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Room of Requirement

Upon seeing the drunken girl sobbing, the vampire queen joined Anice in tears. The lovely girl laid her head on Anice's lap and her pink hair covered her eyes. "I know...I know it's hard...daddy doesn't love mommy. At all. Mommy tried hard to make daddy love her but she couldn't. So he found someone else he could love." she sniffed. Both took up their roles like they were in some kind of drunken play. "Maybe....maybe if mommy looked like this..." Sabrina said, using her fingers to pull back the corners of her eyes to make them more narrow, mimicking that of the mistresses. "....maybe daddy would love mommy then." Anice felt her throat clench up as more tears overflowed. She pitied her poor mother and her head was in an intense state of confuse. She pet her roommate who doubled as her mom. The two drunken girls looked like they were another "performance" for the party. Sabrina hid her face more deeply in Anice's legs, "But just because he doesn't love mommy doesn't mean he doesn't love you. In fact he loves his daughter very much." Anice only continued to cry. At this point she had no idea why she was even crying and her thoughts were all mixed up.

Then the last person who should ever deal with drunk people stepped forward. "You know... It's strange, Little Anice. Did you know mommy and daddy have very similar taste? Mmm-hmm! You know, it really is too bad Unky Park isn't here to say 'Hi'. I think you would like him. Mommy sure did." All of a sudden a siren went off in Anice. Flags went up inside her as she heard the asian girl's tone. When sober, Anice hated being treated like a child. It was her biggest pet peeve. Almost instinctively her magenta eyes shot daggers at the slytherin transfer who had only been at the school a short few months. Which further annoyed the candy-obsessed prefect. She knew damn well who Daniel Park was. They had been attending school together for 6 years. And even if she were daft enough to not notice the ravenclaw after attending school with him, everyone knew his name after he dated Gallagher. It was difficult to walk down a hallway without hearing whispers about the two.

"What happened to him anyway? Did he find Mommy intolerable? Huh... I know that feeling..."
The vicious girl turned her attention to Sabrina. "You know. I wonder what it feels like to be physically irresistible... and yet to not be wanted by one, and to be left behind without a word by the other... It must burn that precious pride of yours Miss Gallagher..." The family image was now lost on Anice, as her thoughts were brought to her school life. Sabrina was clearly her roommate, and the mistress was Oshiro. Though this sense of reality probably wouldn't last long. Each word took it's time processing in her brain.
"The fact that nothing is wrong with you physically... Does that tell you something, Mommy? Because I think I'm starting to see the problem. A lot of people seem to not like you, don't they? Strange... You know, I think it's not daddy, and it's not me... I think it wasn't even Daniel Park that was the problem. You make people miserable. And you are the cause of your own misery. Remember that, Miss Gallagher, and linger on it.."

Once all the venom was spewed there was a cold moment that seemed frozen in the air. Anice knew very little about the transfer past her name. She seemed nice enough in classes. She had actually taken a liking to the pureblood girl who was brave enough to go against her blood and date a half-breed. But all of a sudden, Anice felt...uncomfortable. She saw Kiyoko in a new light. It took a certain kind of person to say something like that.

Anice Runeswell had been re-roomed with Sabrina Gallagher only a month earlier. Before then the two girls barely exchanged glances in classes. Even now Anice wouldn't call the blonde her friend. But she didn't deserve what was just thrown at her so distastefully. Yes, Sabrina could be a handful and a headache, and definitely irritating (especially when she hogs the bathroom in the mornings) but that was too much. It seemed Anice wasn't the only one who's lady-like behavior went out the window. And Anice had alcohol to blame.

But the show wasn't over yet. Sabrina pushed up off Anice and lifted herself. Laughter started to bubble up from the pretty girl and all of a sudden Anice's stomach began to turn. The laughter grew and became a bit chaotic and Anice wanted nothing more but to be anywhere but here.

(OOC warning: this next paragraph is the same thing you've read like 10 times. You can just skip it)
"Are you mad or no darling? Because frankly, I've got a feeling it's the former. You know Kiyoko. There's been something weighing on my mind all this time. I've been meaning to ask you. Is it comfortable?" she paused, "Is it comfortable to move around with that stick shoved so far up your ass? I was just wondering. " She laughed again, and Anice only stared at her. "Oh my, my, my. I don't know how you do it. Live life so seriously. Live a little would you? And no, that doesn't mean shove your tongue down Jayden's throat. There's more to life than that you know. And it certainly won't get a reaction out of me." She looked down and started to pick at her nails. "Seriously though, you walk around with that permanent glare stuck on your face. No wonder people think you're suck a kill joy. You're like, walking communism. Nobody wants that, love, we prefer to be free on this side. " Her eyes lit up and her words slurred, "I know what might do you some justice, have a drink. That should loosen you up. Either that or a good fuck." she snorted before the tone of her voice dropped low. "You're the last person I want preaching to me. Understand? Why? Because you're just as bad as I am, so don't start acting all high and mighty now. Don't act like you don't have your share of sin too. It's not just me. I hope you're happy. Did it make you feel good to let that out? Moment done now? Glad I could be of service to you oh gracious one."

With that, the girl bowed and stumbled off the stage. Anice sat tied to her chair, speechless. She didn't have anything to say. This wasn't her business. She remained seated and silent.

"...You know, she's really drunk." Everdragomir's voice cut the silence, "Really, really drunk." Kiyoko smiled bitterly, "Very much the point"
Anice watched the two like a spectator. "If you wanted to say those things, you could have at least waited until she was sober, It's useless to debate with someone who's so wasted, K. It's like yelling at a wall. And... a lot of that was not cool. I hope you know that."
The girl nodded slowly, "Of course... of course."

Anice suddenly felt very very tired. She didn't want to be here anymore. The loud music was annoying and the heavy smells were nauseating. Luckily the half-dhampir walked over to her and chanted a firm "Finite" sending the ropes into nothingness. He pet her head and she would have almost fell asleep again, but he stopped, which was probably for the best. It seemed everyone was showing a new side to themselves tonight.
"I'll go check that she doesn't do anything stupid." Jay muttered, turning around. He was about to jump off the stage but turned, "Oh. And please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. That is meant for the both of you." he squinted his sharp blue eyes at both of them. "I'm supposed to be the fuck up around here. Don't try to compete for my role. Alright?"

And with that he was gone and lost in the crowd. The drunken prefect was left alone with the other pureblood girl. Oshiro ignored her presence completely. She pushed herself away from the throne and sat on the edge of the stage, looking off into the crowd and seemingly talking to herself. However Anice didn't mind. Her earlier instincts were kicking back in. She kept repeating in her head 'I'm not a child, I don't have to be watched..' she tried to pull herself up from the seat. Her legs felt like jelly and she felt like she was going to collapse, but held onto the arm of the throne for support. She felt like she was learning to walk all over again. 'I'm not a child, I'm not a child...' she chanted to herself inwardly. But it didn't really help her walk any better. Finally she managed to wake her legs up and make slow progress. Now she needed a destination.

She snuck off the stage, miraculously not making any noticeable noise. The asian girl was still talking and her back was to Anice so it wasn't hard to slip off unnoticed. Now she was in the crowd. Anice swallowed and clenched her eyes. Gods...she had a headache. She reopened her eyes, blinking a few times and then braved through the crowd. Where she wanted to go was unclear. Away. Away from there. But now she was in a state of confusion and felt lost. She kept pushing through people but was only met by more people and she was beginning to feel scared. Her breathing picked up and she felt her heart pounding. Suppressed energy stirred in her violently and was ready to be released in bulk when her eye caught a familiar shade of pink. Anice felt a wave of relief as her nerves calmed and she pushed through to Sabrina and Everdragomir who was standing near her. The family imagery made it's way back into her mind as she felt like a lost little girl looking for her parents in a crowded shop.

Anice lazily flopped herself on Sabrina from behind in an attempt of a hug around the half-veela's neck. She looked up at the half-dhampir that was standing in front of her roommate, "Can we go home now?" she said tiredly.

@Misaou > Sabrina Gallagher
@Wicked > Jaydniss Everdeen
@Namora > Kiyoko Oshiro
and a buncha Npc's

Room of Requirement

Sabrina honestly wasn't feeling too great at this point. Not just becaused she'd been bitched at two seconds ago by someone unexpected, but she physically was starting to feel sick. She was honestly, regretting all her life decisions at this point and there was nothing more she wanted to do than to laydown in her comfortable bed and sleep this yucky feeling off. She didn't want to deal with anymore people. She was done for the night, she dealt with a lot of people today, being the hostess. She cleaned up a lot of messes and got caught up in some too. She was tired. No, she was exhausted.

"If I'd were you, I'd get your filthy hands off her right about now or I'll jinx your face so full of boils even your mother won't recognize you. I've had enough of shit for one night and my tolerance is really reaching its limit, so don't test me. You have five seconds. One..." Jayden said coldly as he poked her attacker in the cheek with his wand. Sabrina glanced up at him, and then quickly back to the ground. Great, now she was feeling....uh....what would you call it.....guilt? She had made an ass of herself in front of him. Though granted it was in self defense, and that was a big enough reason right there, she still felt a little guilt.

Her attacker slowly released her, she pulled her wrist back, rubbing it since he had been holding on rather tightly. Her attacker turned his attention to Jayden, who looked like one of the happiest people in the world right now. Not. He obviously was not in the mood for anymore bullshit and from the looks of it, her attacker just happened to meet the wrong guy at the wrong time. "You know what, whatever. Five. Furnunculus!" Jayden muttered the incantation in a bored tone. Her attacker started to protest but never really got the chance to do much else before the jinx hit. He grabbed his face as it started to grow ugly warts and boils all over. Sabrina grimaced and looked away. She heard the boy whimper and turned to see him running towards the exit.

"Ready to turn in for the night?" it wasn't really a question. Not that she would object to it anyway. Hell yes she was ready to turn in for the night. She wanted nothing else. She turned her scarlet eyes to Jayden and noted the stern expression he held and sighed. Well so much for a fabulous evening. Everything went to hell faster than she thought. And it was saying something that she didn't think anything like this would go down. She shook her head, not in response to Jayden's demand but in response to her thoughts. That's when she lurched forward a bit, something soft and heavy pressing against her.

"Can we go home now?" Anice's voice pleaded. Sabrina turned to see her addressing Jayden.

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea to leave. My people can start closing down the party without me." Sabrina spoke softly as she placed a hand over Anice's that was wrapped around her, since she was hugging her. She felt her eyelids starting to get heavy. She needed to get a move on if she didn't want to pass out right here and now. She had to make a mental note to never do this to herself again. To be smarter than what she had been. She was sure she was gonna regret her actions more so in the morning though. That would be enough incentive to do the right thing next time. Hopefully.

Characters Mentioned:

[glow=blue]@Wicked > Jayden Everdragomir[/glow]

[glow=blue]@VocaStar > Anice Runeswell[/glow]

[glow=blue]Npc thirsty boy xD[/glow]

Rose Pevensie
[Room of Requirement]

Amarie raised her eyebrows, "I got here quite a bit late thanks to Joki, he totally tore apart my bed and what was under my bed just before I was going to leave, so I had to stay and clean that up. So, I could've missed some stuff, but I think the most exciting thing happened while I was here."

"Joki is your...otter? Right?" Rose remembered chatting about it in Care of Magical creatures. Rose's owl Oliver could be rather mischievous himself, but all in all he was a really sweet owl. Though, from watching lots of nature documentaries, Rose knew how curious otters could be.

Amarie leaned closer to Rose to tell her story, "So, we were all standing (or should I say swaying?) there minding our own business, when Scriven jumped onto a table and said he had an announcement to make. Everyone was curious, even though he's as full of horseshit as you can get, so we waited to see what he would say. He then proceeded to read what could only have been the headline to the latest Weasel,"

"This should be good..." Rose muttered a little sarcastically. The Weasel was crap. One of those many wizarding papers that twisted the truth just enough to throw it's subjects in a scandalous, slanderous light. The Weasel in particular seemed to only care about causing chaos. You'd think enlightened witches and wizards would have better things to do with their time.

Amarie proceeded in her best Garaile Scriven voice, "'Shocking: Is Jayden Everdragomir threatening girls into dating him?' He continued reading the story and while he was doing that, Kiyoko was plowing her way through the crowd to him, I don't think I've ever seen her so mad! When she reached him, she pulled him off his feet and said something, I don't remember what it was, but a second later Jayen was flying through the air and landed on top of Garaile. I think Jayden punched Garaile in the face then and said something to the effect of, 'you won't be writing for a long time.' I couldn't see where I was from, but there was this horrible snapping noise, and scream that could've only come from Garaile. There was a ton of confusion, I don't think anyone knew what was really going on, someone cast a spell, and Jaden and Garaile were going at each other like cats!"

Rose's mouth dropped open in spite of herself. "Garaile actually said that? In the middle of the party? God..." Rose tried to picture the scene in her head. That would have been pretty shocking, even if you weren't Jayden Everdragomir or...Kiyoko? Rose attempted to connect the face with the name. She usually remembered every face she saw, even if she didn't have a name to go with it. Judging from Jayden and Kiyoko's reactions to Garaile, Kiyoko must be the pretty asian transfer student who Rose remembered seeing around Jayden. Slytherin, if Rose remembered right. Returning to the scene in her mind, Rose's cheeks flushed. If she'd been in Kiyoko's position she would have been upset too, and pissed. Rose wasn't much of a puncher herself but she could see Jayden's point of view as well.

Amarie paused for a breath before continuing, "It was over pretty much as soon as it began, Sabrina came to where they were and started clapping and acting like it was one big show, I'll tell ya, that snap and scream sure didn't sound faked to me!"

"So....it was a show?" Rose questioned, though she sounded skeptical. From the context it seemed like the fight was something that would have happened for real.

Amarie stuffed another candy into her mouth and said, "Anyways, there wasn't much after that, it was quite a mess of people trying to figure out what to do next, or where they had left off before the action happened." Spreading her arms wide she gestured to the whole room, "And now it's pretty much back to normal, well, as normal as a party can be I think."

Amarie smiled at her friend, "Well, there's still a lot of night left, who knows if there's other adventures yet to be had!" Stuffing yet another chocolate in her mouth, Amarie whispered under her breath to herself, "Maybe I'll get an adventure this time…"

"Good god, woman, slow down!" Rose had watched Amarie shove about 10 various chocolatey candies in her mouth during the last few minutes. Rose gleefuly snatched the tray of chocolates away from Amarie and held it out of reach with her long arm. Rose's long limbs were a subject of constant humor with her. They were somewhat awkard but came in handy for Quidditch and for instances like this one. "I don't know..." Rose continued holding the tray out of reach as she looked around the room. "It look's like the party is coming to a close. Leave it to me to only catch the last 10 minutes." Not that Rose minded much. She had had a blast at the Official Hogwarts Halloween Haunt.

[Interacted With]
Amarie Joy OConnell - @Umbra

Jayden Everdragomir - @Wicked
Kiyoko Oshiro - @Namora
Garaile Scriven - @WishfulNemo

[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

Sabrina shook her head in silence right after the question, which made Jay cock up his eyebrows and tilt his head a bit as if he was asking "You dare to talk back to me?" without actually voicing out loud. Right after that, the girl lurched forward with the sudden extra weight being thrown at her back as Anice Runeswell had popped up out of nowhere and decided to use the half-veela as a human crutch.

"Can we go home now?" The said girl spoke up tiredly to him, looking like she barely managed to keep her head up and stand on her own feet. Which is why she probably did not and was leaning so heavily on Sabrina instead.

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea to leave. My people can start closing down the party without me." Sabrina said putting in her two cents and placed her hand on Runeswell's who was clinging onto her neck like she was trying to choke the life out of the blonde, but being too drunk to pull it through. Jay looked at the two of them in silence, wondering what kind of relationship the two exactly had and deciding that he did not understand girls at all, and left it at that.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go," he murmured with a nod, then pointed towards the exit, "I want you two to head out before me, I'll catch up and meet you at the exit. I'll go and let Kiyoko know we're leaving. Do not leave further without me. Understood?"

He just hoped the two girls could survive at least that with honor.

Jay turned on his heels and headed back towards the stage, putting away his ebony wand to the back pocket of his trousers again, feeling like a damn owl delivering messages. This was stupid. They both were stupid. They all were stupid. Jay gave himself a mental note not to let Sabrina and Runeswell anywhere close to alcohol ever again. Because this shit was nowhere even close to worth the trouble.

When the raven haired boy emerged from the crowd near the stage again, he was met with a sight of the Japanese girl sitting on the edge of it, two goblets with her; one in her hand, and one next to her, and the latter looking empty. She looked forlorn, the sight making him feel ambivalent. At the other hand it was welcome because it told him she understood her mistake and was regretting it, but on the other hand it broke his heart to see her like that. For those few seconds that he stood there and watched her, few thoughts popped up in his head; was he in love with her, or was he in love with the idea of her? In his mind, Kiyoko Oshiro was a girl with inner strength stronger than his, silent wisdom her inner compass, and she seemed to always know what was the right thing to do; she was gentle when he seemed to not be able to, she was strong when he felt like he was falling apart, and she knew how to put his thoughts into words in a way that he could never even fathom. But back there she had shown him a side of her that he had never seen before, and it had been... Something Jay had been unprepared for. It was merciless, and maybe even to be called ugly, a side of her that made the boy see her in a completely new light.

She was not the eternally strong witch that was always right. He could see it now. This far Jay had admired her almost blindly, seeing her as almost something otherworldly. His image had been twisted by fantasies and dreams of her, painting her into an unreal picture. But that picture had started to now crumble.

Kiyoko Oshiro was just a girl.

She could be mistaken, she could do things she regretted, and she also had a side to her that was ugly. She was not perfect nor a saint, but fallible and human. Just like anyone else. Just like him. Well not too much like him, because lets be honest, nobody quite fucked up in a similar scale like Jayden Everdragomir did.

He took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. Studying his thoughts and feelings about her, and realizing that nothing much really had changed how he felt. Because if he could not accept Kiyoko at her worst, he definitely did not deserve her at her best. He loved her just as she was, and he could forgive her for not being that perfect being that he had unfairly made her ought to be. It was time to get to know her better than he did, and learn more about those fine cracks on her porcelain skin that he had seen but ignored before. It was time to recognize that she was just as broken in reality as he was.

"Hey," Jay said when he approached her, slowly and a bit unsure at first, uncertain if he was wanted around or if she preferred to be left alone instead, "Got one for me too?"

Deciding that he did not care if she wanted to mope alone or not, because he wanted to be there even when Kiyoko felt like everyone else would have abandoned her. If she was not ready to give up on his hopeless ass, then he was not going to give up on her either. Jay walked up to her and stopped in front of her where she sat on the stage, and casually plucked the drink off her hands and took a long sip. Swallowing the drink that burned low, he yet again found the craving to have some Firewhisky raw. Maybe there could still be some bottles around that were not used for the punch that the could take with him back to the dorms?

"You okay?" Jay asked as he gave the drink back to her, deciding that he was not going finish it for her. He did not exactly like the taste of pumpkin juice anyway, it was too sweet. And she looked like she needed a drink. "Sabrina and Runeswell want to leave, and I think I need to see them back to the dorms or they're gonna pass out in the middle of the hallway. What do you want to do? Do you wanna come or do you wanna stay?"

Characters mentioned:
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallager
@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell
@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
Last edited by a moderator:
[fieldbox="Message from the Game Master, red, solid"]ooc: Alright, since everyone seems to be waiting for the time skip, I thought I should probably act on it. So this is the heads up for all; by next Sunday my time (August 23rd) we're skipping to the second part of this chapter and having the morning after. (For those who have the time zone farthest from me, this may even mean the Saturday night.) Just so everyone can write about their characters miserable hangovers and the others who don't have it can laugh at the poor fuckers. And they can hangout casually during the Saturday while me and the others work on the next chapter. (We're busy and your GM is lazy, so they will take awhile.)

So everyone start wrapping up your interactions if you're in middle of any and be done by the deadline, please. Next Sunday I'll be posting a short narration in the thread that moves on the time.

Thanks for reading and keep having fun, guys!


[ ooc: More tiny crap posts~ ]


[BCOLOR=transparent][[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Hogwarts Castle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; Room of Requirement [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]


As Kiyoko finished up her conversation with her bracelet, the sight of a tiny skirt and swaying brown hair caught her eye. She glimpsed over as the other Slytherin stumbled off the stage, not nearly as silent as she was obviously trying to be. Had she not been in such a terrible mood due to her own idiotic actions earlier, she might have laughed just slightly. Instead she feigned ignorance. Kiyoko had yet to care about Runeswell at all, she was just another face, another name, another story that she did not now. And as of right then. she wasn't her responsibility or problem. Because of that, the asian simply watched her slip away out of the corner of her eye and when she had disappeared into the crowd, she sighed, and turned her eyes downward. Kiyoko continued to sit on the edge of the stage, letting her mind wander. She was oblivious to the world around her as she stared down at her reflection in the goblet's liquid. The voices and such were pointless babel that seemed to fade as she focused on her reflection, just staring at the black eyes she had now. Orochi had relaxed, and the asian girl watch her remaining drink,, as if trying to find some kind of answer.

Her heart still weighed down, but lighter...

"Hey," Her head shot up in surprise. She looked up at him and... suddenly, felt another wave of shame, quickly coming back into reality. She'd really made a fool of herself in front of him. She'd shown an ugly face when all she wanted to be for him was perfect... "Got one for me too?"
She paused for a moment, and smiled weakly before she turned her eyes down. Jay drew close and plucked the drink from her hands before taking it to his lips, taking a long drink and swallowing. He lowered the glass, and Kiyoko smiled softly at him, mildly amused.
"You okay?" Jay asked as he gave the drink back to her, mostly empty. She took a breath in and shrugged before she downed the rest of it, "Is Sabrina?"

"Sabrina and Runeswell want to leave, and I think I need to see them back to the dorms or they're gonna pass out in the middle of the hallway. What do you want to do? Do you wanna come or do you wanna stay?"
"I don't want to be here." She said suddenly, almost without thinking. The girl paused and pressed her lips together before speaking again. More hesitant, "I'd really rather be anywhere but here... but they probably don't want me around."
Her thoughts lingered on the image of other two Slytherins, and she tried to picture them finding their own way. It was more comical than she would like to admit. Kiyoko sighed, her shoulders slumped, "This... atmosphere doesn't suit me... and, this party was a stupid idea. I should have just stayed back to read or do homework. Or do... anything else." She tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling,
"You... better go watch those two. I can find my own way back... unless you want me around." She shot him a heavy half smile.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Characters Mentioned -[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher[/BCOLOR]​


Amarie crossed her arms and pouted at Rose when she held the tray of candies out of her reach. "Aw, come on… And yeah, I guess it was a show. Well, that's what everyone seems to think." Thinking to surprise Rose with a quick grab at the candy, Amarie flailed at the tray. Unfortunately for her, she'd misjudged just how far Rose's arms could reach, and she ended up practically falling into Rose's lap. She hastily sat up and threw a scowl at her friend. "I don't know… It looks like the party is coming to a close. Leave it to me to only catch the last 10 minutes." Rose completely ignored Amarie's attempts at the chocolates as she looked around the room.

With that statement, Amarie looked up, actually seeing the crowd for the first time in quite a while. It seemed as if Rose was right, there were certainly a lot less people mulling about, it seemed as if the life of the party had fled the room. There were still a few people stumbling around on the dance floor, but anyone could see it was only a matter of time until they either passed out or were evacuated from the room by some of their friends who were not as drunk as they.

A small sigh escaped Amarie's lips; adventure had yet again refused to show its face to her. She half smiled at her friend, "I suppose you're right, it looks like everything's wrapping up, well, as much as any party can wrap up." She looked around the room again, to see if there was anyone she knew who looked like they would need help. After a once over, she decided that if they weren't easy enough to spot the first go around, they didn't need her. Rubbing her eyes, Amarie turned to Rose, "You know, I have no idea exactly what time it is…" a traitorous yawn escaped from her mouth and she giggled, "Evidentially, my body thinks it's late enough!"

She eased herself down from the table, leaning against it as her legs slowly woke up with a tingling sensation that reminded her just how much she had mistreated them this night. She glanced up at Rose and the tray of candies she had forgotten about suddenly came back to her attention very quickly, and it seemed they were calling her name.

With a war cry that sounded much more like a sharp yelp, Amarie threw herself at the chocolates, and promptly tripped over her own feet which were still angry at her for messing them up in the first place. Amarie's expression changed from that of triumph, to one of complete horror in less time than it took to blink an eye. With a loud and painful sounding thump, her face met the floor.

"Urmph. Oooo…" Amarie moaned, rolling on to her side. She winced as she looked up at Rose, "I suppose that could only be a sign from above that it would be a good idea to quit while I'm ahead…" She groaned again and flopped back onto her stomach, "Although, I don't know if I'm even ahead anymore…"


Characters Interacted With

Rose Pevensie - @ILovePandas

Characters Mentioned

Random people who should be in bed - NPC's
  • Love
Reactions: Nougat and Wicked


[fieldbox="Briar Black ~ Room of Requirement, #ebb063"]

The room had felt like it was spinning from the very beginning. Briar had allowed her friends to dress her up, a mistake she was not likely to repeat. After going through an exhaustive list of possibilities, the Ravenclaw had to narrow them down with one descriptor at a time: nothing sexy, silly, sexy, shrunken, sexy, oversized, sexy, torn, sexy, scandalous, sexy, or... sexy! Something classy, please, that didn't draw attention to herself. Was that really so much to ask?

I have the perfect idea."

There was little that this particular witch found frightening in the world, but those five words sent chills up her spine. They assured her over and over that this costume fit all of her "ridiculous" criteria, and that she only needed to sit back and relax, to leave the work to the professionals. Briar couldn't be sure what sort of schooling one had to go through in order to earn certification in "dress-up", but she didn't ask, afraid it might give her captors more perfect ideas. She didn't want anyone feeling the need to practice their Transfiguration lessons on a human-to-Barbie doll variation. The ooo's and aww's and what-about-this's between them maintained her heightened state of paranoia, always asking what was going on or i they were done yet. The poor girl was put through infinite tortures, with comments that "beauty is pain" which couldn't possibly have been meant as comfort but sadistic justification until an eerie silence fell on the room.

With directions to brace herself on the canopy columns, Briar did so with innocent naivete. Pressure. Pain. She couldn't breathe. Her bones must've cracked, she heard it. What cruel, cruel "perfect idea" was this, and what costume party would be worth enduring such a suffocating death? The witch was certain her friends had been eaten by gouls, wearing their colorful skins, intent on stuffing their new snack, live, into sausage links. There could be no other explanation. And it fit so well! All the snickers, all the lathering of her face and hair and body in oils, and a candy apple mouth - she was to be the prized, centerpiece, suckling pig for the feast! Only thing now was to throw her on the spit.

They had outfitted her in a corset. This should've been enough information to let the wise and knowledge Ravenclaw to keep such thoughts to herself, but no, it was the perfect irony to then throw the child in a pair of her mother's heels. Training did not go well, and lucky it didn't. The wardens issued her a pardon and exchanged her inhumane foot contraptions for her usual flats.

With this compromise made, Briar promised to be less... poetic for the remainder of the ordeal. The girls used the word "theatrical", but semantics. After some time of multiple burns wounds around the ravenette's scalp, it seemed poking and prodding with small, iron rods was in order. She asked something about tax deductions for her donation to the wig shop, which prompted an immediate thack upside the head for breaking her promises, which she then promised not to do again only to receive a second. The latter had been for the sheer fun of it. "
Ghouls," she swore, "ghouls."

Eventually, her friends showed her the mirror, and she simply smiled up at them. Her gratitude was twicefold between her and her reflection! Nothing need be said, but the girls apparently thought otherwise, pointing out the details they painstakingly worked on for her. She nodded along, as much interest on her face as she could manage, but it became obvious that such efforts were not intended to be enjoyed with their victim, each fluttering away in excitement, complimenting the other for a job well done. It, sincerely, made Briar happy. She was glad to know that her friends felt proud of themselves and were getting proper praises. If nothing else, it meant that she would look... well put together for the party; unfortunately, she still was unaware what exactly this entailed. The only thing she knew was that it included a mask and a very heavy cloak.

So, of course, by the time she had gotten to the party, her heart was going at half it's natural rhythm, crushed by the whalebone encircling her ribcage. Apparently she had missed the opening ceremony, but there was little to be done for that. Granted, she could simply have avoided the hours of hair and make-up and just worn the cloak anyway, but that must've been against some Halloween law of some sort. It became a sort of security blanket, the robe. There were so many people, mingling in an impossible spectrum to differentiate any one person from another. Briar and her friends had immediately gone separate ways, which made for a wonderful escape toward the-

Wall. Briar stood by a wall. It was near the table of food and beverages, and one of the students was helpful enough to keep her cup full through her night as part of the furniture. That was perfectly fine by her except for the flat taste of the punch. However, it warmed her belly, and she decided that she liked the feeling, at least enough to pull back her hood and mask, revealing the "scars" in her make-up with accentuated blushing. Every once in a while, she would see the shade of someone pass her by that she recognized, attempting to call out to the person in question, failing miserably to speak above the music and shrinking back to the shadows like the vampire for which her costume could easily be mistaken. Her courage, or maybe it was boredom, grew to such a point, that she almost decided to join the awkwardly shifting shapes in the center of the room. Supposedly, it was a dance floor, but some of those shapes seemed rather close and quite out of sync to her eyes, but maybe that meant her own motions would go unnoticed. She only had to find a partner...

Garaille Scriven.

No, she wasn't considering asking him to dance with her, no matter how much courage she had roaring through her system, but she certainly didn't have so much to stand on the buffet as he did now, demanding the eyes and ears of the entire room for a piece he had written. Briar understood the Weasel editor needed attention as badly as she wished to rid herself of it, but this was pushing it. Jayden Everdragomir, threatening his partners? The girl sneered, the theme disgusting, but it wasn't at the half-vampire that she reserved this judgment, for whatever reason, she didn't believe it possible of him. They'd barely spoken, but sometimes there are things you take on faith. Should Mr. Scriven ever have a relationship, the witch might very well have questioned his integrity on the matter, but it was quite a strange accusation, one that made it difficult to believe of anyone.

However, as the scene developed into what was, apparently, a scene for entertainment, Briar found herself shaking her head. That's what people called entertainment these days? If she was a doctor, she would prescribe books, administered thrice a day at least, to the entire school. What a thought that was? Books could cure anything, if only because most cures were written down in books. It would be great if you could prescribe them. Or better yet, hand them out like candy! Actually, in a way, you sort of could, especially on Halloween in Hogwarts. Briar could walk right into the library with a pillowcase, cry "Trick or Treat!" and take as much sweet, sweet literature as she wanted - how cool was that?! Ugh, library's were the best man, except that one time. That's how she'd met Garaille in the first place, was at a library - well, they weren't in the library themselves, but it had started there and eventually led to her meeting Garaille thanks to the pirate who walked by earlier, but he didn't hear her, so she didn't go after him or anything, he looked kind of busy, anyway, and fuzzy-


Oh, dear god.

Was Briar drunk?

No, she hadn't actually arrived that long ago, she'd had plenty to eat at dinner, and... she'd lost count of how many glasses she had with no real way to measure the amount of alcohol in each. Okay, so the first thing she needed to do was find water. Great, that would be easy for anyone who wasn't blind! Calm down. Just ask. The student at the table seemed eager to help her with her glasses before, he should be just as willing now, only with something more hydrating. Briar shifted her way to the buffet, slamming her hip into the corner with a muffled curse. She had to be honest with herself, too, that wasn't because of the alcohol. Her vision may have been tilting with every step, but otherwise, she could see very clearly, and she only needed to pay attention to get through this mousetrap.

I'm sorry, I think I need to switch to water. Any chance you have bottles, or chilled, or chilled bottles?"

The boy laughed and handed her another cup. It was cold in her hands.

You're a godsend! Thank you so much for taking care of me tonight. What's your name?"

Briar immediately put the drink to her lips, releasing a long breath of relief so she could take down as much water as possible. She knew it was stupid, sipping was better for the body, but it couldn't be helped. Feeling flushed and dehydrated now that she knew what was going on, she was hyperaware of the steps she needed to take to care for herself and prevent a hangover in the morning by first quenching her thirst while the boy answered her then playing it safe for the rest of the night. The witch decided not to hold the young wizard responsible - chances were everyone was drinking, and he may have just assumed after her appreciation of the first cup that it was her preference. However, whatever reply he had been giving her, she didn't listen. What she pulled from the cup was not water, and she spat it in his face, the full mist-style spit. His blue arms held out to his sides, his head turned up to her in what could only be a look of astonishment only to have the remainder of her glass tipped over his head. Nevermind. He was an irresponsible jerk who had just been tagged for the sake of the rest of the party population as such.

Satisfaction turned her supposedly red lips up smugly. Tomorrow she could approach him under much calmer circumstances, but she wouldn't apologize. In fact, she almost wanted to thank him because that felt really good, and with her mood up, she decided she wouldn't let this buzz go to waste - she was going to take to that dance floor and enjoy herself!

She made it only part of the way into the crowd when bodies started smashing up against her rather petite form, hands sliding over her corset. After the drinks and the hours, she had actually forgotten she was wearing it. That might account for some the surprising lack of tolerance and increased heat tonight. Briar shook her curls loose, not caring if she couldn't return the bobby pins to her friends afterward - twas the risk of a loan and the cost of fun. Staying in the tight-knit forms, they eventually started moving her to the rhythm, turning her body into jelly, an energizing sluggishness that, too, felt pretty good, mindless, maybe even a little indulgent. She didn't indulge that much, any stray hands got a nice smack and anyone that couldn't keep up got hip-checked where they didn't want to be, but she was laughing, and that's what mattered right now, working the liquer out through her sweat.

The outlines of the crowd were extraordinarly clear for Briar. At the sound a particularly familiar warcry, she peered out toward the walls and tables, finally seeing one of her friends and breathed a sigh of relief so heavy, her whole body sagged somewhat with the eased pressure. Rushing over to the table where Amarie's golden aura sat in discussion with another of her general hue, the Ravenclaw grabbed her Gryffindor bestie by the forearms and pulled, lifting the girl into a sitting position from the laying one atop the surface in the gossamer alcove. Was she drunk buzzed, too?

Mar-Mar! Oh, I'm so glad I found you! Come dance with me!" she whined. Resistance was futile, she invited the other girl as well. "You, too! It's thinned out in here pretty well, I think this party's going to end soon, you should get in one last dance. Please? Oh! Hold on! Is that water?"

Before heading back out to the floor, ideally with a partner or two, Briar unpinned the cloak from around her neck, yanking her arms out from the slits in its folds that gave her the full coverage all night and was most to blame for her overheated, revealing the dress that Christine wore at her father's grave on the stage production of Phantom of the Opera - modernized, of course. Whatever Amarie had been drinking, it certainly tasted like water. She was such a good friend. Now they could dance together until the break of dawn - or whenever the party was supposed to end. They would take up their own little corner of the floor where they didn't have to dance and grind with the sinuous crowd at its center, but had enough room to go crazy and move however they felt like, with or without holding back as they please. The moment Briar was out there, she felt eyes on her and looked around to find yet another friend and dragged on her cocoa skin just like her golden Gryffindor's.

Kassi!" she cried while she was still on the dancefloor.

Once she made it over to her fellow Ravenclaw, she recognized the ice blue companion nearby and reached out a hand for his wrist as well. "
What a Doll! She's a cute one, Sher, better treat her well." Her exaggerated tone and wink made it clear she was indicating his house elf. "I'm dragging everyone out to dance. You are no exception, my dears! Muahahahaha!" Her laugh was just as theatrical as everything else that night, and it could only aid in her quest to add three more to her personal harem on the corner of the dancefloor.


Interacting Characters:
Amarie Connell >> @Umbra
Rose Pevensie >> @ILovePandas
Kassandra Castillo >> @darkflames13
Sherlock Aisling >> @UnsightlyTEAstain

Characters Mentioned:
August Yilmaz >> @WishfulNemo
Garaille Scriven >> "
Jayden Everdragomir >> @Wicked
Colin Aiken >> @the crafty pig
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Rose Pevensie
[Room of Requirement]

Amarie crossed her arms and pouted at Rose when she held the tray of candies out of her reach. "Aw, come on… And yeah, I guess it was a show. Well, that's what everyone seems to think." Amarie flailed at the tray. Unfortunately for her, she'd misjudged just how far Rose's arms could reach, and she ended up practically falling into Rose's lap. She hastily sat up and threw a scowl at her friend. A small sigh escaped Amarie's lips. She half smiled at her friend, "I suppose you're right, it looks like everything's wrapping up, well, as much as any party can wrap up." She looked around the room again. Rubbing her eyes, Amarie turned to Rose, "You know, I have no idea exactly what time it is…" a yawn escaped from her mouth and she giggled,"Evidentially, my body thinks it's late enough!"

"Let's find out." Rose grabbed her wand with her free hand and laid it flat against her palm, in the style of the 'point me' spell. "Quo Tempore." Her wand spun around in her palm twice, once for the hour and the second time for the minute. "It's just about--" Suddenly, with a war cry that sounded much more like a sharp yelp, Amarie threw herself at the chocolates that Rose had completely forgotten about. Then Amarie's expression changed from that of triumph, to one of complete horror. With a loud and painful sounding thump, her face met the floor. Amarie's original launch had caught Rose completely off guard and caused Rose to lurch backward. The tray of chocolates tipped over and showered sugar delights all over anyone who was standing too close. As Amarie fell toward the floor in slow motion Rose also lurched foward in an attempt to catch her. Rose's wand caught on Amarie's hand and went spinning out into the crowd to be trampled underfoot.

"Urmph. Oooo…" Amarie moaned, rolling on to her side. She winced as she looked up at Rose, "I suppose that could only be a sign from above that it would be a good idea to quit while I'm ahead…" She groaned again and flopped back onto her stomach, "Although, I don't know if I'm even ahead anymore…"

A sound tore from Rose's lips and she realized she was laughing. "Oh my god..." Rose doubled over laughing, shaking until her ribs ached. "You're more drunk than anyone here and you haven't even been drinking!" Rose chuckled then choked out, "Chocolate! You are high in sugar!" She laughed but knelt over to make sure Amarie was ok. "Oh, I think your bleeding..." Rose took a closer look at Amarie's nose. Either she had cut open the bridge or broken it. "How does your nose feel?" Rose tried to sound sympathetic but her voice cracked. Rose automatically reached for her wand, but then remembered it had taken up residence somewhere on the dance floor. Then a familiar figure came to the rescue, the Ravenclaw grabbed the Gryffindor by the forearms and pulled, lifting the girl into a sitting position. It was Briar.

"Mar-Mar! Oh, I'm so glad I found you! Come dance with me!" she whined. Resistance was futile, she invited Rose as well. "You, too! It's thinned out in here pretty well, I think this party's going to end soon, you should get in one last dance. Please? Oh! Hold on! Is that water?"

"Hey Briar!" Rose greeted. "Yeah, it's water. Here." Rose handed Briar a cup. Lucky the water hadn't been disturbed. Briar unpinned the cloak from around her neck, revealing the dress that Christine wore at her father's grave on the stage production of Phantom of the Opera - modernized, of course. "Phantom of the Opera -- Nice!" Rose had an urge to start belting out the main theme as Briar practically dragged Rose and Amarie onto the dance floor. Rose wasn't complaining. She welcomed the opportunity to look for her lost wand.

"I'm dragging everyone out to dance. You are no exception, my dears! Muahahahaha!"

Rose laughed herself at Briar's vigilance. That girl really did know how to make the most out of life. A few more pairs of feet stamped on the dance floor as Briar beckoned more of their peers. Rose began to become concerned that her lost wand was going to be pulverized. But she wasn't about to get down on her hands and knees and crawl. Rose squinted at the hard surface of the floor but the dim light and many feet were impossible to see past. "Lumos!" She said over the noise, hoping her wand would 'hear' her. It wouldn't be the first time she'd done magic without a physical connection to her wand. Unicorn Hair cores were very open to that kind of thing, and Pine Wood was creative and adapted well to new methods. She must have commanded lumos very firmly because a sudden flash of light lit up the room and nearly blinded her. "A-ha!" She made to move closer to her wand and reached her hand out for it.

"Accio Wand."

~Interacted With~
Amarie Joy OConnell -- @Umbra
Briar Black -- @redlemonaide


[ Ooc: I'm sorry for the wait!!! Q-Q ]


[BCOLOR=transparent][[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Hogwarts Castle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]; 7th Floor Corridor [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]][/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=#000000]As he finished his sentence, her hands slid away and she pulled away from his embrace. Where she had been against him, everywhere she had been touching began to grow cold again. He scanned her expression, looking confused, worried about just what she'd say. He was terrified for a moment, that it wouldn't be okay... What if she said 'no'...? What would he do? Seth didn't want to lose her, but he couldn't afford to hurt her, he couldn't risk that.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Her eyes darted up to meet his, and he tried to read them, to see the slightest inclination. All he saw was hesitance. Confusion. Worry. She frowned and remained silent.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]She just kept staring, and he stared back, as if doing so long enough would spell out what was crossing her mind. He wanted to get in her head, to know every thought that crossed her mind. He wanted to know more, he'd always wanted to know more about her. There was something about Stella Prince that just... intrigued him. And now, her lack of response made him nervous.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]He wanted to smile, to do something to comfort her, to convince her if she was uncertain. Anything.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]And then, the girl opened her mouth to speak, her eyes darted away from his,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] "I-"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] She began, Seth held his breath, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]"You-"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]She swallowed,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] "Yes, that's alright. I think that's alright." [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]His eyes widened, though the uncertainty was clear in her voice it still made... happy. Just happy. The girl repeated herself, meeting his eyes again and sounding more sure.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]"Yeah that'd be great, actually."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] Quickly, she added, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]"As long as you're still... you."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]He raised an eyebrow, "Still me...?" He questioned, and her features twisted into a scowl, though a faint smile remained on her lips. She set her hands on her hips, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]"So don't start flirting with me. I know your reputation."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] He held his hands up, as if to feign innocence She leaned her face closer to his ear again,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]"You wouldn't want all your fans knowing that you're an absolute sucker whenever anyone scratches behind your ears, would you?"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] Then, the blonde girl smiled, a grin that was mildly impish in nature[/BCOLOR]

He went reeling, "No! Tell no one. None can know my weakness!"
A look of obviously over dramatized horror played across his features as here pretended to cower, it vanished as quickly as it came and he flashed her a playful grin before he sat up. He was having too much fun with this. Especially seeing as, seriously, no one could know. That shit was embarrassing.

The boy chuckled softly, took a breath in and then let it out before turning his eyes to Stella, "So, Stella Prince. If you would like, we can try this socializing thing now." He gestured to the door of the party, "Or wander around like a pair of hopeless loners" He tilted his head toward the corridor, "Your choice"

-Hall outside the Hospital Wing-

Aled had... no idea what the boy had said. His head was throbbing dully and his heart still complained about any step he took, it was taking most of his energy to try and think through the various places Jayden might have vanished too. The student carrying his fellow hadn't even registered until he'd started babbling. However, Aled noticed one thing.


The dark red immediately caught his attention, his eyes flashing to the small clinging patch on the lad's shoulder. He could smell it too, the nostalgic tang of iron and something else that he seemed to notice better these days. He wasn't about to let that go. He might be a useless professor, disgraced beyond redemption, but he still was a professor until Minerva saw fit to sack him. He'd take care of his students, he still cared for them, was still very happy to devote the rest of his time to their education and lives. Nothing had really changed.

Once he was pulled into focus, he recognised the blithering lad as Felix, Felix Bell. He belonged to Hufflepuff if Aled remembered right, 6th year. Nice boy by all accounts. Even just as he passed, Aled noted his pale complexion, the sweat clinging to his brow, the narrowed pupils of his eyes. He'd no idea what had actually been said but Felix's voice had a quaver to it. Obviously he wasn't coping well with his burden.

It was a work of a moment to spin and catch the boy before he could pass him by. Without a word, he discarded his cane, Leeda catching it in her teeth before it could fall onto the floor and waiting patiently as Aled pulled the unconscious form from Felix's shoulders and hefted him into his arms. It seemed an oddly easy movement, Aled was still thunderously physically powerful. He had to shift most of his weight onto his good leg but that wasn't much of a problem for what would be a few steps, even with the Student's weight. The Student turned out to be Garaile.

Aled was at least not surprised to find the nosy young man had gotten himself into trouble.

"Aye, lad, stop ye senseless blithering and hold teh door open fer us, would ye?" Aled barked in a somewhat short and demanding tone. He could tend to Felix's problems once Garaile was under Poppy's tender care. Bah, the nurse would not be happy about this...

@Ritual Lobotomy 's Felix Bell
@WishfulNemo 's Garaile Scriven

[glow=green] Room of Requirement [/glow]

"I don't want to be here."

The answer came fast, almost immediately he had finished the question, exactly on point like she would have rehearsed it like a line out of a play. It was so frank and so swift that it actually surprised Jay who blinked with a raised brow, before settling it into a little concerned frown. It seemed to have come as a surprise to Kiyoko too who paused and then pressed her lips together, looking like she wished she could have sucked the words right back where they came from. It could have not come more straight out of heart, huh?

She continued then, sounding more hesitant with her choice of words than before; "I'd really rather be anywhere but here... but they probably don't want me around."

He could not really argue with that. Jay did not know about Runeswell, but he was fairly sure that Sabrina would not tolerate her presence very well after... yeah. The half-veela was hurt, probably more than she was willing to show, and surely she had also managed to hit home with some of what she had said to Kiyoko's face too. But you reap what you sow, right? You make your bed and then you lay in it. Maybe he should have said no to Sabrina's request to use his illegal Firewhisky storage after all and they all could have just had some juice like good boys and girls and behave like model students. Jay had never drank with female company, but had he known girls got this nasty after few drinks, he would have protected his damn alcohol better than they protected Professor Old Hag's stone back in 1991.

"This... atmosphere doesn't suit me... and, this party was a stupid idea. I should have just stayed back to read or do homework. Or do... anything else." Kiyoko tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling, "You... better go watch those two. I can find my own way back... unless you want me around." She shot him a heavy half smile.

Jay stared at her for few long silent seconds, weighing his options. Then he decided that as much as he felt for her for fucking shit up, it was not the end of the world. They were all drunk or at least tipsy, and most of the bad things said would be forgotten by the morning, and maybe they would not be overreacting as much as they did just now. Well, he too might have been tipsy, but he was definitely not drunk enough to handle Sabrina and Runeswell all by himself, because let's face it, he was fucking not going to do that sober or even half-sober.

"...That's stupid," he finally informed her in his brutally-honest-and-could-need-some-improvement way, "if I didn't want you around, I wouldn't have asked you out in the first place."

Jay raised his eyebrow at her as if asking if his point came across. Of course he would want her around. To even question such was blasphemy against his personal one-man Kiyoko Oshiro cult. The one who should not have not want someone around was them reversing the roles, and to him it would always be like that. What in the world she saw in him was still an unsolved mystery that Jay would keep asking probably until the day he died. He was not exactly a catch you would want to bring home and proudly present to your parents. Especially to hers.

"But I'm also regretting a little coming here today. Lot of stupid shit has gone down in just matter of hours. I think it's rather obvious for everyone by now that I don't get out much." Jay commented dryly, turning his head to let his gaze run over still some partiers on the dance floor. There was a group of dancers still dancing like wild animals, no care in the world, and no drama to worry about, with smooth moves like Pygmy Puffs on crack. Lucky bastards. Turning to face Kiyoko again, his expression was stern. "The party is over. That also includes your pity party, K. I get it, you feel bad, and it's alright to feel bad. But what happened, happened. You can tell her tomorrow you're sorry and that you went too far. And I'm not choosing any sides; I'm not going with them and leaving you behind, but I don't also want to stay with you and let them try to survive the seven floor obstacle course alone. So please, don't make me."

Jay took in a deep breath, feeling like he had said what needed to be said. He just hoped he had not sounded too harsh, because he was not blessed in the eloquent department. Then, to balance it all out, the half-breed boy offered a hand for the girl in the red kimono, his tone now suddenly very suave.

"Well then, could I have the last dance of the night? I can think back on it tonight whenever I feel like I might need to give euthanasia to either of my smashed patients," Jay said and his lips tried for that lopsided smile, but it wavered into more strained one with the following words, "Would you come back with me and them after that? I'll jinx her mouth shut if she tries say anything more to you, but also vice versa."

And he would do it, no doubt about it. But maybe it was the alcohol he had already had, or the flirty game they had played earlier, or because he was still trying to lift up her mood and make her think something else, he looked her straight in the eye and spoke with a sudden surge of confidence and voice dropping low like dark velvet; "...But I'd rather do that to you in a complete different context."

And the more Jay considered it, the more he found he liked the sound of that idea.

Yeah, definitely noting that down for future reference.

@Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro
@Misaou - Sabrina Gallagher
@VocaStar - Anice Runeswell
All the gazillion party animal kids currently on the dance floor but that I'm too lazy to tag on to this post when they're only briefly mentioned so sue me.
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♣ 7th Floor Corridor ♣
Playing along, Lockett recoiled in a theatrical "SPARE ME" gesture. "No! Tell no one! None can know my weakness!" But then he gave her a wicked grin to mirror her own, and Stella threw back her head and laughed, surprising herself by having a great deal of fun with this human Lockett. She had to stop thinking of them as two different people. Wait, maybe they were different people. Agh, it was starting to confuse her. Before she could say something stupid she'd regret, however, he looked back at her, and tried, "So, Stella Prince. If you would like, we can try this socializing thing, now. Or wander around like a pair of hopeless loners. Your choice."

She considered it for less then a second. It wasn't a hard decision to make. The blonde girl stood up, taking his hand to help him up, as well, continuing to smile in an impish manner. "Since when have we been anything but a pair of hopeless loners? Every time footsteps pass the door, we both flinch. Besides, I don't think the great big world of Hogwarts is quite ready for the two of us, do you?" She gave a little snort, but then took another step backwards and found herself yanking her foot upwards as it landed in the puddle of pumpkin juice Lockett had dropped. "Oh bollocks." She muttered, as she brushed down the loose fabric of her long, yellow dress and reached into the slit at her thigh for the wand strapped there. "Tergeo." She snapped, leaning down slightly with little regard for the low cut of her garment, and pointing her wand at her foot and the floor. The liquid was siphoned away with the spell. Her feet against the cold floor reminded her to snatch up her shoes as well, barely missing whacking Lockett with her tower of hair.

Stella looked back up at Lockett apologetically, realizing she'd been neglecting him. She'd never much minded neglecting him in usual times, but that was because they had somewhere around ten hours to spend together, and he wasn't particularly needy as a wolf. Humans had different social expectations. Before she could stop herself, she gave him an odd look and asked in frustration, "Just how much do you remember when you're... like that, and how much do you remember from those times, anyways? I'm starting to get horribly confused. Oh, honestly, we need a code name for this." She huffed. The vague "that"s and "then"s were starting to get on her nerves, as the Hufflepuff was a very straightforward sort of person.

Characters interacted with:
Sethen Lockett - @Namora
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((Ooc: Watch me fail at making Avery "cut loose." "Teach Me How to Dance"))
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Room of Requirement
Unwinding. Chilling. Relaxing. It was only when he tried to do it that Avery realized how unnaturally it came to him. It wasn't that he was constantly uptight, it was more that his idea of relaxing had always been things like making monster faces while playing chess, or collapsing in laughter when his parents competed with each other to see how long they could keep handstands and their faces turned bright red after a while. Parties were a different kind of animal. So even now, when he felt a thousand miles high, he wasn't quite sure what it meant to express that. He followed Colin out to the dance floor, where the other boy seemed to be riding his own high, moving his body in a way Avery had never expected, though the skeletal hands and big cloak kind of ruined it a bit. Dancing, huh? Avery didn't know how to dance at all. It wasn't that he'd never moved his body to music before, he'd just never tried it outside of the confines of his home, where the rule was "what happens in the Trevelyan house stays in the Trevelyan house." He sure didn't know how to do it formally. His parents had never taught him how to dance. At that thought, he immediately thought of three different songs. He settled on one and began playing it in his head, shutting out the actual music playing as he closed his eyes. Focus on the rhythm. Suddenly, a bright, slightly exasperated voice popped into his head. "Haven't you ever danced before? You seriously should try it sometime. It's easy! Just move! Stop thinking so much. Deathly boring, that's what you are." Avery made a noise between a groan and a laugh. Of course he would think of one of Stella's many admonishments when he was trying to loosen up a bit. He rolled his eyes and decided to just follow her advice for once.

He began to move. It was an awkward kind of movement at first. One foot over here, try not to bump into anyone, keep your eyes on your foot. Then, someone precluded any of that necessity as a random girl grabbed his arm and pulled him into a short little whirling jig with her before letting him go almost immediately. Slightly laughing and a little out of breath from the surprise of it, he just... continued where she'd left off. He heard Colin tell him he'd be back in a minute, and he gave a short nod, but continued to just let his feet take him this way and that. With his level of practiced agility, he found he was not too bad at at least avoiding stepping on other people's feet or bumping into them, which was like a dance in and of itself. Others were not so lucky, and he soon caught sight of the creepily transformed Colin shoving a rather unwilling pirate he thought was August Yilmaz onto the dance floor. The poor boy was being rather battered by the crowd. He looked like he was in pain. Avery stifled a laugh and thought about helping the other kid, but what does one do in that situation? Pulling him around would just make things worse. He could convince Colin to leave the poor kid alone possibly, but then again, what was the fun in that? It wouldn't kill anyone to get forced to be a bit crazy.

A girl very elegantly dressed like a bizarre cross between Christine and the Phantom from that ridiculous old muggle movie his mother adored seemed to be taking this idea to heart. She was flouncing about, dragging several other of his colleagues onto a corner of the dance floor. Had he ever been that excitable? As he continued to make a weird dance of dodging other people to a beat, he tried thinking back throughout his childhood. Nope. He'd always been a pretty calm child in his memory. Where did people get that kind of energy? He laughed, having a good time despite himself. At that exact moment, however, the edge of one foot slipped on something that had just started glowing brightly. What was that? He could feel himself falling to one side, as the thin object went flying up and out from under his foot. Automatically, he reached out and snatched it from the air, twisting and falling with his head carefully tucked, spreading his body weight out so that he hit the floor with a loud sound, but no actual injuries. Wincing slightly, he stood up again, narrowly missing being trampled by someone, and looked at the object in his hand. His eyes widened. It was a wand. Who was stupid enough to just drop their wand in a chaotic setting like this?

Characters mentioned:
Colin Aiken - @the crafty pig
Stella Prince - myself
Random Girl - NPC
August Yilmaz - @WishfulNemo

Briar Black - @redlemonaide
Rose Pevensie (indirectly) - @ILovePandas

Room of Requirement

"Wait" August's cry was a spur to his mischief.... the Turk was doing nothing and wasn't having fun and Colin was doing something and having a ball, therefore if The Turk was doing what Colin was doing.... he would also have fun.

The twisted logic made him giggle, his normal sense of justification embellished by the cheering charm to conveniently go where he wanted it to. He smiled as he saw August's eyes widen then narrow considerably as he took in the implications of what was gyrating before him.

"N- Nice costume there,"

He could see the Turks keen mind whirring as he tried to work out the implication of not only what he had done but who he was. It was marvellous, even August was totally oblivious to who he was. Freedom set his feet moving, happiness put his hands into the air. He lost himself to the music again yet something nagged.

August most definitely wasn't having a good time. He was dancing apologetically, arms inwards demeanour hunched, eyes no longer fixed on the costume but on his own feet. No despite Colin's excellent planning the Turk still wasn't having fun... he wasn't engaged enough... perhaps he needed a guide... a sensei... to lead him down the path to fun.

He flashed August another reassuring smile, oblivious to the implications no lips could bring, his warm friendly smile actually a menacing skeletal grimace.

Personal space was no longer a boundary and he invaded August's with the efficiency of a man with no fucks to give, grabbing the shuffling turk by the hand he threw it into the air relentless pumping in time to the music... still nothing... nothing beyond shuffling feet and eyes refusing to meet his gaze. He was bewildered, momentarily stunned even as he saw other people dragged onto the dance floor by Briar, the blind girl snatching auras from the air with ruthless aplomb, bewildered faces and half smiles as she dragged them to the dancefloor.

He wanted to laugh, wanted to join her.

She was the general calling the rally to arms, the last stand on this night even as cowardly deserters slid out through the door and into the night beyond.

Another look at the Turk... still not having fun, eyes low, shoulders hunched... Colin had had his fun but he could have more, so much more if he just kept going... but that fun was at August's expense.... he would have fun too though.... if he could just help him.... but it hadn't worked and he had had a great night.... quit while he was ahead....time to think of others.

Quickly he reached into his cloak for his wand and pointed it at his own face

"finite incantatem"

The sense of cheer dissipated and he felt a small crash as normality returned to him, a longing for the elation to return. Then the longing was gone, mood rising into a base of calm stability, the elation mellowing into contentment.

He had had a good night.
He looked down at August, catching sight of his bare chest and pulling the cloak round him more tightly, flushing slightly as he smiled truly at his study buddy

"So what do you reckon... one more song.... or a book , beer and bed?"

Characters interacted with
Wishful Nemo's- August Yilmaz

Characters mentioned with
redlemonaide's- Briar Black
OOC: Right... So, been three whole weeks since the last time I posted. Aaaand I've kept people waiting, something I'm rather disappointed of. Any reasons to my absence? Depression and not being motivated at all... I know, I should've left a message or something but my mind just went "Nuuup, don't want to hang around with anyone right now.". So, I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for so long Voca. Also, this isn't a very long post... I hope you people didn't expect too much D=


[glow=white]|Room of Requirement|[/glow]

The two of them danced until the song ended, a song that Lucas didn't like all that much, but he didn't seem to mind. Crissy had seemed rather startled at first but began enjoying herself after a few swings. He couldn't help but sense that despite this she wasn't truly having a good time. Anyway, as the song ended Crissy let out an out-of-breath laugh as she hid her face in his chest, then looked up at him and said "For a skeleton, you're pretty lively.★" she let out a small giggle. Luke simply smiled a little "This is Halloween, the night of the dead. Of course a skeleton would be lively." Crissy took his hand and led him away from the dance floor, his karma must be acting up from dragging around Anice all night seeing as he was the one being dragged around now. Luke understood that the small girl didn't want another dance, a wish that he respected. In all honesty Lucas wasn't in any shape to dance anyway, it was a miracle he was able to avoid tripping due to all that alcohol he'd had earlier. A pretty amazing feat, if he dared say so himself.

Crissy looked at him and smiled "The party is probably going to end soon...so before I have to run off," she paused and reached for something inside her bra, to which Lucas looked away as to not accidentally see anything. "Is it okay if I ask for a signature?" A signature...? Lucas looked down at the parchment she was unfolding. What would he be signing? "I'm collecting signatures from people who might show some interest in a new club.★" Lucas let out a small sigh, he wasn't all that interested in clubs, save for Quidditch. Quidditch was something he still enjoyed, flying around on that broom in high speeds made him feel free. All of his worries and troubles simply vanished as he raced to catch the small snitch, it was exhilarating to be up there. But in the end, Quidditch would be just the same as everything else, you'd grow bored of it sooner or later. And if he was honest with himself, he really didn't feel as motivated about Quidditch as he did before. Perhaps it was because Sid was gone? He sort of missed that guy, there were seldom any dull moments around him. O'Connell was living his dream now though and Luke hoped that the guy enjoyed himself, the former Ravenclaw Captain was a great talent so he probably ended up in a nice team... hopefully.

Either way, Lucas took the paper and looked at it for a bit. There was a list of student names on it, he recognized most of them as they were names of Ravenclaw students, but there were some that he didn't know as well. Luke didn't really feel like joining any sort of club as he had his hands full with Prefect duties. He couldn't really decide since letting Crissy down would make him feel bad... "You won't have to join the club if you sign it or anything...it's just support is all.★" That made things easier, but it would've been nice to know what he would be supporting as well. Would be a bummer if he signed his own funeral, wouldn't it? But as if she read his mind, Crissy immediately told him what it was about "It's a safety club. To teach students how to maintain a safe environment." Lucas gave a slight nod as the two looked over to where the fight had occurred earlier "Clearly we need it..." She was correct about this, school safety hasn't been all that good lately. It would mean that his pranks would probably be caught more often, but he didn't wish to see anyone get hurt either... save for a few unnamed people. "And you'd really be helping me out..." Luke shook his head and let out another sigh, took the pen and then wrote his name down on the list. "There, I signed. I won't be joining though, I'm not that interested in joining more clubs." He said and handed the list back to Crissy. "It's getting rather late... I think I'm heading back to the tower. Good luck with that list, I guess. Good night." And with that, Luke turned to the exit and walked out. The skeleton felt exhausted and needed some rest. He wished that things would have gone better than this tonight though, a lot of bad things went down... and a lot of bad things were coming his way.
[fieldbox=Hogwarts; Room of Requirement, yellowgreen, solid]
The smile that the grim reaper gave him was menacing and sadistic. As if the person in question was enjoying the discomfort they brought on him. The haunting smirk that appeared on the skull looked like as if it was telling him to continue dancing and dance forever. It reminded him of the fairy tale of the red shoes, though the dance was most likely not going to continue after the party ends, he did feel as if he had been cursed to the same fate as the main character of the story.

It however turned worse, or worse for August, as his partner was very much enjoying themselves. Feeling his hand being grabbed and lifted into the air the foreigner gasped as he was forced on his toes. The skeleton was inches taller than he was, maybe even a head, and it made it hard for the male to balance as he was pulled up to full height, the skeleton's full height. In the midst of the crowd, where elbows were prodding him from all sides the Turk stood on his toes like a ballerina, but much less graceful. And while the grim reaper was pumping his fist up to the beat of the music August was practically dangling on their arm, jumping up and down, trying to keep up with the beat. So this was considered a form of dancing as well?

Feeling shaken up, quite literally, August tried to move along with the crowd and his partner to the best of his ability. Trying to jump in sync, while avoiding the arms and elbows from bruising him, and while making sure that he didn't make too much of a fool out of himself. This dancing was stressful, much more so than an exam, or a big assignment, and not to mention straining. The foreigner felt right at this moment a new appreciation for athletes, managing to do so much physically without turning mental. There was so much he had to think of, consider, and to put into action. It was painfully obvious that the male wasn't made for crowds like these, that he had scarily experience with them. Book-smarts he had a lot, however, what about social intelligence, what about being streetwise, or whatever sort of intelligence was needed to dance so maniacally in a crowd? He seemed to own none of the mentioned forms of intelligence. He read a lot and stuck to what he knew, but anything beyond that was shamefully unexplored.

"Merlin!" the boy breathed to himself as his partner finally released his hand. The joints felt sore, and tired out, tingling slightly from the sudden heavy activity. As if he had played the piano for hours on straight, but he had merely danced for minutes. Mere minutes and he was already this exhausted. Rolling his wrist a little the Turk then looked back up to the grim reaper, his bright eyes looking over the lack of skin on the bones, still trying to figure out who this was in front of him.

"So what do you reckon... one more song.... or a book , beer and bed?" The question sounded and the Turk remained silent for a while, staring longer at the skull in front of him as he tried to place the voice. "A drink sounds nice, ye—Colin is that you?" mumbling his answer August then interrupted himself with a surprising exclamation.

Forgetting about his own manners August let himself take by surprise, blinking almost owlishly at the presence near him. He certainly hadn't expected any of that, but it was a pleasant surprise. He would have never imagined Aiken to pull him onto the dance-floor. Or to do anything so spontaneously. However, how much did he know about the guy anyway? Asides from their daily meetings in the library the foreigner never really interacted with the male outside. A shame for he was a fine lad, but it seemed that there was always something whenever they did meet somewhere other than in the library.

"Fancy seeing you here, Aiken." Composing himself again August returned to his usual manners, smiling a little as he straightened himself up a little. They both had showed a new side of themselves to the other it seemed, though August's presentation was a little embarrassing. "I didn't recognise you before. You need to explain how you did your costume there," the foreigner followed, more relaxed now as he knew that it was someone he knew and someone who couldn't possibly mean ill. It was all innocent fun, like it was supposed to be, however in which he had failed to humour. Now all he could do was to make it up.
Characters mentioned/involved:
@the crafty pig 's – Colin Aiken

ooc: You don't have to reply to this, Crafty! We can have whatever conversation follows fade-to-black and round off our interaction for the chapter.

[fieldbox="Briar Black; Room of Requirement, #ebb063"]

Briar spun in her dress, spreading wide around her legs, which looked to be moving without the rest of her in a way that swung her arms wide around her and slightly over her head. It was probably not very graceful. But who cared! It was fun, and that was the entire point of a party wasn't it? Especially one with booze at it? She needed to work it out of her system, and the harder she danced, the more likely she was to metabolize it and feel up to eating tons of water and drinking lots of bread when they got back to the common room - there was no way she was waking up dehydrated and sick unless it was her choice since consuming the particular ingredients causing this state wasn't.

After the girl spoke, the blind witch recognized Rose's voice. Feeling rather ridiculous for mistaking her amongst the crowd now, she hoped the girl hadn't taken note or she'd never hear the end of it. Her calling upon the wand sent a near invisible wave of the mustard aura out into her surroundings, primary toward a threesome of boys in varying heights, two blue one green, all of which were familiar. Her mouth dropped upon recognizing the small group after a moment. Averill wasn't as stiff as a kendoll, Colin was tall and brighter than she'd ever seen him, with a spackling of pink that fell away a moment later, and August - okay, August looked pretty much the same, but that's what she loved about him! At their feet pulsed a luminescence of yellow. That must have been the light spell Rose had called to locate her missing tool (which was funny as it found its way into the Slytherin's calculated grip). Briar hadn't seen one herself since first year - she didn't find much use in it. However, now it seemed like the most brilliant - pun intended - thing to happen since magic was invented or sliced bread, or whatever!

Through the snorting laughter, the girl was able to lift her wand above her head and articulated, "Infulumos Betabome!"

Her wand lit up into a million colors! That was probably exaggerating, but there was little else the girl could really do in her condition. She'd stolen the spell from one of her fiction novels, adapting it to work with real magic, and stared into the light, only slightly brighter than the shades she was used to seeing in the strangers around her. Most of the colors were muted by her own hue of teal to her sight, but that shouldn't have been true to those with their natural vision in tact, but that she would have become a one-woman nation, only prompting her to move even more erratically through the crowd toward the boys who seemed to need some motivation. She went for the little one. August had helped her in her hour of need early into her orientation with Hogwarts and magic itself. He seemed to be enjoying himself the least, so she pressed herself against him, arm angling back to wrap around his neck and hold him in place - plus put the bright, flashing wand behind his head where it wouldn't render him as blind as a bat, or as blind as Briar. The thought made her giggle easily. Gods, people had no idea how funny she really was. Anyway, it was her turn to rescue him, from himself.

"Hi, Gusty..." she slurred seductively, giving him a motivational wiggle. She definitely didn't hiccup. "You need to have more fun. Dance with me!" Across from them stood the Trevelyan kid, though she'd never really gotten a solid chance to converse with him, they had a sort of natural understanding of each other's existence, so when she spotted the glowing yellow thing in his hand, it was sort of natural for her to tell him what to do. "Oh! That's Rose's! You're gonna give it back, aren't you? I mean, she's right over there, so it wouldn't be difficult, so you definitely should. Yeah! Actually, you guys should join us! C'mon, Colin! C'mon, August! We can keep dancing." With that, she gathered yet more to her group, bumping hips with Kassandra who then bumped into Amarie who bumped into Adam- and thus it went around the circle, passing on the energy like one of those desk pendulum.... things or like a set of dominoes - the Domino Effect! That was the word she was looking for - and keeping the mood up, but also to shove some people over and make room for the newbies.

Almost as soon as she did, however, one of the vampire underlings tapped on her shoulder and let them know it was the last song, fading off in a hue of red-green that made her shudder. However, the distraction brought her eyes around to the room. It had certainly died down in the last few minutes, and the sudden awareness brought her energy to a sobering level. She smiled to the group with a much more Briar-like chuckle, quiet and patient. "Looks like it's time to get out of here, guys. One song left, but I think I've run myself just about near dead, so let me know when you're all ready to go; I need to sit down for a few."

That was when she spotted Sherlock. Well, if she was going to play up the drunk card like she had, why not use it one last time?

"Is this seat taken?" Briar inquired with a gesture to the open space in his lap, twirling her skirt back and forth with girlish innocence before him. She'd always wanted to ask...


Characters Interacted with:
Rose Pevensie >> @ILovePandas
Averill Trevelyan >> @fieryjay1
Colin Aiken >> the crafty pig
August Yilmaz >> WishfulNemo
Sherlock Aisling >> UnisghtlyTEAstain
Kassandra Castillo >> darkflames13
Amarie Connell >> Umbra
Adam Harrison >> Nougat

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[ Room of Requirement : 7th Floor Corridor ]

With closed eyes she began to sway a bit. She could feel her body starting to shut down, she needed to get to bed quickly before she passed out. The room was starting to spin and she felt like she was going to be sick if she stuck around with these strong smells any longer.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go," Jay murmured with a nod, then pointed towards the exit, "I want you two to head out before me, I'll catch up and meet you at the exit. I'll go and let Kiyoko know we're leaving. Do not leave further without me. Understood?"

He was so bossy when he wanted to be. Sabrina waved him off rolling her eyes. Once he was gone she sighed then started to make for the exit, per her instructions. That was easier said than done though when she had Anice practically glued to her.

Geez, had she always been this heavy or is this because Sabrina was drunk? Oh well it didn't matter. She took small steps trying to reach the exit, making the escape take longer than originally planned.
She spotted Andrew, her favorite and most trustworthy lackey of the all by the entrance.

The corner of her mouth turned up a bit. Now here was someone she could have absolute faith in. He never failed her, and he was quite the obedient one. She got close to him and cleared her throat. "Okay Andrew, we're leaving. Wrap this up and let's get cleaned up alright?"

Andrew took in the scene before him. Obviously these two were wasted, no wonder they wanted to bail. Probably the best decision too, wouldn't want any more trouble going down than there already was. He nodded towards Sabrina, "Consider it done. Take it easy Sabrina" his tone softened at the last part, making Sabrina believe he actually meant it. She smiled weakly at him before continuing out of the party.

Now Jayden had specifically told them not to go farther without him, but honestly, Sabrina felt that she could do this on her own. She could get her roommate back to their room that way they wouldn't have to deal with unwanted people. Walking outside though she closed her eyes and inhaled. The air seemed fresh out here, it was nice. Her eyelids felt so heavy that she couldn't open them again, so she continued to stumble through the 7th corridor with her eyes closed.

That might not have been the best idea. She was drunk, her sense of balance was already off and now she had made it worse by eliminating her visual field, no wonder why she tripped over her own two feet. For the second time that day Sabrina fell face first on the ground, except this one hurt like bloody hell considering she had extra weight. With tears in her eyes she groaned. "Ugh...Anice...off"

Nothing happened.

She frowned. The only response she got from the prefect was the light sound of her breathing in her ear. She struggled a bit but Sabrina was determined to wiggle out from under Anice. It was so hard because she didn't know where to place her hands because Anice was soft everywhere. It was true struggle indeed. Still, after a couple of minutes trying she gave up. If she was tired before she was exhausted now. She decided she would just rest her eyes in the hallway for a moment, it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Whenever someone says that they will only rest their eyes for a little while, it should considered a lie on the spot. Because honestly, they're just gonna fall asleep, they can't help themselves.

Characters Mentioned:

@VocaStar > Anice Runeswell

@Wicked > Jayden Everdragomir

@Namora > Kiyoko Oshiro

NPC The main lackey, the real MVP Andrew
ooc: Edited for Wa's sanity :'D

Room of Requirement ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Not long after she started observing the crowd as if they were a movie and treating the candies by her side as her popcorn, Kass lost interest in what she was watching. The table filled with candy now had her undivided attention. Delicately taking another from the pile, as if it were something fragile, Kass stared at the chocolate ball in her fingers a smile on her lips as she took a whiff of the precious confectionery. Definitely worth the trouble of dressing up. She thought as she brought the candy to her lips. But before she could even place it in her mouth, a very familiar voice had interrupted her.

"Kassi!" a girl called out. Kass didn't need to turn around (she did so anyway) to know it was none other than her fellow Ravenclaw, Briar. "Hey there Bri--" she began to say before the girl dragged her into the chaotic dancefloor. The sudden jolt of movement caused the Filipina to drop her chocolate. Kass could only watch as she gradually got further and further away from her heavenly table. Even when people began to flood her view, she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from the direction.

When Briar had finally stopped dragging her along, she found herself in the presence of three other people--people whom Briar had dragged along as well she presumed. Sherlock, she already knew, but the two others were unfamiliar to her. Students of other houses perhaps? Kass looked to Briar for some form of introduction but upon getting a better look at the girl's state, Kass knew it wasn't about to happen any time soon.

"Briar, are you drunk?" she chuckled as she watched the raven haired girl move towards another group, a group of males this time--two whom she recognized to be August and Averill. Kass couldn't help but laugh when she saw Briar wrap herself around August. However her laughter soon died down as she recognized who it was that August was with, Colin. What is August doing with the likes of him? Kass bit her lip as she saw Briar drag the guys into their merry little group, bumping into her hip as she did. The sudden action caused Kass to bump her hip onto the next person and so did she to the next, and so on till it went round all of them.

The girl is definitely drunk. This thought of hers was further confirmed when Briar had asked on Sherlock's chair... between his legs. A faint tinge of red coloured her cheeks at the thought. Quickly, Kass directed her sight away from Briar and Sherlock, it landed onto newest additions to their group--courtesy of Briar. "Hello August, Hello Avery" she smiled as she addressed her occlumency tutor and friend. Her smile turned into a forced one as she turned towards Colin. "Hello Colin." It's been years since she'd found him to have cheated on the potions exam, but even so she couldn't help but see him as nothing but that: a cheater, something she hated.

Not wanting to be anywhere near the Ravenclaw male, Kass quickly thought up an excuse. "Well, I'm pretty worn out now" she yawned for effect, truth was she wasn't tired at all. In fact, she felt quite energetic from consuming so much sugar just a while ago, but it was the only excuse she could think of at the moment. "I'm going back to the dorms. See you guys tomorrow" Kass waved goodbye to everyone in the group before taking her leave. So much for leaving the party on a high note.

Characters Mentioned
Briar Black (@redlemonaide)
Sherlock Aisling (@UnsightlyTEAstain)
August Yilmaz (@WishfulNemo)
Colin Aiken (@the crafty pig)
Averill Trevalyan (@firejay1)

Amarie Connell (@Umbra) - indirectly
Rose Pevensie (@ILovePandas) - indirectly
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