Oh Bite Me!

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Jay smiled at her purring and sat on the floor next to her petting her as she sleeps
Nora smiled, her tail curling gently around his arm as she slept.
Jay started to drift into sleep as he petted her, listening to onlly her purs
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Nora kept purring, her entire body showing content relaxation in her new home.
"im glad you like it here Nora," he murmured and yawned
Nora awoke slightly, yawning widely which exposed her fangs. "Hmm?" She murmured.
Jay was mostly asleep on the floor, somehow still petting her
Nora looked at him, a small smile coming to her face as she reached a hand to his locks, twirling one around her finger.
Jay tensed for a second then relaxed murmuring something as his head leaned toward her
Nora blushed slightly, coughing a bit as she looked at his innocent sleeping face. She sighed and rubbed his head.
Jay smiled in his sleep but soon woke and looked at Nora "oh sorry," he said and moved his head away from her a little
Nora blushed, removing her hand. "Sorry master." She mumbled to him, looking embarrassed.
He frowned "nora don't call me master, call me Jay, please," he smiled again and got up "and it's fine"
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Nora smiled. "Sorry Mas- I mean Jay. Force of habit." she said.
"i understand Nora, but your not like a pet to me, your like my guest," he smiles and pats her head "i got you a glass of water by the way"
Nora smiled, sitting up. 'Thanks." She said, taking the glass of water and gulping it down.
Jay walked back over to his seat and picked up his book again "your welcome Nora"
Nora gave off a warm smile, drinking her water peacefully.
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"Oh yeah, I just really noticed how pretty ur fur is," he said and began reading again
Nora blushed, as she kept drinking. "Thanks." She mumbled when she finally got the time to breathe, her cheeks a light pink.
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