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[ ooc: Sorry for the wait Lils. Won't happen again. ]


[glow=red] Room of Requirement [/glow]

The Gryffindor boy had been mostly just minding his own business, drinking his juice that he had slowly come to understand was actually something completely else, but kept drinking it anyway because, well, why not? The alcohol had a nicely numbing effect that made him feel warm and nice, and Romeo found out that he liked it. This was a first time for him to feel like this, so he was experimenting with it instead of feeling like freaking out over it. Life was all about gaining different experiences after all, so now he could add this to his book as something he had tried at the very least.

The brown eyes watched the crowd, as he wandered among them, feeling the merry atmosphere and sucking it in like a sponge. He saw Andi dancing with someone on the dance floor, and it was a bit funny since it was completely off the beat because it seemed to him like they were slow dancing despite the song being fast paced. He saw Melinda dancing with someone who looked like they were almost two feet taller than her, and that height alone told him that it could be no-one else other than Etienne Stark. Everyone seemed to be having good time, and it pried a genuine smile from his lips. It was nice to see his fellow classmates to let their hair down for a change and forget all their worries for a second. Because Merlin knows they needed it.

Suddenly a pair of hands wrapped themselves around his shoulders from behind, making Romeo freeze in surprise, the goblet half way to his mouth and eyebrows now cocked up. The person felt taller than him, almost as tall as Etienne the way he could feel them stand behind him, so that instantly ruled out many people. But he did not have wonder for long, as the said mystery molester leaned down and spoke to his ear in a voice that was very familiar to him.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Lachalan Mcryrie whispered, his voice low and alluring, almost like he was trying to seduce his shorter roommate. It made Romeo lean his ear away from his lips with a brief grimace showing from his face. Lock's voice was followed by an amused chuckle, as he continued; "You know, there's no need for you to commit suicide by the end of this story. Just allow me to devour your soul."

"Personal space, Lock. Has anyone told you what that means?" Romeo questioned, trying to sound stale, but ended up sounding more amused than he meant, as the humor shone through his voice like the rays of the rising sun. He pried himself off the tall boy's grasp, wriggling away like only a short person could by ducking from under his arms and turned around and--

"AAH!" Romeo let out a surprised yelp which made few heads around them turn to look at him, while the said boy stared at his roommate like he would have just seen an angry wild dragon. Lock's get up was almost a little bit too well made, as he looked anything but himself; like a scary supermodel sent to collect souls straight from hell, or something along those lines. Romeo had not expected Lock to look like he did, which had manage to pull the shout out of him, which looked like he had tried to pull back from air and shove it back to his mouth the way he had shoved his fist over his mouth while staring at the other Gryffindor with wide eyes. For some reason watching Lock made Michael Jackson's Thriller play in his head.

"Mate, you look like... Like... I don't even know. What are you supposed to be?" Romeo asked, his surprise turning into a frown as he appraised the taller boy from head to toe. However, he did not have long to wonder when suddenly not too far away, a Mad Hatter had suddenly decide to climb on the table and kick away goblets and whatever happened to be there, and started booming over the noise of the crowd with an amplifier charm.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Went on no other than Garaile Scriven, a boy on his year that made even the rather accepting Romeo, who's life policy tended to be 'Live and let live', frown immediately. The Slytherin was someone who's actions gained a lot of disapproval even from him, and most of the time Romeo simply ignored the Weasel's existence as something that he did not want to bother himself with. It meant so very little to him on a larger scale of things, and Garaile's trash talk of whoever he happened to make a target of was not of his appetite. Romeo had skimmed through the Weasel magazine once in his life. Once he had gotten the gist what it was about, he had not touched it again. It was below him.

Garaile rambled on a little bit, managing to gather a crowd around the table, and Romeo being curious as he was, was one of the people -- he decided to stay on the outskirts of the mass of people however, so he could walk away the moment he felt it. Because he had a feeling that whatever the trash journalist had in mind was not going to be something that would please him personally. But for the hell of it, the Gryffindor boy had decided to give the other the benefit of the thought, even though most would say that Garaile would not deserve it.

"Shocking: Is Jayden Everdragomir threatening girls into dating him?"

Romeo lifted his eyebrows a bit, not sure what to think about the article. He felt like he did not know the accused Slytherin well enough to place that kind of judgement on him, though he had to admit that the black haired half-breed did scare him plenty. With those piercing looks and violent reputation, anyone with any common sense would try and not get themselves caught with the Slytherin alone on a dark hallway. He seemed like the type who would eat Gryffindors like Romeo for breakfast.

A girl dressed in a red kimono with black hair and completely black eyes like she would have only had holes left in her sockets, marched from the crowd with angry objection and pulled the Weasel down by his ankles. Romeo could not help but let out an amused chuckle among with few of his peers, as it was pretty funny to hear the Weasel gasp and see him fall down from his pedestal so ungracefully, after building its very foundation on other people's misery. Romeo could say with utmost certainty that the other boy deserved the humiliation. However, his judgement would change very soon.

With a surprised yelp, the Gryffindor felt himself to be pushed down by sudden force that crashed on him from behind, and... from upwards?! It was like someone would have practically, literally, just walked over him and then jumped from his shoulders. Falling on the floor on his side, Romeo managed to catch only a dark blur of a person before it disappeared and he only saw tightly packed legs all around him. He stayed down, seeing how some of the legs also seemed to have similar fate to his, screeches and yelps filling his ears, and then loud clatter, more screams and then a gut wrenching crunching snap and... A loud, shrilling agonized howl that sounded more like an animal than a human.

The sound was enough to make Romeo feel like someone would have poured ice water all over his guts. He scrambled up from the floor, and backed away, now looking in horror towards the direction where the noises were coming from. He saw someone dressed in complete black, his back towards him hovering over the Weasel now. It was probably nobody else but the infamous Bulgarian Dragon, now taking his revenge on the boy. A lot of things went down in seconds, and Romeo who was so shocked could not quite manage to catch up on everything. All he kept hearing was the loud scream of Garaile, replaying again and again in his head, like on an endless loop. Sure, he did not exactly like Scriven, but... He would never wish something like this upon him either?

Seemed like the situation was over as fast as it had begun, and Garaile managed to scramble away from his vicious attacker, who looked like he was almost as equally wounded if you could deduce anything about the amount of blood he was covered in. But Romeo was not sure how much of it was Everdragomir's own, and that was enough to make him take few steps away again. Some other kids had tried to stop the fray, but seemed like they had not managed, as the same kimono girl from earlier stood between Everdragomir and them. Romeo was confused and scared, thrown off by the monstrosity of what the Slytherin boy was capable of; witnessing all that violence from up close was not an experience he had not expected to add to his book tonight.

However, a clapping sound and the voice of the half-veela interrupted him. Sabrina Gallagher was holding a speech, telling them all how it all had been just a show to scare all of them. A prank raise the Halloween spirits of them all. And Romeo, poor naive, scared Romeo, decided to believe it. Because he did not want to believe that someone could actually do something like that... and then smile, like Everdragomir had done. It was wrong, and questioned many of his principles. He rather chose to believe Sabrina's words, as seeing the first show when they had entered the room, a second one as realistic as this was not completely out of the question. Who knew what the half-veela was capable of arranging? Romeo applauded with the rest of the group, feeling like his spirits were indeed suddenly lifted, partially probably out of relief that it had not been real after all, and tugging a smile from his lips.

It was not real. Nobody could be that cruel, no matter how angry they were. It just could not be possible.

It was not real.

Characters mentioned:
@OC - Andromeda Grace, Jayden Everdragomir
@Nougat - Ryan McCallion
@WishfulNemo - Melinda Geralds, Garaile Scriven
@Mglo - Etienne Stark
@Diabolica - Lachalan Macryrie
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
Last edited by a moderator:

[glow=red]⊱ Room of Requirement ⊰[/glow]

Andi kept leading for a good while, and when it looked like Ryan got the steps and the rhythm as he seemed to learn fast, she looked up to him with a massive grin that just spelled how proud he was making his new teacher. "That right, my young grasshopper! You have learned well."

Then out of the blue, she let go of him except for his right hand and twirled herself wildly under it, the hem of her blue and white dress billowing, her dark hair swishing the air. She smiled like a vixen, and pulled herself into a halt and bowed him a little curtsy. Tilting her head, Andi wiggled her eyebrows at the Slytherin. "You should start taking some lessons, you'd probably be a good dancer if you just wanted. Let's add some little spice, shall we?"

Still holding on his hand, she grabbed for the other one and kept him with somewhat of an arms length. At the same time, suddenly Christina Aguilera's Candyman started playing and it made Andi's smile even wider. Obviously she knew this song, and was going to dance along to it. If Ryan could keep up with her, was another question, but it did not really matter to her. She took a stance first, and started slow, then started moving her legs and hips after Aguilera was done whispering and the song actually hit up. She remembered how the Aguilera danced with the soldiers, and did her best to copy a little tamer version of it. It was a fun song with very uplifting mood, and it showed also in other people around them, as they really got into it. Andi laughed and did not care how she appeared to the Slytherin boy or anyone else around her, and just let it go. Another boy, a Hufflepuff seemed to know what was up and knew the dance, and stole her away from Ryan for a while, but Andi let him as they danced together worth few moves. The Hufflepuff would spin her around wildly, and lifted her up once, which made the Alice spread her hands and crane her neck backwards. As the song was ending, Andi left the Hufflepuff for Ryan again, approaching him and grabbing him by the hand again, and she twirled herself under Ryan's arm one more time, but this time pulling herself close to him, her back smacking flat against his chest and his arm draped around her.

She breathed a bit heavily after such an athletic performance, and few people had witnessed it, clapping at the Hufflepuff, her and Ryan McCallion. Andi smiled and waved, leaning pretty heavily on the Slytherin behind him, and then admitted to him. "...I don't think the room has stopped spinning yet for me, can you hold me up for a while? I think I might fall."

Another song started again, and people moved on. She looked up to Ryan and lifted her free hand to pat his cheek with a smile that made the corners of her eyes crinkle and eyes twinkle. "You did well, my Padawan. You Slytherins are nicer than the public opinion gives you credit, huh?"

A commotion had started on the other side of the room, and it caught Andi's attention. Now that she had her balance back, she slipped away from Ryan, curious as a cat, and glanced at his companion with an expression that questioned if he was coming or not. Either way, she would leave with or without him.

She skipped among the people, in a good mood, making her way towards the mass that had gathered along the table that had... Mad Hatter! Mad Hatter was standing on the table! Seemed like someone else from Wonderland had also escaped tonight. But once she realized who exactly the Mad Hatter was, the smile fell from her face and turned into a sour expression. Scriven.

The said boy had launched into an epic speech, the amplified voice ringing over the music and gathering most of the party goers attention to him. However once Scriven had announced the article, Andi just scoffed and waved her hand dismissively at his direction. Who would believe such crap? Most of Garaile's tabloids were utter crap and everything he said should be taken with a grain of salt. Even if the Everdragomir kid was someone pretty damn scary, surely even a Slytherin like him had some sense of dignity to not force a girl into a relationship with him. Only someone utterly disgusting would force anyone to do anything against their will.

And like on cue, the Japanese transfer came from the crowd to step up for the said boyfriend and to prove Garaile wrong. Andi lifted her fist up and whooped an encouragement at her fellow female peer. It was always good when girls showed the guys that they were not just some helpless damsels in distress and could hold their own and would not need anyone to save them. And--

With screams and yelps a black figure jumped from the crowd onto the table where Scriven was lying, and started mauling him. Andi's face fell again, and she jumped a bit, taking an instinctive step backwards, midnight blue eyes wide with surprise of what she was seeing. Only seconds later there was a sound of bones snapping and Scriven's loud scream, which was enough to turn her stomach. She lifted the hem of her dress and pulled her aspen wand from her boot where she had tucked it away. She was ready to step up even for someone as Garaile, but she was too far away, and someone else managed before her anyway. Actually multiple people were there in matter of seconds, but before any of them had a chance to do anything that would actually make a difference, the brawling duo broke up. Nasty sounding foreign words were yelled as the Weasel scrambled away, and the Dragon was left standing and bleeding from his head, leaning heavily onto the table behind him. With a confused frown, Andi pushed the wand back into his boot, not sure what she should have thought about any of this. She was very ambivalent; Garaile had definitely earned to be beaten up, but on the other hand, was all that cruelty necessary? The first punch could have done, why would you have to break his bones, for Christ's sake!

What she had understood was that Slytherins were kind of like a fraternity. But to her it seemed like it was not quite the case, not as long as Scriven and Evedragomir were around. One for all and all for one seemed to have turned into each of their own. It was kind of sad.

A clap erupted from the front of the room where the stage was and people turned to look, finding Miss Gallagher once again standing there and informing everyone how it was all just a little ploy to shake them up. Because, well, Halloween. Andi was still finding it a little suspicious, that despite it being just acted out, it had seemed... too realistic. It had shaken her to the core. But maybe they were just that good?

Her suspicions were wiped away soon, when suddenly she felt her mood being lifted back into the more cheerful one. It was an odd change, but Andi did not stop to question it too much as she was rather used to her own mood swings, so having one now would not be that surprising. Well thankfully it had all been just an act, right? Gallagher was good at what she was doing. Slytherins truly hosted the best parties! She clapped along with many others, and people started going their own ways again and enjoying the night as Gallagher had urged them. The fray was still on everyone's lips and people were still talking about it, but now in excited terms. She saw people still looking rather shocked, but they had somewhat relieved smile on their faces. And Andi realized she was wearing a very similar expression herself.

Halloween was one hell of a scary time of the year, huh?

@Nougat - Ryan McCallion
NPC - Random Hufflepuff
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
OC - Jayden Everdragomir
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[ ooc: One part of this post is a tribute to Misa. You'll know what it is. c; ]


[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

His head was bleeding quite heavily it seemed, because the blood had managed to drop down his jaw and his neck, the drops now collecting a small pool on his collarbone. Jay focused on breathing, and maybe not seeing things in two. He lifted his hand to touch his temple, and let out a painful hiss the moment his fingertips even brushed the raw flesh. Shit, despite being such a skinny kid, Scriven really knew how to swing those damn noodles. And despite his bony ass, the guy had given a good fight. Jay had to give him that.

He let himself slide on the floor slowly, and about the same time Sabrina took the stage and declared the whole thing as an act. People started clapping, and at first Jay eyed at them with a frown, but eventually he waved a little in confusion when the claps erupted into cheers. At the same time, he felt like his mood was lifted a little bit, like he was suddenly taken over by a happy feeling out of the blue. Man, maybe he should give a public beating to Scriven more often if he received this kind of welcome for it?

And then it started slowly dawning on him. He had just publicly assaulted Scriven. Happy feeling gone now.

Shit! Shit, shit, shit!

Okay, that was a fuck up. A big fuck up. Do not get him wrong, he would probably do it again to Scriven if given the chance. Just somewhere less crowded, you know? He felt no remorse for what he had done, just where he had done it. Seeing the Weasel in pain had not made him feel even an ounce of regret or guilt. Quite the opposite, actually. And that was probably the most freakiest thing, he found, when he studied himself within. That was probably not okay. That was probably not normal. He was aware of it, and he questioned himself over and over again, like he always did when he ended beating up someone. Why did he not feel anything for them? Not even pity, if nothing else?

Maybe he really was the monster Scriven painted him out to be.

All he hoped was that people would buy it now and not tell; to believe it was all just part of Sabrina's big master plan. Surely even Scriven would know to keep his mouth shut if he knew what was good for him. Well, let's not get unrealistic, we all saw just now that he clearly did not. But probably even Scriven knew not to tell to authorities. What happened between students, would remain between students. Just so the show would go on for everyone in the future too. No one would appreciate a snitch. Except in a Quidditch game, probably.

Steps approached as people went to carry on whatever they were doing, and the fake-vampire kid that had been serving drinks on the table that Jay and Scriven had completely wrecked, started pointing his wand around and muttering scouring and fixing charms. By the tone of his voice, the kid was not exactly happy by the mess they had caused. Kiyoko was suddenly there, now kneeling beside him, and Jay turned his gaze slowly towards her, not sure what to expect from her. He was only met with dark pools for eyes, which was unusual as he had been expecting the usual bright green orbs, and he was left staring dumbfounded.

"Nice acting, Jay, quite the stirring performance. One might almost think you were really a reckless idiot." She said, sarcasm dripping from her words and Jay flinched a little bit almost like in physical pain by her words. She was not too happy with him, that was rather obvious. However Kiyoko's features softened, and she showed a strained smile, offering her hand towards him. "So, want to get that arm of your taken care of?"

Jay huffed, a lopsided smile tugging slightly the corner of his mouth as he looked at her. Still after seeing him like he was, she was not even tiny bit of afraid of him. Instead she just marched up to him and started snarking at him instead. The normalcy of it all almost made him laugh, despite the situation and the worry that was gnawing him.

"What can I say? It's an occupational hazard. And nice to see you too." He said, offering her his bandaged arm that was bloodied and the blisters torn, looking quite graphic for what could be seen between the bandages. The raven haired boy glanced at it, now noticing for the first time how bad it actually looked like, then looked at her again, weighed his options for a second, and then obviously lied through his teeth. "...It looks worse than it actually is."

And before she could argue back over his condition, because he knew that she would try and say something or freak out how bad it was, Jay leaned in and shut her up with a kiss. Cunning, he knew, but after seeing her out there earlier, that was all he really had wanted to do. And when he leaned away, he remained still close enough so they would breathe same air.

"Thanks for having my back. You're amazing," the dhampir boy said quietly, and then commented with that typical cocky smirk of his, "Nice eyes, by the way. Still like the green ones better, though."

Characters mentioned:
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
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[BCOLOR=transparent][[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Hogwarts Castle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; Room of Requirement [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]


Jayden, in his wounded glory, seemed to let a breath out as her stern nature melted away. His lips twisted up in a half smile, and her heart ached at the sight. She had forgotten just what it did to her when he smiled..., "What can I say? It's an occupational hazard. And nice to see you too."
He replied, as he offered her his injured arm. The sight of it caused her eyes to widen in horror and surprise. His flesh, or the flesh that she could see between the bandages was orange, yellow and angry pink, speckled with red blood and broken blisters. Her hand moved to her mouth which lingered agape for a moment. Her hand drifted downwards as she swallowed the feeling of revulsion at the sight, her eyes darted from the arm to his face. The boy glanced at his own injury and his eyes met hers again, "...It looks worse than it actually is."
'Liar'. Her mind growled, there was something both in his voice and in her own experience with injuries that flagged him there, "Ja--!"
His name on her lips came out seeping with horror and worry, but her words were cut off as his lips pressed against hers. For a heartbeat she was shocked, but her eyes fluttered closed and she returned the gesture.

Too soon, it was over and he leaned away.

Slowly she opened her eyes, feeling breathless and delighted. The tips of her fingers buzzed with an electricity, and her heart beat prominently in her chest. Butterflies hammered against the confines of her stomach, and for the life of her she couldn't stop the giddy air she felt. Words couldn't describe how glad she was there was so little space between them.
"Thanks for having my back. You're amazing," She glimpsed down in mild embarrassment, her black bangs falling into her face before she peered back up at him with a blissful grin. His praise made every action worth it. Upon looking back at him, his mouth had shifted into his trademark grin, "Nice eyes, by the way. Still like the green ones better, though."
"These will be gone soon enough", she promised, "Anyway, your bandages, we need some fresh ones... Hold still, or face my wrath."
She half joked as she pulled her wand out again, and cast a spell to summon bandages. She steadily began to move her wand in circles, the bandages did the same around Jayden's arm, overlapping the current cloth. Kiyoko refused to risk pulling the old bandages away, aware that only Madam Pomfrey should do so, else-wise risk tearing skin away and leaving the wound open to infection.

Once the job was complete she returned her wand to it's place again. She looked back up, and smiled at him, but the strength of it faltered slightly. Despite the blissful feeling that had come with the fog this sentiment overwhelmed her, "Jay... You had me really worried yesterday, you bloody jerk. I'm just... I'm really glad you're okay."
Her shoulders slumped, and she resisted the urge leaned to kiss him again, stopped herself from wrapping her arms around him and holding him as tightly as she could. Jay didn't like crowds, and he didn't like people touching him.... but maybe he'd allow an exception for her... 'Maybe'... Her fingers twitched against the stone. There were too many people, Kiyoko didn't like people seeing this, it wasn't their business... She wanted them all to disappear, just for a moment, just so she could get it out of her system, just so she could express how much she'd missed him. She looked up into his eyes, her brow furrowing for a moment before her eyes fell. She wanted to leave, she wanted to be alone with him... and as she thought that, she realized for the first time that evening just what he looked like...
His shirt was half open, and wet, due to the faceful of liquid Scriven had thrown at him.

The soaking wet fabric clinging to his figure. She could see his figure very clearly, the edge of every muscles... and suddenly her mind went to a very... strange place. Her cheeks suddenly burned, the red color bringing her dead features to life, she glanced up at him shyly, "We should take off your... I mean y-you should change or something. You might catch a cold... er, uh, yeah"
She gulped and looked away, her blush evident even through her magicked complexion.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Characters Mentioned -[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven[/BCOLOR]

[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

"These will be gone soon enough." Kiyoko promised to him, which made Jay have to bite his tongue for the instant response that almost bubbled out of his mouth that he would not mind if something else would be gone soon enough too. Then she pulled out her cherry wand, and said half jokingly; "Anyway, your bandages, we need some fresh ones... Hold still, or face my wrath."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, leaned his back against the table's leg, and kept the hand still. "Aye, aye, ma'am. All yours."

Kiyoko cast a summoning spell, and soon enough a roll of bandages swished through the air towards them. Apparently Sabrina had kept some around just in case because they came so fast. Maybe just in Jay's case. Smart girl. Kiyoko levitated the bandages and re-added them over the old ones, not bothering to try and replace them. Which Jay was glad of; if she touched his arm anymore than this, he might have most probably not been able to control his expression enough to hide that in actuality his arm was smarting like a bitch. Thanks to Scriven clawing at him earlier. And they called him an animal.

The dark haired boy watched with serene calm as she bandaged him, feeling like he was in good hands. It was a good feeling. To be able to trust someone like that. Positive feelings like these were still very new to him, and he embraced each and every one of them that he felt towards Kiyoko, and his friends, to anyone he happened to let in and that proved to him that not all people were as rotten as he thought they were. And this was like a complete turnover for what he had been feeling just few minutes ago; all that anger, that rage that had been burning him from the inside with scorching red and white flames, was extinguished. Wiped away, like it never happened. For a brief moment he wondered if it was really only Kiyoko that was causing this in him, or had someone used a charm to manipulate his emotions... Surely not? But it did not matter. He felt good, so why ruin that by thinking too much, right?

Once Kiyoko was done, she put her wand away in the kimono sleeve. Jay withdrew his now freshly bandaged hand, appraising the work that was pretty much as neat as Madam Pomfrey's was, given the situation. He nodded in approval and let the hand fall to his lap, turning his gaze back to his girlfriend who had flicked the gaze of her dark eyes up again to look at him. It was a bit odd look at her when he could not see any white on her eyes, and there was no pupils to be able to see what exactly she was looking. She could have been looking away from him for all he knew, but somehow he was still aware she was not. She was looking him straight into the eyes, or at least that was what his intuition was telling him.

The Japanese girl smiled at him, which earned a smile from him automatically back. However, her's faltered in a way that quickly set off alarms inside his head. Wait, what was wrong? Oh shit, did he do something? No, wait, do not answer that. There was plenty of wrong he had been doing recently, and he could list all the bullshit he had been doing all night and still not be sure which it was that was making her expression so melancholic. But the Bulgarian boy did not need to wonder that for long, as thankfully she told him what was the matter.

"Jay... You had me really worried yesterday, you bloody jerk. I'm just... I'm really glad you're okay." Her shoulders slumped, her voice quiet and filled with a mixture of emotions; worry, anger, sadness, relief. He felt like he was being scolded, even though her words were not as pointed as she probably meant them to be. He did not mind, surprisingly. When someone would chastise him, they would usually annoy him fast. But this was different. She was worried, and instead of annoyance, he felt... loved? If you could say that, then yeah, that was probably the closest thing he could think of how he felt about it. To be able to make someone worry about his well being, and then have them call him 'bloody jerk' for making them worry... He could get used to that. Despite everything, she was making him smile again, annoying as it probably was to her, and repeat the "Bloody jerk" with amusement in his voice.

Something in her expression made it look like Kiyoko was contemplating with something that Jay was not sure what it exactly was. But whatever it was, she seemed to decide against it. He wondered what it was, and cleared his throat and tried to control the grin on his face. "I, uh... Didn't mean to make you worry. I'm sorry." And then he remembered her face just before he passed out yesterday, and that memory was enough to take all the humor out of the situation. He felt a sense of guilt now, for making her wear that sort of expression, and there was nothing funny about that when he tried to put himself in her shoes. How would have he felt if it had been her instead?

"...Sorry." He repeated, now far more seriously than before, scratching the back of his neck and averting his gaze away, feeling ashamed for some reason. Like he would have let her down. And in a way, he had.

He should have gone to see her first thing when he broke out of the Hospital Wing. Damn, he really had his priorities fucked up. But then again, Sabrina could be really forceful and made it seem like arranging the party had been a life or death situation, and that had really had him preoccupied and with a thought of 'Later tonight.' That was very selfish of him. Jay should have really thought about how she felt, now that he thought about it, though it was a little late now. It had been very irresponsible of him, and he realized it now. It was obvious that he was far too used to only thinking about himself. But inside his head, he made a silent promise to Kiyoko that he would get better at this. He would learn. He would get it right.

When she spoke, it cut the raven haired boy out of his thoughts. "We should take off your..." Kiyoko started, making Jay cock up his eyebrow at her, wondering what she meant by that, but she hurried to correct herself, "I mean y-you should change or something. You might catch a cold... er, uh, yeah"

She gulped and looked away, a blush now very evident on her face that had been transformed into a chalk white one. Jay did not quite understand what was up with her. Like sure he was wet from the damn drink and he probably stank of whisky, but why was it such a big de-- oh.


Jay looked down at himself, and lifted a little bit of the shirt that had so many buttons torn off that it could be barely said that it was buttoned at all. And it clung to his abs and chest and biceps like a second skin, not leaving much for imagination. Jay bit his teeth on his lower lip, now suddenly amused again, realizing slowly that... yeah, they were in a relationship and she found him attractive. Like that way. The same way he found her attractive. He had not really thought about that before, that anyone could find him attractive. And now that he found out about this, it gave him a whole new kind of card to play.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Jay said, rather obviously pretending that he had no idea why she was so embarrassed for, as the arctic blue eyes were twinkling with mocking humor. "I don't really get sick at all. You know, fast regenerating cells and very aggressive immune system. I don't really need to change, it'll just dry... eventually."

Then, he leaned in like a fellow conspirator, grinning from ear to ear as he whispered to her; "...It's not like you haven't seen it all before, Peeping Tom."

Characters mentioned:
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
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[ Ooc: You have no idea how tempted I was to give her a nosebleed. NO IDEA.
Also, sorry it's not very long >.> ]


[BCOLOR=transparent][[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Hogwarts Castle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; Room of Requirement [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]


Jay glanced down at himself with an expression of confusion on his features, he pinched a piece of his open shirt and lifted the bit of wet cloth away from his skin. He looked up, without the slightest idea what she was talking about, "What do you mean? I'm fine."
Jay said, she looked back at him... slightly taken aback. Her black eyes caught sight of his bright blue eyes, which were oddly glad, "I don't really get sick at all. You know, fast regenerating cells and very aggressive immune system. I don't really need to change, it'll just dry... eventually."
She gulped, uneasy and wary of him now, trying her best to not look down. He didn't seem to notice, and simply leaned in, an audible air of smug enjoyment to him. His grin made her feel taunted, and yet she liked... the feeling. The embarrassment his words brought to her was something she somehow enjoyed... even if only slightly, "...It's not like you haven't seen it all before, Peeping Tom."
She remembered the last time he'd called her that, the only other time he'd called her that. When she'd walked in on him post-shower, shirtless and dripping wet... shirtless, Jayden shirtless.



Her flush deepened at the nickname and her face felt a new wave of heat. Her color was easily matching her kimono now.

Honestly, it wasn't like it was an unenjoyable thought, it was just... thoroughly mortifying, and out of place. Kiyoko Oshiro... she didn't have thoughts like these. She was composed, dainty and lady-like, this mental state didn't belong to her, not to her, nononono... This... This is what other people did, what other people struggled with, right? Other people had this problem, not her, in was unbecoming of someone like her... and yet she couldn't stop it.
"I d-d-don't know what you're talking about" She squeaked, her voice had gone up a couple octaves, "Y-You know, is it just me, or is it really hot in here."
She said as she pulled her fan from her other sleeve, using it to both cool her heated cheeks and hide her expression that he seemed to enjoy so much. The graphic monotone image that was supposed to be intimidating covered her lower face, yet it looked rather comical when contrasting with the flustered red of her face, that spread from her chin to her forehead. Her ears were particularly rouge, she did her best to meet Jayden's teasing gaze unflinching, yet her brow furrowed as she tried to smile it off behind her wood and paper shield.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Characters Mentioned -[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir[/BCOLOR]​

[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

Jay was not sure what he had been exactly expecting when he decided to taunt Kiyoko. But it still managed to beat all of his expectations to dust. Every single one of them. She stared at him with wide black eyes and the rosy color on her face just exploded into crimson in the matter of seconds, from neck to forehead and ears and everything. For that one heartbeat Jay was honestly worried he might have managed to somehow break her. He had never seen her so flustered before and it was really quite something.

"I d-d-don't know what you're talking about!" The girl squeaked, her voice had gone up a couple octaves in what Jay could just deduce was half panic, "Y-You know, is it just me, or is it really hot in here."

She. Was. Fucking. Adorable.

Kiyoko pulled out her fan and tried to hide herself behind it; the image that the fan showed was quite graphic, showing tattered, mauled lower jaw with skin and meat strips hanging and whatnot. It was quite cool, Jay noted, had it really not seemed so out of place right now with her acting all cutesy and shy that really took the threatening edge out of it. It made her look more humorous than anything if he was being completely honest, but for the sake of not getting hit by the said magical fan, Jay decided to keep the commentary to himself. So instead, he just grinned like an idiot, because the way Kiyoko was behaving really stole all the words out of him and kind of left him a little bit breathless. She really did make him want to kiss her again.

His fingertips twitched on his lap.

But he resisted. There was simply too much people, and he had already kissed her once. That should be enough. (Who was he kidding? It really was not.) He really did not want to be one of those disgusting snogging couples that went all over with their disgusting PDA. There was a time and place for everything, and as much as he would have liked to, he did not really think that the guy still cleaning the drinks table few feet away from them would appreciate them getting it on right there. (Honestly he was pretty sure the guy was giving him dirty glares already as it was when he thought Jay was not paying attention.) So in all sense, the combination of the crowd in the room and his basic principles, he should remain a good boy and wait until they were in private.

But to hell with it, right? Just this once.

The black haired boy reached to gently grab Kiyoko by the hand that was holding the fan and flicked it aside a little bit, and leaned in, moving the fan to cover them both. Of course, the fan was magicked to be see through with monochrome images that turned all the living into undead nightmares, making them look gruesome. But that was exactly what Jay needed; people did not need to see how it really looked. (In fact, when he thought how stomach turning it must have looked like to others, it almost made him chuckle.) Behind the fan, he leaned in to kiss Kiyoko again. First brushing lips against hers a little bit like a silent question if it was alright before just going for it anyway, taking no prisoners. It was sweet, gentle and it was slow, as he took his time trying to convey just how she was making him feel with that one kiss. But he could never manage that. He could never explain it to her just how much... Just how much. All he hoped is that whenever he tried to show it, in his own way, that it got through.

Maybe it was the alcohol he had been consuming or that he had gotten hit few too many times in the head just before or maybe both, that he was more willing to be public about his feelings without feeling like his inhibitions were forcing him to tone it down. At least he knew that the Firewhisky got nothing on him, because he was drunk on Kiyoko instead. The alcohol was just giving a little boost that he definitely did not even need.

As he leaned away again to catch his breath, Jay smiled faintly like he was sorry for letting his emotions to get the better of himself, glanced at people over the fan (thankfully to him it seemed like no one was really paying attention) and then back to his girlfriend. And with another devilish, quirky smile he snatched yet another quick kiss from her lips before finally pulling away, and looking quite cocky about it too which was an achievement seeing how tattered he looked like. He started getting himself off the floor, with a little pained groan when another dizzy spell hit him for a second and the pain on his temple reminded again him for its existence. Then once he was safely on his feet, he turned and offered Kiyoko his healthy hand to pull her up from the floor.

"Well, shall we? I have another appointment with the Queen still. I need to go and get yelled at for the mess I caused, and I think it's better to get it over with rather sooner than later."

Characteds mentioned:
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
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OOC: Sorry for the shortness, I had to edit out a lot.


{Great Hall » Room of Requirement}

Rose had volunteered for and offered to help set up the Official Hogwarts Halloween Haunt, held annually in the Great Hall. Sure most of its attendants consisted of the younger students (mandatory for first years; you'd almost think the school was trying to keep them out of trouble...) and attendance dwindled into nonexistence with the older students. Most of the 5th and 6th years there were, like herself, lending a helping hand and Rose didn't think she saw any 7th years at all. She assumed most of her peers were at various Halloween parties including the secret Room of Requirement bash, which she planed on haunting later that night. Haunting, of course, because she was dressed as a zombie. Sure, some might call it 'cheesy' or 'lame' but Roses' favorite holiday was Halloween and she loved to dress up participate in all sorts of 'lame' events. Sweet treats lined the tables of the Great Hall, and there were lots of decorations (she loved them!) everywhere: fake spiders (enchanted) crawled all over the tables, benches, food and students and there were floating Jack 'O Lanterns with enchanted bats weaving and crashing, among them Even all the ghosts, minus Professor Binns, had made an appearance for aesthetic appeal and to tell gruesome stories of their deaths (Nearly Headless Nick was a favorite).

All in all it had been a great celebration. There were only a few minor accidents during the potions competition and the only nuclear reaction had been when a bat flew into a Jack O' Lantern. The frogs from Frog Choir sang several Hogwarts favorites and only two students passed out from fright during a game of 'Ghost in the Graveyard' which was played with real ghosts, of course. Rose enjoyed chasing first years around in her Zombie get up: torn jeans with dragging hems, holes in the knees and ragged throughout; a stained white T-shirt, with tank top underneath, that was so torn up it resembled streamers more than anything; and shoes so muddied that they would be banned from your grandmothers house. Real dragons blood splattered the costume throughout and make-up made her face white, her eyes sunken and fake blood dribbled out of the corner of her mouth. She didn't look like something out of The Walking Dead, though. Her face makeup was light enough for you to still tell who she was and her hair, though messy, was still very attached to her scalp. The first years seemed to enjoy being chased as well, laughing hysterically at the enchanted speech bubble over Rose's head that read and occasionally chanted "Braaaaaaaaains."

Clean up was easy. Just a few waves of a wand and everything was back in order. The clock chimed a late hour, catching Rose's eye. It was late enough for first years to be in bed, but early enough for a sixth year to head off to a big kids Halloween party. Rose was rather indifferent toward hard core parties, but Halloween trumped that. If anything she could eat some (more) sweets, down some coffee and mingle with her house mates. And admire costumes. She wasn't a fan of skimpy costumes herself but she hoped everyone would have at least been creative with their creations.

Rose applied some fresh blood to her costume and did a zombie walk all the way to the Room of Requirement. The portraits that lined the corridor walls looked rather startled by her and scoffed in offence at her enchanted talking speech bubble. "Braaaaaaaains." Though when Rose appeared before Barnabas the Barmy's tapestry Barnabas looked rather indifferent. Perhaps he was too busy with the trolls to care much. Ignoring the Trolls, Rose closed her eyes and thought about the secret party. Rose grabbed the door handle, jerked it open, and stumbled inside zombie style. She glanced around taking in the general red and black scenery, scouting out the goodies table, and looking for anyone she recognized. Time to keep on moving.

Ignoring the suspicious smelling punch, Rose grabbed some sweets and began nibbling. Not wanting to stand too close to the dance floor or sit awkwardly in the corner with some touchy-feel couples Rose hoisted herself up onto the edge of the sweets table where she perched comfortably, her long legs dangling. Now that her view wasn't obscured by those on the dance floor she was able to get a better look and see who was here that she knew. That is, if she could recognize them through their costumes.
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  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: firejay1 and Nougat
*Coughs... well hey there ^^'*


-Hospital Wing-

As Aled began to properly come too, he started to think that Madam Pomfrey had given him something decidedly stronger than a sleeping draft. He wasn't entirely sure how long he'd even been out. Time and moments of lucidity seemed to merge themselves together in his thoughts, coupled with a pervading sense that he didn't even want to be awake.

His dreams had certainly been pleasant enough, though now they were gone they seemed like bitter and cruel reminders, not as sweet as they should have been. Thick red hair and gleaming auburn eyes still held his thoughts though. He couldn't quite believe how real she'd felt, a desperate part of him wanting to believe that she had been. She'd been crying, which was odd to him, she had so rarely cried. She was so often such a powerful, burning force, bright and glorious as sunlight. She'd gripped his hand with the same strength he remembered, like she hadn't changed at all, not even a little since they'd first met. She'd felt so solid, so there. Aled had cursed his inability to just pull her into an embrace then and there... But no. She was a dream. He may live in a magical world but fairy tales did not happen to him.

There was no happily-ever-after to be found on his scarred, marred and broken skin.

But his fingers still tingled slightly from the touch, dream or no dream. Clem's skin had always done that, even the smallest of touches had made thrills run across his frame. He remembered thinking he'd honestly never get tired of just holding her, he could likely do it for an eternity and never wish to stop. The fact that he'd had to, still left a knot of painful regret and longing in his chest...

Gods but he was in a pathetic mood. Surely he was too old for such romanticism?

What would Caia say?

Probably something rude and teasing with a few smatterings of dreadful Scots weaved into it... That was, if he hadn't scared her too much this time.

As much as he tried, Aled couldn't quite ignore the heavy, choking miasma of guilt that seemed to have formed around his thoughts and emotions. Any moment of light feeling seemed tainted and awkward and undeserved. Aled had failed in the most primary duty of any teacher, he'd let his students get hurt. Anyone could argue that he had been unconscious at the time but that wasn't worth shit as an excuse, he had known it was a possibility that episodes could occur during lessons, but he'd taken the damn job anyway.

It was his fault and his fault alone.

There was a small whine at the side of his bed and Aled's head turned a little to spy Leeda, ears drooped, eyes doleful, a little trickle of snot streaming down her nose. She looked a thoroughly woeful sight. Then again, as soon as their eyes met, her ears pricked and she gave a small and conscientious 'boof' as she struggled to heave her bulk off the floor to dump her head onto Aled's chest. He coughed as he was winded, but couldn't help the small smile that developed on his face. Leeda was a blessing.

He vaguely wondered why the dog hadn't noticed his oncoming seizure. Perhaps it had been the loud noises? No, they'd had explosive lessons before. The smell? A combination of both? Bah, what did it matter now? He expected Minerva to march in at any minute and demand his resignation. And he would give it, in an instant, without pause. It wasn't about this one failure, it was about the possibility of it happening again. He couldn't let it happen again.

A small cry from Madam Pomfrey drew him out of his reverie.

"Gods these dratted boys!"

Despite her words, she sounded in some genuine distress, muttering angrily to herself as she busied around the Hospital Wing, flittering about like a distressed hummingbird. Aled decided he needed to at least see what was troubling her.

Getting upright was a challenge. As soon as he'd pushed himself vertical, his heart gave a rather concerning lurch, palpitating in his chest angrily, 'what are you doing man, you're old! get back to bed!' it seemed to shout with every heavy and laboured thud it took. Aled steadfastly ignored it.

Leeda brought his cane once he'd swung his legs out of bed and, after some initial teetering, he found his centre and got steady on his feet. Walking was the next challenge, but it proved the easier one, one in front of the other, his cane supporting the majority of his weight, his bad leg keeping straight and stiff for stability.

So he rounded his bed with little enough effort and hobbled out from behind his screen, Madam Pomfrey nearly running into him as she paced frantically up and down. She was a good foot and a half shorter than he was, but the glare she directed up at him was withering enough to make the Professor feel exactly twelve centimetres tall.

"Merlin's blessings, you as well! Boys, Men, all the same! No respect for their own bodies, no patience! I don't know why I-"

Whilst Aled was a gentleman and had always endeavoured to maintain a very respectful manner when speaking with anyone, ladies especially, he didn't have quite that much patience today and he cut her off a little sharply.

"Poppy! Good Lady... what the blazes is the matter? I doubt fuming up and down the hall is going to help anyone." Luckily he did manage to grasp control of his tone before the end and the Matron simmered down a little before him.

"The Everdragomir boy, he's gone and left his bed! Fled more like, snuck out when I wasn't looking to go to the Halloween feast, I'd wager my wand. But his dressings need redoing and he's in no fit shape to be wandering around!" Now whilst Aled understood that Madam Pomfrey could often get a little exercised about illness and injury than she necessarily needed to be, he also had a lot of respect for her craft and a lot of concern for his students. Safe to say, this news concerned him deeply. However, he didn't quite believe that Jayden was one for the rowdy Halloween feasts that went on in the Great Hall...

"Ah, Aye, that's troubling indeed... I'll wander the halls, see if I can find any of his friends, I-"

Poppy scoffed. "You will do no such thing! You're in no better shape, and will go back to bed right now!"

Aled gave her a very flat and level stare. "Madam, you are welcome to try and stop me. But if I can resist ye' hog-tying me to the bedframe then I think some walking around the Castle will do me nae harm."

Honest to god, for a moment there, Aled actually believed she would try. Her fingers twitched and her eyes flicked towards some piled sheets that could be easily rolled into suitable bindings. But, in the end, she obviously discarded that idea and gave a short huff of defeat.

"As you wish Professor, though I don't know what good you intend to do, wandering around in just your undershirt and suspenders!"

Aled gave her a rather undignified snort as he turned and started hobbling towards the door. "Likely, thank the gods ye' didn't strip me to my nickers."

And with that, he and Leeda padded towards the door and headed down the hallway stairs.

Mentioned Characters:

Clementine Ashton Flamel - @Namora
Jayden Everdragomir - @Wicked
Caia Watson - @Ritual-Lobotomy
NPC Madam Poppy Pomfrey


[ Ooc: Sorry, it's so short. >.> ]


[BCOLOR=transparent][[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Hogwarts Castle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; 7th Floor Corridor [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]


At his attempt to break the heavily depressing atmosphere she simply stared at him, in utter silence, and his very being squirmed under the intensity of her wide blue eyes.
Suddenly she began to laugh. It was a quiet chuckle at first, yet it steadily grew louder. Seth's weak smile grew ever so slightly, and then all of a sudden he saw a steady tear trickle from the corner of her eye. His grin faltered, and his stomach twisted in guilt, as the tears began to trickle down her cheeks in a steady rhythm. He opened his mouth, as if to spew something, anything to comfort her and make her stop. He hadn't meant to make her cry, and yet there she was, sobbing in between her laughs...

When the space he'd given her closed all together as she wrapped her arms around him, he blinked in surprise, his body frozen for some reason. He glanced down at her, struggling to breath for a moment, and though he could swear he heard his spine crack his features softened, and he smiled despite himself. Pain had never been so enjoyable. His arms moved to circle around her. To him, this was permission to touch her, to hold her, and Seth would take it unquestioning, happy to linger on enjoying the feeling of company.

"Have I ever told you that when I was little my mother told me green hair would grow out of my nose if I laughed and cried at the same time?" He'd listened to so many of her stories, gladly sat through hours of her readings, or brewing as she talked. Just enjoyed her presence, but that particular tale was unfamiliar to him. He shook his head, "So- hiccup if green hair grows out of my nose, it's your fault, got it?"
Her laughter continued, and as she shook his arms tightened again, "I take full responsibility." He whispered, smiling softly into her shoulder.
"Why are you so fucking stupid?" She said in a quiet voice, he blinked at the harshness of her words, "Don't you know I'm indestructible?"

"Sorry... I am a real dumbass sometimes. Can't believe I forgot that."

His thumb stroked her shoulder in an attempt to be comforting. Honestly, Sethen had been a shoulder to cry on before and he didn't mind playing the role. Sometimes people just wanted someone to listen. To care. To hold them until everything that hurt was leaked away through their eyes... but he couldn't ever remember being the reason for their tears... He let out a quiet breath, "I probably owe you an explanation. Don't I?"
He said in a hushed voice, straining his hearing to listen for anyone else nearby, "I'll give you one. Eventually... Things are complicated right now. With me, and my mood swings..."
He cleared his throat, "Next time, I don't think I'll be able to... stop. It might be better if you were to not visit me then... like that."
He tilted his head closer to hers, "So you might be seeing more of me. I hope that's alright."


[BCOLOR=transparent]Characters Mentioned -[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@firejay1 - Stella Prince[/BCOLOR]​
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bannerfans_14592834 (1).jpg
♣ Seventh Floor Corridor ♣
Stella vaguely felt Lockett hug her back, and again couldn't help feeling odd, knowing it was him with his arms around her. It was still reassuring, certainly, but definitely unfamiliar. He felt so... solid. That is, he always felt solid, but she was used to only being able to sling one arm around his back, maybe rest her head against his shoulder. Being surrounded by his warmth was... the strangest thing. It made her wonder who he really was. Familiar, but unfamiliar. How much of the wolf was part of him normally? He stroked her shoulder softly, though she still felt like the action was perhaps a bit uncertain as well. He let out a soft breath, and she felt it whoosh out of his lungs. "I probably owe you an explanation. Don't I?" He whispered. Wait a minute. He knew! He knew why his control had wavered for a moment. If he knew what was going on, then he definitely owed her an explanation. Stella frowned slightly for a moment. "I'll give you one. Eventually. Things are... complicated right now. With me and my... mood swings. Next time. I don't think I'll be able to... stop." He cleared his throat uncomfortably, as if not quite willing to think about it. To anyone else, this would've sounded like a completely different conversation. It would have sounded a lot more like Lockett was going through bipolar disorder, or something along those lines, but the two of them knew what he was talking about. Stella was forcibly reminded of how he'd looked that night, the way he'd kept flickering back and forth, fear replacing aggression and aggression replacing fear. A great sense of sadness overwhelmed her.

Stella had been afraid, that was most certainly true, but looking back on it now, she couldn't bring herself to feel any kind of fear or disgust or even anger. In fact, she got the feeling that even if he had succeeded in biting her, her emotions would be much the same. He was so scared of who he was, of what he could do. How could she possibly feel worried that he'd bite her on purpose? She mostly felt sad that he had to go through all this. None of it was his fault or of his choosing. Even though this time it was him reassuring her, she patted his head again, feeling more like she was the one holding him while he cried. But her hand stopped abruptly with his next words, blood running cold. "It might be better if you were to not visit me then... like that." Like that. Understatement of the year. She felt his warmth get closer as his head moved closer to hers. "So you might be seeing more of me. I hope that's alright." His voice was still soft and gentle, but Stella let go of him and leaned away from him, sitting back on her knees against the cold marble floor.

The truth was, she didn't know how to respond. Her eyes met his, searching their grey depths, though for what she didn't really know. It hit her again, like a rock to the head. He was human. He was human. She frowned, trying to wrap her mind around it. She'd always known he was human, that this was who he really was, but it was somehow odd to be interacting with that human as if he was the same as he usually was. Then again, maybe he was. Was he really so different? Did his mindset change when he was a wolf? He didn't want her to come visit him anymore. What if he attacked her again? Then again, what if he didn't? If he stayed in his normal mindset and she wasn't there... he'd go back to being by himself, back to being alone. He should be used it at home! He went home during the vacations, right? Two months, right there, where she was never with him. He'd be... fine. But until when would the isolation last? And if he stayed in his wolf's mindset.... When Stella had first found out she'd met a werewolf, she'd gone to the library and read every book there was on the subject. While she remembered very little of most of what she'd read, one detail had always stuck with her. In one of the older books, she'd read that in moments of confinement, the wolves would attack themselves. Hurt themselves. True, it wasn't like there would've been anything she could do to stop him whether she was there or not, but the idea that he might do that... it was chilling.

But the last sentence, that was really the clincher. What did he mean by seeing more of him? Like... as a human? He'd come to see her? When? Why? Where? Would their relationship change because of it? For better or for worse? Would he still be the person she'd known and loved as a wolf, her friend. He was familiar now, but not normally. The human wasn't usually familiar with her. Just because he was being vulnerable now... would he slip into that "flirt and wink" mode once he got more comfortable with her? Was that just how he normally was? It was so confusing. She wasn't sure what to think. Was she okay with him coming to speak to her more? Would she come to speak to him more? Maybe this was a chance to actually learn something about her friend, instead of him just finding out everything about her. She wasn't sure. It was all so... so.... What was she supposed to think or say? There were so many questions she wanted to ask, questions she wasn't even sure he could answer.

Stella suddenly felt embarrassed. The person in front of her knew her inside and out. It had never really bothered her before, but he'd never been able to say anything before. He'd interacted with her by making funny noises and nudging her side, things like that. It was different in front of a person who could talk with you. It shouldn't be much different. They still communicated with him as a wolf, just in different ways. Her brows furrowed as she continued to stare at him, not really thinking about how uncomfortable he might be getting under her gaze. She opened her mouth and averted her gaze. "I-" The words remained unformed in her mouth. "You-" She swallowed, then got her thoughts in order. "Yes, that's alright. I think that's alright." She knew she sounded uncertain, so she looked him in the eyes again, more confidently this time, and repeated it with a bit more conviction. "Yeah that'd be great, actually." Quickly, she added, "As long as you're still... you." She scowled jokingly and put her hands on her hips. "So don't start flirting with me. I know your reputation." She leaned her face closer to his ear again, "You wouldn't want all your fans knowing that you're an absolute sucker whenever anyone scratches behind your ears, would you?" Then, the blonde girl smiled, a proper, happy smile, her face breaking out into the kind of grin she gave him when she was teasing him. It was a stupid thing to tease him with, but still.

Characters interacted with:
Sethen Lockett - @Namora
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[Room of Requirement]

Sullivan watched the Asian babe cross her arms and relaxed his stance. "Oh, so scary." Sullivan once again lamented passing up the opportunity to blast the crap out of this girl. "It was a show, genius... lighten up." Right, and the school administration will certainly love to hear all about the production in which a boy was assaulted and mangled by two students. Sullivan may have had more sympathy for the stupid bitch if she had a shred of remorse, but hey, what does anyone expect from Slytherin pricks by now? Especially after yesterday's disaster. She walked away and Sullivan sheathed his wand.

Now that trouble had passed, Sullivan felt his anger melt away into relief. No one else would have to get hurt tonight and Maia was safe. In truth, Sullivan was masking his fear with anger, but not fear for himself. What if his recklessness made things worse and she got caught up in it? He turned his attention to her and saw that her shoulders were tense and her legs were trembling. "Marigolds, Fumitory, Basil, Aconite, Orange Lilies, Teasel." Wait, what? Sullivan had no idea why this girl was spouting out plant names, perhaps there was some kind of significance to it or maybe it was just a shock thing. She looked around and tried to calm down, but anyone could see she was still upset if they cared enough to look. Sullivan decided to leave her alone momentarily so she could sort out things out, he watched as she closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.

Now she looked at him with tired eyes and her expression was haggard, which, from what he saw of her in the halls, was very uncharacteristic for the girl. But he didn't blame her since this wasn't a very good party. She seemed to be expecting him to say something. Sullivan gently placed both of his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes for a second before looking away. This girl had involved herself of her own accord, she stood up in front of him. She didn't even know him and she did something so stupid and careless when being stupid and careless was his job. If something happened to this girl because she stood up for him, he would never have been able to get over it. His grip tightened.

"I'm sorry." For the first time that evening, Sullivan's voice was quiet and shaken. It was very unlike him, but then again, it wasn't often the boy felt this kind of shame over his own carelessness. He tried to look her in the eye, but he couldn't. What a mess.

Characters mentioned:
@firejay1 - Maia Alvey
@Namory - Kiyoko Oshiro
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♥ Room of Requirement ♥
The redhaired boy looked back at her, with some kind of mixture of guilt and relief, and put his hands on both her shoulders, looking away almost as soon as their eyes had met. Maia's expression twitched, her nose curling upwards for just half a second in something that wasn't quite disgust or anger or... anything really. She didn't know what she was feeling right now, but she did want him to take his hands off of her. It was more than a little uncomfortable, as if he was trying to weigh her down with all of his problems, too. Before she could muster up the will to say so, however, his fingers dug more firmly into her skin, becoming almost painful. She opened her mouth, irritation building up in her again, but his words came first. "I'm sorry."

Maia blinked, the swell of her anger immediately punctured by his words. He didn't sound like the arrogant, confident fool he'd been a minute ago. He sounded so... small. His eyes kept going to her face, then wandering off, never quite managing to meet hers. The little Ravenclaw couldn't help remembering, right then, that he might be taller than her, and certainly he was stronger than she was, but he was still younger. How old was he? Definitely too old to be anything less than a third year, but she wasn't quite sure. She let out a little sigh of a breath and reached up to place a hand on his head, patting him twice with her fingertips, before starting to smooth his hair a little. It was what she did when Bel cried. She felt so much older than him right now, even though he'd been the one protecting her, even though she'd been powerless again when she could've bet he'd never felt powerless in his entire life.

"It's alright." She said quietly, still petting him as if he were a small animal. Her expression was still tired and hollow, but also gentle. She struggled to find something to say again. "Let's- Let's just go sit down, get something to drink. It's been a long day, hasn't it?" Looking around them, Maia noticed that the barrier around them seemed mostly gone, or was it the fog that seemed mostly gone? No matter, it seemed safe enough. Gently prying his fingers off of her shoulders, she took his hand and began leading him towards a booth.

Characters interacted with:
Jack Sullivan - @Strayed
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[ Ooc: This is so horrendously short. I'm sorry. ;-; ]


[BCOLOR=transparent][[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Hogwarts Castle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; Room of Requirement [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]


She thought she was safe for a moment, a moment enough to gather her thoughts... and of course, she thought wrong.

Jayden reached forward, moving as quickly and gracefully as he always seemed to. His arm moved smoothly, and his hand closed around hers, forcing it gently aside and before he leaning in. She blinked in mild surprise as he leaned in. Their lips touched, and hers parted ever so slightly to take in a silent breath. And then he pressed his lips into hers. Suddenly he was there, and she was there, and nobody else mattered even slightly. Her chest tightened, filled with excitement, a happiness that seemed to threaten to burst through at any moment, and when he finally seemed to pull away she remained... breathless. She was always breathless when he kissed her, and she didn't think she would ever really be able to get used to that, she wouldn't ever be able to get tired of it.
Her eyes, which had closed during the process opened again, slowly, and she peered at him through dark lashes. He smiled, small, simple, apologetic, and she returned the gesture as he glanced around cautiously. He stole another kiss, and drew away. His expression... well, smug was an understatement. Kiyoko smirked, coyly looking down, and fanning herself as if to force away the remnants of her burning embarrassment with a few rushes of air.

She glimpsed up when Jay extended his hand, "Well, shall we? I have another appointment with the Queen still. I need to go and get yelled at for the mess I caused, and I think it's better to get it over with rather sooner than later."
She didn't need half a moment to figure out who he was referencing through the use of, 'Queen'. Kiyoko had yet to talk to her this evening, and she had a lot to say. Kiyoko closed her fan and returned it to her sleeve before she gingerly reached up and took his hand. She was pulled to her feet, though her legs ached from the lack of use and the kneeling position she'd been stuck in. She stumbled slightly, catching herself and leaning on him only slightly for support before turning her eyes upward, "And after that, what?"
She blinked innocently, trying desperately to give him a taste of his own taunting medicine, "...I think I'd like a bit of alone time. Later, if you're not busy of course."
Her fingers craning to touch his. She encircled her fingers around his, "But the Queen takes precedence, so, lead the way."


[BCOLOR=transparent]Characters Mentioned -[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher[/BCOLOR]​

[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

She was acting still shy, her coy behavior really making him want to bully her more with his taunts. It was entertaining and endearing, and made him feel nice seeing her react like she did. Jay had picked up her easily embarrassed act quite early on, and had thought of it as adorable from the start. He had just thought it had more to do with the intimacy itself, but the boy was finally wrapping his head around the fact that it had more to do with the fact that it was because of him, and not the intimacy alone. And that was a really flattering feeling for someone who had been taught to think less of himself. It was really, really nice. And the more he played with the thought and experimented around with it, flirting and studying her behavior, the more braver he seemed to become each time. And that was really something coming from a boy who used to be kind of really afraid of girls just couple of years ago. Well, look at him now.

Kiyoko closed her fan and pushed it to her sleeve, before she grabbed his hand. Jay pulled her up from the floor where she had been kneeling the whole time; because apparently it was part of the Japanese culture that sitting comfortably was a no-no. And like he thought, it could have not been comfortable now either, as she stumbled on her feet that must have been either aching or fallen asleep or both. Instinctively he reached out to catch her, even though it was not that serious and she found her balance soon enough, catching herself and leaned on him for some support. Her other hand was still holding onto his, but the other was now placed on his chest, and he wondered if she could feel how his pulse had geared up a bit. He was not entirely sure if it was because she had nearly tripped on her own feet and given him a little start for it, or because she had stumbled into his embrace.

The girl flicked up her gaze, the dark depths of her eyes staring up at him, and she spoke; "And after that, what?"

That question made Jay instantly hit blank in his head. And when you manage to make this guy speechless, that is a praiseworthy achievement. And in that short pause where he just stood and stared at her, his mind went on an overdrive, filling his head with images of many possibilities he might have liked to do after that as the 'what' to her.

And then she blinked, feigning innocence, continuing; "...I think I'd like a bit of alone time. Later, if you're not busy of course."

At that Jay was pretty ready to combust for the second time in his life. But this time, fire magic had nothing to do with it.

It was rather obvious that his wit had failed him, because he simply stood there, cheeks flushed and opening his mouth, then seeming to think better of it and closing it. Only to open it again and repeating the previous one more time. It looked like Jayden Evedragomir had lost the capability to function like a normal human being for the time being, and it took him a moment to remember how to English again. Or Bulgarian again. Or any language again.

Kiyoko encircled her fingers around his and and then stated; "But the Queen takes precedence, so, lead the way."

One more time Jay opened his mouth to speak, but decided to close it for the third time. And simply squinted his eyes at her.

This little... He was onto her now, alright. As it seemed, it took two to tango, and she was letting him have it.

"...You're playing dangerous games, Miss Oshiro." Jay said, trying to sound like he was warning her, but the amusement was showing through his eyes. "Because if you're trying to seduce me, let me tell you, it's working."

Shaking head, Jay turned around and started leading the way, however matching his steps with hers so they could walk somewhat side by side through the crowd. He was only half a step ahead so he could act like a human icebreaker for her, easing her movements by elbowing people out of their way as they were making their way towards the stage. He could see Sabrina lounging on the chair above people's heads. But before they stepped to the stage, Jay turned to flash a lopsided smile at Kiyoko.

"You know, I think my schedule is free tonight if you're up for that 'alone time.'" He said, stopping before the steps of the stage, the smile turning into a grin. "I'm not busy, but I could make sure to keep someone else... busy."

Characters mentioned:
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
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OOC: You must never keep a partner for more than two consecutive songs. Also, this post is fairly unproductive and you can skip it.

❨Room of Requirement❩

"That right, my young grasshopper! You have learned well," Andi said after a while, looking genuinely proud that Ryan had picked up the steps. It was always nice to make someone proud. She suddenly changed the movements, letting go of Ryan with one hand, and twirling under his right one. She looked rather like an extremely enthusiastic ballerina, and Ryan couldn't help but smile a bit at that.

She curtsied when she stopped. Tilting her head a little, she wiggled her eyebrows, a rather comical look. "You should start taking some lessons, you'd probably be a good dancer if you just wanted. Let's add some little spice, shall we?"

"Ah, well, it isn't like I'll be dancing too much." Ryan was always very careful to ensure he didn't have to go to some holiday party with his father's family. His only dance partner would be his cousin, and she's an evil control freak. "But sure."

Andi took his other hand, just as the song changed. It sounded... Mildly familiar. Ryan had probably heard it from one of his friends at some point. Andi, at least, certainly seemed to know the tune. The smile she'd had the whole time grew wider, and she started to dance along. Ryan had no idea what the dance was to this song, but nonetheless, he tried to follow along with her. The song was good, and the energy picked up with the people around him. Another guy came up soon enough, and Ryan stepped back to watch them dance. They were both good dancers, so it was a nice thing to watch. Like a little show. Hardly even awkward, to be standing there watching.

Andi came back, as the song was nearing its end. She took his hand once more, twirling under his arm just like she did earlier. But instead of curtseying at the end, she pulled herself back, her back was against him. A few people around them were clapping, which Ryan was sure was more for the other two, since Ryan didn't do too much anyway.

"...I don't think the room has stopped spinning yet for me, can you hold me up for a while? I think I might fall," said Andi, after a moment of waving to the people who applauded. Of course she'd feel dizzy. She's been spinning like a top.

"No problem," he told the Gryffindor. There were worse ways to spend your time than holding up a pretty girl. Another song started soon enough, so that left Ryan and Andi standing there as people danced all around them.

Andi looked up at him, patting his cheek with her free hand with a smile. "You did well, my Padawan. You Slytherins are nicer than the public opinion gives you credit, huh?"

"Actually, I'm planning world domination as we speak. It involves a lot of little animals," Ryan told her in a serious tone, before he returned her smile. Actually, Ryan found himself to be a nice enough person. But some Slytherins could be arseholes.

Soon after he finished speaking, there came a commotion somewhere by the opposite side of the room. Andi stood up properly, and started to leave, though not before looking back to Ryan, like she were asking if he'd follow. Of course, he did. Ryan wasn't one to just completely ignore things without a question.

He weaved through the throng of people, behind Andi he got close enough to see a boy standing atop a table, his voice reverberating throughout the room, loud enough for anyone to hear. Of course, what he said made it obvious who he was quickly, despite the Mad Hatter costume he donned. Scriven. Well, this... It would be entertaining, at the very least.

Ryan couldn't say that he believed what Scriven was saying the slightest bit. Hey, Oshiro and Everdragomir looked like kind of a cute couple. Not that he often noticed them, but Oshiro didn't look like a girl being threatened to stay by the side of an evil boyfriend. Well, cute might be stretching it a bit---Everdragomir will be intimidating no matter what. Besides, Scriven was hardly known for his truthfulness, at least not in The Weasel.

Even then, as the aforementioned girl marched right up and pulled him down from the table, Ryan was pretty sure that what Scriven said was all just a ploy for attention. If it had been true, surely Oshiro would just have ignored it all. Surely justice would have been brought to them if Everdragomir had really been found out doing those things.

From somewhere further away, Ryan could hear some more people, making surprised sounds. And on top of them all was a demon. Everdragomir landed over Scriven, attacking him for all he was worth. The scream that Scriven gave when his bones snapped made Ryan's skin crawl. His first instinct was to reach for his wand, hidden under his shirt in his back pocket. Ryan wasn't too sure what he'd do though---shove everyone aside? In any case, other people were up for the job. So Ryan decided to just rest easy.

The fight was over just as soon as it had started. For a moment, Ryan just stood there dumbly, until the sound of a person clapping was heard. Ryan, like everyone, turned to the source, and found the vampire queen herself. As Gallagher explained, Ryan alternated between just watching her talk and actually thinking about what she was saying. Ryan was having a little bit of trouble believing what was coming out of her mouth. In what world would anyone let Scriven slander their name just so everyone would have a more enjoyable party? And Scriven's scream too---there was no way it wasn't genuine.

But Ryan soon found himself forgetting those thought. Hey, maybe they all got forced into acting lessons. He could imagine Everdragomir practicing to realistically beat up Scriven. That seemed quite fun, even. Everdragomir probably knew there was no harm done in Scriven saying a few lies for a play. Everyone would know it was fake.

Ryan clapped along with other people around him for a short while, before turning away from the stage again. What to do? Something sweet sounded really nice right now. First things first though, Ryan had always been taught to be polite, and being polite meant thanking people. He turned to Andi, bowing low with a bit of a flourish before standing straight again, a grin on his face. "Well, thank you for teaching me to dance, it's been fun. I hope you have a nice party." He turned away then, off to go see what food they had. Chocolate sounded good.​
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  • Love
Reactions: Wicked and Namora

Room of Requirement

" You dance like there's no-one else in the room... Your life's not simple, Fiona, and you can't stop it from showing, because you're not fake, you're not lost, you don't need finding. You make me want to enjoy my life again"
Steve- Shameless- Season 1 Episode 1

He couldn't get the sensation out of his head... this was for him ... no one else... fuck everyone else... this was about him enjoying himself. The true freedom was that no one knew who he was, even if they were laughing at him, there would be no comeback tomorrow... tomorrow he would go back to being "renowned dunce Colin Aiken" but tonight he could be anyone.

He had a free pass because and he was going to enjoy it.

They might think he was drunk but he knew he was in control... far more so than they were... they were just riding the train, but he was driving it, pushing the cheering charm's effects further, embracing it rather than ignoring it.

The music was particularly good... he had heard this song before but never really heard this song before... he could feel it, the beat coursing through him. He felt his hand raise into the air, irrationally pointing at nothing but it felt right, his own way of praising the artist for his testament to music. He felt suddenly self conscious... a stunning realisation... in 16 years of moving his feet, he had never moved them in any sort of rhythm beyond the monotonous left right... left right that compromised his daily existence.

Momentarily he glanced around, a little self conscious yet the sight made his mood rise again and he felt himself laughing.

There seemed to be a variety of different types of dancers, primary amongst the population where "the people with their feet in a hole". Everything was moving on the upper body yet their legs remained clamped together. Often they were surrounded by the aerobic one steppers. The upper body was stationary with arms tucked in at their sides, head bobbing like a demented t-rex even as the lower body moved... step to the side... your looking good... step to the front 1-2.

Spotted around the room were couples, dancing together, to their own version of the music, a rhythm all of their own, found and explored together. He felt a tinge of sorrow, of jaelousy as he saw a small gryffindor boy and an even smaller Hufflepuff girl. A little miniature couple, the girl smiling and laughing before resting her head on his chest.

It could be lonely being on your own but for the moment it was all he had.

It was with a small smile that his eyes saw her, a girl dancing perfectly, she was smiling and laughing with her friends head leaning in to hear over the music but when she moved away she danced with a natural grace. She danced like no one watched... like no one cared, like she was dancing for pure joy of the music.

Colin wished he could dance like that.

It seemed their was a balance between too much and too little, a balance that came naturally to some but not to others.

He let his hand drop his fingers clicking a rhythm as he let it flow through him and was surprised to find his feet moving easily in time his arms were natural as he swayed from side to side. He gave a smile, a smile no one saw, it felt good, it felt natural. He let the music take him, let it move him through the crowd, some people smiled, some people commented, others looked like they wanted to knock his head off. He took it in stride, a consoling pat on the shoulder before moving on quickly for the pissed off and angry a laugh and a skeletal thumbs up for the happy welcoming groups.

It was about 2 minutes later he reached the outskirts on the other side of the throng and saw a pirate, standing on the edge of the scene of the fight earlier. Disengaged from the party he seemed lost, confused, his back stiff as if fighting an invisible weight.

"I'll be back in one minute" he shouted his voice whipped away by the blasting noise

He turned back to Avery with a small smile and held up a single finger before pointing to August pushing through the edge of the crowd.

Hooking out his wand he cast a quick freezing charm on the tip of his magically engorged plastic scythe. The feel of cool steel greeted his brief touch and he crept as steathily as a highly charged teenager could in a great big cloak.

Reaching out he touched August's throat with the icy tip of the scythe his voice mock deep and booming

"Your time has come August...."

he suppressed a giggle

"You have committed many sins and so you must come with me into the fires of HELLLLLL"

he reached out allowing his cloak to fall to reveal a skeletal hand and forearm

"better known as the DANCEFLOOR"
Character's mentioned
Avery Trevelyan- @firejay1
August Yilmaz- @wishfulnemo
NPC- girl who dances like she's the only one in the room
NPC- gryffindor boy and hufflepuff girl- the mini couple

Fillers. Fillers everywhere.

avenlaw Tower
As expected the Raven common room was fairly deserted that night. The crackling of the fire and whistling winds were more profound without his housemates to converse with. It couldn't exactly be called peaceful silence but it was pretty peaceful and Sherlock wasn't having any problems enjoying it. Except of course he knew deep down he would be enjoying himself far more if he were to attend the secret Halloween Party everyone was attending. It had been the sole topic of conversation all throughout the afternoon as friends got together to plan their escape route to the Room of Requirement. He had given out lots of helpful pointers that evening about which corridors to take and which ones could be considered 'danger zones' where the professors constantly prowled about. His consistent escapades throughout the castle made him just as nearly as reliable as the Marauder's Map.

People asked of course if he was going even though they were already assuming he would. To their great surprise the constantly engaging social bird was going to be absent for that nights greatest event. Everyone knew he was big on holidays and would even wake early to help the house elves decorate. Or well not really 'wake up' even since he would just stay up the whole night to await their arrival. Long story short Sherlock is a festive nut. So him not wanting to attend a Halloween Extravaganza especially after he had enthusiastically debated about what costume he would earlier that afternoon were already two suspicious wrongs. There were others who just wished him a happy Halloween, commenting how they would miss him at the party and there were those who badgered him about the reason for him not attending it.

And each one of those people all got the same answer:

"I've other plans tonight and I wouldn't want to disappoint by not turning up"

At this point people knew who he was referring to. Professor Kingsly had been privately tutoring Sherlock for nearly six years now and it hasn't exactly been a secret either. But what was a secret was the subject that he was teaching the young Ravenclaw. Again some got curious and asked Sherlock about it and he would casually reply with "Extra spellwork lessons. Tedious work and all that." Which was all partially true except for the tedious part. As boring or frustrating 'trial and error' were to some, he lapped it up like a puppy. Failure comes with new discoveries and all that other philosophical genius stuff.

In fact now was the time Sherlock had to be setting off to meet him. But just as he was about to roll himself away from the fireplace a peal of thunder struck, startling him into dropping his book. A quick glance outside at one of the tower windows indicated that the full force of a storm was nearly upon them. A torrent of rain was going to be coming soon and as much as he loved the wet weather the sound of loud, crackling electricity did not agree with him. Especially being all the way up at one of the highest perches of the castle.


He nearly jumped out of his wheelchair before letting out a relieved breath at the sight of his house elf, Doll. The fallen book was clasped in her outstretched hands which Sherlock gladly took. The first few days of their companionship was a bit hectic seeing as the little elf had never served anyone with his condition before. She had been extremely helpful but to a point where it kind of got a bit ridiculous. Eventually it got better the more time they spent together and the more Doll realized that he was just as capable as any other wizard. If not less demanding as proof of their companionable relationship instead of that of a master and servant.

"Thank you, Doll. The weather just got the best of me," Sherlock assured her, "I'm going to be off in a bit to meet with Professor Kingsly"

"Can Doll go with you?"

A smile crossed his lips as he answered her question by patting his lap in a welcoming gesture. And with that the two were out the door and cruising down the spiral staircase before reaching the bottom corridors. At this hour the halls were somewhat deserted, making it easier and faster to reach the castles west wing. A tall figure could be seen standing next to one of the many moving portraits, appearing to be conversing with the late 1800's witch inside. Sherlock waved to the painting earning a little wave back alerting the man of his presence. Warm, chocolate eyes turned to greet him with an equally pleasant smile. One that slowly turned a bit curious as the Sherlock approached.

"I see we still very much need to develop your Occlumency"

It only took two and two for Sherlock to put things together before he was holding his breath, waiting for the sudden need to regurgitate slugs to begin. A minute passed however and the only thing that came was an amused chuckle from his mentor.

"There is a difference between verbal communication and Legilimency Sherlock," The older man patiently explained, "Don't be afraid to let me know if you are too occupied to attend a lesson. Tonight I'll make an exception since it is a Holiday." And with that Professor Kingsly turned and began conversing with the painting again before Sherlock could even respond. It didn't take long before his confusion turned into realization and instantaneously became energized excitement. He was already speeding halfway down corridor with Doll bouncing wildly on his lap before coming to a screeching stop.

"THANK YOU PROFESSOR!!!!," Sherlock yelled before continuing his break neck speed down the hallway. He had a party to catch after all.

ooc: Finally got my first post out~! woooh! Sorry it took so long :'D

LibraryRavenclaw Common Room ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Ever since the last bell marking the end of classes rang earlier that afternoon, Kass had been holing herself up in the library where it was nice and quiet. The common room was where she was at initially, but the numerous talking and chatter about a certain party was too distracting for her. It was all she could hear. She tried moving to her dorm room but even there wasn't safe from the noise. Lots of females were giggling and gossiping about people's costumes, what they'll be wearing and what they think others -- especially the students who seem to be the main topic of gossip -- would be wearing. Having enough of it, Kass packed her stuff and headed to the library where she knew she would be able to read in peace. However, as time passed by, she couldn't help but be curious as to what was happening at the party. Numerous times she tried to brush the thought to the back of her mind, and numerous times the question resurfaced. Her curiosity was starting to take over once more. Kass bit her lip and tried to concentrate on the book laying in front of her. The goal was to finish it by tonight.

Hours had passed since she'd arrived at the library to read in peace. Feeling her eyes starting to get tired from forcing them to focus through the words written on yellowed pages, Kass leaned back on her chair and rubbed her eyes. Wondering just exactly how much progress she'd made, Kass kept a finger on the latest page she was reading and flipped back. "1, 2, 3..." She silently counted until she reached where her bookmark was last located at. "20" she whispered to herself. Frustrated at how she'd hardly made a dent of progress on the thing, she closed the book without even moving the bookmark to it's supposed new place. To Kass, it hardly mattered; she could hardly recall what she'd read anyway. Knowing she wasn't going to get any reading done tonight at all no matter how hard she tried, Kass decided to trudge back to the dorms with the book in hand.

Candy. It was the only thing she could think of that could calm her at the moment. As soon as she got back to her room, Kass dropped the book on her bed and then made a beeline for her stash. Disappointment clouded her face when she found her little (big) candy box completely empty. Kass tried to think of where she could possibly get sweets at such an hour. The thought of asking Felix came to mind, however that idea immediately vanished when she remembered about the party; she figured that the Hufflepuff would've gone to such an event. An idea suddenly hit her. The party! There's bound to be candy there! Before she could even talk herself out of going, Kassandra began going through her trunk. Each year Leon always tried to get Ashley to sneak in a Halloween costume into Kass' things for her. When that doesn't work, he sends one via owl during the month of October. Each year it went unused and hidden in her trunk, this year it wasn't. Kass couldn't be more thankful for Leon at the moment.

Swiftly, she ripped the packaging and revealed a pirate costume. For a good full minute, Kass did nothing but stare at the costume. A part of her was expecting something more exotic, weird, and out of the world since it was from Leon; yet the costume that stared at her was completely normal and perhaps one that many would be donning tonight. Regardless, she put the costume on and looked herself in a mirror. Something didn't sit quite right with her. It felt like her look was missing something. Her hair. After several attempts at styling it to what would look best with the costume, she finally settled on having them in pigtails tied by a pair of ribbons. It was a hair style that she dreaded on using but whatever worked she supposed. Feeling that she was ready to leave, Kass began making her way to the party where everyone else seemed to be at.
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Felix Bell.jpg

Hospital Wing

After tripping and almost falling down several times on his way to the Infirmary, Felix finally decided that Slytherin had a decent beating already and there was no need for him to toss him on the ground once more when he was already out. He slowed down, watching his step, cursing his long clumsy feet along the way. "Drink a lot o' milk they said. It'll be fun they said..." He sighed and stopped for the moment in the middle of the Hospital Wing corridor. Garaile was way heavier than he would ever assumed and he already started to sweat. "Alright, almost there buddy." To be honest, he was talking to himself more than he was talking to Garaile, but it worked on both sides. He could feel the blood spot on his shoulder sticking to his skin, but before that moment he didn't happen to notice at all. "Oh well, at least the bleeding ceased a b...b-b-b-b..." His eyes widened and he gulped once before his lungs and throat narrowed down to the size of a drinking straw. The sweat started pouring out of his forehead heavier and he seemed to be whistling with every breath he took. Haemophobia kicked in at the worst possible moment as the adrenaline levels dropped. He hated blood. He couldn't even say the word. Not even THINK of it so, what the hell was he thinking? He strongly wished he was not as immune to the mood changing spells as he was. His father always said that he was way too stubborn to change his mind, even under the spell. It was hardly an explanation for his natural immunity and hardly of any comfort at that moment. Blood and calmness were never to be mixed. You mix the two and look what happens! The worst mistake he has ever made and it is needless to say there was a lot where that came from.

"Breathe...breathe..." He tried to convince himself as he kept his glare fixated in front of him not to catch even a glimpse of the bloody stain on his shoulder, right under Garaile's nose. If he did, he was fairly sure he would drop the boy right then and there, running to get to the closest shower he could find even if it meant barging into the girl's dormitory. "Ngh...ngh..." He panted as he was stomping faster towards the Infirmary, sincerely hoping that Madam Pomfrey was willing enough to lend him a shower space before he threw up or faint. But hey! At least he would already be in the Infirmary. Right? Right?! "Come on! COMEONCOMEONCOMEON!" The doors to the Infirmary opened and closed determinately just as he turned around the corner, pale and sweaty, overall looking like he would die any second. He whined lightly and bit his lower lip hard wen he noticed a well familiar Scottish male...in his undershirt and suspenders. In any other scenario, He would either die laughing or...die laughing and then die again when MacNeill would get his hands on him, but at this point, Old professor and his frowned face with a humongous dog just added up to Felix's anxious episode. "Why me...why..." There was no way he could have avoid the encounter as the professor approached fast. Forcing himself to think, he panicked silently, hyperventilating. Saddest thing was that his only solution was to run beside professor as fast as he can. But that would be disrespectful, right? But if he stops to greet him he will ask questions and Felix really didn't have time. "OK, OK..." He tried to clear his throat but the lump in it remained. "All or nothing." He quickened his pace, storming towards Aled MacNell like the roadrunner with the weirdest fake grin in the world. Leeda noticed him and lifted her ears, sniffing. Oh she could for sure smell the blood, the sweat and him being an utter idiot. What was he THINKING storming out like that?! As he stepped, or rather stormed, into the professor's field of vision, he spoke with the weird squeaky, somewhat panicky voice, still trying to push the lump down his throat.

"Professor! HOWNICETOSEEYOU, GLADYOUAREFEELINGBETTER, HOPETOSEEYOUSOON, OFFTOPLAYTHETRICKONMADAMPOMFREY, KBYE! Hahahahaha..." He gulped again as he passed the old professor. Along with his Irish accent that covered it up, it sounded more like a meaningless druid jibberish but there was no need nor time to go back and explain things. In his head, different scenarios played out. What if the professor stopped him? Then what? Would he lie for Jayden an Kyioko or tell the truth for Scriven that started it all? And if he would lie would he know how to? Would he get them into more trouble? Even though professor MacNeill was the one to understand when no one else did, he was still uncertain how the truth would affect already weakened man. There is no way he could do that. Neither to Jay and Kyioko, nor to MacNeill. The best way was to run away. And so he did. "Yes, yes, YES! Almost there!" Or at least hoped he did, as he stormed to the Infirmary doors, hoping Aled wouldn't call him to come back. But then again, what prevented Aled from following him? Only a better thing to do. Felix hoped the old man indeed had one. He whined again.

(OOC: Nailed it e^e)

@Erranruin - Professor Aled MacNeill​
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