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Hajime frowned as she spoke about what had happened with her friends, "I have a feeling they weren't really your friends, Sukuna." Not if they're using you like that. If they're acting like her.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies

"... Oh. I see. I tried to make everything better by fixing up the trouble that... she did by using my magic... and then I found myself here..." Sukuna thought about it for a bit. Seija wasn't a friend. She was fiend to all, and the princess was gullible enough to help her only because the mischievous youkai fabricating a story to get her on board in the first place.

@Kaykay @The Tactician

Yeah, screw that noise.

Kyon hid behind Yukio just in case this Krieg guy turned out to be hostile.

@Krieg @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Oh you're in high School? I went to school in my bed."

Being a son of a super science , Hank was talking of course of his learning bed, but didn't bother to explain in. A Krieg arrived Hank lightly grabbed Asakura and, more roughly, Kyon. He would move them back.

"That guy there, see him? He's crazy. How do I know? I want to be Batman. I have to know. That and I've seen crazy super villains my whole life. That guys a nut job, and I rather not see get killed."

@Verite @Mari @Krieg


"That's right!" Asakura chirped. "Kyon and I are both in high school. In fact, we go to the same school and we're even in the same class." Or, at least, they were in the same class before Yuki Nagato destroyed her. What a shame that had been. But, on the bright side, at least she was back now. For how long, Asakura wasn't sure.

The teen frowned, however, at the sight of Krieg and the things Hank said as he pulled her and Kyon aside. "Oh my! How frightening! If he attacks us, will you protect us?" she asked, pretending to be worried. In all honesty, Asakura wasn't frightened by Krieg in the slightest. "Or, maybe, Kyon could protect us?" she said, glancing to her classmate with a teasing smile. She knew Kyon was a bit of a coward, which was exactly why she made the suggestion.

@Krieg @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Josh M @Verite @Krieg

"... Oh. I see. I tried to make everything better by fixing up the trouble that... she did by using my magic... and then I found myself here..." Sukuna thought about it for a bit. Seija wasn't a friend. She was fiend to all, and the princess was gullible enough to help her only because the mischievous youkai fabricating a story to get her on board in the first place.

@Kaykay @The Tactician

Man, I guess she's had it rough. Poor kid... Deciding he needed to say to cheer her up, he gently smiled at her and held out a hand, "You know, I can be your friend if you want."

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies
"Sargent, combat stance, eyes on the prowl. Possible target." Speirs would stand up, walking a few inches toward Jinx as his Thompson would be raised at her. He didn't take kindly to razing, or for that matter, signs of aggression as he would lick his lips rather instinctively. "Mind putting the rocket launcher down?" It was more of an order as he stared at her with eyes that would instill fear to any of his subordinates, his finger on the trigger and ready to fire.

Luz would nod at the Captain, his helmet placed on his head as he raised a finger toward Neo. "Just a sec. Mind keeping the radio safe?" He asked, but not much time to respond as he grabbed his Carbine and headed in the same direction of Speirs, finger on the trigger guard as the rifle pointed down at the ground.

@Gummi Bunnies @ShadowPrime
"...Such a long road. Lots of nice lush grass...and it's getting hot! Like did one of you guys turn this place into an oven or something? That's pretty crazy. At least I dressed appropriately for such--wait. Lots of grass...heat increase...oh. OH! Message received, universe! LOUD AND CLEAR!" She nodded, pulling out Fishbones once more.

"I know what you have planned."

"Quiet, silly death machine."

"You should apologize."

"You know I can replace you, right?" She slung him back onto her back, done puppeteering now that an individual rocket was withdrawn. Unscrewing a portion of it, she walked up to the grass and moved back and forth in a straight line, dumping the fuel of the rocket onto the grass below. Or trying to. Stupid interfering magical bus seat had been impervious. The gate didn't want to open. Well, third time's the charm, right?

She stepped back, procuring a match and lighting it. "Banzai!" She flicked it over at the fuel once done, eager to see.

@york @OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheBlueBurch

The heat posed no real hindrance to Gaara due to where he hailed from. Having been raised from birth in a village situated in a desert, the sand ninja never complained about the heat. Not even as sweat ran down his face and dripped onto the ground. He kept his eyes focused forward, only shifting them upon Jinx speaking to what looked like an inanimate object. He'd ask what reason she had for speaking to it or pouring the contents of that rocket onto the grass but he was certain he would have just gotten a nonsensical response back. Not to mention that this was the same entity who earlier didn't think twice about aiming some kind of weaponry his way on the bus. That put her quite highly on the list of people who had annoyed him so far. Time would tell if the one wearing a bow or the other female would annoy him as well.

As the little flame that she managed to get going quickly died out, Gaara huffed and turned away. While the woman clearly seemed deluded, her previous actions did help Gaara to realize that something was indeed off about this place. His sand hadn't been able to stop Beowulf from placing a hand upon him and this world seemingly couldn't be damaged be it with that strange projectile-weapon that Jinx used or attempting to set the grass itself ablaze. But there was another question that Gaara wanted an answer too and turning to face wherever Krieg may have been standing, Gaara sought to try and manipulate some of the sand out of his gourd and have it snake towards Krieg. If only to see if it would work if he tried actively using it. This world certainly seemed odd enough that he wouldn't doubt that being the case.

@ShadowPrime @Krieg @york @SchneeCorpLawyer

Beowulf... was that the name of his species, or...?

"But... you totally look like..." Karol's face contorted in confusion. This Beowulf wasn't acting much like any monster he'd seen before. Most didn't talk, which implied he could have been like an Entelexeia. "Are you telling me you didn't eat my friends?" As Karol heard the words come out of his mouth, he realized how dumb it all sounded. In fact, as Beowulf knelt closer to him, Karol saw him for what he really was: just a human. A really hairy and huge human, but nothing monstrous. In fact, if what Beowulf was saying was true, he was a sort of monster hunter...

"Oh my gosh, wait, you beat a giant? My fiends and I totally beat up a couple of huge monsters ourselves, but I don't think we could have done that alone. Well, maybe Yuri could have but that's so cool!" Karol was grinning now, his arms relaxing to lower the broadsword. This guy was actually kind of cool! The fact that he carried around that arm like a trophy and even seemed to have respect for the monster in death... Karol could appreciate that. Monsters were awful and all, but they were still a part of the ecosystem!


"I... sort of announced my name when I challenged you, but... I realize I was being... a bit weird. But are you like a famous fighter or something? Do you have any cool moves you could show me? Oh! Oh! I bet my friend Yuri could be a match for you! He's a friend of mine, my second-in-command of Brave Vesperia!"

@TheBlueBurch @Bomb @Jeremi @Meira
"Heh, Karol? The only thing this wulf eats is VICTORY! Not anybody's friends, certainly not the friends of a kid as brave as you!" Beowulf never shyed away from a chance to promote just how absolutely awesome he was but he did have to admit that seeing a kid wielding a broadsword was a pretty neat sight. Though if what he deduced from this kind was true than he went around fighting creatures like Grendel with his pals. It took everything Beowulf had to take down the gigan all those years ago back in the ring. That a kid and a couple of his pals managed to beat some nasty monsters themselves brought a smile to the wrestler's face. Even at a young age, this kid was already taking on beasties way outside of his weight class and that was something to be respected.

"Sure did! Was the toughest fight of my life! It was in the middle of a war we humans were having with the giants or gigans we call em! While the troops were off risking their hides against enemies that towered over them in stature and strength, I was taking on one with my bare hands. Will never forget it as long as I have and just as long as I have Grendel to remind me of the victory and to prevent me from ever forgetting how hard of a fight he put up. But, you say you fought monsters too huh? Well, maybe this wulf can take you for a ride on the arooooooo train and teach you the secrets of how to kick some real monster butt!"

Pointing towards the sky, Beowulf grinned.
"You seem like you got a lot of potential, Karol. I'm well known back from where I'm from for being one of the meanest, toughest, roughest fighters in all of New Meridian! Oh, and you just lemme know whenever your friend Yuri is in the neighborhood. Now watch very carefully! It's not often people get to see the pure awesomeness of the leader of the Wulfpack!"

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The heat posed no real hindrance to Gaara due to where he hailed from. Having been raised from birth in a village situated in a desert, the sand ninja never complained about the heat. Not even as sweat ran down his face and dripped onto the ground. He kept his eyes focused forward, only shifting them upon Jinx speaking to what looked like an inanimate object. He'd ask what reason she had for speaking to it or pouring the contents of that rocket onto the grass but he was certain he would have just gotten a nonsensical response back. Not to mention that this was the same entity who earlier didn't think twice about aiming some kind of weaponry his way on the bus. That put her quite highly on the list of people who had annoyed him so far. Time would tell if the one wearing a bow or the other female would annoy him as well.

As the little flame that she managed to get going quickly died out, Gaara huffed and turned away. While the woman clearly seemed deluded, her previous actions did help Gaara to realize that something was indeed off about this place. His sand hadn't been able to stop Beowulf from placing a hand upon him and this world seemingly couldn't be damaged be it with that strange projectile-weapon that Jinx used or attempting to set the grass itself ablaze. But there was another question that Gaara wanted an answer too and turning to face wherever Krieg may have been standing, Gaara sought to try and manipulate some of the sand out of his gourd and have it snake towards Krieg. If only to see if it would work if he tried actively using it. This world certainly seemed odd enough that he wouldn't doubt that being the case.

@ShadowPrime @Krieg @york @SchneeCorpLawyer​

The sand remained on the ground... It seemed his powers were being suppressed by something, but, who knows? Maybe in the appropriate situation, the barrier could be lifted?​
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"Oh you're in high School? I went to school in my bed."

Being a son of a super science , Hank was talking of course of his learning bed, but didn't bother to explain in. A Krieg arrived Hank lightly grabbed Asakura and, more roughly, Kyon. He would move them back.

"That guy there, see him? He's crazy. How do I know? I want to be Batman. I have to know. That and I've seen crazy super villains my whole life. That guys a nut job, and I rather not see get killed."

@Verite @Mari @Krieg[/user]
Wednesday just looked thinking this man may already seem to have many enemies. She wondered why. To her it didn't seem he was harmful. Well not as much as her perhaps. She then took out her flask filled with poison and began to sip on it for a few moments.

@Krieg @ShadowPrime @Mari @Verite
@Others that may now be with Wednesday​


"That's right!" Asakura chirped. "Kyon and I are both in high school. In fact, we go to the same school and we're even in the same class." Or, at least, they were in the same class before Yuki Nagato destroyed her. What a shame that had been. But, on the bright side, at least she was back now. For how long, Asakura wasn't sure.

The teen frowned, however, at the sight of Krieg and the things Hank said as he pulled her and Kyon aside. "Oh my! How frightening! If he attacks us, will you protect us?" she asked, pretending to be worried. In all honesty, Asakura wasn't frightened by Krieg in the slightest. "Or, maybe, Kyon could protect us?" she said, glancing to her classmate with a teasing smile. She knew Kyon was a bit of a coward, which was exactly why she made the suggestion.

@Krieg @Mari @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Josh M @Verite @Krieg
"Oh, yes. I'll risk my life valiantly for the beautiful princess and the noble steeds like a knight in shining armor," he said sarcastically, grunting lightly as Hank would pull him towards him.

Knight in shining armor he was not. Now, if we're talking a kind of a knight in sour armor, that's a bit different...

"Uh... what do we do then? Do we... run away? Try to reason with him? Try to fight him? Stand still and hope that his vision is based on movement?"

He was much more interested in the first option.

@Jeremi @Josh M @Krieg @The Silver Paladin @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Man, I guess she's had it rough. Poor kid... Deciding he needed to say to cheer her up, he gently smiled at her and held out a hand, "You know, I can be your friend if you want."

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies

"Friend? A-Are you sure, mister Hajime? I mean... we just met..." Sukuna was afraid of doing that same mistake by making friends right away. She did make a lot of trouble for using her magic for bad things not too long ago.

@Kaykay @The Tactician
york said:
Just like the others who have tried before, the barrier would not yield... Though, Bill in this case, found that teleportation simply didn't work... His powers seemed to be suppressed at the moment...
When Bill tried teleporting but he vanished and reappeared at the same spot. He then tried teleporting into another universe but his powers were surpressed here. GOD DAMMIT! Yelled the triangle in frustration. So, we're stuck here? ... Asked Canada quietly, not wanting to anger an already angry Bill. WHAT DO YOU THINK? HUNH? Lashed out Bill to his servant. He turned blood red and grew 25x bigger while yelling at Canada
Wednesday looked and listened. "I pick reason or fight. Both sound absolutely horrific." She stated. In the young Addams eyes she thought those were actually good options. Not exactly what most would think her comment would have meant. "Reason would be better. I have done studies on the homicidal manics. Perhaps he has a similar problem as some of them?" She suggested.


@Verite @Krieg @Others​

"No, this is where I draw the line. You will not harm the blood of the innocent, you understand? If you do, I'll end this, for both of us."


"Listen well, I let you in, and I will let you out if I have to. Don't worry, you'll get your hunt, but not on these strangers. Not while I'm still here, I won't allow it. She still waits for me."


"Yes you can, now, don't make me repeat myself, or else."

The man that had exited the bus violently thrashed, the 6'2", absurdly buffed-up, post-apocalyptic barbarian reveling to himself. What stood before the other players seemed to be the very embiodment of insanity, thrashing, slurring, kicking up a storm of dust around him and manically laughing. Yet, in a strange way, he didn't feel oddly threatening, more or less disturbing, but not directly threatening. Waving his Buzz-Ace carelessly about, Krieg threw himself back, yelling loudly, underneath the wheezing breaths of his iconic gas mask, revealing only one, lone eye. Directing his attention to those that drew their weapons against him, particularly Yukio, Krieg began to rant, his growly voice frightening yet defensive.

"Stop judging me, sword lady! I'm just here to shank and smillle!!!" the man cackled, throwing his Buzz-Axe promptly in the air, catching it as it fell, seemingly unfazed by those who seemed alarm by him. After all, it would be their lost if they tried to attack him whilst he was wearing a high-grade, fully-integrated, body-wide Hyperion regenerative shield. Plus, he had an axe with a buzzsaw blade sticking out of it, was there any other questions that needed to be ask.

"Come along, little girlies and boyies! Your prince of justice and genocide is here! Gone are the days of Mercy and tentacles! The second-act of this MEAT play! AND I WILL WIN BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR!!!"

With an encouraging, and downright insane speech, Krieg promptly began to skip away harmless from the crowd converged around the bus, humming wildly, going down the path and seeming to have the time of his life.

"Well...that is one way to introduce yourself."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ShadowPrime @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheBlueBurch @Raven @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @york @ALL OF YOU ON THE SS POOP TRAIN
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"Friend? A-Are you sure, mister Hajime? I mean... we just met..." Sukuna was afraid of doing that same mistake by making friends right away. She did make a lot of trouble for using her magic for bad things not too long ago.

@Kaykay @The Tactician

She probably thinks I'm going to use her like that other person. "Don't worry, I know how it feels to be used by people you trusted. I... I don't like to talk about what they did to me or made me do, so I'm sure I won't use you like the other person did," Hajime kept his hand held out, waiting for her to take it.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

"No, this is where I draw the line. You will not harm the blood of the innocent, you understand? If you do, I'll end this, for both of us."


"Listen well, I let you in, and I will let you out if I have to. Don't worry, you'll get your hunt, but not on these strangers. Not while I'm still here, I won't allow it. She still waits for me."


"Yes you can, now, don't make me repeat myself, or else."

The man that had exited the bus violently thrashed, the 6'2", absurdly buffed-up, post-apocalyptic barbarian reveling to himself. What stood before the other players seemed to be the very embiodment of insanity, thrashing, slurring, kicking up a storm of dust around him and manically laughing. Yet, in a strange way, he didn't feel oddly threatening, more or less disturbing, but not directly threatening. Waving his Buzz-Ace carelessly about, Krieg threw himself back, yelling loudly, underneath the wheezing breaths of his iconic gas mask, revealing only one, lone eye. Directing his attention to those that drew their weapons against him, particularly Yukio, Krieg began to rant, his growly voice frightening yet defensive.

"Stop judging me, sword lady! I'm just here to shank and smillle!!!" the man cackled, throwing his Buzz-Axe promptly in the air, catching it as it fell, seemingly unfazed by those who seemed alarm by him. After all, it would be their lost if they tried to attack him whilst he was wearing a high-grade, fully-integrated, body-wide Hyperion regenerative shield. Plus, he had an axe with a buzzsaw blade sticking out of it, was there any other questions that needed to be ask.

"Come along, little girlies and boyies! Your prince of justice and genocide is here! Gone are the days of Mercy and tentacles! The second-act of this MEAT play! AND I WILL WIN BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR!!!"

With an encouraging, and downright insane speech, Krieg promptly began to skip away harmless from the crowd converged around the bus, humming wildly, going down the path and seeming to have the time of his life.

"Well...that is one way to introduce yourself."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ShadowPrime @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheBlueBurch @Raven @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @york @ALL OF YOU ON THE SS POOP TRAIN
Wednesday listened and looked to the group. "I think he is absolutely fantastic." She stated hearing the introduction. "You enjoy genocides too?" She asked curious.

@Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Others​
Katara kept quiet for a moment as she tried to work out what she was going to do. Holding Alex's hand her cheeks flared up for a second going pink. Walking with the three others they exited the metal bus contraption. She looked at the two males that were ahead of them "Yato right? Where abouts are you two from?" She asked as she stopped outside the bus to look around.

@Wedge Antilles @Lizzy
"Sargent, combat stance, eyes on the prowl. Possible target." Speirs would stand up, walking a few inches toward Jinx as his Thompson would be raised at her. He didn't take kindly to razing, or for that matter, signs of aggression as he would lick his lips rather instinctively. "Mind putting the rocket launcher down?" It was more of an order as he stared at her with eyes that would instill fear to any of his subordinates, his finger on the trigger and ready to fire.

Luz would nod at the Captain, his helmet placed on his head as he raised a finger toward Neo. "Just a sec. Mind keeping the radio safe?" He asked, but not much time to respond as he grabbed his Carbine and headed in the same direction of Speirs, finger on the trigger guard as the rifle pointed down at the ground.

@Gummi Bunnies @ShadowPrime
Neo tilted her head curiously as she was given the responsibility of keeping the radio safe. With that tinge of curiosity, the ice cream girl lingered from afar to see what was the threat.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @ShadowPrime @others​
Katara kept quiet for a moment as she tried to work out what she was going to do. Holding Alex's hand her cheeks flared up for a second going pink. Walking with the three others they exited the metal bus contraption. She looked at the two males that were ahead of them "Yato right? Where abouts are you two from?" She asked as she stopped outside the bus to look around.

@Wedge Antilles @Lizzy

Alex grinned as Katara asked the two guys about themselves. He then grimaced a bit when he heard some yelling and posturing between others in the distance. "Careful, Katara," he said, "these two might have an argument over themselves." He gestured towards the other seeing people outside. "But then, maybe that's a normal thing here. Wherever here is."

@Korra @Lizzy
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She probably thinks I'm going to use her like that other person. "Don't worry, I know how it feels to be used by people you trusted. I... I don't like to talk about what they did to me or made me do, so I'm sure I won't use you like the other person did," Hajime kept his hand held out, waiting for her to take it.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

"O-Oh! Okay... I guess we'll be friends after all..." Sukuna decided to take a chance with this, taking his hand while bringing back that childish smile. Looks like her mood came right back up.

@The Tactician @Kaykay

"No, this is where I draw the line. You will not harm the blood of the innocent, you understand? If you do, I'll end this, for both of us."


"Listen well, I let you in, and I will let you out if I have to. Don't worry, you'll get your hunt, but not on these strangers. Not while I'm still here, I won't allow it. She still waits for me."


"Yes you can, now, don't make me repeat myself, or else."

The man that had exited the bus violently thrashed, the 6'2", absurdly buffed-up, post-apocalyptic barbarian reveling to himself. What stood before the other players seemed to be the very embiodment of insanity, thrashing, slurring, kicking up a storm of dust around him and manically laughing. Yet, in a strange way, he didn't feel oddly threatening, more or less disturbing, but not directly threatening. Waving his Buzz-Ace carelessly about, Krieg threw himself back, yelling loudly, underneath the wheezing breaths of his iconic gas mask, revealing only one, lone eye. Directing his attention to those that drew their weapons against him, particularly Yukio, Krieg began to rant, his growly voice frightening yet defensive.

"Stop judging me, sword lady! I'm just here to shank and smillle!!!" the man cackled, throwing his Buzz-Axe promptly in the air, catching it as it fell, seemingly unfazed by those who seemed alarm by him. After all, it would be their lost if they tried to attack him whilst he was wearing a high-grade, fully-integrated, body-wide Hyperion regenerative shield. Plus, he had an axe with a buzzsaw blade sticking out of it, was there any other questions that needed to be ask.

"Come along, little girlies and boyies! Your prince of justice and genocide is here! Gone are the days of Mercy and tentacles! The second-act of this MEAT play! AND I WILL WIN BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR!!!"

With an encouraging, and downright insane speech, Krieg promptly began to skip away harmless from the crowd converged around the bus, humming wildly, going down the path and seeming to have the time of his life.

"Well...that is one way to introduce yourself."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ShadowPrime @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheBlueBurch @Raven @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @york @ALL OF YOU ON THE SS POOP TRAIN
Her mouth widened briefly in surprise before settling on a shit eating grin, genuinely applauding this guy. "Well well, you're a big fella, aren't ya?" She approached him, twirling one of her hair braids and casting an appraised glance up. "Yes, yes you are." One eye, gas mask...an axe with a buzzsaw blade! How come I never thought of that? She mentally applauded him once more. She'd have to try that back home. Among other things.

"Put up your dukes, Muscles!" She mockingly threw some punches at the big guy, not actually connecting cause whoa, you could grind meat on those abs. Mhhhhm...meat. She licked her lips. What, she was really hungry.


She turned and watched keenly as he just skipped away after all that, his speech and actions. Ha! There was only really one suitable reaction to the guy as she glanced over her shoulder at Fishbones.

"I want one."

"You can't own people."

"No, Fishbones, you don't understand! I want one!"

"Slavery has long since been illegal in Piltover, regardless of desire."

"Who cares about what the silly city of Progress thinks? More like city of pushovers."

"If you didn't care, you wouldn't have lived there for so long."

"Can I just turn your silly button off? WHERE IS IT? And besides, we're not in Pilty anymore!"

"Still very illegal."


@Krieg @york @OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheBlueBurch @Raven @Others

"No, this is where I draw the line. You will not harm the blood of the innocent, you understand? If you do, I'll end this, for both of us."


"Listen well, I let you in, and I will let you out if I have to. Don't worry, you'll get your hunt, but not on these strangers. Not while I'm still here, I won't allow it. She still waits for me."


"Yes you can, now, don't make me repeat myself, or else."

The man that had exited the bus violently thrashed, the 6'2", absurdly buffed-up, post-apocalyptic barbarian reveling to himself. What stood before the other players seemed to be the very embiodment of insanity, thrashing, slurring, kicking up a storm of dust around him and manically laughing. Yet, in a strange way, he didn't feel oddly threatening, more or less disturbing, but not directly threatening. Waving his Buzz-Ace carelessly about, Krieg threw himself back, yelling loudly, underneath the wheezing breaths of his iconic gas mask, revealing only one, lone eye. Directing his attention to those that drew their weapons against him, particularly Yukio, Krieg began to rant, his growly voice frightening yet defensive.

"Stop judging me, sword lady! I'm just here to shank and smillle!!!" the man cackled, throwing his Buzz-Axe promptly in the air, catching it as it fell, seemingly unfazed by those who seemed alarm by him. After all, it would be their lost if they tried to attack him whilst he was wearing a high-grade, fully-integrated, body-wide Hyperion regenerative shield. Plus, he had an axe with a buzzsaw blade sticking out of it, was there any other questions that needed to be ask.

"Come along, little girlies and boyies! Your prince of justice and genocide is here! Gone are the days of Mercy and tentacles! The second-act of this MEAT play! AND I WILL WIN BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR!!!"

With an encouraging, and downright insane speech, Krieg promptly began to skip away harmless from the crowd converged around the bus, humming wildly, going down the path and seeming to have the time of his life.

"Well...that is one way to introduce yourself."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ShadowPrime @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheBlueBurch @Raven @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Jeremi @Josh M @york @ALL OF YOU ON THE SS POOP TRAIN
"Oh, fuck, why can't there be a sane and regular person around here?" As Speirs was about to speak and give the order to cover the other looney, Luz would already be on the case. "I got it, sir. Leave it to me." As he approached Krieg, he kept his distance, ennough for the swinging giant to not touch him or hurt him as he raised the Carbine up to Krieg's hip. " 'Ey uh.. Looney? You mind not trying to kill everybody for your own self-fulfillment? It ain't a Murder-fest goin' on!" He would yell lightly, his finger nicely slipt from the trigger guard and directly onto the trigger in preparation of his own defence.


"O-Oh! Okay... I guess we'll be friends after all..." Sukuna decided to take a chance with this, taking his hand while bringing back that childish smile. Looks like her mood came right back up.

@The Tactician @Kaykay
"I'm not sure exactly what you've gone through, but we'll be your friends too!" Yellow exclaimed, tentatively placing her hand near the other two's.

"Chu!" It seemed Chuchu didn't mind making friends either, as she reached her paw up from the ground to unsuccessfully meet the others' hands.

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies
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