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"She called your hair stupid? Well, darling, you didn't let your brother do it for you, did you? That said, that girl sounds like a bitc-- like a nasty person. You defended yourself, but maybe hurting her like that wasn't the best way. You can defend yourself in a more... grown up way," sighed Lavender as she tapped her finger against her chin thoughtfully. Honestly, she didn't mind that Junie had apparently attacked this girl. She was proud of her, really, and she'd have gushed about it-- but that was her demon tendencies speaking. She approved of violence to deal with bullies, which was why she was so eager to rip the life out of all the pricks that made her life miserable.

But she saw that Christian wasn't so appreciate of his little sister's acts, and it wasn't her place to contradict him, which was why she amended what she wanted to say to join his opinion. It wasn't what she felt, but Junie wasn't her sister - she was Christian's. He was basically her guardian and he was the one raising her. Lavender knew better than to contradict him.

"Now, how about I buy you a nice big slice of chocolate cake as well? My treat. I love chocolate cake. I once ate a whole cake to myself, you know. I'm proud of that," she laughed, placing a kiss on the girl's forehead before reaching for her phone. Before, she'd only had a few numbers in there. Now, she had half the school, and she was happily sexting most of them. She needed to have some fun when Toby and Christian were getting all hot and passionate together, after all.
"Lavender she can't have a milkshake and cake. Then she won't want to eat dinner. She'll have the cake after dinner." Christian stated protectively, looking over to his kitten who was being unusually quiet. Smiling lightly at him, he then looked back at the road.

Junie huffed a bit and looked out the window played with a strand of her black hair. "No fair." Mumbled the little girl. Christian looked back at her pouting figure through the rearview and sighed to himself. But he knew not to give in. She couldn't spoil her dinner. After getting milkshakes and whatnot, he brought everyone back to his Aunt's huge mansion.

Junie instantly ran to her room, eager to watch some cartoon. "Hey, don't forget to come down here at five so we can do your homework!" Christian called, however, the only answer he got was the slamming of her bedroom door. Sighing to himself, he ran a hand through his black hair. "That girl." Turning to his friends, he smiled a bit.
There was a reason Toby was being silent - he didn't entirely want to talk at the moment. He was still grumpy over the fact Levi had got his heart broken so abruptly and cruelly. He may not have chased after him and instead clambered into Christian's lap, but he still hated how he handled the situation.

That said, if the situations were reversed and someone was staring happily at Christian, believing they could date, Toby probably would have scratched at their eyes and hissed furiously at them, so Christian's reaction, compared to that, was very understated.

"...I'm tired. I want milk and then a nap," he yawned. He was basically half-cat now - naps were a big part of his lifestyle, when he wasn't eager to jump in Christian's strong arms and make out with him for an hour. "I'm so bored. I want t-to do fun stuff. I want to kill Amber already. You don't understand how badly I want to s-see her bleed and... and we're just acting like normal, boring people. It's so sad."
Tobiah really had Christian wrapped around his little finger whether he knew it or not. He was so in love with this little kitten, that he'd do anything to please him. And his little kitten was bored. So he might as well entertain him. And what better way was that than going to Amber and just murdering her. "Okay...We can go. We have to be back by five. I have to help Junie with her homework." Smiled the man as he walked over wrapping his strong arms around his waist before picking him up with a smirk.

"We can watch her bleed, gasp for air, choke on her own blood, we can do it all~" He purred, before setting him down and grabbing the keys. "And we got to be smart about this. No one can know we did this...No evidence." He purred. Grabbing his wrist he pulled him back out to the car.
To say Lavender was pissed off was an understatement. She had always been inseparable from the two boys and they'd always been a trio; a unit of three. Now it just felt like it was Toby and Christian, while she tagged along way, way behind them. The fact they just walked out the house without thinking to even include her in their plans was more evidence that she was being pushed out and sidelined-- well, that's what she felt like, anyway.

The two boys were beginning to grow incredibly close, falling in love and growing possessive over one another. Inevitably, Lavender was going to be left out sometimes. She just didn't think it would happen this quickly and she didn't think that it would hurt this much. Sure, she could walk out after them, given Junie had a maid in the house to look after her, but she wasn't prepared to do that. She didn't want to leave the girl feeling like she'd been abandoned.

Lavender was starting to understand how being left out felt, so she wasn't prepared to have the girl feel like that.

Toby, though, was far too obsessed with both Christian and the idea of killing Amber with him to even give Lavender a second's thought. It was unlike him, but he couldn't help it. He was far too engrossed with all these thoughts of murdering Amber, then maybe making love with his handsome lover in Amber's own bed. Lavender really didn't even enter his head.
And the same went for Christian. Sure he still loved Lavender, but he was a teenage boy, running high on lust and bloodlust. He wanted to kill Amber, then make love with Toby afterward. Lavender wasn't on his mind at the moment. Plying slapping his but as they walked to the car, he got in, and started it, before driving off to Amber's.

It would be perfect. No one would even know they would be there. They could kill her, and then just leave. Soon they came up to Amber's home. Christian knocked on the door, his arm around Toby.

Amber answered the door, her eyes widen when she saw Christian. Ugh, he was so damn beautiful. "....Christian." She whispered, her face flushed before looking away nervously as she grinned. "I didn't expect you, and Toby to be here today. I thought you were coming tomorrow."
"Yes, well, we changed our minds. We decided we'd make the impromptu decision to arrive now. That's not an issue, is it, love? Because we drove a long way to come and see our favourite girl from school," purred the kitten as he cutely tilted his head, those yellow eyes of his wide and longing-- before he simply took the initiative to wander in.

Seeing the way she looked at his boyfriend (because that's what Christian was to him now) filled the kitten with anger. No, more than anger. Red-blooded and vitriolic hatred. He wasn't the meek, shy little Tobiah anymore who cried into his pillow at night. He was full of this unadulterated murderous rage. And boy, it was addictive.

"Are you parents out? We could take some wine from the cellar. I'm sure you have a wine cellar. It's such a huge house and you're so rich. We'll crack open a bottle, hm? I know Christian likes his girls with fine tastes-- he really does like you. Don't you, Christian~?"
Christian glanced at his boyfriend, wondering just what he was plotting, but he went along with it. "I do like you Amber. I mean, you come from a rich family, as do I. I like someone on my level~" Cooed the man, tilting her chin up so she would look him in those icy blue eyes.

Her breath staggered as she looked up at him. "...R-Right, right...Um...I have a wine cellar...Come." She giggled, nervously tucking her dark hair behind her ear as she walked to the cellar, completely forgetting about her boyfriend Bradley. She couldn't care less about him when a man as handsome as Christian liked her.

Christian followed, pulling his boyfriend to follow with a dark smirk. He looked down at him, blowing a silent kiss as they walked down to the wine cellar. Looking at the bottles of wine tucked away on the walls, he smirked.

"So you guys can take what you like. My parents won't notice...They aren't here by the way, so it's just us."
Silently, Toby shoved his baseball cap aside and allowed those feline ears to twitch, accustoming to the small sounds and draft that blew in. With Amber far too distracted gazing longingly up at Christian, the cat-hybrid busied himself with selecting out a bottle, only to approach Amber from behind with it held in his hands like a weapon, lifting it above her head before promptly smashing her with it.

It was the first act of violence he'd committed since his change. Lavender had killed three men already and she claimed that it made her feel alive, and he wanted to satisfy those urges himself-- and boy, it really did help. The first whack he gave Amber made that grin appear on his adorable features, and as he hit her more, and as her blood splattered on his face, he became more and more visibly ecstatic about it.
Christian watched his boyfriend ruthlessly beat the teenage girl. Amber had passed out from the hard blow on her head, before waking back up and screaming as loud as she could. Christian claws grew as he stabbed her in the throat, smirking as the blood stained his claws. He laughed and continued to stab her mercilessly. He had no pity as he stabbed her, even after she had died.

Once he had his fill he kicked her body before allowing his claws to retract, he gripped Toby's chin roughly, as he forced him into a harsh kiss, his tongue tangling with the other. He was high off of killing Amber, and it felt so damn good. He couldn't wait to kill more people. Couldn't wait to kill his Aunt, he just couldn't wait. Laughing as he pulled away, he grabbed another bottle of wine popping it open. "Shall we celebrate?" He grinned, pouring the wine straight into his kitten's mouth. He licked away any droplets of wine that fell from his mouth with a purr.
The scene was something straight out of a horror movie. The dead body, the blood-soaked floor, the blood-splattered murderers soaking in the crime they'd committed with grins and unnerving purrs. If there was any evidence for how different the two had become, how much they had transformed, not just physically but mentally, this would be it. They were actively delighting in a murder they had committed with such ferocity and rage, wasting no time in cracking open some wine and pushing themselves into each other's arms.

Simply put, this was the murder that made them into monsters, but Toby didn't remotely care. In fact, if this made him a monster, he was glad to be one, because he really wasn't prepared to stop doing something that made him so alive, and made him fall deeper and deeper in love with Christian. He enjoyed this, he thrived off this. If that made him a monster, then he was a monster. So what?

"Carry me to a bedroom, I'm in the mood for something more... romantic," he purred, wiping some blood from his lip,before simply licking it from his finger with a seductive wink. "We'll go home after we clean up this mess-- she's so much more beautiful dead than alive, isn't she? I think death's rather beautiful."
"I think she's still an ugly slut, but she looks better now that she's dead." Cackled the man, licking the blood off of his kitten chin with a soft moan. "Taste yummy~" He laughed, as he stood up, picking his lover up as he carried him out the cellar, kissing on his neck, and up to his lips. Covered in blood and gore, Christian realized that he's never really been alive until this very moment. He was so elated with how things had turned out. He had to thank Amber, if it wasn't for her, he would have never become this Wolverine, never realized that he was never truly living.

When they reached Amber's bedroom, he through his kitten on the bed, smirking lightly at him slowly pulling his shirt off, showing his gorgeous body. He had a chiseled chest and the skin on it was glowing healthily. His abdominals were sculptured to perfection as his six-packs pop, instantly giving off the impression that he came out of a Calvin Klein shoot. His biceps were the size of Tobiah's head yet lean and his triceps looked like diamonds - really rare ones, indeed - and completing his masterpiece of a bodice, his shoulders, round and protruding, give his whole look a new flavor. And that beautiful happy trail softly dusted with hair lead to something so delectable.

Slowly he pulled his pants down as if doing a little strip tease for his cute little kitten. His icy blue eyes never left his as he pulled off his pants, now only in boxer briefs. He threw his pants at Tobiah, snickering as they landed on his face.
Despite the fact he'd just brutally bludgeoned a teenage girl almost to her death and then grinned as Christian finished her off, Toby had the amazing ability to go from that to this, a cute, giggling, innocent boy who looked like butter wouldn't melt. If it wasn't for the blood on his clothes and face, nobody would dare assume this adorable teenage boy, with his innocent grin, could ever kill someone, let alone find joy in it.

But clearly, appearances could be deceiving.

Christian's appearance, though, was one that was hardly deceptive. He was beautiful, anyone could see just how truly flawless he was-- and he was all Toby's! The kitten truly found it hard to acknowledge that he was this lucky. He had his own new looks and new personality, and now he got to experience Christian all to himself. He got to have this muscled, chiselled, perfect teenage boy, and nobody else did.

And he was going to take full advantage of that.

"You're such a show off," he purred, his tail now swaying behind him as he eyed up the man opposite, unsubtly staring at his firm chest and strong abs. "...For a good reason, I suppose. Now, aren't you going to undress me~? I want to be ravished and treated like a Queen~!"
Chuckling softly, he slowly began to take off Toby's shirt revealing his smooth milky chest. His skin looked so soft and just delicious to taste. He chuckled softly, looking in Tobiah's golden eyes, leaning down for a soft peck on the lips. Then he's all business, undoing his jeans, pulling them off, kissing from Toby's toes upward, slowly, his hands on the kitten's legs, always just a little higher than the kisses.

It felt like electricity when he touched Tobiah. Those small sparks lit his hands on fire. Softly tugging at his underwear, he pulled them down looking up at his lover to see his reactions. "Are you ready?" He asked, softly removing his own underwear. He wanted to make sure that this was okay, and that Tobiah was ready for this.

It was a crazy scene. They both had a little blood left on them, and they were acting as though they didn't just take a teenage's girl life. Yet here they laid, in her bed, ready to make love in her room. It was crazy in deed.
Toby was in pure ecstasy at that moment. Everything he imagined with Christian all those years, every little scene he'd replayed over and over in his head didn't compare to the reality of the situation. The feeling of his kisses and their bare bodies against one another was far beyond anything his imagination could have concocted. He didn't understand Lavender when she purred and gushed about how good sex felt, but he sort of was starting to understand how good it must be.

If he was this happy with just the kissing, he couldn't imagine how happy he'd be after he and Christian made love.

His feelings were a far cry away from Lavender's, the girl sat angrily in the couch opposite the fireplace at Christian's home. The fact her friends left her like this without a consideration was... hurtful. They'd never forgotten about her in the past. She knew their transformations would bring them closer together-- but it was no excuse for leaving her out of the fun.

So, instead, she was going to make her own fun. Fuck them. If they weren't going to involve her in their plans, she'd create her own-- which was why she'd invited over Bradley to come and meet her. Now, she wasn't planning to kill him, not with Junie in the same house, but she could have some fun with him at least, and she could still find ways of scaring him out of his mind.
And so Bradley wasted no time in going to meet her. He had no idea his girlfriend was currently dead. Hell, she wasn't even on his mind. His thoughts were only filled with Lavender. Just earlier in that school day, they had sex in the library. It was truly amazing, and to able to be around her again would honestly make his entire year. The boy was quite smitten with her. Just as smitten with her as she had been with him. Running his hand through his blonde hair, he rang the doorbell, surprised when a butler opened it.

The butler led him to the room Lavender was in, and he whistled a bit, looking around the huge living room. "I never knew Christian was loaded." He chuckled, before moving to sit next to her, smiling boyishly at her. "Hey Lav." He purred, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Why'd you have me meet up here with you? Why not your home?" He asked, playing with her blonde locks. "Is your dad like, super strict?"d3de1c38affdb6e067a8b3211e6044a1.jpg
Lavender remembered when she used to watch Bradley enter classrooms at school. Eyes rested on him instantly, hers just among a few other girls who craved his attention. All she'd wanted was some acknowledgement that she existed. She wanted him, back then, to just look and smile at her. That was all.

And what did she get instead? She got him laughing at her as she was pushed onto the ground, teased and ridiculed. So as handsome as he was now, she couldn't see him as anything but a bully she wanted to rip apart, limb by limb.

But she was going to savour the moment. She wasn't going to rush it like her friends, like Toby who got bored. She was quite happy to scare him first and make him wish he was dead before she put him out of his misery. When he entered, she was already sat on the bed, having removed her turtleneck sweater and stayed sat in her form-fitting vest, pushing herself up close to him when he came and sat besides her. Hell, she wasted no time in pushing him against the headboard and sitting up on his lap, pushing her chest into his with a slow, radiating purr.

"My father is a strict man who wouldn't approve of his little angel doing anything like this, but I find you too irresistible, Brad. You make me too hot under the collar to resist you," she breathed, her voice dripping with that same lust she was now full of-- hell, she was always full of it now she'd changed and transformed. "Now hush, or you're not going to get to see me out of my clothes tonight. I'm sure that's what you want, isn't it~?"
His cheeks flushed a slight red as she sat on his lap. Who wouldn't blush like mad when a gorgeous woman sat on your lap? Holding her waist, he nodded eagerly, blushing lightly. "B-But...Is Christian's family here? I...I don't want anyone to hear us, it'll be embarrassing....Whose bedroom is this?" He asked as he rubbed her sides up and down, his eyes becoming lustful.

"...I'm breaking up with Amber...I want you to be my girl, Lavender." He whispered, leaning up to kiss her softly. "I...I really like you." He whispered as he nipped at her bottom lip with a soft purr.
He wanted her to be his girl?

Honestly, those were the words Lavender would have chopped off her own arm to hear before the transformation. She might have always told people that she was determined to stick to her faith and remain chaste her whole life, but if Bradley had come up to her, proclaiming his love, she would have still remained faithful to her Lord... but her ideas of never dating would have ended. She'd have loved to date him, truly more than anything.

Even now, for a second or two, her eyes widened in genuine amazement. She may be different now, inside and out, but there was still some part of her that craved to hear these words from him-- but any chance of her dropping her desire to hurt him and scare him wasn't going to happen. She smirked soon after he spoke, trailing her finger down his jawline.

She wanted to hear him confess his love, of course, but that was always part of her plan. She wanted him to fall for her before she killed him-- and it had only taken less than a day to get that to happen. That said, who wouldn't fall in love with her?

"Oh, aren't you sweet? See, if you asked me this a week ago, I'd have accepted in a heartbeat-- but you barely acknowledged my existence, did you? Only when you laughed and called me a pig did you realise I was there. Now I look the way I do, you've come running to me. It's flattering, baby, but I hate you more then words could say and I'm going to kill you," she purred into his ear, nipping the lobe hard, just to break the skin and taste his blood on her lips, which easily then caused her new form to make an appearance, spurred on by the taste of the metallic blood hitting her tongue. Her wings pushed out from her back, those dangerous -but beautiful- horns grew out from her forehead and, with a few sickening but painless cracking sounds, her body adjusted to the extra few inches added to her height. In this form, she was pushing 6'2" or so. Not that it could really be seen when she was sat with the human underneath her.

"Ugh, I liked this vest. It was expensive," she tutted, eyeing the vest on the bed that had been tattered and ripped when her wings grew out and tore the material, which left her only in her bra and short skirt. Not that she cared about that, either. "...Now, unless you want to get killed brutally, I recommend you keep quiet and be a good boy for me. I want to have some fun, hm? The door's locked, nobody's getting in or out, darling. Not until I've finished with you. Now, start by telling me how beautiful I am. I want to hear you say it."
Bradley laid underneath her, having winced and swore at how hard she bit his ear, but now he was silent, looking up at her. She...Was she really going to kill him? His hand reached up to hold his bleeding ear, tears in his light green eyes as he looked up at her in fear. "L-Lavender?" He whispered, looking at her horns and wings. He didn't know if he was dreaming or what but all he knew was that he was terrified.

"...You're gorgeous...Of course even in this form...You...You aren't human anymore? I...I won't tell anyone, I swear." He whispered, shockingly still smitten with the girl. "...I...I was a jerk. I know...I was a coward and a jerk a-and...I only did th-that to...To fit in I...I was scared of Danny." He whispered, Danny being everyone's main bully. "I...I'm still terrified of him...He used to bully me, in middle school..." He admitted, grimacing as he looked away. "He would beat me up really badly...So...So I started to just...Start dressing nice and be more like Danny to avoid his beatings...God, I am so sorry for what I did...Or mostly what I didn't do. I didn't help you, Lavender...And...And I liked your knitted pink sweater." He meekly mumbled. Just last week she wore a knitted pink sweater. Amber said she looked more like a pig then ever in it. All of what he was saying was true. He was bullied by Danny, and he acted on fear and cowardliness to avoid being hurt even more.