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This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to be scared out of his skin, pleading for his life. She was then supposed to grin and drink in the power she had over him, toy with saving his life or ending it. She was then going to let him go, let him believe his life was spared, before tracking him down in a day or two and ripping his heart from his body and devouring it for a snack. That was how it was all supposed to go.

He wasn't supposed to stare up at her, still in awe of her beauty and her body. He wasn't supposed to explain why he acted like a coward and he definitely wasn't supposed to apologise so sincerely. He was ruining her moment, ruining all the things she'd planned. She couldn't really execute the plans like she wanted to when he was refusing to act in the way she had imagined.

"...Obviously I'm not human. I thought that would have been obvious by now, sweetheart," she drawled slowly as she drew in her wings from their elongated position, sitting up away from him just a little when he mentioned that pink sweater. All day she'd gotten insults about it, about how the 'pig' was fittingly wearing pink, and how disgusting she looked. It was her mother's old sweater, one she'd worn when pregnant with Lavender, and it meant so much to her that it was the one item of clothing Lavender hadn't thrown away from her wardrobe.

The fact Bradley liked that sweater caught her off guard and caused genuine tears to spring in her eyes. Given she was now a succubus, whose emotions weren't quite the same, the fact he'd gotten her emotional was a hugely surprising feat.

Eventually, she groaned loudly to herself at what she was about to do, but did it anyway - she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up into a long, hard kiss. She'd probably regret that later on, but right now, in this moment, all she wanted to do was be intimate with him and kiss him and just... enjoy his company.

"You sure you're not scared?" She murmured, her tone at least taking on a playful tone as she shoved him back down and pressed herself back in close again. "Not scared of the big, bad succubus who wants to devour you up~?"
Bradley looked up at him, his cheeks a soft pink, smiling lightly. "...It depends, how would you devour me?" He flirted back, leaning up, kissing her lightly. "...I'll break up with Amber tonight..." He whispered lightly as his fingers tangled in her blonde hair. His eyes caught sight of a picture of a young Christian and his family on the nightstand. Instantly he panicked. They were in Christian's room?! He looked around, now seeing the comic book posters and star wars posters hanging on the wall. "Shit, shit, shit. Lavender I...Can we go in a different room? Christian...You've seen that guy now he's huge! He'll fucking kill me." He whispered to her, trying to not moan at how well she was kissing along his neck. Ugh, this girl would be the death of him.
"He's too busy killing someone right this second to focus on you, my love. Amber, to be specific. Toby and Christian decided to rush off and have fun without me, can you believe? I wanted to kill that girl. I was going to burn her heart and put the ashes in a little necklace and... ugh, they just left without me! I bet they're having sex in her bed. It's something they'd do. So here I am, having sex in his bed. It's called payback. I would have killed you, but his sister's here and I... well, you're mine now. I won't kill you," she purred having little to no sympathy for the fact Amber was probably dead right at this moment, slaughtered and bludgeoned to death by her two closest friends.

She had no regret in telling the other this, of course. He knew she was different now. He was sat underneath her while she was in her real form. He shouldn't be too surprised that she, along with her friends, had new... urges, new cravings they needed to settle. Hers were just as intense as her friends', so while the urge to kill was in her, Bradley wasn't going to become a victim. Not unless he pissed her off. She wasn't going to become his girlfriend, but she was going to keep him close to her and sleep with him when she wanted.

"I assume that's not an issue, that your bitch of a girlfriend is dead? It gets her out the picture. I have you all to myself now, and I'm much prettier than she is-- sorry, was. Past tense," she grinned in delight, pulling her hair out from its band to let the golden locks fall over her shoulders and chest. "I'm more womanly than she is-- I'm a motherfucking succubus. I'm better than her in every possible way. Don't go crying about her death. You have someone much better in your life-- and nobody is going to hurt you. You're like... my toy. You're all mine. I won't let any harm come to my precious baby, okay~?"
Amber? She was....dead? That was a lot of information to take in. What did Bradley just get himself into. She was serious. Christian and Tobiah were no long humans either. They could kill him if he told that they killed Amber. Aformentioned, Bradley was...Well he was only a teenage boy, so he was still a bit of a coward. He was no hero, and he was just trying to live, even if it meant saving himself and being quiet.

He did care for Amber though. Did he ever like her more than a friend? No, but she had asked him out so...He was too nice to just reject her. Besides Danny would probably call him a faggot if he did reject her. She was the most beautiful and popular girl in school at the time. Pushing thoughts of her from his mind, he just nodded, shock still on his face.
"Oh god, you've gone all quiet on me. Honestly, do I have to kill you now? Are you going to become that cowardly asshole again? The one who let me get bullied without standing in-- or are you going go grow a spine and realise that Amber deserved everything she got. We'll get Danny too. I'll make sure they don't hurt you. I'll say you're my lover, someone I refuse to lose. If you're just going to lay lifelessly underneath me, looking shocked, I may as well kill you. Sweetie, you're boring me now, and I won't keep you alive if you bore me," she tutted, her lips pursed again, before she tiredly got up from the bed. That wasn't exactly a comforting sign for the other. It was an indication that she was bored of him and what he was doing-- or rather, what he wasn't doing. She didn't expect him or want him to pull her close in a dominant manner. She liked being the dominant one, wielding power-- but she at least expected him to look eager.

Did he not fucking realise he had a literal succubus showing him mercy and, not just that, but her attention? Did he really not realise how lucky he was to become her lover and be granted safety and immunity from harm?

"It's such a shame that you're no longer interested in me. Any man or woman would die to be where you are right now," she tutted again, reaching for the turtleneck sweater. "Now, do you want me to put this back on, or have you realised by now that you're the luckiest guy in the world and need to appreciate that?"
"W-Wait don't get dressed!" He quickly told her, getting up from the bed biting on his lower lip. "I...I realize I'm the luckiest man alive right now. So don't get dressed." Slowly he walked over to her, pulling her close to his body, and back to the bed.

About an hour later, they had finally finished up. However, they were panting heavily, and still naked. Christian had opened his door to be greeted by his best friend and some asshole naked. And instantly his claws appeared as he glared at them. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Lounging casually with her body entangled in the sheets, she had been absently running her fingers through her lover's hair with a few light purrs. When Christian burst in like that, she barely reacted, her eyes lazily drifting across to him with an unimpressed, lazy smile pulling at her lips.

Oh, this was entertaining, at least.

"Am I fucking kidding you? Of course not. I think it's fairly obvious that we've just had sex in your bed, Christian. I mean, you've been ignoring me and cutting me out of the conversations and leaving me out of activities. I needed to get your attention again et voila, here I am," she laughed, not really caring that she was stark naked at that moment. Her bottom half was covered by the sheets, but other than that, she wasn't covered at all-- but she didn't care. Why would she? She knew she was flawless and she was fond of showing it off. Though, she did tiredly reach over for Bradley's shirt, tugging it over her body, though it did require a little strength and force to do that.

"We had sex, will you relax?" She yawned, in her human form now as she simply stayed laid in bed, her arms protectively holding Bradley against her body. "You need to chill out. Bradley's all mine. He isn't getting harmed. I need a little fun in my life. Ooh, maybe I'll turn him~ He could join our little gang. He's so special. He knows his girlfriend is dead and yet he still fucked me. He's pretty awesome~"
Christian glared at the two. "Fuck you, Lavender! I thought you were killing this asshole!" Christian lowered his voice, remember that his sister was there. "Well anyway...We took care of the body...Amber's body won't ever be found, it'll look like she ran away." He grumbled sitting on his desk, still pissed as he pulled his kitten on his lap. "Do you even know how to turn people?"

Bradley laid next to her, his body trembling. Not from fear, but he was still coming down his high from sex. He held her, blushing deeply at being naked and two others in the room. He kissed her lips softly, before sitting up, still afraid Christian would try to kill him. "...Who turned you guys anyway? And...Are those cat ears?" He asked Tobiah.

"Don't fucking look at him. He's mine asshole. He doesn't want you so quit looking at him." Christian hissed, holding Tobiah eve tighter. After sex, Christian really fell for the kitten. All he wanted was Tobiah. And like hell did he want anyone staring at him.
"I don't want him, Christian. Why would I want him when I have you? He's like... a boring old van, you know? And you're a Ferrari," purred the kitten as he happily settled on his lap, his tail swaying playfully against him before deciding that he'd simply cuddle right into his chest. He didn't really care that he was in such an affectionate position. If Bradley made so much as a roll of his eyes or a frown, Christian would kill him-- and Toby would happily sit at the side and watch with red cheeks, aroused by the sight of his boyfriend acting so powerfully like that.

Alas, Lavender seemed too protective of her human lover, but he couldn't argue with her. Christian was mad, but Toby just found it amusing. Besides, he knew now that they had been ignoring her a little, so if she wanted this human, she could have him. He was fine with that.

"These are cat ears, yes~! They're so cute, right? I think they are and Christian calls me his sexy little kitten, which I so am," the boy beamed proudly in reply, his ears flickering happily. "We don't know how it happened. I like to think that there's someone out there who helped us change so we could... get justice. But god, it's so much fun too! Amber's brain, like, splattered allover the walls, it was so much fun and then we had sex in her bed and she tasted so nice too! We got her kidneys and some of her liver and blended it into a smoothie, it was yummy~!"

"...And you kept me out of that? See how unfair that is? That sounds like fun," groaned Lavender, before simply pulling Bradley's head to rest on her chest and combed her fingers through his hair again. She was treating him like her submissive toy, some little loverboy she could dominate, but... well, that was all he was to her right now. "Can I turn him? I dunno. I'm sure I could find a way-- but god, I'm not doing that, not really. Now hush. Bradley's tired, aren't you, baby? Do you want to sleep? You are comfortable, hm? I'm very comfy~"
Bradey nodded and cuddled close as he slowly fell asleep. He was smitten with Lavender and would do anything for her. Christian growled lightly. He made Tobiah stand up for a second as he stood up. They were not going to sleep in his bed. They already fucked, and he would have burn those fucking sheets. He literally dragged them out of his bed, Bradley jumping away, looking up at Christian fearfully. Who wouldn't be scared, Christian was huge.

"Get the fuck out of my bed, go to one of the guest rooms. You are not sleeping in my bed. Lavender this was just disrespectful. Sorry for ignoring you I guess, but it as literally one fucking day. We're even now, so get out of my bed."
"You guess? Do you not see how fucking horribly you've acted? You abandoned me, Christian. You had fun with Toby and left me alone. We're supposed to stick together-- oh, fuck you. Just fuck off. I don't need you now. I don't know if you've noticed, sweetheart, but I can cope without you these days. You and Toby can continue to pathetically hunt down our bullies, I have better things to do, better people to kill. Why focus on some pathetic high school kids when I could focus on, you know, killing a billionaire and stealing his cash? You're thinking too small," she suddenly huffed, dusting herself off and furiously glaring at both the boys. It had been their plan to do everything together, to feed their urges first with the kids at high school and then move on. Their cravings would only intensify, but they planned to deal with it together.

But that changed when they left her out of their plans. That was the moment she decided she didn't exactly need them. They could settle with their small plans; she had much, much bigger ones in her sights. Ones that would earn her riches and power and settle her urges far more satisfactorily than murdering some little high school nobody would.

"...If you really aren't going to apologise properly, Bradley and I will leave and we'll have our own fun. If you aren't going to include me, then I'll just leave and do things by myself-- with Bradley."
"Listen Lavender. I'm sorry, alright? Okay, I get it. We've been rude for what, a day? But just because we finally became a couple doesn't mean you have to run off. We are a team. We stick together no matter what. We are family, so you aren't leaving, okay? I love you far too much to simply let you go. I get it, your feelings are hurt. We won't exclude you anymore, right kitten?" He asked Toby with a smile, before looking at his best friend.

He pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on top of her head while he rubbed her back. "Besides, we need you. You're the smart one. The one with the plans~ How could we possibly live without our great and magnificent queen, hmm?" He asked as he pulled away to look in those green eyes with that charming smile. "Now. We take care of the bullies, then we can move onto the billionaires and take all their money."

Bradley, who pulled clothes on grimaced a bit at how close they were. He was a little jealous. He knew Christian was gay, and only wanted Tobiah but...Christian was better looking than him, and it sucked that he was hugging who he thought was his girlfriend. He didn't realize he was only her boy toy, her little plaything when she wanted him.
"Right, exactly! We got carried away and it was silly of us and... and we won't exclude you again. If we want private time, we'll tell you first so you know. We're sorry for... for not thinking. I blame Christian. He's too fucking hot. I just listen to whatever he says," drawled Toby, faintly aware that that wasn't really ho it worked. Sure, he listened to Christian, but the dynamic was the other way around - he had the man around his little finger and Christian was inclined to do whatever the kitten whined and pouted for.

Christian may be the huge, muscular figure, but it was the small kitten who truly held the cards, when he wanted to hold them, anyway.

Silently observing both the teens, Lavender eventually smiled and nodded her agreement. She didn't want to argue with them, far from it, and she knew that they wanted to be alone sometimes. That wasn't an excuse for freezing her out, but she understood sometimes these cravings got the better of them. She'd gone out and killed three people without their help, so she couldn't complain too much.

"Bradley, where are you rushing off to? You aren't leaving me today, are you? I thought we were hanging out all day?" She pouted, that innocent expression arriving as she turned to him. With her hair messy and as she donned his shirt that reached her mid-thigh, she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew she looked great and she knew just how to get what she wanted from a man. Pouting like this was bound to make him do as she wanted - and she wanted him stuck at her side until she told him to leave. "We haven't finished, love. That was round one. You're not tired, are you~?"
His face flushed deeply at how gorgeous she looked at the moment. He couldn't believe she was his girl. "....I was going to go in a guest room...Christian looked serious when he said he didn't want us in here." Mumbled the boy blushing lightly.

"Damn right. I don't want you guys fucking in my bed. I have to get my maids to fucking burn my sheets thanks to you. You know those sheets were made of real silk. Imported from India. Thanks." He grumbled angrily at Bradley as he crossed his arms. He wandered over to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around him. "But don't worry baby...We can sleep in my aunt's room tonight. She has the best bed." He grinned, tilting his chin up to kiss him. He then looked to the other couple, grimacing a bit. "I hope you weren't loud. Junie's right down the hall. She's sleeping, and I hope she didn't hear you."

Bradley blushed and looked over at Lavender. "You said no one was here." He whispered, his face flushed.
Smirking to herself at her best friend's consistent annoyance, the succubus quietly waved a hand to diffuse that and Bradley's concerns. Picking up the rest of her clothing calmly, she shoved them all into Bradley's arms and gestured the boy in close to her, that devious, minx-like smile still on her lips.

"I lied. Does it really matter that much to you? We were relatively quiet, Junie was sleeping. Relax, baby. You had fun, didn't you? You know, you're looking awfully more handsome since we fucked. Maybe it's a perk of sleeping with a succubus, hm? You get prettier each time we 'do it'," she purred, patting his cheek with another little wink before stretching her arms out with a tired groan. "We'll take the spare room. Honestly, you fuss too much, Christian. Bedsheets can be washed. We didn't make that much of a mess, either. I contained myself from going too wild. Bradley's a beginner with me. I have to train him up, don't I, babe? Don't worry, you'll be an expert in no time~"
His face flushed at how blunt she was, but he nodded to agree with her, slightly embarrassed she said that in front of the other two. Christian rolled his eyes laughing a bit at that. "Ha, so you don't fuck good? Poor Bradley. Toby's amazing by the way. Drives me wild~" Purred the Wolverine as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, nipping at one of his cat-like ears.

Bradley grimaced rolling his eyes lightly as he held her clothes. He...He wasn't bad in bed...Was he? Well, Lavender said he needed some work but...But he could do better! He could please her!
"Don't be mean to the poor boy, he's trying his best~! He's with Lavender, she's a natural at it. He's going to have to play catch up. We're all just naturally gifted, Christian. The poor human isn't, but he can learn," cooed Toby with that borderline insult-compliment. It wasn't clear whether he was defending Bradley or simply poking fun at him like Christian was. Either way, it barely mattered because his attention went immediately back to his boyfriend, playfully rubbing his hips up close and giggling loudly at just how aroused he was becoming again.

"Oh, ignore them. They're just teasing you. You were surprisingly good, Bradley. Just... I'm a succubus, baby. I need more. Perfection, you know? You'll get the hang of me. We'll be doing this quite a lot," she purred into his ear. She was delighted her best friends were so intimate, but she was competitive. Seeing them so affectionate made her want to be the same-- and more. It was why she suddenly wrapped her arms around Bradley's shoulders, grinning to herself at how she was a good few inches taller than him at this point. Given how she liked to dominate her lovers, she was pretty pleased by their height difference. "You're so fucking cute, aren't you, Bradley? My cute little lover~"
No man liked to be called little. And Bradley definitely didn't like being called little. And he wasn't cute he was hot or sexy or anything other than cute. Yet here she was, calling him cute and little. Bradly grimaced a bit but covered it with a smile. He knew she meant well. She wasn't trying to insult him like her friends were.

Christian rolled his eyes at them, before taking his boyfriend. "Babe, let's go to my Aunt's room for some sleep. I'm so tired." He yawned, kissing his cheek softly with a smile.
Toby had, again, been rather quiet, sitting on Christian's desk and happily sipping at the milkshake Christian had bought for him. He'd whined that he was hungry after they finished up with Amber, and of course he ended up getting what he wanted-- though he hadn't eaten all of the food. He'd had the fish-o-fillet from McDonald's (it was fish - he was obviously going to wolf it down) but he left the fries and the portion of chicken nuggets, for a good reason.

"I'm gonna see Junie first," he declared, grabbing the rest of his meal with a bright smile. "I mean... she hasn't actually seen me yet, not the new me with the ears and stuff, so I have to go see her, right? Besides, I feel bad we just left so I'm giving her some food as a peace offering. If she... she's scared of me, it'll break my heart. I'm not scary, right?"
Christian's eyes glided over to his kitten, giving him a smirk. "Baby you are as scary as a teddy bear." Cackled the teen as walked over to him to place a kiss on his temple. "I'm going to go and get my Aunt's bedroom for us. I'll be waiting there, so when you're ready you can just come, alright?" He placed a hand on his giving it a squeeze as he looked him in the eyes. "...And if Junie is scared just...Give her some time alright? She's only a little girl." He reassured him, before heading to the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Junie was in her bedroom. Her bedroom was her safe haven. It was filled with all the things she loved. And what was she most obsessed with? Tigers. For some reason, she enjoyed tigers. Ad since her Aunt had the money, her entire room was jungle themed, and it was adorable. Currently in a tiger onesie, with the hood up, she watched the massive flat screen on her wall. She was watching Tarzan, a classic Disney movie. She was also a fan of Disney.

She blinked when she heard a knock at her door. Pausing her movie, she shouted, "Come in!" SHe pulled her hood down, allowing her wild black hair out.