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For the longest time, away from the chaos Marcone would have been laying out in the shade. Ignoring the commotion around him in favor of something much, much greater. In this case?

Bird watching.

Yes, he was watching out at the skies, looking for any signs of animal life carefully as well as on the ground, all for an express purpose.

He wanted to see if they would be able to bypass the gate where the rest of them had failed.

Just to confirm a little theory playing about his mind right now.

That and goddamn it, didn't the majority of these people know the meaning of quiet?! Whippersnappers, the lot of em.

"I'm not really a princess. It's just a role in a thing where I'm supposed to save the Earth... But... I really don't see the Biscuit Hammer anywhere. I think... we're somewhere else?" She casually ruffles her hair with one hand. "Well, I'm Asahina Samidare. Nice to meet the two of you. I hope we can get along. And... ah... do your best to get along with Anima. I don't know what's going on, but let's try our best to solve the problem!"

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Jeremi @Bomb
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"..So it's like a role you play, huh?" Beowulf scratched his chin. He was kind of reminded of that one kid he used to work with. "Ah, yeah! That reminds me of this TV show I used to work on. Was called Annie of the Stars or something like that. She played a role where she saved the role too. Only I don't think she played a princess in that role. Just kind of a no-tolerating evil type of hero." This was also around the same time that Beowulf's fame was beginning to die down and he got a role on the show as the Big Bad Wolf Man. Which was kind of humiliating in all seriousness. To go from wrestling a gigan to appearing on a children's TV show in a costume kinda made Beowulf realize he had really hit rock bottom.

"Oh no you don't! Thinking about stuff that'll totally kill your good mood isn't allowed. Not until I make sure that sand kid comes out of this whole thing in one piece and Frank helps me out."

Beowulf thought to himself before nodding towards Samidare.

"No problem! I make it a personal duty to get along with just about everybody I meet! Unless I'm kicking their rear in the ring! Just, uh...Call me Beowulf instead of Dogman, alright? Sounds cooler and rolls off the tongue nicer."

@Atomyk @Meira @Bomb @Jeremi.

Inside Gaara's mind a battle was occurring. Shukaku's influence was usually kept at bay by the influence of Gaara's mother. Unless Gaara were to fall asleep and then all bets were off as the Sand Village learned the hard way. Upon Gaara losing consciousness, Shukaku was free to take over and wreck as much havoc as he damn well pleased. Due to his mother's influence being null and void at the moment, Gaara's fragile psyche was being battered and battered over by the tailed beast and it was a losing battle that Gaara couldn't find any way to turn around.

"L-Leave me alone! I didn't mean to awaken you! Where's mother?!"

"Oh for cryin out loud..! Would you put a sock in it about your ma? You got me now and that's all you need! Now, why don't you just doze off and lemme take a turn, eh?"

"I want my mother! What did you to do her!?"

"Haven't you realized it, yet?! Your sand is about as limp as your mother's body was after she put her life force into that sand of yours. That chick with a few screws loose couldn't destroy anything. You can't do anything in this world! Not as long as that barrier's up. Soooo s'not like you're doing anything else. Let me have a go at running this body and getting some fresh air!"



It was clear that Gaara was getting nowhere fast and his mental walls were close to crumbling if not already doing so. So it was a saving grace that Blake piped in on Gaara at that moment. If only so he could focus on something other than his losing battle of the minds with Shukaku. Lowering his hands from tugging at his hair, he turned away from Blake. "..Huh? I don't understand. What are you getting out of this? What are you getting out of attempting to comfort me..?"

Gaara muttered. It was a sad truth in his case. All those who even attempted to be nice towards him were just lying. Even his uncle who watched over him and even tried to help Gaara at some points ended up throwing his life away in attempt to take Gaara with him in a suicide bombing. What made this girl any different? She was probably just trying to lull him into a false sense of security so she could then strike, just like all the others had. All the assisnation attempts on him by his father, all the lies, everything just meshed together to make the most crazed homicidal twelve year old ninja. Who just loved his mommy. :<

But as Shiki approached, Gaara's stone-faced resolve returned as he stared up at the woman. "I've lived in a desert my entire life, this heat or lack of water is nothing." Gaara probably would have inserted some form of threat against Shiki for speaking to him in such a manner but with how fast she had thrown that knife and his sand being unusable at the moment, it didn't exactly seem like the most sensible thing to do. Shukaku on the other hand was absolutely delighted that the pity party was crashed.

"About time someone came and shut you up! The hell you doing having a breakdown like that anyway? If you want to rest your head then go right ahead. I don't mind taking a spin-"

"NO!" Gaara shouted as he rose to his feet, his hands balled up into fists as he looked back between Ryougi and Blake before quickly making his way off from the two, still clearly bothered by something. I
"Yikes! You didn't have to be so vocal with your objection! But I'm sure it didn't do your image with these folks any wonders, hehehehehehhe..."

"Why can't you just leave me be?"

"'Fraid that's not possible! We're a package deal, you and I. I go? You die. End of story, there. You go? I'm left to my own devices and I don't think your village would look too kindly upon that. Face it, kid! You're STUCK WITH ME!"

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer.

Well, that went about as well as she expected.

She started to answer that she just wanted to know if he was ok, regardless of what she got out of it, but her face shifted to an annoyed frown as she was snapped at, and just leaned back against the tree as Gaara walked off.

She'd noted Ryougi's little display of course. It probably would have impressed her if she wasn't attending beacon.

Now the fact that she'd been spotted, that would have impressed her . as it was, she just blew a stray hair out of her face as she relaxed in the shade. After a few seconds she glanced up with a dull look and a raised eyebrow at the knife lady in the kimono.

She was pretty sure she could avoid that roundhouse.

She shrugged and leaped, alighting gently on the same branch and offering a short wave.

"You seem pretty unconcerned with the whole... whatever this is. Do you have some idea whats going on? Or what a russian is?"

@TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @the party tree?
  • Nice Execution!
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Karol tried to pretend he was listening, nodding his head every few moments while Beowulf and Samadare talked above him. His eyes closed, it was clear the boy was deep in thought. Words bounced around inside his head haphazardly, forming phrases that Karol thought must have sounded totally cool and exciting. Super was good word, right? And... ultra... ultra was great! Super and ultra combined created an awesome image! In fact, Karol could think of a lot of words that added on to those, but he remembered his friends and their distaste of his haphazard naming. He had to admit, Brave Vesperia was a lot simpler and cool sounding than anything he'd have come up with.

"I got it! The Super Ultra Courageous Karol, leader of the amazing Brave Vesperia, will crush, destroy and break all of the bad guys in the name of justice!"

He stood up, hands balled into fists, arms raised in the air. That was so awesome. He turned to the others, a grin plastered on his face. "Is that a good catch phrase, guys?" However, before they could answer, Karol held out his hand. "Wait a second, what is this about a problem? What is the problem here? How did we all get here? Last thing I remember, my friends and I had totally fought to save the entire world! Then... I'm not sure... everything went bright at some point, and... Hm."


Karol lost himself deep in thought once again, this time standing up. "So... Nothing here seems really familiar to me... I've never heard of you guys before, even you, Beowulf... And the carriage we all arrived in seemed totally unlike anything I've seen before." Suddenly, Karol seemed to reach a conclusion. He snapped his fingers. "I got it! We're all dreaming! I totally saw those statues in a dream before, I think. I'd hate to think a guy as cool as Beowulf isn't real, so I guess we're all just sharing a dream!"

@TheBlueBurch @Meira @Bomb @Jeremi
But as Shiki approached, Gaara's stone-faced resolve returned as he stared up at the woman. "I've lived in a desert my entire life, this heat or lack of water is nothing." Gaara probably would have inserted some form of threat against Shiki for speaking to him in such a manner but with how fast she had thrown that knife and his sand being unusable at the moment, it didn't exactly seem like the most sensible thing to do. Shukaku on the other hand was absolutely delighted that the pity party was crashed.

"About time someone came and shut you up! The hell you doing having a breakdown like that anyway? If you want to rest your head then go right ahead. I don't mind taking a spin-"

"NO!" Gaara shouted as he rose to his feet, his hands balled up into fists as he looked back between Ryougi and Blake before quickly making his way off from the two, still clearly bothered by something. I
"Yikes! You didn't have to be so vocal with your objection! But I'm sure it didn't do your image with these folks any wonders, hehehehehehhe..."

"Why can't you just leave me be?"

"'Fraid that's not possible! We're a package deal, you and I. I go? You die. End of story, there."


Shiki seemed thoroughly unimpressed by the twelve-year-old boy posturing in front of her, her mouth scrunching up in a small adorable frown of disapproval. "I don't really care where you're from. Hydration is a basic need for living," she yawned, giving him a dismissive shrug as she lightly ran her left hand through her subfusc, shoulder-length hair, cut in a manner that suggested Shiki considered the time spent trimming it time wasted more than anything else. "But suit yourself."

What was it to her, if he died? He meant nothing to her. He was just some ginger kid with weird eyes. If he wanted to ignore her and let himself die, good riddance.

At least, that was what the coarse, rough side of Shiki tried to tell her; but even still, there was always the other side. The softer side of Shiki; the one that compelled her to offer Tomoe Enjou shelter at her apartment for all those weeks, and that made her spare Fujino Asagami even after all she'd done.

Was this... sympathy?

Ech. What a hassle.
Well, that went about as well as she expected.

She started to answer that she just wanted to know if he was ok, regardless of what she got out of it, but her face shifted to an annoyed frown as she was snapped at, and just leaned back against the tree as Gaara walked off.

She'd noted Ryougi's little display of course. It probably would have impressed her if she wasn't attending beacon.

Now the fact that she'd been spotted, that would have impressed her . as it was, she just blew a stray hair out of her face as she relaxed in the shade. After a few seconds she glanced up with a dull look and a raised eyebrow at the knife lady in the kimono.

She was pretty sure she could avoid that roundhouse.

She shrugged and leaped, alighting gently on the same branch and offering a short wave.

"You seem pretty unconcerned with the whole... whatever this is. Do you have some idea whats going on? Or what a russian is?"

@TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @the party tree?

Having settled into the shade to brood herself after Gaara's departure, Ryougi retained her small frown as Blake's weight shifted the branch, opening one eye to regard the faunus and keeping her arms folded impassively. She focused on her face, initially, but it wasn't long before her gaze flicked to the form of Gambol Shroud on her back of its own accord, running her eyes up the hilt idly as she shifted in place. Huh. What a cumbersome-looking slab of metal to call a weapon.

Which just meant its wielder more than likely had the strength to use it.

Prior to replying, she made a show of scrutinizing Blake intently; her penetrating stare dissecting every centimeter of the other girl, from boots to bow. A blatant show of mistrust, one intended to unnerve her more than analyze her. She learned everything she needed to know at first glance, anyway, and in her experience, setting a precedent as someone not to be messed with tended to make things much simpler down the line.

Finally, setting her gray eyes back on the amber irises opposite, Shiki shook her head.

"I know we've all been kidnapped, and we're all probably as clueless as each other. Some of us are just a bit better at dealing with it. Does that help?"

She didn't bother disguising the biting sarcasm in her tone, and likewise didn't address the Russia thing; though it honestly made her want to laugh. If she had to ask... Either this girl was extremely sheltered, or their abductors had chosen from some odd places.

"Got a name?"

@TheBlueBurch @Schnee Corp Lawyer @party of two ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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For the longest time, away from the chaos Marcone would have been laying out in the shade. Ignoring the commotion around him in favor of something much, much greater. In this case?

Bird watching.

Yes, he was watching out at the skies, looking for any signs of animal life carefully as well as on the ground, all for an express purpose.

He wanted to see if they would be able to bypass the gate where the rest of them had failed.

Just to confirm a little theory playing about his mind right now.

That and goddamn it, didn't the majority of these people know the meaning of quiet?! Whippersnappers, the lot of em.

@Unlimited RP Works


There appeared to be no animal life present here; it's as if Marcone had found himself in a life re-enactment of a classic Soviet painting of some sort, one of an environment that lacked any birds... Or wild-life, or, well, any signs of Fauna for the most part.​
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Hajime joined Sukuna in drawing, glad he had managed to find a few friends here in such a short amount of time.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

While her drawings did look like one you see from preschool, it was a drawing that depicted herself on a floating castle along with certain others that she happened to draw. Possibly her friends that never used her for anything bad or messed with her in any way.

@The Tactician @Kaykay


Shiki seemed thoroughly unimpressed by the twelve-year-old boy posturing in front of her, her mouth scrunching up in a small adorable frown of disapproval. "I don't really care where you're from. Hydration is a basic need for living," she yawned, giving him a dismissive shrug as she lightly ran her left hand through her subfusc, shoulder-length hair, cut in a manner that suggested Shiki considered the time spent trimming it time wasted more than anything else. "But suit yourself."

What was it to her, if he died? He meant nothing to her. He was just some ginger kid with weird eyes. If he wanted to ignore her and let himself die, good riddance.

At least, that was what the coarse, rough side of Shiki tried to tell her; but even still, there was always the other side. The softer side of Shiki; the one that compelled her to offer Tomoe Enjou shelter at her apartment for all those weeks, and that made her spare Fujino Asagami even after all she'd done.

Was this... sympathy?

Ech. What a hassle.

Having settled into the shade to brood herself after Gaara's departure, Ryougi retained her small frown as Blake's weight shifted the branch, opening one eye to regard the faunus and keeping her arms folded impassively. She focused on her face, initially, but it wasn't long before her gaze flicked to the form of Gambol Shroud on her back of its own accord, running her eyes up the hilt idly as she shifted in place. Huh. What a cumbersome-looking slab of metal to call a weapon.

Which just meant its wielder more than likely had the strength to use it.

Prior to replying, she made a show of scrutinizing Blake intently; her penetrating stare dissecting every centimeter of the other girl, from boots to bow. A blatant show of mistrust, one intended to unnerve her more than analyze her. She learned everything she needed to know at first glance, anyway, and in her experience, setting a precedent as someone not to be messed with tended to make things much simpler down the line.

Finally, setting her gray eyes back on the amber irises opposite, Shiki shook her head.

"I know we've all been kidnapped, and we're all probably as clueless as each other. Some of us are just a bit better at dealing with it. Does that help?"

She didn't bother disguising the biting sarcasm in her tone, and likewise didn't address the Russia thing; though it honestly made her want to laugh. If she had to ask... Either this girl was extremely sheltered, or their abductors had chosen from some odd places.

"Got a name?"

@TheBlueBurch @Schnee Corp Lawyer @party of two ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Man if it wasn't her zippers it was her weapon

Blake's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the staredown she received, and she gave it right back. But while she shifted her weight so she was sitting on the branch with her feet dangling rather than perched upon it, her eyes never broke contact. They simply rested on Shiki's shifting pupils like a panther who'd stumbled on a hunter's blind. Mainly because she'd already done her studying earlier. Her gaze didn't waver or blink when grey irises snapped back to hers, mentally biting down on the twitch of her ears as her own mouth shifted into a slight frown at the sarcastic retort.

"I'm strangely not ecstatic about being kidnapped from the middle of Beacon no." Another thing to watch out for now that she thought about it. Though she hadn't seen any sign of grimm since arriving, including any sort of perimeter defense for them despite this clearly being way outside any kingdom's walls.

At the question, she arched an eyebrow slightly, not breaking the stare.

"I do."

@OrlandoBloomers @The tree of staring
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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While her drawings did look like one you see from preschool, it was a drawing that depicted herself on a floating castle along with certain others that she happened to draw. Possibly her friends that never used her for anything bad or messed with her in any way.

@The Tactician @Kaykay

Hajime leaned over to peek at her picture and instantly had a conflict. Crap, I can't say it's completely terrible but I don't want to lie to her... "It's... not bad, Sukuna, though you can definitely improve."

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

"Stop judging me, sword lady! I'm just here to shank and smillle!!!" the man cackled, throwing his Buzz-Axe promptly in the air, catching it as it fell, seemingly unfazed by those who seemed alarm by him. After all, it would be their lost if they tried to attack him whilst he was wearing a high-grade, fully-integrated, body-wide Hyperion regenerative shield. Plus, he had an axe with a buzzsaw blade sticking out of it, was there any other questions that needed to be ask.

"Come along, little girlies and boyies! Your prince of justice and genocide is here! Gone are the days of Mercy and tentacles! The second-act of this MEAT play! AND I WILL WIN BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR!!!"

Yukio was amused by the answer. "Smile for me then", she said, looking straight at him, still keeping her sword pointed in his direction. It was a bit early to ask for the shank, after all.

@Krieg @The Silver Paladin
Katara kept quiet for a moment as she tried to work out what she was going to do. Holding Alex's hand her cheeks flared up for a second going pink. Walking with the three others they exited the metal bus contraption. She looked at the two males that were ahead of them "Yato right? Where abouts are you two from?" She asked as she stopped outside the bus to look around.

@Wedge Antilles @Lizzy

"That's right. Yato the delivery god at your service. As for where I'm from, a city in Japan." The blue eyed male replied, watching as there seemed to be a small bit of wackos in the group.

"I think the heats getting to me," Yukine said as he caught a glimpse of the buff maniac with what appeared to be a buzz axe?

@Wedge Antilles @Korra
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Hajime leaned over to peek at her picture and instantly had a conflict. Crap, I can't say it's completely terrible but I don't want to lie to her... "It's... not bad, Sukuna, though you can definitely improve."

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

"O-Oh..." Well, Sukuna looked a bit disappointed at first...


"Then I'll try again and again to improve. Practice does help after all!" And then she was back to her optimistic self.

@The Tactician @Kaykay
"That's right. Yato the delivery god at your service. As for where I'm from, a city in Japan." The blue eyed male replied, watching as there seemed to be a small bit of wackos in the group.

"I think the heats getting to me," Yukine said as he caught a glimpse of the buff maniac with what appeared to be a buzz axe?

@Wedge Antilles @Korra

"Delivery god?", Alex asked. He had heard of some unusual titles, but delivery god? Was he into pizza delivery? "What do you deliver, with your godly powers man?", he added, while looking at Yato. He wondered, as he heard Yukine, maybe they didn't have any hot weather in Japan.

He smiled at Katara as he had heard the delivery god statement, but didn't say anything to him. Was he still holding her hand? He realized it, but felt a bit bashful to stop it now, all of a sudden.

@Lizzy @Korra
Yukio was amused by the answer. "Smile for me then", she said, looking straight at him, still keeping her sword pointed in his direction. It was a bit early to ask for the shank, after all.

@Krieg @The Silver Paladin

Cecil nodded. He knew Yukio had some sort of power, but he wasn't sure of it. He just enjoyed having an ally who knew honor and justice when she saw it. She reminded him of Rosa. If Rosa had a sword. Cecil held Ragnarok up, and kept the word "Pig" on his tongue in case he had to cast it. "Yes, smile for us."

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"Delivery god?", Alex asked. He had heard of some unusual titles, but delivery god? Was he into pizza delivery? "What do you deliver, with your godly powers man?", he added, while looking at Yato. He wondered, as he heard Yukine, maybe they didn't have any hot weather in Japan.

He smiled at Katara as he had heard the delivery god statement, but didn't say anything to him. Was he still holding her hand? He realized it, but felt a bit bashful to stop it now, all of a sudden.

@Lizzy @Korra

"For five yen, which is five cents in America I can do basically any type if thing you wish for. Finding a missing cat, to fixing a leaky faucet." He sighed before adding, "I only do it to get enough people to remember me and make me a shrine, of course."

Yukine was ready to make a witty remark, the look on his face just said it all.

@Wedge Antilles @Korra
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"O-Oh..." Well, Sukuna looked a bit disappointed at first...


"Then I'll try again and again to improve. Practice does help after all!" And then she was back to her optimistic self.

@The Tactician @Kaykay

Hajime breathed a sigh of relief as Sukuna quickly recovered, "Sorry for saying that, but I'm glad you're not willing to give up. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll be great, Sukuna."

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

"O-Oh..." Well, Sukuna looked a bit disappointed at first...


"Then I'll try again and again to improve. Practice does help after all!" And then she was back to her optimistic self.

@The Tactician @Kaykay
"That's the spirit!" Yellow smiled at Sukuna. "As long as you keep at it, you'll become great for sure," she agreed with Hajime.


"I think Chuchu agrees, too!"

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies
"For five yen, which is five cents in America I can do basically any type if thing you wish for. Finding a missing cat, to fixing a leaky faucet." He sighed before adding, "I only do it to get enough people to remember me and make me a shrine, of course."

Yukine was ready to make a witty remark, the look on his face just said it all.

@Wedge Antilles @Korra

Alex found the story interesting, and quite incredible. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a nickel. "So if I gave you five cents, you would be able to do pretty much anything?", he asked. He had some ideas, and some loose change in his pockets.

He looked at Yukine, wondering if he was going to interject.

@Lizzy @Korra
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Man if it wasn't her zippers it was her weapon

Blake's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the staredown she received, and she gave it right back. But while she shifted her weight so she was sitting on the branch with her feet dangling rather than perched upon it, her eyes never broke contact. They simply rested on Shiki's shifting pupils like a panther who'd stumbled on a hunter's blind. Mainly because she'd already done her studying earlier. Her gaze didn't waver or blink when grey irises snapped back to hers, mentally biting down on the twitch of her ears as her own mouth shifted into a slight frown at the sarcastic retort.

"I'm strangely not ecstatic about being kidnapped from the middle of Beacon no." Another thing to watch out for now that she thought about it. Though she hadn't seen any sign of grimm since arriving, including any sort of perimeter defense for them despite this clearly being way outside any kingdom's walls.

At the question, she arched an eyebrow slightly, not breaking the stare.

"I do."

@OrlandoBloomers @The tree of staring


Things fell back into an unsettling silence after that, the only sound to speak of the soft rustling of the tree leaves in the breeze and creaking of the branch underneath their combined weight. This was the hunter staring face-to-face with the panther. The irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Indominus Rex staring down the Tyrannosaurus. Who was going to cave first? Would either? Were they just gonna sit here like imbeciles for much longer? These were the questions any bystander surely would've been asking, had there been any to witness this. Shiki maintained the same cool, dispassionate gaze the whole time, her clouded eyes locked on Blake's sharp gaze like a pair of homing missiles, the tension palpable enough to be severed with a knife.

Then she smirked.

It seemed she liked the resistance she saw; or, at the very least, admired it.

"Ha! So you're one of those types... well, I can respect that. So what should I call you until you choose to grace me with your name, mystery woman? Will Kitten do?"

There was precious little her Eyes missed. Ears like those were unusual, but they were far from the strangest thing she'd seen.

"I'm Shiki. I'd ask where Beacon is, but I honestly couldn't care less. How well do you know how to use that thing?"

She lazily pointed at Gambol's hilt, kimono sleeves hanging loosely from her wrist.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
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