Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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A cautious glance around the room, she spotted a variety of people. However hearing a voice directed in her direction as well as the couple of others that stood in her vicinity, she slowly walked towards him. He didn't seem like he was really a bad guy? Maybe he was just a misunderstood man? Shrugging, she followed the group. They all seemed to be smart, not only smart but they seemed to be in this together. It was a very rare chance that she had the ability to be close to people so for once she would step up and attempt it.

Shuffling along behind the group, her bright eyes darted about to everything she possibly could see. Entering a secret room, she blinked up at the tall man. He wasn't extremely tall compared to her but she stood only around neck level, so looking up at him was still bound to happen. Pursing her lips, she nodded deciding that this meant he might have wanted some sort of proper introduction. "I'm Feferi..what even is this place?" She commented, looking around at the rest of the group that had traveled down with him.

((Pfft I'm a bit behind, so if this is weird then apologies!))
"No, doctors have rather just said I'm suffering from a bad case of being too nice," he said half-jokingly, though it'd be hard for one to tell, given his extremely serious expression, "I pay attention in school just fine, my mood is consistent, and I don't really suffer hallucinations, so no, I wouldn't say I'm suffering from any of those three... unless you're suggesting I'm at risk, doctor?" Shirou asked.
I'm not sure if I dislike this man or not, Shirou thought to himself, Damn Americans...
The Doctor chuckled at his first comment, "... You know, they say that's a gift rather than a curse. To each his own, I suppose." He paused, leaning forward and nodding as Shirou spoke, "Well, you're hearing voices in your head and asked me a question if I felt guilty after my 'experience' in war: I'd say you have Survivor's Guilt. Did anyone... die close to you?" Oliver jotted down a few notes on his paper, anticipating Shirou's response.

The Doctor chuckled at his first comment, "... You know, they say that's a gift rather than a curse. To each his own, I suppose." He paused, leaning forward and nodding as Shirou spoke, "Well, you're hearing voices in your head and asked me a question if I felt guilty after my 'experience' in war: I'd say you have Survivor's Guilt. Did anyone... die close to you?" Oliver jotted down a few notes on his paper, anticipating Shirou's response.
He blinked mildly, but offered a response nonetheless.

"A number of people, yeah... My very first memory is of waking up in the middle of a giant fire that destroyed the whole neighborhood, in fact. I was always told that I was the only one who survived, thanks to a man rescuing me," Shirou explained, recounting his memories of Kiritsugu Emiya rescuing him, "This man went on to become my adoptive father, but not even five years passed before he died as well. And then... there were a few other people..." He murmured, scratching the back of his head, "Do you really suppose it's survivor's guilt, sir?"
*Oh...great. I closed the door behind me, and stayed a good five feet away from her, and I said, "My apologies if I'm interrupting anything sister, but there wouldn't happen to be a kitchen around here, would there? I'm quite hungry." I then remembered Sister Mary, it wouldn't hurt to ask what she did wrong, would there? "Also, may I ask what just happened in this room between you and Sister Mary?" I said with a questionable face.*
Sister Jude nodded, "There's a kitchen on the 2nd floor. It's open for inmates and the staff. We're serving eggs and bacon this morning, Mr. Wick. I'm certain you'll take a liking to it." Her fingers interlocked as she spoke to John Wick, her voice calm and cool, professional as ever. She groaned, however, as you mentioned Sister Mary and her 'punishment.'

"Mr. John Wick, as an inmate of this facility, I'll have you know the Catholic Church bought out Briarcliff Manor two years ago. Therefore, as per state laws, we're entitled to discipline religious figures as we see fit; I don't see how it's any of your business, but Sister Mary Eunuce committed the sin of gossip. We firmly believe in eliminating such discrepancies at once. It can lead into further complications. I'm sure you understand, John."


You felt uncomfortable.

She was hiding something...

... But what?
The door flipped open: An orderly, aged 22, a new person, held a cup of pills within his hands, "Uh, patient Elsa, right? Oh, my apologies. I mean "The Queen of Arendelle." He smiled, a friendly person, propping his shoulder against the wall. Did you know him? He seemed to know you, "... So, uhm, Doctor Arden said you need to take your morning medication before you start hallucinating again. Don't worry, they're not poison."
There's two white pills, a blue pill, and an orange pill bundled up in the cup.
Do you decide to take them? Y/N?
@Cres @Akibahara

Elsa frowned when the man entered, scooting as far away from him as she could. Pills? In a strange place she didn't know? No thanks.

She shook her head for no and moved behind Solaire. Every decision she had made like this lately had turned out bad for her. She wasn't going to take some pills she didn't know anything about.
"What do you mean by alpha tests...?" Ellie didn't like the look the man was giving her at all. She took a careful step backwards, looking around for anything she could use as a weapon in case things went wrong, but there was nothing. "I never told you my name..." She shook her head slightly. "And... I'm not on any medication... I just got here..."
She couldn't afford to just trust anyone, and this man in particular seemed like the wrong guy to trust. Now that she was by herself and confused, Ellie felt more vulnerable than ever.
Dr. Arden flipped out Ellie's medical chart, slapping it loudly on his table, "No, you're not new, Ellie. Not at all. You've been here for three years and counting. I'm tired of explaining your situation." There's a profile of 'Ellie' on the table. Do you decide to read it? Y/N?

Chink! Ariel's bounds were purposely released...
... As were Sepulcher's.
It wasn't long until Ariel felt the warm, loving grasp of her "son." His hands were cold, frigid as ever, resembling a corpse who's been dead for a long, long time. It nurtured it's mother, but boy oh boy, was it hungry! It's twin beady black eyes glared at Ariel, the Seal of Metatron pulsating softly, her wounds magically stitching together as mother and son remained within the circle. It... was an expectant look. But of what?
Boob juice.
Ariel cringed away from her son, the feeling of his cold... Lifeless? No, soulless? Whatever he was, his hands didn't feel like they'd belong to a newborn child... Demon child.

Despite being absolutely terrified of her son, well- he did rip his way out of her vagina- she couldn't help but feel the connection that was hardly there. It was freaky, but he acted like a little baby. You know, if you take away the whole demon part. Her eyes widened and she visibly paled when she realized what he wanted. Oh. During the time after she had been... ahem... Impregnated, and after giving birth, she had noticed her boobs swelling and, erm, leaking. Holy mother of Neptune. She didn't want to at all, but even though it was a demon, it was technically her child. Despite him being terrifying. She started to uncover her, um, mammilla, but quickly stopped. No. It was way too weird.
A cautious glance around the room, she spotted a variety of people. However hearing a voice directed in her direction as well as the couple of others that stood in her vicinity, she slowly walked towards him. He didn't seem like he was really a bad guy? Maybe he was just a misunderstood man? Shrugging, she followed the group. They all seemed to be smart, not only smart but they seemed to be in this together. It was a very rare chance that she had the ability to be close to people so for once she would step up and attempt it.

Shuffling along behind the group, her bright eyes darted about to everything she possibly could see. Entering a secret room, she blinked up at the tall man. He wasn't extremely tall compared to her but she stood only around neck level, so looking up at him was still bound to happen. Pursing her lips, she nodded deciding that this meant he might have wanted some sort of proper introduction. "I'm Feferi..what even is this place?" She commented, looking around at the rest of the group that had traveled down with him.

((Pfft I'm a bit behind, so if this is weird then apologies!))
Walter shuffled through an assortment of 'elixirs,' "This is a secret compartment I found a few days back. It contained chemicals, medical equipment, and unknown substances I was never aware of. I've researched the properties of some of the mixtures under a microscope. It's fascinating, but I'm not too sure of what they do. Hence why you're here. This could be our breakthrough, a way out of this damn place..."


"Will you help me?" Y/N?​
Sister Jude nodded, "There's a kitchen on the 2nd floor. It's open for inmates and the staff. We're serving eggs and bacon this morning, Mr. Wick. I'm certain you'll take a liking to it." Her fingers interlocked as she spoke to John Wick, her voice calm and cool, professional as ever. She groaned, however, as you mentioned Sister Mary and her 'punishment.'
"Mr. John Wick, as an inmate of this facility, I'll have you know the Catholic Church bought out Briarcliff Manor two years ago. Therefore, as per state laws, we're entitled to discipline religious figures as we see fit; I don't see how it's any of your business, but Sister Mary Eunuce committed the sin of gossip. We firmly believe in eliminating such discrepancies at once. It can lead into further complications. I'm sure you understand, John."
You felt uncomfortable.
She was hiding something...
... But what?

*When I heard that there was a kitchen on the 2nd floor, I was quite relieved. But, I did find the "punishment" a bit much for just gossip. It was possibly a simple mistake, so I decided to speak up, and say something about it. "Don't you find it a bit much to punish someone like that? What Sister Mary had done was a simple mistake. That could have simply been resolved without such force." I said.*

He blinked mildly, but offered a response nonetheless.
"A number of people, yeah... My very first memory is of waking up in the middle of a giant fire that destroyed the whole neighborhood, in fact. I was always told that I was the only one who survived, thanks to a man rescuing me," Shirou explained, recounting his memories of Kiritsugu Emiya rescuing him, "This man went on to become my adoptive father, but not even five years passed before he died as well. And then... there were a few other people..." He murmured, scratching the back of his head, "Do you really suppose it's survivor's guilt, sir?"
He nodded, jotting down a few other notes, "I do." He paused, shaking his head, "It's becoming more and more common these days unfortunately. Here, this is what I'll do: We'll hold meetings one hour each day. We're going to fight through this, Shirou. You understand? Now..." He flipped through a few pages in his chart, "... I'm looking for a patient Feferi. Have you heard of her?"
Dr. Arden flipped out Ellie's medical chart, slapping it loudly on his table, "No, you're not new, Ellie. Not at all. You've been here for three years and counting. I'm tired of explaining your situation." There's a profile of 'Ellie' on the table. Do you decide to read it? Y/N?
Ellie was curious. There was no way she had already been here for three years, it was just impossible, but still she wanted to check it out. She walked up to the doctor's desk, opened the folder and gasped when she saw herself there, taking a step back. "... No. No no no, stop fucking around!" Pointing a finger at him with wide eyes, she glanced to the profile once again. The urge was too strong. She quickly stepped back up to the desk and read the rest of it.
Elsa frowned when the man entered, scooting as far away from him as she could. Pills? In a strange place she didn't know? No thanks.
She shook her head for no and moved behind Solaire. Every decision she had made like this lately had turned out bad for her. She wasn't going to take some pills she didn't know anything about.
); The man walked off...
He nodded, jotting down a few other notes, "I do." He paused, shaking his head, "It's becoming more and more common these days unfortunately. Here, this is what I'll do: We'll hold meetings one hour each day. We're going to fight through this, Shirou. You understand? Now..." He flipped through a few pages in his chart, "... I'm looking for a patient Feferi. Have you heard of her?"
"I see..." He nodded at the part about having regular meetings, though he wondered how long he'd actually be in a place like this, "No, I'm sorry. I've never heard of this Feferi. Is she missing?"
Walter shuffled through an assortment of 'elixirs,' "This is a secret compartment I found a few days back. It contained chemicals, medical equipment, and unknown substances I was never aware of. I've researched the properties of some of the mixtures under a microscope. It's fascinating, but I'm not too sure of what they do. Hence why you're here. This could be our breakthrough, a way out of this damn place..."

"Will you help me?" Y/N?​

Ariel cringed away from her son, the feeling of his cold... Lifeless? No, soulless? Whatever he was, his hands didn't feel like they'd belong to a newborn child... Demon child.
Despite being absolutely terrified of her son, well- he did rip his way out of her vagina- she couldn't help but feel the connection that was hardly there. It was freaky, but he acted like a little baby. You know, if you take away the whole demon part. Her eyes widened and she visibly paled when she realized what he wanted. Oh. During the time after she had been... ahem... Impregnated, and after giving birth, she had noticed her boobs swelling and, erm, leaking. Holy mother of Neptune. She didn't want to at all, but even though it was a demon, it was technically her child. Despite him being terrifying. She started to uncover her, um, mammilla, but quickly stopped. No. It was way too weird.
Your areola was swollen, erect, and juicy. :3 It was painful, needless to say. Upon covering your nipples, a deep, monstrous groan erupted from Sepulcher's belly, kinda like a dinosaur or large mammal. It was seriously hungry. You saw it weep hideous black tears as it cradled you in it's corpse-like forearms, "MOOOOOOOTHER...." It's tone shifted two syllables deeper, as if it was begging to be fed. Technically, it was your rape baby son. Would Ariel take care of him? Y/N?

It glared at you with sad beady eyes.

"Feed me."

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*When I heard that there was a kitchen on the 2nd floor, I was quite relieved. But, I did find the "punishment" a bit much for just gossip. It was possibly a simple mistake, so I decided to speak up, and say something about it. "Don't you find it a bit much to punish someone like that? What Sister Mary had done was a simple mistake. That could have simply been resolved without such force." I said.*
"It isn't your business, John. You're just an inmate. Now... I suggest you hurry. Breakfast is about to end soon."
Will you help me? How could she say no! Feferi really wasn't someone to hold too many grudges but she also wasn't one to think deep in thought about things most times. It takes her a long while for her to conclude most things in her own mind while at other times its simply a flighty response. Very fast paced and upbeat, or strong and determined. It just depends on the question handed her way. She furrows her brows, before nodding. It couldn't be anything too bad, and she sure did like helping people who were nice. "Okay sure!"
Your areola was swollen, erect, and juicy. :3 It was painful, needless to say. Upon covering your nipples, a deep, monstrous groan erupted from Sepulcher's belly, kinda like a dinosaur or large mammal. It was seriously hungry. You saw it weep hideous black tears as it cradled you in it's corpse-like forearms, "MOOOOOOOTHER...." It's tone shifted two syllables deeper, as if it was begging to be fed. Technically, it was your rape baby son. Would Ariel take care of him? Y/N?
It glared at you with sad beady eyes.
"Feed me."
Ariel shook with terror, her voice, breath, and everything unable to escape her. She wanted to cry. It got really close to her, and she turned her head, tears threatening to spill. Slowly, her hands shaking, she uncovered her nipples.

//Aki you sick perving bastard
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"It isn't your business, John. You're just an inmate. Now... I suggest you hurry. Breakfast is about to end soon."
*I nodded, and said, "You're right...I guess it's none of my business. Thank you for taking your time to speak with me, sister." I then turned around, opened the door, and walked out of the room. Something just seems odd about her...I just can't put my finger on it. I soon walked down a flight of stairs, and stopped at the bottom. I scanned the area around me, and exhaled. I then leaned against the railing of the stairs... Breakfast can wait. For now at least...*

@Anyone willing to interact with Wick

// Well, I'm off to bed for tonight. Good night!
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Ellie was curious. There was no way she had already been here for three years, it was just impossible, but still she wanted to check it out. She walked up to the doctor's desk, opened the folder and gasped when she saw herself there, taking a step back. "... No. No no no, stop fucking around!" Pointing a finger at him with wide eyes, she glanced to the profile once again. The urge was too strong. She quickly stepped back up to the desk and read the rest of it.
Ellie opened the profile:



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