Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Rin was free.
Though he's been a lot. Not too much. But enough.
The nun let him out. This one pretty one did. The nun to,d him to explore and not to sin. Though. He had to get the on thing in his mind of of her cell.
He walked by cell and cell. Seeing no one like Ariel..
Then he walked passed one. He heard a whimper.
He looked back to see.. Her. Ariel.
Rin eyes lit up, he gripped the bars. He looked pale, his hair all messed up. He looked a bit crazed. "A-Ariel!" He voice echoes.
"A-Ariel!! I'm here!" He said, frowning as he kicked the bars. Well.. His powers aren't working.. Or are they? He was just super tired and wanted to get Ariel out.. He shivered at the roars of the monster Ariel gave birth too.
"Ariel! I-I'll open this, don't worry! I'm here! I'll protect you!" His voice cracks, as his arm went through the cell bar space, reaching out for her. He looked around.. He needed to get her out!
Ariel was curled in a ball facing away from the door. She tried to turn to see Rin, but the pain in her stomach stopped her. "R-Rin?"
He woke up, as the nun entered his cell. She gestured him out, as he looked around his cell. While the nun wasn't looking, he casually pushed the Bible onto the floor, and stepped on it before he walked out. It was quite obvious he didn't like religion much. Especially this sort of religion. Where as the Sun had wonderful and jolly companions such as Solaire, well........ these nuns weren't very fun people. He walked out, looking around. He noticed he was wearing civilian clothes, and inwardly moaned. He looked around, catching every detail, but still listening to the nun. He decided to go to the Day Room, once the nun was finished with Show and tell. He hoped he could find one of those 'elixirs'. Last time he had one, he had become Terry Crews. That was... interesting.
The Day Room was filled with inmates, most genuinely insane and outta their fuckin' minds. It's dim, greyish in appearance, due to the small sum of light filling the vicinity and... well, you don't spot any "elixirs" to say the least. Damn, at least you're not gunna turn into Terry Crews again, right? "Hey, over here!" Huh? You glance over to your far left, spotting this:

It's a man, mid-40s, judging by his appearance. He's bald, sporting a brown mustache and a green dress shirt. Perhaps he's a chemist of sorts? It was a possibility, "C'mon, we don't have much time, they're watching!" He seemed in distress. What's so damned important?! Do you decide to follow him? Y/N?

((Sorry everybody, I had to take a break from all the BS is going on))


Lee had waken up in the cell and nodded as he listened to the strange nun. He walked out and decided to head the Day Room
As Ellie opened her eyes, she realized she didn't even remember what happened to her that got her unconscious. Maybe she subconsciously tried to forget what happened before. But how could she, if she was constantly reminded of Joel not being by her side anymore? Joel had left her before a few times, and sometimes she left him, but she knew that this time it was permanent. She was the one who killed him, and it was so hard to live with that.
After the nun explained to Ellie what the place was, the girl didn't even bother asking herself questions like how she got there and why they're keeping her in a cell, she just sort of accepted it. The questions she had been asking herself lately never got an answer anyway. She got back on her feet, and as she did, felt a sudden pain shoot through her side. But even that, she pretty much ignored.
Making her way out of her cell, she decided to explore the place a little bit, it couldn't hurt. And now that she was alone, she definitely had to be aware of everything around her if she wanted to survive... if... She had only taken a few steps to the right, occasionally looking into empty cells. One had the woman she met before, Elsa in them, who seemed to be crying. It looked like just about everyone she saw was depressed, because the woman standing in front of Elsa's cell didn't look too happy either.
Without saying a word, Ellie made her way over to the Medical bay. She remembered the nun mentioning it, and there was a throbbing pain in her side as well as a cut on her forehead that she might have to get checked out. Even though she wasn't very good with doctors and strangers, she knew it would probably be best to know if it was serious or not.
What was that? What was all that? Will this be how... he dies? He can feel his mind being tampered with, as if someone was actively manipulating where he was, what he did, and where he went like a puppet. Shirou practically had enough of this. He wanted out of this psychotic game. He wanted to find out the madman responsible for all this. Funny how he was once so anxious to come to this place, and now, he wanted nothing more to get out.
One would assume that the change of scenery, even if this place was rather depressing, would be good for him. But the odd, chilling tranquility only made things worse. When he was at the helicarrier, he was at least able to tell himself there was a chance, but somewhere between falling inside the ship, falling into limbo, and into this bizarre place, Shirou Emiya knew his time was up; he had officially failed to save people.
You didn't save us.
It's just like that day ten years ago.
You're a failure.
Why didn't you save me?
"I... couldn't..." Shirou murmured to himself with dead eyes, barely able to stand up as he leaned against the wall, "I'm... sorry," he whispered. He couldn't even cry, despite how much despair he felt. It was in the heat of the moment back on the helicarrier, but now that he was in this so-called peaceful setting, he had time to process everything. He managed to process the fact that an aspiring champion of justice like him failed to save someone. He failed to protect someone.
But even so... I will not regret my actions. I will keep going and I will keep trying, but I won't dwell on the past. I will save who I can within my own power.
Ah, that was right. That was what he had promised himself... Why had he forgotten? Maybe it's hard to remember when you develop so quickly as person, that one would forget about the short-lived promises. But still... even if he didn't regret his actions, that wouldn't change the fact that he let people die because he was too weak. He needed to become stronger.
Maybe I just need someone to talk to... May as well fix myself up as well.
Slumped against the wall, he began to sluggishly make his way towards the Medical Bay. Maybe in the meantime, he should brush up on his skills a bit more.
Unless of course, someone would happen to stop by and talk to him first before Aki's possibly more-detrimental-than-beneficial therapists.
Siegfried awoke in a strange room, an odd sheet was draped over him as he got to his feet, stumbling at first, but setting his right hand on a nearby wall to balance himself, noticing his silver armor had now returned, his arm its original form.
"So, the Demon's decided to strip us of our powers once again. I have to be thankful for that, I suppose, as every second in that form felt as if I was going to lose control."
Peering out through the doorway, Siegfried called out to see if he could get a reply from the others, hoping he wasn't the only one who had ended up in this strange place.
"Hello? Can anyone hear me? Somebody, please answer!"
((He woke up in the Medical Bay, by the way.))
@Anyone willing
@Medical Bay People

The Medical Bay was filled with retro, 1960s equipment: A brown-stained gurney lie sprawled next to an empty wheelchair in the corridor, patients freely wandered as orderlies and nurses did their duties. A nurse idly typed away on a typewriter behind a counter, glancing up at Ellie, Shirou, and Siegfried, "Mmm, you here to see Doctor Thredson or Doctor Arden." She paused, ohhhh, they must be the new people, "Well, let me lay it out for ya." She sounded bored as hell. Clearly disinterested in your case...

Dr. Thredson: Doctor Oliver Thredson is our resident psychiatrist. If you're seeing ghosts, voices in your head, or psychological conditions you need dwelt with. Talk with him. Now I know you crazies always have something wrong. So please, come only for emergent or semi-emergent reasons. He works from 8:00AM to 8:00PM. A twelve hour shift. He's in right now if you want to see him.


Dr. Arden: Doctor Arthur Arden is our resident physician. [The nurse glances at Ellie] Now it looks like you're here to see him. He focuses on cuts, lacerations, illnesses, and surgical procedures. He's a very... busy man. It's strange, too, he disappears for exten-- ah crap, you know what, you crazies don't care. Do ya? Nah, I don't think so. He's in right now. Same hours as Dr. Thredson. He accepts any and all patients. He may give you an offer, too, take it or leave it. It ain't my business.

The Day Room was filled with inmates, most genuinely insane and outta their fuckin' minds. It's dim, greyish in appearance, due to the small sum of light filling the vicinity and... well, you don't spot any "elixirs" to say the least. Damn, at least you're not gunna turn into Terry Crews again, right? "Hey, over here!" Huh? You glance over to your far left, spotting this:
It's a man, mid-40s, judging by his appearance. He's bald, sporting a brown mustache and a green dress shirt. Perhaps he's a chemist of sorts? It was a possibility, "C'mon, we don't have much time, they're watching!" He seemed in distress. What's so damned important?! Do you decide to follow him? Y/N?

The Spy looked over, interested. He nodded and headed over. "What would be the problem?" he asked, looking at the man. Spy decided to follow him, see where he was going. Seemed like he was the only one who realized even remotely how fucked up this place was.
@Medical Bay People
The Medical Bay was filled with retro, 1960s equipment: A brown-stained gurney lie sprawled next to an empty wheelchair in the corridor, patients freely wandered as orderlies and nurses did their duties. A nurse idly typed away on a typewriter behind a counter, glancing up at Ellie, Shirou, and Siegfried, "Mmm, you here to see Doctor Thredson or Doctor Arden." She paused, ohhhh, they must be the new people, "Well, let me lay it out for ya." She sounded bored as hell. Clearly disinterested in your case...
Dr. Thredson: Doctor Oliver Thredson is our resident psychiatrist. If you're seeing ghosts, voices in your head, or psychological conditions you need dwelt with. Talk with him. Now I know you crazies always have something wrong. So please, come only for emergent or semi-emergent reasons. He works from 8:00AM to 8:00PM. A twelve hour shift. He's in right now if you want to see him.
Briefly glancing at the other people in the Medical Bay wordlessly, he decided to step forward and try to find Dr. Thredson. He may as well see Dr. Arden to see if he can do something about his ribs or something like that, but we'll see.

"Doctor... Thredson?" He asked, looking for wherever the therapist may be.
Aiden fell through the sky along side Claire. He suddenly felt his skin burn. He screamed out in pain as he woke up now in a cell. He looked around and took in everything the nun said. He took in his surroundings. He saw Claire walk by his cell. She seemed to be done with everything with this madness. Aiden had a different view on this. He figured the only way to get out of this madness was to play it's game. But he was going to need help. Though due to his isolation he could only truly trust Claire, and he figured she would not want to deal with this. He started to think of a plan. He went to the day room and nochalintly looked for some of the elixirs they told him about.
The mysterious "elixir man" glanced at Aiden Pearce, Lee Everett, and The Red Spy. He crossed his arms, cautiously examining his surroundings for either A.) Nurses B.) Orderlies C.) Nuns. They watched this place like a hawk. Do you decide to go with him? Y/N?

@Zadok shadows
@The Last Outlaw
@Sir DerpingtonIV
The petite troll woke up on a disgusting mattress, it felt nothing like home. It was bumpy, hard, and stained with various things. Her eyes fluttered open upon meeting a rather sweet voice, sugary sweet. The frown she had previously worn, turned up into a smile for a fraction of a second. Taking a step out of the cell, goosebumps dotted her arms. Where in the hell was this place? Swallowing down any previous fears or worries, she listened to what the kind woman had to say. Looking down upon herself, she realized she was in her common wear only her trident was missing once again, her head felt light because of her missing crown and the bands she wore around her arms were seemingly missing. Maybe she wasn't allowed to have those items in a place such as this.

Sucking in a deep breath, she passed by all the cells and decided to head to the day room. Peering inside, she frowned hoping to find someone that she can talk too. She was confused and lonely, hopefully Kanaya would show soon?

(( Oh, you're with the "crew". Do you talk with Bryan Crayson the mystery man? ))
@Medical Bay People
The Medical Bay was filled with retro, 1960s equipment: A brown-stained gurney lie sprawled next to an empty wheelchair in the corridor, patients freely wandered as orderlies and nurses did their duties. A nurse idly typed away on a typewriter behind a counter, glancing up at Ellie, Shirou, and Siegfried, "Mmm, you here to see Doctor Thredson or Doctor Arden." She paused, ohhhh, they must be the new people, "Well, let me lay it out for ya." She sounded bored as hell. Clearly disinterested in your case...
Dr. Thredson: Doctor Oliver Thredson is our resident psychiatrist. If you're seeing ghosts, voices in your head, or psychological conditions you need dwelt with. Talk with him. Now I know you crazies always have something wrong. So please, come only for emergent or semi-emergent reasons. He works from 8:00AM to 8:00PM. A twelve hour shift. He's in right now if you want to see him.
Dr. Arden: Doctor Arthur Arden is our resident physician. [The nurse glances at Ellie] Now it looks like you're here to see him. He focuses on cuts, lacerations, illnesses, and surgical procedures. He's a very... busy man. It's strange, too, he disappears for exten-- ah crap, you know what, you crazies don't care. Do ya? Nah, I don't think so. He's in right now. Same hours as Dr. Thredson. He accepts any and all patients. He may give you an offer, too, take it or leave it. It ain't my business.
// That image for my doctor looks promising

Just walking around in this place made Ellie uncomfortable. Everything looked so old and... hospital-ish. And of course, the bitch at the counter didn't help. Apparently she just immediately assumed everyone was crazy. Usually Ellie would object and argue, but she didn't exactly see the point in it this time. She just wanted to get that cut treated, the pain in her side looked at, and then get the hell out of there.

Giving the nurse a cold look, she walked past her, toward the door that had Dr. Arden's nameplate on it. "Fucking hate doctors..." Ellie mumbled, after which she knocked twice and then just walked in.
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The mysterious "elixir man" glanced at Aiden Pearce, Lee Everett, and The Red Spy. He crossed his arms, cautiously examining his surroundings for either A.) Nurses B.) Orderlies C.) Nuns. They watched this place like a hawk. Do you decide to go with him? Y/N?
@Sir DerpingtonIV

YES. I WANT TO GO WITH BRYAN CRANSTON elixir man. The Spy looked around, making sure no one was watching.
*I awoke in a small cell, and on the most putrid mattress I've ever seen. I rubbed my forehead, and got up from the bed. What the hell happened yesterday anyway? Oh yeah, that's right... Now I remember... I shook my head, and pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I'd rather not remember what happened yesterday.*
*I was soon met by a nun, she told us that there were multiple places we could visit. One of them however, was off limits. It was the basement... Well, I don't plan on going down there anytime soon, so I might as well go to the Administration Office. Maybe I can get some more information on where we are, or at least tell me where I can get something to drink... Preferably something with alcohol.*
You decide to head toward The Administration Offi--


What the?

A loud 'twacking' noise, the sound of flesh and wood forcefully colliding, met your ears. A soft yelp resounded beneath the door's cracks, sending you a little off edge. What in the world was that? Whap! Whap! Whap! The yelps turned into a dismal cry, followed by sniffling as the 'spanking' stopped...

The door creaked open, revealing a teary eyed Sister Mary Eunice rubbing her butt. She quickly nodded at John, "I've been bad..." before scurrying off. Do you still decide to enter the room? Y/N?

YES. I WANT TO GO WITH BRYAN CRANSTON elixir man. The Spy looked around, making sure no one was watching.

Lee looked around to see two other men standing in the day room as well. One seemed like he wanted to go with the elixir man. Lee hesitated and turned to Aiden, "What do you think, you gonna go with him?" He asked

@Zadok shadows
Never fear, X is here!
(a song for all u fegits)
"Help... Me..."
Ariel couldn't move. Her stomach hurt too much. Her mouth and eyes were dry and swollen, and she knew she was dehydrated. Covered in blood, her matted red hair didn't have a big contrast with the rest of herself. In spots on her face where there wasn't blood, she was deathly pale. She was frail and weak, and could hardly move. She needed to get to the Medical Bay.
I need to get to the medical bay.
Suddenly, a screeching sound that hurt her ears came from the basement. Her... Child. It wanted to get to her. To help. But she was terrified of it.
Absolutely terrified.
She felt the bed she was on underneath her back. It was a barnacle butt bed. (Crusty ass bed, for all of you humans). She tried moving, but sitting up required using stomach muscles.
And she couldn't move.
Ariel let out a small whimper. Her child roared again from the basement. Help.
Ariel felt two pairs of hands hoist her up: It was two men, asylum orderlies, no doubt, lifting her onto a gurney. They were expressionless, merely doing their job, "Dr. Arden wants this one. She's special." Huh? Special? What could they possibly mean! They totally ignored Rin as they pushed her down a long narrow hallway, one of the inmates tried to cope a feel on her left breast... but was bashed in the head with a stick.


Ariel was strapped in tight, leather bands bound her wrists and ankles...

... And into an elevator ...

... Where she was to meet "someone." Who? We're about to find out. She looked back and forth at the two men. They were emotionless. Expressionless. Bing! The elevator doors slid open, revealing this:

It's colored in various shades of orange, a red Seal of Metatron glowed brightly underneath Sepulcher, your beloved son, as it wailed for it's mother: Ariel. It saw you, desperately attempting to rip out of it's shackles to protect you. Mother. Mommy. Mom. But would you return the love?

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Ariel was curled in a ball facing away from the door. She tried to turn to see Rin, but the pain in her stomach stopped her. "R-Rin?"

"Yes! Ariel it's me! I'll get you outta there..." He looked for a weak spot on one of the cells bars.. He used his non-human sent an punches one bar with made it get a dent but no break he growled. Continuous punching the bars. He kept looking around for help. His knuckles started to get bloody but he didn't care.

( sorry on phone )


@Anyone who wants to help rin
Ariel felt two pairs of hands hoist her up: It was two men, asylum orderlies, no doubt, lifting her onto a gurney. They were expressionless, merely doing their job, "Dr. Arden wants this one. She's special." Huh? Special? What could they possibly mean! They totally ignored Rin as they pushed her down a long narrow hallway, one of the inmates tried to cope a feel on her left breast... but was bashed in the head with a stick.
Ariel was strapped in tight, leather bands bound her wrists and ankles...
... And into an elevator ...
... Where she was to meet "someone." Who? We're about to find out. She looked back and forth at the two men. They were emotionless. Expressionless. Bing! The elevator doors slid open, revealing this:
It's colored in various shades of orange, a red Seal of Metatron glowed brightly underneath Sepulcher, your beloved son, as it wailed for it's mother: Ariel. It saw you, desperately attempting to rip out of it's shackles to protect you. Mother. Mommy. Mom. But would you return the love?
Ariel's eyes were closed as she got carried, and she hoped she would get medical help. The sensation of moving up and down on the elevator was strange, and she opened her eyes just in time to see the room.

And the thing that she had created.

Ariel's eyes widened in fear, and she would have fought against her bonds if she could move. "G-Get it a-a-away from me!" It didn't seem like it wanted to hurt her, but she was still terrified by it. She looked up in desperation at the two men, and then around the room, hoping she could find someone, something, anything to get her away from it.
The Spy looked over, interested. He nodded and headed over. "What would be the problem?" he asked, looking at the man. Spy decided to follow him, see where he was going. Seemed like he was the only one who realized even remotely how fucked up this place was.
The mystery man nodded, "I... I think I've discovered a few ways to get out of here," he whispered, "... But first, we NEED to test out a few... although this isn't scientifically accurate, dare I say 'potions' I've created. This place is strange. It isn't natural. I've seen TOO many things, visions, to last someone a life time. And I. Want. Out."

You decide to head toward The Administration Offi--
What the?
A loud 'twacking' noise, the sound of flesh and wood forcefully colliding, met your ears. A soft yelp resounded beneath the door's cracks, sending you a little off edge. What in the world was that? Whap! Whap! Whap! The yelps turned into a dismal cry, followed by sniffling as the 'spanking' stopped...
The door creaked open, revealing a teary eyed Sister Mary Eunice rubbing her butt. She quickly nodded at John, "I've been bad..." before scurrying off. Do you still decide to enter the room? Y/N?

*I questioned what I just saw... I ran a hand through my hair, and decided to enter the room. Even after that small encounter with Sister Mary... What on earth happened in there anyway? Please don't tell me that I'm about to run into something horrible once more. I've had enough "excitement" for one day.*

Solaire looked at the question Elsa asked him and said

"Why yes, I am, why are you writing in pen and paper my love?"

Briefly glancing at the other people in the Medical Bay wordlessly, he decided to step forward and try to find Dr. Thredson. He may as well see Dr. Arden to see if he can do something about his ribs or something like that, but we'll see.
"Doctor... Thredson?" He asked, looking for wherever the therapist may be.
She nodded, "On the door to your right. He's in there. I'll tell him you're coming." The nurse tapped a button on an old-fashioned telephone, muttering a few inaudible words until she clicked it off. A red button affirming it's offline state. She smiled, nodding as you met Dr. Thredson:

The good Doctor was a fair looking man, sporting a brown two-piece suit, and medical chart, "Evening, you must be Mr. Shirou, am I correct?" He didn't appear insane or had any mental conditions. Hell, unlike Nurse Killjoy, he seemed quite interested in your case! "It's interesting, after the war you never get to meet many Japanese patients." He paused, chuckling, "I'm sorry, that's inappropriate. What seems to be the problem?"

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