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Almost immediately, Lavender found her confident, casual smile fade at the mention of Danny. She was pretty focused on Bradley, wanting him to suffer the most-- but he wasn't even the worst bully. He only really laughed with his friends, and Lavender was sure that might have been out of peer pressure and a need to fit in. Bradley hadn't really been that cruel to her, but she had fancied him so much that it irked her now that he hadn't even looked at her.

He had to notice her now, and she was looking forward to his reaction--

But admittedly, Danny was someone she perhaps out to focus on. Bradley wasn't that bad. Danny, on the other hand, had always been an asshole. He'd called her so many cruel names, made fun of the fact her mother had died, poked fun at Lavender's home life. While she wanted to desperately to make Bradley pay for not noticing her, Danny was someone she now realised she wanted to tear apart. Maybe she could have sex with him and slice open his throat right at the final moment... but she couldn't be that selfish. She couldn't take away Christian and Toby's desire to make him suffer.

"We should kill him together," she suggested as she climbed out the car, deliberately smoothing down the sweater to bring attention to her body, flashing a wide grin at the boy nearest to them getting out his car, who practically choked on his own tongue at the sight of her. "We'll save him for last-- but I want Bradley for myself. Don't go touching him. I want to end him with my own hands. I have something planned for him."

"...Fine. But you let Christian and I kill Amber then. We could have some fun with her, prolong her pain-- of course, we'll get her to trust us first. Oh, I'll be good at that! It's like acting. I'm a superb actor. I've always wanted to be on the big screen, my name in lights," purred the kitten as he took Christian's hand in his own, just so everyone knew not to touch the beautiful teenager. Toby was sort of claiming him for himself. Christian was his, after all. "Let's find Amber, hm? She'll be all over you, Christian. I'm going to have to force back the urge to scratch out her eyes."
Christian smirked, holding his hand tightly. "Sure, let's go find her. I guess you could go and find Bradley, Lavender. Let's meet up at the usual spot for lunch." And with that he began striding to the school, his frost blue eyes looking over everyone, trying to spot Amber out of everyone.

Amber was at her locker, giggling along with her friends when she saw Christian. She didn't recognize him, of course. Her mouth grew dry, cheeks flamed up red. This man was literally...A god just walking around. And he went to this school? Since when? He must be new. Fixing her hair, her wide eyes never left his. She swore he was walking over to her! Wait...Wait he really was! Nervously she smiled, chewing on her bottom lip. He was so amazingly hot. "H....Hi, um...Can I help you?"

"Hey, Amber." Smiled Christian in his charming way. Thinking of all the ways he could kill her was exciting, but he had to gain her trust.

"Y...You know me?" She asked, her stupid grin growing. "I-I mean, sure I'm popular, but I didn't think you....Would know me, who are you?" She asked, giggling like a school girl.

"Oh, surely you remember me and my friend here." He cackled, wrapping his arm around Toby's shoulder to bring her attention to the adorable boy.

This was the first time she noticed him, and her jaw dropped at this equally gorgeous boy. He looked like a movie star! Surely she didn't know these guys, she would remember faces like them. fe6fd1d5fc2b67f3954a3652f87996a5.jpg
Seeing that prissy, bitchy girl eye up his Christian and drool over him was as amusing as it was annoying. She had no idea who he was, no idea that, just a few days ago, she'd pushed Christian into a door and thrown his comics all over the floor before laughing hysterically as he and Toby scrambled to pick them up. And here she was now, staring up at the beautiful man with her eyes wide and giggling with cheeks flushed red in enticement.

It was hilarious to see, but god, did it piss Toby off. Even when she looked at him in awe too, he was aware that her full focus was mostly on Christian, that she was probably imagining him and her together in her thoughts, kissing and holding one another.

God, he was going to love it when she was dead.

"Amber, darling, you must remember us? We were at your party. We were your special guests," he cooed in that naturally flirtatious tone, before purposely pressing his body into Christian's chiselled body, adjusting the man's hand so it unsubtly rested on Toby's newly budded hip. He wanted to make sure this bitch knew that Christian was his, and not up for grabs.

When his hinting didn't make her understand, he purred quietly under his breath in amusement and laughed lightly. "It's me, silly. Tobiah. And Christian. Obviously it's us, duh. Gosh, how could you not recognise us~?"
"What?....No way...No...Fucking way...You...How?" She blinked, looking at the two in complete shock. She just saw them two days ago. Just two! No fucking way they looked this great now. They couldn't possibly have surgery in two days and look this great, they...These were different people. "...Quit joking, you two aren't...Are you?"

"Yes, love. You invited us to your Halloween party, we came in costume, you laughed." Cackled the man, softly rubbing Tobiah's hip with his strong hand, smirking down at him.

"...I..I'm so sorry! I didn't...I mean it was just a joke! Please I....I'm so sorry Christian, and Tobiah I...I didn't mean to." She croaked in her little Southern accent

"Babe, relax." Purred the man, Amber's cheeks lit up in a red color from him calling her babe. "We forgive you. Really. No hard feelings. It was funny, right kitten?" He asked, looking down at his boyfriend, smirking at the cute nickname he gave him.
"Oh, I thought it was hilarious, Amber~! We knew it was a joke. Once we calmed down and relaxed, we all had a laugh about it at Christian's home, you know? Y'all tricked us real good, but we see the funny side in it. We're not total losers," the other boy replied, remembering that, to get the most fun out of this situation, he needed to befriend Amber... and that meant pretending that everything was hunky dory; that he had loved the prank she played on them.

In reality, it was the most horrifying experience of his life, but he knew how to act. Besides, having Christian's strong arm around him, affectionately rubbing and holding him close, was enough of a reminder to continue to act like he adored the girl opposite him.

"You look so darn adorable today, Amber. You have to tell me where you bought those sunglasses, they're chic," he purred as he made an effort to compliment her, knowing she liked it when she was complimented and had her ego stroked. "Lavender would love your shirt, too. She'd love something like that. You could share fashion tips with her, she'd appreciate it."
Her nose scrunched at the mention of Lavender. She hadn't seen the beautiful new version of her, so she assumed she was still some dorky loser. "Lavender?...She's not really into my type of style...But I got these sunglasses from the mall. We should go there sometime together Toby, do ya mind if I call ya Toby?" Asked the girl running her fingers through her dark hair. "And can I say that glitter under your eyes really bring them out! I never noticed how pretty your eyes were, and the blonde in your hair really suits you~"

Christian smirked at how easy it was to befriend this girl. Of course, she wanted to be their friend. Now that they looked like models. "Isn't he just a doll? Well, we should really get to class, Amber, but we should hang out someti-"

"After school! You could come to my house, have a few beers and all."

"Sorry not today, Toby and I will be busy." He replied with a smile. "How about tomorrow night? We'll bring Lavender."

"O-Oh....Oh okay! I'll see you then Christian~ And Toby." Giggled the girl, her eyes back on Christian, looking up and down his body.

Christian pulled Toby away from the girl heading to class. "Alright, babe...I'll see you after class. I have gym. I'll pick you up after class." He whispered, winking lightly before heading to his own class.

When Toby walked into class, as expected all eyes were on him. Even Levi. Levi was...Kind of a loser. However he wasn't bullied like Tobiah, Christian and Lavender were. Only because his father was mayor. Levi didn't have friends, didn't fit in anywhere. He was a loner. Yet his eyes were on Toby when he walked in, his face completely flushed.5e4c1bf320c6b8cf334c7f7d6e34aec8.jpg
Despite Christian's affectionate goodbye, where he held Toby close and gave that million-dollar grin down at him, the kitten wasn't particularly happy. It was harder than he thought, having to witness Amber and a tonne of other girls drool over the boy he'd loved for a solid three years. Before, nobody even looked twice at Christian. In that time, Toby knew he should have confessed his love for him. It would mean that they'd be official boyfriends now and it might deter some girls from approaching Christian.

That said, he was drop dead gorgeous now. He was also sure that bitches like Amber would approach Christian, whether he had a boyfriend or not. It was hard to stay away from someone as beautiful as Christian now was. Toby knew he just had to be... confident that Christian wasn't interested in anyone. He flirted with Toby and only Toby.

Besides, Toby had a chance to feel better by being in a class, alone from his friends. It was his chance to have all the attention, and boy did he want it. He strolled into class with that same slow grin on his face and, when noticing the teacher hadn't arrived yet, decided to take full advantage of that. He sat on the teacher's desk, perching up there as he swung his legs and admired all the eyes in the room currently on him. He adjusted his position just a little, deciding to adopt a more attractive pose. Anything to get a few boys' cheeks to heat up.

"I want a drink. Can someone hand me a drink? I'm very thirsty," he purred, his eyes drifting across to Levi, where he noticed the bottle of orange juice. "I want that, Levi. Come and give it to me. Do you want me to die of thirst~?"
Levi hurriedly grabbed his orange juice and shuffled over to him, almost tripping over his feet as he reached him. "H-Here you g-"

"Here you can have mine! It's grape!" Another boy stated, bringing his juice up. WHich started basically a war of teenage boys fighting over who drink this gorgeous boy would have.

Levi grimaced as he was shoved away. He looked down at his drink, his cheeks red hot. He didn't even know how this beautiful boy knew his name, but...It made him so happy that someone actually saw him, but...He was shoved out of the way.
Tobiah had always felt sympathetic towards Levi. The boy was an outsider; a loner. Toby thought his life was difficult, being bullied so horrifically, but at least he, Lavender and Christian had one another. Levi didn't have anyone. No friends to turn to to get him through the school day and to socialise outside it.

It was why Toby was focusing purely on him right now. He figured he could make the boy's day by talking to him, and having that power, to cheer someone up simply by smiling at him, was a power he wanted to wield. He loved the fact he had boys tripping over themselves to get to him, smiling seductively and flirtatiously at each and every one, going as far as to wink at them-- but it was Levi he wandered over to, perching himself on the boy's desk and slowly took a sip from the orange juice, licking the rest from his lip slowly.

"Did you read the chapter for today? I was too busy, I don't know it very well," he drawled, pouting his full lips as he leaned down closer to the human boy. "You're always so smart, Levi. I always get so jealous of you when you get 100% on every test. Christian says you're the smartest kid at this school. Lavender says that too."
When he heard this beautiful boy say that, he instantly knew who this was. Blushing deeply from how close he was, he nervously scratched his chin. "T-Tobiah? I...Y..You look different I...I read the chapter last night..." He whispered, looking up at him with red cheeks. "You...You are really....Beautiful." He forced out, his cheeks the same pink as his freshly dyed hair.

"Hey, cutie, you don't have to hang with that guy. He's pretty boring, you should come over here with me." Grinned some blonde boy, walking up to Tobiah, his eyes all over Toby. "What's your name, cutie?" He purred, biting on his lower lip.
Tutting to himself at the interruption, Toby rested a hand on his hip, tilted his head and eyed the blonde boy up and down, moving his eyes slowly to drink in every single feature opposite him. The boy was cute, there was no doubt about it-- but he'd made a huge mistake in interrupting Tobiah.

Before the transformation, Toby was always spoken over. Whenever he was asked to speak in class (despite his stammer and squeaky voice), nobody respected him enough to listen. They spoke over him, giggled and laughed without trying to be quiet about it. It was a pet peeve of his, but he had never had the confidence to do something about it before.

Now? Now he did.

"Do I want to go with you? Would you show me a good time?" He purred, leaning in to softly run his hand behind the other's neck-- before tugging his head close with a fierce, cat-like hiss. "Because I want to do nothing but rip out your vocal chords. Interrupt me again and I'll make you pay, now scuttle back to your seat and you shut the hell up. You respect Levi, got that? He is my friend and he is talking to me. Sit down," he huffed, turning his attention back to Levi with a roll of his eyes. "Honestly, so rude! Now, sweetie pie-- I do look different, don't I? I have blonde in my hair, that's new-- and I have contacts in. Oh! And Christian took me on a shopping spree for new clothes~! That's all that's different, doll."
"O-Oh..." He whispered, watching the blonde boy weakly go back to his seat, sad. Levi looked back to Tobiah, blushing lightly. "You look great...I...I um...Why talk to me though? I...I am pretty boring though...He was right." Mumbled the teen, looking down at himself. Levi was... Well, he wasn't the most confident in the bunch.

He was like the old Toby. Shy, awkward, and...Well, a nervous wreck. And he didn't have friends like Toby had friends. He was on his own. But...Now Toby was talking to him. But why now? Looking at Toby, he awkwardly shifted in his seat. "...I..I'm happy you're...My friend....But um...They...They'll probably...Be mean to me." He mumbled, blushing lightly.
Leaning down further with his forehead just inches away from his, his lips lingering enticingly over his, he let a smile grow slowly on them as the other stuttered and stammered his way through the sentences. Was this how he once acted? Because he thought it was adorable. He saw how others would tease Levi, but he found his shyness incredibly cute.

"Why? Why not, silly~ You can sit with me at lunch, with Christian and Lavender. Christian's beefed up pretty dramatically. He has abs, he's so delightfully hunky," he sighed, fanning his face with an unsubtle purr. "You can drool over him, I won't mind. He's utterly heavenly-- and Lavender's gone through some changes. I think puberty's just caught up with us all, eventually~"
But puberty never happened like this. "A-Alright...." He agreed, blushing deeply. Come lunchtime, Christian was grimacing at Levi who was blushing and smiling over at Toby, clinging to his every word.

Christian didn't like to share. Like at all. Tobiah was his. His little kitten, and like hell was he gonna share with this pink haired asshole. Currently eating his curly fries, he rolled his eyes, leaning his chin on his fist. Looking around the cafeteria, he saw all the eyes on them, and now he was a little annoyed with how everyone was just gawking at them. "...I can't even eat in peace." Complained Christian.
"Oh, quit complaining, mister. Besides, let them stare. We're the last faces they'll see before we drain the life out of their pathetic bodies," shrugged the smaller boy, keeping his voice lower just for the other to hear. There was a clear contradiction between his innocent appearance and the darker desires going on within him. They hadn't existed before that fateful Halloween night, but now he was full of them. He wanted to gouge out eyes and rip apart throats and bathe in the blood of the people who bullied him. The fact he had to wait to do this was making him antsy, but he trusted Christian when he said they ought to wait.

Pondering where Lavender was, the girl had failed to join them, and they were twenty minutes into lunch. He'd fetched her her usual lunch which had long since gone cold. He assumed that she was with Bradley somewhere, given the popular boy was nowhere to be seen among his group of friends... all of whom were staring over at him and Christian in a mixture of confusion and admiration.

Eventually, in walked Lavender, strutting confidently across to the usual table and drinking in every ounce of attention she received. She knew already that rumours were spreading about her and how dramatically different she looked. The main consensus was that she'd had surgery - they didn't understand how she could lose all that weight in two days and gain her womanly attributes in return. She was happy to let that rumour spread. It was laughable and it amused her. As she sat down calmly, her eyes strayed to Bradley as the boy wandered into the hall a few seconds after her, smirking to herself in delight.

"We just had sex in the library," she announced casually, as though it was a normal thing to do-- which, for her, it now was. It was in her nature to be like this, and she obviously adored it. "He's got a girlfriend. Amber, actually. Not that I care. I'm meeting him tonight in secret. I'll probably... enact my plan then. I can't wait a day longer, Christian. I need to act. It's bubbling inside me and I know you understand because you feel it too. We all do. We can't wait."
Christian nudged her to shut up. Levi was sitting with them, and she just so casually brought up a plan. However, Levi was busy gawking at Toby, so obviously, he didn't hear anything. Sighing, he ran his hand through his jet black hair. "Do what you want, Lav. Just don't get caught." Whispered the teen before eating another fry, glaring at Levi. He then grabbed Toby's chin, pulling him in for a kiss, just so Levi knew he didn't have a chance.

Gasps were heard throughout the cafeteria. Obviously, girls were crushed. They had no idea he liked boys. Pulling away, he went back to eating, as if he done nothing wrong. Levi sat there, staring between the two with a crushed look. His jaw was dropped, and his face a bit pale. He thought Toby was single he....Just earlier in class, Toby was so close to kissing him. Literally, Toby was hanging over his lips in class. Looking away, he nervously shifted in his seat, no longer feeling like he belonged at the table. Standing up, he made up some lame excuse and left the cafeteria.

Christian watched, obviously satisfied. "Aww....Levi was such a nice guy. Anyway, me and Tobiah are going to Amber's tomorrow night. I guess we'll act then."
Toby's personality was different now, in some parts. He was confident, flirty, playful and extroverted now... but he was still Toby. He still had sympathy for people like Levi, who hadn't actually upset Toby whatsoever. He wanted to completely kill the bullies (and he'd probably continue to crave doing things even after it) but Levi was a total sweetheart. Seeing him look so downbeat and sad in that moment did make Toby frown--

But he found it difficult to stay sad. How could he possibly remain upset when Christian, the boy he'd always loved, had just kissed him. He kissed him! Honestly, feeling his soft lips against his own was incredible, and it made him want a hell of a lot more than just one kiss. So he did go further. What did he care if people stared~?

So, in one second, he easily pushed the cutlery out of Christian's hands and shifted up into his lap, sitting comfortably and facing him, his small hands rested on his firm chest. "You're so tough, Christian," he purred, pressing his own body up close to his. "All these muscles... Ugh, you're so beautiful. Maybe we can do more tonight. I've always loved you and maybe we could take a page out of Lavender's book and do things--"

"Can you at least not block me out right now? I'm not being the goddamn third wheel," cursed Lavender with a roll of her green eyes, sipping at the milkshake as her eyes silently glanced around the room. All eyes, expectedly, were on the boys. She didn't mind that She liked the fact they were the centre of attention, but she didn't want to just sit there, doing nothing while they were having fun. Ho was that fair? "...Tomorrow night. Right. Invite Bradley along. You can focus on Amber, do what you like with her. Be inventive, at least. Don't be boring. I'll focus on my lovely Bradley. We'll have fun~"
"I'm surprised, kitten. Last time I kissed you, you ran away from me." Teased Christian with his strong arms around his waist to steady the boy. Glancing over at Lavender he nodded. "Alright, alright. We'll invite Bradley's to Amber's and then we'll take them out. Simple~!" Smirked Christian as he moved to capture's the kitten's lips again before pulling away. He wasn't just going to make Lavender be the third wheel. "Tonight will be about us Tobiah~ You'll be coming to my place."

Later after school, Christian was picking his little sister up from school. Nervously waiting for her, he grinned when he finally saw her. Junie's eyes were low on the ground as she headed over to her big brother, afraid to see him again. The ten-year-old peaked up at him and whimpered before looking away.

"Hey, Junebug~! How was school, hmm?" He asked crouching down to her level to look her in the eyes.

Junie awkwardly shifted on her feet. Her hair was a mess since she wouldn't let Christian do it, but she didn't want him to do it. She didn't want him to touch her. She was afraid of this change, she had to get used to it first. "...Good." Mumbled the little girl as she held her book bag.

Christian took her bag as always and put it in the back seat of the car. "Come on, you can sit with Lavender, see?" He smiled, as he helped her in the car.

Junie looked up at Lavender, and once again was shocked at the change. This wasn't the Lavender she remembered.
Lavender had always adored Junie. Unlike her two best friends, Lavender had never had any siblings. Her mother was taken from her far too soon and then there really was no chance of her father finding a woman after his wife's death - he delved down into the depths of alcohol and became a violent, angry man who stood no chance of getting a girlfriend and moving on properly with his life.

So, inevitably, she grew to love Junie like a little sister. She'd known the girl since she was a baby and she'd spent ten years around her, sometimes even taking her out for ice cream, just the two of them.

Seeing the way she looked at her when she got in the car, all shocked and confused, did tug at Lavender's heartstrings a little. She may have changed, but she still was herself. She still cared for Junie, which was why she smiled and eagerly patted the seat besides her.

"Come on, come and sit up next to me~ Christian's going to take us for some milkshakes. That sounds nice, right? I... get this is strange for you, love, I get that-- but Christian and I are just the same! Toby too. We're all the same on the inside," she smiled, even if that was also a lie. The three of them were planning to kill half their classmates and were grinning about it. They weren't the same-- but to Junie, they were. She was an exception to the rule. "Don't be scared-- I don't like you looking at me like this, it makes me feel bad."
Sitting down next to her, she buckled up looking out the window quietly. She would come around. She was only ten, and children often hated change. So it was normal for her to react this way. She loved Lavender, often begged her to stay the night. And of course, she still loved Lavender, she would just have to accept that she looks different. "...Can I get a banana milkshake with nuts?" Christian hated banana milkshakes, but for some odd reason, his little sister couldn't get enough of them.

"Of course, you can get whipped cream on top too." Grinned Christian looking in the rearview mirror. He saw little Junie crack a smile at that and he smiled himself. The milkshake will definitely cheer her up. "So, Junebug, wanna tell me everything that happened at school?"

"...I didn't get to have recess because I had lunch detention."

"What why?" Christian asked, surprised at this.

"Because Sara called my hair stupid...So I bit her, pulled her hair and punched her in the face...Aunt Rachel probably has to go to school tomorrow to talk to my teacher." Mumbled the little girl. Junie had a bit of an angry problem....Okay, so she had a big angry problem, but Christian had been working on it with her! But today obviously was a bad day for her.

Running a hand down his face, he groaned lightly. "...I'll go talk to your teacher tomorrow and smooth it out. Aunt Rachel's in Paris, you know this. Besides, she wouldn't go even if she was here. And Junie, you can hurt people just because they say something mean." Hypocrite. Christian was about to kill half of his classmates for saying rude things but...Junie was different. She was his little girl.

"But she's annoying!" Whined the girl, huffing as she crossed her arms. "I hate, hate, hate her!"