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"I... I will be fine..." Setsuna managed to stammer out in response to Azura through a wince, hardly even to see clear enough to realize that she was being offered a hand up and even if she were, too weak to take it. It made it difficult to keep track of those approaching her, though, not that that was the biggest of her worries at the moment. "I merely need a kiss," Slowly managing to lift her gaze just enough to regard the otherwise strangers concerned for her, a look of pain in her eyes. "Please..."

...Wait. What.

Well, while one had to wonder just what a kiss had to do with anything, Setsuna didn't have the clarity of mind- or the time -to explain her situation.

@Kaykay @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Whoever​

"... That Blake fellow, he's still running about, correct?" Joshua turned his head to Azura, trying to hold in an expression of confusion as he spoke, "Perhaps he could help Lady Setsuna best?"

@Kaykay @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Whoever @Gummi Bunnies


"Well, we're not in any combat right now, Miku. Besides, this power core recharges itself using nearby oxygen, so it's fine for now. I figure that this is fine since my cube should be charged up fully by now."

Blake gave Miku a gentle smile, not exactly bothered or concerned with her own concern about the power core being his own power source at the moment. He also nodded in affirmation to the Little Guy.


"Uh... I think I'm fine? I don't feel like anything's broken. Thanks for asking though, Lucio."

Blake was sure that he was fine... other than the voices he was hearing earlier. However that only occurs when he was out of it, like being unconscious and something like that. It shouldn't be a problem if he were talking to others right now.

"Yes, this young woman here requires a kiss, and I believe you two are close, yes?"

Joshua had a completely straight (well, for him) face, pointing to Setsuna for Blake to notice.​
"Uh, what?"

As might have been expected, Shirou was thoroughly confused. A kiss would make her feel better? What was she, a child with an injury that needed a kiss to make it better?


Well, it wasn't like she was too bad looking, or anything.

"Well, if it helps, then-"

With that Shirou decided to kiss the strange lady he didn't know. What could be the harm, huh?

@Hospes @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies

"A-Already? I... I mean, a kiss now?"

Blake gave a surprised look at Joshua, glancing over at Setsuna curiously...


"Well... I believe someone beat me to it... So I suppose a kiss from me isn't needed..."

That happened. This was terribly awkward right about now.

@Hospes @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee
Well. This... Certainly wasn't helping the seemingly heavily injured woman on the floor. But then again, there was no way a kiss would, either, right? So nobody could judge for that.

Okay. Scratch that. Anyone could judge Joshua all they wanted, because by some unknown power, when Shirou's lips met Setsuna's, something magical happened. It wasn't immediate, sure, but slowly, an enchanting light enveloped them both, the very air seeming to form small, but beautiful shimmers around them.


It was like this for a few moments, Setsuna's eyes briefly closing through it all. And, shockingly, her wounds seemed to heal one by one, the slash across her face being the final one to fade away. Even her partially tattered clothes seemed to mend as she finally pulled away with a breath of relief. "...Thank you," she uttered to Shirou, bowing her head slightly in gratitude and seeming to fare much better than she had moments before.

Okay. What the hell just happened.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Whoevs​
"... Well, that's one way to save on stave uses."

Judge Joshua all you wanted. He was just glad someone had kissed her and made an awkward situation for the people involved. Awkward love triangles always put a smile on the myrmidon's face.​
After aiding with the battles as best she could in her own ways, Senna found that she had passed out along with the rest of the group. When she would awaken, disoriented, but still able to listen to this Nick Fury guy when he would talk to the group. By the time he had finished speaking, and the soul reaper had regained her senses, Senna began to glance around, just in time to see...

Okay, so that kiss happened.

Senna busted a gut over it too. Here the quiet girl who seemed so dedicated to her master was kissing someone else? And Ichigo had called her crazy! People in this place certainly were much crazier!

Hardly able to contain herself, the violet haired girl held onto her stomach as she approached Joshua--who also seemed to be observing. "Okay, what did I miss? Who fell in love with who while I was unconscious?" she said, another laugh bursting from her lips. "What'sa matter, Raven?" she questioned, meaning Blake. "Jealous it wasn't you who got yourself a smoochie, smoochie~" she joked, turning to make a kissy face in Blake's direction. Yeah, she went there. : |

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​
Well what do you know. It actually worked. He'd been pretty doubtful to be honest, only bothering to kiss her because she asked for it and wasn't bad looking, but the more you know.

"Anytime. Name's Shirou. What's yours, huh?"

Despite the ridiculous circumstances, Shirou didn't seem to be particularly phased, keeping the same carefree smirk he'd had on since he'd gotten here.

"Oh, and what's up with the whole kissing thing? Never seen a girl get so rejuvenated by somethin' ridiculous like that."

Noting that Senna seemed to be messing with some other guy, Shirou quickly caught on and threw his arm around Setsuna, despite not even knowing her name yet.

"Yup, goldilocks here and I, destined lovers. Couldn't even take my eyes off her the moment I saw her. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of its chest until I could finally lock lips with her. Ahh, how embarrassing it is to say it out loud, isn't it. Ha ha."

His tone and expression completely took away any seriousness that might have been gleamed from his words.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Ah, you missed quite the tale, Lady Senna~"

Joshua couldn't help but smile like a madman as he joined in on the mocking, though holding back a snicker at Senna's antics. "Young Blake here, I had him all set up for the perfect moment! A young damsel in distress, beautiful and pure, all for him to save with a kiss on the lips," He added a little dramatic flair by adding a slight lyrical tone to his voice as his eyes were sparkling with mirth, "Yet tragedy struck! Blake was too slow to take his chance, and Shirou stole it from him! Now Lady Setsuna's debt is to him and not the melancholic young man it was meant for it!"

The swordsman wiped a false tear from his eyes as if the entire thing was truly awful, "Such a sad affair it is. Simply put, he will just have to try better next time!"

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
It turns out that something about that kiss happened to heal up Setsuna. Was this some other way for the girl to heal up? Because if that was the case, something about that intensified the awkward air settling around Blake's head at the moment.


"Senna, you ought to be careful with that expression you have on your face... you may be tempting certain people for another kiss. Just the thought of that makes me heart skip a beat."

Blake blinked in mild confusion at Senna's teasing. He could take her teasing at first, but with how things were hurling towards...


"Whoa whoa whoa! Aren't we all taking this a bit too fast, everybody? Heck, since when did I agree to be a part of some elaborate plot like that? You all are just flattering me... inside... y-yeah."

Blake was just flustered as fuck right now. This was going just all swell.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Save on.. stave uses?" Setsuna repeated, clearly lost as to what Joshua's remark meant. But she didn't linger on it for too long, finally managing to successfully climb to her feet now that her injuries were healed. By now, the light had faded away, leaving her appearing 'normal' again. Turning to Shirou, she tentatively offered a hand to help him up if need be, realizing that people sometimes felt dizzy the first few moments after providing an Absolute Angel with mana.

Luckily, it seemed such wasn't the case with Shirou. As he introduced himself, Setsuna offered another small bow, answering his inquiry of who she herself was without hesitation. "I am Absolute Angel Setsuna, of the moment of dreams. Thank you for your assistance, Shirou. I am in your debt."

Perhaps he could be the one for her to serve until she managed to return to Kyoshiro. But for now, regardless, she would answer to him. "Humans must eat to take in calories, and cars must be fueled to drive. Absolute Angels' energy are replenished through a kiss on the lips," she explained, hoping this made sense. "Anything else you wish to know, Shirou?"


But in any case, the exchange was interrupted by Senna, who burst out laughing at her and Shirou, much to Setsuna's shock. With a blank expression, Setsuna stared, unsure what the female was laughing at. When she asked who had fallen in love, the blonde spoke in her typical monotone. "It isn't like that," she stated. "Shirou was merely--"

And next thing she knew, Shirou was speaking of his love for her, slipping his arm around her shoulders to her obvious surprise. Unfortunately, being of the rather naive sort, Setsuna failed to pick up on his sarcasm and taunting of Blake, the same going for Senna and Joshua's words on the matter. All she could do was stare quietly at Shirou, unsure what to say in response to his proclamation.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Takumi @alll​
Not one to be gullible, Senna caught on when she heard Shirou's joking tone. She smirked before replying, "Fate brought the two of you together. That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard!" she exclaimed. She still didn't know what was going on, but there some reason they kissed, right? Well, apparently there was a reason. Senna listened, hearing when Setsuna would explain it to Shirou. That was one mystery solved.

"It really is sad, isn't it, Joshua?" Senna said, giving him a friendly elbow on the side as she carried on with the joke. Blake was way too much fun to tease.

"If you're that tempted for a kiss, come and get it, lover boy," Senna continued, shooting Blake a joking wink before glancing back to Joshua. "The power of love just might save us, eh Joshua?" she said, giggling again afterwards. Although this situation was ridiculous, Senna couldn't help but enjoy it.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​
"Yes, quite a morose outcome, but alas, it's his fault for being slow~" Joshua chuckled as he took the ribbing before an almost cat-like grin appeared on his lips. As Senna joked about the tempting kiss, the myrmidon leaned down slightly to her level, a little close for comfortable as he decided to see how far her bluff went, "Come and get it? Is that an offer only for him, or may any dashing rogue take it for himself?"

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​

"Oh god, is this some cruel test that the natural cycle of life is trying to put on me right now? Aha... haha... Rin might have been correct with what she meant..."

Blake had no control whatsoever, his face gone all red. Without someone to properly stop his internal instincts of love, Blake wasn't going to hold back anymore.


"Augh! I can't take it anymore, this passion in me won't rest until I've put the cherry on top!"

Having his power core inserted into his PWM cube, Blake was going to do this and no one was going to stop him!

"Here I cooooome! Battle protocol 4, full speed aheaaaad!"

Just as he had his projected wings appear with only a minute to spare due to the short time of charging, Blake sped towards Senna's direction with the help of the energy wings. Oh god...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​
Ah, such vigor, such desire for love's blossoming. Truly a noble sight in such a dark place. Too bad, it would not be enough to stop Joshua.

"Because if so..." With a wide smile, the mercenary pressed his lips to Senna's, right before Blake's eyes. It seemed he had lost out once again to a smooth-talking gentleman, one who was clearly enjoying the act far too much. After a few moments, Joshua retracted with that same smirk in place as before, his eyes narrowed in focus on her, "I'll just claim it for myself~"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​
Though perhaps others might have simply thought she understood the sarcasm, when Shirou took a glance at her it became clear to him that she actually didn't have a clue what was going on. It wasn't that he was some kind of woman-reading genius, or anything of that nature. But he'd met someone like that before, the kind who was so unfamiliar with the world that anything but direct straightforwardness completely flew over their heads.

"You're a lot like Marie, then..." he muttered to himself before increasing his voice to let her hear. "Setsuna...of the moment, was it. Interesting name you got there."

It seemed somewhat redundant, with the name Setsuna quite literally meaning moment in itself, but then again that also meant it made a lot of sense. A repetitive name with meaning was ten times better than some random, worthless name.

He paused for a moment as Joshua suddenly kissed Senna, his smirk widening at the comical scene unfolding before them. This seriously was something funny. That Blake guy really had the best kind of reactions to this kind of messing around. He had to wonder how Senna would react to that kiss though. It was doubtful she'd been expecting that much.

"Damn, beaten to the punch again. Guess ya gotta upgrade those wings of yours, huh?"

Back to the girl quite literally under his arm though, he had some explaining to do for her. Tempting though it was to just keep her confused, he should probably get her corrected on the matter.

"Let's see, kisses are your food, yeah? I can't decide if that's seriously angelic or succubus-like...maybe a bit of both? Well, anyway. You don't gotta explain all that angel stuff to me right here. Won't say I ain't interested, but there's something more important I wantcha to do."

With his free hand, he raised a single finger in front of her, lowering his voice a bit.

"Just keep playing along~"

In the end, his want to tease and mess around took first place in his priority list. He'd just give her a long explanation later...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Hospes

Twisted Fate silently observed some of the things that were happening nearby. His attention was caught by the abundant amount of drama coming from a group of people. Clearly disappointed, he said,

"Look at all of you fraternizin' while death lurks around the corner...Y'all are like a bunch of kids. Do any of you even know how dire our predicament is?"

@People @Shipping Squad​
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While Doremi would go searching for Jabbers, it seems that Jabbers came back while Doremi went out. But he wasn't happy for some reason. He walked right in front for Little Guy and went into his fighting stance.


"What are you going to do to Doremi!?" Jabbers would loudly question him, having the other members of the group listen too. "You're making her do bad stuff, right!?" Jabbers would then say before Navel got a chance to respond. "Answer!"

@Mason Moretti @Kaide` @Yun Lee

  • @Bomb @Kaide` @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork

    Naomi smiled because her friends were safe. "Then it's settled. We're a team. Except it looks like a couple of our members ran off...

    "Don't worry about the nose, Alice. Although, if you see any black brusing or I start vomiting blood... Then we have problems,"
    Naomi said, remembering the Rosalia* incident.

    However, Navel found a distraction in the form of the newly returned Jabbers.
    "Woah there, buddy," he said "We're not going to make her do anything else. We wanna protect her, too. We just might need her help, but I promise she won't have to do any fighting."

    Naomi, who had a little more tact when it came to children, (and she assumed Jabbers was one,) got on one knee to match heights with Jabbers. She began speaking in the same comforting voice she used for her own daughter, Alyssa, "You really love Doremi's music, don't you? You don't want anybody hurting her or her voice, am I right?

    "I bet you also think she's kind of pretty."

    *Rosalia is some pretty nasty shiz and pretty much the antagonist of Trauma Team. It's a virus that quite nearly ended Naomi's life.


"Lies! You're going to use her for something bad!" Jabbers would retort. "You told her to do bad things!!!" he would reference to Navel telling Meloetta to focus her Hyper Voice towards the past enemy.

And towards Kimishima: "I don't know what you're talking about! I just want to protect her so she can do her thing!" Jabber would try and counter Naomi's claim.

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @Kaide`

@Bomb @Kaide` @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork

Both Naomi and Navel, startled and slightly confused, turn to Alice and Miku with pleading eyes for help in this matter, as it seemed talking eith Jabbers was like trying to win an argument with a brick wall.

Her attention now turned towards Jabber, Miku eyed the little blue jackal-like creature with mild curiosity in her eyes. It appeared he and the other little creature were paired together in some fashion.

"Doremi is your friend, and she's some kind of... singer, right?" She'd speak up to Jabber, veering somewhat off topic for the moment. "I'm a singer too, if that makes you feel any better. I don't want to hurt anyone either." She wasn't so much trying to get him or Doremi to join their little brigade, but more trying to calm the little thing's nerves. Her comrades seemed to be getting weirder by the hour.​

@Bomb @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork


"How do I know if you are telling the truth?" Jabbers would spite at the group.


"Is something going on?" Doremi would return after failing to find Jabbers, only to hear Jabber's argument against the group. Jabbers, seeing that Doremi is returning, ran away again with speed.

"Sorry that I went off." Doremi would say, holding her hands over her chest. "I guess he came back as I went to look for him?"

@Mason Moretti @Kaide` @Yun Lee

Seeing that all was lost on that kiss, Blake slowed down immediately.

"PWM deactivate."

Soon the wings he had disappeared, and allowed Blake to do a roll to safely stop himself and get onto his feet.


"And there goes my heart again. As embarrassing as this is, I'm glad that no one that I'm incredibly familiar with can ever know of this..."

Rin would probably kill me if she saw this play out...

He was practically trying to get a hold of himself from the sudden urge stemming from love. Usually when he would lose himself and press onto another girl, his little sister Rinato would always smack some sense into him. He could only imagine how pissed she would be at him right now, especially if she knew that he acted like this in the type of situation...

All of a sudden, he instantly remembered about something. Nervously laughing to himself, Blake silently excused himself from the teasing pair.


"Er, sorry about that. Things came up, is there... something going on here?"

Hopefully they saw nothing of what just transpired, Blake slipped his way back to where Miku and others were located. For all he knew, there was some tension stemming from Jabbers, which quickly defused once Doremi stepped in. Well... that was interesting to say the least, but he figured to check up on how the Vocaloid idol was doing.


"I forgot to ask of this from you, but it's been a bit since I've exposed you to my power core... Feeling alright after all of that? I wouldn't want to hear that there's some strange reaction due to the power core's radiation charge..."

Despite how he acted earlier, Blake did have his concerns for people in their group, something to keep him from losing his sense of control, yes... But in a way, he had a cause to protect with how things were bound to go...

@Kaide` @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Bomb @TeamClockwork​


"Oh, hello there!" Doremi would greet Blake. Even though Doremi saw Blake at some point, they haven't conversed until now.


"What's this about power and reactions?" Doremi asked, seemingly interested in what Blake is mentioning.

@Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @Kaide` @Yun Lee

"Well, Jabbers, you may just have to trust us. Trust is the way you make allies and friends."

"Ah, yes," Naomi mused, "Blake, was it? Everything seems to be in working order. No issues with my technology, nothing hurts, not even my bloody nose. I'm not getting any strange sensations from my powers either. I believe you're alright, if nobody else has issues."

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork​

Alice looked to the strange little dog thing (Jabbers, apparently) and had to admit-there was something adorable about it. A bit of innocence she hadn't seen in a long time.

"The only bad things done were because of the Umbrella people, the ones who captured us,"
Alice told the little Riolu. "We had no choice but to do bad things, because we would get hurt if we didn't. These people we are with now want to help us go home, and if everything goes as planned, your little friend will be safe. But there is safety in numbers, don't you think?"

@Bomb @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @TeamClockwork

Nick Fury stared at Kujou for a moment, eventually nodding once. "Glad you think that way. However, I was going to say that we can keep you at a nearby SHIELD outpost, but this is not an offer I can extend to many others. If you don't want to go then tell me now, because extracting you later will be far more difficult."

"Then... Ouroboros can hold me... I guess." Adam looked a bit disappointed at that. He'd never thought a girl to be too intense, but Cagliostro was pushing it. At this rate, he felt he really was going to be fed to that dragon. Though... he couldn't deny that it was totally hot in a sick way. "May we call this a date~?"

"Anyway, the biological weapons, they are creatures created by Umbrella with the express purpose of killing. They cultivate these monsters using viruses and pathogens. As for the Tesseract, it's a glowing blue cube and an unlimited energy source. That's all you need to know."

@C.T. @Crow @Otto @MetalNova @Archwar @Gands @york

"Artificial life forms... or synthetic mutations... that is my inference from your words, Nick Fury," Cagliostro speaks, "These 'biological weapons' are an interesting study indeed. Learning about them would be great, but their destruction as a mockery to the Umbrella's 'research' even moreso."


Turning to Adam, Cagliostro responds in a very sadistic manner, "Someone like you? Dating the great, powerful goddess of alchemy, Cagliostro? Ahahaha... you know nothing of me, for if you did..."

Cagliostro's sadistic, mocking appearance transforms into a grouchy, angered one.

"... you would know that dates are a waste of time."

@C.T. @Crow @Otto @MetalNova @Archwar @Gands @york @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Atomyk
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Nick Fury stared at Kujou for a moment, eventually nodding once. "Glad you think that way. However, I was going to say that we can keep you at a nearby SHIELD outpost, but this is not an offer I can extend to many others. If you don't want to go then tell me now, because extracting you later will be far more difficult."

"Then... Ouroboros can hold me... I guess." Adam looked a bit disappointed at that. He'd never thought a girl to be too intense, but Cagliostro was pushing it. At this rate, he felt he really was going to be fed to that dragon. Though... he couldn't deny that it was totally hot in a sick way. "May we call this a date~?"

"Anyway, the biological weapons, they are creatures created by Umbrella with the express purpose of killing. They cultivate these monsters using viruses and pathogens. As for the Tesseract, it's a glowing blue cube and an unlimited energy source. That's all you need to know."

@C.T. @Crow @Otto @MetalNova @Archwar @Gands @york

"And... what? You're calling out a guy for... being human?"

Cullen had watched as Clark was pulled away by Jason, but both were stopped by Road as she prattled on about how it was so disappointing one of the little creatures accompanying them didn't die instead. Cullen, not bothering to hide his disgust, slipped off the bed and stood before the trio.


"That guy died and no one here's to blame. We're rather lucky it was just him. Your attitude's likely to get more of us killed, just to let you know. Cheers."

He hadn't really wanted to speak up at all, but he was already frazzled by everything going on around them. The boy tugged at the collars of his sleeves, an excuse to avert his gaze. He turned away, not even wanting to hear a response, but found himself face-to-face with the other people who had been gravitating around Clark. Even Lucio.

Man, was this guy a real piece of work.

"Yeah, go team," he said dryly. "Not like we only met a few hours ago, but hey..." He let out a sigh as he visibly deflated, looking more defeated than anything else now. "I never said I wasn't going to help out, mate. Just not really in the mood to talk and I'm afraid I'm not as great as you apparently are at staying positive. Something like this is going to go off the rails fast. The best-laid plans and all that."

@Josh M @Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore

"Certainly. I have questions as well."

However, at the arrival of another, those thoughts were cut short.


"Lady Road!"
He turned away from Hakuei for just a second, turning his attention to the dark-skinned girl with the faintest signs of worry on his features. Her voice had sounded so... unlike her. He had already established Road as an impish person, who liked to entice emotions, negative or not, in people. Like a prankster. Although Alucard could ignore that side of her, he was not emotionless to the point where he would turn away from those in need - most of the time.
"It is quite alright. There is no need to overexert yourself."


The dhampir knelt down to match her in height, pulling a detailed glass bottle from inside his coat. A potion for rejuvenation. There were plenty in the castle where he had come from. Hidden in the libraries, in the labs, within the church and the gardens. Possibly put there by demons in order to heal themselves if needed - instead found by the half-vampire. The dhampir gingerly passed the bottle to his ally, unsure what else to do.​

Twisted Fate silently observed some of the things that were happening nearby. His attention was caught by the abundant amount of drama coming from a group of people. Clearly disappointed, he said,

"Look at all of you fraternizing while death lurks around the corner...Y'all are like a bunch of kids. Do any of you even know how dire our predicament is?"

@People @Shipping Squad​
Road tried not to react to Cullen. Her outburst had left her feeling guilty, and she'd just as rather ignore reactions to it for now. How she chose to ignore it, was to acknowledge Alucard's response to her a bit more than she might've otherwise. The Noah couldn't help but blinking her eyes a couple times in surprise as he knelt to her level, it'd taken her aback, but what got her even more was his offering of some manner of potion. She took it instantly. For all she could tell, opening Doors in this world was a perfect way to achieve the ideal hangover. Whether he had offered her some miracle potion or a hard alcohol, she'd probably have taken it and downed it just as fast, for that was exactly what she did. As soon as it left Alley's hands she'd removed any sealing apparatus (like a cork) and shot the liquid into her gullet.

"Thank you, Alley... I needed that more than you know."


It hadn't been alcohol. The feeling was similar though. A warmth took her body, and the headache was steadily numbed. It was an unfamiliar, alien sensation to Road, and for a moment, it brought a look of relief to her face, but what she heard that, 'Twisted Fate' fellow say, caused her to actively drop the bottle. Luckily, she caught it, as to not cause a stir, but then looked intently as both Alucard and Hakuei.

"If... If Umbrella pulled all of us to fight these guys now that they lost us..." in another, foreign sounding tone, coming from Road's voice, "-what's to stop them from pulling even more now to fight us? Up the stakes to ensure they can't be stolen? They have to expect... retaliation, right?"

This thought was distressing, to say the least. Umbrella hadn't come off as stupid, and Road couldn't see any reason for why, right now, a second group of people couldn't be in their building, getting the same pep talk and getting fear mongered into getting ready to fight them now.
In fact, what if SHIELD expected this and was sending them in, just so the Avengers didn't have to sully their hands on otherworld fodder?

@Sen @Hana @Otto
When Joshua brought up sporting his hair style Azura was slightly confused until she saw for herself. While Setsuna was being healed in a rather strange way sje went ro work on combing out with her fingers. She wasn't too sure on what Jaffar meant when he said that he held back, but was curious nonetheless. Once done she heard Setsuna question the words staves uses and decided to answer.

"There are those in our worlds, that I'm assuming is in different eras that we had been taken from, that use staves on the battlefield or otherwise for healing." she explained briefly, then things started to get weird when they started teasing poor Blake with the slightly awkward situation.

And then kisses were being passed around, like Joshua flirting and kissing Senna. Azura frowned and awkwardly stood in place, unsure of what to do. He reminded her of Laslow back home, in the fact that he flirted with quite a few girls, but the difference between them was that for some reason Laslow's attempts fail one way or another. As for Joshua....

Azura just shook her head.

Twisted Fate silently observed some of the things that were happening nearby. His attention was caught by the abundant amount of drama coming from a group of people. Clearly disappointed, he said,

"Look at all of you fraternizing while death lurks around the corner...Y'all are like a bunch of kids. Do any of you even know how dire our predicament is?"

@People @Shipping Squad​

"I believe they do know, but they are just trying to make light of the situation in their own weird way....after actually healing someone through the strange method. As for Joshua, I feel that he just wants to mess with someone while taking the opportunity to flirt as he pleases." she sighed. There was the tiniest hint of annoyance when she brought up Joshua though, most wouldn't pick up on it unless they were pretty skilled. She totally wasn't even remotely jealous. :-|

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Kaykay @Otto @Shipping Squad
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Road tried not to react to Cullen. Her outburst had left her feeling guilty, and she'd just as rather ignore reactions to it for now. How she chose to ignore it, was to acknowledge Alucard's response to her a bit more than she might've otherwise. The Noah couldn't help but blinking her eyes a couple times in surprise as he knelt to her level, it'd taken her aback, but what got her even more was his offering of some manner of potion. She took it instantly. For all she could tell, opening Doors in this world was a perfect way to achieve the ideal hangover. Whether he had offered her some miracle potion or a hard alcohol, she'd probably have taken it and downed it just as fast, for that was exactly what she did. As soon as it left Alley's hands she'd removed any sealing apparatus (like a cork) and shot the liquid into her gullet.

"Thank you, Alley... I needed that more than you know."


Alucard watched as Road downed the liquid, silently standing up until he was beside Hakuei once more. He was relieved when he could see that the potion was working, and that his job was done here for now. "Very welcome. We will be... over there," the dhampir inclined his head at Nick Fury, at Hakuei's earlier suggestion.

"Lady Hakuei, what are your thoughts of SHIELD thus far?"

"This leader of theirs... I am afraid I am not a good judge on characters. As a king candidate, may I hear your thoughts?"

@Hana @Azuremoon
The Noah's angered bait to stur chaos had gone unnoticed. The fire smouldered and then burnt out. Her eyes shifted about again only to witness everyone... mingling. Why was everyone on such good terms? As a team they'd failed and they'd outnumbered the enemy so much that it hurt her pride. So why had she become so upset when she'd awoken?



That was it. The girl's head dropped and a stuttered breath left her lips. The sensation left her quiet for more than a couple long seconds, than her head rose again. All this time she'd been acting in her own interests because she'd lost her world. Everyone here had someone to go home to when everything was said and done, and if they'd stuck with Umbrella and they'd kept their word, she'd have gone home only to leave again. It was more profitable for her to making bonds than anyone else here. Her eyes traveled to the two that had agreed to work with her and silently, finally moving from where she'd awoken, she approached Alucard and Hakuei. She'd lost track of them only moments after returning because she'd wanted to try and assassinate Lang. She hadn't known if they'd fought more or... what had happened.

"Alley. Little-Haku." she paused briefly, "Sorry... my body wasn't ready to use Door... I passed out-"

It was a lie, but she found herself suddenly guilty of her attempt to move to kill Lang even if it meant leaving them. Proof of this was how her head and gaze was pushed as far away from them as possible. When her gaze did raise, it was set onto Hakuei. Road knew Alucard came from a world like hers'; with a church and such.

"Haku... what was your world like?"

@Sen @Hana

"Certainly. I have questions as well."

However, at the arrival of another, those thoughts were cut short.


"Lady Road!"
He turned away from Hakuei for just a second, turning his attention to the dark-skinned girl with the faintest signs of worry on his features. Her voice had sounded so... unlike her. He had already established Road as an impish person, who liked to entice emotions, negative or not, in people. Like a prankster. Although Alucard could ignore that side of her, he was not emotionless to the point where he would turn away from those in need - most of the time.
"It is quite alright. There is no need to overexert yourself."


The dhampir knelt down to match her in height, pulling a detailed glass bottle from inside his coat. A potion for rejuvenation. There were plenty in the castle where he had come from. Hidden in the libraries, in the labs, within the church and the gardens. Possibly put there by demons in order to heal themselves if needed - instead found by the half-vampire. The dhampir gingerly passed the bottle to his ally, unsure what else to do.​
Road tried not to react to Cullen. Her outburst had left her feeling guilty, and she'd just as rather ignore reactions to it for now. How she chose to ignore it, was to acknowledge Alucard's response to her a bit more than she might've otherwise. The Noah couldn't help but blinking her eyes a couple times in surprise as he knelt to her level, it'd taken her aback, but what got her even more was his offering of some manner of potion. She took it instantly. For all she could tell, opening Doors in this world was a perfect way to achieve the ideal hangover. Whether he had offered her some miracle potion or a hard alcohol, she'd probably have taken it and downed it just as fast, for that was exactly what she did. As soon as it left Alley's hands she'd removed any sealing apparatus (like a cork) and shot the liquid into her gullet.

"Thank you, Alley... I needed that more than you know."


It hadn't been alcohol. The feeling was similar though. A warmth took her body, and the headache was steadily numbed. It was an unfamiliar, alien sensation to Road, and for a moment, it brought a look of relief to her face, but what she heard that, 'Twisted Fate' fellow say, caused her to actively drop the bottle. Luckily, she caught it, as to not cause a stir, but then looked intently as both Alucard and Hakuei.

"If... If Umbrella pulled all of us to fight these guys now that they lost us..." in another, foreign sounding tone, coming from Road's voice, "-what's to stop them from pulling even more now to fight us? Up the stakes to ensure they can't be stolen? They have to expect... retaliation, right?"

This thought was distressing, to say the least. Umbrella hadn't come off as stupid, and Road couldn't see any reason for why, right now, a second group of people couldn't be in their building, getting the same pep talk and getting fear mongered into getting ready to fight them now.
In fact, what if SHIELD expected this and was sending them in, just so the Avengers didn't have to sully their hands on otherworld fodder?

@Sen @Hana @Otto

Before she could commence with Alucard to see Fury, though, Road appeared to the two standing together. Hakuei's brows furrowed slightly in concern at the other woman's words. "Perhaps you should sit down and rest, Road?" The princess asked with obvious worry. Even if Road had first seemed to be the manipulative type, an ally was still an ally, and she had been supporting them earlier.

That... And something seemed different about the Road standing before her now. There was a look in the other female's eyes that Hakuei could almost describe as forlorn. The princess reached out to lay a hand on Road's shoulder, about to gently guide the other to sit-

Alucard's following actions, however, were both surprising and heartwarming to watch. She watched as the tall dhampir knelt down to Road's height, offering her what was likely a vial of medicine, or something similar. It made the princess flash a smile filled with warmth and approval in his way. So despite his emotionless facade, there was still a caring side - or a compassionate side - to this man. How very much like certain people she knew.

Turning to the other female again, Hakuei was glad to see more color return to Road's face, the look of relief telling enough that the potion, or whatever it was, had worked.


Once Road questioned the possibility of Umbrella retaliating against them, the princess's gaze turned somber. "I have considered that possibility. An organization like that... Won't easily let something like this go, or let themselves be at a disadvantage for too long." As a military general, she knew enough to tell that Umbrella would have more backup plans in case this one, using people from other realities, failed the first time. Had she been in their place alongside her brothers, they would have sent more of the resources they had on hand, this time more careful not to trip up.


"But we'll work together, won't we, Road? Alucard?" She smiled encouragingly at Road, genuinely meaning her words. "As long as I am here, I would do my utmost to work with you for our shared goals. I will fight alongside you and protect you, as need be, Road."

"As for my world? My world... I do not know where to begin." The princess paused, before turning her gaze on Road. "The rukh is the lifeblood of the entire world, it is comprised of the souls and the lives of every living being, especially once they pass. Special people that are loved by the Rukh are known as Magi, world-creating magicians whose powers can change the fate of entire nations and the world. In the past, they have led their king vessels - people they chose to lead through the dungeon and acquire a powerful metal vessel and djinn - to form kingdoms and empires. In essence, they choose potential kings."

This was something she had come across in her studies while growing up. Every one of her and her siblings were of course given the same education, and knew the great conquerors, generals, and kings of history. Like the first king of the Kouga tribe, who formed the first empire in history. He had a Magi that led him on that path to greatness.


"There are only three Magi-" Four with that young boy. "At any given time. The Reim empire has Lady Scheherazade, who has been alive for centuries and making their empire strong." The princess frowned at the thought of Judal, her own empire's Magi. "My country has Judal, another Magi. He has led me and four of my stepsiblings into dungeons to capture our own djinn. It is what has made Kou a military powerhouse today."


Taking a deep breath, Hakuei continued, "Kou is currently on a mission to... Annex other countries under our empire." She knew how other people could see it as - what else, if they didn't know better? The Kouga clan thought it was because the Kou was a greedy militaristic country. "My stepbrother, the emperor's heir and the crown prince, and I believe that it is to unite the world and to ensure true world peace." She was determined to see it through, though she knew Kouen might have had other motives himself.

@Azuremoon @Sen @Crow @people
  • Thank You
Reactions: Azuremoon

Twisted Fate silently observed some of the things that were happening nearby. His attention was caught by the abundant amount of drama coming from a group of people. Clearly disappointed, he said,

"Look at all of you fraternizing while death lurks around the corner...Y'all are like a bunch of kids. Do any of you even know how dire our predicament is?"

@People @Shipping Squad​
"There is something wrong with fraternizing when we face a coming battle?"

Joshua tilted his head to the side with a confidant smirk still in place, clearly not taking the situation seriously, "I don't see anything at odds with the mission we have to undertake here in a few minutes. Relaxing and relieving stress with one another's companionship? That simply makes us human, doesn't it? As well, we're not on the clock just yet, so I see no harm in this."

"Besides, Lady Luck tends to favor the bold, and I plan to be one of the favored for the rest of day," The mercenary finished, wiggling his eyebrow to go with the last part.
When Joshua brought up sporting his hair style Azura was slightly confused until she saw for herself. While Setsuna was being healed in a rather strange way sje went ro work on combing out with her fingers. She wasn't too sure on what Jaffar meant when he said that he held back, but was curious nonetheless. Once done she heard Setsuna question the words staves uses and decided to answer.

"There are those in our worlds, that I'm assuming is in different eras that we had been taken from, that use staves on the battlefield or otherwise for healing." she explained briefly, then things started to get weird when they started teasing poor Blake with the slightly awkward situation.

And then kisses were being passed around, like Joshua flirting and kissing Senna. Azura frowned and awkwardly stood in place, unsure of what to do. He reminded her of Laslow back home, in the fact that he flirted with quite a few girls, but the difference between them was that for some reason Laslow's attempts fail one way or another. As for Joshua....

Azura just shook her head.

"I believe they do know, but they are just trying to make light of the situation in their own weird way....after actually healing someone through the strange method. As for Joshua, I feel that he just wants to mess with someone while taking the opportunity to flirt as he pleases." she sighed. There was the tiniest hint of annoyance when she brought up Joshua though, most wouldn't pick up on it unless they were pretty skilled. She totally wasn't even remotely jealous. :-|

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Kaykay @Otto @Shipping Squad
"Ah, is that envy I hear gripping at the young princess's heart?" Someone should really ought to stop Joshua, this was simply becoming too much. Years of gambling and battles had taught the young man how to read people fairly well, and it certainly helped him in teasing others, regardless of gender, "Please, Lady Azura, I didn't realize that I sparked such feelings from one as regal and lovely as you. Ought I really be ashamed for it?"

@Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Kaykay @Otto @Everyone tries to admonish him, but he's just going to make it a flirt if he can.​

Nick Fury was pleased with Jinx's enthusiasm. "That's the spirit," he said, giving her a bit of a sly smile. He then glanced at al those who were speaking with him, first up being Cagliostro. "Thor, along with Captain America and Iron Man, are topside cleaning up the remainder of Umbrella's men. Now that they've lost you, Umbrella is sending out their specialized biological weapons which are keeping the battle at a standstill."

He then nodded to Domon. "Well, what makes us different is that we're not intruders in another world who are dead set on performing horrible biological experiments! You also may have taken notice of the fact that we have saved your asses from enslavement, thank you very much." Fury let that sit for a moment as he took a deep breath. "We don't know how Umbrella came to this world, but their surprise appearance allowed them to steal the greatest source of energy SHIELD had access to. We are trying to take it back to avoid potential catastrophic destruction."


"Whether you want to get back at Umbrella or not is irrelevant, for I don't see that you have a choice in this. You can't go home without the Tesseract and frankly, you do owe us one now. We don't exactly have the resources to evacuate the lot of you and you have been inside the facility to have some idea where to look. Even an innocent girl can provide that much."

Then to Jason, Nick shook his head. "We did not shoot you. That was one of Umbrella's men. As for you..." He gestured to Warpath. "Never heard of you, but I'll take your word for it. You reliable?"

"I'll happily fuck them up," Adam said, rubbing the side of his neck. Seemed he'd gotten cut in the shoulder at some point during the fighting. "Maaan... you were so cool against Thor, Cagli! A woman who can fight... wowsa~ Don't mind me if I jump into your arms next time we get into trouble."

@penguin055 @C.T. @Hana @Sen @Crow @Otto @MetalNova @thatguyinthestore @Gands


Meanwhile, Cullen sat on his bed, looking already done with all this. Whether he was thankful or relieved was unclear, but he seemed intent on avoiding the gaze of all those around him.

"Do I look like I want company?" he said to Clark.

@Josh M @Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @Azuremoon

"I'll leave you alone, Cullen. If you change your mind, you know where I am"

Jason would nod at Fury before crossing his arms and looking over to Clark and Cullen. Jason would then step over to them before tapping Clark on the shoulder.

"Hey uh, can we talk in private?" Jason asked. Assuming he agreed to do so, Jason would step over to a rather unoccupied portion of the room.

"Listen uh.. Clark. I'm sorry about revealing your powers to the people earlier. I thought you'd be cool with it, and it seems like you aren't. It was a dipshit move on my end." Jason said before extending his hand to Clark's, offering a handshake.


@Josh M @Atomyk
"I forgive you, Jason. Don't worry about it."

Clark should be angry, hell he wanted to be. Still, everyone makes mistakes.

Lucio gave a nod and a smile to Blake, patting him on a back and turning over, joining Clark, Nash and Riesbyfe on the bench. Lucio leaned against the wall and turned on his music to his headphones, idly jamming out in one ear as he listened to the conversation with the other.


"Oh, yeah, I'm feelin' GREAT! Knowing that we're free from those Umbrella guys already, it gives me some hope that we'll get through this jus' fine. I ain't hearin' any of that noise, hah! You guys all good, too? Hope I kept Tony n' Cap off of you long enough, Clark."

Lucio seemed ecstatic, barely even fazed by the situation at hand. He didn't even want to go home yet, he just wanted payback against Umbrella, for everyone including himself. Lucio preaches against injustice everywhere, even if it's an entire universe away. It wasn't his fight at first, but now it is, because he can't let something like this slide under his radar. It was even a slight bit personal.

One doesn't have to be a knight to have a sense of justice; and he won't leave this place empty-handed, that's one thing he can promise to himself and everyone else.

When Clark and Riesbyfe tried to convince Cullen to join in on the conversation, Lucio had come into support. "We're all in this together, man. You might not get shot at anymore if you don't help out, but that doesn't mean we don't need everyone on their A-game for somethin' like this."

"It's not like we won't be able to fight back. Look, we got a few superheroes, we got a knight, we got an angel, we got robots, we probably have a vampire, we got guys with guns, we got guys with swords, we got guys with cards..."

"I mean, look at this team!"

Lucio tried to turn Cullens attention towards Clark, Riesbyfe, Nash, Joshua, Blake, Senna, Ali, Jason, Cagliostro, Twisted Fate, Jinx, Miku, Schala, Alucard...


"We're gonna do great."

@Josh M @Atomyk @Verite @Mami Tomoe @peeps​

"Ah... Thanks. I appreciate it. And I see," Scott nodded almost awkwardly in response to Lucifer, but didn't seem to act or say much more on that matter, only blinking when the next question was posed to him.

"Nope, not on me at least," Scott shook his head, putting his hands on his hips, "Though... Unless you wanna just take another bottle, you might be able to find a flask in one of the boxes lying around here. Full of personal junk. Help yourself," he suggested, gesturing towards the boxes in the area.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Darkseide


"Aha, that's the spirit. Your optimism and zeal are quite infectious if you don't mind me saying, Lucio," Riesbyfe said with an uncharacteristically feminine laugh, before proceeding to fold her arms.

"I am pleased to have you as my ally. Here's to hoping that we can accomplish our intended objectives."

With that, however, her expression shifted to a serious one again when Cullen spoke, all the while Clark was pulled off to the side by Jason.


"... Very well. If you are willing to at least cooperate with us because of our mutual interests, then I suppose that will be good enough for the time being," Riesbyfe sighed, "It is indeed quite a tragedy that that man back there had to perish, and though I knew him not, he was a man. And a man deserves his justice. If not for our own self-interests, if not out of a personal need for vengeance or using the situation as a means to an end, then perhaps at the very least, justice is an apt reason to act. Justice for him and everyone whom that Umbrella has wronged, even if that must include us."

"Call it foolish if you wish, but I would feel the same drive to defeat Umbrella should any of you unfortunately fall. Fate has brought us all together, and though it is through undesirable means, we have all been joined together by its black string."

"I... know not what your faith is, nor will I ask, but whatever it is, I would implore that you have faith in whatever you believe in. Man acts with more potency behind his actions when he truly wishes to act with a set goal in mind, after all." Something of a roundabout way of saying "Hope is the key to success" or whatever alike metaphor. With that all said, Riesbyfe stuck her arm out toward Cullen, her metal-gloved hand gesturing toward the boy as though asking for a handshake.

"Besides... Would it not be frustrating for our enemy, who expects us to fear and shiver at the thought of them, if we were to stand proudly and boldly together?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @Mami Tomoe
Clark frowned deeply as he looked is small friend group. He would say something that might surprise some people.

"No, Road's right. I should have saved Travis. I could have, if I was just knew at the time, it wouldn't be so hard. I just was caught up trying to protect the people fighting with me."

Clark took a seat on the bench. No of these really could ever understand how powerful he was. It's being an adult around a world of children. It was weary.

"Ries, Lucio, you both saw what I did to that Thor guy. I thought that punch would have knocked him out, so I held back. I didn't want to hurt him too much. Everything I do, everyone a touch, I always have to hold back."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Azuremoon @Mami Tomoe
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Before she could commence with Alucard to see Fury, though, Road appeared to the two standing together. Hakuei's brows furrowed slightly in concern at the other woman's words. "Perhaps you should sit down and rest, Road?" The princess asked with obvious worry. Even if Road had first seemed to be the manipulative type, an ally was still an ally, and she had been supporting them earlier.

That... And something seemed different about the Road standing before her now. There was a look in the other female's eyes that Hakuei could almost describe as forlorn. The princess reached out to lay a hand on Road's shoulder, about to gently guide the other to sit-

Alucard's following actions, however, were both surprising and heartwarming to watch. She watched as the tall dhampir knelt down to Road's height, offering her what was likely a vial of medicine, or something similar. It made the princess flash a smile filled with warmth and approval in his way. So despite his emotionless facade, there was still a caring side - or a compassionate side - to this man. How very much like certain people she knew.

Turning to the other female again, Hakuei was glad to see more color return to Road's face, the look of relief telling enough that the potion, or whatever it was, had worked.


Once Road questioned the possibility of Umbrella retaliating against them, the princess's gaze turned somber. "I have considered that possibility. An organization like that... Won't easily let something like this go, or let themselves be at a disadvantage for too long." As a military general, she knew enough to tell that Umbrella would have more backup plans in case this one, using people from other realities, failed the first time. Had she been in their place alongside her brothers, they would have sent more of the resources they had on hand, this time more careful not to trip up.


"But we'll work together, won't we, Road? Alucard?" She smiled encouragingly at Road, genuinely meaning her words. "As long as I am here, I would do my utmost to work with you for our shared goals. I will fight alongside you and protect you, as need be, Road."

"As for my world? My world... I do not know where to begin." The princess paused, before turning her gaze on Road. "The rukh is the lifeblood of the entire world, it is comprised of the souls and the lives of every living being, especially once they pass. Special people that are loved by the Rukh are known as Magi, world-creating magicians whose powers can change the fate of entire nations and the world. In the past, they have led their king vessels - people they chose to lead through the dungeon and acquire a powerful metal vessel and djinn - to form kingdoms and empires. In essence, they choose potential kings."

This was something she had come across in her studies while growing up. Every one of her and her siblings were of course given the same education, and knew the great conquerors, generals, and kings of history. Like the first king of the Kouga tribe, who formed the first empire in history. He had a Magi that led him on that path to greatness.


"There are only three Magi-" Four with that young boy. "At any given time. The Reim empire has Lady Scheherazade, who has been alive for centuries and making their empire strong." The princess frowned at the thought of Judal, her own empire's Magi. "My country has Judal, another Magi. He has led me and four of my stepsiblings into dungeons to capture our own djinn. It is what has made Kou a military powerhouse today."


Taking a deep breath, Hakuei continued, "Kou is currently on a mission to... Annex other countries under our empire." She knew how other people could see it as - what else, if they didn't know better? The Kouga clan thought it was because the Kou was a greedy militaristic country. "My stepbrother, the emperor's heir and the crown prince, and I believe that it is to unite the world and to ensure true world peace." She was determined to see it through, though she knew Kouen might have had other motives himself.

@Azuremoon @Sen @Crow @people

"Yes. It was clear they were used to using their powers to make others bend to their will. I am sure many here are upset that has occurred to them." Alucard looked around, taking note of those that had come with him, rescued by SHIELD from the battle. These were the people who were wrenched from their homes suddenly with no warning, locked in a glass room for a time that was endless for them - with only strangers to keep them company. Although the idea of home was going to be a temptation for some, others' thirst for revenge and vengeance was even stronger. "I too, will aid you in battle. You are not alone in your endeavors. I intend on seeing you both return home safely."

"Not only this, but I feel quite uneasy in this world... my relations to my father allows me to sense whenever he rises, along with those dreadful creatures he dares to bring to the mortal world. I... feel that weight here. It is too similar for me to avoid - I am afraid this Umbrella group may have brought Castlevania to this world somehow." It was the most Alucard had talked so far, and this surprised even him. He never revealed his thoughts to anyone, not even his own familiars. His plans and his thinking... were private. Pausing for a second, almost as if he was stopping himself, he pushed that strange sensation away for now, though his voice became a mumble. "There are plenty of prey for Dracula and his minions to feast on in other worlds, and exotic magic could surely bring him back to life. 'Tis is bad news..."


"Enough of my thoughts," the dhampir cleared his throat. "You come from an intriguing world I can only imagine to be written in book, Lady Hakuei." Magic and djinn and rukh, different from his own. It had magic, but there was a mundane side as well. Normal humans living normal lives unaware that outside their safe village walls were monsters that prowled in the darkness eating strays like little lambs who wandered too far from their pens. Werewolves and vampires, seeking out human body heat, sucking their blood dry- Alucard closed his eyes to shut out those thoughts. Disgusting. His bloodline was cursed, that was what he knew and took from all of this. "You are a princess of a military empire?" he questioned, raising one eyebrow. How strange, considering her kindness. Like a sister he never had, doting and a little annoying, but appreciated most of the time. He had never really sought attachments to mortals, so the dhampir was internally confused as to what exactly he was feeling. Brushing that aside, he would have to find time to reflect and study upon that later. "Consider me surprised, your personality does not match with such a place."​

  • @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork

    Naomi proposed an idea, "Perhaps it was fear. That's an understandable emotion in our situation. Maybe anxiety for meeting his idol..."

    "Uh, Dr. Kimishima," Navel interrupted, "I don't think now is the time to psychoanalyze our friends. Or to talk like Jabbers isn't here in this room.

    "Jabbers, I'm sorry for what I did beforehand. It wasn't right of me to make Doremi fight. I was scared and I didn't know what else to do. I promise that I won't make her fight anymore. Our goal for now is to get everyone home. Can we have your help with that?"

    It took a moment of looking around for Little Guy to realize that Jabbers had already disappeared again. He felt slightly foolish, and apologized, "Okay, that was a bit wrong of me. I didn't know he had left."

    "And you're an investigator..."

  • YjKyvGp.png

    "Well, the thing is... " Doremi would attempt to point out, "I don't think he can trust well enough..." Doremi would float down to the ground and walk for a bit before resuming her explanation.


    "As a 'idol' back in my world, I had to learn how to convey my emotions through the lyrics I write." Doremi would first say to clarify what she did. "It was vague, but when I got back, and when he fought the man with the shield, Jabby's voice doesn't have much [courage]... he's forcing his voice out..."

    Doremi would pause for a bit to breathe before continuing.

    "Yet when we first had a conversation, I felt something... I think it was [happiness]... but there was also something else..." Doremi would mention being stumped, not being able to tell the second emotion during that time since it was muddled in with the other emotion.

    @Mason Moretti @Kaide` @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies

    Alice looked to the strange little dog thing (Jabbers, apparently) and had to admit-there was something adorable about it. A bit of innocence she hadn't seen in a long time.

    "The only bad things done were because of the Umbrella people, the ones who captured us,"
    Alice told the little Riolu. "We had no choice but to do bad things, because we would get hurt if we didn't. These people we are with now want to help us go home, and if everything goes as planned, your little friend will be safe. But there is safety in numbers, don't you think?"

    @Bomb @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @TeamClockwork
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: 1 person
"Yes, quite a morose outcome, but alas, it's his fault for being slow~" Joshua chuckled as he took the ribbing before an almost cat-like grin appeared on his lips. As Senna joked about the tempting kiss, the myrmidon leaned down slightly to her level, a little close for comfortable as he decided to see how far her bluff went, "Come and get it? Is that an offer only for him, or may any dashing rogue take it for himself?"

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​

"Oh god, is this some cruel test that the natural cycle of life is trying to put on me right now? Aha... haha... Rin might have been correct with what she meant..."

Blake had no control whatsoever, his face gone all red. Without someone to properly stop his internal instincts of love, Blake wasn't going to hold back anymore.


"Augh! I can't take it anymore, this passion in me won't rest until I've put the cherry on top!"

Having his power core inserted into his PWM cube, Blake was going to do this and no one was going to stop him!

"Here I cooooome! Battle protocol 4, full speed aheaaaad!"

Just as he had his projected wings appear with only a minute to spare due to the short time of charging, Blake sped towards Senna's direction with the help of the energy wings. Oh god...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​
Ah, such vigor, such desire for love's blossoming. Truly a noble sight in such a dark place. Too bad, it would not be enough to stop Joshua.

"Because if so..." With a wide smile, the mercenary pressed his lips to Senna's, right before Blake's eyes. It seemed he had lost out once again to a smooth-talking gentleman, one who was clearly enjoying the act far too much. After a few moments, Joshua retracted with that same smirk in place as before, his eyes narrowed in focus on her, "I'll just claim it for myself~"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @errbody​
Though perhaps others might have simply thought she understood the sarcasm, when Shirou took a glance at her it became clear to him that she actually didn't have a clue what was going on. It wasn't that he was some kind of woman-reading genius, or anything of that nature. But he'd met someone like that before, the kind who was so unfamiliar with the world that anything but direct straightforwardness completely flew over their heads.

"You're a lot like Marie, then..." he muttered to himself before increasing his voice to let her hear. "Setsuna...of the moment, was it. Interesting name you got there."

It seemed somewhat redundant, with the name Setsuna quite literally meaning moment in itself, but then again that also meant it made a lot of sense. A repetitive name with meaning was ten times better than some random, worthless name.

He paused for a moment as Joshua suddenly kissed Senna, his smirk widening at the comical scene unfolding before them. This seriously was something funny. That Blake guy really had the best kind of reactions to this kind of messing around. He had to wonder how Senna would react to that kiss though. It was doubtful she'd been expecting that much.

"Damn, beaten to the punch again. Guess ya gotta upgrade those wings of yours, huh?"

Back to the girl quite literally under his arm though, he had some explaining to do for her. Tempting though it was to just keep her confused, he should probably get her corrected on the matter.

"Let's see, kisses are your food, yeah? I can't decide if that's seriously angelic or succubus-like...maybe a bit of both? Well, anyway. You don't gotta explain all that angel stuff to me right here. Won't say I ain't interested, but there's something more important I wantcha to do."

With his free hand, he raised a single finger in front of her, lowering his voice a bit.

"Just keep playing along~"

In the end, his want to tease and mess around took first place in his priority list. He'd just give her a long explanation later...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon @Hospes
Seeing that all was lost on that kiss, Blake slowed down immediately.

"PWM deactivate."

Soon the wings he had disappeared, and allowed Blake to do a roll to safely stop himself and get onto his feet.


"And there goes my heart again. As embarrassing as this is, I'm glad that no one that I'm incredibly familiar with can ever know of this..."

Rin would probably kill me if she saw this play out...

He was practically trying to get a hold of himself from the sudden urge stemming from love. Usually when he would lose himself and press onto another girl, his little sister Rinato would always smack some sense into him. He could only imagine how pissed she would be at him right now, especially if she knew that he acted like this in the type of situation...

All of a sudden, he instantly remembered about something. Nervously laughing to himself, Blake silently excused himself from the teasing pair.


"Er, sorry about that. Things came up, is there... something going on here?"

Hopefully they saw nothing of what just transpired, Blake slipped his way back to where Miku and others were located. For all he knew, there was some tension stemming from Jabbers, which quickly defused once Doremi stepped in. Well... that was interesting to say the least, but he figured to check up on how the Vocaloid idol was doing.


"I forgot to ask of this from you, but it's been a bit since I've exposed you to my power core... Feeling alright after all of that? I wouldn't want to hear that there's some strange reaction due to the power core's radiation charge..."

Despite how he acted earlier, Blake did have his concerns for people in their group, something to keep him from losing his sense of control, yes... But in a way, he had a cause to protect with how things were bound to go...

@Kaide` @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Bomb @TeamClockwork​
When Joshua brought up sporting his hair style Azura was slightly confused until she saw for herself. While Setsuna was being healed in a rather strange way sje went ro work on combing out with her fingers. She wasn't too sure on what Jaffar meant when he said that he held back, but was curious nonetheless. Once done she heard Setsuna question the words staves uses and decided to answer.

"There are those in our worlds, that I'm assuming is in different eras that we had been taken from, that use staves on the battlefield or otherwise for healing." she explained briefly, then things started to get weird when they started teasing poor Blake with the slightly awkward situation.

And then kisses were being passed around, like Joshua flirting and kissing Senna. Azura frowned and awkwardly stood in place, unsure of what to do. He reminded her of Laslow back home, in the fact that he flirted with quite a few girls, but the difference between them was that for some reason Laslow's attempts fail one way or another. As for Joshua....

Azura just shook her head.

"I believe they do know, but they are just trying to make light of the situation in their own weird way....after actually healing someone through the strange method. As for Joshua, I feel that he just wants to mess with someone while taking the opportunity to flirt as he pleases." she sighed. There was the tiniest hint of annoyance when she brought up Joshua though, most wouldn't pick up on it unless they were pretty skilled. She totally wasn't even remotely jealous. :-|

@The Myrmidon @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Kaykay @Otto @Shipping Squad
"There is something wrong with fraternizing when we face a coming battle?"

Joshua tilted his head to the side with a confidant smirk still in place, clearly not taking the situation seriously, "I don't see anything at odds with the mission we have to undertake here in a few minutes. Relaxing and relieving stress with one another's companionship? That simply makes us human, doesn't it? As well, we're not on the clock just yet, so I see no harm in this."

"Besides, Lady Luck tends to favor the bold, and I plan to be one of the favored for the rest of day," The mercenary finished, wiggling his eyebrow to go with the last part.

"Ah, is that envy I hear gripping at the young princess's heart?" Someone should really ought to stop Joshua, this was simply becoming too much. Years of gambling and battles had taught the young man how to read people fairly well, and it certainly helped him in teasing others, regardless of gender, "Please, Lady Azura, I didn't realize that I sparked such feelings from one as regal and lovely as you. Ought I really be ashamed for it?"

@Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Kaykay @Otto @Everyone tries to admonish him, but he's just going to make it a flirt if he can.​

What a hilarious situation! Senna still couldn't stop herself from laughing, that is, until she was suddenly cut off by a surprise kiss from Joshua. Of course, any young girl dreams of her first kiss, but she hadn't actually been expecting anyone to actually kiss her. She thought this whole thing was one big joke, yet these idiots were actually taking her serious!

Since she had already been kissed, she went with it for the time being--letting the kiss happen. Afterwards, a very dazed Senna placed a hand over her lips to try and process what had happened. "U-Uh, you know I was joking, right?" she questioned Joshua, a crimson blush spreading across her cheeks. She wasn't sure if she should slap him, yell at him, or tell him if she liked it. Senna's mind was in a fog, especially after seeing something else.

Apparently Joshua wasn't the only one who hadn't known she was joking. Senna's amber eyes caught sight of Blake, noticing how uttering disappointed he looked. The soul reaper felt her heart sink into her stomach afterwards. She really had been joking! She didn't mean for anyone to kiss her, or get their feelings hurt. Frowning, she made her way over to Blake and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I-I'm sorry! I was just playing around! I didn't realize anyone would kiss me or get their feelings hurt."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @Takumi @errbody I missed​

"I'll leave you alone, Cullen. If you change your mind, you know where I am"

"I forgive you, Jason. Don't worry about it."

Clark should be angry, hell he wanted to be. Still, everyone makes mistakes.

Clark frowned deeply as he looked is small friend group. He would say something that might surprise some people.

"No, Road's right. I should have saved Travis. I could have, if I was just knew at the time, it wouldn't be so hard. I just was caught up trying to protect the people fighting with me."

Clark took a seat on the bench. No of these really could ever understand how powerful he was. It's being an adult around a world of children. It was weary.

"Ries, Lucio, you both saw what I did to that Thor guy. I thought that punch would have knocked him out, so I held back. I didn't want to hurt him too much. Everything I do, everyone a touch, I always have to hold back."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @azuremooon @Mami Tomoe
Jason nodded and pat Clark on the back.

"Thanks." He said. "Oh but since I revealed your powers, I think that it's only fair that I reveal something as well." He said before looking to the crowd of people there. "Okay, listen up. I have something I'd like to share with you. I've realized that the only way that we're going to be able to work as a team, we're going to have to have trust on our side. With that said, I think that it's only fair that I do something I should've done when we got here..."


"My name is Jason Todd. I am The Arkham Knight." One of the first things that people would notice is the "J" scar that was burned into his right cheek. They could ask about it, hell they could ask about whatever they wanted. Because Jason was done keeping secrets.

@Josh M @Atomyk @Verite @Mason Moretti @Sen @The Myrmidon @Hana @Takumi @Azuremoon @Crow @Yun Lee @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gands @CrunchyCHEEZIT @anybodywho'sinterested
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"Oh, hello there!" Doremi would greet Blake. Even though Doremi saw Blake at some point, they haven't conversed until now.


"What's this about power and reactions?" Doremi asked, seemingly interested in what Blake is mentioning.

@Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @Kaide` @Yun Lee

"Well, Jabbers, you may just have to trust us. Trust is the way you make allies and friends."

"Ah, yes," Naomi mused, "Blake, was it? Everything seems to be in working order. No issues with my technology, nothing hurts, not even my bloody nose. I'm not getting any strange sensations from my powers either. I believe you're alright, if nobody else has issues."

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork​


"Well, the thing is... " Doremi would attempt to point out, "I don't think he can trust well enough..." Doremi would float down to the ground and walk for a bit before resuming her explanation.


"As a 'idol' back in my world, I had to learn how to convey my emotions through the lyrics I write." Doremi would first say to clarify what she did. "It was vague, but when I got back, and when he fought the man with the shield, Jabby's voice doesn't have much [courage]... he's forcing his voice out..."

Doremi would pause for a bit to breathe before continuing.

"Yet when we first had a conversation, I felt something... I think it was [happiness]... but there was also something else..." Doremi would mention being stumped, not being able to tell the second emotion during that time since it was muddled in with the other emotion.

@Mason Moretti @Kaide` @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies

  • @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork

    Naomi proposed an idea, "Perhaps it was fear. That's an understandable emotion in our situation. Maybe anxiety for meeting his idol..."

    "Uh, Dr. Kimishima," Navel interrupted, "I don't think now is the time to psychoanalyze our friends. Or to talk like Jabbers isn't here in this room.

    "Jabbers, I'm sorry for what I did beforehand. It wasn't right of me to make Doremi fight. I was scared and I didn't know what else to do. I promise that I won't make her fight anymore. Our goal for now is to get everyone home. Can we have your help with that?"

    It took a moment of looking around for Little Guy to realize that Jabbers had already disappeared again. He felt slightly foolish, and apologized, "Okay, that was a bit wrong of me. I didn't know he had left."

    "And you're an investigator..."


"Oh, it's nothing. Just some science talk and things like that. It's quite a bit to say and explain to others, so maybe if it comes to a longer grace period later on... I can press onto that matter for you."

Blake didn't want to leave Doremi hanging on what he meant by that as he asked Miku about her status at the moment.


What a hilarious situation! Senna still couldn't stop herself from laughing, that is, until she was suddenly cut off by a surprise kiss from Joshua. Of course, any young girl dreams of her first kiss, but she hadn't actually been expecting anyone to actually kiss her. She thought this whole thing was one big joke, yet these idiots were actually taking her serious!

Since she had already been kissed, she went with it for the time being--letting the kiss happen. Afterwards, a very dazed Senna placed a hand over her lips to try and process what had happened. "U-Uh, you know I was joking, right?" she questioned Joshua, a crimson blush spreading across her cheeks. She wasn't sure if she should slap him, yell at him, or tell him if she liked it. Senna's mind was in a fog, especially after seeing something else.

Apparently Joshua wasn't the only one who hadn't known she was joking. Senna's amber eyes caught sight of Blake, noticing how uttering disappointed he looked. The soul reaper felt her heart sink into her stomach afterwards. She really had been joking! She didn't mean for anyone to kiss her, or get their feelings hurt. Frowning, she made her way over to Blake and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I-I'm sorry! I was just playing around! I didn't realize anyone would kiss me or get their feelings hurt."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @Takumi @errbody I missed​


"Eh, it's all good, Senna. It was my bad for being too upfront and aggressive, not really a gentleman's behavior. Besides, I rather that you be in an uplifting mood than to be worried over my feelings of love wherever it may go."

For some reason, Blake sounded a bit indifferent in this case, almost like he had dealt with this similar situation beforehand. Either way, he wasn't as heartbroken or embarrassed as moments before.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@others @mobile post​
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Rock had decided do his best to stay out of his fight, he wasn't a fighter, at least not in the normal sense, there was no need for violence in his old line of work. Only until he became a member of Lagoon Company did he realize his talent was having a sharp tongue and even sharper wit.

He noticed Ada and Linda off to the side and started making his way over to them,that was until, he felt someone reach out and grab him, stopping his progress.

"Rock! Fucking shit for brains! What did you this time to fuck everything up!"

Rock was a little shocked to see the smaller Chinese-American glaring up at him , her grip tightned when he didn't respond. On one hand, Rock was relived to see someone he knew, on the other, he knew it was best not to get on Revy's badside.

"Revy....where did you come from?" Rock asked, confused about seeing his companion here.

Revy snarled and screamed, her anger reaching a boiling point. "It dosen't fucking matter where I came from you idiot, what does matter is that we are both stuck here! Dutch and Benny probably don't even know we are gone, fuck! I don't even think Hotel Moscow can help us...goddammit!"

Rock raised his hand defensivly, trying to calm his hot headed friend. "Revy...please calm down...we'll figure something out, we just can't lose our heads."

@ anyone
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"Oh, it's nothing. Just some science talk and things like that. It's quite a bit to say and explain to others, so maybe if it comes to a longer grace period later on... I can press onto that matter for you."

Blake didn't want to leave Doremi hanging on what he meant by that as he asked Miku about her status at the moment.



"Eh, it's all good, Senna. It was my bad for being too upfront and aggressive, not really a gentleman's behavior. Besides, I rather that you be in an uplifting mood than to be worried over my feelings of love wherever it may go."

For some reason, Blake sounded a bit indifferent in this case, almost like he had dealt with this similar situation beforehand. Either way, he wasn't as heartbroken or embarrassed as moments before.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@others @mobile post​
Jeez, Senna felt even worse after talking to Blake. He seemed indifferent now, but the way he phrased his words made it sound as if he wasn't exactly happy.


"Gee, Raven, I'm always in an uplifting mood. You don't have to worry about me. I just don't want you to feel down either. Feelings of love, huh? I didn't know you liked me that much. Well, don't worry. I haven't fallen for anyone yet. There's still a chance. One kiss doesn't mean my heart's been stolen by anyone." Senna wasn't sure if encouraging him was the best idea, or if his words were true, but she really did feel bad about the situation and wanted to say something at least.

@Gummi Bunnies @errbody else.​
Rock had decided do his best to stay out of his fight, he wasn't a fighter, at least in the normal sense, there was no need for violence in his old line work. Only until he became a member of Lagoon Company did he realize his talent was having a sharp tongue and even sharper wit.

He noticed Ada and Linda off to the side and started making his way over to them,that was until, he felt someone reach out and grab him, stopping his progress.

"Rock! Fucking shit for brains! What did you this time to fuck everything up!"

Rock was a little shocked to see the smaller Chinese-American glaring up at her , her grip tightned when he didn't respond. One one hand, Rock was relived to see someone he knew, on the other, he knew it was best not to get on Revy's badside.

"Revy....where did you come from?" Rock asked, confused about seeing his companion here.

Revy snarled and screamed, her anger reaching a boiling point. "It dosen't fucking matter where I came from you idiot, what does matter is that we are both stuck here! Dutch and Benny probably don't even know where gone, fuck! I don't think Hotel Moscow can help us...goddammit!"

Rock raised his hand defensivly, trying to calm his hot headed friend. "Revy...please calm down...we'll figure something out, we just can't lose our heads."

@ anyone
Jason looked down at Revy and Rock before rolling his eyes. This bitch again. Picking up his visor and placing it on a box away from them, Jason would walk over to Revy and look her in the eye.

"Listen lady, quit yelling at the poor kid. It ain't his fault that you're stuck here! If you wanna get angry at someone, get angry at those Umbrella fucks who stuck us all in this place. Because it ain't the kid's fault, alright?"

@Nater Taters

What a hilarious situation! Senna still couldn't stop herself from laughing, that is, until she was suddenly cut off by a surprise kiss from Joshua. Of course, any young girl dreams of her first kiss, but she hadn't actually been expecting anyone to actually kiss her. She thought this whole thing was one big joke, yet these idiots were actually taking her serious!

Since she had already been kissed, she went with it for the time being--letting the kiss happen. Afterwards, a very dazed Senna placed a hand over her lips to try and process what had happened. "U-Uh, you know I was joking, right?" she questioned Joshua, a crimson blush spreading across her cheeks. She wasn't sure if she should slap him, yell at him, or tell him if she liked it. Senna's mind was in a fog, especially after seeing something else.

Apparently Joshua wasn't the only one who hadn't known she was joking. Senna's amber eyes caught sight of Blake, noticing how uttering disappointed he looked. The soul reaper felt her heart sink into her stomach afterwards. She really had been joking! She didn't mean for anyone to kiss her, or get their feelings hurt. Frowning, she made her way over to Blake and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I-I'm sorry! I was just playing around! I didn't realize anyone would kiss me or get their feelings hurt."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Kaykay @Takumi @errbody I missed​
"Oh, I knew."

"That doesn't mean I was going to miss the chance to kiss a lovely lass, Lady Senna."

Slapping would be very appropriate in this situation, but could the soul reaper stomach the thought of answering his compliment with a smack? Hopefully, it would be hard to resist the charm of the rogue.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just some science talk and things like that. It's quite a bit to say and explain to others, so maybe if it comes to a longer grace period later on... I can press onto that matter for you."

Blake didn't want to leave Doremi hanging on what he meant by that as he asked Miku about her status at the moment.



"Eh, it's all good, Senna. It was my bad for being too upfront and aggressive, not really a gentleman's behavior. Besides, I rather that you be in an uplifting mood than to be worried over my feelings of love wherever it may go."

For some reason, Blake sounded a bit indifferent in this case, almost like he had dealt with this similar situation beforehand. Either way, he wasn't as heartbroken or embarrassed as moments before.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@others @mobile post​
"Well, that's quite the mature point of view to take on this," Without waiting a moment, the myrmidon had wrapped his arm around Blake's shoulder, acting as if to comfort the young man. Joshua shot him a friendly grin as he spoke, "Though perhaps to ensure there's no hard feelings, I can be of aid to you in your next dalliance with a young lady friend, eh?"

  • @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee #TeamClockwork

    Naomi proposed an idea, "Perhaps it was fear. That's an understandable emotion in our situation. Maybe anxiety for meeting his idol..."

    "Uh, Dr. Kimishima," Navel interrupted, "I don't think now is the time to psychoanalyze our friends. Or to talk like Jabbers isn't here in this room.

    "Jabbers, I'm sorry for what I did beforehand. It wasn't right of me to make Doremi fight. I was scared and I didn't know what else to do. I promise that I won't make her fight anymore. Our goal for now is to get everyone home. Can we have your help with that?"

    It took a moment of looking around for Little Guy to realize that Jabbers had already disappeared again. He felt slightly foolish, and apologized, "Okay, that was a bit wrong of me. I didn't know he had left."

    "And you're an investigator..."


"Maybe..." Doremi agreed with Naomi. If only if she was more sure.

"No, I should be sorry..." Doremi would say to Navel, denying that it was his fault. "I... dislike battling for a reason, yet I should have done so back then... I apologize for hurting everyone like this..." Doremi said, apologizing for accidentally hurting her own group during the fight.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just some science talk and things like that. It's quite a bit to say and explain to others, so maybe if it comes to a longer grace period later on... I can press onto that matter for you."

Blake didn't want to leave Doremi hanging on what he meant by that as he asked Miku about her status at the moment.



"Eh, it's all good, Senna. It was my bad for being too upfront and aggressive, not really a gentleman's behavior. Besides, I rather that you be in an uplifting mood than to be worried over my feelings of love wherever it may go."

For some reason, Blake sounded a bit indifferent in this case, almost like he had dealt with this similar situation beforehand. Either way, he wasn't as heartbroken or embarrassed as moments before.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@others @mobile post​
"Alright!" Doremi said, a bit disappointed, but very expectant of what Blake meant.

@Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Kaide` @Yun Lee
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"Oh, hello there!" Doremi would greet Blake. Even though Doremi saw Blake at some point, they haven't conversed until now.


"What's this about power and reactions?" Doremi asked, seemingly interested in what Blake is mentioning.

"Well, the thing is... " Doremi would attempt to point out, "I don't think he can trust well enough..." Doremi would float down to the ground and walk for a bit before resuming her explanation.


"As a 'idol' back in my world, I had to learn how to convey my emotions through the lyrics I write." Doremi would first say to clarify what she did. "It was vague, but when I got back, and when he fought the man with the shield, Jabby's voice doesn't have much [courage]... he's forcing his voice out..."

Doremi would pause for a bit to breathe before continuing.

"Yet when we first had a conversation, I felt something... I think it was [happiness]... but there was also something else..." Doremi would mention being stumped, not being able to tell the second emotion during that time since it was muddled in with the other emotion.
Alice looked to the strange little dog thing (Jabbers, apparently) and had to admit-there was something adorable about it. A bit of innocence she hadn't seen in a long time.

"The only bad things done were because of the Umbrella people, the ones who captured us," Alice told the little Riolu. "We had no choice but to do bad things, because we would get hurt if we didn't. These people we are with now want to help us go home, and if everything goes as planned, your little friend will be safe. But there is safety in numbers, don't you think?"
Naomi proposed an idea, "Perhaps it was fear. That's an understandable emotion in our situation. Maybe anxiety for meeting his idol..."

"Uh, Dr. Kimishima," Navel interrupted, "I don't think now is the time to psychoanalyze our friends. Or to talk like Jabbers isn't here in this room.

"Jabbers, I'm sorry for what I did beforehand. It wasn't right of me to make Doremi fight. I was scared and I didn't know what else to do. I promise that I won't make her fight anymore. Our goal for now is to get everyone home. Can we have your help with that?"

It took a moment of looking around for Little Guy to realize that Jabbers had already disappeared again. He felt slightly foolish, and apologized, "Okay, that was a bit wrong of me. I didn't know he had left."

"And you're an investigator..."

"Oh, it's nothing. Just some science talk and things like that. It's quite a bit to say and explain to others, so maybe if it comes to a longer grace period later on... I can press onto that matter for you."

Blake didn't want to leave Doremi hanging on what he meant by that as he asked Miku about her status at the moment.
While everyone conversed, Miku took to looking around, watching folks around her take a much needed downtime before things started back up again. As Blake approached, her attention turned to him.

"So far I think I'm okay..." She trailed off, seeming to zone out for a moment as she ran internal checks on herself. Everything seemed to be in order, for the time being. "If there's any negative side-effects, I haven't noticed them yet." A nod. "I'll probably still need a proper "sleep" at one point, to get my batteries up to 100% percent..." She glanced at everyone around her. "Just like how everyone here is going to need to sleep eventually."

"What about you, Blake? Didn't get hurt or anything during the fight, did you?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti #Team Clockwork
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