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"Oh, hey, Kyon," Hajime waved at his friend before tilting his head to the side, "Interrupting?" Suddenly, it came to him what Kyon was getting at and what the situation looked like, "O-oh, no, not like that! My friend was pushed into the water and I helped her out, that's all that's happening!" All the while, his face was crimson as he shook it in denial.

@Verite @york

Slavya played with her braid a little when Kyon came along "Nothing at all! I just went for a little swim, that's all." she said, laughing, in a slightly nervous manner... Well, she was telling the truth though; she did go for a swim in a way, though it was an unexpected one to say the least.​

"A-Anyways, Slavya, you want to come with me and Kyon and explore the camp?" Hajime offered, his blush still fiery after Kyon's accusations, "It seems like today is just getting crazier and crazier, so it might be nice if we have someone normal like you to talk to." Wait, can Kyon accuse me of hitting on her with that? Crap, this is getting weird...

@Verite @york
"Uh... huh. I see," he nodded.

Though his grades were little better than "average," Kyon liked to reason that he was decently smart. Hey, he was able to solve that fake murder during the island field trip, and then there were all the ways he had become accustomed to Haruhi's antics and making sure they were cleaned up before the mess even occurred.

Haha, speaking of which, wouldn't it be funny if there was a murder here? Well, a fake one of course. And then everyone would freak out. And then he could just announce that he would take out the knife or whatever to get them to stop faking being dead.

But I digress.

In any case, he knew what he saw. Well, that was quick. This Hajime guy must be a real player or something. But whatever. That wasn't his concern. What they did was their business.

Heh, he almost felt bad for interrupting. Or, "not interrupting" as they said.

"Hmph. I'm flattered," Kyon said, crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders briefly, "Sure, I'd be up for some exploring. May as well get familiar with this place if we're gonna be staying here for a while. Where to?"

@york @The Tactician
View attachment 78204
Luz nodded in agreement (Sort of?..), giving a thumbs up as he stared at her eyes, then spoke questioningly "What are the main powers of your world doing? Are they like the Communists of your world?" He asked with the same tone.

@Gummi Bunnies

In a way, more or less. Most of those main powers are kingdoms. Some work together. Some despise another. The sole heads of those kingdoms think only for themselves, somewhat like how you explained the Communists.

Since Neo doesn't seem to change her facial expressions or not, this all seemed natural memory to her as she wrote the words onto the paper.

@Everyone With a Map
Once more, the map's contents shift a little as new faces pop up on it... It was rather adviseable to have a look.
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"THIS IS NOT A TOY, AND I AM NOT A PIONEER!" With his voice raised to a yell, his face was practically inches away from her as he yelled with the pistol placed right over her heart. "Where.. Are your superiors?" Speirs asked, calmly and silently, yet there could still be heard an anger eminated from him. "Take me to them. Now." It was a bluff though. His finger was put deliberately under the trigger guard to prevent a mishap, but the sam anger was there.


Olga appeared to have lost her cool a little "Alright, seriously! That's enough! I'm the superior here, and I ask you to drop it right now!" oh boy, it looked like she might just blow a gasket at this rate.​
"Uh... huh. I see," he nodded.

Though his grades were little better than "average," Kyon liked to reason that he was decently smart. Hey, he was able to solve that fake murder during the island field trip, and then there were all the ways he had become accustomed to Haruhi's antics and making sure they were cleaned up before the mess even occurred.

Haha, speaking of which, wouldn't it be funny if there was a murder here? Well, a fake one of course. And then everyone would freak out. And then he could just announce that he would take out the knife or whatever to get them to stop faking being dead.

But I digress.

In any case, he knew what he saw. Well, that was quick. This Hajime guy must be a real player or something. But whatever. That wasn't his concern. What they did was their business.

Heh, he almost felt bad for interrupting. Or, "not interrupting" as they said.

"Hmph. I'm flattered," Kyon said, crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders briefly, "Sure, I'd be up for some exploring. May as well get familiar with this place if we're gonna be staying here for a while. Where to?"

@york @The Tactician

"Maybe the library? Last time I got stuck somewhere like this, we found a few clues in a library, so maybe we'll get lucky?" He looked to Slavya and tilted his head, "The library sound good to you?"

@york @Verite

Gaara stared down at Indoun with the same stoic stare he gave everybody.

"None of what you said meant absolutely anything to me. You may boast as much as you'd like about your reputation but it's meaningless to me. I could crush your windpipe in and let you choke to death while trying in vain to grasp for air only for none to ever come. I could break a rib or two, maybe puncture your lung, cause some internal bleeding that way. I've seen plenty of people like you die slow painful agonizing deaths. You're the same kind of person who'd look down upon me. Not just for being a 'human' but for being a freak with a tailed beast sealed inside of him. I've always despised those kinds of people. Thankfully, the feeling was mutual which made killing them all the more satisfying. With that said, I hope it's clear now."

Gaara removed his foot, having ignored the splattering of blood on his ankle from the woman's attempted swat. Kneeling down so he could stare down at her from a lower level, he'd lean in.

"You're nothing more than waste in my eyes. If it were up to me I'd waste you without a second thought. Put you out of the misery you've somehow managed to put yourself through." He'd say with a nod towards her injured arm. Reaching inside his outfit and pulling out a kunai, Gaara's eyes grew wide as he clenched the weapon tightly. "I could still fufill that request if the pain becomes too much." But before Gaara could go through with any fatal strikes, Karol requested for him to back off and reluctantly he'd do so.

"It's already been exposed to the open air, it won't take long before an infection sets in if it hasn't already. If it's not treated soon it could grow worse and the limb could end up having to be amputated or she could die."

Not that Gaara would really care since she hadn't really done much to endear him to her being that she showed up and tried to attack Karol. Even if her 'attack' was actually pretty pathetic. "If you feel a need to do something for her then here." He'd snip off a piece of his outfit with the kunai and he'd seek to wrap it tightly around the wound on the injured arm. "It'll at least prevent any more dirt or grime from getting into the wound and festering. You. Carry her and take her back to the others. Perhaps there is a medic around here who can treat her more effectively." He'd order pointing at Yukine.

Just then Shukaku's eye flashed in Gaara's head, causing the sand ninja to wince and hold a hand to his head. As if he appeaed to be suffering from a sudden headache or something.

"D'awww! So you found a little playmate! You two seemed to be hitting it off after beating the stuffing out of each other! It's a real shame that he'll probably disown you and leave just like all the others! Once he finds out about the real you!" The one tailed beast mocked as Gaara shook his head back and forth, although in the real world it'd seem like Gaara was talking to himself.

"He seems..different. Leave me alone!"

@Atomyk @Lizzy @Rock Knight

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"Uh... huh. I see," he nodded.

Though his grades were little better than "average," Kyon liked to reason that he was decently smart. Hey, he was able to solve that fake murder during the island field trip, and then there were all the ways he had become accustomed to Haruhi's antics and making sure they were cleaned up before the mess even occurred.

Haha, speaking of which, wouldn't it be funny if there was a murder here? Well, a fake one of course. And then everyone would freak out. And then he could just announce that he would take out the knife or whatever to get them to stop faking being dead.

But I digress.

In any case, he knew what he saw. Well, that was quick. This Hajime guy must be a real player or something. But whatever. That wasn't his concern. What they did was their business.

Heh, he almost felt bad for interrupting. Or, "not interrupting" as they said.

"Hmph. I'm flattered," Kyon said, crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders briefly, "Sure, I'd be up for some exploring. May as well get familiar with this place if we're gonna be staying here for a while. Where to?"

@york @The Tactician

"Maybe the library? Last time I got stuck somewhere like this, we found a few clues in a library, so maybe we'll get lucky?" He looked to Slavya and tilted his head, "The library sound good to you?"

@york @Verite

Slavya thought for a moment, then, looked a bit worried "I'd love to! But... I have an errand to run!" she stopped in her tracks, thinking for a moment "I'll catch you later!" she said, giving him a rather sweet smile before she headed off, she waved goodbye to the two before she disappeared around the corner... It was definitely clear she was quite the busy-bee during the day time...​
"So what cabin are you planning to stay at?"​

"I don't know. It makes sense to fill up ones that haven't been filled before starting a new Cabin, so I was thinking 7, 11, 14, 15, 21, or 26. If you want me to, I will stay with you. I will start a new one if I have to." Cecil said looking at the map. "The cabin I'm in doesn't matter to me."

@Mari @Infinatis
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"Yellow? That's a pretty nice name. We can be the color wifeys~~~"


"An incident? Fear not, Reddy is here to protect! If there was any danger anyways."



"It's been taken care of though... but I don't really have anyone back home to protect me or anything..." Sukuna thought about it for a bit, actually considering something to do with Red. Oh boy...

"O-Oh, Red... me and Yellow were planning to check out the music club. You want to come along?"

@Bomb @Kaykay

Slavya thought for a moment, then, looked a bit worried "I'd love to! But... I have an errand to run!" she stopped in her tracks, thinking for a moment "I'll catch you later!" she said, giving him a rather sweet smile before she headed off, she waved goodbye to the two before she disappeared around the corner... It was definitely clear she was quite the busy-bee during the day time...​

"Oh, well, see you later, Slavya!" Hajime waved back, unable to keep the goofy smile on his face as he waved after her. However, once she disappeared, the smile dissolved and was replaced with a scowl aimed at Kyon, "Before you say it, I don't have a crush on her. Now come on, let's find the library," With that, he began walking to the library.

@Verite @york

Olga appeared to have lost her cool a little "Alright, seriously! That's enough! I'm the superior here, and I ask you to drop it right now!" oh boy, it looked like she might just blow a gasket at this rate.​
Speirs had this stare of nonconformity as he kept the pistol at her chest. After a few seconds of silence, he stepped a few feet back, and pulled the trigger of the gun...

As it was pointed to the wooden floor that is. The sound would echo as he would stay there for a few more moments before walking out "I believe I'll take Cabin 5." He said silently, before going to Walk out of the gates and to the Old Building.


"Maybe the library? Last time I got stuck somewhere like this, we found a few clues in a library, so maybe we'll get lucky?" He looked to Slavya and tilted his head, "The library sound good to you?"

@york @Verite

Slavya thought for a moment, then, looked a bit worried "I'd love to! But... I have an errand to run!" she stopped in her tracks, thinking for a moment "I'll catch you later!" she said, giving him a rather sweet smile before she headed off, she waved goodbye to the two before she disappeared around the corner... It was definitely clear she was quite the busy-bee during the day time...​

"Oh, well, see you later, Slavya!" Hajime waved back, unable to keep the goofy smile on his face as he waved after her. However, once she disappeared, the smile dissolved and was replaced with a scowl aimed at Kyon, "Before you say it, I don't have a crush on her. Now come on, let's find the library," With that, he began walking to the library.

@Verite @york
"I wasn't going to say anything," Kyon replied, exaggeratedly throwing up his hands defensively, before walking with him, barely able to hold back an amused smile. Normally, he wasn't like this. He would simply roll his eyes and continue on his way, but then again, he wasn't used to a friend, or at the very least, a relatively close acquaintance being... well, "romance" was a strong word for the time being, but you get the point.

Was this what it was like to be a gossip girl? He could almost enjoy it if he'd get into it, buuut that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Not like he ever had time for idle gossip like this.

So yeah, that being said, he walked with Hajime to the library.

@york @The Tactician

"It's been taken care of though... but I don't really have anyone back home to protect me or anything..." Sukuna thought about it for a bit, actually considering something to do with Red. Oh boy...

"O-Oh, Red... me and Yellow were planning to check out the music club. You want to come along?"

@Bomb @Kaykay

"Sure!" Red said as she grabbed both Yellow's and Sukuna's hand and dragging them along to the music club.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay
"I don't know. It makes sense to fill up ones that haven't been filled before starting a new Cabin, so I was thinking 7, 11, 14, 15, 21, or 26. If you want me to, I will stay with you. I will start a new one if I have to." Cecil said looking at the map. "The cabin I'm in doesn't matter to me."

@Mari @Infinatis
Gary wondered about that...

"Maybe, but maybe I want to... Wait nevermind. You can come if you want."

@The Silver Paladin

In a way, more or less. Most of those main powers are kingdoms. Some work together. Some despise another. The sole heads of those kingdoms think only for themselves, somewhat like how you explained the Communists.

Since Neo doesn't seem to change her facial expressions or not, this all seemed natural memory to her as she wrote the words onto the paper.

As Luz would nod in question, he would hear the gunshot coming from Olga's room before he turned his head to the door. Luz then turned his head back to Neo "Sounded like a Colt... Captain Speirs!" Before making a mad dash to the door and off to Speirs, his own Colt .45 out from its holster as he kept it raised high enough to be fired. His equipment would be left behind, including his helmet, radio, and Carbine as he approached Captain Speirs. "Sir!? Are you okay!?" He asked, worried for the Officer.

He stared at Luz for an unquestionable time, his own Colt .45 out and in his hand as he nodded at the direction of his Cabin. "Go back to your Cabin, sergeant." Before continuing outwards. Even at the order, Luz followed suit right behind. "Can't get you off my back, Luz."

@Gummi Bunnies @york
View attachment 78212
Speirs had this stare of nonconformity as he kept the pistol at her chest. After a few seconds of silence, he stepped a few feet back, and pulled the trigger of the gun...

As it was pointed to the wooden floor that is. The sound would echo as he would stay there for a few more moments before walking out "I believe I'll take Cabin 5." He said silently, before going to Walk out of the gates and to the Old Building.

Olga just sighed, shaking her head a little as she headed inside her cabin and flopped down on a bed; it would appear that the day's events were a bit too much for her...

Well, Speirs made it past the gates, but, on the path to the old camp, he felt a cold chill go down his back... This prevented him from moving forward; he got the feeling that he was being watched by something, or, someone maybe.​
As Luz would nod in question, he would hear the gunshot coming from Olga's room before he turned his head to the door. Luz then turned his head back to Neo "Sounded like a Colt... Captain Speirs!" Before making a mad dash to the door and off to Speirs, his own Colt .45 out from its holster as he kept it raised high enough to be fired. His equipment would be left behind, including his helmet, radio, and Carbine as he approached Captain Speirs. "Sir!? Are you okay!?" He asked, worried for the Officer.

View attachment 78217
He stared at Luz for an unquestionable time, his own Colt .45 out and in his hand as he nodded at the direction of his Cabin. "Go back to your Cabin, sergeant." Before continuing outwards. Even at the order, Luz followed suit right behind. "Can't get you off my back, Luz."

@Gummi Bunnies @york

Neo figured it was enough sticking around in the cabin, getting up on her feet and walking right out of the cabin not too long from Luz's sprint out of the cabin. Opening her parasol and shading herself from the sun, Neo figured she would check out the library, considering it was quite close to the cabin she's chosen.

She didn't pay much mind to whoever was down this way to the library, the possibility of being followed by Luz.

@The Tactician @ResistingTheEnlightened @Verite @york

Neo figured it was enough sticking around in the cabin, getting up on her feet and walking right out of the cabin not too long from Luz's sprint out of the cabin. Opening her parasol and shading herself from the sun, Neo figured she would check out the library, considering it was quite close to the cabin she's chosen.

She didn't pay much mind to whoever was down this way to the library, the possibility of being followed by Luz.

@The Tactician @ResistingTheEnlightened @Verite @york

Hajime lazily waved at the familiar girl, "Hey, Neo. Library too?"

@Gummi Bunnies @york @Verite
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