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Frank scowled. "I'm trying to get her to calm down, Bayonetta. To think more of herself."

Bayonetta nodded at Frank. She could have joked about how funny that sounded, him calming someone else down, but she left it unsaid. She didn't want to let it erupt into a witch hunt.

Maybe it was because of his natural attraction to her, but he was suddenly very pissed at Bayonetta. "You know, sometimes you can be a bit of a bitch. The mission doesn't matter if we give up on the principles we're here to protect."

Hopefully she wouldn't snap his head clean off his shoulders.

He looked back at Ridley. He was tempted to follow her, but resisted. "Just, cool it with the attitude. Okay?"


"What's next Desmond, the sticks and stones?", she joked, "believe me, I've no illusions of what I am and what I may appear to be and sound like." She turned the tone more serious, after a moment. "Perhaps you may be right, but then we weren't all brought here because of our common principles, now were we?", she added, putting emphasis on the mission at hand.

@BarrenThin @Thuro Pendragon @Hospes @Chris Lang
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Sophie nodded, she understood... Elsa almost reminded her of the days she herself wasn't very enthusiastic in living on any longer... She understood where Elsa had been coming from; and, understood that, even if she didn't want to be a Queen anymore, it wouldn't do her Kingdom any goood to leave it without even appointing a successor. Hearing that Elsa seemed to have some sort of purpose, Sophie smiled again, though, that smile turned into more of a concerned look as she realized that Elsa seemed conflicted about what to do after she finished assisting her Kingdom. Though, soon enough, the smile returned "Whenever you're ready... You're free to come with me... Well, us now." she said, again glancing towards Ruby. She gave Elsa's hands a soft squeeze "We can all decide on things after this is all over... Okay?" Sophie said, she figured that way, they'd all have more time to think about the decisions they were currently making right now...

Queen Elsa moved her eyes toward the ground, focusing on it as Sophie spoke and gave her hands a squeeze. "Very well, that seems to be the best plan. After all, we haven't a clue how this is going to end yet. It's almost a moot point for me to make plans for a future we haven't exactly saved yet."

She tried to force a weak smile for Sophie to see before removing her hands from the other girl's. "I heard you say "us" just a moment ago," Elsa mentioned. "Have you made a friend?" she questioned, unaware of Ruby for the moment.


"Maybe. Depends on who you ask. As for what I do... I don't. You don't get as many kills as me by going on vacation. I ain't got anything better to do here, though- unless you'd like me to try and kill Claire again."

@Chris Lang
"Claire?" Kalifa asked. "Odd that you should bring her up. While we were away, we learned some interesting things about her."

Kaku interrupted. "I have a feeling they found out the same thing. Unless Mr. Castle had some other motive."

"You don't need to." Kalifa said to Frank. "But we would like to talk to her. As well as this 'Sophie', since we'd like to know how she found her way here. We heard she was put in a situation she was not expected to survive."

@BarrenThin @Anybody
Riley got up. He wanted to keep working. The medical training and the Bible Verse was the only thing he had left of his father. He had to keep working. He slowly, and quietly walked out of the tent. He went to find someone. He needed to keep his mind busy. He decided to find Elsa, and tell her that Aqua was awake. But, he would talk to anyone. He just needed to keep his mind busy.

@Anybody who wants to talk to Riley @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
There was a pause, as Ridley actually looked Frank over. She stared at him quietly, before shrugging. "Looks great on you." A sorry attempt to lighten the mood.


"Does it?" Frank rolled up his sleeves to reveal arms covered in scars. Some old. Some very new. They varied from bullet wounds to knife marks to places where someone had clearly shoved a hot brand.

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