Laurana nodded, half asleep in Cadens arms. She felt so comfortable she never wanted to move again. She really wanted to sleep. She had a hard time thinking coherently anymore. "Okay.... sounds good..." She said, burrowing further into his arms. She was so happy things were calm again, she probably wouldn't protest to anything!

Serena smiled, her heart leaping into her throat! So sudden.. yet.. certainly far welcoming than what other males had tried to do to her on the side. "Of course, you can start courting me, Morden, I would like that very much... if it weren't for you being there this morning.. I have a feeling Laurana and I could have ended up a lot worse.... but I liked you even before this troubling situation started." She said, her face red as a cherry! She'd never been so sweetly asked, before Robert.. She smiled at Niald, letting him know it was okay. "Morden's a wonderful man, Niald... I hope you're okay with us being together." She said to him, very concerned about how her son felt of course!

Nathan grinned, then gently, very carefully, placed Alna on the bed, lying her flat on her stomach; stroking her hair a moment to soothe her. Then, his large hands went to work on her tense back, traveling further down, then back up, slowly, letting warmth flow from his fingertips, helping her relax further. He was in tune with her body at this point, and made sure to pay extra special attention to any spot that might be sore or even a little hurting. He was a minor-healer... he had to use touch, unlike Caden and Laurana, who could heal with a look... Maybe there was someone who could train him a little better in the future, but he'd really not had much training with that skill, being in the military didn't exactly need it.~
Caden was dozing off himself. his body needed to rest. he'd expended a lot of physical energy running and pounding and fighting to regain control of himself. He pulled her closer as she snuggled in against him and let sleep claim him.

Morden let out a relieved breath when Serena said she would like for him to court her. Then he turned his attention to Niald.

Niald listened to his mother and saw how happy she was, but then he looked back at Morden with a serious look. "If you make her cry I will ask Caden to pound you." He said, "He is my friend and I know he will do it. So," he said then, "You want to be her husband. Are you going to be my dad as well?" he asked, "Because I don't need a dad. I'm not a baby."

Morden almost laughed at the serious expression on such a young lad, but he didn't. He could tell Niald was being very serious, and meant ever word. "Caden would indeed, and i would expect him to. I would never want to make your mother cry. " he said keeping the eye contact there for the boy. "And well...I have never had any children of my own. I did help raise Caden though...I think I did ok with him. You can ask him if I did. Maybe if you don't need a day, you could use a friend."

Niald nodded, "Friends are good. And I will ask him."

Morden nodded and watched the boy leave them and go back to his room, "In a few years I dare say he will be able to pound me himself."

Alna was letting out little groans of pleasure as he massages her aching back. She wasn't used to that much physical activity in a day anymore. She rarely had visitors, and the most strenuous thing she had done on a daily basis was dress herself. The man had gifted hands, that was for sure. "Mmmm...." was all she could manage though.
Laurana had an easy rest. Shed pushed aside her worries for now and just drifted into a sense of peace.

Serena was hiding the biggest smile! That was Niald for you. Stubborn to a fault and definitely did not like bad guys! It was very impressive however, that he'd even give Morden this much of a chance."He's seen a lot in his young age...he's certainly growing up very fast. I'm proud hes turned out so well." She finally said, watching Niald as he went to his own room. "I do look forward to us going on casual dates, and talking long hours..I was going to ask you ...did you maybe want to stay the night?" There. Serena had asked the scary question. She just hoped he'd say yes...even though she knew Morden did not like to leave his home...

Nathan smiled at Alnas moans of pleasure, encouraging him to continue to move his hands in slower motions down her back, really loosening up her shoulders and her spine as well.
Morden was about to reply when Niald came back out, " staying the night unless you are married." He looked from one to the other. "I don't allow."

Morden smiled and nodded, "Well then," I guess that answers that question. The man of the house has spoken." He looked at Serena and smiled, "I look forward to those long talks and walks as well." And looking at Niald, "All of which will be properly chaperoned of course...may I have permission for a good night kiss?" he asked and Niald nodded. Morden leaned over and kissed Serena very lightly and was smiling against her lips as he did. "I need to check on Caden anyway, something Sovalna mentioned. I will see your tomorrow though. I promise."

Morden left then and went back to search his books for the uses of the dark magic and Sovalna was right, there may come a time they need the power. So he spent the rest of the evening crafting the containment ball and then went to sleep. he'd deal with Caden in the morning. he needed rest.


The next morning Alna woke curled in Nathan's strong arms and feeling very satisfied and content. They were a good pair, very compatible in passion and need and she was glad. He'd awakened the hunger in her and now she was certain she could not do without it. She rubbed her soft cheek against his chest as she began to awaken and enjoyed the sensual pleasure of feeling, smelling and hearing him next to her.

Caden slept until morning. He was soo tired that he never moved from the floor before the fire. When he finally did wake up and just laid there and watched her sleep. She looked so beautiful when she slept.
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Serena worried a little that Niald would get too over protective of her with Morden, but she didn't want to discourage him. Not when she knew he'd seen too many other males try too hard to hurt her anytime she refused their advances! Serena kissed Morden back and watched him head out to his home. She told herself it was best not to rush, and put all the leftovers away. In fact, that was how she spent most of her sleepless night after making sure Niald went to bed. Cleaning and organizing. She simply couldnt rest well.

Laurana called a meeting the next afternoon. Fully rested and dressed, she lead Caden to the big meeting room, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Serena took Niald to the meeting, though she didn't speak with anyone and saved a spot for Morden. She did curtsy to Laurana and Caden however. Then, she simply waited for more fae to appear.

Nathan had had a most fantastic night with his Alna. They truly were passionate people, and he'd fallen asleep, several hours later of pleasuring her. When the call for the meeting arrived, he'd already showered and dressed, brushed his hair, and gently woke Alna with coffee and eggs.
Caden stood by Laurana's side as the meeting area began to fill with what was left of the clan. 35 adults were not many people, but it was all they had left. He nodded to Serena when she curtsied and he gave Niald a curt nod as he walked by.

Morden had the crystal ball ready when he received the summons to the meeting, "Well hell..more delays," he murmured to himself. He made his way to the meeting room and made a beeline for Serena and Niald, "Good morning," he said to both of them, "I hope you slept well" he said brushing a soft kiss to Serena's cheek and giving Niald a gentle squeeze on his shoulder, "May I sit with the two of you?' he asked looking at Niald first and winking at Serena then.

Niald nodded, "We saved you a seat," he said patting the one next to him, meaning he would be between them. He was going to make sure they did things the right way. No more whispers and cruel things were going to be said about his mother, not ever again.

Morden smiled and sat down. There were a few other onlookers to this display who were glaring at the three of them with their teeth gritting together. He just smiled at the other women and reached behind Niald to hold Serena's hand.

Alna smiled at the smell of breakfast and sat up, "You are spoiling me Nathan," she said, "But please do not stop. I am enjoying it." She stretched and then ate her breakfast while sitting in bed. "I did hear an alert did I not?' she asked, "I was hoping it was a dream, but I guess not." She sighed, "Well...I will ahve to share you again today it seems. " She finished her food and slid off the bed. "Would you please make sure I match if I must be seen in public."
Laurana shot the women who were being insulting to Serena and Niald very scary, dark looks indeed! She huffed to Caden. "This poor socializing among the fae needs to stop." She said to him, tapping her foot slightly with impatience. She glowered at the women, Morgan and Cindy, two very pretty fae girls in their early thirties. She had heard of their vicious rumor-spreading in the past, and it didn't set well with her. She narrowed her eyes again and the room fell silent.. .... even the birds outside seemed to shut their beaks! Laurana gazed mostly at the two women, who'd even vied to pester Morden. "Listen up, all Fae present-- before I even begin to speak of the Glenn and how we feel about moving there; I want it clear---- Serena and Niald have been through enough trouble in the past to haunt even the hardest hearts. I know I'm not still on Earth; where people pride themselves on being cruel and needlessly evil to each other. I was hoping... that at least the White Fae, would have strong morals and a better tendency to love eachother and help another, not bash or spread cruel lies about eachother out of petty jealousy. Cindy, Morgan, I know both of you have liked Morden a while, but you must get over the face that Serena is his, and they have liked eachother a while. How would any of you feel.. unless you've felt this.. to lose a husband and deal with raising a child, a strong willed young man- at that- " she added winking at Niald, "and then be forced into self-imposed isolation because of all the lies and rumors spread about you?" She paused, trying to figure a way to wrap this up while the very last people walked in to find a seat. "In short, I declare no more rumors and gossip to be spread about Serena and her son. They are wonderful people, and just like the rest of you, have seen their fair shares of hardships. So, be kind, during and after the meeting, or you'll answer to me, That's all I will say on that matter. I apologize to the rest of you, for having to bring it up at all." Laurana finished, not done fuming but wanting to move onto the next topic.

After breakfast, Nathan helped Alna dress in a pale peach suit outfit, with matching slippers. He wore a black shirt and matching pants, with loafers. He escorted Alna to the meeting when both of them were presentable. The meeting was just now quieting down from Lauranas last announcement.
Caden listened to Laurana and grimaced a bit. He knew those two women well enough to know this would probably make their words more viscous toward Serena and Niald. Especially since she was calling them out in front of the whole clan. He could feel the animosity rolling off them even as Laurana spoke. He nodded to Nathan as he escorted Sovalna into the meeting. He held up a hand to give Laurana a second to gather herself. "We have called you here to discuss something of great importance. As you all know," he said, "The Douglas is no more. So the threat to our clan is no more. However," he said looking around the room, "There are so few of us left. We need time to recover out numbers, and the Glen is the safest place to do that. The Queen would like to know your thoughts on this matter. With the threat gone, it not crucial to retreat to the glen to hide ourselves away. Are there any here that would prefer to not go back?"

Morden was shocked the queen was offering them an option. He agreed with Caden. He felt they were too few in number to risk being away from the Glen any longer. There were magical properties in the glen that made them stronger, more prolific in bearing children and supplies. And they were in general happier there. At least he was. He wasn't sure what to make of the Queen's side of the speech. He had a feeling it might backfire, because those two women were not easily deterred. He knew he was going to ahve to marry Serena much sooner than normal social rites might dictate just to silence them. He wasn't at all worried about himself rushing into something, but he didn't want her to feel rushed, or Niald.

Alna stood up when Caden finished speaking, "I ahve seen danger in this place," she said, "True the Douglas is gone, but another will claim his place once it is discovered he was killed. Do not be foolish enough to believe we are safe. The only safe place for us is the Glen."
Laurana was just as aware of the two women's hostility as Caden was. Shed not stopped staring at both of them until they looked away. She stood beside him, then spoke seriously to the people gathered. "I trust our seer, completely. She has rarely been wrong before. She always knew when trouble was about to strike..."Sovalna can you see how long we have, before the next attack? I'd like to know how long I have to prepare for the spell." Laurana asked, trying to hide her worry.

Nathan had his own stern eyes on the crowd, keeping things calm so Laurana, Caden and Alna could speak without interruption. He sensed many fae did want to return to the Glenn. Only a few had reservations, but their curiosities were greater.

Serena, was feeling glowers from more than Cindy and Morgan! A few other males that shed rebuffed in the past were glowering too!
Alna shook her head, "I ahve not seen any new attacks but they will come, This I know." She looked at Laurana then, "I know you are still learning to wield your magic with power and authority. But I think time is still of the essence. We cannot go to the Glen without the hidden spell. Should anyone follow us there we would ahve nowhere to retreat to and would be easily slaughtered."

Morden lifted Niald and set the boy on his lap and pulled Serena closer, wrapping his arm around her protectively,. He leaned closer and whispered, "Do not allow them to bother you. I will protect you both." he looked at Niald, "Is it ok with you if I marry your mother?' he asked.

Niald wasn't real sure he liked being on someone's lap but he could see the loos and he knew what Morden was doing. He looked at him and lifted his chin, "Do you love her?" he asked.

Morden smiled and nodded, "I do actually. She is kind, generous, loving and beautiful. Will you be able to accept me as a father/"

Niald listened and nodded, "I told you I don't need a father," he said, "But I have been thinking about that, and maybe I do. There are many things I need to learn that only a father can teach a son."

Morden hugged him and then looked at Serena, "I have no bauble to gift to you yet, but will you marry and put to silence all of the voices around us? Let me love you?"

Caden watched Morden pull Serena close and mental nodded in approval. "Does anyone else ahve anything to say?' he asked, "I can feel that not everyone is in agreement. Speak now or your fate will be decided without your input."

A young man stood in the back, "I don't want to be hidden again. You can see how few of us there are. How are we to find wives and make families?"

Caden nodded, "We are not the only White Fae Clan Julian. We can call all of the clans together, and maybe not all will join us but many will. You are a passably handsome man. I am sure you will do fine." That got a laugh out of the crowd.
Laurana smiled at Morden asking Serenas hand in marriage! Wow, talk about fast courting! She looked happier however. She even ignored the glaring people! She gazed into Mordens deep eyes...and tried to find the right words. "yes ill marry you morden...and I care not, for how people see me any longer...I know most want me miserable forever....but seeing how you've been so wonderful. Its inspired me. I love you Morden....thank you...for staying with us." She replied, kissing him deeply. She knew Niald might take a while to having a father figure again. but she knew morden would be patient and kind. No one dared to speak up at the time....though there were lots of bad thoughts floating around!

Laurana grinned at Julians blush at Cadens remark! "then let us make a vote/consensus...all in favor of me doing the hidden spell within the next few days, raise their hands high...."

Nathan watched the meeting, seeing most of the fae raise their hands. Only four did not! Laurana nodded, and hands lowered. "I assure you those not in favor of returning that I will make it as pleasant in our Glenn as possible. I only ask in return, for full cooperation of all fae, and please, leave all our former differences, behind, and thrive together as a real clan.I think that concludes our meeting....but feel free to enjoy the refreshments, drinks, and to ask us questions." Laurana drew a bit more energy from the air around her, feeling less tired. Serena lead Morden and Niald over to Laurana and Caden. that had gone fairly well!
Caden saw the four and he bent to whisper in Laurana's ear, "We can offer them a choice," he said softly, "I will tell you how later." he watched Morden and Serena come over with Niald in tow. "Well..did I hear you correctly?" he asked, "You are going to leave your happy life of hermitdom and dwell among the living?"

Morden shot him a glare, "I am not a hermit," he said, "I am just choosy as to whom I associate with," he said glancing over his shoulder at a few people in the corner of the room, "For good reason." He wrapped one arm around Serena and the other around Niald's shoulders, "And yes you did. Though I don't deserve her, she has agreed, so Laurana. I wonder if your would perform the ceremony as soon as possible. I am eager to shut mouths and Niald has forbidden me to touch his mother unless we are married."

Caden let out a laugh and reached over to ruffle Niald's hair, "Way to go Niald!" he said approvingly. "You are a very good son, protecting your mother in that way!! I hope my son will do the same if it is ever necessary!"

Alna looked up at Nathan, "Were there any who did not vote to go to the Glen?" she whispered and then heard Laurana say her request for leaving the past behind and sighed, "I can guess who," she said up at him. "She heard Caden's whisper to Laurana about a choice and she smiled in approval. Then she huffed at Morden marrying, "Bout time that crusty old goat chose someone." She said with a nod, "Would you mind if we go home now?' she asked, "I want to make some inquiries...see how things are going to progress if the heavens are with me."
Laurana spoke with the four who had voted no. They were simply wary of a place they'd not seen before, but after a few more reassurances from their queen, they were thinking more positively about it. She ignored the gossips for now and laughed at Alna calling Morden an old goat. "Yes of course, Alna. Caden and I will go back to our rooms to prepare the spell...I hope its safer than here, weve had too much danger so far...Nathan, if Alna or you need anything, please let me know, ill help anyway I can...same goes for you, Niald, Serena and go relax, get to know eachother." she added with a grin. Serena hugged her, then whispered to her, "Be careful with the spell Laurana....don't make yourself sick again." She said, before leaving with Morden and Niald.

Nathan thanked Laurana as well..though he wasn't able to hide his expression of concern fast enough..."We certainly won't hesitate to let you know if something comes up. Personally I think you're doing fine as our queen, and I'm glad Caden is your support." He added with a smile to Caden. He then draped a protective arm around Alnas shoulders. She was looking tired, and he still had a bakery to run while she rested...he lead Alna back to their rooms shortly after the other fae had returned to their own homes.

Laurana smiled, then kissed Caden. "I'm sure our child will be a fierce warrior like dad." She said, making her way back to their home. Meeting over, she pulled out the big book and waved it at Caden..."Shall we get a peak of information about how I exactly do the spell...without draining myself or anything else going wrong?" She asked, smiling.
Caden listened to her reassuring the four and then waited for her.

Morden looked at him, "Sovalna said you need to remove the dark fae magic," eh said bluntly, "I have the means if you wish to do that." He looked serious then, "It may change your magic a bit," he said, "So be prepared for that if you make that decision. You may not be able to access magic as you ahve's hard for me to know, since you are elvin royalty. So maybe their magic works in the same way. You may lose a bit of your power. I have no way of knowing before hand. So let me know when you decide. I am ready to remove it, if you want."

Caden listened. He'd considered all those possibilities. he thought maybe he should discuss it in more detail with Laurana before deciding. She rejoined them and he returned the kiss.

Morden stopped them, "When can you perform the ceremony for us Laurana," he asked since she hadn't answered before. "So we can plan..."

Niald nodded, "He wants to kiss my mom all the time," he said, "So they need to get married. It's important."

Caden was surprised by Morden's insistence. But he guessed if Laurana wasn't willing to share his bed, he'd be pushing for a wedding as well.

Alna walked with Nathan and she did need to rest, so when he ushered her to the bedroom and helped her lie down, she didn't resist. She could make her inquiries after she rested, when she would be more alert.
Laurana looked at Morden thoughtfully, trying to think..."I want to try it tomorrow, Morden....I'm anxious to use the spell." She admitted. She kept focused on Mordens statement about removing the dark fae out of Caden and the loss of a lot of his powers. This worried her...."Morden ....will this removal process hurt him or make him weaker?" She asked in concern.

Serena waited with Morden, laughing a bit at nialds comment. She couldnt resist tickling his side. "You'll be happier too, Niald ..were going to be fine." She promised...

Nathan helped Alna get comfortable. Shed had a long week. They both had! But she needed rest for all that was about to happen..
Morden looked at Laurana, "Um...I was talking about marrying us..." he clarified. " absolutely can try the spell tomorrow. You are ready." He leaned over and kissed Serena's head as he pulled her closer. "But um...well...yes..what I mean to say is that I would like you marry us...well... actually." He looked at Serena and Niald. "Now would not be too soon, but whenever you have time..."

Niald rolled his eyes, "SEE!" he said, "Kissing her again." he grabbed hold of the Queen's hand, "PLEASE...He kissed her THREE times now. They HAVE to get married." His eyes were imploring her to make this right. He thought kissing made babies and he was not going to have his mother having a baby without being married.

Caden was trying really hard to keep a straight face but ti was really hard to do so. He looked at Laurana, "We can talk about that later," he said of removing the Dark Fae from him, "I will tell you all about it when we get home and we will make that decision together."

Alna drifted off to sleep curled up in blankets and pillows on the bed surrounded by the smell of him. The smile on her lips as she drifted off to sleep was testament to the peace she felt and the happiness she was feeling.
Laurana surpressed a giggle. She hoped Serena and Morden would be happy together with Niald! She gazed at Caden, nodding at him saying they'd discuss the dark elf later...."Very well....where do you two want to be married? Here, or maybe by the lake?" Laurana asked.

Serena thought a moment...."By the lake, please....the weather is nice today." She said, looking at Morden as they kissed, embarrassing poor Niald!

Nathan let Alna rest, while he cleaned, made their dinner and baked up a storm of sweets, pastries, donuts, even sandwiches and cold pastas to start selling. Not long after, he did have several customers, though he made sure no one woke up Alna.
Caden smiled at Serena, "Niald and I can be the witnesses," he said and the five of them made their way to the lake. He was glad Morden was FINALLY taking a wife. There were a lot more women than men in the clan at present and it almost seemed wrong for any man to remain single, himself included. Most of the women were afraid of him in the matrimonial department. Oh they were happy to sleep with him, but marry him?Not so much. He'd been avoiding all of them in every way for over a year though as he'd been fighting to protect the clan as a whole.

Niald walked with the group watching Morden and his mother closely. This thing had tog et done NOW. They were taking too many chances.

Morden smiled and went to the lake. He would have gone anywhere she asked so he could call her his own. It would not ahve mattered to him. He stood with her at the lake and smiled at her, "Thank you for not making me wait," eh said, "I know you should have. I do love you Serena," he said sincerely.

Alna did finally wake but it was not because of customers, it was because of the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. She roused and made her way there and drew in a deep breath, "Something smells fantastic," she said.
Laurana made several chairs appear by the lake. She lead the group to a particularly romantic looking spot, and had Serena and Morden stand in front of her and Caden. Then, she began the marriage ceremony after Serena admitted she loved Morden, just as much! It had been ever so long since shed put aside all the sorrow and heartache....and Niald would finally have a peaceful home life again. The wedding ceremony didn't take long. Laurana mostly asked if Serena would love and honor, cherish and respect through good and bad times, Morden until death did part them. "I do." Serena said, her eyes solemn, though she did smile. Laurana then asked Morden the same questions.

Nathan grinned, kissing Alnas lips softly as she asked what smelled so heavenly. "That would be the green bean casserole and broiled chicken. Are you ready to eat?" He asked, ready to fill her plate with as much as she wanted. Baking all that bread had made him hungry too.
Morden smiled the whole time. It was not something he did often and most people who knew him would be shocked that he was smiling so broadly. But he felt like his chest might explode from happiness at that moment. She said I do, and he lifted her hand to his lips. He glanced over at Laurana and smiled, "I do," and then turned his attention back to Serena.

Niald listened and he figured if someone was going to be his dad, that it was someone who loved his mom. He could tell Morden did love her, so he was happy for them. He was not going to be around to take care of his mom forever, and she needed a man around. He was sure of that. Now he would be able to get married someday himself. He had been worried about that.

Caden watched this whole thing with a mixture of relief and amusement. Morden was acting like a love sick turtledove and it was pretty amusing on a LOT of levels. He was happy for them though and glad it would put an end to a bit of strife in the clan.