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"Hooh, I'm flattered you'd defend me, Miss Sakuya," he spoke in an amused tone, back to his usual state of manner, it seemed, "Yes, tearing off an arm would seem a bit excessive, wouldn't it? If you say it's torn off, as in, with brute strength, then should we consider those who might have the strength to do so? Heh, after all, I don't exactly look the type who could pull it off. Though of course, it is as Miss Sakuya says. I could very well have just sliced it off, wouldn't I? But why would I do such a peculiar thing when everyone's death is all too easy and all the same? Would it not be counter-productive of me to leave a clue like that? I'm far more calculated in my methods than that, if I may say so myself."

@york @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Hmph," Sakuya crossed her arms. "I just didn't think it was reasonable for it to be you," she told Shiki. The clues pointed towards someone with immense physical strength. Strength to chop through an arm. Perhaps the lighter wounds were just distractions. Or maybe the heavier wound was the distraction? She still didn't have anyone to pinpoint solidly. Aqua seemed to have figured something out though, since she was exclaiming and all. As she listened, she heard Aqua had found out who the catalyst was. While not the traitor, that was still good information. Hopefully Aqua would continue, or Sakuya would move to prompt her.
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Everyone

Aqua could only spare a weak nod in Riley's direction when he specified who she should heal. She was grateful to hear Raynor decide to drop the bickering with the others, hoping everyone else really would do the same. The master didn't want to hear it anymore. Dark thoughts of failure would only cloud her mind at a time like this, and Aqua didn't need any more distractions to tear her mind away from the war. No, from now on she would only think about what was best for the group.

Aqua stepped away from the others after nodding to Riley, beginning to pace the camp again--her eyes narrowed as she raised her blade on her right hand, pointing it at the sky.

"Curaga," she whispered, enveloping her entire body in a green, healing aura. She gently drew circles in the sky with her blade, materializing a majority of the green energy in the sky. The energy then began to fall from the sky, like green fireflies floating to the earth. The points of energy were warm, comforting, and soothing to anyone they came in contact with. Aqua had created a rain of healing energy that would patch up the wounds of any injured person still left in the camp. Immediately Aqua felt her eyelids grow heavy upon using the spell; it was powerful and would take a lot out of her.

As Aqua casted the spell, she continued to mull over who could've been the divergent catalyst. She again repeated Vanitas last words, feeling as if they may have been important in some manner.

"Think of the chaos as a parting gift. Farewell. At least this time you had the nerve to actually put a stop to me..."

"I did put a stop to you in my world, but I didn't here. That's a difference. So the difference is... Wait--"

Aqua's blue eyes widened as she lowered her weapon after casting her healing spell. "Oh, OH! I know who it is!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Oh, I should've seen it from the beginning! I know who the catalyst is!" For a moment, her eyes relit with excitement, but she paused for a second, freezing in place as she continued to think. Slowly, the excitement faded until the light had left her eyes entirely.

Aqua dropped her arm down, stabbing her keyblade into the ground. The master then lowered her head, leaning her forehead against the hilt of her blade. She exhaled a shaky breath of air and began to rub her hands with her eyes.

She was speechless.​
Joshua simply stared, albeit him be on his last magazine on both weapons, he raised the assault rifle high in the air, prepared and somewhat frightened to what's to come "Woah. What are you doing? What's wrong?" He asked in worry, both at her and wanting to know the answer
Storm heard through the grapevine that Vanitas had been defeated, yet he had not seemed to be the catalyst.

"Much like with Bane..." She mused aloud to no one in particular.

Crusader meanwhile had gone in to inspect the wounds some more, though she was more curious about the severed arm. Had it been cut by a ligthsaber and cauterized the wound as some suspected...or had it been done by some other means other than cutting?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BodyBuddies
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Storm heard through the grapevine that Vanitas had been defeated, yet he had not seemed to be the catalyst.

"Much like with Bane..." She mused aloud to no one in particular.

Crusader meanwhile had gone in to inspect the wounds some more, though she was more curious about the severed arm. Had it been cut by a ligthsaber and cauterized the wound as some suspected...or had it been done by some other means other than cutting?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BodyBuddies

Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Sophie frowned, it seemed that Shiki had a point, a good one at that really; then again, something else struck her as odd "It's strange though... Their assailant had the strength to tear off an arm... But... The stab wounds look so... Shallow..." she said, frowning a little. Not to mention, it was odd already for the stab wounds to look like arrow entry wounds, like someone had been using arrows to stab holes in the bodies or something? Ruby honestly looked stumped on the other hand, rubbing her temples as she desperately tried to figure out who it could be...​

"A nuqqa as crazy as Shiki to be traitor would be way to easy," Nicki stood beside Ruby def not checking dat ass under the cute dress. "Though, I rather let ya'll speak before even tryin' ta voice what I hav ta think." She wasn't the best at investigating or putting down clues, but knowing the dangers of the hood could be useful. "Ya'll should look into who's big and strong. I remember one of my huge bodyguards havin' ta deal with a stalka' of mine."
@everyone yay​
"Hmph," Sakuya crossed her arms. "I just didn't think it was reasonable for it to be you," she told Shiki. The clues pointed towards someone with immense physical strength. Strength to chop through an arm. Perhaps the lighter wounds were just distractions. Or maybe the heavier wound was the distraction? She still didn't have anyone to pinpoint solidly. Aqua seemed to have figured something out though, since she was exclaiming and all. As she listened, she heard Aqua had found out who the catalyst was. While not the traitor, that was still good information. Hopefully Aqua would continue, or Sakuya would move to prompt her.
"Then have you considered that perhaps... a stab wound wasn't the strike to kill 'em? Maybe they were killed in other ways. Ways to kill that aren't exactly easy to trace. After all, you can't kill someone with such a shallow wound," he shrugged, crossing his arms briefly, "But perhaps I'm over-stepping my bounds. But still, might you have another explanation for such a thing? Such as... suspecting me?"

"Either way, Ms. Sakuya, I'm flattered by your trust. If I may say so myself."
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Silver Paladin @Everyone

Aqua could only spare a weak nod in Riley's direction when he specified who she should heal. She was grateful to hear Raynor decide to drop the bickering with the others, hoping everyone else really would do the same. The master didn't want to hear it anymore. Dark thoughts of failure would only cloud her mind at a time like this, and Aqua didn't need any more distractions to tear her mind away from the war. No, from now on she would only think about what was best for the group.

Aqua stepped away from the others after nodding to Riley, beginning to pace the camp again--her eyes narrowed as she raised her blade on her right hand, pointing it at the sky.

"Curaga," she whispered, enveloping her entire body in a green, healing aura. She gently drew circles in the sky with her blade, materializing a majority of the green energy in the sky. The energy then began to fall from the sky, like green fireflies floating to the earth. The points of energy were warm, comforting, and soothing to anyone they came in contact with. Aqua had created a rain of healing energy that would patch up the wounds of any injured person still left in the camp. Immediately Aqua felt her eyelids grow heavy upon using the spell; it was powerful and would take a lot out of her.

As Aqua casted the spell, she continued to mull over who could've been the divergent catalyst. She again repeated Vanitas last words, feeling as if they may have been important in some manner.

"Think of the chaos as a parting gift. Farewell. At least this time you had the nerve to actually put a stop to me..."

"I did put a stop to you in my world, but I didn't here. That's a difference. So the difference is... Wait--"

Aqua's blue eyes widened as she lowered her weapon after casting her healing spell. "Oh, OH! I know who it is!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Oh, I should've seen it from the beginning! I know who the catalyst is!" For a moment, her eyes relit with excitement, but she paused for a second, freezing in place as she continued to think. Slowly, the excitement faded until the light had left her eyes entirely.

Aqua dropped her arm down, stabbing her keyblade into the ground. The master then lowered her head, leaning her forehead against the hilt of her blade. She exhaled a shaky breath of air and began to rub her hands with her eyes.

She was speechless.​
Before he could get any further in the discussion however, Shiki would take note of Aqua. The sound of the blade stabbing into the ground. It caught his attention, reminding him of the sounds of blades clanking against each other. Blades cutting through flesh and bone. Reminded him of home in a way. An odd way of feeling nostalgic, but Shiki wasn't the most normal person, was he?

"Ah, do you? And what might that be?" He asked, taking note of her expression that reminded him of despair, deciding to play off it while he could, "Nothing too dramatic, I'd presume?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @york @Proxymoron

"A nuqqa as crazy as Shiki to be traitor would be way to easy," Nicki stood beside Ruby def not checking dat ass under the cute dress. "Though, I rather let ya'll speak before even tryin' ta voice what I hav ta think." She wasn't the best at investigating or putting down clues, but knowing the dangers of the hood could be useful. "Ya'll should look into who's big and strong. I remember one of my huge bodyguards havin' ta deal with a stalka' of mine."
@everyone yay​
"Hmph," Sakuya crossed her arms. "I just didn't think it was reasonable for it to be you," she told Shiki. The clues pointed towards someone with immense physical strength. Strength to chop through an arm. Perhaps the lighter wounds were just distractions. Or maybe the heavier wound was the distraction? She still didn't have anyone to pinpoint solidly. Aqua seemed to have figured something out though, since she was exclaiming and all. As she listened, she heard Aqua had found out who the catalyst was. While not the traitor, that was still good information. Hopefully Aqua would continue, or Sakuya would move to prompt her.
"Then have you considered that perhaps... a stab wound wasn't the strike to kill 'em? Maybe they were killed in other ways. Ways to kill that aren't exactly easy to trace. After all, you can't kill someone with such a shallow wound," he shrugged, crossing his arms briefly, "But perhaps I'm over-stepping my bounds. But still, might you have another explanation for such a thing? Such as... suspecting me?"

"Either way, Ms. Sakuya, I'm flattered by your trust. If I may say so myself."

Before he could get any further in the discussion however, Shiki would take note of Aqua. The sound of the blade stabbing into the ground. It caught his attention, reminding him of the sounds of blades clanking against each other. Blades cutting through flesh and bone. Reminded him of home in a way. An odd way of feeling nostalgic, but Shiki wasn't the most normal person, was he?

"Ah, do you? And what might that be?" He asked, taking note of her expression that reminded him of despair, deciding to play off it while he could, "Nothing too dramatic, I'd presume?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @york @Proxymoron
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @Verite @Proxymoron

Sophie frowned, considering this concept for a moment "I guess it was the arrows you... Acquired from Aqua..." she said, frowning a little at that memory, it seemed that particular moment was what had got her to start piecing things together. Though, as the wounds seemed shallow enough to be non-lethal, perhaps, Shiki might not be as much of a suspect as she had thought, but, it hurt her head to think just who else it might be? Who else had acquired arrows which they could use as weapons? Ruby blinked "Wait a second... I don't think those things carried over from the simulation... Did it?" she asked, trying to remember if that was the case or not...​

"Huh...does that mean an arrow head was used to cut the arm as well? That's...I don't even want to image the work that was put in to that if it's true." Crusader replied with a clear hint of disgust in her as she got back to her feet. "So what do we think?" She asked everyone there.

"If that is true I'd imagine one of killers would need some form of enhanced strength, at least if they did it in a short time span...it is still very vague though."

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BodyBuddies
Storm heard through the grapevine that Vanitas had been defeated, yet he had not seemed to be the catalyst.

"Much like with Bane..." She mused aloud to no one in particular.

Crusader meanwhile had gone in to inspect the wounds some more, though she was more curious about the severed arm. Had it been cut by a ligthsaber and cauterized the wound as some suspected...or had it been done by some other means other than cutting?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BodyBuddies

The stump shows evidence of being cut off and not ripped off. It is also not cauterized.​
Story Update


A very battle-worn and injured Vanitas made his way out of the Crossroads, attempting to flee for his life while he left the others to fight the monsters behind him. His form, disguised as a shadow moving along the dirt of the badlands, sneaked across the area and headed for the Fissure where some of the survivors were staying. Unbeknownst to them, the shadowy form moved to the center of the camp before rising up at its center, returning to his ordinary form.

In his normal form, Vanitas was badly injured. Long gashes and cuts covered his body, an arrow stuck out of his right arm, and a few bullet holes could be seen in his body. It was easy to tell that he would be done for should he be attacked again.

"I guess I finally met some worthy opponents," he muttered to himself, grunting as he pulled the arrow out of his arm. "But that doesn't mean I'll let them get away completely free." With a shaky arm, Vanitas lifted his dark blade, pointing it toward the skies. A hole then opened up in one of the dust clouds from above, creating room for black bolts of lighting to shoot from the skies.

The first bolt struck the second tent, setting it ablaze. Those inside it came scrambling out, some of the people on fire as they ran, screaming at the top of their lungs. Another bolt of lightning shot down, hitting the first tent. The supplies the moogles had been selling blew all over the place, along with a few charred bodies of the poor creatures who were unlucky enough to be caught in the blast. Those who survived, struggled and squirmed on the ground. Lastly, a bolt hit the third and fourth tents, causing louder bouts of screaming through the campsite.

Aqua's eyes shot open from where she rested. She let go of Claire's hand, standing up immediately. "No!" she cried, seeing the ruined campsite around them with Vanitas at its heart. Aqua summoned her keyblade quickly and rushed toward Vanitas, stabbing him directly through the the back; in his weakened state he was unable to stop her. Vanitas fell to the ground afterwards, chuckling at the destruction he had caused in his last moments.

Aqua glared at him, dropping her keyblade before moving to the ground to grab Vanitas around the throat.


"Wh-Why? Haven't you hurt enough people?!"

This is exactly why I should've helped the others fight him. I needed to make sure he was stopped!

Gasping, the dark apprentice mumbled, "Think of the chaos as a parting gift. Farewell. At least this time you had the nerve to actually put a stop to me..."

In a black mist, Vanitas' body then faded from sight, destroyed.

Aqua stood up, frowning at the blood on her hands as she took out her Coalition communicator.

"Ngh, well at least we've destroyed the catalyst. It won't be long now until we move--"

The communicator beeped. Aqua's eyes widened. "That can't be! It's still beeping? That means... the catalyst still isn't destroyed?!" The master furrowed her brows, puzzling over their situation. Wasn't Vanitas supposed to be the catalyst? If he wasn't then who was?

"Ugh, well, I'll think this over," she told the others. "For now, all of you had better vote for the traitor and perhaps tend to some of the wounded in this camp."

If there was one thing thing that was apparent from viewing the wreckage of the tent, it was how brutal war could be...

@Atomyk as Claire Redfield [Resident Evil]
@FireDrake150 as Izana [Original Character] and Ace [Final Fantasy]
@Gummi Bunnies as Red [Pokemon] and Rinato Dormi [Original Character]
@The Tactician as Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi and Naoya 'Cain' Mineshigi [Devil Survivor]
@Verite as Shiki Tohno [Type-Moon]
@Krieg as Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
@Bomb as Plutia [Hyperdimension Neptunia] and Gnar [League of Legends]
@Emperor Palpachu as R2-D2 [Star Wars] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
@Hospes as Teresa Agnes [Maze Runner]
@york as Sophie [Cry of Fear] and Ruby Rose [RWBY]
@DapperDogman as Soul 'Eater' Evans [Soul Eater] and Ulysses[Fallout]
@Proxymoron as Nicki Minaj [Real Life]
@Thuro Pendragon as Ezio Auditore and Desmond Miles [Assassin's Creed]
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko [Original Character]
@Josh M as Travis Touchdown [No More Heroes]
@Raven as Jake Long [American Dragon] and Stitch [Lilo and Stitch]
@TheBlueBurch as Chloe Price [Life is Strange]
@Jeremi as Storm and Crusader [Marvel Comics]
@Wedge Antilles as Legolas Greenleaf [The Lord of the Rings]
@ShadowPrime as Felix [Red vs Blue]
@Unlimited RP Works as Archer [Type-Moon]
@Meira as Revya [Soul Nomad & The World Eaters]
@The Silver Paladin as The Lone Wanderer/Riley [Fallout]
@Mtntopview as Frenzy [Transformers]
@Nater Taters as Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Joshua Graham [Fallout]
@Lizzy as Link and Fi [Legend of Zelda]
@Ivazel as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black [Mortal Kombat]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as James "Jim" Raynor [StarCraft]
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi [Touhou]

The Dead
@Emperor Palpachu as Darth Vader - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@Chris Lang as Kalifa and Kaku - MURDERED! INNOCENT! CRUSHED!
@Maddeline as Emily "Hunter" Grimes - DIED! INNOCENT! VAPORIZED!
@Mighty Roman as Joseph Aniphage - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SNAPPED NECK!
@Infinatis as Grail Trigadon and Specter Knight - DIED! INNOCENT! SQUASHED LIKE A BUG!
@M a r s as Lucy Heartfilia - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@Banana Soiree as Harry Hart/Galahad - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@OrlandoBloomers as Maxine Caulfield - MURDERED! INNOCENT! IMPALED!
@Hospes as Ridley Duchannes - EXECUTED! TRAITOR! BEGGED FOR DEATH!
@Librarian Cat as Corvo Attano - DIED! INNOCENT! SHATTERED!
@Jenny as Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell - DIED! INNOCENT! HEADS SMASHED IN!
@Sandra as Sylveon and Umbreon - DIED! INNOCENT! IMMOLATED!
@Black Cat as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Toad Sage Jiriaya - DIED! INNOCENT! DELETED!
@OrionsHammer as Belphegor - DIED! INNOCENT! DELETED!
@SirDerpingtonIV as Nito - DIED! INNOCENT! DELETED!
@Dinoteen as Cell - DIED! INNOCENT! DELETED!
@TheColourlessRainbow as The Charmed Ones - DIED! INNOCENT! ENDED THE HALIWELL LINE!
@BarrenThin as Lisa Castle and Frank Castle - DIED! INNOCENT! STABBED!

As Legolas was pursuing Vanitas, he caught up when he reached Aqua. By the time he arrived though, the battle was over. He smiled as he saw Aqua was well in charge and had terminated the foe they all had struggled against. Fitting, he thought, as he noticed Aqua was okay by all apprearances.

He then relaxed a bit, and felt the pain again from his punctured arm from the battle. He looked around for a healer type, as he had noticed earlier that they seemed to be in decent number. Riley was the one that came to mind, so he started to walk off, looking for Riley or anyone with healing capability. He would need a healthy arm or at least some healing if he was to be of any use, he thought.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @healertypes
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The blonde pouted right back. "Don't look so down, Princess. It's cute." This.. Didn't seem like empty flirting. Could this have been an actual compliment?! That would be insane. Rid never seemed to give anyone real compliments, with a few exceptions. Of course, obviously, the Duchannes girl was unaware of the thoughts she'd triggered for Max.. Not that she really gave a damn.

When Max told her to pick someone, Rid tilted her head, making her blonde and pink hair swish. "..Yeah, I can," she answered after a long pause, pacing starting back up as she seemed to examine Max and Bayonetta absently. Which was the better choice..? Both would have some sort of positive impact.. Hm.

Clearing her throat, Ridley halted, looking between Bayonetta, Joshua, and Max with a pleasant and sickly sweet smile plastered on her red lips. "Alright.. I think I've got my pick," she declared with a nod. "I choose..."

There was a long, suspenseful pause, likely to try to spark some dramatic affect.


Woah... That was a massive turn of events.

Giving the slightly younger girl something of a half-sincere smile, Rid actually stepped closer.. And went to give her a playful nuggie. "I mean, I love kisses and all.. But I guess there's some sort of charm in the fact you aren't like most people. You didn't strive to please me to get what you want, and even sassed me. I like that."

"..Although.. Damn. Bayo over there can kiss."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @OrlandoBloomers @Mari

Bayonetta just shrugged at Ridley. "I get it. You're one of those cool girls who tries to be opposite, because it is a trendy and cool thing to be. Or, you couldn't take Max's crybaby act anymore, I bloody well knew I couldn't take any more of that whining. Good riddance, and I hope the Coalition has some good babysitters in their ranks."

She then considered a darker possibility at play.

"Or, logically speaking, you are likely still trying to aid your traitor friends from the realm of the dead. One less agent for them to eliminate, as it still stands."

She winked at Ridley. "Better watch yourself, Siren, for this witch is going to make things quite unpleasant for you in return."

@Hospes @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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As Legolas was pursuing Vanitas, he caught up when he reached Aqua. By the time he arrived though, the battle was over. He smiled as he saw Aqua was well in charge and had terminated the foe they all had struggled against. Fitting, he thought, as he noticed Aqua was okay by all apprearances.

He then relaxed a bit, and felt the pain again from his punctured arm from the battle. He looked around for a healer type, as he had noticed earlier that they seemed to be in decent number. Riley was the one that came to mind, so he started to walk off, looking for Riley or anyone with healing capability. He would need a healthy arm or at least some healing if he was to be of any use, he thought.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @healertypes

Riley looked at Legolas. "Hey. You here to get healed?" Riley grabbed some supplies from his medpack. "What do you think you'll need? Stimpak? Bandages? Or something else. I have it all." Riley smiled, and winced in pain at his own arm.
Riley looked at Legolas. "Hey. You here to get healed?" Riley grabbed some supplies from his medpack. "What do you think you'll need? Stimpak? Bandages? Or something else. I have it all." Riley smiled, and winced in pain at his own arm.

"Whatever might restore strength to my arm," Legolas answered, "as one of my arrows was redirected at me, puncturing my arm." He pointed at the wound, still bleeding. "I can fire arrows, but the pain reduces my range. And my effectiveness in battle is reduced, making our effort as a coalition that much more difficult."

@The Silver Paladin
"Whatever might restore strength to my arm," Legolas answered, "as one of my arrows was redirected at me, puncturing my arm." He pointed at the wound, still bleeding. "I can fire arrows, but the pain reduces my range. And my effectiveness in battle is reduced, making our effort as a coalition that much more difficult."

@The Silver Paladin

"Stimpak it is then." Riley pulled out the Stimpak. "This will heal any broken bones, as well as the cut itself almost immediately." Riley indeed it into Legolas's arm.
"Stimpak it is then." Riley pulled out the Stimpak. "This will heal any broken bones, as well as the cut itself almost immediately." Riley indeed it into Legolas's arm.

Legolas watched Riley do his thing. He didn't think there were any broken bones in his arm. Still, the way towards healing of any pain, from his experience, meant more pain, so he braced himself both physically and mentally for that consequence.

"Thank you", he replied.

@The Silver Paladin
Legolas watched Riley do his thing. He didn't think there were any broken bones in his arm. Still, the way towards healing of any pain, from his experience, meant more pain, so he braced himself both physically and mentally for that consequence.

"Thank you", he replied.

@The Silver Paladin

Riley smiled. "You're welcome. Now go to Fi, your love while I treat myself." Riley sat down. He pulled out several stimpaks and bandages. "And Good old boys drinking Whiskey and Rye, singing 'this will be the day that I die. This will be the day that I die." Riley sang as he tended to his wound. He didn't know where he had heard the song, considering it was not from his world. "Junko, Sakuya, can I get some help? My shoulder is injured, and I'm bleeding out. It just won't stop."

@Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who wants to help.
Riley smiled. "You're welcome. Now go to Fi, your love while I treat myself." Riley sat down. He pulled out several stimpaks and bandages. "And Good old boys drinking Whiskey and Rye, singing 'this will be the day that I die. This will be the day that I die." Riley sang as he tended to his wound. He didn't know where he had heard the song, considering it was not from his world. "Junko, Sakuya, can I get some help? My shoulder is injured, and I'm bleeding out. It just won't stop."

@Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who wants to help.
"Of course, what do you need?" Sakuya asked.
"Of course, what do you need?" Sakuya asked.

"I'm bleeding out. P-prevent me from going into shock." Riley winced. "Grab the bandages from my pack." Riley clutched his shoulder again. "While I was running. One of those damn things got me, and I waited too long before treating the wound."
"Then have you considered that perhaps... a stab wound wasn't the strike to kill 'em? Maybe they were killed in other ways. Ways to kill that aren't exactly easy to trace. After all, you can't kill someone with such a shallow wound," he shrugged, crossing his arms briefly, "But perhaps I'm over-stepping my bounds. But still, might you have another explanation for such a thing? Such as... suspecting me?"

"Either way, Ms. Sakuya, I'm flattered by your trust. If I may say so myself."

Before he could get any further in the discussion however, Shiki would take note of Aqua. The sound of the blade stabbing into the ground. It caught his attention, reminding him of the sounds of blades clanking against each other. Blades cutting through flesh and bone. Reminded him of home in a way. An odd way of feeling nostalgic, but Shiki wasn't the most normal person, was he?

"Ah, do you? And what might that be?" He asked, taking note of her expression that reminded him of despair, deciding to play off it while he could, "Nothing too dramatic, I'd presume?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Kaykay @york @Proxymoron
"Feel how you wish," Sakuya told Shiki. "But for now...I do trust you."

"I'm bleeding out. P-prevent me from going into shock." Riley winced. "Grab the bandages from my pack." Riley clutched his shoulder again. "While I was running. One of those damn things got me, and I waited too long before treating the wound."
Sakuya dug into his pack, rummaging for bandages. Finding them, she started wrapping it around his wound. "Is this right?" she asked, not completely sure.
"I'm bleeding out. P-prevent me from going into shock." Riley winced. "Grab the bandages from my pack." Riley clutched his shoulder again. "While I was running. One of those damn things got me, and I waited too long before treating the wound."

Legolas looked at Sakuya as he noticed Riley's difficulties after treating his injury. "If I may be of assistance," he said to Sakuya, "I shall do whatever you need." Whatever Riley did, it seemed to be starting to have effect on his pain, so he hoped whatever Sakuya might do would be as efficient.

@Kaykay @Lizzy @The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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