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Claire was fortunate Rook was holding her up, because just then she couldn't breathe, think or react well at all. She felt sick. Her heart ached and guilt crashed her soul. Her core even flickered. "I want to know why." She said just loud enough for the crowds of her tormentors to hear. She reluctantly stepped away from Rook's side, not close enough to get near the throngs of people, but to be answered honestly and fairly. "What is it I have ever done to make all of you despise me as you do? And who's been leaving those explicitly disgusting letters I won't mention a word of?" She added. She'd never want to face another person again if he or she spoke up just then! Then, to her horror, one man did speak up, though he wanted to do more than talk to her. "You always thought you were sooo safe here in the castle. Xavier's one beast of a guard to get past it's true; but we have ways. There's more of us that don't like you than you imagine Claire. You're no princess to us! Should have died with King Jorga's wife and son! Then we never would have had to tolerate a freak of nature like you! Calling down storms is wrong- doesn't matter if it saves crops, there should be a better way than to rely on you!" He added. Her heart fell even further but she didn't faint. That's the last thing she would do.... oops.. Dizziness hit her, but she remained standing. So many. Now she knew what Serena had endured.

Tamsin looked in at the horrific scene in the throne room and almost felt sick. She clutched Lazar's arm. "What were they thinking, having Claire stand there while the villagers all confessed? She can't handle that... She's already a deathly gray..." She tried to get closer to Claire and Rook while her father sliced someone neatly in two! She wasn't sure -she- could watch much more and not be ill. These were people they'd grown up with their whole lives. And yet Tamsin hadn't been aware of the full severity of the nature of people in her own kingdom. She'd hoped they'd eventually warm up to Claire or at least be decent, civilized people. Apparently not so much...

Jasmine shook her head. "Nah, they might need help later in rounding up the prisoners. I hope Xavier shows none of them any mercy... Claire certainly hasn't seen much of it.. it's too much like what happened in the Gle-- Varen.. you don't think any of the people are some sort of ...possessed maybe? Or under a spell?" why that thought crossed her mind she didn't know, but she found herself wanting to go in there.~

Geneology, Family history of the Golden Fae. "King Jorga's Family history... Here we go." She pulled the immensely heavy book from the shelf- really it was on the first shelf, how easy was that? "Its weird I agree- I feel like I know things I shouldn't about this place. Like random memories." She said with a blink.

Laurana agreed. "Hey- do you hear something kind of faint..? People yelling?" She asked, sitting up a little straighter, feeding her son until he was asleep in her arms again. She patted him gently, still cradling him. "Sounds definitely like yelling and anger...." She added worriedly... "We're not being invaded by villagers I hope?"
Rook wasn't sure it would help but he took a step forward to support Claire and feed her core more energy. His voice whispered softly, "You are doing great. Do not let their words affect your heart. They are faulty not you." His hand lightly touched her back, but could not be seen by the people. He was however prepared to catch her if need be.

Jorga went to the man who spoke then and placed his angry face a mere inch from the obstinate villager, "The Glen decides what gifts to give and none of you have a right to question it or look down upon it. Claire's abilities have saved us many times over you worthless excuse for a man." Again his sword ran through a man who stood without the power to move and bled out all over the floor.

Xavier held his control over the people without so much as breaking a sweat but he was barely holding his rage in check. Had he ever felt such disrespect and outright defiance aimed at him in his life? He could not remember a time, and he didn't like it one little bit. "Sire...release me and allow me to act."

Varen shook his head, "I doubt it...possibly they will need help cleaning up bodies, but I doubt any of these people will be escaping."

Lazar moved with Tamsin, even though he saw Jasmine arrive with her man. His arm circled around Tamsin's waist and pulled her close to his side. "Let your father deal with this. he needs to be the one to show everyone he is not to be trifled with...it is important for him to establish his power and authority. He IS the rightful king and they need to respect that."

Naild nodded, "I feel like I've been here before...but that cannot be. I've been living with my mother and hiding in the caves from the Douglas for almost all my life."

Caden tipped his head. "I do, but I am not going to leave the two of you here unprotected." He wasn't sure what was going on, but no one was going to get into this room and harm his family.
Claire was about to turn and thank Rook, when a sudden sizzle of energy made the hair stand up on her arms, and back of the neck! She winced, as the atmospheric pressure gathered right there in the throne room.. "Father, Xavier, be careful. You too, Rook..." She called out to them, hoping they'd not be harmed! But she heard the sky's thunderous voice inside her mind.. <Indeed child, we granted you these special powers, To save and to nourish others. But not these worthless peons. They are to trouble you no more! We're glad your family and these good people are around you- but Claire, we give you this choice. > Suddenly, she was moved slightly back, away from Rook and everyone else! Storm clouds gathered right there in the throne room, much to her own intense surprise. She wasn't bleeding that she knew- anywhere from her arms; but it was happening on its own just the same.. She was surrounded the next second in a vortex like space- a cloud silvery and grey with thunder rumbling inside and out, simply trapped her in it and lifted her off the floor. She couldn't move away, couldn't escape it. <We would never force one of our blessed, to stay here among such hideous rabble; they defy you and disrespect you so frequently we fear you may be harmed when everyone's back is turned. And please know we will not allow that.> The storm clouds in the room suddenly shot several bolts of black and blue lightning into the crowd of people-they didn't touch her family or Xavier or Rook, but they disintegrated the crowd of hateful people completely into ash! <Do you want to remain here, Claire? On this world that has shown so little mercy...? Or would you rather we take you up right now to join your mother and brother and others you've known and lost?> Claire's eyes were huge at such a choice.. But, now the people who'd taunted her were nothing more than ashes, and she was certain her life would be a lot better if she stayed... "Thank you..skies,... But far be it for me to throw my life away, just because of bullies. You've obliterated them.. I'm sorry their hearts could not be changed. I will stay..." She told the clouds that kept gathering and darkening. The atmosphere slowly lightened, slowly the sky left the palace. The vortex trapping Claire put her back down, but she was still charged with a lot of after-shocks. The day had gone so strangely that, she felt dizzy. <We love you, Claire...> The skies then said, as they went back to normal! And she replied she loved them too... then fell over, completely blacked out from shock.~

Tamsin definitely pulled Lazar back away from the clouds! She knew the skies were taking over, Claire's powers weren't activated, the sky was literally standing up for her and protecting her! She'd never seen anything like it before and was completely awed. When her and Lazar's hair and clothes smoothed back down, she saw all of the tormentors turned into dust. "I don't think she'll be bothered much from now on." She said, then hurried over to Claire. She looked at Rook. "Here, take my cape, and carry her back to her room- she isn't really touchable yet.. Just... stay with her..." Tamsin said, handing the dark fae man her cape.

Rebecca nodded, as had she! "Yeah... wonder what we'll learn in here though..." She flipped open the book ontop of the table,brushing dust gently off the pages as she leaned over to read the words, hoping they'd find at least a few answers.

Jasmine shook her head. "Nope. They're good. I can sense the people are all ashes now- the bad ones that is..." She said, not sure how she knew, but they'd only go in and clean the ashes up in a little while.

Lauranna nodded in agreement.. "Yeah, I'm still stiff... but I think I should shower... Caden, will you hold Lauden for me?" She asked sweetly, sitting up slowly. She could move... sort of.~
Rook accepted the cape and wrapped Claire in it, gently lifting her in his arms. "I will stay with her and see she eats and is recovered." He promised to both Tamsin and Jorga.

Jorga nodded having witnessed something he'd never seen in all his days. "Thank you Prince Rook," he said still in shock and feeling a bit sizzled from the electrical energy the sky had filled the room with. "Your assistance is greatly appreciated." He looked at the piles of ash, one for each of the people who had been standing there and frowned at the number of them. Yes there were many more people in Malthen Ana but this was about one fifth of them. He steeled his resolve for the next day's ultimatum even more. This would not be tolerated in his kingdom.

Lazar watched with awe as the sky defended Claire. He smiled as the rightful defender took over and assured its recipient of its love and care. "That should help Claire feel loved and accepted." he said to Tamsin. He looked over at the centaurs and sighed, "I suppose I should make things right now..." He looked at Tamsin, "I will accept whatever fate she deems fitting, but before I do." His took her elbows in his strong hands, "Know that I have been in love with you since first I saw you. I do not deserve you, never have and never will, but I could not face death without telling you how I felt about you." He kissed her then even though they were in full view of everyone and then made his way to Jasmine. "Excuse me...I wonder if you would allow me the honor of a word with you in private?"

Xavier felt all the connection instantly sever and felt a searing pain slice through his mind like a white hot poke. He let out a roar of pain and bent as his hands clenched to both sides of his head. His nose was bleeding and had a metallic taste in his mouth but the sensation eased after a few minutes.

Jorga went to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you well?"

Xavier was finally able to straighten, "Yes, Sir...I am fine."

"You are not a good liar."

"My head feels like it would like to split in two, but I will be fine." he didn't usually talk about his own personal pain. His powers were great but they had a price, and that price was nearly constant pain. he was used to it and usually it didn't phase him. But this was not a normal thing that had just happened. "I am ready to accept my punishment now. I failed you and the princess."

Jorga shook his head, "You always do your best Xavier. None of us saw this..." He didn't think anyone had. If he knew Tamsin knew he'd be very upset with her for not telling him. "Just be ready for tomorrow. Perhaps it will go better with these out of the way. Hopefully these were the instigators."

Naild looked at the book too and saw Rebecca's name instantly. "There you are..." he said, "And Gavin..." He didn't expect to find his name in Jorga's look since he didn't believe for a second he was a royal. "I wonder if there's another book? One for commoners?" His powers hadn't convinced him that he was royal. The only ones with strong powers were royals, but he still thought of himself as just Naild.

Caden moved to the bed and scooped the baby into his hands, "I would be happy to." He lifted Lauden up and patted his bottom only to be thrown up all over himself. He chuckled and looked at Lauranna, "Well...once you are finished in there it will be my turn."
Claire looked worse than before after the sky had put her down. Her arms were nearly -black- under the wrappings. But she did wake up while Rook held her and saw Xavier's nose was bleeding. She thanked him in the only way she could, by using her new healing powers and lightly touching his shoulder. The bleeding stopped, and his pain would fade in a moment. "You were fantastic.. you and dad both helped make it right. Thanks..." She told him, then went back to a deep sleep. The whole day had been one big long close call. But she knew she would just sleep it off, and probably wake up feeling better than she had in a long time. And thanks Rook... you're always so brave." She said to him as he carried her.

Tamsin smiled sadly at Lazar, seeing Jasmine and Varen were already here. Jasmine had used her air magic to shove the ashes back out an open window, letting them soar far from the palace grounds. Soon there wasn't even a speck of dust left behind. She saw Claire being carried up by Rook and smiled. "Impressive. Never did see such reaction from the skies before.." She said to Varen. Then a man approached her. And asked to speak with her alone. She looked at Varen, then at the man before her. It was no other than the one her dreams had shown her! She sighed, feeling older and more sad than she had in ages, all light and hope gone from her eyes now. She would have liked very much, if Varen could have walked with her out of there with this guy. . .but she'd known for a long time now she had needed answers, to help herself know her parents' souls might at least be at peace. "I know it's you... We'll go outside and talk." Jasmine said, her eyes a bit colder and more distant. No one had ever seen her this sad before, except Varen... but he couldn't possibly help in this matter. No one could.~

Rebecca turned a few more pages, finding her mother's sad tale, and saddening instantly at her losses. "Sure, I'll go see if there's one close to the same she-" She shook her head as more memories of the library came back for whatever reason. "Nope. Fifth level. Be right back." She went up the golden carpeted stair case, following it, until her feet found the right books. She pulled down at least three, before carrying them back to the table. Hopefully they'd find something here as well.

Laurana couldn't help out the gale of laughter as her new born son barfed all over dad! "Lucky you I feel magically charged again..." She was trying to keep a straight face as she magically cleaned up Caden and her baby both at the same time, still shaking her head at the two of them as she took off her hospital gown and took a long, hot shower, her sore muscles relaxing finally as she cleaned herself thoroughly. That son of theirs was going to be a comedian!
Rook paused while she spoke to Xavier and touched his shoulder. He felt magic leave her so he filled her core up again and then carried her to her room and gently laid her on the bed and covered her in soft blankets. "Only compared to some. Rest now...I will be here when you wake up." He pulled a chair up close to the bed and held her hand.

Xavier nodded to Claire and to Rook. That one certainly didn't act like an evil dark fae. In fact he'd never met a kinder soul, ever. He suddenly realized he was standing in the throne room in a tattered shirt with a bare chest. "I...should clean up..."

Jorga laughed, "I wondered when you would come down from the rage to notice you were not your normal pin perfect self."

Xavier sucked in a breath, "It has been a very long time since I was that angry. It is not a good thing for me to be that way. I cannot always control the rage at that level."

Jorga patted his bicep, "You are stronger than you know. Clean up, it will soon be time for dinner if we have not already missed it." He wondered if the little elf woman was having to work extra because of all this nonsense, and for the first time felt guilty that a staff member was being inconvenienced.

Lazar looked shocked that she recognized him in the glamour but he shook his head, "Xavier will have our heads if we go outside, "If you will follow me."

Varen frowned, "Will you be ok Jasmine?"

Lazar looked at the man, "You are welcome to come...I will have nothing to hide from either of you." He led them into the same room he had just been in with Tamsin and shut the door behind them. He took the wand from his pocket once more and let the glamour spell fall and his true self, the human with dark hair now stood before her. "I am very sure this is the image you remember." His eyes were hollow and dark and full of grief as he looked at her. He'd seen those eyes a million times in dreams and nightmares and now they were real and searching him. He related the entire story as he had told Tamsin a few minutes before. "I know that no manner of atonement by me can make up for what you lost. I wish, a million times I have wished I had allowed that man to kill me, but I was weak and young and stupid." It pained him to know where her parents were, where their physical forms were at least. He liked to believe their souls were in a better place. "I am ready to accept whatever form of punishment you deem just for my crime. I am tired of hiding and pretending to be something I am not."

Naild couldn't have known where in the stacks to go, but he oddly felt comfortable here. When Rebecca returned with another book he set it down adn it fell open to a page not in the middle but a little past it. He made a face and looked and there was his name. His mother's name. His Father's name. "Hey...." he said as he ran his hand over the letters and the names. "Look...there is no date of death next to my father's name..."

Caden smirked at her, "You planned that." he accused, "Fed him up and handed him off for the barfing." he let her clean them up and then whistled when she stripped out of her hospital gown, "Sexy Momma..." he said and then began to coo and sing to their son.
Claire slept a better part of the day and night away, exhausted from shock and despair, but now hope had a hold on her too, and at least she had no nightmares. "Thank you..again. I would not have done this or withstood this... without you, Rook.. " She said, still asleep, but talking as her consciousness resurfaced gradually. The electricity was soon fading from her and she felt more chilled, even with the cape wrapped around her.~

Tamsin thought about telling her father and Xavier about the distress of Jasmine being caused by Lazar, years ago, but silently shook her head as she went to go freshen up in her own room to get ready for supper. She'd seen alot of tragedy, and showered away the events of today. The way the sky held Claire though- her sister had been given the highest of honors- to be given such a choice as whether or not to stay or go! She changed into a clean outfit and tamed her wild red-gold hair as best she could. She only hoped Jasmine wouldn't kill Lazar... but again, the choice was rightfully hers, since he did take her parents from her. But she truly did feel like Lazar had made up for such a crime. . .

Jasmine felt tears well in her eyes, right down her face as she stood by Varen, listening to Lazar tell her she'd killed her parents...."Are you still evil?" She asked. She couldn't condone his actions of course. Never! But listening to how her parents lives ended,... well at least she knew now she couldn't keep searching for them as she had so many years ago. Despair and hardships had tempered Jasmine's heart- as had Varen himself. He was her family now, and holding his hand tightly, he was also her grounding-stone. She didn't attack or even act unruly. She simply mourned her parents' loss over again. She studied the man. No.. not evil. She scratched the ground with her hoof softly.... If he was evil he could have ended her too. "Just tell me you have a good, wholesome life now...and I won't do or say anything." She said, though her heart was breaking in her chest.

Rebecca's eyes widened, and she quickly scanned them over.. "Oh .... what if he's alive? Somewhere here in this place?" She asked, breathlessly.. Oh dear.. what would poor Serena think? She knew Serena was madly in love with Morden- but would she ever go back to Robert if she had that choice?

She laughed again at Caden's cat calling, then went to the closet and found a simple pale pink blouse with a matching pale pink skirt with silvery threads sewn in. She had no desire for shoes, so she simply put on socks and brushed out her hair, tying it up in a pony tail. "And super handsome dad.. Your turn to shower if you want to. Hopefully Lauden is done barfing." She teased. The baby just cooed innocently at them both.~

Theresa meanwhile, had indeed taken her own supper in the kitchen, but she was very-used to that. Long hours of work meant not so many nightmares at night; so she had to push herself -that- much harder. No one knew she was a dream-watcher of the involuntary kind. She tried her best especially to keep away from the Oracle's dreams and the royal family's. She gave the family a few more moments, then went to announce supper was ready to King Jorga and Xavier in the throne room. She'd heard a commotion, but it wasn't her place to ask, so she politely went back to keeping the remainder of the stew on a low burn, perching on the kitchen stool, she ate quietly, cleaned the kitchen spotlessly, and then waited around a bit more, wondering if she should go knock on doors upstairs, or let everyone rest. She decided to let the families rest, and simply put everything back, and kept it ready in the fridge. Anyone was welcome in the kitchen for snacks or late night dinners really. She wasn't fussy, and things happened often. She was getting a bit tired as the hour grew late however, and knew she'd have to retire to her room eventually. Weirdly, she hadn't seen hardly a soul around for most of the day.
Rook heard her and lifted up his head to look and be sure she was ok. Her words brought a smile to his lips but he noticed her shivering and pulled the blankets up and over her and tucked them in around her. "I am happy to have been here for you Claire. Thank you for trusting me." He felt like her trust was an amazing gift especially since he was a dark fae and they had all been taught to hate his kind. He was glad it wasn't the entire city that was against her, but still that had been quite a crowd. His heart ached for her, but he was glad things were out in the open and that her father had been able to show her how much he cares.

Lazar lifted his eyes to look at her, "I know I must have seemed evil to you, but I wasn't. I was young, stupid and in debt to a murderous loan shark. i never gambled after that day. I heal people, and teach. I have lived here for many years and ..I can humbly say I am somewhat respected." She said she wouldn't say or do anything, "I will though. I am going to tell the King who I am. My soul cannot take these lies any longer. If I am to be accepted and admired I would like it to be for me not some masked version of me." He looked at them both, "I am truly sorry...I have relived that moment a million times and woke screaming and crying in the night. I know that is little comfort, but I have not gone unpunished all this time." The wand flicked again and the golden fae was once more before them. I go now to speak to the king." he left them and found the King and Xavier. "Please...may I speak with you both?"

Jorga nodded, "Of course Lazar." Xavier nodded and followed both into the King's office.

Lazar reached behind them and closed the door, making both men looked at him with worry etched on their faces. "Forgive me," he said seeing their faces, "I do not mean to alarm you after the day you have both been through. However, it seems my past has finally found me and I have confessed to the injured party and she has graciously accepted my confession without feeling the need to punish me. I allow you the same opportunity now." He lifted the wand from his pocket and tapped his palm. The glamour spell fell and the human wizard stood before them. "I am not a golden fae. I am a human wizard. I arrived here quite by mistake and after the biggest mistake of my life." He continued to relate the tale about his debt and Jasmine's parents and then stood before them. "I am tired Sire. I do not want to hide any longer. I will continue to serve as I always have, if you will allow me. I will understand if you feel the need to banish me or no longer trust me."

Jorga watched all of this and was so shocked he could not speak for a full five minutes after Lazar finished. "There have been so many things going on here that I knew nothing of before today, and I am frankly puzzled and confused. Am I so difficult to approach? Am I not trust worthy? Am I such a tyrant that even my own daughter feared to tell me the horrible things that were being done to her?"

Lazar shook his head, "none of those things Sire. I feared the people. It didn't take me long to notice how they treated those unlike themselves. The glamour spell is simple and so I chose that ruse. nothing else about my being here has been false."

Xavier lifted a brow and tipped his head. A week ago he would have the man in chains by now, but this day had changed him forever. "Be who you are Lazar. If she has forgiven you. I have nothing to forgive or hold against you."

Jorga nodded, "I will present you with the others tomorrow. We will have unity and acceptance after tomorrow...I will not accept anything else."

Naild shrugged, "I don't know. It doesn't say anything here except that the whole family left on a journey but never returned." He had no idea what would happen if his father was alive. He knew his mother needed Morden and he her. But, what had his father been doing all this time? Had he been looking for them? was he alive? "I wonder if the Oracle would know?"

Caden felt a bit stiff and once he handed Lauden back to his wife he bent to kiss each. "yes, two very handsome gents at your beck and call my dear." he grinned, "He's so perfect...look at his little feet and hands..." he said fascinated by him. He pulled his shirt over his head, "I need a shower though. It's been a long few days...I will be right back."
Claire slept deeply and her energy levels were soon restored. Her hair was a bit brighter than normal, and when she saw a few strands, she sat up right, a little surprised. The lightning bolts were all there, but instead of the usual coloring as the rest of her hair, these were bright gold. And she felt different. She had a new power, she knew that much; but she wasn't sure what exactly and was a little too afraid to find out just then. She had also never found her father untrustworthy- and she would have gladly pointed out she was a big coward during those years of being bullied- but it was over and done now. . .She hoped. She smiled as she saw Rook was still with her. "You're very brave, Rook.. I think the scene in the throne room today would have sent many people fleeing..." She told him, feeling much better. She hoped he was alright as well.

Jasmine was sure she'd never be really happy again in a long, long while. But mostly, as she listened to Lazar and the King and Xavier discuss things, she was okay with the turn out and simply left without a word on her pale, haunted face. Her childhood had flat out sucked after she lost her mom and dad. She'd traveled for hundreds of countless miles, searching through the ocean cliffs, the mountains, even the vast plains. But now that they were in Malthen Ana, she felt too, everyone deserved chances. It was her own self she could never forgive again. Now that Lazar was established and a good man, she really didn't consider him bad. But words failed her that day. Her broken heart lead her back to her and Varen's place where she remained, unaware of much around her but her memories. She wondered how she was going to work through the pain and just hoped the military was an active place. She did better when there were plenty of things to do. She hoped wherever her parents were- they too would forgive her for turning her back for even a split second....~

Rebecca's eyes were full of shock and surprise..."I think she would. .. Let's go find her and Nathan? I don't think they'd mind us asking questions. Your mom.. What if she's had her memory wiped before? Like.. even before Helena's attack kind of wipe? Like Nathan's?" She asked, working out the puzzle slowly in her head. She didn't know much else of what could have happened, but it would be good to find out- at least for Niald's sake..

Laurana chuckled, and dressed their handsome son in a clean diaper and a small shirt for him. His eyes were really intense though. Almost old eyes, when you looked closer. "So my little prince. You have quite a destiny it seems. I hope you do better with yours than your mom did.." She said with a sigh, touching his little hand lightly with her finger. She couldn't believe yet that she hadn't failed the Glen in some way. Or failed her people. She was no queen. She was now simply Laurana. She wondered what she would do once she recovered from giving birth. She wouldn't mind helping in the kitchen, or something menial of that sort.~
Rook looked at her checking for signs of fatigue or pain, but she seemed rested and calm. "It was a little worse when the entire village was in Caden's throne room. Those people could still move, but Xavier's control over your enemies made it much easier to be brave." He smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "However, I would have stood with you in any case and even took my dragon form to protect if it had been necessary." He wasn't afraid of much, certainly not dying. He'd lived a long and painfully poignant kind of existence. There were worse ways to go out of this life into the next, and he'd face a few of them at his own mother's hands. "I have been thinking as you slept. Today may make things go much more smoothly tomorrow when your father tells everyone about us, and his plans for unity and acceptance. Things like this usually have a root, a few people who keep the fire and ignorance aflame in others who would otherwise see reason. I am hopeful that the root has been cut off and the the others will not cause so much of a scene."

Varen saw that look in Jasmine's eyes and let her go back to their rooms alone. He knew she needed a little time to sort through all of this and accept the truth and let it settle. He believed she was still harboring some hope that her parents might still be alive somewhere and that hope had been irrevocably taken from her just now. He waited outside the office to see the outcome of the wizard's confession. So they seemed to all be in agreement, that the man should live as himself and not hide himself behind a disguise. he had to agree. He wouldn't be the only human among the refugees anyway. Aldin was human, though he now had magical abilities as well. They would not enjoy the longevity of the others, but they should not have to hide who or what they are in this place. He was proud of Jasmine for her forgiveness of the man, who seemed more tormented by the event than Jasmine, and he hadn't believed that could be possible. He made eye contact with Xavier and bowed his head and then made his way back to Jasmine. He quietly entered the room and moved beside her wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close, "I am so proud of you. Never have I seen a greater show of strength and courage..."

Melise and Nathan were talking and sharing thoughts and filling in missing pieces when she lifted a brow, "Young ones are coming." She told him and motioned to the door, "would you let them in? They have pressing matters to discuss."

Naild was just about to knock on the door when Nathan opened it. He stood there holding his hand in the air like a fisted high five sign for a second before he realized what had happened and let it fall. "Um...sir...I was wondering...well we were wondering...if we might speak to the Oracle." Nathan let them in and they moved toward her. The room was stunning in its opulence, but the woman herself was even moreso. Naild reached out his hand and was shocked when hers met it. "Thank you for seeing us, Oracle."

She smiled, "Please, sit down, both of you. Would you care for some tea?" she asked.

Naild shook his head but then remembered she couldn't see and his cheeks burned with embarrassment, "No thank you." He fidgeted in the seat trying to get comfortable, but it was hard. he was so confused and worried.

Melise looked at the boy and had mercy on him. "Do not worry so young Naild. I do not bite. You ahve come to know the fate of your father, and why you feel wo at home here when you have never been here before...correct?"

Naild blinked, "Um...yes...and ....why is my hair turning a lighter color...and my skin?"

"Ahh...that has begun as well. It is different for every person, so I did not know how quickly your transformation would occur given how long you have been away from the other golden fae." She commented and then smiled, "So to that change first. there is within this city an ancient relic, full of magical power. It is the magical core of the first Golden fae king. His aura fills this place with added power and strength, though very few know of its existnce. When golden fae are near it, their inner core glows brighter, causing their skin to appear lighter and most times this affects the color of their hair as well, though not always. In time you will grow used to the new look of your skin and it will not harm you in any way." She took a breath then, "Now...to the other more distressing thoughts of your mind. You found the place of your family in the genealogy of the golden. Did you realize that book was the direct line from the original king? It has been set aside because none of his heirs have inhabited Malthen Ana for almost two generations. King Jorga's father took the throne when no direct heir was found. The original king had no brothers or sisters so the throne went to the man with the greatest abilities, Jorga's father. Jorga's father though died at the hands of the sisters, along with his wife and son, and he has been a good king in the wake of that disaster, and watching his brother and sister-in-law die of grief at losing their children." Her gaze moved to Rebecca then, "It will do him well to have the two of you back near him. You both look very much like your parents." she looked back to Naild then, "Your father and mother left the golden city on a trip. He had a burning need to see the world he said. His father was against this, seeing he had royal duties and things to learn about ruling and reigning. He would not hear his father though, and said there would be time later to take up his place among the fae. He wanted to enjoy his life while he was young. So he and his new bride left. It nearly crushed his father's heart to let him go, but in the end he knew that to try and force him to stay would create a greater problem. This would have been MANY years before you were conceived...possibly twenty I would think...maybe more." She tipped her head a bit and tapped her fingertip to her knee, "yes more like forty...if you would know more you must allow me to touch your hand."

Naild moved forward and knelt in front of her on the carpet and held out his hand. He was terrified but he wanted to know.

Melise took his hand and held it in both of her own. Her eyes lifted to stare at the wall beyond them as visions began to pass before her eyes. She did not speak for a long time as they flew past and she absorbed the information. At length she patted his hand with her top hand but did not release his. "You are quite a remarkable young man, Naild. what I saw was this...During their travels you were conceived and your mother was delighted and eventually gave birth to you. It so happened when you were but almost a year old, that they were stopped by brigands who promised to spare you and your father in return for your mother. Your father agreed." Her face was hard when she spoke that, but she continued, "Your mother pleaded with them and your father not to separate her from her child, but no one listened to her. Your father placed you in the hollow of a tree and left." Her hand squeezed his and then she continued on, "You were there for hours, lying peacefully asleep before you awoke and were hungry and began crying. This could have meant certain death if any of the predators of the forest had heard or happened upon you. However, you had an amulet that your grandfather had made for your mother. When she found out she was pregnant with you she had it cut in half and she wore half and you wore the other half. The gems were magically connected and when she escaped the men who had taken her she was able to run straight to you. she had expected to find both you and your father, but instead found only you. The men who had taken her had abused her and her mind was a bit fuzzy so she created a plausible story and stumbled her way through the forest until she happened upon a cave and a group of White fae who took her in and nursed her back to health. The rest you likely already know."

Naild was shocked, ashamed of his father's actions, and confused. He pulled the amulet from under his shirt, "So this...was from the first kinf og the fae?" he asked.

Melise smiled, "Yes it was."

Naild looked at it with new eyes. "And...my father?"

Melise sighed, "Is not dead as your mother supposes. He is here, though he is rarely seen. He arrived here after Jorga took the throne with a tale about villains murdering his wife and child and leaving him for dead. Jorga offered him the throne but he flatly refused it."

Naild frowned, "So my mother...is not free to marry Morden then if my father yet lives."

Melise watched the boy and her heart was filled with compassion. "I will speak to the King and see what he believes would be the best course of action. Robert declared her dead, so I am surprised you did not find it so noted in the genealogy book."

Naild shook his head, "I admit, I did not look at my own listing only my father's."

Melise patted his hand again. "I will speak for you to the King. You relax." Her eyes turned to Rebecca then, "So lost daughter of Jorga's brother you worry about your powers. So much worry. Child you will be gray before you are twenty at the rate you are going. Your thoughts about the power are correct, they are driven by your thoughts, and I suppose to some extent by stress. But I believe that stress was only able to overcome your mental control because it was a newly emerging power. You should not continue to have such random things happen. Like all magical things of the fae, the new powers require practice and control. Xavier would be a good teacher as his powers require an excessive amount of control to be tamed." She looked from one to the other, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Naild lifted his eyes, "Can you tell me where my father is?"

Melise shook her head, "Not until I speak to the king. I am sorry."
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Claire looked at Rook in worry for a moment.. "Yes, it was worse at Caden's palace. I was more than safe here in this throne room. But.." She stared at the ground a moment, lost in thought and shame. "I never asked to be born Sky-Chosen, as some people consider it.... but I am glad I am. What happened today only reassures me if it gets too bad here, I can still go with the sky, whenever I feel done with this world. I'm not saying I'm ever going to go that route- but for a long time I had wanted to. I get so tired of being seen as a burden and a troublesome girl. I was never allowed to play with other kids my age, and I'm still... unable to socialize with people. Forty-five people died today Rook- " She held back tears. "And all I wanted..or still sometimes want- is to be considered not a monster. And don't think after father's meeting tomorrow that will happen. Just know I won't let anyone pick up a single rock or throw anything at you or any of the others." She told him, meaning that people would not change. She'd still have more enemies in the long run, but she was prepared to stand her ground because of Rook's bravery.

Jasmine looked at Varen and sighed. "It hurt, hearing everything Varen. I'm glad he's not an evil person. I'm glad he's even found a good life here..." She said, shaking her head. "But then I have myself to blame, Varen. I was a stupid girl back then. So stupid.. Mother told me to go find really pretty shells, we would make necklaces and bracelets with them. But I never looked back once when he had approached!" She was furious with herself now. "If I had... I might have done something! Anything! Even if it meant my dying with them... I could have lived a life without shame and regret and...." she took a deep breath though it hurt her chest to even breathe from the pain. "There's so few of us, Varen, that back then I believed I was near-the last of my kind." Her eyes closed. "I would have been okay with ending my life if I had known they were gone forever that day..." She admitted.

Rebecca sat next to Niald and was absorbed in his incredibly sad story. She had no idea that Robert had been so bad! Or that Serena had gotten so injured that day. Niald was insanely lucky to be alive and so was his mother. When Melise finished the incredibly sad tale and told her she needed to stop panicking about her powers, she agreed she'd calm down and ask Xavier to help train her. Her eyes were still wide though..."If you speak to the king today, Melise- would he possibly help Serena get divorced from Robert? I doubt she'd want to be with him either.... Morden is much nicer to her and Niald.." She added, hoping that could all get resolved quickly. She wasn't entirely too certain on how she'd be that much of a comfort to this turmoil-ridden family, but she would try her best not to be a problem!~
Rook lifted her hand and kissed the top of it, "To always expect the worst is a horrible way to live your life Claire. Believe me, I have done it." There was little else to hope for with Helena as a mother, but his thoughts were sometimes worse than what his mother had done. The anxiety of WAITING for it to happen was crippling and robbed him of any possibility at sane, happy moments. "I know you have been treated badly, and I know what it feels like to want to give up and stop fighting what seems inevitable but...if I had done that when things were dark and my life seemed over...then I would not have met a beautiful golden fae with amazing power over the sky. I would not have seen this golden land of hers, or gained the friends I have gained since leaving the swamp." He looked down at their hands and then back up at her, "And I am very glad of all of it...especially meeting that lady."

Varen listened as she spoke and then her moved so that they were able to look into each other's eyes and his hands lifted to frame her face. "You are not to blame for anything. we cannot foresee things that will happen. We cannot go back and change how we react because we now know the outcome. All we can do is be. We all live in the now, Jasmine. Do not leave me to live back there in the pain. I need you here with me...today...now."

Melise looked at Rebecca, "One does not tell a King what to do, and I could guess at what he may decide but I will not speculate such things." she already knew but she wasn't willing to say that to them yet. Sometimes visions could be altered, so she was not going to speak until it was settled and decided. "If you both would like to wait for me in the library I can speak to him and then find you there."

Naild nodded, "thank you Oracle. That is most kind." he stood then and reached out his hand to Rebecca, "Maybe we can find more to read in the library...some history or find some maps so we will be able to get around without getting lost."

Ellisar took Aldin down to his space beneath the palace, what he called his Lab. "I am so excited to see some of these things you speak of Aldin." he admitted openly. "You may have the pieces I am missing in a few of my inventions." They went down a spiral stone staircase with torched in the walls intermittently to prevent falling. It grew cooler as they wound around them, when finally they opened into a large space full of all manner of contraptions in various states of completion. "Welcome to my paradise." Ellisar said with a broad smile. "there are a few extra rooms down here if you want to be close to everything." he offered, "They do require us to go up for meals, which is a bother but the food is good and usually served punctually."
Claire smiled at Rook and held his hand in hers, admiring the strength he had in is whole body, even his mind and soul seemed stronger than her own! "And I am always glad to have met you, Rook. You changed my perspective on so many things... I just know I can live in my own home without fear anymore... I never knew what being brave really was.. Not... not here." She shrugged, feeling a little idiotic for having worried so damn long for people to stop hating her and worrying about even stepping outside to call storms. She would live her life with Rook and that was that! She'd never abandon him, and he always made her feel so safe, and so much happier.

Jasmine shuddered slightly, knowing Varen was right, as always- she needed to be a strong, centaur soldier female who could lead troops through battles, and who had semi-decent elemental magic, not that she'd been using it much lately. "You're right, Varen...I love you and I'm here now." She assured him, holding his hands in hers. She would put the pain aside, and not focus on it anymore.~

Rebecca agreed. "Of course- anything you can do, Melise, we appreciate. And thank you... for telling us everything. It has helped fill in a lot of gaps." She added, standing. Nathan smiled, and showed them out of the door. Then he looked sad. "Robert was good and kind in Serena's memories of him..." He warned. "She knows nothing I think of this part of her past... I'm worried what will happen when she learns it. And what will happen to my brother." He sighed. "But if you'd like, I'll go with you to King Jorga." He offered solemnly.

Rebecca went back to the library, and just sat down on the chair again, puzzled..."I don't understand why Robert would do such a thing, Niald... but I am sorry so much bad has happened to you and your mother." She said softly.

As Ellisar showed off his lab, a fairy of a different sort- hid in her room, closing it but watching them walk by. She'd no intentions of coming out for even a moment! Her anxious heart beat fast though, upon seeing that new guy walk past. Who was he? Were there more people here? She didn't know what was going on... But she was smaller than most fae- only 5'2 with shoulder-length gold hair, and blue eyes... she was thin; but attractive. Her biggest problem was that she was very timid. Worse than even Theresa, the harried maid she saw flitting about the palace so often. She was uncertain if it was people themselves that scared her- or just that she knew she wouldn't be able to make friends. She was different.... and no one seemed to like that. Her name was Aria.... and Ellisar was a very good friend to her. She stayed where she was by the door, so she wouldn't upset him or the new guy...
Rook smiled, "That makes me very happy to hear. I sometimes wonder. I can be a bit too honest at times, it seems." He always meant his words for good but he was aware that sometimes they were a bit hard to hear. "There is something I would like you to consider...and I know it will be asking a lot." he hesitated but then looked over at her, "Would you allow one of the white fae to heal your arms? I know you have said it is easier to just open the same place, but it seems to me that there has to be an easier way. I think if everyone tries...they can find a way to get the blood required to call the storms without so much damage to you." he tipped his head, "I think maybe the human we brought with us...he may know a away from the human world." He sighed, "I know it is asking a lot, but would you be willing to try?"

Varen leaned closer and kissed her. His lips were soft and tender, "I know the pain will be there, but please...let me help you bear it and be your strength." He pulled her closer and really kissed her then. A soul stirring kiss that stole away his thoughts and hopefully hers as well. He was determined to make her happy, give her a family and begin to rebuild the centaurs. They might be the last, he had no idea, but they were going to do their part to make sure they didn't die without children.

Naild sat too shocked and processing it all. "I can't believe he is alive. he must have thought we would both die when he left us there, but still...why didn't he ever ask the Oracle? We thought of it fast enough." He frowned, "No...he didn't want to know the truth. He wanted to hide here behind his cowardice and lies." he wasn't angry just very disappointed and realizing that the father he'd seen in that other time line was true to the man. Not the hero he'd been told about, but a coward.

Aldin looked around at the things, "This is quite an elaborate set up you have here." he said appreciatively, "I will help where I can, of course and thank you for the offer. I will probably take you up on that." he wasn't really wanting to see Serena and Morden any more than necessary. He was happy for her, and for him, but it was still a little painful to see them holding each other and looking at each other so lovingly. He hoped he'd find someone here, at least there were more people here. Maybe they weren't all married or spoken for...maybe.

Ellisar smiled, "Excellent!" he showed him around the space at all the different projects he was working on at the moment. "I have been trying to get this thing to work...I think in combination with Claire's powers it would be greatly beneficial..." he said of a tallish contraption. "I is supposed to turn wind into power..but it is not working as I had hoped."

Aldin looked at it and then moved a few things and then looked some more, "This gear is too small...and you need a way to store the power...so you can use it later...or are you going to make it move things?"
Claire sighed, unrolling the sleeves of her arms. They were deeply infected, despite the peroxide she kept secretly pouring on them, and certain cuts and gashes appeared almost -blackened- at this point..."I suppose, if I could keep it discreet. No need for my father or anyone else to see what saving crops really looks like. As for that idea of not using my blood to call the storms.. I guess that would be less painful." She gave it more thought. "Yes...I'll try it. Should we go see Ellisar and Aldin now? They're probably in Ellisar's lab." She added. She ran a brush through her hair and tied it higher up, to keep out of the way. "Thank you Rook...I've...never given much thought to how the storms were called, so long as everyone was able to have provisions during long summer droughts..." She said. "The cuts never bothered me really.. I stopped feeling them after I turned 11." Shrugging, she stood up, helping him up as well.

Jasmine embraced Varen closely, her soul absorbing the healing kiss from Varen, and she was gladly kissing him back with equal passion and so much love she felt overwhelmed by it, in a good way. She let the kiss cleanse her of all her bad memories, and her past fears. Varen was truly a wonderful man, and he kept her in the present, where she belonged. Everything else would sort itself out.

Rebecca held Niald's hand in hers, gently while they waited for Melise to return from visiting King Jorga. "Niald. You are brave. You're so brave that I can't keep up with your lack of fear sometimes... I worry that you could do something reckless in the middle of scary things but you've got a good head on your shoulders. You take after your mother far more than your father, and Morden has been a wonderful influence on you both. Don't doubt yourself or anything, okay? Parents in the long run are just people too." She said with a small sigh. She'd like to get to know her father better- as soon as everything was put to order. He seemed like a wonderful king, but with two other daughters, and a chaotic kingdom to run.

Aria sighed, then shut her door, quietly. She wore a black t-shirt and black leggings, with silver wrist-bands on her arms to keep her powers from fluctuating as Ellisar had discovered- panic made her transform into a tiny bird, or sometimes a unicorn and she found herself unable to re-emerge as a human for -days- when panic took hold. Lately things had been pretty calm in the lab, but right now her nerves were on edge... who was that human guy with Ellisar??
Rook stood up with her, "Maybe the sky made you able to summon a storm without blood at all?" he said with a shrug, "But if not...there has to be a way to collect your blood that doesn't mean cutting open your arm. There has to be." he had no idea what it might be, but humans were weirdly clever things. He suppose without magic one had to be very clever to survive life. He couldn't imagine it. They walked together and soon were going down the winding staircase for what seemed like forever. Then he began to hear voices, "Ah we are nearly there." he said as he helped her down the last step and into the room. "There they are," he said motioning to the two.

Ellisar heard a voice and looked over and saw Claire, "CLAIRE!" he smiled in cheerful greeting, "We..well I was just talking about you..." he said waving her over, "I have been working on this wind power machine. I think your storms can create enough wind to power things...and Aldin is helping me." He was happy to tell her and then he made a face, "But surely you aren't here to learn of my invention..."

Naild was surprised by Rebecca's words. "I'm not anything special. I've always been the kid who's just there." He shrugged but kept hold of her hand, "but the Oracle just said my grandfather was the first Golden King. This is a young race of fae then...the White fae go back...to Nathan's great grandfather...I think. I'm pretty sure I remember Caden saying something about that once." And here you are...your uncle is the king of the golden and I guess now all the fae...but I guess he'll be treating you like a daughter now...adopting you like Caden and Lauranna did....because everyone wants to keep you." He looked over at her, "I have never thought of myself as a royal...but maybe I can feel like I am worthy of you now."

Melise waited for the two to leave and then reached up for Nathan's hand, "Coming with me?" she asked as she rose and started for the door. she was at the King's office soon after and tapping lightly, "Do you have a moment?"

Xavier was still there and bowed, "I can leave."

Melise shook her head, "No need. This may concern you as well."

Jorga nodded his head and bade her enter and seeing Nathan waved for him to enter as well. "I always have time for you Oracle, you know this. What can I do for you today? Or is this something you are doing for me? I am never quite certain with you."

Melise grinned, "Today it is a different matter." she moved to sit down. All the men stood when she entered and remained so until she sat. "I have just had an interesting visit from Rebecca and Naild." She began and her unseeing eyes looked directly at Jorga then, "Naild is Robert's son, and Serena is Robert's wife."

Xavier's eyes widened and his nostrol's flared but he made no other reaction to this news.

Jorga frowned, "Are you quite sure?"

Melise gave him a patient look.

"Forgive me, of course you are sure or you would not be here."

"I am sure you realize the problems this creates. For you and for Serena and Morden."

Jorga leaned back in his large chair and tapped a finger to the top of the desk. "For myself, I care not. If the lad wishes to invoke his birthright I will not stop him. If he wished to learn along side me...I will welcome it. None of my own have any desire for the throne and since he is the true heir to Keylen he should be given the chance to claim his birthright." His breath drew in and rushed out in an almost pained way then. "The other...is going to be far more difficult to handle. Robert has the right to claim his wife....should he desire to do so. This is our way. We marry for life. He must be informed, and she must as well."

Xavier was shocked by all of this and was sent then to summon Serena and Morden to the King's office while Melise and Nathan stayed there for moral support.

Xavier went to the room of Morden and knocked loudly on the door. He knew he would be interrupting them, he could feel the energy waves and hear their thoughts, even though he tried not to. He rapped again, since they were ignoring him.

Morden groaned and rolled off the bed and wrapped a robe around himself and pulled open the door, "what is so..." Seeing the big guard though he lifted a brow, "Is something wrong?"

Xavier could not answer that, "The King desires to see you both in his office. I will wait for you to be ready and escort you both there."

Morden frowned and nodded, "We will try to hurry." He went back to the room and gave Serena a puzzled look. "We are summoned to the king's office." He said and went to the bathroom to clean himself up and then dressed quickly allowing her to do the same. He opened the door a little while later and looked at Xavier, "We are ready."

"Follow me please." he said and led them to the others who were still waiting. He opened the door and announced them and then closed the door and stood by it blocking all that was said from anyone outside this room.

Morden held a chair for Serena and then sat next to her. "You wanted to see us?"

Jorga leaned forward in his chair and cleared his throat, "I did." He motioned to Melise, "The Oracle came to me and told me that Rebecca and Naild had come to see her after finding some troubling information in the library." he looked at Serena then, "You are Robert's wife. And naild is Robert's son. Is this correct?"
Claire smiled at Rook and entered the lab, smiling as Eilisar practically bounded up to see her, excited about something he'd created! Well she was always happy to see things. She'd spent a lot of her childhood in the lab, he'd always made the best things! "But that's why I'm here, Ellisar- to see your newest inventions! And to also propose an idea- or maybe challenge would be a better word.. but show me your new invention first?" She said smiling. Anyone would be able to tell she felt more at ease here in the labs with her friends. She greeted Aldin as well, glad he was adjusting and making friends as well.

Nathan stood by Melise as she spoke her troubles to the King. He felt such sorrow for Serena, especially knowing she wouldn't remember any of this- he had to refrain from speaking, though he wanted to ask the king if he could not simply null and void the marriage between her and Robert- since he had abandoned his own wife and son! It didn't seem fair at all..

Rebecca looked in surprise at Niald. "Niald...you weren't just the kid who was always there... You've always been the truest friend, the most loyal person to me I'd ever met. Most people ran away when they met Sheena, they wouldn't keep being friends with me because she scared them away. You were there- but you're a vital part of my life Niald. No matter what bloodline, you'll always be important to me and cherished as I've always loved you." She assured him. "As for being treated like a daughter..." She shook her head... "I'm just the runt of the family. It's okay if I am not noticed by anyone." She added shrugging. Kind of used to it really. And it wasn't going to be her that made herself noticed either. ..

Serena felt worried as she swiftly showered and pulled on a casual but pretty blue dress, and tied her hair in a pony tail after a few brushes. She sat next to Morden, but when she heard Robert's name mentioned... she clutched the arm rests of the chair. "Forgive me, King Jorga, but yes- Niald is the son of Robert and myself. I have not seen Robert however, since the day he died... It was said he died at the hands of the Douglas." She added, her memories had been hazy before that; but even now something else was just not feeling right. Dizzy. That's what she felt hearing Robert's name... always the man's name came back to haunt her like a ghost. She had been with Robert for years. But now he was being spoken about as if he were still alive. "Again- I ask forgiveness for being bold... but what is happening?" She asked. She felt so worried, a dull ache started in the back of her head.~

Aria stared at all of the new people in the lab and started panicking. She took off her power-controller bracelets, put them on the nightstand by her bed, and then flashed- a bright silver color first, then became a tiny blue-and golden humming bird. She used her small beak to pull open the door and chirping spazstically, managed to swoop over Claire's head, and land on Ellisar's shoulder, scolding him quite emphatically! She fluttered around him, darting under his arms, and even zooming over Rook and Aldin's head! She paused mid air and gave a most dramatic chirp ever! She would not go away til she knew it was safe! Then she had the misfortune of zooming right into a friggen wall...and slid down heavily. Graceful Aria.. Real Graceful... she could probably hear all of them laughing at her!
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Aldin smiled at Claire, "A pleasure to see you again and you as well Prince Rook." He wasn't surprised to see the two together, as they seemed to be forming a strong friendship before their group ever left the destroyed palace. She had a challenge for the inventor. That was intriguing, and he was already wondering what it could possibly be.

Ellisar smiled brightly and led her over to the wind machine. "That large part up there....when wind blows it turns and spins this." he said pointing to the next part. He did not name parts, he just built things. If they had technical names he was completely unaware of them and wouldn't care to know anyway. Such formalities would impose themselves into his creative consciousness he felt very sure. "And this will in turn move these gears and they will make other things move. Maybe even create a nice air flow in the palace...wouldn't that be great?"

Aldin had to smile at the man's enthusiasm. He would indeed have ideas for him, not original ones but ones he'd seen and enjoyed before coming here. If they could help life here be better and more bearable, then he was happy to share them."But what was your challenge? I am quite curious."

Naild listened to her and smiled, "How could I not be your friend?" he asked her honestly, "You have always been the kindest and most selfless person I know, even now. and seeing how Sheena treated you, just made me more determined to make sure you knew you were not ever alone. I was always going to be therefor you and I am still here for you." He gave her hand a squeeze, "I have always loved you and always knew we were supposed to be together some day. it's a little harder to wait now after being grown up for that short time, but I am going to wait and be the lucky man that gets to call you his wife." He smiled and shook his head at her comment about being the runt. "I have not doubt the King Jorga will notice you without any effort from you at all...everyone notices you Rebecca...it's impossible not to."

King Jorga listened leaning back in his large chair with his fingers steepled at his chin. When she finished he lowered his hands and leaned forward in the chair again. "Robert is not dead, my dear. He is here." He sighed and looked away from her stricken face for a second to compose himself.

Melise seeing his difficulty turned and spoke. "The King is troubled, and rightly so. You may or may not remember Serena, but Robert is the only son and true heir to the first Golden King Keylen. This would naturally make your son Naild the heir to the throne by birthright."

Jorga piped up then, "I have no issue with relinquishing the throne, or even teaching him under my reign until he is of age. None of my own children have any desire to reign. I would be honored to have the privilege of restoring the rightful line to power."

Morden blinked, "Naild is the rightful heir to this throne?"

Melise nodded, "Indeed he is. And he is a remarkable young man, full of compassion and kindness. He will be a fine king one day." She saw that the king was still having difficulty putting all of the troubles into words so she continued. "The reason you have been called here today is because once Robert has been made aware of your presence he has the right to claim his wife. Fae, as you both know marry for life. If he however chooses to relinquish his rights and abandon the union, then you are free to marry where your heart leads."

Morden blinked. "what?" his chest felt like it was going to explode. "How did he end up here alone? Serena came to us beaten and near starving with a tiny son..."

Melise retold the tale of Robert giving Serena to the brigands to spare his own life, and supposedly that of his son, only to leave the child alone in the hollow of tree. she explained that when he arrived at the palace he told everyone that his wife and son had been murdered by bandits. "I know your mind has not allowed you to remember any of this Serena, and I can well understand why. Xavier can free the memories if you wish it."

Xavier wasn't sure that was a good idea but he would do so if asked. He wasn't a man given to bouts of emotion but these two people clearly loved one another, and for this to be slapped in their faces without any emotion or ceremony made him wonder how they were sitting there without screaming at the injustice of it.

Morden pounded a fist onto the desk, "He left her to die..he has no right to claim her now!"

Jorga sighed, "oh but he does...I am sorry it is so...but this is not something I can change. I will go to him and offer him the choice."

Melise looked at both of them, "Naild and Rebecca are in the library waiting to hear what has been decided here. I am not sure Naild realizes he is the true heir to the throne, but he should be made aware. Perhaps you Morden would be the one to deliver that news." They needed something to do, and getting the focus off of themselves on onto Naild was the best thing for both of them at the moment. She reached over and touched Serena's arm gently and her eyes went wide as she drew back her hand.

Jorga knew that look, "What is it?"

Melise looked at Morden and Serena, "She is with child...MOrden's child."

Jorga blinked. "Excuse me. I will go and speak to Robert. Please find the children in the library and I will join you there." He felt sick to his stomach about this whole mess and he could only hope that for once in his miserable life Robert would do the right and noble thing.

Ellisar blinked at the hummingbird and shook his head, "Aria...calm..." oh dear..."

Aldin went to the tiny bird and with very gentle hands lifted it off the floor and used a fingertip to straighten the feathers of it's wings and be sure there was nothing broken, "Shhh little one....you are safe." his voice was warm and soft and his eyes were calm and kind.

Rook felt the rush of air over his head and was surprise to see the beautiful little hummingbird inside. "Oh how beau....oh my..." He winced seeing the bird fly into the wall and watched as Aldin picked it up and spoke to it like it was a person, but then Ellisar had spoken to it as well. "Your pet seems very upset with you Ellisar."

Ellisar laughed, "Oh that is not my pet, it is a friend. Her name is Aria and she lives down here too. She's not comfortable around people though, so yes she is upset with me. I should have warned her." He looked at Aldin and was surprised he was being so tender with the bird. AND that Aria was allowing him to touch her. She must have really hit the wall hard. "I am sorry Aria...but there is no danger here...please...try to turn back..."
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Claire was excited about such things Ellisar had invented however and told him so! "If you could put one in my room when it's a smaller size, that would be fantastic!" She gazed over at the thudded over Aria-bird and winced. "Anti-people person..shifter? I think she's smart... being wary of people. It's okay Aria; we're friends of Ellisar's.. surely you've seen me before. This is Rook and Aldin. Both good people- very good." She added as Ellisar tried to calm the spaz-bird down. Chirping a bit more, Aria flashed agian, a blinding silvery light and was a fully clothed fae-girl, who immediately hid behind Ellisar's arm.. "Sorry--- I'm Aria.. I don't know you guys so I worried we were under attack." she added, feeling stupider. Claire nodded. "It's okay, I get that.." She assured her. "Ellisar, my idea was- since I have to uh.. well cut myself every time to get the storms down; I wondered if there could be a way to maybe draw out some of my blood for each time I called a storm for the land." She thought a moment and held Rook's hand while Aria watched them a moment, especially studying Aldin! "Also- Rook wanted to try something you might even think is neat- maybe like a dragon saddle type of protection gear... for when we fly into the sky to direct storms? Could that be possible? I'll help of course, anything you require." She added smiling. Aria gradually calmed down, and didn't sense any bad vibes from either person in the lab!

Serena was ash pale as she studied Xavier, knowing full- well he could drag out all the unpleasant memories right out of her blocked mind. Had the brigands magicked her that strongly she couldn't ever remember? What had Robert originally paid them to do to her? "Pregnant? Oh Morden. .. I'm so sorry.. I don't care about the outcome. No matter what it takes, if he does claim me, I will always love you. We were meant for eachother the moment we met. Niald respects you far more than he would his own father...." She fought against tears, her soul bleeding and screaming, but trapped inside. "Xavier... open the memories please.. I want to remember." She said, freezing up inside. She would know everything though. And her being pregnant ....Robert might not even want her! There was some hope still, and she clutched Morden's hand tightly, prepared for the onslaught of memories better left for dead... like perhaps she should have been after all... It seemed she was supposed to accept more terrible sadness and possible abuse, after all the people in the Glenn had caused. But as Alna once said, the past would always viciously come back to haunt everyone sooner or later. It was her turn she supposed... "King Jorga... before the memories hit me. Promise me you'll protect Niald from Robert. If anything happens to me. I'm not saying it will, again. . .but just in case, he probably won't even be interested in the throne either. Just do your best, and I know Morden will still help him...that's all I can ask." She said, then gave up and let Xavier do his memory unlocking.~

Rebecca had a bad feeling as she kept reading. "I look forward to that day, Niald... And yes I still remember you saving me from being thrown out the window. You showed her no mercy that day." She laughed a bit, then frowned. "I'm so worried about Serena...I can't imagine what she is going through or what will happen now." She sighed, feeling anxious that no one had found them yet. She hoped the whole matter was being resolved swiftly! If not, she would look up in all the books she could to find a way to help.~

Even though Aria had indeed thudded against the wall, she was apparently just fine! Total spaz though, obviously. She was okay with just observing a while, then apologized again and returned to her room! Of course she knew she had to come out tomorrow too.. and that made her frown a bit.~
Aldin blinked when the bird flew away and then turned into a beautiful woman. His eyes widened and he tried not to stare but it was impossible. He shook himself and turned to Claire, "Wait...did you say you have been cutting yourself to get blood to call the storms?" He approached her, "Where have you been cutting yourself?" he asked hoping it wasn't going to be her arms.

Rook held Claire and looked at Aldin, "She cuts her arms..."

Aldin frowned, "I was hoping that was not the case." He said with a frown of worry. "I have a way to do this that will not harm you and will allow you to have control over exactly how much blood you use." He went to his bags and pulled out a syringe and a rubber strip and presented it to her. "This but of rubber constricts the blood a bit and makes the veins easier to see and then the needle can be inserted into your vein and then this plunger is pulled back and the blood moves into the vial. The hole is tiny and closes up within a minute." He looked at Ellisar, "Would you be willing to allow me to demonstrate on you?"

Ellisar looked a bit wary but he nodded, "Sure if it will help Claire...but..will it hurt?"

Aldin shook his head, "It pinches just a bit, but nothing terrible."

Ellisar still didn't look too sure but he agreed.

Aldin wrapped the bit of rubbed around his upper arm and then held his arm out and tapped the vein at his elbow. "Ok..now a little pinch," he said as he inserted the needle and drew out a little blood and then pulled out the needle again. He put a small piece of gauze on the spot and bent Ellisar's arm. "Hold it like that for a minute." He took off the rubber bit and then showed Claire the blood. "You will see in a minute that he will not be bleeding and by tomorrow you will barely be able to tell where I took this from."

Ellisar winced but then shrugged, "Not bad at all...barely felt it."

Xavier stepped forward and crouched down to eye level with the woman. "Try to relax. My powers are not painful when the mind is relaxed and willing. Breathe..." he instructed her as he touched her hand giving her a place to focus on as he gently touched her mind. she would feel a slight tingle but no pain. He waited until he felt her calming breaths and kept speaking to her. "do not try to make sense of what you see at first...it will come in jumbles and likely not in order. Our brains do not always store things that way. Just relax and breathe..." his deep voice was soothing when he wanted it to be and he was trying to spare her as much as he could. He began to see things through her eyes and had to keep a tight rein on his own anger at what he was seeing with her. "These were not magically enforced...but your mind's own way of protecting you from pain and disillusionment." He released one memory after another until he had the whole flow of her life in one stream of continuous time progression and then he left her mind. "Now...go back as far as you can ...before the event..and let it flow as it should..." It wouldn't be pleasant but it shouldn't hit her all at once this way either.

He stepped back to his place by the door and tried to contain his own livid fury at the man who had been cowering in the high toward of the palace for decades. Had he known any of this he'd have gladly beaten the man to a pulp.

Jorga looked at her, "Are you ok my Dear?" he asked concern etched into his features. "I do promise that I will see that Naild is protected and I think you may be wrong about him wanting the throne, but we shall see." He actually hoped the boy DID want to learn how to rule and be his successor. Someone had to do it, and he felt he was a good King, and would be a good teacher. "I will find you all in the Library." He left them then and made the long walk to to the tallest and most remote tower of the palace. He hadn't seen Robert in over seven years, and he hardly kenw what to expect. He did not knock as this was his palace at the moment and didn't feel he had to knock. He stepped inside the tower and made a face, "Light a damned candle Robert."

Robert huffed but lit a candle on the desk next to him. "WHAT?"

Jorga moved across the room to where he was sitting now that he could see his way and not trip over things. "I have come to inform you that all the fae that still live from the dark and white kingdoms are now here. The Glen has destroyed anything that Hannah and Helena touched or could have enchanted."

"So, why should I care?" he asked, "You are the king."

"Because among those who returned are Serena and Naild."

His piercing blue eyes lifted to search the king's golden ones. "You lie....they were murdered as I said."

"She looks quite well for a dead woman. And the boy is a fine young man." No thanks to you, he thought as he looked at the man.

"They must be impostors..."

"The Oracle..."

"Is a lying bitch...I will not believe it is her unless I see her with my own eyes." he said as he stood and rounded the desk. "Show me the liar now and I will assure you she is not Serena."

Jorga raised a hand and stopped him. "You will not see her tonight. She had been through enough for one day. You will come to the open meeting tomorrow. That is not a request. You will be there. There you will make your decision known. Whether you will claim your wife or set her aside."

Robert leaned closer, "My wife is dead."

Jorga shrugged, "So be it, then it will be nothing for you to make your wishes known. But, you will be there. I you do not come willing xavier..."

Robert glared at him, "Do not threaten me with that hulking beast."

Jorga just glared right back, "I do not recall mentioning a threat of any kind. You will be there, willingly or not."

"I will be there to spit in this impostors face."

Jorga left him there and retraced his steps. Maybe it was a good thing. maybe this would all work out after all. He went to the Library then to find the others.
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