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Wondering what would have happened if Sherlock actually got drunk...

Room of Requirement
Status: Mr. Old man Fluster Bottom
Mentioned: Kass @darkflames13
Briar @redlemonaide <<COLLABED
Everyone he practically passed was already drunk or beginning to show signs of intoxication. At this point all Sherlock could do was offer a worried laugh and an insistent advice to maybe drink some water and lightly adding that they should head back to their dorms. This was supposed to be a party after all and he had no desire to cut someones fun short but the recklessness of some of his peers had him concerned beyond belief. Had he really just spent a Halloween celebration without eating a single candy? The pumpkin pale now filled to the brim with all sorts of magical sweets hung precariously from one of his wheelchair's armrest.

A particularly shiny and mouthwatering caramel cobweb caught his attention. It would have been closely acquainted with his taste buds if he hadn't seen Kassandra near one of the sugar covered tables. Just as he arrived however Briar unexpectedly popped into his peripheral vision and caught Kass by the arm. She was as energetic and lively as always if not a bit addled but honestly she was one of the more light cases he had come across that night. Seeing as the two Ravens were more than capable of handling themselves he was about to make another round looking for more drunken students when a hand clasped onto his wrist. Lo and behold it was Briar dragging him onto the dancefloor and commenting on Doll's cute ensemble. The house elf managed to squeak out a high, embarrassed thank you before practically burrowing into Sherlock's green suit jacket.

He couldn't exactly dance but played along by moving his arms around like a robot. That was until a particularly disoriented Hufflepuff girl with equally tipsy friends had him anxious enough to ask Doll to help them back to their common room. After he watched the trio led by his house elf disappear through the rooms exit a tired sigh escaped his lips. The night really was wearing thin and the vibrant energy an hour before had fizzled down to a few idle people standing about the dancefloor. The party was coming to a stop and he considered turning in for the night when he became aware of a presence standing over him. He smiled as he realized it was Briar and was about to say a greeting when her words had him chocking on his own spit.

"Y-yes well no. I mean you can sit! I just...n-nevermind" Sherlock was blustering and mumbling and in the end he just settled for silence to gather what remaining brain cells he had left.

"Thank you!" she practically squealed, immediately flopping into his lap with as much grace as her liquer-leaden feet would allow. Sighing, she laid back and tucked the curve of her nose into that of his neck. "Mhm, I'm suddenly so tired... I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Breath hitching from the sudden impact he managed to keep a somewhat shaky smile. The smell of firewhisky wafted from his friend in waves and if it wasn't for his already taught nerves Sherlock would have gagged. A light cough did manage to splutter its way out however before he managed to form a comprehensible sentence "No, no of course not." But with each warm breath tickling his collar his composure was cracking into tiny little shards.

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Rose Pevensie
[Room of Requirement]

"Accio Wand."

It probably wasn't the brightest thing to do seeing that she was on a crowded dance floor. She could have accidentally taken someone's eye out. Then, just as she'd feared, a foot suddenly came down on her wand. Unfortunately it was at the exactly same time she had used the accio spell. Rose saw the owner of the foot begin to fall sideways as Rose's wand knocked his foot out from under him. Instinctively Rose reached out to snatch her wand out of the air but another hand had the same idea and caught it before she could.

"Avery!" Rose felt both grateful and embarrassed that he had saved her wand from the crowd of feet, though judging from his expression he had not ment to. Or maybe he just looked fazed from the fall. He had hit the ground pretty hard, Rose could have sworn she head a thump over the dance music, but he looked un-injured.


"Oh! That's Rose's!" Briar interjected, " You're gonna give it back, aren't you? I mean, she's right over there, so it wouldn't be difficult, so you definitely should. Yeah! Actually, you guys should join us! C'mon, Colin! C'mon, August! We can keep dancing." Appropriately Rose began dancing her way towards Avery and her wand.

"Are you ok?" Rose asked him. She had an urge to laugh, as she always did at inappropriate moments, because the whole scene was just so absurd. She closed the remaining distance between her and Avery. Since he was still holding up her wand she held out her hand to let him know she was ready to receive it. "Loosing my wand like that, stupid right?" Rose laughed at herself. From the way Avery was looking at her wand, Rose suspected he also thought it stupid. "I was checking the time when Zorro there," Rose jerked her thumb towards Amarie, "attacked me. And well, you know the rest. Sorry you were a casualty of 'Accio'."

Suddenly someone bumped into her from behind causing her to vault forward into Avery and almost poked her eye out with her own wand.

"Ouch." Rose winced and rubbed her eye gingerly. "I think dancing is hazardous for my health." Despite being on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Rose did not find herself to be very coordinated or athletic. In the air, her lanky limbs were wonderful for gripping a broom and throwing and catching a Quaffle, but they tended to betray her while she was on the ground. "I think I'll just take that and go." she joked apologetically, pointing at her wand. She'd hoped to run into some more people (though she hadn't planned on it literally) now that she was in the crowd but was finding that difficult with one eye watering painfully. She defiantly saw Colin's head though, sticking up above everyone elses. She would have to say 'hi' if she managed not to have anymore life threatening incidents.

Just then one of the vampire underlings went around letting every know it was time to wrap things up.

Interacted With
Averill Trevelyan -- @firejay1

Briar Black -- @redlemonaide
Amarie Joy OConnell -- @Umbra
Colin Akien -- @the crafty pig
Vampire Underling -- NPC

Room of Requirement > Gryffindor Tower

Etienne's determination helped his violent nature flow away, but it was mostly Melinda's drunkenness that helped it completely go away. He never thought he'd be so grateful to her, for being such a mess that it would pull at his anxiety and distract him into bringing back some order now that the confetti around him was neatly organized. After the cheering had subdued, Etienne had pulled her into a slow dance, much to his dismay, but had continued to stubbornly stand straight with the air of what he thought a Stark should have.

At length, Melinda began to slump, her eyes showing the want of sleep. Etienne secretly cheered, because he now had an excuse to leave and stop with his stubborn attempt at Gryffindor courage!
He guided her towards the exit, quietly saying, "it's late. We should go back to Gryffindor Tower." He half expected her to want to dance some more but by the time they exited the Room of Requirement Melinda was all but asleep. Nervously and self-consciously, Etienne looked around to make sure they were alone before he picked her up to his chest. His caramel cheeks burned red under the creepy mask while his newt, Carrot, stared at him from Melinda's knee as if saying THE PRINCESS HOLD?! IF I COULD TAKE A PICTURE...

Etienne employed all his skills of stealth and his knowledge of the castle to deftly carry the sleeping Melinda without being spotted. He almost let out a cry of joy as he neared the fat lady's portrait, making sure to stop a distance away to put Melinda down. She stirred. "Melinda," he whispered, "we're here." Her feet touched the ground and with his now free hand Etienne felt safe enough to pull the mask off. Just as the mask came off, he felt Melinda's soft lips on his cheek. With a start he pulled away forgetting he'd been the one holding her steady, and so, it was no surprise that she stumbled back and fell on her butt. Eyes wide in horror, Etienne looked around in fright and there, at the edge of a turn into a hallway he saw them. Two creepy little masks covering the bottom part of their face. Slowly, and oh so eerily, they backed away into the shadows, two thumps up as they went.

Melinda grumbled and, half-asleep half-awake, made her way into the Gryffindor common room, rubbing at her back.

Etienne slumped onto a wall, suddenly feeling the effects of the night. He was absolutely exhausted. With a bit more effort, and after the entrance to Gyffindor cleared again, he went inside, straight to bed, and under the blankets where no one would see. At length, he finally gave into sleep, worriedly touching this cheek.

Characters mentioned:
@WishfulNemo Melinda & Garaile
Mglo's NPCs - Holt Twins

Room of Requirement

"A drink sounds nice, ye—Colin is that you?"

The tension seemed to have drained from the Turk like pus from a boil back straightening, the slightest hint of a smile on his face. Colin let out a small chuckle, letting his voice go booming again, deep rolling waves undercut by the slightest sing song of gentle mockery

"and the prize for the slowest guess by an exceptionally intelligent person goes to"

he held out an imaginary envelope in one skeletal hand, mock opening it with an over exaggerated flourish

"oh well deserved."

The turk cut him off with a raised eyebrow, manners and composure restored. Once again he was the calm collected individual Colin saw every day in the library.

"Fancy seeing you here, Aiken. I didn't recognise you before. You need to explain how you did your costume there,"

"it's all in the wand movement"

He brandished the wand in his free hand only to be forced back as something small and reeking of alcohol burst between them and Colin felt his eyes widen as she pressed herself to august with an applomb that was definitely beyond friends.
Her lips were close to his as she whispered something at him that was whipped away by the music. Cruel it may be but Colin would have paid galleons to have seen the Turk's expression, sadly hidden from view by the cloaked figure between them.

He felt a laugh rise as she pressed herself to him and made to clap a free hand to his mouth only to find it distinctly unfree. It was clasped in the sweaty palm of Briar who moved with the speed and stealth of a plane on a bombing run and he was yanked forward stumbling over the hem of his cloak as he was dragged into a pile of bodies.
A stab of guilt momentarily distracted him as he considered the nature of his kidnap to the hostile drive by dancing he had pulled on August merely moments earlier.

Apologies may be needed but no way no time, he was hip to hip in the group even as others nodded greeting, friendly smiles or rolls of eyes as the force of nature that was drunk Briar pulled them together. She was like gravity but gravity was fading fast as people began to slip away towards the exits, planets spinning off their axis.

Colin let his eyes wonder round the group only to take in an expression that was far from friendly.

To the outside world she was smiling as warmly as ever but if there was one thing he had learnt from muggle fiction

"I was glad my father was an eye-smiler. It meant he never gave me a fake smile because it's impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren't feeling twinkly yourself. A mouth-smile is different. You can fake a mouth-smile any time you want, simply by moving your lips. I've also learned that a real mouth-smile always has an eye-smile to go with it. So watch out, I say, when someone smiles at you but his eyes stay the same. It's sure to be a phony."

Her mouth was as beaming as ever but her eyes were cold as flint, something in her voice that sounded bitter and twisted, bile on the first syllable of his name.
He nodded his reply, eyes fixed on her, suddenly curious.

He had only heard good things about her, she was considered clever and charismatic and her eyes even with their icy tang seemed to hold warmth and sensitivity. Perhaps he was just a sucker for a pretty face but she didn't seem like a bitch which meant he had done something to upset her....but for the life of him he couldn't think of more than 10 words he had said to her

"Pass... the... butter... please"
Curious... he opened his mouth but she beat him to it

"Well, I'm pretty worn out now"

She made her excuses and was gone in a flash.... he licked his lip... curious.

No time to dwell, as Briar plonked herself on the lap of an evidently flustered Sherlock and proceeded to snuggle up, her chest rising and falling with the heavy breathing of someone deep in the land of nod.

He couldn't help but smile.... so much for one more song.... the smile faded as he looked over to the corner where the small box of muggle beer sat unattended.... ahhh pumpkin juice would do him better in the long run
Quietly he moved over to Sherlock, shaking his head over the slumbering form of Briar. He didn't really know the boy but he looked distinctly uncomfortable at this point in time.

Gently he wrapped Briar in her enormous cloak, leaving her head out almost like a babe in swaddling and carefully lifted her up from the boys lap cradling her in his arms. She was surprisingly light, her breathing heavy against his chest.

The acrid smell of alcohol made him suddenly very conscious of the fact that he was practically abducting an exceptionally drunk girl with no prior warning or invitation. He could feel his train arriving at creepy central station, feel the first hints of a flush on his cheeks. He took a deep breath, turning to look down at the boy in the chair below him, his words half imploring half questioning.

"Help me take her home?"
Characters interacted with:

Briar Black (redlemonaide)
Sherlock Aisling (UnsightlyTEAstain)
August Yilmaz (WishfulNemo)
Kassandra Castillo (darkflames13)
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LE GASP am I actually interacting with another person?! :O

Room of Requirement >> Ravenclaw Common Room
Mentioned: Colin Aiken @the crafty pig
Briar Black @redlemonaide
A shuddering breath reverberated through Sherlock's chest as he proceeded to inhale a deep gulp of air. The red tint was still evident on his cheeks but at least his brain was finally flickering back to life. Why he was incapable of dealing with such situations seriously did frustrate him which he had an inkling had all been Kai's fault. How his friend had thought that pulling his swimming trunks down in the middle of swimming class was 'funny' had been beyond him but the wide-eyed faces of all those schoolgirls must have left him considerably more traumatized that he had thought.

"Help me take her home?"

The question pulled him abruptly from his contemplation and had Sherlock blinking in confusion as he looked up at the figure in a daze. He snapped out of his thoughts however when his brain pin pointed the strangers face to none other than Colin Aiken. One of the Ravenclaw Quidditch Beaters and a fellow astronomy student. That reminded him that he was yet to invite the quite boy to join the Ada Astra club (shameless advertising) but there was plenty of time for that later. A soft smile eased his previously stiff countenance and it appeared as if his serene composure was back in full blast.

"Of course" He responded, leading Colin and a sleeping Briar out onto the hallway. The lights were dim and the sound of whipping rain could be heard battering against the castle's stone walls. It seemed that the downpour didn't let up a bit and in fact became even more stronger than before. The distant flash of lightening had him silently gulping in his chair. The Ravenclaw tower was wonderful and was nothing less than a second home for Sherlock but during rain storms...he'd rather be burrowing deep with the Hufflepuffs. That was further proven when a streak of thunder crashed right when they had reached the landing causing his nerves to seize and freeze. At least he had the chance to answer the knockers riddle first so the door swung easily open. His bearings were a bit shaky but in the end they made it safely within the common room.

"H-Here--" Sherlock stiffly coughed, reddening at the embarrassingly high voice squeak. "Here we are"
[fieldbox=Hogwarts; Room of Requirement, yellowgreen, solid] "And the prize for the slowest guess by an exceptionally intelligent person goes to"

His voice was mocking him as Colin made a slight theatrical bow, handing the foreigner an imaginary reward. Blushing a little at his own tardiness and at the unexpected compliment August froze up a little only to realise later that there was a joke going on. It wasn't every day that he was this caught off guard. Bowing back the Turk smiled, shaking his head slightly as he pretended taking the prize. He had to admit that he did take an awful long time to recognise someone he met on a daily base for years. "No comment," the foreigner replied as he rose up again.

At least he had stopped dancing. Or so he believed. Just as the two boys were making an attempt out of the crowd, Colin pulling out his wand to explain what he did there, another figure appeared and took hold of August. A bright light flashed by him before he felt a warm soft body pressed against him and an arm snaking around his neck. Feeling how he was pulled down towards the smell of alcohol, and hair tickling his nose the foreigner buckled over a little, not expecting the sudden force. "Hi, Gusty…" a slurred voice whispered next to his ear. The breath ticked his ear as the Turk realised how close this person was causing another blush to appear on his face. Turning his eyes to face the girl, almost reluctant as he didn't want to see how close they stood, he almost gasped to himself when Briar, as he found out, announced that they were going to dance. "Oh, no, no, thank you very much, Briar." August was already trying to escape her arms as he tried to decline as swiftly as he could. He just survived one, in no way of Merlin was the boy going to return to that hell again.

However, it seemed that it all didn't matter anymore. The girl had found something else of interest. Scanning his eyes over in the crowd the Ravenclaw saw someone with a wand in hold, apparently found in the crowd as someone had lost it. How Briar recognised the wand to be Rose's was beyond the foreigner, but he didn't question it anymore after six years. The girl was, despite being blind, surprisingly sharp in her sight.

Weighing down his options to just walk off, escape the situation, and avoid the prospect of dancing, the foreigner was unfortunately dragged down against his will. No decision and no will of his own, just letting himself be lead around. It was their role in reverse compared to their second year, where it had been him who led Briar through the crowd. Before he knew it he was standing in a circle, a hip bucking against his as he bumped against that of the person next to him. "Sorry," the male quickly apologised, feeling that the hit might have landed harder than intended.

There were all familiar faces it seemed. Some of friends, other from mere acquaintances he had met in the hallways or in class. All of them appeared to be friendly and apparently friends with Briar who fluttered off again. It was like Kass asked and confirmed, she was definitely drunk. Chuckling to himself in amusement, glad that he finally escaped the horrors of dancing, the foreigner fixed his attention on the circle he was pulled into and left at.

"Hello, Kassandra," August greeted his fellow Ravenclaw back, but not before noticing the slightly colder reception towards Colin. Raising a brow the Turk wondered if something had happened between them, but it seemed that the skeleton was just as confused. However, again the people who he met at the party left just as soon as they had come, Kass excusing herself to go back to the dorms and Colin off to help Briar who had decided to take her seat on Sherlock's lap. Another smile appeared on the foreigner's face as he shook his head at the joy she was having. It seemed that the only two sober, sober in many ways, personalities were Averill and he. Turning his eyes slightly over to the Slytherin August chuckled again, shoving his hands down his pocket. The two of them were regrettably a bore to this party, standing too still and thinking too rationally in a crowd where everyone was supposed to get drunk.

"I'm calling it for a night," he announced, not particularly talking to anyone directly, but feeling that he shouldn't leave this circle without a word either. Besides, he had to avoid all chances to be invited for another dance, especially now that Briar seems to be occupied. With one small step to the back the foreigner tested the waters first, to make sure no one was going to get upset over him leaving so suddenly like the rest did. However, as he didn't hear any disapproving sound, August continued in a faster pace. That was enough excitement for the night, tomorrow would be a busy day with reminding certain people of what they did last night.
Characters mentioned/involved:
@the crafty pig 's – Colin Aiken
@redlemonaide 's – Briar Black
@firejay1 's - Averill Trevelyan
@ILovePandas – Rose Pevensie
@darkflames13 's – Kassandra Castillo
@UnsightlyTEAstain 's – Sherlock Aisling
@Wicked 's - Romeo Cooper [Indirectly]

Room of Requirement :: Hallway :: Ravenclaw Common Room

Crispin waited, biting his tongue in anticipation for the blue boy's reply. Grey shook his head and let out another sigh, the relief Crispin felt as the pen was taken from his hand was immense and he had to hold back from making it too noticable. A few scribbles on the paper and the deed was done. "There, I signed. I won't be joining though, I'm not that interested in joining more clubs." He said and handed the "list" back to him. "It's getting rather late... I think I'm heading back to the tower. Good luck with that list, I guess. Good night." with that, Grey turned to the exit and walked out. Crispin smiled and waved as the boy left. "I've already had all the luck I need my dear~" the words were muttered, barely inaudible and wouldnt' mean much to anyone who heard unless they were following the conversation. He took one last look at the list and smiled, biting his lip in excitement. His eyes sparkled as he studied the signature. He was going to have so much fun with this. So much fun.

Now that his deed had been fulfilled, he had no purpose being at the party any longer and left, mindlessly dumping his chalice of pumpkin juice on the floor outside and tossing the chalice aside. Maybe some poor drunk bitch would slip on it. Getting to the Ravenclaw tower was actually getting painful in his heels, so he slipped them off and made the rest of the trip bare foot. The halls were pretty empty and though one would think he'd be mindful about prefects, he'd gotten enough detention already that he didn't really care. Upon opening the door to the common room he collapsed on the sofa. He looked up at the cieling, tired. He felt like he was gonna nod off there but knew he couldn't until he went into the dorms. Which was always difficult to do when Crissy didn't have a boyfriend and an excuse to go into the male dorms at night. Though he could always just say he was with Duncan. But due to pure laziness he stayed lying face up on the couch and pulled out the contract that he had gotten Lucas Grey to sign. He continued to admire his work until he heard the door open to the common room. Two ravenclaw boys he recognized walked (well one wheeled himself) in. Crispin didn't flinch as he looked out his peripherals at the two who didn't seem to notice him. A girl was seemingly knocked out in the arms of the taller Mr.-creepy-pants Aiken. Considering they were all dressed up it was clear they were coming back from the party as well, and seeing the state of little miss Briar, she probably got herself wasted. Crispin inwardly chuckled. How rich. Though, if Crispin didn't know any better, it would look like these two students had the intention of taking advantage of her in her drunken state! And that just wouldn't be okay to do, especially in a school environment. After all! Wasn't Hogwarts the safest place on all of the whole wide earth??

Crispin picked himself up so he was sitting up right and crossed his legs, his violet eyes having a gleam to them from moonlight streaming in. His heels laid on the ground beside him and his succubus outfit brought a seductive light on his presence as he regarded the two students. "And where do you two think you're going with that creature?" he smiled. "You're not both planning to take advantage of her in that state are you?" he said his voice low. Before letting out a lighthearted laugh. "Hahaha! Just teasing! But seriously, you guys can't get into the girls dorms, did you plan on leaving her out here all night and maybe letting another sick drunken sap take advantage?" He laughed a little again. "It's okay, I'll take her into the girls dorms guys. I just have to finish a little homework first." he gave them a small smile, eyes twinkling and all. He turned back to his piece of parchment and motioned for them to leave her on the couch by him. Crispin didn't see any reason why they wouldn't. After six years of purely building a reputation for Crissy, she wasn't known to really be much of a threat to anyone.

@Faust > Lucas Grey
@the crafty pig > Colin Aiken
@UnsightlyTEAstain > Sherlock Aisling
@redlemonaide > Briar Black (not the pureblood one lol)
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The next morning dawns upon the ancient castle with soft light. The last night's storm is long gone, the skies are clear and the sun is lazily climbing up the Scotland's sky. The air smells like autumn and fast approaching winter. The ground is coated with hoarfrost, only to be melted away by the warmth of the sun rays in the matter of minutes. You could describe it the starting day as beautiful in many poetic ways.

Once the blazing orb of light has climbed up high enough, the students start to stir in their chambers as it bothers their sleep; the first ones would be Gryffindors and Ravenclaws in their towers closest to the sky, next the Hufflepuffs in their basement where the light peeks in from the windows above ground, and last but not least, the Slytherins once sun rays are strong enough to penetrate through the murky lake water and into their windows.

However, for a Saturday, it is unusually quiet morning. At this point many would be already clambering out of their beds to spend their free time, as it is weekend, and it is time for friends and games. At this point, the kids start making their ways to the Great Hall in loud groups usually, making plans on their way to breakfast. However, today it seems like it is only the younger students that are eager and energetic like normal. But the vast amount of older students? Not so much.

Most of the older students dorm rooms are quiet like the mausoleums. The feeling around these doors is heavy and dark and promises hell to anyone who dares to disturb these graves. And occasionally, one can hear a muffled, pained groan when one of them stirs in their beds and immediately regret the decision to move at all.

The morning after the party comes with heavy blows of pain and regrets for the ones who could not quite hold their liqueur. Head aches are rather common, and the poorest ones can be heard suddenly jumping out of their beds, followed by running steps towards bathrooms, which then follows with the sounds of puking and whimpering. But eventually even these poor souls start dragging themselves through baths to breakfast to survive. That is, those who feel like they can hold it down.

By now the rumors are already on the move; who hooked up with who last night, who embarrassed themselves, who got into a fight. All the last night's drama is immediately on everyone's lips, as the teenagers immediately feast more with the gossip than they do with their cereal and porridge. Whatever happened is surely to be spreading fast among the students, and even though nobody admits it, they are eagerly waiting for the next Weasel issue next week which is surely going to hold more details that others might have missed.


Current Time in the RP
November 1st
9.30 AM

Weather Outside
The weather is absolutely brilliant. The sun is shining with full power outside in the cloudless sky, sharing its last rays of warmth for the land and promising possibly the last somewhat tolerably warm day of the year. The temperature is cool as expected, but the sun rays provide enough warmth that one can easily spend the noon outside without jacket for awhile without problems. There is barely any wind. The weather is complete opposite to last night, and would be lovely to enjoy outside for anyone who feels up to it. However, the strong shine of the sun may be actually bad for the light sensitive eyes of the poor souls who are victims to their last night's mistakes.

This is a short filler chapter for morning after effects. Everyone should enjoy and roam freely according to what their character's condition might be. I would say that at most we're gonna spend time on this 1-2 months. This is just so we can finish the preparations for the upcoming Quidditch game chapter.

Do not post anymore on a timeline that is on chapter 7! That is forbidden. Please focus on the chapter 8 now and start fresh after the time skip!

The newspapers and notice boards are still the same as the previous chapter. They will updated for the next one.

Current Hot Topic Gossips
  • After a bit over month has passed ever since Jayden Everdragomir was revealed to be a Half-Breed of infamous kind, most of the student population have come into conclusion that he feeds on his victims blood every time he brawls. And that house-elves provide him with muggle blood which he bathes in. The rumor says that even though the boy was locked up in the Hospital Wing, he broke out last night to attend Gallagher's party. And being one of the guest of honors, no less. Apparently he was not so hurt after all for being almost burnt alive by one of the Pure-blood students in Thursday's DADA class. Maybe it was just worse than it looked... Or maybe Madam Pomfrey is more capable than anyone expected? Or maybe, just maybe, the Everdragomir kid heals faster than should be humanely possible. However, the incident during the DADA class has somehow led other students to understand that Mr. Everdragomir is not after all unbeatable, but just as easily taken down as any other student. And somehow, that has kind of turned as his favor, as now he seems more approachable. However, the names he is now dubbed with, such as Jaycon, The Boy on Fire, MockingJAY and many others that his fellow peers now jokingly to refer to him as, made the half-breed groan in his hospital bed yesterday and miss how people were still avoiding him like the plague before. However after yesterday's incident at the party between him and Garaile Scriven, the students are yet again a bit more wary, even though most of them believe the brawl was just an act. But how well it was played out, really gives them the creep... And maybe, just maybe, it was not an act after all...?
  • The whispers of Sabrina Gallagher's love life have died down a bit, but there is still some flying about. These nasty words seem to heat up every time she starts talking to another person of the opposite sex. She also seems to have pretty much turned away from the School Cream, and chosen to hang out with the outcasts instead. She was also seen slapping someone by the end of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class -- again. The only difference being that this time it was not Mr. Everdragomir, but one of Ms. Geralds lackeys. Getting revenge for one of her friends?​
  • Melinda Geralds was the girl who made the troll trip down and fall over Azel Raphael. There has been rumors that someone saw her hex the troll before it fell down with horrifying results. But it is only a rumor... right? The girl has always been bit of a lone wolf because of her blunt personality which tends to be a bit off-putting, but nowadays she seems to be almost avoiding other people, withdrawing to her shell and building a wall around her and between other people that almost separates her from the world. This behavior is like fuel to the fire, and because kids are generally really cruel towards each other, they have started murmuring ominous words like "murderer" among other things. And now things have gotten worse. During Thursday's DADA accident, Melinda was seen casting a Fire Spell towards Jayden Everdragomir. People have labeled Miss Geralds now as a Half-breed hater, going as far as claiming she was trying to burn the half-vampire on purpose and framing it as an accident. She was also seen standing in the sidelines while her teammates were insulting the other Slytherin half-breed, Sabrina Gallagher, and it turned into a short lived physical fight. Seems like Melinda is not gonna get rid of her new reputation as a Pure-blood that is trying to purge the school from the lesser beings. However, at the party... Melinda Geralds was seen kissing Romeo Cooper?! And it did not just end there, as she was seen kissing multiple students after that! And not only boys, but girls too! What in the name of the world...? This was not behavior anyone expected from the Geralds girl at all. Especially not after such serious incidents. This has immediately become one of the juiciest topics of gossip in the breakfast tables; Melinda Geralds the Snogging Maniac.​
  • Valiant knight Sethen Lockett seems to have been hanging around the aforementioned girl a lot lately. It is known that they are childhood friends, so maybe the Pure-blood boy is hanging with her simply because of a family obligation or out of pity? And during the last trip to Hogsmeade he was seen carrying the short girl on his back! Why exactly would the playboy be so persistent about Melinda when he seems to generally avoid flirting with his childhood friends, no one is sure. However, this is not the only thing that makes people talk about Sethen Locket Sir Lancelot's great deeds that have boosted several girls opinion of him and grown his fanbase. The Lockett boy was seen standing up for Sabrina Gallagher in Three Broomsticks during the last Hogsmeade trip when a boy who could not take a hint was harassing her. The situation escalated into a fight but Sethen did not land a single blow, which followed the other boy being thrown out of the inn. And they claim chivalry is dead! However, in the party, someone claims they saw him snogging Stella Prince in the 7th Floor Left Corridor. His newly attained knightly title seems to be crumbling again slowly in the face of his famous and well known reputation as a heart breaker.​
  • What exactly is going on in the head of the Japanese transfer student, is making people suspect she is either insane, has a death wish or both. Kiyoko Oshiro is indeed dating the infamous Bulgarian Dragon, so the earlier rumors were true! How the hell this kind of development ever happened -- or was even possible with someone like Jayden Everdragomir -- is a complete mystery. But then again, the girl has been seen mumbling to her wrist several times which is a bit odd, so maybe the two mental cases are a match made in heaven? Also, seems the Weasel has started a new rumor about the boy extorting Ms. Oshiro into the relationship, and the journalist himself confronted the couple publicly in yesterday's party. This however, did not end pretty as Garaile Scriven is now in hospital wing, healing from a broke nose, wrist and slight concussion. Most of the students claim that the brawl was just an act, framed by Sabrina Gallagher, while the other half has their doubts...​
  • Professor MacNeill has been witnessed by several students cuddling the Quidditch Coach Madam Watkins on the Three Broomsticks floor during the previous Hogsmeade Trip. Are these two a thing, now, hmm? This has started several curious students bothering the two with the most inappropriate questions about their possible love life, making the Gryffindor Head's lessons usually start with "Professor, when is the wedding?" or the like, following with amused snickers. Kids.
  • The latest Slytherin transfer student has started to gain infamous reputation already. Glesni Helling is rumored to be practicing the Dark Arts, and that a seed of corruption is resting in her soul. Since the girl seems to be a loner and overall looks a bit deviant in a way that some people are unable to understand, the students are judging her quite harshly and rumors about the dark haired girl who is wearing odd piercings are going wild. Some people whisper that her secret source of power resides in human souls. And that she eats raw House-elf meat when no one is looking. And that she has killed someone in the past and thus can see the Thestrals, and that she sometimes rides the skies on their bony backs on full moon nights. There is also a rumor that if you approach her, she will hex you. If you talk to her, she will hex you. If you look at her in the eyes longer than three seconds, she will hex you wandlessly and wordlessly. And Merlin help the poor bastard who will get on her bad side! During Thursday's DADA class Ms. Helling was seen casting Fiendfyre in the classroom. Despite seeing her control it pretty impressively and taking down a lot of artificial inferi, it was bit of an overkill to go that far as to invoke serious Dark Magic. She was seen on Thursday taken to the Headmistress' office by Professor McGonagall herself, and nobody saw her after that. The word is Ms. Helling was suspended from school for two weeks, her wand was confiscated by the Headmistress and is under her custody somewhere, and Ms. Helling is also placed under house arrest by the Ministry of Magic. Obviously, the trick she pulled the day before was not treated lightly and she is set as an example for the rest of the school, so nobody will get any funny ideas...​

  • All the House Noticeboards are in these tabs. Check them out!

  • 24gk4g2.jpg

  • 4v1fzd.jpg

  • 2566atl.jpg

  • 2hf1iwz.jpg

  • All the newspapers are in these tabs. Check them out!

  • hwco3l.jpg

  • 1zzqdl3.jpg


  • 33duija.jpg

Release date: August 25th 2015


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[Hogwarts; Gryffindor girl dorms]

"Turn off the light," the short girl groaned as she pulled her blankets over her head. Whatever her roommates were doing went unappreciated, for this splitting headache was killing her. Could this be an upcoming cold? Or maybe it was still a trauma from the DADA accident where she hit her head. Melinda had no idea, but it seemed that yesterday…

The DADA accident has been two days. Yesterday was the masquerade.

Sitting up straight with a sudden movement Melinda groaned in pain again. That was a terrible decision, this was the worst decision, this was easily the stupidest thing she had ever thought of and that had been quite a few. However, there were more pressing matters at hand. Like the fact that the girl couldn't recall attending Zoey's masquerade at all. Neither did she remember ever returning to her room. All what she did remember were flashes of red and soft skin brushing against her lips…

Her lips? Blinking owlishly at herself the girl touched her lips lightly with the tip of her fingers. She had no idea what had happened, but a slight feeling of warmth and pleasantness enveloped her when she felt her glove brush against her lower lip. Blushing a little at what this suggestion could mean Melinda shook her head, wincing in pain as the throbbing headache started to thunder again. This felt terrible.

Everything felt so heavy, so painful, but also so very dry. The Gryffindor felt as if she could soak in a pool, her throat feeling like the Sahara desert. With as little movement as she could manage, because she didn't want to feel the wrath of her head anymore, the short girl climbed out of her bed, trying not to jump out of it like she usually did from the high stand. Carefully dropping herself to the cold ground the girl moved her way over to the sink, ready to put her head under it if it allowed her to do so. However, the glimpse of her appearance in the mirror made her stop, her eyes narrowing as she tried to recognise whose reflection this was. No way could this panda-like, pygmypuff hybrid be her, right? Though, no matter how she moved the panda-pygmypuff hybrid followed her. She tried everything, from cocking her head to the side, which caused her to wince in pain, by turning around, which also made her wince in pain and wish to throw up, to pulling her own hair, which made her realise in all of her horror that the hairball that she saw in the horror was very much her hair. Wasn't this a terrible surprise?

"Great, just great," the female mumbled to herself as she winced another time. Her head was hating her today, making sure that she could feel it in every way possible. Continuing her grumbles the female then stared down at herself, realising that neither had she changed from yesterday at all. How she managed to sleep so soundly in this uncomfortable dress was beyond her, but that it needed a good wash was undeniable. Zoey was going to like this so very much. Not only had she seemingly lost her gloves, but she had also ruined the dress Zoey picked for her, as well as lost whatever pins and beads had been stuffed into her hair. This was going to be one long stern talk. Maybe it was better if she tried to avoid the pinkette for today. Perhaps it was wise to hide away from the Black heiress for the rest of her school career, or even the rest of her pitiful life.

[Hogwarts; Gryffindor common room]

After cleaning herself up, which took an eternity because it was smudged everywhere, and attempting to make herself presentable Melinda finally made her way out of her room. Her roommates seemed to be still vast asleep, or had left already, but it didn't matter. She didn't want to deal with these gossips with her head beating like it did. Holding her hand over her forehead the girl tried to measure if there was a fever, but failed to make any judgement out of it. It was the least of her concerns however as she felt pairs of eyes prying over her. The Gryffindor common room that was usually always full of chatters suddenly grew eerily silent as they stared at the pureblood stumbling in. Was it that time again? Rolling her eyes, and again feeling a flash of pain consume her, Melinda straightened herself up. No, she wasn't going to let herself be bothered with them today. By no one anymore. She deserved her own peace and they were definitely not offering it to her. Moving her legs in long strides, or as long as they could be for her short stature, the girl marched her way to the exit. With a determined look on her face the girl pretended that her head wasn't screaming bloody murder at her and that she rather dropped dead right now than continue her act, but her stubbornness prevented her from showing or doing any of what she had in mind.

[Hogwarts; The Great Hall]

As silent as the Gryffindor common room had been after her appearance, so loud was the Great Hall as she entered. The juniors seemed to be happily chatting their time away, talking about the party thrown by the staff and whoever had won the annual costume contest. None of Melinda's concerns really, as she just regretted her decision for breakfast heavily. She wanted these judging stares of her dorm-mates back again, at least they were silent. Quickly sitting down at an empty spot, rubbing her head a little and grabbing some tea, the short girl quickly started to sip at the lukewarm beverage. That did her head some good it seemed, but she still rather had it that the rest of the room disappeared. For once she felt grateful that most of the juniors were too afraid of her big mouth to sit near her, giving her a moment to herself despite the noises around her.

"Hey there Geralds." Not for long it seemed and Melinda let go of a deep sigh as she heard the annoying voice of Ravensdale. Who else but Ravensdale? The Slytherin seemed to love picking on the short girl, whether it was on the Quidditch pitch or on the grounds. The fact that he was slapped with a broom in the face quite literally, or that she mouthed him off didn't matter, he always returned. Like a cancer. Hoping to ignore the male Melinda continued to grab together her breakfast, pretending that she was too busy with food to understand the male. It seemed however that the boy didn't care, grimacing a little before leaning forward to near into her. His face close to hers as he moved his cheek in front of her lips.

"Can I get a kiss as well?" he whispered at her, meaning to be quasi-seductive and mocking. Whatever she had done last night seemed to have prompted this action. Feeling her cheeks flaming up Melinda took in a sharp breath, staring at the skin in front of her. How was she going to react? The girl could barely think of a reasonable reaction or a witty reply. Gulping a little she clenched her fist on the table, a butter knife still in hands. The ingredients of stupid actions it seemed.

"Move away, Ravensdale, you smell," was the best Melinda could utter before she wiped her knife off onto his other cheek, the butter she wanted for her toast now smeared on his face. "Ask one of your dogs to lick it off for you," she bit to him with an angry growl, her own drowsiness slowly fading away as she felt herself getting angry. The Slytherin backed up again, surprised at the sudden action as he wiped his cheek with his hand. "You didn't seem to have any qualms kissing muggleborns, girls, and muggleborn girls at the party yesterday." The boy recovered himself with a sneer before he turned around to leave, roaring to himself as he left the Gryffindor with a flabbergasted expression.

Had she truly? Melinda couldn't remember anything of what she had done yesterday, but it could very well be as she recalled a warm sensation and the brush of soft skin passing her lips. Flushing again the girl couldn't believe that she had been this impulsive last night. What about the masquerade? Had she even showed up there at all? Had she ever showed her face there? Gritting her teeth the girl clenched her fists, feeling absolute disgust and confusion with herself.

Characters mentioned/involved:
NPC 's – Bully Ravensdale, the Gryffindor roommates, more npc's no one cares about & Zoey Black
@Wicked 's – Romeo Cooper [indirectly]
@Bakugou 's – Aurelia Faulkner [indirectly]
@Azzy 's – Seriphim Brimm [indirectly]

[glow=blue][/glow][glow=blue] Ravenclaw Tower [/glow]


The silence that followed after her vicious verbal attack was deafening. Her azure eyes widened as she stared at the girl, not sure of what to do next. She bit her lip, had she meant what she said? Or was she just caught up in the moment? She wasn't sure, but she instantly regretted her decision to not think before she spoke. The girl looked back at her, equally surprised of Hazel's actions.Then the hurt was all over her face as she stared back at Hazel in disbelief. She took a couple of steps back from her. "You're...terrible."

"Listen..I--" Hazel began but was cut off rather abrubtly.

"No need to defend yourself. It came from the heart." She turned her back to Hazel, "...I can't be friends with someone like you. We're done, never talk to me again."

With that the girl ran away from Hazel and all she could do was reach out for her, when it was already too late. Suddenly the ground from beneath her feet vanished and she fell into darkness..


Her eyes snapped open as the sun rays peaked through her curtains. She blinked a couple of times before sitting up to get her bearings. It was just a dream, that was all. She just had to remind herself. Except she would be lying if she said it wasn't true. It was her past coming back to haunt her now in her dreams. She yawned which brought a few tears to her eyes. Wiping the wetness from them she looked around. What time was it? She pulled back a corner of her curtain to see her clock. She didn't really take the time to let her eyes focus so she could read it but she was sure it said something like "too-fucking-early-to-be-up". She let her curtain close again, rubbing her eyes as another yawn hit her. She was tired, but then again, she was always tired. She wasn't a morning person. In fact, if she never had to wake up again, that would be great actually.

Well, the dying part wouldn't be too great but, sleeping peacefully was like, a rare guilty pleasure of hers. She couldn't remember how many times she had woken up in the middle of the night , but she knew it was a lot. She also sure she had sleep apnea but that wasn't something medicine could fix. At least not that she knew of. She was sure she heard people stumbling around in the room late last night, talking in semi-hushed-but-not-so-hushed whispers. None had seemed to notice her though, that was fine since she just wanted to sleep at the time anyway.

Still, today was a new day and she could greet her roommates and possibly start some new relationships. Though she knew it wouldn't be that easy. It couldn't be. Not with all the issues she had in the past and how her current friend-o-meter was still at a healthy 0. She bit her lip, wow, that was such a depressing thought, but then again, she had do some introsepction. Was it her fault that she hadn't befriended anyone? She sighed a bit, still sitting up in her bed. She was too tired to really get deep into this. Her stomach growled and she patted her hand against it. She should proabably get ready for the day and head to breakfast. But she wanted to be comfortable just a little while longer. She fell back on her pillow straring up at the ceiling.

She wondered what her roommates would think of her. Once they woke up that is. She hoped they wouldn't find her unbearable. Or unreasonable. Hazel considered herself a pretty friendly person. It's just that, not that many people got to get that far in a coversation with Hazel. Where they could actually see she's not some weirdo or freak. That she isn't some loner who could care less about what you have to say. That she's the exact opposite. Though, her exterior may say one thing, Hazel is another. It confuses her sometimes too, but she can't really help it. At least, she hasn't learned how to help herself that is.

Characters Mentioned:

@darkflames13 > Kassandra Castillo (Not by name, she's a roomie tho)
NPC's Maya and Clarissa (not mentioned by name but also roomies)
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[fieldbox="Briar Black and Kassandra Castillo; Girl's Dormitory - Ravenclaw Tower, #ebb063"][/fieldbox]​
[fieldbox="Briar Black and Kassandra Castillo; Girl's Dormitory - Ravenclaw Tower, #ebb063"]

[glow=#996600]Location: Briar's Room[/glow]​

Briar woke up slowly. What a strange feeling, she usually woke up perfectly refreshed, eyes alert the moment she came to consciousness, bounding energy making every morning bright. This time it was almost like before she'd lost her vision, like she just didn't want to open her eyes, feeling the burn of morning light and the desire to curl-up into the warm bed and avoid the cold air for as long as her body could without proper nourishment. Turning her face into her pillow, she groaned, "No... Five more minutes, please." Closing her eyes, they felt dry. She must've fallen asleep with them open again, too tired to remember closing them before passing out. That's part of what surprised her waking up so tired - she felt like she'd been dead asleep for ever, no memories of dreams to disturb her, she should've been well-rested. What time had she gotten to bed?

Oh god, she hadn't.

The blind witch looked up at her headboard with a gasp. "Oh god... no..."

Sherlock. She'd asked if the seat was taken - in his lap - and then fallen asleep there. This was proof! There was no God, only a mischievous little Loki getting her drunk and making her do all the stupid things she told herself not to do any other time because it. was. stupid. How was she going to face him after this?

Wait, he'd let her sit in his lap. That kid had been giving her the spiked punch all night, maybe he hadn't been discriminating who he was serving and Sherlock had been just as drunk as she had been? Suddenly the memory of all the students dancing with her in the circle came to mind. What if everyone had been drunk? Oh, god. She needed to help them! After six years of muggle studies, none of the students seemed to have an inkling what being a muggle was really like, used to all these potions and spells that made their day-to-day life so much easier. If they hadn't realized they'd been drinking like she had, maybe they didn't know how to take care of themselves either. Great, she had to get moving.

Moving. Was an horrendous idea. Her head felt like liquid lead was rolling around with unnatural viscosity, the side she'd been sleeping on still heavy with her gelatanous brain as it oozed drunkenly back into place. This pressure was not something she approved of. Briar sighed deeply; there was only thing to be done. Heading to the lavatory - with no little amount of patience on the way - the tortoise grabbed the glass and filled it with water, downing the terrible tonic with a stubborn will. When she was done, the gasp was more like a death rattle, her hand shaking. Filling it once more, then staring at the product which would be her salvation, she panted into the sink, reminding herself: she wasn't done.

Chugging the second, she had the immediate effect she expected and prayed for forgiveness from the porcelain god. Whatever had she done to deserve this?

Sputtering, she sat back and wiped her mouth clean. Too soon. She coughed up more of the vile substance, certain she was clearing her system for the better. This time, she felt somewhat at ease, wishing she had something to eat to act as a block and hold down whatever remained so she might have the strength to leave the restroom anytime in the next hundred years.

A clattering captured her attention, and Briar rolled her shoulders along the wall on which she was propped. Dust settled on the floor nearby, a clear sortof magic fading almost as instantaneously as it had appeared - house elves. Probably Doll. She had a habit of hanging around Ravenclaw Tower with Sherlock, and eagerly helped-

Ugh, the reminder of the boy made the shame rise in her gullet. Relieving herself one more time, she reached out to where the white magic had dissipated smoke-bomb style. Her fingers suished into a soft roll. Taking a hefty bite, Briar could feel her energy returning to her, her stomach arguing with her tastebuds with futility. She knew what she needed and that the others would need it, too.

Eventually making her way out, showered and weak, the blind witch fumbled through her chest for the small bottle she kept secret. Sometimes, potions just weren't her thing. If she had a hangover, she probably deserved it to some degree, and a little residual discomfort would teach her well to remember this night. Besides, it would be embarassing to admit to Madam Pomfrey why she needed such a potion. Taking two for herself, she tucked it into her pocket, grabbing another glass of life, and headed next door for her first victim of the morning.


[glow=#996600]Location: Kass' Room[/glow]

As first rays of sunlight seeped in from the window near her bed, Kass softly shut her book close and set it down by her beside table where two separate piles, one consisting of two books and the other consisting of one, currently sat. The recently finished book went into the 'finished' pile, the one with two books. It wasn't until she did so did she notice that sunlight had began to seep through the window by her beside table, which only meant one thing: it was already the next day. At the realization, she turned her attention to the wand firmly clasped in her left hand. It had a light glow at the end of it, the effect of the wand-lightening charm, her light source throughout her evening reading session which apparently lasted longer than she'd planned. Looks like I no longer need this. She flicked her wand accordingly and softly spoke the incantation to the counter charm "Nox". Instantly, the light illuminating from the tip of the wand vanished.

Kass sighed, a bit louder than she'd intended to. One of her exotic roommates--she wasn't sure which--groaned at the noise. It made the Ravenclaw want to release another sigh of disappointment. She wasn't sure at what time exactly Maya and Clarissa had come back last night all she knew for sure was that they both retired from the party earlier than she did, which surprised the Filipina quite a bit. Kass had expected that they'd stay at the party longer than her. Or the sound could've come from a source she completely looked over, the once empty bed that was now occupied. Kass wasn't sure if there was a new transfer student, but it seemed to be the only logical explanation she could think of as to why someone was sleeping (or at least appeared to be) in the spare bed in their room... that, or someone was just too drunk from the party last night, wandered off into the wrong room, and thought the bed was their own. Which was more likely, Kass couldn't say for sure. With the amount of transfers that Hogwarts has had recently, she considers the two situations to be quite equally likely to occur. Whoever she was, Kass would find out eventually; the girl had to wake up someday afterall.

Unless she was dead. Kass shook her head at the thought. It was getting painfully evident to her that the sleep deprivation she'd put herself up to, quite unintentionally, was starting to get to her. Normally Kass wouldn't dare to even try and go back to bed (even though technically she hasn't gone to bed yet) with such a beautiful morning, the early bird in her wouldn't allow it, but she knew she needed to get at least a few hours of sleep if she wanted her mind to function as sharply as she'd want it to; thus, Kassandra slipped under her sheets and laid her head on her pillow. She stared at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to wash over her. Note to self: Do NOT eat a ton of sweets before bed.

A few seconds later, she heard the soft rustling of bedsheets from one of the beds nearby. Her instant conclusion was that one of her roommates merely shifted in their sleep. The idea that one had awoken did enter her mind, but she figured they'd make more noise if they truly did awaken from their slumber. Kass was about to brush the idea away when she recalled the presence of someone else in the room, someone she had yet to meet. Perhaps it was her that moved, perhaps she had awoken. Her mind was telling her to get up, check if she really was awake, and then find out who she was and what she was doing in their room--or rather, why she was sleeping where she was sleeping. However, Kass' body didn't seem to agree with he; it didn't want to move at the moment. Her eyelids felt heavier and were getting droopy. Before long, Kass' eyes shut on their own, she wasn't able to fight it any longer. Slumber slowly took over the Ravenclaw; finally.

There was a knock at the door.

It was light, Briar pausing as soon as it cracked ajar. Without answer, she decided she'd try a whisper first. "Kass...? You awake...?"

The Filipina in question had just shut her eyes when she heard the sound of her fellow Raven's voice. The way Kass saw it, she had two options: a) say yes, talk to Briar, get it over with and then sleep, or b) ignore the girl as if she heard nothing and focus on sleeping. Unfortunately, Kass had decided to take the latter and ruder route. She kept both eyes and mouth shut waiting too see if the blind girl would go away.

"Kass..." Briar tried again, knocking with a little more force as she pushed her hip into the wooden barrier between her and the still brown form slowly, not wanting to disturb whatever else might lie on the other side. "I know you were at the party last night..." Her voice came out in a singsong. Potentially disturbing the dead apparently did wonderful things for her mood. "I just wanted to check on you..." Finally, with the door flat to her back, she was in the room, staring at four horizontal bodies in their beds, sleeping peacefully, as fuzzy as ever. Staring for a moment, she came to one conclusion.

Now was the time for the Mission Impossible theme song

For a while Kass thought that Briar had simply left. Although she knew that the girl's intentions were probably pure and considerate, Kass really needed to sleep--not that she wanted to, but her body had already given up on her just moments ago. There was nothing more that Kass wanted to do at that moment than to get her arse out of bed and continue with the day's activities, whatever they may be.

Alas, the world was truly unfair. The moment that Kass heard the faint creak of the door opening, she knew she'd lost.

The blind witch tip-toed over to Kassi's bed, whispering the whole way a repetition of "dun-dun-dun-dundundun." By the time she had reached her target, she realized she had segued into the 007:James Bond theme instead and shrugged to herself - same idea. With that, she threw her derriere into the bed, bouncing off the quilts with an elated giggle. "Kassi!"

Kassandra gave a small yelp and immediately clasped both hands over her mouth as she lightly bounced off the bed in effect to Briar's little stunt. She was expecting her arrival, but she was most definitely not expecting that she would do what she just did. Remembering her sleeping roommates and how they could've jolted awake at her small outburst of surprise, Kass propped herself back into a sitting position and quickly scanned the room for any signs of someone stirring awake. Upon knowing that she didn't awaken her sleeping roommates, Kass let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding. She then turned her full attention to the blind witch.

Sighing in satisfaction, Briar shook her braid back behind her shoulders. "Oh, good morning, sleepy head. Your honorary den mother is here to make sure her cubs are not bereft of their sanity with dehydration and queasiness due to alcohol poisoning. Do... you remember how much you had to drink?" With that, she would hold up the plate of rolls and Advil in the one hands and glass of water in the other. A bright smile plastered to her tired face. Even Briar's smile couldn't erase those dark circles, but made sure her act made one question asking.

The chocolate haired girl merely raised a brow at Briar's instigation. Half of her was offended that her fellow Raven had thought she'd drank some alcohol during the party, meanwhile the other half of her was quite amused for it was Briar who got drunk and yet here she was, offering help to those she deemed to have gotten drunk. The latter half of her won over and Kass couldn't help but laugh as silently as she could. "I'm fine, Briar," she softly whispered as soon as she was done laughing to herself. Kass gently pushed the plate and glass of water away from her and back toward the girl who offered them. Still in a hushed tone, Kass followed up her words, "I think you need these more than I do." She smiled at the girl. Just as she'd thought, Briar only had pure intentions when she came into the room.

Eyeing her through narrowed lids, the teal Ravenclaw turned her head away from her caramel housemate stubbornly. "Alright..." she mouthed carefully. "I already had my dose, but I wanna know what happened last night." Upon hearing the stirring of another student, Briar puckered her lips as if she'd just sucked on a lemon, waved goodbye to her friend, gathered the dishes, then backed out just the same as she'd entered, this time humming Secret Agent Man - the original cover by Johnny Rivers, of course.

Looking back on the night, she only remembered Crissy and Maia from this side, but they both seemed like they had been more sober than Briar had that night, so she headed downstairs. The girl stared hard at the mirror-side of the girls' dorm. Her cheeks brightened ever so slightly and she dropped her eyes toward the floor, her supplies now all but invisible to her teal orbs. Releasing an uncomfortable breath, she cursed herself for choosing Ravenclaw. Why not Hufflepuff? She could be nearly certain someone would have taken on her mission in her stead over there. Whereas, if Briar wasn't an example herself, it had been true enough over the years that the "smart kids" were just as easily some of the stupidest when it came to their own health. With that decided, she made her way up the other side of spiraling Ravenclaw steps.


Characters Mentioned:
Sherlock Aisling/Doll (UnsightlyTEAstain)
Maya & Clarissa (NPCs)
Hazel Mbali (Misaou)
Crispin Fairlie (VocaStar)
Maia Alvey (firejay1)
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Felix Bell.jpg
Hufflepuff Dorms

For a change, not even Hufflepuffs hurried to be early birds. It was already a late morning and the dorm was still unusually silent. Puking sounds could be heard coming from the toilets, and few showers were running in almost a perfect sync but everything else was dead silent. No laughter, no smart conversations, no greetings and most definitely no singing under the shower. Just like the rest of the Hufflepuff house, Felix had no will to sing that morning, or even think about singing, though it was for the entirely different reason. Unlike the rest of the house, Felix's night before wasn't as fun as he had expected it to be. Rushing the hurt fellow student into the infirmary, being bled on and encountering the old professor along the way could hardly be considered the best night ever. He handled it all too well, but professor MacNeill's shocked glare made it a little bit too late for saying 'Trick or Treat'. As much as he rubbed his shoulder for the hundredth time since yesterday, when he dropped everything and raided the infirmary shower only with his underpants on, panicking, he couldn't get the smell of that sinister bloody stain on his skin and it was frustrating. "Holly Patrick it is soaked in my skin!" It was in his nose and rubbing the skin off his shoulder wouldn't do the trick but it was the only thing he was able to do besides smelling all kinds of other stuff until his nose blee...anyway! There was no need to guess how bad did he feel at the point where the old professor reached and grabbed Slytherin off his back, with him gladly escaping the burden just so he could tear down his shirt and clean his shoulder. "It is EVERYWHERE!" He was both glad and in panic as the old professor offered him help that he barely managed to open and hold infirmary doors with both of his shaky pale hands. Which reminded him. He really should visit madam Pomfrey and apologize for all the fuss with some flowers and a bag of Bertie Botts. She is a lady. Ladies love candy. Right? And THEN, and then he would go to professor Aled and apologize for the bother and the attempt of a ridiculous lie. He was yet unsure what gift the old professor might appreciate that would successfully erase the stupidity of the insecure "He fell! It was an accident!". Oh it was an accident alright, but a much more complicated one. His mind was running in chaos. He really sucked at handling the pressure. Remaining almost motionless under the shower, Felix frowned at the sound of vomiting in the nearby toilet, though thinking about how disgusting it might be put his mind at ease, at least for the moment.

Few moments later, it occurred to him. He hadn't seen Stella since yesterday. Nor any other Hufflepuff girl for that matter but he was only truly worried about the tiny Banana girl. Nothing was out of the ordinary though. She was as mysterious and spontaneous as usual and meeting with her fellow student was nothing to be alarmed about,but all of the happening from yesterday still made him wonder if he had miss out on something important and not in a good way. And he was convinced he did. He probably had missed something of high importance, otherwise his mind wouldn't be as nervous... "Oh...Bloody. Crap!" He shouted out quickly reaching to turn off the shower, accidentally turning to hot water and swearing in pain before he managed to turn it off completely and squeeze the extra water out of his hair, standing in a somewhat intense manner, ready to run. "Watkins is gonna kill me!" There was no telling he was late as hell to the arranged practice. Grabbing the towel and wrapping it around his waist, he stormed out of the shower, slipping along the way and pushing one of the party animals, causing him to go into another set of puking frenzy. "So sorry!" He yelled quickly, not turning back and running to his dorm to get decent, making several students shout in surprise and looking away.


The weather was absolutely delightful that morning and he almost felt better about himself as he ran and panted towards the Qudditch pitch. Hagrid was just about to attend to hippogriffs with a satisfied smile on his bearded face, when Felix stormed by him. Tangling his long slender legs, he made Hagrid wonder how on earth did he managed to avoid kissing the ground. "Mornin' lad!" Was all he managed to shout to the boy that waved at him and stumbled a little, quickly resuming his run. "Morning Hags! Can't talk! Caia! Practice! Murder of the Irish!" Standing there in wonder with his hand partially raised in greeting, it took him a while before he managed to decode the boy's shout. "Yeeeeh...eh..." He scratched his bearded cheek and shrugged before he grabbed the bucket and chuckled. He was always happy to see the youth making the place loud and alive. As he reached the Quidditch pitch, Felix stormed in. "Madam Caia! I am honestly so sorry! It was not my attention to be this late..." He stopped and looked around carefully, making sure she was not hiding on any of the spectating towers before he sighed in deep relief and sat in the middle of the field. Caia was nowhere to be seen. It was a small fortune in misfortune to have her being late that morning as she rarely did. He chuckled happily. "Small mercies."

Caia Watkins.jpg
Headmistress' office

She hardly noticed or cared to notice at all the amount of students in the corridors of the castle that greeted her insecurely just to move out of her way seeing her serious and worried face. "Yes, yes, morning to all." She would simply reply as she hurried pass them, with her broom in one hand, her black cloak of her uniform raising somewhat fiercely in waves behind her and her faithful bird following her along. Her head was offering her only a devastating hangover pain since earlier this morning, and getting a 'way too serious' invite for an emergency visit to McGonagall's office only made it worse. The walk to the Tower seemed to be lasting eternity as her eyes threatened to pop out of her skull any second. Before she would face McGonagall she was ought to look at least a bit decent though, if there was some serious talk involved, the way she looked was the least of her problem. She wanted to shout out how much she hated Mondays but it would be of no use. It was a bloody Saturday. Odds were definitely not in her favor, or so it seemed. Stopping in front of the Headmistress' office, she took a deep breath and fixed her posture, making it as proud and determined, as she could before she clearly pronounced the password to a giant gargoyle statue that guarded the entrance to the office. Gary waited for her patiently on one of the seats in the hallway, amusing those that passed. "Excuse me." She spoke as she stepped off the elevating doors, finding the old lady sitting and rumbling through the pile of papers. Even though she was already deeply in her life age, she most definitely aged well, staying as charming and proud as Caia remembered her to be. She had nothing but admiration for Minerva McGonagall.

The headmistress offered her a calm glare and a mild smirk over her shoulder. "Ah. Madam Watkins. By all means, come in." All of the hospitality made young madam somewhat nervous. "Thank you." She closed the door and approached, determined but respectfully. "You wanted to see me, ma'am." Minevra nodded her head lightly and got up, moving to her work desk in the middle of the office. "Indeed, miss Watkins. Please. Sit down. Make yourself comfortable." Caia nodded with a brief smile and sat down in front of the desk, facing the Headmistress. McGonagall laid her hands on the desk and tangled her fingers together in a business-like manner. "You must have been wondering why I have called you in like this?" Caia nodded lightly, unsure what is she even trying to read behind the cool green eyes and a calm smile on Minevra's face. She was and stayed an enigma till this day. Small chuckle from between Headmistress' lips, caught her slightly by surprise, as Minevra reached towards the plate with a bunch of tea biscuits laying on it, perfectly arranged into a cone, moving it from it's place by a cup of hot tea. "Would you like a biscuit? Maybe a cup of fine tea?" Madam Watkins smiled and shook her head, politely refusing the offer. "No, thank you, ma'am. I... I just ate." It was a horrible lie. She just got out of the bed, trying not to faint. Her hangover was no ordinary. She wasn't sick, but she was disoriented and tired. Putting the plate down, Minevra nodded and cleared her throat, trying to ignore the fact that she was just lied to. "Very well, madam. I simply assumed that it might help. You know. With that blasting hangover of yours." Caia gulped lightly as McGonagall's words sent her brain into an overdrive. She instantly felt ashamed and in need to apologize like a kid that was aware of the bad thing it did. "About that, Headmistress I...I must apologize..." She stopped, as Minevra calmly raised her hand, signalizing her to stop talking. "There is no need for that right now. I would say your apology would be highly irrelevant, miss Watkins." Caia sighed. "Alright. I am going to loose my bloody job, am I?" Minevra looked at her, somewhat surprised, before bursting out into a sincere elderly laughter. "Oh dear. You just made my day with that statement of yours." Confused by her reaction, Caia made herself more comfortable on the chair that felt to her like it was made of needles. "However, I can see why you would think so." She put her glasses on. "If there was no unfortunate circumstances that occurred before it I might have considered it but like this...I believe it would be highly unfair to do so." Unsure if it was a joke or not, madam Watkins nodded. "Thank you, Headmistress."

"Now off to the real business, shall we?" McGonagall proposed. "There are several things I wanted to inform you about." Caia waited patiently. "I understand that you went to visit our dear friend, professor MacNeill at infirmary yesterday morning, thus missing the flight class for the students of the first year?" Caia tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear and confirmed. "Yes. Shamefully, that was before I went..." Minevra ended her sentence, in somewhat scolding but at the same time worried tone. "Before you went to Hogsmeade followed by Hagrid, got drunk, made him your involuntary caretaker and almost getting yourself killed. Yes. I would know that. Hagrid prefers honesty over fairy tales." Noticing how inconvenient it was for the young madam, she ended with a smile. "Though no worries. I am simply glad that you are safe and sound. And if you are wondering why did he tell on you, he did not. I was worried for not seeing you two on the feast last night and later on, seeing him arriving late with a drunk and fainted madam in his arm was an image that was hard to ignore,miss Watkins." Caia nodded. "Absolutely, ma'am. I will make sure it never happens again. My apologies." Sighing lightly as if she was happy to get that out of her system, the headmistress got up slowly and walked towards the window. "I do hope so. Even though I am aware that master Aled is taking a good care of you, do make sure you do not upset him as much. I would be quite sad to give the old lad a retirement. I believe it would kill him faster than his current condition though that is yet to be determined." Only then did it occur to Caia. What the hell was she thinking? If Aled knew anything about what was happening, poor Old Boy would fall ill again. "But that is the first thing I wanted to tell you. Master Aled is awake. I would say yet to be at it's fullest, but he is mobile enough." Forgetting about her manners, Caia grinned happily and leaned imposingly over the table. "What?! When? Really?!" Amused by her reaction, Minevra replied with a caring smile. "Well now, I suppose so. I suggest you ask him yourself for more details." The feeling of joy was overwhelming and miss Watkins, let out a satisfied "Yesssss! Score!" As she seemed to completely forget about her headache. "I knew it! I knew he could do it! I will make sure I visit him as soon as possible, ma'am." The old Headmistress chuckled. "Oh I am sure you will, miss Watkins. I am sure you would not miss it for the world. However. First things first." She reached out, getting on of the papers from the table under the window, seemingly troubled by what it said. Even though nothing could ruin her joy of knowing Aled would be fine after all, Caia couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about the Headmistress' troubled face. "I am sure you are familiar with what happened the last time during the DADA class?" Caia frowned. "Very." Turning back towards her, McGonagall smiled wisely. "Then you do know we were looking for the suitable punishment for the young troublemaker?"

"With all do respect, Headmistress. I don't think that a two-week suspension was even near enough for her stupidity." Caia replied, somewhat snarky. "Oh, I agree, miss Watkins. By all means. But I do have to let you know that I am familiar with the history of the said student and according to that I have decided to...go easy easy on her. As strange as it sounds. Though I have a good reason to do so I must say, before you think I started off with letting our students get away with just about anything." Confused enough by her answer, Caia struggled to process the information. "Alright. But what does that have to do with me, ma'am?" Minevra offered her the said paper. "It has an awful lot to do with you, madam Caia. This is the resolved decision from Ministry of Magic." Accepting the paper, she began to read through it as Minevra's old but confident voice reached her mind from the background. "Taking all into consideration, they seemed to have decided themselves that a different kind of...punishment would do better for miss Helling. That is unless she tries any other funny business around here." Caia lifted her eyes from the paper and looked at Minevra, sustaining from bursting in anger. "I am sorry but...is this a joke?" Headmistress returned her glare with her own, maintaining the confident posture and calm face. "Do I look like I am prone to joking, miss Watkins? And if I do, do you really believe that Ministry of Magic doesn't have anything better to do but to write foul letters just for the sake of a good laughter? I think not!" She raised her voice just for a second, before she turned it down again. "I assure you. They do know what they are doing." Caia sighed. "But...I can't be a babysitter. Last time I tried, things went wrong and I mean REALLY wrong." Shaking here head, Minevra replied. "I am not asking you to be a babysitter, miss Watkins. I am asking you to play your part in forming this young witch. Each of our students is too valuable do be disposed of like they are simply bad news. I understand your struggle. Durmstrang Institute was always a place that none of us was fond of but we haven't gave up on mister Everdragomir. Miss Helling is no exception." That was quite true, Caia thought, except! Jayden haven't released a bloody fire death among them. He was simply a rebel. Helling was unpredictable as far as she was concerned and if she hated something, it was unpredictable students. However, facing the Headmistress, he kept that thought to herself.

"I suppose. But why me?" Minevra sat back into her comfortable chair. "Miss Helling already played Qudditch back in Durmstrang institute. According to her aunt that I happen to know as a student of ours, it is one of two things that keeps her aggression in check." Finally resolving her inner dilemma, Caia was finally able to understand. "I see. I suppose a chaser position?" She slipped back into the confusion for a moment when Minevra silently disagreed with her assumption. "It looks like Miss Helling was a beater. Quite good one actually." Sustaining from laughing about it, miss Watkins though how it all sounded simply ridiculous. "Huh. Beater eh? Now, I would love to see how that works. I do not know of a good female beater ever since Gwenog Jones played her last match...Eh...I have no choice, do I?" McGonagall replied with a light shook of her head. "Alright. As much as I am not pleased to do so, I have no choice but to believe you on this one. I will test the troublemaker as soon as possible." Headmistress clapped her hands delighted. "Lovely! Make sure you do so. You might consider that I have went too easy on her, but you must not." Caia smirked deviously. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Headmistress." Nodding, Minevra took off her glasses and raised her cup of tea. "Very well. Off you go now. My tea is getting cold. Besides, you have some youngsters to attend to, I believe. I told them that flight lessons will be held this morning instead." Just then it occurred to Caia that she was late as hell to the already arranged practice with the Hufflepuff keeper. "Shoot." Minevra looked at her over her glasses. "Is there a problem, madam Watkins?" Caia chuckled nervously. "Just that I promised one of the keepers some extra preparations..." McGonagall interrupted her again. "Felix Bell. Yes, yes I know." Of course she did. She knew everything. "So, I do not know how am I supposed to be at two places at the same time." Minevra chuckled lightly. "Improvise."

Felix Bell.jpg Caia Watkins.jpg
Quidditch Pitch

"Oh, sure thing! I would absolutely LOVE to..." Felix Bell sat up quickly and stopped talking to himself when Caia's voice echoed across the pitch. "Get your ass up, you lazy worm!" He grinned widely and jumped up. "Heheeeeey miss Watkins. My favorite madam to hate." Caia approached and frowned. "DON'T you sweet talk to me. I am not here for a date." Felix chuckled. "Well technically, you and me. Alone? People miiight think a lot of things. Then again, professor MacNeill might be jealous..." Hit in the stomach stopped him from talking and he ended up holding a Quaffle. "I am pretty sure that after we are done you will say you were participating in a fight rather than that you got kicked in the nuts by a girl." A round of surprised and triumphal 'Oooooh' echoed from the entrance. Confused by a sudden turmoil, Felix turned around and cocked his eyebrow on the sight of twelve students of the first year, of mixed houses with brooms in their hands. "I...am not following." He turned back to Caia and she smirked in the way that meant trouble. "Let us just say, that we won't be alone, mister Bell." Looking back at kids, he laughed. "But, first year? Come on madam, what do you take me for?" Caia sat on her broom. "An idiot till proven differently." Felix followed her example and sat on his broom. "Ouch. Hurtful, my lady." Giving the sign to other students to get on her brooms. "Not as much as these bludgers will."

Glaring at her confused, he tilted his head. "Bludgers? What?!" He learned to trust her instincts when it came to practices. At this point, he had no idea what she was talking about. She looked to get only the best from each of them, without preferences. Setting his broom in front of the loops and putting his helmet on, he referred to the group of students. "Fear not! I love kids! I will make sure I do not hurt you or your feelings...too much at least." Caia laughed out, letting the first year students to take over the pitch. "Oh I am sure these kids will change your mind once we are done, mister Bell." Getting the Quaffle back into her hands, Caia stood in the middle of the field, shouting to the present players. "You are here because I consider you the best for the job of teaching this overgrown leprechaun a lesson he will never forget." She smirked when her words triggered a wave of satisfied yells. She held on to the Quaffle for the minute, making sure everyone was positioned. "I assign you in being my bludgers. You wanted the flying lesson? You go it. Make as many hoops and bother our friend keeper here as much as you can. I will be aiming the head." Tilting her broom upwards with the Quaffle in one hand, she smirked towards the Felix. "Begin!" It echoed across the pitch as she flew towards hoops with all of the first year students flying around the pitch, disturbing Felix's aim. One kill, two flies. Mister Bell got his practice and the first year got their so desired building team exercise. 'Improvise', she said. It was as good as it gets. As she stormed towards the loops in great speed, Felix gulped. He wasn't so sure it will be in his favor anymore. He had underestimated her. Something that madam warned him about before. What do you know? He still had a lot to learn. The first Quaffle was thrown his way; hard. "Oh sweet Irish luck have mercy!" Gary gawked as if he was laughing.

Characters mentioned:
@firejay1 - Stella Maris Prince
@Erranruin - Professor Aled MacNeill
@Wicked - Jayden Everdragomir
@WishfulNemo - Garaile Scriven
NPC - Madam Poppy Pomfrey
NPC - Rubeus Hagrid
NPC - Headmistress Minevra McGonagall
My own - Glesni Helling
Bunch of first year students from mixed houses making Felix's life a living hell e^e

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[fieldbox="Waking The Bear- Hufflepuff Dorms/Great Hall, goldenrod, solid"]

  • Character In Use: Seriphim Brimm
  • Doing?: Going about her daily routine with a killer hangover.

Seriphim felt like complete shit.

The petite girl was curled into a ball upon her mattress, knees tucked up to her chest, and head ducked under her pillow. She felt the absolute worst. Worse than she had ever felt before. Any slight sound would send a hammer pounding in her skull, and any slight movements made the pit of her stomach knot and churn. She was absolutely sure she was dying, and this was the worst possible end she could have come to. Her mouth tasted gross as she worked up saliva to try and coat the dryness she felt. The disgusting taste in her mouth was a mix between lingering Pumpkin, and plaque. She really needed to brush her teeth and eat something minty in flavour, but just the though of having to move from her bed, move from her current position made her want to gag. After a few very long moments, Seriphim braved lifting her head, and immediately regretted it as soon as a ray of sunlight beamed in her eyes causing her to squint. Causing the hammer to pound her skull again. She must have caught something, this something was a horrid something. Seri took a deep breath to try and settle everything that had gone wrong when she moved, and looked over to her nightstand to see a cup of water.

Her saviour.

The ginger girl reached out, and grasped that cup like it were her only life line, sipping gingerly at its contents, and savouring the cool feeling of water in her mouth, down her throat. It was only then that she felt eyes on her. In fact, they were sets of eyes. Four sets to be exact. Seri looked over to the bed across from hers, and was graced with the site of a very worried looking Alyss, her pink eyes gazing at her friend with curiosity, and caution. Beside Alyss sat Mustard and Peasy both with their heads cocked in opposite directions as Seri stirred on her bed. It was then that she saw Pip, his body outstretched on Alyss' bed, head hanging off the side gazing at her at an upside down angle. He didnt seem too worried. He never seemed to worry about her.

"Berri, are you okay? Tala, and Mary brought you back to the dorms late last night from the Halloween party. You were barely conscious. I was really worried." Tala and Mary? Seri couldnt even begin to try remembering what faces went with those names right now. The just let her head fall back down onto her pillow, her dual toned eyes closing. "I think im fine, Hummingbird. Only coming down with something..." She groaned, and then finally forced her body to rise into a sitting position. She sat for a minute before finally standing, and only then realizing that she was still in her costume, her stay hanging low, her ears drooped. The girl sighed, but heard a giggle come from Alyss,"You make a very adorable fox, Berri. It really works for you." She girl glared at the half Fae.

Seriphim went about her daily routine then at a rather slow pace, bathing, dressing, gathering her things. She'd made it to the great hall much later than she would have, and took a seat at one of the tables with a thud feeling more than a few pairs of eyes on her being. She heard giggles, and whispers about how Hufflepuff innocent Puff wasnt so innocent as they all had thought. What on earth were they talking about?

Today was definitely going to be a long day.


Ravenclaw Common Room :: Male Dorms

The night prior to this morning was interesting. Crispin had had some small talk between fellow Ravenclaws, Colin Aiken and Sherlock Aisling and found that he was rather fond of them and should definitely keep his eyes out on them for future use. However he had other things to do. He'd gotten cleaned up and ready much earlier that morning. Sneaking into his room and getting dressed and dolled at an ungodly hour. He hadn't gotten a bit of sleep, but that was fine since it wasn't the first time he'd stayed up all night. It was actually a common occurrence for the small blonde boy. It was rough being up so early and having to wait until everyone else got up, but as the sunlight began to stream down the stone hallways of Hogwarts students began to slowly dribble out of their dorms and into the common rooms. Crispin looked for an indicator of time and finally decided that he could go let his new partner in on the news.

Crispin picked up his bag from next to the sofa where he was seated and slung it over his shoulder. He kept the contract hidden in his cloak and made his way into the male dorms. It wasn't completely unusual for Crissy to be seen in there, after all the boyfriends she had. He knew exactly which room was Lucas Grey's because even though the boy didn't know it, he'd always kept a close eye on him. Crispin didn't care for manners and whispered an "alohamora" while he flicked his wand. The door unhinged and a dainty smile set on his small lips. Crissy was nice but also unpredictable so he didn't see anything strange about her bursting into a room uninvited and early. He swung the door open and sang cheerily, "Bluuuuuuuuuue~!" He looked straight at Lucas and ignored the other bodies that layed in their beds. He strolled up to the blue boy's bed and peeked through the curtain and smiled "Wake up sleepy head. Come on, up and dressed! I need to talk to you." He shot a a smile to the person in the bed across from them and then back to Lucas Grey. "Alone." he let the curtain fall back over the boy's bed and turned back to the door, looking at his nails. "It's important."

@Faust > Lucas Grey
@the crafty pig > Colin Aiken
@UnsightlyTEAstain > Sherlock Aisling

Ravenclaw Tower: Female Dormitory ■■■■■■■■■■■

Kass returned the Blind girl's wave of goodbye and watched as she exited the room. In all honesty, she hadn't expected her friend to leave almost immediately, especially after declaring that she wished to know what happened the previous night. The previous night... Kass couldn't recall anything 'juicy' or remotely interesting happening to her, apart from getting sucked into candy wonderland that is. Then there was the fake smile she gave Colin, perhaps it was what her fellow Raven was inquiring about. Would she have even noticed that in her drunken stupor? She shrugged, not wanting to think of it any further. If it was truly about that then she had nothing much to say.

Seeing Briar up and about despite how much liquor she drank the night before--which Kass didn't know how much exactly, for all she knew Briar could've been a lightweight--has motivated Kass further to get out of bed and go on with the day. Besides, for some reason she didn't feel sleepy again; though she bets that if she laid back down she'd instantly fall asleep. With that in mind, Kass willed herself out of bed and on her two feet. A shower seemed like a fine idea to get her fully awake she moved about, but before she could even continue on with her current task of grabbing a change of clothes, Kassandra recalled the unknown girl inside the room.

Curiosity kicking in, she tiptoed to the occupied bed. Kass wanted to see who she was, it could've been just another female party goer that stumbled into the wrong room after all. Upon getting closer, she was quite surprised to find that the girl was already awake, her blue eyes affixed to the ceiling. How long has she been awake? Just as she'd suspected earlier, the girl was someone she was unfamiliar with. Kass at least knew her fellow Ravens, even if she didn't know all of them personally she at least was familiar with their faces; and she was quite certain that the girl was someone new.

"Oh, you're awake. I'm sorry. Did my friend and I wake you or have you been awake even before she came in?"

Characters Mentioned
Hazel Mbali (@Misaou)
Briar Black (@redlemonaide)

Hufflepuff Basement>Boys Dormitories>>Great Hall﴿

Adam woke when the light found its way to the room, spilling over the beds and into the faces of the still sleeping students. Who was the tosser who didn't close their curtains last night? Adam liked those precious moments of sleep he got on Saturdays, especially on days like today. Last night he constantly woke up to the sound of a roommate falling from his bed and stumbling towards the bathroom to vomit. Adam felt bad for them, of course. He had made sure some water was always near their beds, should they need any, so they wouldn't make too much noise in finding it.

Clearly, though, his roommates were still not feeling quite well yet, as muffled groans rose from each bed, yet another thing keeping Adam from the rest he so wanted. After a few minutes, he found no point in trying anymore. Sliding out of bed, Adam looked at the lumps on the other beds, which vaguely looked like the other boys who slept there. If it weren't for the occasional pained noise, followed by a slight shifting beneath the quilts, Adam would've assumed them dead.

"G'morning," said Adam, his voice rough with sleep. He was answered with some muffled sounds, maybe something along the lines of telling him to shut up. Well, they'll probably live. Adam'll get them tea.


Adam could assume that all the other boys were afflicted with the same thing as the ones in his room, judging from the stark silence as got ready for the day. There was almost always someone being a bit loud in the mornings, but today it seemed like too much just to breathe too loud.

The Great Hall, however, was just as loud as it always was. The smell of food reminded Adam of just how hungry he was, and he made his way over to the Hufflepuff table, quickly finding a place. Immediately after sitting, Adam picked up his plate and fork, piling on the eggs and bacon. Breakfast was always his favourite time of day.​
[fieldbox=Hogwarts; Ravenclaw Male Dorms, yellowgreen, solid] The slight snoring in the room indicated how most were still asleep, sleeping out their hangover or the late hours they missed last night. Not so unusual for a Saturday, for there were no classes to attend and thus lazy days were allowed. The same story went for August who was still sleeping soundly. He wasn't suffering from a hangover, having barely touched the punch at the party, and neither had he made the night terribly late, but he did like to snuggle his sheets for a little while longer. Which was exactly what he was going to do. It was rare that the boy was allowed to snooze in for so long, as his roommates usually made sure to be up before him and to be as loud as possible as well, so now that he was given this opportunity he gladly took it.

After returning from the party last night the boy had washed himself and gone to sleep immediately, spending a good hour on his thoughts before his eyes finally felt so heavy that he couldn't keep them open anymore. Ever since then the boy had slept like a rose, blissfully taking in all of the rest he could get. Even now, as he was actually half-awake, the boy continued to keep his eyes closed, turning around in his bed to make the most out of this peace. However, just as he did so he felt a breath of warm air brush over him. Frowning a little the musician tried to ignore it, thinking that it might just be an open window or something. However the warm air continued, on a regular pace as if it was someone's breath, brushing over his face in an annoying ticklish sensation. It convinced him that this couldn't be someone passing by his bed or a window left open. Sighing to himself the boy then opened his eyes, blinking a little to get the sleep out as he stared straight into the face of one of his roommates.


It took a few seconds for August to realise that this scene didn't make any sense. Everyone in the room had their own bed and none of them would ever crawl into his for comfort, or because of a nightmare either. Neither could the foreigner recall that there was anyone in his bed before he fell asleep, or had he invited anyone to share his bed. He was also convinced that this was his own bed, partly because of the familiar sheets that covered them, but also because he had confidence that he wouldn't waltz over to the wrong bed. Not him at least, but someone else apparently did. Contemplating on what he was going to do August first thought of politely shaking the person in question, hoping to wake them in that fashion. There was no reason to get angry for someone to make a mistake, which this most likely was.

However his choice was quickly made as he heard a loud shrill voice enter the room. "Bluuuuuuuuuue~!" The girl yelled, apparently out to catch everyone's attention instead of just bothering the one she was looking for. Annoyed August then made his decision on what he was going to do with his uninvited guest, his leg stretching out to kick the boy over the edge and to the ground. "Günaydın1​," was his annoyed reply as he stuck his head out of the curtains, not bothering to look down at the victim he just made. Squinting his eyes again August saw that this was no other than Crissy who had intruded their room and crawled into the bed of Lucas Grey. Whatever her business was with the prefect so early in the morning was beyond him. However, so he mentally noted, it better had to be important for disturbing his peace. With another sigh the boy then crawled out of his bed, careful not to step on the boy he had kicked out earlier as he grabbed his clothes together. Now that he was awake anyway he might as well start his day now.
Characters mentioned/involved:
@VocaStar 's – Crispin Fairlie
@Faust 's – Lucas Grey

1 - Günaydın - Turkish for 'Good morning'
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Hufflepuff Dorms // Great Hall

Earlier that morning, Charlotte had awoke on the couch in the Hufflepuff common room, accompanied by a slumbering Montgomery Knight. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, the two students tended to doze off during their late night meetings and they were both used to waking up by each other. So she picked herself up and went on her way to fix herself for the rest of the day. She fixed her dark curls in the mirror as her spiders went busily chatting amongst themselves.

'You won't believe what Randall told me happened last night!'
'Oh but did you hear about that young man?'
'With that young woman?'
'And the Slytherin?'
'Who hasn't heard of that!'

Needless to say, within the hour, Charlotte had a very good idea of what had occurred last night. She tied a red ribbon in her hair and was ready to go. She slipped out of her room and into the hallways, on her way to breakfast. Out of habit, she stayed close to the walls, barely being noticed by other students except for a few Hufflepuffs she offered small greetings too when she passed. Of course there were others she greeted..but..they probably didn't see her since they didn't respond.

The Great Hall was bustling with chatty children and teens munching on their breakfasts and talking about their halloween experiences. The smell of food made Charlotte more hungry then she had realized, but she still took leisure steps making her way to the Hufflepuff table, looking for some company. It didn't take her long to see Adam Harrison seated somewhat secluded and stuffing his face. She wondered what he'd done for Halloween and if he'd attended the party. Her soundless footsteps creeped up behind the young boy and her cool voice regarded him like a chill. "Salutations Adam." her lips pursed into a small smile before she took a seat by her fellow Hufflepuff. He was one of the few who wasn't completely terrified of her. "How was your Halloween?" She asked as she reached for a plate and fork, Eyes crawling down her wrist.

@Nougat > Adam Harrison
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[Hogwarts; Hospital Wing]

Shifting a little under the blankets Garaile felt his limbs growing sore from the position in which was sitting in. He ignored it however, there were more pressing matters at hand right now, such as his unfinished work. Slowly moving the quill over the paper the blonde was in deep concentration as he tried to write with his left hand, his eyes glued to the paper as he made sure that every letter and word was readable, neat and on one line. In no way was he going to have his right hand stop him, his job was far too important to be neglected for one day and he couldn't trust anyone with it.

"Busted!" the sharp voice of madam Pomfrey sounded as the blankets were pulled off from the Slytherin, leaving him and his work bare for the nurse. "Mr. Scriven, what did I say again?" The woman placed her hands on her hips as she gave the boy a look in the eyes. The blonde smiled sheepishly to the nurse, sitting up straight as he rubbed his legs, they were indeed very sore. "I don't remember, ma'am," he tried, trying to slip the parchment under his pillow. However the older female was faster and quickly confiscated the quill and paper. "Rest, I said rest, Mr. Scriven," the nurse told him before she turned to attend to the other patients, leaving the blonde with empty hands again.

"But ma'am!" Garaile called out to her, stretching his hand out desperately. Why was she denying him this? Why was she so cruel! The Weasel knew darn well that he was supposed to be resting, that he was a patient of the infirmary, but he didn't feel like it. He wasn't sick, his bones were mended, he did not have a concussion (or that was what he thought) and he didn't lose so much blood that he needed a transfusion. So why was he kept here and forced to bore himself to death? Sitting back in his bed the Slytherin sighed to himself, pouting a little as he couldn't think of what he could do. Nothing asides from sleeping, eating and reminiscence on last night.

Undeniably something had gone terribly wrong last night. Though most of it were his own doing the boy didn't want to dwell on it for too long. He had to write, he had to cause fire and chaos before the excitement went down! Jayden Everdragomir, who had recently revealed himself to be a half-breed, the lad had attacked him. There was so much Garaile could do to create havoc, playing into the recent article in the Daily Prophet. Half-breeds were savages, that was the clear cut message it wrote, and though Garaile might not entirely agree with it, he did notice what reaction it caused in the hallways. This was big, this was… a chance he wasn't allowed to have because of his wrist.

Yes, his right wrist was still weak despite being magically healed and mended last night. That was the main reason why the Madam Pomfrey had told him to stay. It was also the reason why he was writing with his left earlier. However, he had proven that he could write with his left hand, he could still do his job! Their concern was just his right hand, so why wasn't he allowed? Why were these miserable adults acting like they had any right and obligation to him? He could take care of himself and he knew what his limits were, so why wasn't he allowed back to the dorms yet?

Perhaps it was because of them, because of the adults. Garaile didn't remember much from what happened last night. After being carried out by Felix he had closed his eyes and gone off into his own world. However, or so he had heard, professor MacNeill had joined them later, putting up his pretentious do-gooder act up as the pitiful man helped them into the infirmary. For someone who just had a stroke he sure was quick back in strength again, forcing his concerned teddy bear image on everyone.

With another sigh the Weasel let himself fall back into his bed, hitting his head back into the pillow as he stared at the ceiling. Well, it seemed that he was forced to bore himself with the memories of last night and snicker at the thoughts of these pitiful souls who woke up hungover. Hopefully someone was going to visit him or something, hopefully with some entertainment in hands.
Characters mentioned/involved:
NPC - Madam Pomfrey
@Wicked 's - Jayden Everdragomir
@Ritual Lobotomy 's - Felix Bell
@Erranruin 's - Aled MacNeill​
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♠ Slytherin Dorms - Great Hall ♠
Avery woke up unusually early and stretched comfortably, an odd kind of cat-like contentment on his face. Layla the kneazle gave a small mew and and her head perked up from where she'd been lying on her special spot next to the window. Her mouth opened in her version of a yawn before she set her head back down against her paws. "Good morning." He said, quietly, getting her some food and rubbing her on the head. He didn't want to wake up his roommates. The Slytherin looked over at the other two boys, quiet amusement in his eyes. He hadn't seen them specifically drink at the party, but he'd seen both of them acting a little strange and wouldn't at all have been surprised if they woke up with massive hangovers. They didn't disappoint him. After leisurely taking a shower and getting dressed, he began working on that essay he'd put off the day before when a groan made him look up. Ah, that was Galen. "What happened?" He asked, blearily. "My head..." Without making a sound, Avery got up and grabbed the couple things he'd prepared, setting them next to his roommate's bed. "There's a bag and cup of water next to you. It'd probably help to drink all the water, and the bag's for if you need to throw up."

"Water sounds great. Food, too, actually." His other roommate, Xavier, muttered as he pulled himself out of bed. He didn't seem to be as poorly off. At the very least he didn't look so green. There was already a cup of water next to him as well, so Avery just shook his head with a quiet chuckle. "I'm going down to breakfast. If I don't see you come down before I'm done, I'll bring you some." Xavier gave him an evil stare. "Showing off, Trevelyan?" He snarked, falling into the kind of joking snideness that seemed to characterize their room. Avery just smirked at him and didn't answer, leaving the room with a sleepy Layla padding after him.

The Great Hall was far less somber than the dorm he'd just left. Those who hadn't gone to the party or hadn't drunk seemed quite lively, bustling about as usual. Those who knew what was going on were whispering excitedly about the events of the night before, telling their own tales and, of course, the infamous story of the big fight between their resident weasel and the Bulgarian transfer student. That is, if they weren't nursing their heads staring sickly into their food or drinks. Those who hadn't gone were getting filled in, some bemoaning the action they'd missed, some teasing or helping their queasy-looking friends. Sliding into the Slytherin table, Avery joined them naturally, calmly getting his own breakfast and leaning in to listen to someone next to him, offering no input of his own.
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