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"Well, I do," he replied with a nervous laugh, his fingers fiddling with themselves all the while. "That's a perk to being a ghost, right? You have the rest of eternity to bullshit around, you know? Also, if you were to somehow die, you and I could just... hang out forever, I guess. I'm not saying to go and kill yourself! Just... sorry,"

That being said, his laugh didn't seem very genuine. If it were up to him, he would happily spend the rest of society with Nyle. When he fell for someone, he fell hard - that including his rationality disappearing
Instead of getting freaked out by the comments, Nyle simply grinned and reached for his wine again. He found Leo adorable, even when he talked about Nyle's death. It wasn't going to happen, he was convinced of that, and he wasn't going to end things himself-- but it was nice to hear Leo felt that strongly about him, anyway.

"Hey, like I told you, I'm real clumsy. I could slip in this tub and crack my head, y'know? I always fuck things up like that," he shrugged, rolling his eyes. "So hey, there's every chance I'll be stuck here with you. I have a hell of a lot of unfinished business- is that what's, like, keeping you here? Unfinished business? That's what movies say about ghosts and stuff."
"I don't know," he admitted as he he stared out the small window above the sink, watching the snow begin to taper. "I honestly... I don't know. I mean, I'd give anything to actually cross over, you know? Like, being like this just reminds me of how much of an idiot I am. If I could just move on to another plane of existence, I would - no offense."

Letting out a dramatic sigh, he rested his head on his legs once pulling them up, his lips pouting as he watched the otherl. Curling a finger around his black locks, he decided to mock the other by grabbing a bar of soap, pretending to wash himself.

"I'm the best boyfriend you could ask for, you know," he commented, feigning arrogance. "I'm smart, cute, and I'll never cheat... unlesss looking at porn is cheating. My ex used to say that all the time, guilted me into not watching porn. I'm a horny guy, you know? She sent me, like, two boob pics and one full shot, that's it."
Not that he minded deep topics, but he'd had enough of it for one day to continue to talk about it now. He wanted something light-hearted to suit the cute occasion, so he was beyond grateful when the tone of the conversation tilted towards just that. Sure, it was a tad explicit-- but he'd gotten to know Leo enough to realise that he hardly censored himself, and Nyle liked that. A lot.

"Porn isn't cheating, it's fine. You can totally watch as much as you like. I'm comfortable enough knowing that those guys -or girls- aren't going to compare to me; a hunk you can actually, you know, touch."
"Meanwhile I'm all left alone as you go out to bars, probably rubbing elbows with some guy you get super drunk with," he replied with feigning upset as he huffed, waving the other away dismissively. Stretching out his arms, he paused for a moment before looking away, his cheesy smile fading a tad in thought. Eventually, though, he shyly tugged off his tank top to at least try and make the other - or, rather, himself - feel a little less uncomfortable.

"I mean, why would you be looking at anyone else but me, right?" He teased as he carefully folded the clothing though made a point to keep his socks and boxers on. There was a line to draw when it came to his confidence and that was about it. "Imagine me as a porn star, Nyle, I'd be everyone's favorite. Lots of clicks and whatnot."
"...I don't want to imagine you as a porn star. I mean, if you were, I'd be, like, on my laptop every hour of the day. Now, ain't that a nice compliment?" He snorted, starting to grow a tad tipsy again. He'd been a little buzzed when he came in earlier on, but that had died down... only to clearly be reignited by the help of the wine he was more or less chugging down to drown out the pain. He wasn't whining about it, but everything did ache badly. And wine was helping with that.

"Now, me, on the other hand? I'd get, like, camera shy and I wouldn't perform great and... not for me. Nope. Sex isn't even something I'm great at, I think I'm shit to be honest. Or maybe it's just 'cos I'm with the wrong guys."
Immediately blushing at the compliment, he felt much like a child in the back of his mind as he grew flustered and offered a giggle. To be praised so often was a major stroke to his ego, after all, and he couldn't help but offer a crooked grin in response. He knew it was true - being a 25-year-old hermit wasn't a good setup to a successful porn star, after all - but for a brief moment, he genuinely thought that he might have been at least somewhat appealing to someone on the internet.

"You can't be too inexperience if you've done it so often, right? I mean, clearly, that guy must have liked it or he would have stopped, right?" He ignorantly asked as he tapped his fingers on the rim of the tub, a soft hum to his voice. "What did he even look like? I mean, was he big and tough? I really wish I could see the people of this town one more time, I wanna see how old everyone looks."
"What did he look like... Let's see... He was cute. Not you cute, but cute enough to waste an hour of my time with. Blonde, green eyes, clearly a fan of the gym-- but he had a weird nose twitch thing that did my head in, so him not wanting to see me again is fine. Besides, even if he was perfect, he still almost cracked my fucking ribs, so I'm done with him anyway," shrugged the other as he quietly ran his hand through the bubbles near him.

"Like I said, all the guys I've been with have been assholes-- mostly. Even the ones I've been with for just a night turn out to be dreadful people."
"Well, What pisses you off? Like... people who sip their drinks really obnoxiously pisses me off, and loud music - music in general, actually. People who sneeze without covering their mouth are gross, and I fucking hate it when parents just let their kids fuck about haphazardly. Like, if I'm going to the grocery store, it isn't for you to talk to me as your punk ass little kid decides to tug on my bag," he babbled quickly as he stared at the other curiously. If he was going to be the other's boyfriend, he at least wanted to know more about him.

"Oh, and bananas. They have a gross texture and the taste isn't very satisfying. If I wanted to eat mush, I'd eat pudding or something. I also hate opening presents in front of people, I feel like I'm just lying when I try to act surprised..."
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"We're really doing this boyfriend shit, aren't we? The cute getting to know one another stuff-- hey, I approve of that. I want to know more about you," he nodded, pressing a tad closer to make up for the distance he'd helped create between them. "Well, I hate my Mom, but that's obvious. I'm not a fan of coffee, or cheese, or tomatoes-- or, like, exercise. It's so awful. Obviously. Look at me. I'm in tidy enough shape, but I'm no gym-enthusiast."
"Cheese?" He snorted in disbelief he leaned forward, his atrocious posture seeming to follow him in the afterlife. "I dunno if this'll work, then, Nyle. I mean, cheese was a pivotal part of my childhood growing up. If it weren't for the fact that food has zero appeal to me, I'd be filling the fridge with it. "Tomatoes aren't particularly offensive when they're in things, though, right? I mean, spaghetti sauce is good - I was always more of a pesto man myself, but still. When I went to my uncle's house, he always made fresh marinara sauce when I stayed over, with French toast for breakfast."

Smiling at the memories, he let out an awkward laugh at the mention of the other's mother, scratching his head with a a smile as he pondered on how to approach the topic of his own family.

"Yeah, well... I dunno, I'm not a big fan of my mother either. I don't really like anyone in my family outside my Uncle Joe. Why else would I bury all of my money? If I cared about them, I would have left some note to the police to tell them what happened. For all they know, I'm still alive and kicking, yeah? At least you have a nice dad, right?"
"...Yeah, my Dad's great. And my sisters. I mean, I have three teenage sisters, it ain't easy, but they're... great. It's just my Mom that was always the awful one, but it's not like it matters. I could have turned to drugs or something, but I think I turned out normal. Even if I'm sharing a bath with my boyfriend, who happens to be dead. But hey, that's my kind of normal, so whatever. Fuck what people think, right?" He beamed, choosing not to press any closer. Sure, he wanted to take advantage of their close positioning to kiss him or perhaps offer some sort of affection-- but scaring Leo off and overwhelming him was the last thing he wanted to do.

"I'll get a job, you know. I... won't use your cash or anything. Somebody around here has to be hiring. I'll get a job, really... try. I don't want to, like, scrounge off you."
"What am I going to do with the money, Nyle? It's cash so it's not like I can order stuff online, plus I can't leave the house anyway. Seriously, please take it? If you're going to be my proper boyfriend, you need to realize when I'm being nice to you," he insisted, his brows furrowing in frustration. "Seriously, I don't trust anyone else to have it, yeah? So just... do that for me," he ordered in an attempt to seem demanding.

"Maybe sober you would realize what an opportunity this is, right? There's a few thousand buried out there, you could use that for rent... or other things, I dunno."
"Sober me? Dude, drunk me knows it's a fucking amazing opportunity and it's real nice and it'd make me ecstatic, but-- nah. Nah, fuck that. Course I'll take the cash. I'll buy you some candles and whatever you want, yeah? As a thanks or something. Maybe I'll buy you a laptop?" He suggested, really not bothered about being stringent with the money. Leo was kind enough to offer it - the least he could do was use some of it to buy something he really wanted.

"We could, like, play online games together or something then, it'd be real cute."
"You don't look like the type to game," he admitted as he fiddled with his boxers a tad, his mind all the while wondering if he should remove them. "You look like the kind of guy who goes on Reddit and gushes about himself - that isn't a bad thing, though. You've got reasons to brag about yourself."

Shyly looking down at his feet, he shyly dared to tug off his underwear to at least feel a little less left out. Granted, he immediately regretted it out of fear he didn't look right in some way. His ex never said anything, sometimes even praising him, but he always just assumed it was out of sympathy.
"Jeez-- you could have warned me, dude. Not that I mind, mind you. It's nice you finally cooperated, 'cos it was getting awkward with jut met sitting here like this," he shrugged playfully, keeping himself as respectful as possible-- though he was technically Leo's boyfriend. Was it really that wrong to sneak a look? He just chose not to mention it - anything to avoid Leo getting more uncomfortable around him.

"I mean, don't you get you could totally brag about yourself? You can legitimately brag over yourself, you're cute and funny and, hey, I haven't had a bath with any boyfriend before, you're kinda the first."
"That's just because you have awful luck with boyfriends," he reminded as his toes still wiggles under the black socks. "I mean, you could spend your entire life eating shit and think a PBJ sandwich is like caviar. I guess I'm just the sandwich, yeah? It could be worse but it could be a lot better."

Stretching out, he offered a bashful smile in response as he rubbed his flushed cheeks, a soft giggle escaping in embarrassment. "I mean, sure, I'm sort of cute, yeah? If some creep on the internet wants to see me naked, that means something, right?"
"Oh yeah, duh! Some creep wants to see you in the nude, that's definitely something. I'd like to think me wanting to see you naked means something more, though. I'm your boyfriend, it should mean more. God, I hope it does, or it's kinda sad, you know? I'd like to think I mean more than some fucking pervert who sends you dick pics," he began with a faint snort, setting the now empty wine bottle down-- and promptly realising why he avoided wine so much. It gave him a headache before he even woke up with the hangover.

"Fuck-- you know, I'm glad you're here. I'd die right now if you weren't. I'd fall asleep and fucking drown," he mumbled, his eyes already closed as he leaned on his hand, doing his best to stay awake, even if sleeping and avoiding the headache was the most desirable option. "Just... don't let me sleep, 'kay?"
"Why don't I just get you out now, then, yeah?" He offered as he scrambled to get dressed, thankful for the other being so utterly wasted. There had been plenty a'night when Leo himself would drink an entire bottle of, say, vodka and pass out face flat, the worst being when he promptly got sick in his sleep and was startled awake once feeling his own bile on his cheek... causing him to promptly get sick again and forced himself to leave the house to buy proper supplies during one of the worst hangovers he ever had. That being said, he was no stranger to this situation and he acted rather promptly. Once dressed, he offered a hand to at least lead Nyle out.

"You know, with all the drinking you've been having, a part of me thinks you're doing this so you can handle being around me," he admitted quietly, though tried to play it off by offering a smile. "Look, maybe you should just get to sleep. You probably shouldn't touch the bottle for a few days, though, okay? I mean, it'll make me feel pretty bad if you're drunk whenever you're around me."
"Oh shut the fuck up-- you're adorable and I really like you and I'd feel the same sober, so quit that stupid talk, okay? Jeez, that insecurity is, like, mind-blowing. I'd be showing off if I looked like you," he slurred, clambering out the bath but having very little energy to get dressed. He instead grabbed a towel and lethargically wrapped it around himself, even if he was too drunk to hold it together very effectively. Eventually growing frustrated, he abandoned it all together and wandered out - he was perfectly comfortable with being nude, as he'd boasted about earlier.

"I'm going to bed-- you sharing with me or is it too early to, like, snuggle together?"