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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I wonder if Viktor should join in on the conversation and talk about his past.
I wonder if Viktor should join in on the conversation and talk about his past.
Yes he should :D Maybe Rin will open a teensy bit about her past if everyone is contributing :D
  • Love
Reactions: PoetLore
Everyone: Fuck our pasts.
Conversation in a nutshell.
After looking at everyone histories maybe the Captain should considered hiring a therapist
B-but, it's not an Internet RP when you don't have characters who are constantly tormented by their dark edgy pasts.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Dagnabbit! Now I ain't lettin' Rin let out anythin'!

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Applo


"I dreamed a waking dream"

Name: Jamie Beckett

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Position: Cabin Boy

Wish: Riches for his Parents and knowing what he truly wants

Blonde hair, sky blue eyes, 5'7 tall and has a teenagers look, weights roughly 185 Ibs.
Wears a cabin boy attire that consists of a blue scarf and a brown trench coat, white shirt and light grey pants with boots

A dreamer who always has his eyes on the vast skies, kind, extroverted and a 'open book' kind of guy with a sense and knack of adventure everywhere, whom has an immense love for the azure skies and deep blue . He is also a brash youngster who often acts before he thinks, but often for the good reason, as he totally dedicated and loyal to his fellow crew mate, a believer of an honorable duel and often uses his sword instead of a gun. He is also out there to find himself, to find his life dreams and aspirations that keeps him up all night. He is also a poet at heart and a penchant of saying either good or bad jokes most of the time

~ Gladio ~
Broadsword with a broad blade and usually two lethal cutting edges. With its pummel a face of a golden lion.

-Flint Lock Pistol-
A simple pistol with dark mahogany finish, furnished with gold and silver. Can fire one bullet at a time, rarely uses it as he prefers close combat.


An adept in the sword arts, he is quick and is strong that he can carry a broadsword around, often underestimated due to his appearance and age.

~ Poet ~
A student in the arts of poetry, he transcribes his journey and happenings in forms of sonnets, poems, epics, lyrical, etc.

~ Endurance ~
Jamie can handle extreme amounts of pain and wounds before succumbing to it, usually this skill goes hand to hand with his . . . .

~ Willpower ~
Has an immense will to live, and often takes form as his "Explosive Personality" bursting with youngster energy that explodes into an aggression that he'll ignore or wounds and pains inflict to him (leading to Endurance skill)

~ Cleaning Crew ~
Due to being a cabin boy, he has developed a cleaning habit, he is a master of the arts of mopping, scrubbing, dish washing and the likes.

Born from a normal family as an only child, with a City Guard Father and a Merchant Mother, his heroic Father would often lead him to the cliff that watched the seas, training him in the arts of the sword while at home did his dearly beloved Mother taught him one of her favorite past times, Poetry, all this was done during his childhood years.

He was educated in a nearby school by his parents, and gradually had a normal childhood, until that is . . . He fell in love with the Sea. His Father wanted him to enroll in the Royal Academy after he finished with his current schooling as a way for him to get a even finer education, but this would mean that he will be farther away from his parents, even more farther away from the sea, he pleaded to his father that he wanted to sail the seas and look for adventure, but his Father argued that he wasn't meant for the sea nor the outside world, but he was meant here in the island, to be trained and pampered to be part of the royal court, but Jamie didn't want anything like that and declined his father's wish on which greatly disappointed his Father, one of the many things that keep him up at night.

Up at that cliff where he and his Father used to spend time training and overall having fun, as his eyes were transfixed by the setting sun and the vast sea, he finds himself in a predicament of not wanting to disappoint his Father but he doesn't want what his Father have planned for him, his Mother approached him, standing by his side and stared at the same ocean he stared and asked him "Dearest Son, what dos't thou wisheth?"

He found himself dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, only that in his mind he could only say " I don't know, Mother" he said wholeheartedly as he hears the waves slamming itself back and forth as it comes crashing at the feet of the cliff, His mother then said "Dos't thou like waves that to and fro back and forth, letting the gust of wind taketh thee to places uncertain?"

Again silenced by the wisdom of his Mother, Jamie didn't know what to say, he wanted to explore the world and all, but he couldn't convey it to his parents, most especially on his Father, but even then he tried to speak "Mother. . . I wish to be like the bird of the skies, to fly off to places, see the world and live and not kept down here in this . . . Island!" He said as he extended his to hand to try grasp the sky

His Mother stood up and left him without a word, leaving him again dumbfounded and worried, thinking he had said something wrong, and when he saw that it was now really getting dark, he decided to go Home too. After a family dinner and when he was about to sleep, His Mother came in and gave him a backpack with essential things inside, he questioned his Mother about this, but she only replied " 'Tis for thy good" and set him off in a journey to find himself. When asked what will Father think, she just responded with a smile.

And off he goes to his Island port to enlist in a crew, and happens upon the Daydream Raiders, of which he said while enlisting
"I agree with the rules my captain has set forth."

So guys, this might be random but I'm currently at an airport about to board a plane heading for Beijing, China. And we all know how well China's Internet is censored, also Iwaku's servers can't be accessed either. Um...I might be able scale the Great Fire Wall a few times but it's laggy as hell, just don't expect me to be around too much for the next ten days or so, all other social media gets the same treatment too.
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So guys, this might be random but I'm currently at an airport about to board a plane heading for Beijing, China. And we all know how well China's Internet is censored, also Iwaku's servers can't be accessed either. Um...I might be able scale the Great Fire Wall a few times but it's laggy as hell, just don't expect me to be around too much for the next ten days or so, all other social media gets the same treatment too.
Awh 3': I'll miss you! I hope you have a good time though *hugs*
  • Thank You
Reactions: Cresion Breezes
Enjoy!! My youngest son went there for a Church missions trip, he love it!
I was always treated kind of crappy there, but still have to go. Reasons. (Actually the reason why I have to go is dead family but that's another story.)
I was always treated kind of crappy there, but still have to go. Reasons. (Actually the reason why I have to go is dead family but that's another story.)
I know the feels v.v It was pretty much the same when I went South Asia. Hopefully this time won't be as bad for you. *pats*
I'm so sorry! Hopefully all will go well on the travel and everything else. So sorry for your loss.

"I dreamed a waking dream"

Name: Jamie Beckett

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Position: Cabin Boy

Wish: Riches for his Parents and knowing what he truly wants

Blonde hair, sky blue eyes, 5'7 tall and has a teenagers look, weights roughly 185 Ibs.
Wears a cabin boy attire that consists of a blue scarf and a brown trench coat, white shirt and light grey pants with boots

A dreamer who always has his eyes on the vast skies, kind, extroverted and a 'open book' kind of guy with a sense and knack of adventure everywhere, whom has an immense love for the azure skies and deep blue . He is also a brash youngster who often acts before he thinks, but often for the good reason, as he totally dedicated and loyal to his fellow crew mate, a believer of an honorable duel and often uses his sword instead of a gun. He is also out there to find himself, to find his life dreams and aspirations that keeps him up all night. He is also a poet at heart and a penchant of saying either good or bad jokes most of the time

~ Gladio ~
Broadsword with a broad blade and usually two lethal cutting edges. With its pummel a face of a golden lion.

-Flint Lock Pistol-
A simple pistol with dark mahogany finish, furnished with gold and silver. Can fire one bullet at a time, rarely uses it as he prefers close combat.


An adept in the sword arts, he is quick and is strong that he can carry a broadsword around, often underestimated due to his appearance and age.

~ Poet ~
A student in the arts of poetry, he transcribes his journey and happenings in forms of sonnets, poems, epics, lyrical, etc.

~ Endurance ~
Jamie can handle extreme amounts of pain and wounds before succumbing to it, usually this skill goes hand to hand with his . . . .

~ Willpower ~
Has an immense will to live, and often takes form as his "Explosive Personality" bursting with youngster energy that explodes into an aggression that he'll ignore or wounds and pains inflict to him (leading to Endurance skill)

~ Cleaning Crew ~
Due to being a cabin boy, he has developed a cleaning habit, he is a master of the arts of mopping, scrubbing, dish washing and the likes.

Born from a normal family as an only child, with a City Guard Father and a Merchant Mother, his heroic Father would often lead him to the cliff that watched the seas, training him in the arts of the sword while at home did his dearly beloved Mother taught him one of her favorite past times, Poetry, all this was done during his childhood years.

He was educated in a nearby school by his parents, and gradually had a normal childhood, until that is . . . He fell in love with the Sea. His Father wanted him to enroll in the Royal Academy after he finished with his current schooling as a way for him to get a even finer education, but this would mean that he will be farther away from his parents, even more farther away from the sea, he pleaded to his father that he wanted to sail the seas and look for adventure, but his Father argued that he wasn't meant for the sea nor the outside world, but he was meant here in the island, to be trained and pampered to be part of the royal court, but Jamie didn't want anything like that and declined his father's wish on which greatly disappointed his Father, one of the many things that keep him up at night.

Up at that cliff where he and his Father used to spend time training and overall having fun, as his eyes were transfixed by the setting sun and the vast sea, he finds himself in a predicament of not wanting to disappoint his Father but he doesn't want what his Father have planned for him, his Mother approached him, standing by his side and stared at the same ocean he stared and asked him "Dearest Son, what dos't thou wisheth?"

He found himself dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, only that in his mind he could only say " I don't know, Mother" he said wholeheartedly as he hears the waves slamming itself back and forth as it comes crashing at the feet of the cliff, His mother then said "Dos't thou like waves that to and fro back and forth, letting the gust of wind taketh thee to places uncertain?"

Again silenced by the wisdom of his Mother, Jamie didn't know what to say, he wanted to explore the world and all, but he couldn't convey it to his parents, most especially on his Father, but even then he tried to speak "Mother. . . I wish to be like the bird of the skies, to fly off to places, see the world and live and not kept down here in this . . . Island!" He said as he extended his to hand to try grasp the sky

His Mother stood up and left him without a word, leaving him again dumbfounded and worried, thinking he had said something wrong, and when he saw that it was now really getting dark, he decided to go Home too. After a family dinner and when he was about to sleep, His Mother came in and gave him a backpack with essential things inside, he questioned his Mother about this, but she only replied " 'Tis for thy good" and set him off in a journey to find himself. When asked what will Father think, she just responded with a smile.

And off he goes to his Island port to enlist in a crew, and happens upon the Daydream Raiders, of which he said while enlisting
"I agree with the rules my captain has set forth."

Klein's literally gonna stab this guy.
So guys, this might be random but I'm currently at an airport about to board a plane heading for Beijing, China. And we all know how well China's Internet is censored, also Iwaku's servers can't be accessed either. Um...I might be able scale the Great Fire Wall a few times but it's laggy as hell, just don't expect me to be around too much for the next ten days or so, all other social media gets the same treatment too.
R.I.P. I didn't get to say bye.
But he's so pretty though *_*
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Greenie