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I'm not drunk :'o just sick *sniffles

You're sick...
Because you're hung over? XD

For example, if I use a standard knife with an edge of 20° and 20° I can use it all day without sharpening or honing it while cutting maybe 150 pounds of steak. If I were to use a 15° and 15° knife, I'd have to sharpen the knife every 30 pounds The sharpest possible blade is an 8° and 8° sharpness, which unfortunately needs to be honed through every 7 pounds of steak.

Note to self. Come to you with questions about knives. Especially to find out what knife sharpness is best to kill a person. Lol. XD
Are you asking for them to be somehow related? Or friends?

I have no problem at all with them discovering a family connection, or being friends. Since they'll be working together a lot, it seems only natural that they would come to some kind of working relationship. Arryn is amiable but she's also very secretive, but if anyone would know her a bit better I'd imagine it would be Ran.
Sorry I explained my thoughts like poop.

I was talking about the ship hierachy to the effect that at least in the matters of carpentry A would be in a position to give R orders (even if she never actually does). Without DNA I think a family connection would be impossible to make (though that wasn't at all what I was meaning) but it would make sense to me that they would have struck up some sort of friendship (unless one of them is a impossible twat
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I was talking about the ship hierachy to the effect that at least in the matters of carpentry A would be in a position to give R orders (even if she never actually does). Without DNA I think a family connection would be impossible to make (though that wasn't at all what I was meaning) but it would make sense to me that they would have struck up some sort of friendship (unless one of them is a impossible twat

Chuckles~ I would think who is in charge would be up to the captain, and I know Arryn would comply in any case, whether she be the one in charge or the one to be ordered about by Ran. I will abide by the captain's orders in this case.

Also, I do believe you are correct. They will have at least developed effective communication over matters of their work.
had all of his teeth removed and replaced with Esper teeth,
Wait, isn't Espers armor...so Esper teeth would be like...braces?
*Thinks of braces shaped Esper and feels obligated to put that thing out of its misery*

He looks 12. The beauty of anime is making everyone look like preteens.

Oh, that's cool. The other gunner is an assassin of sorts.
Well, former assassin, but I'll say they might have the same kill count as everyone else combined. Since Espers don't need to go through the whole "growing up" thing, 50 of those 80-ish years of life is pure concentrated murdering.

If you want I'll make senpai notice you :P.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Greenie
Wait, isn't Espers armor...so Esper teeth would be like...braces?
*Thinks of braces shaped Esper and feels obligated to put that thing out of its misery*

He looks 12. The beauty of anime is making everyone look like preteens.

Well, former assassin, but I'll say they might have the same kill count as everyone else combined. Since Espers don't need to go through the whole "growing up" thing, 50 of those 80-ish years of life is pure concentrated murdering.

If you want I'll make senpai notice you :P.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lavender Lights
Yes. YES. YES!
I mean, I want to have some sort of in-depth character discussion but I'm feeling more like pressing random keys on the keyboradsghaoighoiwhdsgasggsqrwq

Okay, all jokes aside I'm open for any IC relations :P
Chuckles~ I would think who is in charge would be up to the captain, and I know Arryn would comply in any case, whether she be the one in charge or the one to be ordered about by Ran. I will abide by the captain's orders in this case.

Also, I do believe you are correct. They will have at least developed effective communication over matters of their work.
Sssshhhhh What do Captains know (Sorry @Sanctus ) The fair way to decide would be some test of some sort like say oh I don't know.....who can hold their breath longer (Age, skill and experiance are immaterial (pretty sure this is how my manager got his job))

Greenie doesn't drink ^^; Evar.
Drinking is Great

Unless you're bluestar in which case drinking once you come of legal age can be enjoyable but should be done in moderation, with concern for your welfare being upmost in you mind. This public service anoucement was brought to you by Applo. Think Applo for all your pointless wittering needs
The fair way to decide would be some test of some sort like say oh I don't know....

Let me put your names in a random generate and decide?? XD

Okay, all jokes aside I'm open for any IC relations :P

This is probably a smart thing for all of us to figure out eventually! Especially for those who have been on the crew for a bit!

I think we have already discussed this before though? Ha!
I mean, I want to have some sort of in-depth character discussion but I'm feeling more like pressing random keys on the keyboradsghaoighoiwhdsgasggsqrwq

Okay, all jokes aside I'm open for any IC relations :P
I kill everything in my wake. To be honest the most I think I can have with someone relationship wise before Klein joins the Daydream Riders is someone that managed to escape him or frequently caught him while he was shopping for food.
Sssshhhhh What do Captains know (Sorry @Sanctus ) The fair way to decide would be some test of some sort like say oh I don't know.....who can hold their breath longer (Age, skill and experiance are immaterial (pretty sure this is how my manager got his job))

LAUGHS!~ They could agree to a test of skills, perhaps a speed contest. They could be given an identical item to reproduce and the one who finishes first without a flow in design would be the winner. Age, and whatnot aside, experience will generally always win a test of skill. But, since she is a diving expert, the holding your breath the longest would definitely give her a very unfair advantage. Still, Arryn would attempt to beat her.

However, I am still thinking we should defer to the captain, regardless of how he acquired the position.
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I kill everything in my wake. To be honest the most I think I can have with someone relationship wise before Klein joins the Daydream Riders is someone that managed to escape him or frequently caught him while he was shopping for food.
*Pat pat*
Senpai says even the edgiest of the edges become dull after...I'd give it 40 years.
You can never dull my eDge.
LAUGHS!~ They could agree to a test of skills, perhaps a speed contest. They could be given an identical item to reproduce and the one who finishes first without a flow in design would be the winner. Age, and whatnot aside, experience will generally always win a test of skill. But, since she is a diving expert, the holding your breath the longest would definitely give her a very unfair advantage. Still, Arryn would attempt to beat her.

However, I am still thinking we should defer to the captain, regardless of how he acquired the position.
I'm sure the captain will make the right choice (if he picks Ran we are boned) anyway I'l stop now

also reading through Arryn's CS again it seems to me that regardless of how much Arryn owns ran's butt the pair of them will be working in happy silence.
Arryn is kind of quiet, but she's a good listener. So if Ran wants to talk she will listen.
You can never dull my eDge.
Embrace the edge! Embrace all the edge!
Then it'll cut you.
I like how there is one serious conversation going on and in the middle of that there is just this,
Embrace the edge! Embrace all the edge!
Then it'll cut you.
I like how there is one serious conversation going on and in the middle of that there is just this,
At that point you have hit maximum edge.