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"Yeah, of course, Aqua. The more, the merrier, after all. Now, enough jibber-jabber, you guys. Let's see if there's anything else this alley has for us. Hopefully nothing too dangerous..." He murmured, leading the group into the deeper part of the dark alley.


There doesn't seem to be anything here. Nothing where a Riddler trophy can be hidden. Nothing notable to examine. The only thing of any noteworthy value of all seemed to be the chalk outline of two bodies. Upon further examination, the chalk seemed quite old, as though it were at least a few decades old.


For all intents and purposes, it should be little more than a normal, old crime scene, but the aura of the place gives you a strange, somber feeling. Like something especially tragic happened here. The murder of some important people. The kind of murder that would completely change someone's life. For better or for worse, who knew?

Still, it was a strange scene. It made Shiki go quiet, pocketing his hands as he looked at the chalk.

Press A to pay your respects.

@Hospes @Thuro Pendragon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Bomb


*presses A button*


"I think I spammed too much of the A button... but what happened here?" Plutia said, looking around at the crime scene.

@Hospes @Thuro Pendragon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Verite
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"Yeah, of course, Aqua. The more, the merrier, after all. Now, enough jibber-jabber, you guys. Let's see if there's anything else this alley has for us. Hopefully nothing too dangerous..." He murmured, leading the group into the deeper part of the dark alley.


There doesn't seem to be anything here. Nothing where a Riddler trophy can be hidden. Nothing notable to examine. The only thing of any noteworthy value of all seemed to be the chalk outline of two bodies. Upon further examination, the chalk seemed quite old, as though it were at least a few decades old.


For all intents and purposes, it should be little more than a normal, old crime scene, but the aura of the place gives you a strange, somber feeling. Like something especially tragic happened here. The murder of some important people. The kind of murder that would completely change someone's life. For better or for worse, who knew?

Still, it was a strange scene. It made Shiki go quiet, pocketing his hands as he looked at the chalk.

Press A to pay your respects.

@Hospes @Thuro Pendragon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Bomb

Ridley.. Wasn't really a pay respects kinda person. Not when everyone she knew that had died had pretty much been assholes. =|


"Ah, good to know," Aqua replied to Desmond, a sheepish smile on her face. "Focus on someone I don't like? Well..."

Desmond's suggestion was actually difficult for the keyblade master. There weren't many people she didn't like, she couldn't even think of one right now. Aqua was kind and liked most people, befriending them if she could.

"...I'll try my best."

Yeah, Aqua couldn't do it. Maybe the siren would just leave her alone. They were in the middle of an important mission. Why would a siren want to flirt with her at a time like this anyhow?

As they explored the alleyway, Aqua frowned. "It doesn't look like anything dangerous is back here, but it does look like someone died here a while back..."

Also, Aqua couldn't press A to pay respect because the X button was the main button in her video game. :)

@Hospes @BarrenThin @Nater Taters @Verite @Thuro Pendragon

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind; Hoodie just wants to scare people away from me so he can have me all to himself. ;3"

"..What's your name, anyhow?"
"You always distract me Ridley." It was the truth.

Desmond knelt down. He could see a thin vision of the bodies from the past in his Eagle Vision.

"Requiescat in pace." He said to their memory.

@Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Bomb@Verite​

This was.. Well.. Unexpected. Completely so. For a minute, Rid just stood there, unable to find words to reply. "..Yeah, well, I suppose I'll have to try to stop that."

"..Or not, 'cause its fun."

@BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Bomb
She arched an eyebrow slightly as as Abel just kind of ignored her threat. How rude. The only people who usually did that were... Oh. ugh. He was one of those

A protagonist e_e

Alice had fought enough protagonists to know that threats didn't usually effect them in the slightest, though the return banter was fairly disappointing this time. Very well, and she wasn't about to launch into an attack that could imbalance or wound an ally in the midst of their fight with Akibahara. She was content, so long as he and the little mongoloid (Gnar) did protect the cats (✿◡‿◡)

That said she was entirely not joking and if anything happened to the little ones she was going to take both of them and form a demon king-ancient yordle hybrid puppet (✿O‿O)

As things were though, she followed the others to the power plant, floating a bit off the ground as usual and honestly not very concerned with the men with guns, content to let the others handle this. She'd had more than enough of slaughtering hapless mortals for one day, it was not nearly as satisfying as it was supposed to be for a demon like her

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Whoever else is with this now bigass group at the power company
Oh boy. Looks it's time to shuffle around with his pokemon. Of course, he kept Espeon out, seeing that it would be safe to keep the psychic type around if the guards were to come in, but it wouldn't be help on getting the Riddler trophy. Surely if it was there, it must be important. Seeing no need, Red sent Venusaur back into it's pokeball, and immediately sent out Charizard. Better to be safe than sorry on this one, Red wasn't exactly wanting to fall off by accident. Hopping onto Charizard's back, the flying lizard pokemon lowered itself so Red could reach and grab the Riddler trophy.


"Move!" Lapis exclaimed to their group as they ascended up the stairs as fast as they could. In an attempt to slow down the guards behind them, Lapis let the others go ahead as she shot another guard, this time crystallizing the bullet into a sharp crystal needle going at bullet speed.

After that, she caught up with the group, staying near the back for cover fire.

~Lapis's "Glistening Cleaver" Ammo Status~
6 rounds loaded (80 rounds available for reload)

@Verite @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @ResistingTheEnlightened @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @Mari @powers technology group​
"Dammit!" Naoya growled as he charged up the stairs with Mittens held close to his chest, "Golem, follow along in the back and absorb enemy fire!" As the Golem did he commanded, he stopped for a moment, gathering his magical energy for a powerful burst, "Agilao!" With a snap of his fingers, a torrent of flames shot down the stairwell behind and beneath them.

Abel wooted as the flames set to work, "That's the way, Naoya, burn them out! Lets see how they like being on the defensive!"

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite
The crystal bullet hit its mark as it punctured through the next guard's armor, causing him to stumble. The guards were certainly at a disadvantage due to being on the stairs, but as they seemed to be adapting, the one behind the guard who was shot pushed him over the railing in order to prevent him from falling on them. Now he was... free-falling.

However, perhaps that was not exactly the best course of action, as now his would-have-been shield was gone, and with that, he and the rest of his squad were left vulnerable to the torrents of flames that Naoya would shoot, setting them on fire and sending them flying off the railing as well. Good tidings.

Little would ya know it, but that was the backup you just killed who some guards called for earlier to get at the previous group who went here. Makes things more convenient for them, at the very least.

Before long, you'd all reach the top floor. Footprints and other trails would lead you to the right of the floor, and before you'd know it, you'd find the lit up room that other survivors like Bayonetta, Joshua, Legolas, Kaku, Nicki Minaj, and Red were at.


Meanwhile, Red would successfully get the trophy!

+1 Riddler Trophy! 5/5 Trophies Found!

Well, good on you, everyone! You all found the trophies. But what exactly to do with them now... Well, you'll probably just have to wait and see, won't you?​
Because Joshua in all honesty didn't have any idea, he would simply stare at the screen and the buttons as the mun processed this - oh IC right

Joshua looked very carefully at the numbers. "Like a pre war phone. Except more.. Modern. Strange." He decided to try the buttons inputted and hoped to get it right the first time MLG pro style. If MLG existed in a 1950s remnant of 2077. "2..2..2...6...6..." And hopeful the numbers matched.

Fucking dickmuffin.

"I am Cereza," Bayonetta said in return, "it is a pleasure to meet you, dear."

"Now I haven't the bloodiest idea what a wood elf's favorite food is," Bayonetta said as the terminal was exposed after she tore down the poster of the cat. "Do any of you know what a wood elf is, much less its favorite food?" She looked towards Legolas, knowing he was an elf, and he might possibly know what this answer was, though Joshua was already taking a stab at it.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang @Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @Verite

"Bacon... Wood elves love bacon?" Nicki Minaj's mind exploded in complete confusion over that fact. "Are we supposed to 'text' the word bacon using that keypad or somethin'."

Nicki looked over at the blonde elf, tempted to whip out bacon from who knows where.

"Blondie, is this true?"
"It's simple. One of the wood elf's most prized possessions, something so deep and love by them, that if taken away, will induce a severity of gram- Negativity from them, it is one of the most dangerous foods man has ever earned, eaten, tasted, but was no match for the wood elf's hunger, as she feasted and gloated everyone who dares try to steal the greasy meat strip. What is it you ask?.. It is simple:


@Wedge Antilles
@Gummi Bunnies
Beep beep!

Looks like Joshua's answer was correct. Are you proud of me, Reagan?

Suddenly, part of the wall would be pushed back, like a secret door. Before long, it would be pushed off to the side, revealing an unknown figure sitting in a chair, typing away at the many different computer screens in front of them. If you didn't know any better, you'd guess that this was the very same figure who threatened you over the intercom in the stairs.

"I see that you've made it this far. 'Tis a shame. I didn't think my identity would be discovered so quickly," the deep, booming voice spoke, before the chair turned around, revealing who it was.


Hi i am lucythe wood elf an welcum to th tek survurs lucy sed tell me why are you here lucy asked her hart was beeting fast what were they gunn do too her


"Hi, I am Lucy the Wood Elf, and welcome to the Tech Servers," Lucy said, "Tell me, why are you here?" Lucy asked. Her heart was beating fast. What were they going to do to her?

@Mari @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Tactician @Schnee Corp Lawyer @POWERS GROUP​
"Hey Felix! "

Those words were shouted as Travis Touchdown, the one and only, punched Felix in the face! Travis didn't look very strong, but he was. How, that armor Felix wore? Punching was the best idea as he shook his hand in pain.

"Watch your fuckin' mouth assclown! That's Jones sister! We're not gonna fickin' kill her! She's like, fifteen. It's a fuckin' phase. Like being a Green day fan.

@ShadowPrime @Krieg @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Chris Lang
For the first time since she met Travis, Chloe actually patted him on the back and gave him a look of 'not bad' after his attempt to punch Felix. "Yeah, yeah Felix is an insensitive prick, water's wet, the sky's kind of a shitty looking color, any other obvious stuff need to be pointed out?" Chloe asked stretching her arms out to the side before placing a hand on her hip.

"Travis? I'm gonna be level with you here, man. I know we haven't exactly been on the best of terms but being evil is not a phase. Me being a punk ass can be seen as a phase. Not one I'd agree with but. Also, Green Day sucks." She added before turning her attention back towards Felix. "Was that it? You came here to talk shit about Jon's sister because she took your money?"

@ShadowPrime @Josh M @Krieg @OrlandoBloomers.​
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Ridley.. Wasn't really a pay respects kinda person. Not when everyone she knew that had died had pretty much been assholes. =|


"Don't you worry your pretty little mind; Hoodie just wants to scare people away from me so he can have me all to himself. ;3"

"..What's your name, anyhow?"

This was.. Well.. Unexpected. Completely so. For a minute, Rid just stood there, unable to find words to reply. "..Yeah, well, I suppose I'll have to try to stop that."

"..Or not, 'cause its fun."

@BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Bomb
Booker rolled his eyes when Ridley spoke.

"Must you flirt with everyone you see? What's wrong with just hello?" He asked sarcastically

Ridley.. Wasn't really a pay respects kinda person. Not when everyone she knew that had died had pretty much been assholes. =|


"Don't you worry your pretty little mind; Hoodie just wants to scare people away from me so he can have me all to himself. ;3"

"..What's your name, anyhow?"

This was.. Well.. Unexpected. Completely so. For a minute, Rid just stood there, unable to find words to reply. "..Yeah, well, I suppose I'll have to try to stop that."

"..Or not, 'cause its fun."

@BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Bomb

"If I wanted to scare people away I'd just show them Frank's graduation photo. True evil right there."

Booker rolled his eyes when Ridley spoke.

"Must you flirt with everyone you see? What's wrong with just hello?" He asked sarcastically

Ridley only mock pouted at Booker. So mature. :) "Chill, Cancer Stick. At least I didn't ask Hoodie to make out," she remarked, grinning. Yup.. He would never live that down.
"If I wanted to scare people away I'd just show them Frank's graduation photo. True evil right there."



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@Hospes @BarrenThin @Nater Taters @Verite @Thuro Pendragon


Aqua knelt with the others to pay her respect briefly. "May those who died here rest in peace."

Aqua stood up again afterwards, glancing toward Riley when she spoke.

"Wh-What? My name? Uh..."

Shoot! Get a hold of yourself, Aqua. Don't let her get to you.

"Aqua," she finally told Ridley after a moment. "And your name?"

Replying to Booker she said, "Maybe she's not flirting this time?"

Aqua really hoped she wasn't. :0
For the first time since she met Travis, Chloe actually patted him on the back and gave him a look of 'not bad' after his attempt to punch Felix. "Yeah, yeah Felix is an insensitive prick, water's wet, the sky's kind of a shitty looking color, any other obvious stuff need to be pointed out?" Chloe asked stretching her arms out to the side before placing a hand on her hip.

"Travis? I'm gonna be level with you here, man. I know we haven't exactly been on the best of terms but being evil is not a phase. Me being a punk ass can be seen as a phase. Not one I'd agree with but. Also, Green Day sucks." She added before turning her attention back towards Felix. "Was that it? You came here to talk shit about Jon's sister because she took your money?"

@ShadowPrime @Josh M @Krieg @OrlandoBloomers.​
"She didn't take my money. SHE BURNED IT WHILE I WAS FORCED TO WATCH THROUGH A FUCKING SCREEN! And so I came to tell you I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill her...to death!"

"Also she kinda sorta fucked up a bunch of up other things at Coalition HQ, though unsure what. To be honest I wasn't paying much attention beyond my unforgiving, unrelenting rage."
The crystal bullet hit its mark as it punctured through the next guard's armor, causing him to stumble. The guards were certainly at a disadvantage due to being on the stairs, but as they seemed to be adapting, the one behind the guard who was shot pushed him over the railing in order to prevent him from falling on them. Now he was... free-falling.

However, perhaps that was not exactly the best course of action, as now his would-have-been shield was gone, and with that, he and the rest of his squad were left vulnerable to the torrents of flames that Naoya would shoot, setting them on fire and sending them flying off the railing as well. Good tidings.

Little would ya know it, but that was the backup you just killed who some guards called for earlier to get at the previous group who went here. Makes things more convenient for them, at the very least.

Before long, you'd all reach the top floor. Footprints and other trails would lead you to the right of the floor, and before you'd know it, you'd find the lit up room that other survivors like Bayonetta, Joshua, Legolas, Kaku, Nicki Minaj, and Red were at.


Meanwhile, Red would successfully get the trophy!

+1 Riddler Trophy! 5/5 Trophies Found!

Well, good on you, everyone! You all found the trophies. But what exactly to do with them now... Well, you'll probably just have to wait and see, won't you?​

Beep beep!

Looks like Joshua's answer was correct. Are you proud of me, Reagan?

Suddenly, part of the wall would be pushed back, like a secret door. Before long, it would be pushed off to the side, revealing an unknown figure sitting in a chair, typing away at the many different computer screens in front of them. If you didn't know any better, you'd guess that this was the very same figure who threatened you over the intercom in the stairs.

"I see that you've made it this far. 'Tis a shame. I didn't think my identity would be discovered so quickly," the deep, booming voice spoke, before the chair turned around, revealing who it was.


Hi i am lucythe wood elf an welcum to th tek survurs lucy sed tell me why are you here lucy asked her hart was beeting fast what were they gunn do too her


"Hi, I am Lucy the Wood Elf, and welcome to the Tech Servers," Lucy said, "Tell me, why are you here?" Lucy asked. Her heart was beating fast. What were they going to do to her?

@Mari @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Tactician @Schnee Corp Lawyer @POWERS GROUP​



"Brother, did you understand any of that?"

"No, Abel, I didn't," It seemed both Naoya and Abel were unable to understand the gibberish and garbled words of the elf.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @powers technology building group​
"Ah, good to know," Aqua replied to Desmond, a sheepish smile on her face. "Focus on someone I don't like? Well..."

Desmond's suggestion was actually difficult for the keyblade master. There weren't many people she didn't like, she couldn't even think of one right now. Aqua was kind and liked most people, befriending them if she could.

"...I'll try my best."

Yeah, Aqua couldn't do it. Maybe the siren would just leave her alone. They were in the middle of an important mission. Why would a siren want to flirt with her at a time like this anyhow?

As they explored the alleyway, Aqua frowned. "It doesn't look like anything dangerous is back here, but it does look like someone died here a while back..."

Also, Aqua couldn't press A to pay respect because the X button was the main button in her video game. :)

@Hospes @BarrenThin @Nater Taters @Verite @Thuro Pendragon

"You always distract me Ridley." It was the truth.

Desmond knelt down. He could see a thin vision of the bodies from the past in his Eagle Vision.

"Requiescat in pace." He said to their memory.

@Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Bomb@Verite​


*presses A button*


"I think I spammed too much of the A button... but what happened here?" Plutia said, looking around at the crime scene.

@Hospes @Thuro Pendragon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Verite
Shiki paid his respects to the dead quietly.


"Looks like some people died here. A long time ago, anyway," Shiki answered to Plutia. Goddamn, her innocence was just too cute sometimes. Even in the most appropriate of times. He would then look at the others, sighing briefly, "Never a dull moment with you people, eh?"

"In any case, it doesn't look like there's much else here. I suppose we should meet up with another gang and see if they've found any Riddler trophies. How 'bout... the Docks? Seem alright with you guys?"

@Thuro Pendragon @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Hospes @Bomb
The crystal bullet hit its mark as it punctured through the next guard's armor, causing him to stumble. The guards were certainly at a disadvantage due to being on the stairs, but as they seemed to be adapting, the one behind the guard who was shot pushed him over the railing in order to prevent him from falling on them. Now he was... free-falling.

However, perhaps that was not exactly the best course of action, as now his would-have-been shield was gone, and with that, he and the rest of his squad were left vulnerable to the torrents of flames that Naoya would shoot, setting them on fire and sending them flying off the railing as well. Good tidings.

Little would ya know it, but that was the backup you just killed who some guards called for earlier to get at the previous group who went here. Makes things more convenient for them, at the very least.

Before long, you'd all reach the top floor. Footprints and other trails would lead you to the right of the floor, and before you'd know it, you'd find the lit up room that other survivors like Bayonetta, Joshua, Legolas, Kaku, Nicki Minaj, and Red were at.


Meanwhile, Red would successfully get the trophy!

+1 Riddler Trophy! 5/5 Trophies Found!

Well, good on you, everyone! You all found the trophies. But what exactly to do with them now... Well, you'll probably just have to wait and see, won't you?​

Beep beep!

Looks like Joshua's answer was correct. Are you proud of me, Reagan?

Suddenly, part of the wall would be pushed back, like a secret door. Before long, it would be pushed off to the side, revealing an unknown figure sitting in a chair, typing away at the many different computer screens in front of them. If you didn't know any better, you'd guess that this was the very same figure who threatened you over the intercom in the stairs.

"I see that you've made it this far. 'Tis a shame. I didn't think my identity would be discovered so quickly," the deep, booming voice spoke, before the chair turned around, revealing who it was.


Hi i am lucythe wood elf an welcum to th tek survurs lucy sed tell me why are you here lucy asked her hart was beeting fast what were they gunn do too her


"Hi, I am Lucy the Wood Elf, and welcome to the Tech Servers," Lucy said, "Tell me, why are you here?" Lucy asked. Her heart was beating fast. What were they going to do to her?

@Mari @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Tactician @Schnee Corp Lawyer @POWERS GROUP​
As Red would return to the room after picking up that Riddler Trophy, hopping off of Charizard, Lapis and her group would catch up in time to see... well, whoever this was?

"Uhhhhh..." Man, this felt like walking in on the end of a movie or something, because she was completely lost on events and stuff. Like, how was this "wood elf" important again?

@Mari @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @The Tactician @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Tactician @Schnee Corp Lawyer @POWERS GROUP​
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The crystal bullet hit its mark as it punctured through the next guard's armor, causing him to stumble. The guards were certainly at a disadvantage due to being on the stairs, but as they seemed to be adapting, the one behind the guard who was shot pushed him over the railing in order to prevent him from falling on them. Now he was... free-falling.

However, perhaps that was not exactly the best course of action, as now his would-have-been shield was gone, and with that, he and the rest of his squad were left vulnerable to the torrents of flames that Naoya would shoot, setting them on fire and sending them flying off the railing as well. Good tidings.

Little would ya know it, but that was the backup you just killed who some guards called for earlier to get at the previous group who went here. Makes things more convenient for them, at the very least.

Before long, you'd all reach the top floor. Footprints and other trails would lead you to the right of the floor, and before you'd know it, you'd find the lit up room that other survivors like Bayonetta, Joshua, Legolas, Kaku, Nicki Minaj, and Red were at.


Meanwhile, Red would successfully get the trophy!

+1 Riddler Trophy! 5/5 Trophies Found!

Well, good on you, everyone! You all found the trophies. But what exactly to do with them now... Well, you'll probably just have to wait and see, won't you?​

Beep beep!

Looks like Joshua's answer was correct. Are you proud of me, Reagan?

Suddenly, part of the wall would be pushed back, like a secret door. Before long, it would be pushed off to the side, revealing an unknown figure sitting in a chair, typing away at the many different computer screens in front of them. If you didn't know any better, you'd guess that this was the very same figure who threatened you over the intercom in the stairs.

"I see that you've made it this far. 'Tis a shame. I didn't think my identity would be discovered so quickly," the deep, booming voice spoke, before the chair turned around, revealing who it was.


Hi i am lucythe wood elf an welcum to th tek survurs lucy sed tell me why are you here lucy asked her hart was beeting fast what were they gunn do too her


"Hi, I am Lucy the Wood Elf, and welcome to the Tech Servers," Lucy said, "Tell me, why are you here?" Lucy asked. Her heart was beating fast. What were they going to do to her?

@Mari @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Tactician @Schnee Corp Lawyer @POWERS GROUP​

Lucy's grammar was worse than Nicki's... Who would have guessed.


She tried to communicate with the weird elf thing, "wez trin ta go find a r00m wiz da ight wh0z u an wat ar ya doinz"

Translation bc why naut

[spoili]We tryin' ta go find a room with the light. Who's you and what are you doin'. [/spoili]

Ridley only mock pouted at Booker. So mature. :) "Chill, Cancer Stick. At least I didn't ask Hoodie to make out," she remarked, grinning. Yup.. He would never live that down.


Desmond just looked up from the flickers of the two bodies and stared at the wall. Then he shook his head. Not even going there.

@BarrenThin@Hospes @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Bomb
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"Don't worry Chloe, we're cool and I got yours and Max ' s backs. Also About Jones sis? It Can't Be by choice. Remember the talking dog? He said the he was looking for her. My guess is she's being controlled."

Travis would then turn to Felix agai, pulling out the twin beamed swords, the Rose Nasty, he point them at Felix.

"Last chance. Let this go, before I make you."

@ShadowPrime @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg
Shiki paid his respects to the dead quietly.


"Looks like some people died here. A long time ago, anyway," Shiki answered to Plutia. Goddamn, her innocence was just too cute sometimes. Even in the most appropriate of times. He would then look at the others, sighing briefly, "Never a dull moment with you people, eh?"

"In any case, it doesn't look like there's much else here. I suppose we should meet up with another gang and see if they've found any Riddler trophies. How 'bout... the Docks? Seem alright with you guys?"

@Thuro Pendragon @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Hospes @Bomb
"Sure..." Plutia said, still concerned, as they head off to the Docks.

@Thuro Pendragon @Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Hospes @Verite
"Don't worry Chloe, we're cool and I got yours and Max ' s backs. Also About Jones sis? It Can't Be by choice. Remember the talking dog? He said the he was looking for her. My guess is she's being controlled."

Travis would then turn to Felix agai, pulling out the twin beamed swords, the Rose Nasty, he point them at Felix.

"Last chance. Let this go, before I make you."

@ShadowPrime @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg
"You can't be fucking serious. I'm the only motherfucking person here who's getting a raw end of the fucking deal every single time. I was accused of being a traitor when I was pretty damn innocent. I went from the goddamn Bill Gates of the mercenary world to a dirt poor peon in less than a minute. Right now, I got nothing to my name beyond my armor, weapons, skills...and my word."

He lifted his laser rifle. "If you want to stand between an innocent man and his goal, you won't be standing there long. Z-750 Special Application Sniper Rifle, fires ionized particles that will turn you to ash before you can even blink. Stand down, you goddamn idiot mix of Luke Skywalker and Captain James T Kirk."

@Josh M @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @others
The crystal bullet hit its mark as it punctured through the next guard's armor, causing him to stumble. The guards were certainly at a disadvantage due to being on the stairs, but as they seemed to be adapting, the one behind the guard who was shot pushed him over the railing in order to prevent him from falling on them. Now he was... free-falling.

However, perhaps that was not exactly the best course of action, as now his would-have-been shield was gone, and with that, he and the rest of his squad were left vulnerable to the torrents of flames that Naoya would shoot, setting them on fire and sending them flying off the railing as well. Good tidings.

Little would ya know it, but that was the backup you just killed who some guards called for earlier to get at the previous group who went here. Makes things more convenient for them, at the very least.

Before long, you'd all reach the top floor. Footprints and other trails would lead you to the right of the floor, and before you'd know it, you'd find the lit up room that other survivors like Bayonetta, Joshua, Legolas, Kaku, Nicki Minaj, and Red were at.


Meanwhile, Red would successfully get the trophy!

+1 Riddler Trophy! 5/5 Trophies Found!

Well, good on you, everyone! You all found the trophies. But what exactly to do with them now... Well, you'll probably just have to wait and see, won't you?​

Beep beep!

Looks like Joshua's answer was correct. Are you proud of me, Reagan?

Suddenly, part of the wall would be pushed back, like a secret door. Before long, it would be pushed off to the side, revealing an unknown figure sitting in a chair, typing away at the many different computer screens in front of them. If you didn't know any better, you'd guess that this was the very same figure who threatened you over the intercom in the stairs.

"I see that you've made it this far. 'Tis a shame. I didn't think my identity would be discovered so quickly," the deep, booming voice spoke, before the chair turned around, revealing who it was.


Hi i am lucythe wood elf an welcum to th tek survurs lucy sed tell me why are you here lucy asked her hart was beeting fast what were they gunn do too her


"Hi, I am Lucy the Wood Elf, and welcome to the Tech Servers," Lucy said, "Tell me, why are you here?" Lucy asked. Her heart was beating fast. What were they going to do to her?

@Mari @Wedge Antilles @Chris Lang @Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @The Tactician @Schnee Corp Lawyer @POWERS GROUP​
Alice passed out from the lack of grammar assaulting her very soul
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