me where your room is so we can go to the meeting together tomorrow?" She asked, as she bid Ellisar and Aldin goodnight, walking back out of the labs and towards the stair well that lead up to her room.

Rebecca tried not to laugh at both Lazar and Xavier's banter. "Definitely praying for Serena... and for everyone tomorrow." She agreed, slightly squeesing Niald's hand. She was horrified about going in front of so many people. What would happen? Surely not an entire kingdom would revolt... She hoped that wouldn't happen, but she also hoped that poor Serena wasn't going to have to endure Robert any longer than a second!

Theresa shook her head, smiling sadly at Jorga... "Nonsense... your children love you. And Claire- is a brave, to have shouldered this much alone... She..... told me nothing, sire. I see her dreams some times. They've not been pleasant in a long while. Nor Melise's.. She understands I am not prying, but that I slip sometimes into others' dreams. I don't understand how or why. Other times, the dreams are dark and quiet, but I learn a lot from dreams." She shrugged her narrow shoulders, she never was good at explaining her talents. "As for the deaths of the villagers- I am so sorry, that so many of them had been tormenting your family. The reason Claire does not seek help, is that she's too aware of the many burdens you have on your shoulders. The stress of ruling is not easy, and she never wanted to be the person that drove anyone to believe she was incapable of handling her own problems. She stored the notes and the death threat letters in her closet, in a black box for a long time... It's ... her arms I'm afraid that make me more worried." There. She'd let out her concerns about Claire. She'd worried greatly for the princess growing up with so many people being hateful to her, she hoped this would help King Jorga not feel like a failure, but to understand his daughter a bit more.
Rook grinned at her pout, "Yes it is proper and I do try to be proper whenever possible. I find it is keeping me out of trouble." He winked and walked with her. "Once I know where your room is I can tell you where mine is I hope." He looked at her sideways, "I was only there once and only briefly earlier today. I hope I can find it again. I would hate to bother the sweet woman who led me there. She seemed a bit overworked." He didn't want to admit that he wasn't at all sure where his room was, he was praying something would look familiar as they went.

Naild squeezed her hand in return, "We should have no trouble." he assured her, "But I am worried about some of our friends. Prince Rook, Caden...Chastianna..." he sighed. He could tell that the color of someone's core mean nothing. there were good and bad people in every core color, and he had seen if first hand in all the color cores he was aware of....so he was prepared to speak to that if given the opportunity. "I'll call on my friends to help us if need be...I don't want any of our friends to be victimized."

He listened and lifted a brow, "I hate to think what I have been dreaming, I do not usually remember them. Melise? Oh, the Oracle...I imagine her dreams are very enlightening if not a bit confusing at times. I think she is kind in not revealing everything she sees and knows." he shrugged, "I know she is brave...possibly too brave. No one can bear this world completely alone, we all need support and encouragement." Even a king. "I'm determined that we shall stand together as one. I intend to offer a choice to every citizen of Malthen Ana tomorrow. They can accept our new family and friends or they can live elsewhere. There is no need for division and hatred, and I...I don't want to see it anymore." His shoulders hunched a bit, "I am so disappointed in my own people..."
Claire grinned as she led Rook right up the stairs to her own room. "It's alright. Look, she's placed us together, yours is right next door. Makes sense.." She said yawning again and swaying lightly on her feet. She almost seemed able to drop right into the doorknob! "Night Rook- thanks again... for everything. And Theresa is definitely overworked. I hope sometimes dad will hire more staff. See you in the morning.." She said, smiling as she went to her own room, holding his hand briefly, then managing to make it to her own bedroom, half asleep before she even made it to her bed!

Rebecca didn't want that either. "I hope we can find solutions that don't anger anyone... but I feel there's just too much prejudiced here for anything to sit well with the people. Many of them may even choose to leave." She added, looking worried. As if King Jorga didn't look stressed out and disappointed enough without that happening. Was there nothing they could do?

Serena had eventually drifted off on the desk, too wound up to sleep in her and Morden's bed, she wanted only to be with Morden! Her family was him, and Niald! Could Robert be vengeful enough to take her back just to see pain and agony on her face once more? Of course he could... but Serena would fight him tooth and nail if he got violent with her!

Jorga's muscles were so tense, she ached to massage those wary shoulders! "I understand that, King Jorga. And it's probably for the best if many of them do leave. We will just have to wait and see what takes place tomorrow. Should you not rest? It will be a very trying day for everyone involved. You especially will need your strength. I could help you to your room if you wish it." She offered, concerned he might fall over from sheer exhaustion!
Rook held her hand as long as she allowed it and then made sure the door was shut tightly behind her before making his way to his own room. Thankfully it was right next door. why had he not realized that before? Shaking his head he let himself into the room and showered before sinking into the soft bed.

Naild nodded, "Maybe...maybe they will have heard what happened earlier today and think better of causing a stir. But that means they will remain and be a continued problem. It may be better if some people leave? Though I hope it doesn't come to that...I would like to think people can hear the truth and recognize it as the truth and change."

Lazar looked up from his book, "Admirable thought young one...I hope it proves to be the case." He had his doubts but miracles could happen. he was hoping those who perished earlier today were the major forces behind the troubles. Most people, he believed, weren't brave on their own but with a good instigator could be worked into a frenzy of bad choices and actions. Hopefully the instigators were gone.

Morden was looking through the third book and listening to the conversation. he was proud of Naild and everything he was saying. He would indeed be a great king one day. He marked his place in the book. "I'm going to go check on Serena...but I'll be back to help you all search the books." He knew they were safe there with Lazar and Xavier so he went back to their room and found Serena hunched over the desk fast asleep. his brow furrowed but he crossed the room and gently lifted her in his arms and laid her on the bed. She never woke, but he took off her shoes and all of her clothes and then tucked her under the covers before leaning in and kissing her brow tenderly, "We will find a way to fix this...I promise you." And then he returned to the library more determined than ever to find a solution.

JOrga sighed, "I might be best but it does not mean I wish it were not so." he sighed when she mentioned sleep. "I should...I doubt I will though." His head shook a bit as he touched the plate of food she'd brought that he hadn't eaten, "My thoughts will not leave me be." she said she would help mhim to his room and he looked at her then and after a moment burst into peals of laughter. He regained control of himself a bit later and shaking his head and wiping laughter from his eyes he stood and rounded the desk, "My dear elf...you are sweet but if you tried to help me anywhere it would be dangerous. If I should fall on you...well...I am not certain any healer would be able to put you back to rights." He reached for her hand then and lifted it to kiss her knuckles in a most charming manner, "Thank you for listening, and for caring. You should find rest as well. You look a bit weary yourself." he held her hand still and urged her to stand, "Rest well. I will no doubt see you tomorrow."
Claire slept the best rest she'd honestly had in ages... and it was all because Rook was the main person in her dreams. She would definitely feel alright tomorrow, no matter what took place. She would be sure to defend her friends and family no matter who started their b.s....

Rebecca unfortunately, did her best to keep her eyes open and continue reading. But the lines despite her bookmarks, were blurring. Pages started running together and making NO sense whatsoever to her. She didn't want to get up or go to her room, but before she knew it, her eyes were closed and her head soon hit the book she was reading and she was pretty much unconscious. She had studied five or six solid hours straight and couldn't even think right at that moment.

Serena didn't feel herself moved or undressed, or even tucked into bed! But she sleep talked sometimes when her mind was vastly overwhelmed.."Can't...fix... hopeless...will hurt him though..." She said, too tired to make complete sense, yet trying to reassure Morden she wouldn't go without a fight! She had a feeling it would end badly though, and tears were streaming down her face anyway,.... no one could reassure her.~

Theresa just smiled as Jorga laughed at the thought of her helping -him- to his room! For a moment she'd hoped his mind had gone to the gutter- like her's clearly had! But no need to inform him of this when he simply feared leaning on her would crush her small size. She agreed, and bade him goodnight.. "Don't fear, King Jorga. I'm sure tomorrow will be fine.." She said, then took his dishes and glass away, both emptied. Good. She saw herself out of the office with a curtsy, and returned to the kitchen to continue cleaning it- until her eyes were so wary she couldn't do much else besides dry and put away dishes, then find her own way back to her room. She was still fighting off sleep however... She sensed she'd be pulled into someone's tonight...
The night passed, Naild too had fallen asleep with his hand in Rebecca's head lying on his elbow on the table next to her book.

Morden didn't sleep at all nor did Lazar. Both kept pouring over their books until the sun crept through the windows alerting them that the new day was already upon them. LAzar looked up at it and frowned. "I'm sure we will find something." he said to Morden.

"I hope you're right. But...I have no intention of handing my wife over to anyone."

Jorga made it to his room but sat in the bed all night troubled. he didn't like all the uncertainty surrounding this meeting with the people. he usually felt assured and confident in himself and in them, but that illusion of unity was not gone, shattered into a million little pieces and mocking him at every turn of the hour. Things would get back to right though, he'd see to it.

Rook rose early and primped himself up a bit, actually taking the time to comb his slightly curly hair. He wore the more formal attire in the wardrobe feeling it necessary to present his best when he appeared before the people with the King. To do otherwise seemed like a gross insult to him and to them as well. He left his room and tapped on Claire's door, not sure she'd be awake, but thinking maybe she would be hungry.

Naild felt the light warming him and squinted and then sat up rolling his shoulders and stretching. He frowned seeing Rebecca asleep on the book. He looked at Morden and Lazar though and lifted a brow, "Have you both been up all night?"

Lazar nodded, "We have...I would say we could ask Theresa to bring food here but she has a strict no food in the library policy. Plus I hate putting the dear thing to more work."

Morden sighed, "I hate to admit it but my eyes need a break, and I am hungry. Let me go check on your mother again and see if she wants to join us." He left them marking his place before he did so. He made his way back to their room and moved over to the bed and sat down, brushing the hair back from her face, "Good morning Love," he said gently as he bent to kiss her awake.

Xavier was still standing as he was looking alert and rested. "She probably already has breakfast ready...she is like clockwork that one."

Melise woke and smiled at the warmth she felt. It had been so good to have her husband back at her side, and in her bed. How she'd missed his tenderness and strength. Turning in the bed she wrapped herself around him and cuddled close to him, having enjoyed the best night sleep she had been gifted in many years. Not even her visions troubled her last night, and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Caden heard Lauden crying in the little bassinet and rolled off the bed to collect him. "You son is hungry again," he said with a smile as he kissed Lauranna. "Do you want to go to breakfast this morning or have some brought in here?"

Aldin slept well and woke early as was his normal habit, even though below ground as they were, no natural light reached them. He stretched and walked out of his room into the open area of the lab in his pants only to do his morning routine. He'd traveled a lot in his years as an archaeologist and one of the things he'd learned from tibetan monks was martial art meditation. He wanted to have a clear mind and be at ease for today's events so he began with his bare feet upon the cool stone to move in slow movements as he calmed his mind.
Indeed there was a breakfast on the table in the dining hall, and Theresa still had not slept. It was Serena's dreams that tugged at her that night and nope! Nope nope nope. Too many violent memories swirled in her mind. She prepared a feast instead, using all her will power to shield herself from the dreams or sliding into anyone's. She'd made sausages, pancakes, and scrambled eggs, plenty of everything sat in the silver platters on the table, ready and waiting with lids. Meanwhile, after having her own breakfast in the kitchen, went out to tend the rooms that were unoccupied first.

Serena woke, tired and more fatigued as if she hadn't slept! But she felt Morden kiss her and calmed down a bit. "Morning sweetheart..." She said, keeping her fears to herself. She did not want to upset him or anyone that day. She hurriedly changed into a formal gown, a deep green and tamed her hair with a braid. "I'll go to breakfast...don't know if I can eat much though.." She admitted. Her stomach was definitely fluttery and upset that day!

Claire woke up early, and had showered, and changed into a nice gold blouse, with a gold skirt. Nothing too cumbersome in case she ended up having to fight that morning. She found Rook at her door and smiled. "I'm ready to go downstairs.. did you sleep well?" She asked. Her hair was in a pony tail, still long.. "Oh ..crud.. " She stopped. "I need to see Laurana and Caden... I don't want Aldin to investigate- or would it be okay if I waited til after breakfast?" She asked, a bit worried about interrupting their family time!

Nathan smiled down at the beautiful, sleeping woman in his arms, having slept mostly dreamless, if he dreamt he couldn't remember anything being very important. But his stomach growled like a bear and he wondered if she'd eaten anything in a while herself... But he really didn't want to wake her.... This moment -felt- like such a beautiful dream, he was struck with fear a moment, that if he moved wrong, she would disappear again.

Laurana smiled at the sound of her son's hungry wailing! She laughed. "No, we should go downstairs today and see if anyone needs help with anything. I will feed my son now though, so perhaps he won't be such a fussy pants." She teased, bumping noses with Lauden's gently, then letting him feed from her, as she was reassured he'd get the best nourishment this way. Instantly Lauden stopped crying, comforted by his mother's closeness and the milk was good too!

Soon Aria was awake, grumbling about godforsaken early meeting business, she yawned, still in her cat form, and tumbled noisily off the bed, just to ensure Elisar she was awake and getting ready. She took a hasty shower, and wore a bright silvery tunic with matching pants. Screw formal wear- she wasn't royal! She did make sure she was respectable with her face washed, and her long blonde hair brushed out into a pony tail though. She eyed her wrist bands ... her power-trappers, as she called them, and shrugged.. She'd put them back on after the meeting.~

Rebecca was startled awake when she felt Niald's arm move. "Oh jeez.... did we find anything?" She asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She hadn't been much help!
Jorga was down to the dining room early and saw her flitting about and he lifted a brow, "Did you sleep?" he asked her clearly seeing she had not. "What are we going to do with you? Disobeying a direct order from the king?"

Morden nodded, "I am sure...there is too much going on for you to be easy, but you have allies." he smiled and kissed her again. "Rebecca, Lazar and I have been combing through law books all night looking for a solution. I am sure we will find one." He helped her sit up, "Why don't we shower and make our way to breakfast then?"

Rook tipped his head, "You look beautiful." and then she was speaking of Caden and he grinned, "I am very sure one of them will be at breakfast, but their rooms are just there across the hall. Did you not hear the wee one crying in the middle of the night?"

Melise opened her unseeing eyes and smiled, "Good morning my handsome husband." She said and pressed closer to him. "I had forgotten how well I slept with you beside me." She heard his stomach and chuckled, "I see some things do not change. You always did wake up hungry. I am sure Theresa already has breakfast ready if you want to go down and eat with the family." Part of her wanted to stay here and have him all to herself but this was not the day for that. "There will be much happening today. We both need to eat."

Caden nodded, "Good..I am surprised people haven't come looking for us before now to fuss over the baby." He moved naked to the wardrobe cabinet and pulled out a pair of black pants and a white shirt and pulled them over his body. He looked over at them and smiled, "You look so perfect there together, though I am a bit jealous of his time there on your breast, but I will suffer through it." He winked.

Naild shurgged, "I was moral support."

Lazar shook his head, "Not yet but we will. We need to get something to eat though and prepare for the meeting and then we can return to the books. I will continue to help."
Theresa smiled sheepishly at King Jorga... "It wasn't intentional, sire... I felt dreams of other's trying to drag me inside... and I simply... stopped it from happening. I'd never directly disobey you. I did rest and meditate a while though. I am fine, I promise." She said to assure him. "As for what to do with me however, sometimes I am at a loss for that." She half teased.

Serena managed a small smile, and definitely was okay with dragging Morden into the shower with her! "Thank you, Morden.. I am sorry if a lot of you stayed up all night researching.. I hope everyone can get a good rest after this morning." She said, feeling a bit better as she washed in the shower with her husband. She didn't want to be apart from him any longer than she'd have to!

Claire thunked herself on the forehead.. "Actually I was so exhausted a huge dragon could have burnt me to bits and I wouldn't have noticed.." She admitted, then knocked politely on Laurana and Caden's door. Laurana had just finished feeding Lauden, and had dressed in a very pretty purple gown with gold lace at the sleeves and hem. Her hair was brushed and in a bow, and Caden looked nice as always! "Good morning, everyone." She said politely, and then saw Lauden.... He was the most precious little guy she'd ever seen! Aside from her own brother she'd never really met... "He's beautiful... do you have a name for him?" Claire asked, stepping into the room only after she had permission. "Yes. Caden suggested both our names-- so it's Lauden. It's definitely original. How're you feeling Claire?" Laurana asked, keeping her child in her arms. "Oh- just fine, really. A lot better thanks to Rook and the support of my family... I was also reminded ...sternly ordered- by Aldin to see if my arms could be healed before I lost the use of my fingers or wrists.... only if it won't slow anything down... and I don't want you to drain yourselves on my behalf- so I could find someone else, if it's too much to ask." Laurana laughed. "Jeez Claire...Calm down... it's fine.." She gave Lauden to Caden to hold, while she looked at Claire's arms. "Wow... ..." And then.. "Why?" She asked. Claire flushed.. "Fastest way to summon storms has always been blood.... Sorry... guess it just never bothered me." She added. Laurana tsked, but placed cooling hands on the girl's wounds, and instantly, they healed so well there weren't even any traces of the scars. She took Lauden back from Caden, gently. "Now see to it these arms stay healed, Claire... Alright?" She called out. Claire agreed, and thanked them both, and smiled at Lauden. "He's so cute! If you ever need a baby sitter, -ever- just tell me." She added, and hurried away with Rook towards the breakfast table. She felt a little embarrassed to have bothered them.....

Laurana laughed as Claire hurried off with Rook.. "She's definitely feeling better... As for jealous of a babe on my breast. Hm.. .Well I suppose I could just put you to my other one and you could share that way.." She teased, helping him to finish dressing so they could both head to the breakfast table on time...

Nathan laughed, forgetting how well she remembered his habits. "Well I wasn't about to disturb you at all..." He told her, kissing her forehead as he sat up, brushing his hair neatly, he magically made his clothes more presentable and neat. "I think we both should go eat.... I am sure whatever it is will be good." He said, helping her to her feet. He too, wanted to spend the entire day just in this room with her... but they did need to be there with King Jorga during his speech to show support... and prevent Serena from possibly being kidnapped....

Rebecca nodded, and stood. "I'm going to go get decent first... And then I will be right there..." She added, disappearing to go to her room for a fast change of clothes and a shower.
Jorga was just looking at her skeptically, and then seeing her little smile he huffed, "Forgiven." He wasn't totally sure about her last statement,w as she flirting? Surely not. She wouldn't be interested in an old man like him. He didn't look old necessarily but he sure felt old. He sat at the table, "You will sit and eat with us." It wasn't a request, but more a gentle command.

Morden took her to the bathroom and stripped her out of her clothes and then they bathed together. "No one minded...I think they are all planning to get right back to it after the town meeting." They dressed and made their way to the dining room. "Good morning King Jorga. Theresa," he said with a slight bow of his head.

Caden took the baby and frowned when he saw Claire's arms. That was horrible. Lauden was cooing happily in daddy's arms though and he smiled at him. The healing was done though and he handed the baby back to Lauranna though a bit reluctantly. "We'll see you at breakfast in a few minutes." He looked at his wife and smiled, "Free baby sitting..." he wiggled his brows, "Whatever could we find to do with the baby away?" He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her hair, "I'm starving...wait...we need shoes..." he chuckled and grabbed shoes for each of then and held hers while she slipped her feet in and then slid his feet into his own. "Ok...now we look civilized."

Melise dressed in a lovely white dress that clung to her curves in all the best ways. She tied a golden cord around her waist and then grabbed a golden necklace from the stand. It had thick pieces of gold that array away from her neck like sun rays and it accentuated her light hair and porcelain features. Her feet slid easily into golden sandals and she was ready. Her clothes were all designed with ease of assembly since she could not see hooks or buttons well enough to use them. Her 'sight' allowed her to see a lot but tiny things were bits of fuzz and hazy. "I am ready." she knew things were going to change today, for almost everyone in one way or another and she was prepared to make several statements to that fact once things settled after the meeting.

Naild smirked and decided he should probably at least check to see that he didn't have hair standing straight off his head or some other such embarrassing thing. He changed clothes too while he was getting cleaned up, deciding if he was to meet his 'father' today he wanted to look his best and feel strong and confident when doing so. He wondered how his mom and dad were holding up. He smiled as he realized that he thought of Morden as his dad. Not just his mother's husband but as his dad. He'd been the best kind of support and confidant and Naild knew beyond a shadow of any doubt he could trust him, rely on him and accept counsel from him. Robert may be his father, but Morden was his dad. He waited outside Rebecca's room for her to emerge and smiled, "Lovely as always." when she finally did. He offered his arm, "Shall we go an enjoy breakfast?"

Lazar and Xavier made their way to the dining hall as well and sat, neither looking any worse for having spent the night awake in the library. "Good morning all."