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"Alright." Cecil put his hand on Ragnarok. "I doubt you'll need help, as you seem pretty capable, but I will be there if you need assistance with anything. It's part of my vows as a paladin." Cecil smiled.

"I won't forget, mister Cecil! I'll go talk to the others now, and see if they have any idea," Sukuna gave a nod, and then deciding to check up on that woman that happened to have an ice cream theme going with her appearance. Well, it all looked like some kid with a bowl on her head just joined up with this group. Yay.

@The Silver Paladin @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @others​

Was she actually going to laugh? Oh god, someone get the camera rollin-

Oh wait, no, Neo just gave a teasing smile, stuck her tongue out, and strutted her way to mess with the other people around. Hajime was fun to tease, but it got stale really quick. She needed a bit more... interesting people, like that Yang girl that she's fought some time ago.


Wanting to work out more of that amusement out of this one, Neo happened to walk up... uncomfortably close to Kyon. What did she want exactly?

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite

Hajime sighed as Neo walked away, "Right, guess I'm still as uninteresting as always..." Deciding he had nothing better to do, he walked over to the gate and sat down, back to the metal, before pulling out his noteback. As he waited for someone to approach him, he settled into making a few doodles on the paper, unworried by the possibility of running out of space.

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Kaykay @ShadowPrime @Bomb

"I won't forget, mister Cecil! I'll go talk to the others now, and see if they have any idea," Sukuna gave a nod, and then deciding to check up on that woman that happened to have an ice cream theme going with her appearance. Well, it all looked like some kid with a bowl on her head just joined up with this group. Yay.

@The Silver Paladin @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @others​

"Alright!" Cecil smiled again. He then leaned against the gate and sighed. He drew Ragnarok, and began polishing it.

@Anybody I'm at a play, so I can't respond for an hour. Quote me if you want to talk.
Asakura tilted her head over her shoulder and looked at Kyon with a worried frown, shaking her head. "The only thing I know is, I believe we should get you some help right away. You honestly don't have to be afraid of me." Asakura let go of Scout's hands and turned around to walk toward Kyon, walking with slow careful movements. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, gently tapping it against his cheek. "At least wipe your face off, hm?" she suggested smiling softly. While she was close enough to him, Asakura took the opportunity to lean in closer to his ear and whispered.

"I don't think they believe you. You're wasting your breath and simply making yourself look silly. You can calm down, kay? I promise I'm not here to kill you. I really don't know why I'm here yet. So, I swear, you don't have to worry about lil' 'ol me. I only wanted to kill you because of Haruhi Suzumiya, remember? Does it look like she's here?"

She then pulled back from Kyon, continuing to smile as she gave him a pat on the shoulder. "You can take my handkerchief. I promise there's no knife hidden up my sleeve," she teased.

@Verite @Mari @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Kyon stiffened quite a bit when Asakura had gotten in his personal space, and just about stopped breathing when she whispered what she did to him. So his suspicions were right! Well, sort of. This was indeed Asakura as he knew her, kind of, and not the alternate form he had seen in the other world. Well, then again, that form was crazy too, but whatever.

He was about to speak up in response to her whispers, before she would offer her handkerchief to him. Well... it would seem that he'd have no reason to doubt her. At least, in this instance. After all, what reason did she have to lie? If she really did want him dead, he would probably be dead already. But still...

Well, she was still dangerous. Very dangerous.


Reluctantly taking the handkerchief, Kyon began to wipe the sweat off his forehead, going with the act as well. No point in making himself look like a complete ass more than he already had just now. That would wait when he would calm down and apply the snark to every situation that they would come across in the future.

"Yeeees, ma'aaaam," he sighed tiredly, going with it, "Maybe I'm just tired. Sorry about the commotion, everyone," he said, pretending to calm down, but in reality, he was actually more worried and concerned than before. Not at the anomaly that was Asakura, but rather, everyone's situation in general.

Wait, did someone say 1980s?

Well, time travel. Great. Did Miss Asahina time travel him while he wasn't looking? Some other third party time traveler? It seemed that he couldn't find anyone nearby who he was familiar with. Or at least, wanted to be. But at the very least, what to do about this time travel situation...

Wait, Russia?

Oh, boy. This was gonna be fun.

"Um... you people don't exactly look like you're from the 1980s. Isn't it supposed to be the 21st century for anyone else?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

Shiki didn't dignify Jinx with a response; she simply glared at the other girl as she moved away, her clouded gray irises briefly shifting into a luminescent shade of electric blue with flecks of fuchsia when they locked eyes. It wasn't necessarily a look of spite, or even one of anger; it was simply a clear, no-nonsense, penetrating stare, the message of which was clear: I see right through you.

One look was all it had taken. One look to determine this girl was a killer; and not just a killer, but a senseless murderer.

After all, it took one to know one.

Shiki knew some would see Jinx for what she was instantly; but she also knew some would mistake her playful antics and wide-eyed glee for innocence. Someone like Mikiya probably would've tried to befriend her or something... that idiot. If he deferred to her better judgement as often as he ignored it, he probably wouldn't end up getting into trouble so much.

She hoped he was okay.

"Gramps, I don't even know who you are."


"Work with, maybe. Work for... No."

She didn't mean to sound harsh, but trust... didn't come easily to Shiki. Those who had it had to earn it, and those who earned it had done a whole lot more for her than help her up off the ground. As long as the old man remained amicable, though, she was fine with considering him an ally... for now.

To break the awkward silence after that, she quickly changed the subject.

"I've been dreaming about this place for days. I take it you're the same?"

@ShadowPrime @Unlimited RP Works
He merely shrugged, another piece of the puzzle confirmed for him.

As to the nickname, it wasn't like he didn't deal with a powerful, supernatural-centric private eye on a semi-regular basis before. Smart mouth confirmed in turn. It was almost like home.

Except it wasn't by a long shot.

"Of course you wouldn't. As I believe the same would be by everyone here. I'm a Businessman in development, from the mystical land...Of Chicago. And the same dream, every night? Yes."

He turned to the gate, arms crossed as he continued idly.

"Normally I've security to prevent this sort of thing. I'll have to correct that when I return home. For now though, we appear to be at the mercy of our host." At whatever stare or reply he had at that last statement, he'd smirk.

"Its obvious. Same dream, all of us gathered from various worlds or timelines, as different as can be? And all rather ham-handedly in the same area, forced to interact? I'd say that points to a presence who decided it'd be fun to play with all of us in one area."

He let that sink in before adding in the most flat and deadpan of tones.


@ShadowPrime @OrlandoBloomers
Kyon stiffened quite a bit when Asakura had gotten in his personal space, and just about stopped breathing when she whispered what she did to him. So his suspicions were right! Well, sort of. This was indeed Asakura as he knew her, kind of, and not the alternate form he had seen in the other world. Well, then again, that form was crazy too, but whatever.

He was about to speak up in response to her whispers, before she would offer her handkerchief to him. Well... it would seem that he'd have no reason to doubt her. At least, in this instance. After all, what reason did she have to lie? If she really did want him dead, he would probably be dead already. But still...

Well, she was still dangerous. Very dangerous.


Reluctantly taking the handkerchief, Kyon began to wipe the sweat off his forehead, going with the act as well. No point in making himself look like a complete ass more than he already had just now. That would wait when he would calm down and apply the snark to every situation that they would come across in the future.

"Yeeees, ma'aaaam," he sighed tiredly, going with it, "Maybe I'm just tired. Sorry about the commotion, everyone," he said, pretending to calm down, but in reality, he was actually more worried and concerned than before. Not at the anomaly that was Asakura, but rather, everyone's situation in general.

Wait, did someone say 1980s?

Well, time travel. Great. Did Miss Asahina time travel him while he wasn't looking? Some other third party time traveler? It seemed that he couldn't find anyone nearby who he was familiar with. Or at least, wanted to be. But at the very least, what to do about this time travel situation...

Wait, Russia?

Oh, boy. This was gonna be fun.

"Um... you people don't exactly look like you're from the 1980s. Isn't it supposed to be the 21st century for anyone else?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

Great, Junko's now learned how to time travel... Hajime raised his hand before returning to his doodles, "I'm from the 21st century."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

Yukine woke up to the sound of voices and grunted lightly when he felt someone heavily leaning against him. He looked down at his shoulder and saw black hair.

"Yato?...Hey...Yato, get up will ya?" He grumbled while nudging the god of calamity-or as he likes to call himself, a "Delivery God"-causing the older male to wake and sit up with a slightly dazed expression.

"Eh? Yukine? What...okay, why are we on a bus? I know for a fact we don't have enough for bus fair and this doesn't look like the buses back home..." Yato said in slight confusion while rubbing the back of his head.

"Who knows...but it's pretty hot in here." the blonde Shinki muttered with a deep frown.

"Hiyori isn't here. I guess it's justyou and me then." Yato mentioned, earning a small sigh from the Shinki.

"Oh well, babysitting you isn't anything new," Yukine huffed, earning a roll of the eyes from Yato.

Kyon stiffened quite a bit when Asakura had gotten in his personal space, and just about stopped breathing when she whispered what she did to him. So his suspicions were right! Well, sort of. This was indeed Asakura as he knew her, kind of, and not the alternate form he had seen in the other world. Well, then again, that form was crazy too, but whatever.

He was about to speak up in response to her whispers, before she would offer her handkerchief to him. Well... it would seem that he'd have no reason to doubt her. At least, in this instance. After all, what reason did she have to lie? If she really did want him dead, he would probably be dead already. But still...

Well, she was still dangerous. Very dangerous.


Reluctantly taking the handkerchief, Kyon began to wipe the sweat off his forehead, going with the act as well. No point in making himself look like a complete ass more than he already had just now. That would wait when he would calm down and apply the snark to every situation that they would come across in the future.

"Yeeees, ma'aaaam," he sighed tiredly, going with it, "Maybe I'm just tired. Sorry about the commotion, everyone," he said, pretending to calm down, but in reality, he was actually more worried and concerned than before. Not at the anomaly that was Asakura, but rather, everyone's situation in general.

Wait, did someone say 1980s?

Well, time travel. Great. Did Miss Asahina time travel him while he wasn't looking? Some other third party time traveler? It seemed that he couldn't find anyone nearby who he was familiar with. Or at least, wanted to be. But at the very least, what to do about this time travel situation...

Wait, Russia?

Oh, boy. This was gonna be fun.

"Um... you people don't exactly look like you're from the 1980s. Isn't it supposed to be the 21st century for anyone else?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

Pat Pat. Ryoko gave Kyon a couple more taps on the shoulder, as if he were a dog who had just obeyed her orders.

"Good boy!"

She cleared her throat before putting her hands behind her back. Asakura then tilted her head thoughtfully. "The 1980's you say? Well, people don't look like they're from any particular time period. It's the clothes that make anyone look a certain way. And their clothes don't look like 1980's clothing. This is very strange," she said with a frown. Asakura tapped her chin, before shrugging. "For all we know, it could be time travel." She giggled. "Or, maybe someone is just playing a joke on us. I wouldn't really know myself."

@Verite @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M
Kyon stiffened quite a bit when Asakura had gotten in his personal space, and just about stopped breathing when she whispered what she did to him. So his suspicions were right! Well, sort of. This was indeed Asakura as he knew her, kind of, and not the alternate form he had seen in the other world. Well, then again, that form was crazy too, but whatever.

He was about to speak up in response to her whispers, before she would offer her handkerchief to him. Well... it would seem that he'd have no reason to doubt her. At least, in this instance. After all, what reason did she have to lie? If she really did want him dead, he would probably be dead already. But still...

Well, she was still dangerous. Very dangerous.


Reluctantly taking the handkerchief, Kyon began to wipe the sweat off his forehead, going with the act as well. No point in making himself look like a complete ass more than he already had just now. That would wait when he would calm down and apply the snark to every situation that they would come across in the future.

"Yeeees, ma'aaaam," he sighed tiredly, going with it, "Maybe I'm just tired. Sorry about the commotion, everyone," he said, pretending to calm down, but in reality, he was actually more worried and concerned than before. Not at the anomaly that was Asakura, but rather, everyone's situation in general.

Wait, did someone say 1980s?

Well, time travel. Great. Did Miss Asahina time travel him while he wasn't looking? Some other third party time traveler? It seemed that he couldn't find anyone nearby who he was familiar with. Or at least, wanted to be. But at the very least, what to do about this time travel situation...

Wait, Russia?

Oh, boy. This was gonna be fun.

"Um... you people don't exactly look like you're from the 1980s. Isn't it supposed to be the 21st century for anyone else?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

Great, Junko's now learned how to time travel... Hajime raised his hand before returning to his doodles, "I'm from the 21st century."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

Neo gave a nonchalant shrug, not like she had no idea what time period she came from, but it was more like this time talk was relative to the time that she knew about.



"Um... I'm not sure what all of this mumbo jumbo stuff means... I'm so confused..." Sukuna was so lost. None of this was every talked about in Gensokyo. This was all Outside World talk, because clearly it wasn't getting anywhere with this girl.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Verite @Josh M

Neo gave a nonchalant shrug, not like she had no idea what time period she came from, but it was more like this time talk was relative to the time that she knew about.



"Um... I'm not sure what all of this mumbo jumbo stuff means... I'm so confused..." Sukuna was so lost. None of this was every talked about in Gensokyo. This was all Outside World talk, because clearly it wasn't getting anywhere with this girl.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Verite @Josh M

Hajime just kept doodling, not a fuck given.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M
He merely shrugged, another piece of the puzzle confirmed for him.

As to the nickname, it wasn't like he didn't deal with a powerful, supernatural-centric private eye on a semi-regular basis before. Smart mouth confirmed in turn. It was almost like home.

Except it wasn't by a long shot.

"Of course you wouldn't. As I believe the same would be by everyone here. I'm a Businessman in development, from the mystical land...Of Chicago. And the same dream, every night? Yes."

He turned to the gate, arms crossed as he continued idly.

"Normally I've security to prevent this sort of thing. I'll have to correct that when I return home. For now though, we appear to be at the mercy of our host." At whatever stare or reply he had at that last statement, he'd smirk.

"Its obvious. Same dream, all of us gathered from various worlds or timelines, as different as can be? And all rather ham-handedly in the same area, forced to interact? I'd say that points to a presence who decided it'd be fun to play with all of us in one area."

He let that sink in before adding in the most flat and deadpan of tones.



Well, now. The old man had smarts; that was good. They'd get him far. The throaty chuckle Shiki gave was almost entirely noncommittal in nature, and she followed it up with a lethargic yawn as she slipped her hands into her jacket pocket and tilted her head back to look at the sky.

"Then... whenever this "presence" reveals itself, I'll kill it and we'll leave. Crisis averted."

It was a little disconcerting, just how many of life's problems could be solved through murder.

Just when she was about ready to relax, though, the yelling of some blonde-headed idiot nearby informed her things weren't gonna be that easy.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

"Wait here! We're in 1980's Russia?! Back in the U.S.S.R? You all ain't funnin' me? Here I thought in Soviet Russia, Time travels you. Huh."

"The 1980s, huh...?"

Jeez, what a pain. Things suddenly became a lot less straightforward than "kill the bad guy and go home", if they were ever that simple to begin with. It didn't show on the surface, but a small twinge of concern plucked uselessly at Shiki's heart, and she furrowed her brow with a mild huff of irritation, placing her hands on her hips.

"So we've moved both in space and time... I've never heard of such a thing, but I don't pay much attention to magic to begin with. You mentioned you're from America, old man? What year?"

@Unlimited RP Works

"Uuummmm... what's going on here, mister? Can I see? Pleeeeeease..." Sukuna happened to notice that he was doodling away, the girl trying to get a peek on his notebook.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mari @Verite @Josh M
Wanting to take a break from the chaos happening everywhere else, Yellow decided to take a seat next to the doodler, beginning to take out her sketchbook.

"Hey, I draw a little bit too. What're you drawing there?"

@The Tactician @uh whoever I guess I'm a bit lost now

"Oh, uh, sure..." How is that girl so small? She's like a little fairy or something. However, he went ahead and showed them what he was working on. It seemed to be a girl wearing a bat-eared hoodie, an exasperated expression on her face as she seemed to be chiding someone. For an amateur like Hajime (at least in his mind), the work was rather impressive, "Sorry she doesn't have any color yet. If I could get some colored pencils, then I could actually bring her back to life," his voice grew quieter as he mentioned the last part of bringing the girl to life, as if the words were ones he didn't wish for them or perhaps himself to hear.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay
Red Reminder! Please remember to visit the signups page after each new round/mid-round session! I may have updated the signups to fit new information! Since this roleplay can move really fast past the Prologue and Epilogue stages, it's wise to check the signups every now and then for some possibly new information! PS: If you haven't already, please check out the signups page for the rules and premise and stuff!

Prologue: The Recurring Dream

A dream... Many, in different places, even times, have been having this exact same dream every night... A fuzzy image of them standing at the gates of some sort of camp... It's name was written in a Russian language, one which, everyone somehow knew read "Sovionok". Each time, the image grew more vivid, and one could almost touch the gates, feel the coolness of the night air, or... Maybe, even enter them. However, no matter how hard the dreamer tried, no matter how many times, they just couldn't budge from their spot... And instead, they woke up. This strange cycle continued for night after night, eah time, the dramers could remember more and more about their dream.... However... One day, something changed. Each dreamer, sharing almost identical dreams, even in different dimensions, planes of existence, suddenly felt tired. All it would take was a single moment, before they each dozed off... Their consciousness slowly slipping away as everything grew dark, and absolutely still.

Day 1
Faint, but somehow familiar sounding music could be heard, at the edge of everyone's consciousness, and the faint humming of a bus's engine could be heard. The feeling of a soft fabric underneath everyone indicated that they were sitting in some sort of bus perhaps... A faint, feminine voice could be heard, but, while it's words couldn't be made out, the words had a calming effect on everyone in a way. The strange, half-conscious ride lasted for around an hour or so, some may have fallen fully asleep in the meantime, however, when the bus finally screeched to the stop... It was sure to wake everyone who had been sleeping, or semi-conscious on it, that's when everything truly started to sink in...

Now that everyone was awake, it became apparant that they were in some sort of bus; and Ikarus model to be precise, commonly used in the late 1980's in Soviet Russia... Blinding sunlight shone through the bus's windows, and an apparant heat lingering in the air conveyed clearly that it was summer here. Memories of the ride that came before was quite a blur, the most anyone could remember was closing their eyes in a familiar environment, wherever that was, and then...

A field of some sort, and the rising sun... What was this place? Who knew, but, all anyone really did know was that it was no longer their home, or wherever they had been before they had fallen asleep. Someone could be heard freaking out near the front of the bus, punching himself a few times, slapping his face... He was standing in an empty space between the seats, staring in disbelief at the spot, as if he had thought there was a door there or something. Then, he ran out the front of the bus, looking to be in a panicked frenzy; perhaps he too was one of the new arrivals? No-one could manage to get a good look at him just yet, so, who knows...

It looked like there were a few options here right now;
A) Run after that panicked fellow; It might be in one's best interests to get to him before he hurts himself or something... Maybe you could find out what had happened to him? And, more importantly, if he had been brought to this camp in a similar fashion the rest of you have...

B) Head out the bus; Perhaps, even if you aren't going to chase after that disgruntled guy, it would be for the best to at least get to know where this bus had ended up... Maybe get your bearings? Or if anything else, strike up a nice conversation with others who had decided to do the same.

C) Stay in the bus; Well, one can't blame you if you're staying in the bus; the seats are rather comfortable, though, admittedly, it's quite hot in here... Maybe you could get to know your peers? Well, you can do that outside too, but, maybe inside, you're a little more sheltered from the heat.
Remember... Bold and Underline your choice to make it easier for the GM to decipher o.o

Camp Arrivals (Cast):
Played by:
@york Name: ??? (NPC) canon: ??? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: ??? (NPC) canon: ??? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @york Name: ??? (NPC) canon: ??? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mighty Roman Name: N (NPC) canon: Pokemon Black & White 1/2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @BarrenThin Name: Tallion (Gravewalker) canon: Middle-earth; Shadow of Mordor Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Tactician Name: Hajime Hinata canon: Dangaronpa 2; Goodbye Despair Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Krieg Name: Krieg the Psycho Canon of Origin: Borderlands 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @TheBlueBurch Name: Gaara Canon of Origin: Naruto & Name: Beowulf Cannon: Skullgirls (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Raven Name: Wednesday Adams Canon of Origin: The Addams Family Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @DapperDogman Name: Bell Cranel Canon of Origin: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Verite Name: Kyon canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Mari Name: Yukio Canon of Origin: Marvel Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ResistingTheEnlightened Name: Captain Ronald Speirs Canon of Origin: Band of Brothers & Name: George Luz Cannon: Band of Brothers (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Bomb Name: Kang Hee-Gun Canon of Origin: Running Man Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Name: Ryoko Asakura Canon of Origin: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @CrunchyCHEEZIT Name: The Scout Canon of Origin: Team Fortress 2 Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @FireDrake150 Name: Claire Farron (Lightning) Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @OrlandoBloomers Name: Shiki Ryougi Canon of Origin: Type-Moon Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Wedge Antilles Name: Alex Summers Canon of Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Korra Name: Katara Canon of Origin: Avatar: The last airbender Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @The Silver Paladin Name: Cecil Harvey Canon of Origin: Final Fantasy Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Kaykay Name: Yellow de Tokiwa Grove Canon of Origin: Pokemon Adventures Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Gummi Bunnies Name: Neo Canon of Origin: RWBY & Name: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru Canon of Origin: Touhou (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ShadowPrime Name: Jinx Canon of Origin: League of Legends Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Jeremi Name: Ori Valadier Canon of Origin: Under Night In-Birth & Name: TOHSAKA Canon of Origin: Type Moon (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @ProxyMoron Name: Tsukimi Kurishita Canon of Origin: Princess JellyFish Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Schnee Corp Lawyer Name: Blake Belladonna Canon of Origin: RWBY Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Infinatis Name: Bill Cipher Canon of Origin: Gravity Falls Name: Canada Canon of Origin: Hetalia (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Josh M Name: Hank Venture Canon of Origin: The Venture Bros Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Atomyk Name: Karol Capel Canon of Origin: Tales of Vesperia Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Meira Name: Anima & Name: Asahina Samidare Canon of Origin(both characters): Lucifer and The Biscuit Hammer (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Rock Knight Name: Idoun Canon of Origin: Fire Emblen: The Binding Blade Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Siontalk Name: Haruka Kokonose Canon of Origin: Kagerou Project Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Lizzy Name: Yatogomi & Name: Yukine Canons of Origin: Noragami (Duo) Status: Alive Role: Unknown
Played by: @Unlimited RP Works Name: Johnny Marcone Canon of Origin: The Dresden Files Status: Alive Role: Unknown​

Wednesday awoke and noticed the bus. She was quiet and looked seeing Pugelsy was not next to her which was a little odd. Though she didn't mind a day to get a break wasn't that bad. She decided to get out of the Bus and learn where it was headed. 'I hope not to camp Chipawa' was her only thoughts.

@york @Those off the bus I guess


Well, now. The old man had smarts; that was good. They'd get him far. The throaty chuckle Shiki gave was almost entirely noncommittal in nature, and she followed it up with a lethargic yawn as she slipped her hands into her jacket pocket and tilted her head back to look at the sky.

"Then... whenever this "presence" reveals itself, I'll kill it and we'll leave. Crisis averted."

It was a little disconcerting, just how many of life's problems could be solved through murder.

Just when she was about ready to relax, though, the yelling of some blonde-headed idiot nearby informed her things weren't gonna be that easy.

"The 1980s, huh...?"

Jeez, what a pain. Things suddenly became a lot less straightforward than "kill the bad guy and go home", if they were ever that simple to begin with. It didn't show on the surface, but a small twinge of concern plucked uselessly at Shiki's heart, and she furrowed her brow with a mild huff of irritation, placing her hands on her hips.

"So we've moved both in space and time... I've never heard of such a thing, but I don't pay much attention to magic to begin with. You mentioned you're from America, old man? What year?"

@Unlimited RP Works
She sounded pretty confident.

Did it have something to do with her eyes perhaps? He had noticed their ability to change coloration, perhaps it was connected? She also mentioned magic.

So not entirely familiar, but still something that she knew of. The more he learned, the more prepared he'd be as he answered.

"2015. I'd just finished a routine job at the time with some known associates."

Because robbing Hades Underworld vault of the Holy Grail and completely discrediting that nickelheaded bastard demon with the aide of the Winter Court and his nemesis was utterly routine. :|

"Are you sure you won't reconsider the job offer? I've a need for level heads and determination in my organization."

At the cry in the distance, he added dryly.

"You'd be surprised how rare that combination is. And the year for you back home?"

Speirs stared at Semyon, his Thompson subtly raised up a little as it pointed at his knee. He gave a long puff from his cigarette and looked around at the others casually. The infamous gun wasn't pointed high enough to seem threatening, but inconspicuously enough to send a message to him alone. "Now listen Semyon, my duty as a paratrooper is to protect and liberate the good of this Earth. You're a good guy, a civilian at that, and albeit you be a Red, I'll allow this to go. You'll be under constant eye from me and Luz over there, and you'll be employed of your services as a translator to anything we might not know of you Ruskies. Is that understood?"

Luz simply stared at Semyon, it wasn't a stare of aggression, but one of that of curiosity. His finger would slip away from the trigger of his Carbine and rested over the trigger guard. "Trust me, kid, you'll be in good frickin' hands, but only if we can cooperate with each other. I don't see you as a "Kill-All-The-Jews" type, but being a Soviet does put a sharp incline on our job, especially where we're at. The States and the Soviets don't exactly get along, y'know?"

"Of course it doesn't feel right. Even in my time, time travel is only used in stories and movies!" Gary said.

Gary looked around to see his surroundings.

"So... what do we do now?"

@york @TheBlueBurch @Jeremi @ResistingTheEnlightened
@Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Jeremi @ResistingTheEnlightened

Semyon nodded a little "It's best to stick together..." he said, but, he shrugged a little, he seemed to be lost in thought once more; it was clear he was more of an introvert to say the least... Perhaps he had lived a secluded life to say the least, and perhaps not the most interesting one.

Wednesday awoke and noticed the bus. She was quiet and looked seeing Pugelsy was not next to her which was a little odd. Though she didn't mind a day to get a break wasn't that bad. She decided to get out of the Bus and learn where it was headed. 'I hope not to camp Chipawa' was her only thoughts.

@york @Those off the bus I guess
@Raven @Any Spectators

It would appear that the bus had stopped here for the time being... The stop they were at right now was more or less what it's destination was; she could see nothing but an endless stretch of road past this stop in both directions...​
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@Bomb @TheBlueBurch @Jeremi @ResistingTheEnlightened

Semyon nodded a little "It's best to stick together..." he said, but, he shrugged a little, he seemed to be lost in thought once more; it was clear he was more of an introvert to say the least... Perhaps he had lived a secluded life to say the least, and perhaps not the most interesting one.
Without anyone knowing about anything, Gary nodded in agreement.

@TheBlueBurch @Jeremi @ResistingTheEnlightened
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