Hisakawa Koukou - My High School Life is Despairin

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(Eternally Open!) Hisakawa Koukou Character Popularity Poll - Who do you think is the best Boy/Girl?

  • Aoi Shimizu (Male)

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Jae-Won Gyo (Male)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Johann Harisson (Male)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Leo Kane (Male)

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Markus Yoritaka (Male)

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Shinji Kobe (Male)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Toshi Hamasaki (Male)

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Haruka Fujiyama (Female)

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Hibiki Kogishi (Female)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hilda Narina (Female)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Katsumi Yukimura (Female)

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Yuri Nozomi (Female)

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Robert West (Male)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nao Morita (DLC - Male)

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Mizuki Ishida (DLC - Female)

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Chiyo Imada (DLC - Female)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Ren Fujibayashi (DLC - Female)

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Kyoko Asakura (DLC - Female)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hajime Sakurazaki (DLC - Male)

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
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[fieldbox= Fujibayashi Ren, #00ddff, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

"...It's nice to see that you're aiming to help out Chiyo. But... you know that the this festival is quite important to this area, right? Just going the route of a writing assignment is something that Haya-...."

Yuri quickly stopped herself and gently shook her head. As for Ren, she would not mind if she finished the sentence. After all, both of them are completely sworn enemies.

"At the very least, we do have to arrange a tour of the local shrine. I've set up a meeting to arrange how the class could help prepare for the festival on that day in exchange for a history lesson from the abbot. With Harisson-nii gone, and with me busy with finding the new classroom, you're the only one I can count on to see this through.

The Social Morals Club officer revealed her previous groundwork for the Sun Festival. A good starting point where Ren can start with the Social Morals Club assignment. But since today is 8th, and the Local Festival of the Sun is at 11th, Ren has little time to do the proper arrangements, let alone forming a group of working committees. She would have to at least produce a set of basic paperwork so that she could use Hisakawa's bus to bring them to the shrine. Ren will also have to set arrangements with the shrine's abbot too.

"Before you can help out your sister, I want you to have completed preparations for the Festival Assignment."

Yuri concluded. Ren suddenly felt her shoulders got heavier. It is not a common occurrence for her to get assignments such as this one, but to complete it within such a short timeframe and the only way to let her help Chiyo...

("All that work so that I can help Chiyo. Oh well.") Ren thought to herself, realizing that she is about to get real busy.

Then Leo stepped in, and soon joined the conversation.

("Uh oh. This may not end well.") Ren mentally braced herself.

The Scottish student expressed his concern on Chiyo and some of his thoughts, forcing Yuri to start a long-winded response. To Ren, it was a sarcasm. Of course, Leo did not wasted his time and instantly replied at her, producing another long winded response. Ren tried to interrupt, but based on the numerous scenes that she has witnessed, it is better to let him running. She did not laugh nor chuckle this time. As for Yuri, it seemed pretty obvious that she wants to get her points across, until Hajime started speaking in an angry tone before injuring himself in the process. He was soon left the classroom. Ren at that time, merely observed the whole scene, realized that nothing much can be done to improve the situation. Robert entered the class just in time to witness the ongoing incident, before looking at Leo and asked about the situation.

As for Yuri...

"Whatever answer you decide upon, I can only hope it's the one that won't make her sad."

The exact response that Ren has in mind. She lets out a sigh as Yuri chased after Hajime. With only Leo and Robert remaining, Ren turned to the two guys, before addressing to Leo, first.

"Yuri's right. Chiyo highly regards you, and I trust that you'll make the right decision."

After that, Ren reverted to her typical smiling expression, but with a hint of tiredness in her eyes.

"As much I want to chat with you guys, I need to start doing some paperwork. That Social Morals Club assignment won't finish on its own."

She then returned to her desk, before started jotting down the stuffs that she needs to do. Then, she remembered something.

("Maybe I should ask Shinji to give me a hand... Nah, maybe not. He's busy as well.")

@Rithas @VengefulPeanut @OtherRPers

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[fieldbox= Hajime Sakurazaki, #5e3319, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Floor 2 Hallways]

Hajime felt a bit annoyed when he felt a force on his arm, but that feeling soon disappeared when he realized it was Yuri. He nodded his head.

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Nurse's Office]

"...there. I've wrapped up your wounds pretty well, but remember to change the bandages before they get dirty."

A simple response to Yuri's statement. It was a bit overkill for Hajime; he was just planning on applying some ointment, not bandages as well. But he knew better than to argue with Yuri.

There was silence between the two as Yuri inspected her handiwork, but Hajime didn't find it strange. He wasn't the type of person who felt like talking whenever there was a lull in conversation, nor did he find it awkward.

"What was all that about?"

Hajime already had a response prepared, but Yuri's next statement threw his prepared statement out the window.

"I'm flattered that you'd speak for my sake, but.... Why?"

Hajime raised an eyebrow. He couldn't stop himself from letting out an involuntary sound.


He processed Yuri's questions. And slowly, his face changed from one of confusion, to one that was slowly turning red. It eventually became a full-on blush.

("Oh. My. God.")

He looked down at the floor, then made eye contact with Yuri.

"Did... I..."

("Did I say all that stuff out loud?!")

Those words were left unsaid, as the answer was completely obvious. Hajime quickly pulled his injured hand away from Yuri, and threw himself onto the unoccupied bed. He put his head deep onto the pillow and screamed into it.


That muffled screaming continued for about a minute.

"Hah... Hah..."

If he could huddle into a corner and die at this moment, Hajime would have been content. He was thinking of a million things and nothing at the same time.


After about twenty more seconds of this frenetic thinking, he was finally able to calm down. Not completely, but it wasn't going to get better at this rate, and Yuri would probably call for the nurse if he continued this strange behavior if she hadn't already. He got up from the bed and looked at Yuri. He had a resigned smile on his face and all traces of red from his face were now gone at this point.

"So. Why? That is an excellent question. Why are we here? Why are we-"

Hajime let out a laugh.

"Sorry. I guess I was stressed and it just slip. Kane is being a jerk and even Imada-san was pulled into this. Then it seemed like he was trying to antagonize you. So..."

Hajime trailed off there. It wasn't a lie. He could not get away with lying to Yuri. But it wasn't the full story. Yuri was able to see past through a lot of other people's deceptions (the most recent one that came to mind for Hajime was Shinji), so there was no way he of all people could fool her. Instead, he made it a point to spout half-truths. Whether or not it was truly successful, he wasn't certain, but it seemed to have been effective so far. His success could have been due to unrelated circumstances, but he liked to believe this method was working.

"Well, thanks for the treatment. I need to go use the restroom, so I'll talk to you later."

Another misleading statement that wasn't exactly a lie. He did need to use the restroom, and he would talk to Yuri later, but that was definitely not today if he could help it. Of course, he wouldn't go so far as to skip classes. That would just exacerbate things and attract even more unwanted attention. The best option was to grit his teeth and make it through the rest of classes today, then leave. In his mind he was already thinking of plausible excuses for why he wouldn't be able to stay and chat after school.

Hajime walked towards the door...

[fieldbox= Leo Kane, royalblue, solid]


[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

"How dare you!"

Leo eyes glanced at Hajime. He let out a small sigh. Watching casually as Hajime broken the mechanical pencil he was holding. Causing his hand to bleed.

"What is wrong with me today? Something I ate?"

"No, you're just crazy" Leo hissed under his breath. Not even bothering to look at him. In fact, only barely acknowledging Robert.

"Whatever answer you decide upon, I can only hope it's the one that won't make her sad." Leo watched Yuri leave after Hajime. Before returning to staring at the floor.

"That's.....not an answer" He uttered, seemingly devoid of any energy.

"Yuri's right. Chiyo highly regards you, and I trust that you'll make the right decision."


He sighed, nodding when Ren said she needed to work. He seemed lost in though, before turning on his heels to Robert. Smiling again.

"The hot topic Robert? Why its...." Leo paused, before his shoulders sagged. "I have no idea. But honestly I would rename the class Drama Emporium." He grinned.

"Oh, also, Have you talked to Chiyo today? I need to talk to her and she keeps passing me by." Leo wondered if she would of done spying. Probably not, Chiyo was a sweet nervous wreck sometimes. And Robert would probably just brush her off.

Like he did with classes...and school, and everything in general really.

"Well, not even talking really. Perhaps just in your general area poking two fingers together nervously."

@VengefulPeanut @Miya @Others[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]



[July 8th, Afternoon | Hisakawa Academy, Classroom 2-A]

Resting his elbow on the desk, he placed his chin on his open palm and looked nonchalantly over to the door. A groan of thought left his lips as he pondered whether he had seen Chiyo. Maybe she was one of the figures by the doorway at the music hall, the one's that scuttled away. He drew his gaze back to Leo and shrugged his shoulders before sitting up straight.

"No, sorry," he apologised sincerely. "Even if I did, she would probably dash away like I was some sort of lepper anyway." He sighed briefly, looking around the room. "Didn't seem like the hot topic was nothing, anyway. We're not having another class-wide, existential crisis, are we?"

The look on his face was a tired one. Not physically so, but like he was done with the constant bickering and moaning that went on the class. It was a din specially reserved for 2-A, it seemed.

@EveryoneInTheClassRoom @Miya @Ehb @Rithas

[fieldbox= Asakura Kyouko, #ff4500, solid]

July 8th/ Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-B

"I see... Wait, do I really have to participate in this? He can just hang out with you guys from the A-class. It won't benefit me in any way. You do know I don't like socializing, right? Nozomi-san can handle it."

. . .

"Eeeh? Why not?" Kyouko looked dissapointed as she heard Totohaku's answers. "Although... You do know that due to some schenanigans a few days ago my class's VR field broke down... my class have to move to another class for the time being right? Heard that my class would join your's..." Kyouko moved on with another topic about her class's Virtual Reality equipments breaking down and that her class would have to move to another class due to lack of school funds.

"I mean... well... since I've heard about that, I thought, 'Why not have one of you join our party' to start off." Kyouko smiled. "Plus... I'm not actually that fond of Robert-kun, having you joining would help." Kyouko concluded as she took a bite on the bread that she brought along.

@Shounen Senpai @ghostsof2B @otherpeoplewhosomewhatdecidedtodropbyclass2B

[fieldbox= Wakahisa Totohaku, #787877, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-B --> Floor 2 Hallways]

"Eeeh? Why not?"

Totohaku gave a heavy sigh and closed his eyes as he navigated towards the exit of the ghost classroom with her while holding his sandwich and taking another bite out of it.

"Although... You do know that due to some schenanigans a few days ago my class VR's field broke down..."

"... Yeah, I heard."

"My class have to move to another class for the time being right? Heard that my class would join your's..."

. . . . . . . .

Wakahisa stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widened and his chewing also halted. Damn it... They're merging with our class?! Crap... Shit... His past came back to haunt him. Though it wouldn't really matter much to anyone else if they were in his position, Wakahisa's little "incident" with Chiyo (and by extension, Ren) wasn't a pleasant experience for him. It was one that changed much of his personality, after all. He was glad that he wasn't classmates with them this school year to avoid further problems, but apparently that won't be the case.


His eyes were shaken and empty, as he recollected his past and thoughts. Kyoko continued on.

"I mean... well... since I've heard about that, I thought, 'Why not have one of you join our party' to start off."


"Plus... I'm not actually that fond of Robert-kun, having you joining would help."

"There it is. Yes, it is exactly as you said."

Wakahisa spoke in a dark tone, setting his form up as somewhat rude. To his own girlfriend, at that.

"Kyoko... We shouldn't be involved with people we dislike. They aren't worth our time. If you don't like Robert-kun, then don't go to his birthday party. It's as simple as that. I'm not saying that I dislike the guy, I'm just giving you a piece of advice. If you feel like you're forcing yourself to join, then why should you? You have the option to decline."

He paused after sending wave after wave of bluntness in his words.

"Plus, I'm really busy at the moment. We have Math exams tomorrow, and I don't want someone to beat me in test scores. I'll just lend him one of my video games, but that's it. I'm not joining the gathering of social butterflies. I don't join 'em, because I ain't 'em."

@LowDefinition @SoonToHaveAnotherMemberThanMeClass2-B
[fieldbox=Shinji Kobe, blue, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon | Hisakawa Academy, Music Hall]

Chiyo muttered an apathetic reply to his advice then called him Shinji-kun before scuttling off to class. Shinji barely had time to wave before she was out of sight, and a quick walk back to the room where Robert had been revealed that Robert too had moved back to class. He watched Yuri and Hajime flee out of the class and some people debate on how dramatic class 2-A was.

Shinji decided that it would be best to let Chiyo approach him, and anyone else involved in this party. He really wanted to be a part of it, but he had a feeling that trying to force himself into that group might end in disaster. For now, he still had student council 'chores' -as he called them- and to cook tonight, since his mother would be out late.

But still, it'd be nice if he was asked to help. He could make it work, somehow.

[fieldbox= Nozomi Yuri, plum, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Nurse's Office]

"Did... I..."


With a restrained demeanor, Yuri let Hajime scream his emberassment into a pillow. It went on for only a minute.

Afterwards, Hajime lifted himself back up from the pillow on the bed and stood before Yuri. Grinning in a defeated way.

"So. Why? That is an excellent question. Why are we here? Why are we-"
"What are you even talking about now?"

He laughed.

"Sorry. I guess I was stressed and it just slip. Kane is being a jerk and even Imada-san was pulled into this. Then it seemed like he was trying to antagonize you. So..."
"Is that so? He might sound like that, but..."

Like Hajime, Yuri's voice also trailed off. Cutting herself off from saying too much.

"Well, thanks for the treatment. I need to go use the restroom, so I'll talk to you later."

Hajime excused himself out to the restroom. Considering were it was located, Yuri - if she wanted to head back to class, would've been just behind due to necessity. TO avoid that, she decided to wait a bit to give him a head start.

Returning the equipment she used, and fixing up the room a little for the nurse, Yuri could still only really wonder what had just caused Sakrazaki to suddenly come out of the background in such a manner.

"...You don't look cool doing that, you know." Yuri said, puffing out the wrinkled pillow on the bed.

[July 8th, Late / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

"Well, anyway, I uploaded today's modules on the class website. So juist go over that and fill out the packet for tonight's homework. Well, I'm done for today..."

Miss Yorihase said this with a yawn before walking out of the classroom. Without the Virtual System active in 2-A, the best she could pull off of as a lesson short of reading off the answer key, was reading off an internet article. Even Yuri didn't find much value in taking any notes today.

("So I'm doing negotiations on my own today, huh? I guess that serves me right, for the most part.")

Yuri sighed to herself in silence. Feeling embarrassed to even say that Miss Yorihase was helping her in finding a classroom to move in with. In truth - 'help' just meant: 'allowing to happen' in Miss Yorihase's case. The rest of the task was down to Yuri alone. Of course, she wasn't allowed to say anything derogatory to the staff.

Today, she was going to have to have a talk with Class 2-B. The Class Representative for that class was Hayata Umeko... Chiyo and Ren, were both related to her. With that thought in mind, Yuri turned to look over at the short girl with blue hair. Maybe she knew something that would help with negotiations? It was worth asking at least.

"Ren-san, do you have a moment? It's about your sister."

She said, Daintily beckoning to her.

@Miya @_Nozy People
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[fieldbox= Fujibayashi Ren, #00ddff, solid]

[July 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

As Ms. Yorihase saw herself out from 2-A classroom in a rather tired manner after announcing to the class that today's modules has been uploaded on the dreaded Hisakawa's official student portal, Ren cannot help but wondering what was going on with Ms. Yorihase. Perhaps the broken door issue caused by Mizuki was simply too much for her to handle? Speaking of Mizuki, Ren has not seen her in class since that faithful day when she broke the door. The thoughts made Ren sighed to herself, but the feeling did not affect her for long as she reoriented herself to focus on the Social Morals Club assignment.

("I think Ms. Yorihase relied too much on the whole Virtual System. Call me old fashioned but a teacher can still be able to deliver a good teaching experience without it.")

At this moment, she touched the back of her spine. Even after years, Ren still feels uneasy with a chip installed in her spine. Then again, it becomes a necessity nowadays, with the Virtual System being widely adopted especially in the education sector. As students began to exit the classroom or minding their own stuff, Ren decided to start on the paperwork for the Social Morals assignment. Of course, this will be a difficult one seeing how close the deadline is. She gave a brief stare at Shinji, before taking out an examination pad. It was clearly worn, and its contents are scribbles, hastily jotted down notes and certain important announcements, dates. Ren was planning to create a rough draft of her paperwork, but then...

"Ren-san, do you have a moment? It's about your sister."

It was Yuri. Ren turned to her just in time to see her gestures, asking for her attention. The short girl got up from her seat and approached Yuri. She has a hunch on what the Social Morals Club officer is trying to do, but she decided that it is better to hear from her in person.

"What do you want to know? Aside that Umeko is completely opposite of you in terms of personality, she also likes to tease people, such as someone like you who takes the job of the Social Morals Club in a very serious manner. If you are going to deal with her, you have to be patient. Just think of her as a more... elegant version of Leo."

Ren stopped, letting the facts sink in. But knowing how stiff Yuri can be, Ren still does not trust that the negotiation would go well. There is only one way to ensure that 2-A will be merging with 2-B without any hitches, or at least, keeping Yuri from being hurt once more. The "F-U Nozomi!" line still echoed in her thoughts.

"... I think it's easier for me to go with you when you decide to talk with Umeko about the class merge."

Ren said in a firm tone to Yuri, even though she still has to handle the Social Morals assignment which will be due in 11th July, 3 days from now on.

@Ehb @thecast

[fieldbox=Shinji Kobe, blue, solid]

[July 8th, Late Afternoon | Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

Shinji was surprised that the lesson ended so quickly. Then again... without the system running correctly, she couldn't really do much. It was still unbelievable that once upon a time, teachers taught without using it. And students learned through this method. Still strange, but he supposed that it gave him some extra downtime. He could do the homework later, and besides, he hadn't talked to Robert in a while, so Shinji figured that it wouldn't hurt to see if Robert wanted anything for his birthday.

As he stood, he noticed Ren staring at him. Right, he hadn't talked to Ren in a while either... but it looked like she was busy, and Yuri was talking to her about Umeko. Umeko could just be called the Super Duper High School Social Butterfly, and people would get pretty much a good understanding of how that girl worked. Still, there was someone else to talk to.

For a moment it seemed like his simple goal of 'more friends' was just out of reach.

Why was the younger him so much more sociable than the current him? It seemed like every time he turned around he met a new childhood friend. Which wasn't too bad, but it just seemed like a lot of work. Shinji sighed and finished packing up.

He'd try and go find Robert, since Shinji hadn't really had the chance to finish the ramen from last time, it seemed like a good a time as any to try that ramen place for real.

@TheClass @VengefulPeanut
[fieldbox=Chiyo Imada, #fbceb1, solid]
~June 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A~

Chiyo looked around, noticing the lesson had ended, and therefore they were all dismissed. Yawning, she quickly packed up her things, stopping as her hand hit a familiar object. Taking out the cell phone, she nimbly unlocked the screen for her to do whatever she wished.

Thoughts of the upcoming party were still on her mind, though she honestly had no clue what to do with them. It should be easy, given that she already had the place and time in mind...so why hasn't she figured out what will make the party "wonderful" ?
Scrolling through her contacts, she decided to entertain herself a bit by asking them for advice.

But first, she needed to ask Ren something.

Looking over, she saw that her blue-haired sister was talking to Yuri, most likely about Social Morals stuff. Not wanting to deal with approaching her, she walked out into the hall, quickly sending her a simple text on the matter in mind.

Hey, so I'm in charge of Robert's surprise party, and I was wondering if you could hook up a sound system with music that he would possibly like? I'll also need help with getting it set up the day of, seeing as it is at a pool.

Not in the mood to wait for a reply, she kept on scrolling through her contacts. As the peach-haired student did so, she realized just how many of her own friends weren't on the best of terms with Robert themselves. Well isn't that just- Not wanting to finish the thought, she shook her head, randomly clicking Leo's contact and deciding to text him on a whim. Leaning on the wall, she let her long hair cover her face as her thumbs moved across the keyboard.


A teardrop splattered on the screen, surprising Chiyo as she pressed send. It was just a word, one that could invoke many meanings, but nonetheless just a single word out of many, why was she crying over it?

Why in the name of the Milky Way was this foreign liquid invading her precious chocolate-colored sight organs?

It was stupid, confusing, and all it did was cause more of this tortuous liquid to form in her eyes, forming a small puddle on the electronic device.

She didn't even feel sad, but yet here she was, crying. [/fieldbox]

@Rithas @Miya @AnybodyElseWhoWantsaPieceOfThisEmotionalTrainWreck :p
[fieldbox= Leo Kane, Royalblue, Solid]


[July 8th, Afternoon | Hisakawa Academy, Classroom 2-A]

Leo sighed when Robert confirmed he had not seen Chiyo. It didn't suprise him. It came to him through a fleeting thought that maybe Chiyo was avoiding him.

No, that was nonsense. He didn't even know what was causing him to think that way.

"Didn't seem like the hot topic was nothing, anyway. We're not having another class-wide, existential crisis, are we?"

Leo chuckled. "Robert, when is this class not having an existential crisis. I'd be worried if it wasn't" He scratched his neck. "Having an existential crisis is just how we past the time in this class"

[July 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Hallway]

As soon as the lesson ended Leo exited the classroom. He didn't really feel like being there for any longer then had to today. It certainly didn't help with the way that he was replaying Yuri's words. That was stupid, He had never listened to anything Yuri said to him. He wondered why this time it was different.

Not that it was actually going to have any effect on him.

His phone buzzed, taking him out of thought. Taking it out of his pocket, he smiled faintly at noticing Chiyo texting him. At least this was something.


He stopped, his pockets were empty. He had left his movie vouchers on the seat.

Sighing with annoyance, Leo turned around and started to walk back to class. Texting a response on the way back.

Ello, Been meaning to talk to you a while. Mind if we meet up later sometime? Also, Am I the only who has noticed that weird face behind the teacher's desk in the class? It looks like it's frowning at me.

Sending the text, Leo put his phone away before turning a corner

He smiled as he saw Chiyo standing there. Well, that saved him a load of trouble. In fairness, it was probably a good idea to just wait by the class for her to come out. But then that would seem kinda weird just waiting awkwardly at the door. Especially if she took a long time. And if one of his friends started to talk to hi-

Leo, with a small sense of dread churning in his stomach. Realised what Chiyo was doing.


He took a few steps closer, bending over slightly. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Chiyo? What's wrong?" He tried to smile reassuringly. Trying to not express the overwhelming concern he had right now.

"Tell me...why are you crying? Can I help?"

@Raven Haruka @Othersiftheyreallywantto[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox= Hajime Sakurazaki, #5e3319, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Men's Restroom]

"Fuck... Damn idiot..."

Hajime continued to admonish himself as he washed his face in the restroom. After he eventually stopped, he then took several deep breaths up until the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch.

"Time to go..."

He trudged towards the classroom, his heart heavy.

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]


A sigh with mixed feelings. On one hand, he felt fortunate that nobody made a big fuss about his previous behavior earlier, considering that was the first time he spoke out like that in high school. On the other hand, he felt pathetic that nobody made a big fuss about it.

("...Ah, I'm drowning.")

He remembered that someone said "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy."

("...Can't breath...")

A familiar, uncomfortable, suffocating sensation. The feeling of isolation, even though he was in a classroom full of people. It was like he didn't even exist. But, it was inevitable from his decisions. He knew he was pathetic. His actions were like not taking out the garbage and complaining it smelled awful: without putting in effort to fix things, he complained about the subsequent unavoidable negative result.

He packed his items into his backpack, then took out his earphones from his pocket and listened to his music. After taking a glance at Yuri, he walked towards the exit. Fortunately, it seemed that he wouldn't have to use his prepared excuse.

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Floor 2 Hallways]

Hajime took a few steps and stopped. His expression soured when he saw Leo and Chiyo. Especially since from where he was, it seemed that Chiyo was crying. His first thought was that Leo made her cry.

("Leo, you bastard...!")

Hajime took a step towards the two, but stopped to rethink things.

("No, I could be mistaken. I'll talk to Chiyo tomorrow, and see if Leo was truly the cause.")

He would give Leo the benefit of the doubt. With that in mind, he turned and walked towards the opposite direction of the two.

When he was about to turn a corner, his phone's mp3 function suddenly stopped working.


He looked down into his pocket while still continuing to walk and ran into Shinji as he turned a corner.


A startled yell. Less from the pain of the impact and more from surprise. First his outburst in the classroom, now this. It seemed that fate was not kind to him today.

Hajime avoided eye contact as he hurriedly picked himself up. He didn't want to see possible eyes of pity or disdain.


With a fearful expression on his face, he started to run. Run like he did everyday. Run away from his problems, run away from the truth. Run away from the things that made him uncomfortable today, while lying to himself and saying he will face them tomorrow.

@Raven Haruka @Rithas @RainDash[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Shinji Kobe, blue, solid]

[July 8th, Late Afternoon | Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Floor 2 hallways]

Shinji had failed to find Robert after a few minutes of searching. Maybe he'd gone to the music room again...? Just as Shinji was turning to try and head towards the Music Hall he was run into for the second time that day.



In the split second that Shinji recognized that it was Hajime that had run into him, Hajime was off like a bullet, running down the halls. If Shinji didn't stop him, he'd probably get yelled at... but then again if Shinji just quietly let Hajime get in trouble then it wasn't any skin off his nose. However, that would be kind of wrong.

Should he chase him? Or let him be?

("I'm going to have to chase him, aren't I?) and so, at the risk of looking like a complete idiot if anyone were to see him, Shinji started to run down the halls as well.

"Goddamn it Hajime, stop! Wait up!" Shinji yelled, trying to grab onto the running student to try and stop him. "What the heck is up with you today?"

Of course he had heard about the pencil incident, it was the talk of the class that the quiet and lonesome Hajime had almost lost it earlier. Shinji was curious enough to break his trepidation over how their friendship had ended to try and solve the mystery of why Hajime was acting so werid. Besides... what was that look of fear on his face earlier?

@TheClass @Illin
[fieldbox=Chiyo Imada, #fbceb1, solid]
~June 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A~

~"Goddamn it Chiyo! Are you so useless that you have to resort to crying over every little thing now? Useless daughter, I wish I-"~

Chiyo recognized his voice, but still somehow managed to flinch at the hand her best friend placed onto her shoulder, an attempt to comfort no doubt. Looking at him, a cold feeling caused goosebumps to grow and scatter like a rash along the smaller of the duo's spine. It wasn't that she wasn't glad to see her friend, on the contrary she was happy to see him. But still, her face was wet, and she continued to stare at the boy in front of her, a blank screen contrasting greatly to her own personality.
"Chiyo? What's wrong?"
Oh. Taking a breath, Chiyo exhaled, her breath shuddering while she tried to calm down...which made zero sense since she felt completely calm. Well, perhaps exhausted would be a better word for her own internal expression, but either way it still wasn't any help at all. Shaking her head, she wiped her eyes and gave her waiting friend a response. Honestly, this wasn't a time for her to screw things up with Leo, he probably had enough to deal with as it is.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just being a stupid idiot again, please ignore it."

Smiling weakly, she gave Leo a look that practically screamed that she didn't want to talk about it. There were still tears, but they didn't fall from her face like a pair of rivers, and within the next minute her face would begin to dry. She saw Hajime from behind Leo, but as soon as she recognized a look of what seemed to be anger, he quickly turned and walked away, causing her to sigh. Hopefully her other friend didn't get any ideas over what was currently conspiring.

"Tell me...why are you crying? Can I help?"

"No!" Visibly cringing at the loudness of her own voice, the peach shook her head fervently. "I mean... no thanks, there's really nothing for you to help with - well, nothing that would have an effect on my stupidity that is!" Tilting her head, she laughed at herself, though even that sounded pretty weak.

"On another topic, I need help with managing a surprise party for Robert-kun, mostly with making it to where he won't hate it. Interested?"

Chiyo was trying too hard to change the topic, that much was noticeable. That cold feeling still wouldn't leave her, almost creating a numbing sensation, but not quite. She felt miserable for causing Leo to be concerned, after all that was never her goal in the first place now, was it? After all, it was her job to make sure that everybody was happy, it was her responsibility not to make them waste their time by causing worry, and it was her privilege to even have friends in the first place. That much her own mother made clear, what with those constant lectures that were made to point out the reason of the peach-haired girl's existence.

Now, he could try and push Chiyo further, in an attempt to actually get to the root of all of this negativity she was withholding within herself. But, if Chiyo could be selfish, she would rather have him ignore her and just continue living happily while he still can. [/fieldbox]

@Rithas @AnybodyElse?
[fieldbox= Hajime Sakurazaki, #5e3319, solid]

[July 8th, Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Floor 2 Hallways]

"...-wait up!"

Hajime stopped running as he heard the traces of Shinji's voice through his music-less earphones. His expression turned grim as he took a few seconds to think of what to do next. Hajime then felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around. The grim expression was replaced with a tired one.

"What is it? I'm in a bit of a rush; I'm sorry for running into you earlier, I shouldn't have done so."

Hajime's excuse that was reserved for Yuri was re-purposed for Shinji. He was still avoiding eye contact though in a less obvious way, looking at Shinji's chin rather than his eyes.

("How stupid am I...?")

Hajime thought it was pathetic how he could easily apologize for this, but not for that slap in middle school.

("Ahhh, stop it. I need to focus on this now.")

Hajime prayed that this encounter would soon be over and done with.

[fieldbox= Leo Kane, Royalblue, Solid]


[July 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Hallway]

"Ah, nothing. I'm just being a stupid idiot again, please ignore it."

Leo gazed back at Chiyo's tearful face. He was pretty sure he saw Hajime in the corner of his eye, but he didn't care about that loser right now.

"No!" Leo expression didn't change. Still staring at Chiyo.

"I mean... no thanks, there's really nothing for you to help with - well, nothing that would have an effect on my stupidity that is!"

Leo frowned, If Chiyo really didn't want to talk about it. Then perhaps it was just best for him to just forget about it. He didn't want to hurt her...

"You knew! You knew and you didn't do anything about it! You could've-"

No, this was different. This was possibly going to lead to regret. But something was wrong. Anyone could have seen that. He wasn't going to let her...well, He didn't know what exactly. But, he didn't want to see her cry certainly.

"On another topic, I need help with managing a surprise party for Robert-kun, mostly with making it to where he won't hate it. Interested?"

"Yeah sure" He answered, he glanced to what he could swear was Shinji chasing after someone. But somehow that really was the last thing he could care about right now. He looked back at Chiyo. "Chiyo..." He said, stopping as if to carefully think of his next words.

Well, if this was going to end badly then at least he tried.

He slid his arms around, gently hugging her. "If there was anything in the universe that you certainly aren't Chiyo, it's stupid." He smiled, looking down at her. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met." He kept the hug for a little while before breaking off and stepping back. He leaned down, to bring his face closer to hers.

"If there's anything I think I know. It's that crying in a hallway probably isn't something to shrug off." It kind of felt like he was wading through a swamp that may or may not have a giant murderous alligator ready to swallow him whole.

"So please Chiyo. If there's anything I can do, even if it's just listening. Then tell me. Because you clearly aren't about to start skipping down that hallway singing to the birds" His smile stayed. Staring into her eyes, still wet from her tears. He just wanted her to tell him. Whatever it was.

"I-....I'm here"

@Raven Haruka @Otherswhowillgetshankediftheygonear[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox= Nozomi Yuri, plum, solid]

[July 8th, Late / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

"What do you want to know? Aside that Umeko is completely opposite of you in terms of personality, she also likes to tease people, such as someone like you who takes the job of the Social Morals Club in a very serious manner. If you are going to deal with her, you have to be patient. Just think of her as a more... elegant version of Leo."

Yuri took Ren's reply as humor, she didn't laugh aloud though, considering the person in question was still there.

"... I think it's easier for me to go with you when you decide to talk with Umeko about the class merge." Ren offered.

It was true that with Ren, it would certainly give her a bit more leverage with negotiations. All the classes Yuri had talked to thus far about doing a merge had been against the idea. A plea for help from sister-to-sister was a more compelling argument than what Yuri had been able to muster thus far.

She didn't like it though. It certainly felt a little devious to try to do things in this way, but class 2-A really did need to move in with another.

"I am in your Debt, Ren-san."

Yuri didn't offer up any resistance to the idea. She was in full support of it.

"Let's go see Hayata-san, then."

Picking up their things the two of them left the door opposite of where a certain peach girl had exited. Other members in the class followed after. Though the two had hurried too quickly to notice the things that began to unfold in their wake.


[fieldbox= Hayata Umeko, turquoise, solid]


[July 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-B]

Ren and Yuri arrived to a mostly emptied out class 2-B. Umeko didn't bother too much with late announcements, and the teacher had gotten finished with the lesson early. For the most part, today was a rather slow one. When Yuri spotted her intended target, she found her idling away at her phone at her desk. While she may not have had any ready conversation in her classroom, she did have endless possibilities through her phone.

Upon noticing the two, Umeko stood up, and walked over two them.


"Oh? So it's not about social morals for once then huh?"

A perky looking girl looked between Yuri and Ren with surprise that she wasn't being scolded today.

"Yes, it isn't about that. You see you heard about how class A's Virtual Reality equipment got broken, right? We came her to ask if our class could merge with yours, so we could go on with lessons."

Umeko didn't immediately respond. Her face seemed to have frozen in mid conversation. Processing, over and over, just what Yuri Nozomi was asking of her.

"Wait, so you guys want to share a classroom with us? It's like a temporary thing, right?"

Yuri shook her head.

"Given the schedule for the repair, this arrangement will be something that will have to last for the rest of the year."

Another pause. Umego again seemed to be going off processing things again.

"The whole year, huh? Are you kidding me?"


Umeko smirked. Even she was feeling a little helpless at how to immediately respond to all this. But she was relieved to know of one thing. The real reason for Ren suddenly showing up in front of her like this. It seemed like Nozomi was playing dirty, thinking that she could bring in her sister to sweet talk her into letting class 2-A move in.

It was just that, thankfully.

"So then, Ren. How's chiyo been lateley? Apologies for not calling back home as of late, I've just been sooo busy with work as of late, as well as learning all about Social Morals and stuff. It's a whole lot of learning how to do paperwork and forms for the most part it seems."

"Hayata-san, if we could get back to the matter of the class move..."

Umeko turned to Yuri with a foreboding looking expression.

"Considering you brought my sister here, wouldn't it only make sense that she be the one to convince me?"

Turning to Ren, she continued on.

"Besides, I bet it'd be a great chance to get caught up again. How about it?"

Of course, Yuri wasn't invited. As usual Umeko was fashioning things into a reason to go somewhere and hang out.

But as far as Ren knew, there was a twinge of worry when it came to Umeko offering to spend time with her. Like she had said before, Umeko really hadn't seen either her, Chiyo, or the rest of the family for some time. Umeko was effectively disowned. Even though the sisters went to the same school, Umeko avoided seeing them for the most part. Possibly out of spite.

But, there was much on the line. Class A really needed a place to go - and the 'bond' Ren had to Umeko was the best line of confidence to allow for that move to happen. Plus, maybe, if Umeko was really being honest - maybe she really did mean it when she said it was a chance to catch up. Maybe, this time she could really have that chance to reconnect with that sister she's been effectively separated from since elementary school.

For Ren, the words of that invitation Umeko casually offered carried that kind of weight.

"I'm certain that would be pretty nice, actually. But First, if we could talk about the move... Hayata-san."
Umeko grinned mischievously.

"Like I said, Nozomi-san. If you're going to use my sister to convince me, when why don't you actually give her a chance to actually try to do some convincing."

Tilting her head to the side, she seemed to gaze at Ren admirably.

"I'm pretty sure my adorable little Ren doesn't need you to hold her hand, Nozomi-san."

Umeko had a right to decline helping out Class-A. The classes as they were were already full. Trying to fit two classes into these rooms would no doubt lead to problems. The truth of the matter was that the default answer was to get Class-A to revert to non-virtual assets for their teaching materials. But, Yuri was trying to be considerate in the move. Going with that option would mean the class would have to get those books brought in, and they would also have to go to extra trouble just to get their assignments turned in.

Despite how Umeko may have seemed at first, she was quite aware of this. Saying 'yes' would've meant subjecting her class to being overcrowded.

"C'mon Ren. I won't know how to help if you don't ask me."

Umeko was annoyed. Annoyed that Yuri had even thought of bringing this onto her, and annoyed that Yuri had dragged Ren to see her for that endeavor. As far ash she was concerned, Ren didn't want to go forward with this either. If that was true, she would just keep quiet, and allow Umekjo to decline, and let Yuri Nozomi go beg some other class to accept them.

Even though she was annoyed, she did quite a good job of hiding it. As far as Yuri and the others could tell, Umeko just wanted to see Ren talk.

But between those two, the true feeling was pretty apparent. Umeko wanted to Ren to go back to being as far away from her as possible.

But for her class' sake, Ren couldn't just walk away. At this moment, the direction and eventual ending of this exchange was to be decided between these two sisters.

@Miya @_NozyClassBPeople

[fieldbox= Fujibayashi Ren, #00ddff, solid]

[July 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A]

While Ren waited for Yuri's response, her smartphone vibrated in her pocket. She wondered who has texted her during at this kind of hour as she took out her black colored Sony Xperia Z3 Compact. Due to popular demand, the manufacturer re-released the smartphone known for its sleek designs, superior waterproof standards and durable. The current model was at least 3 times more powerful than than the original smartphone released back in the 2010s, especially in terms of computing power. After unlocking the phone, Ren was surprised by the person who has texted her.

It was Chiyo.

She did not waste any time to ponder about it and checked the message.

[Hey, so I'm in charge of Robert's surprise party, and I was wondering if you could hook up a sound system with music that he would possibly like? I'll also need help with getting it set up the day of, seeing as it is at a pool.]

Ren had a fuzzy feeling all over her when she read the message from Chiyo. She was quite glad that her younger sister actually asked for her help and immediately typed a response. It seemed that today's stress resulted from the Social Morals assignment has been lifted off from Ren's shoulders, even though that she will be even more busy during July 11th.

["Sure thing! I'll ask Robert about it along with the set ups!"]

With that, Ren tapped on the "Send" button. Once she was done, Yuri finally turned to her and gave her answer.

"I am in your Debt, Ren-san."

At this moment, Ren simply looked at Yuri who was apparently not resisting at her offer with a puzzled expression. She remembered that Yuri reassured her that she and Ms. Yorihase will handle the class merging issue. Perhaps...

"Let's go see Hayata-san, then."

The following sentence from Yuri finally revealed her intention. The negotiation on the class merge with 2-B is actually today. It also seems that Ms. Yorihase bailed out from the negotiation and left Yuri on her own. No wonder she really needed help. Ren cannot help but felt that she has dug herself a grave. Then again, 2-A needs to find a classroom with a functional Virtual Reality system so that their curriculum can proceed smoothly. She sighed as she began to pack up her belongings, and cursed at the fact why everything has to be so closely intertwined with the Virtual Reality. While following Yuri out from the classroom, Ren noticed that Chiyo and Leo are together, but she did not bother to put much attention to it as Yuri hastened her pace.

("I think Leo would be fine with her...")

[July 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-B]

Classroom 2-B. The class was largely empty, save for a few stragglers behind. It did not took long for Yuri to spot Umeko, who was idly playing away at her white-colored smartphone, which is probably an LG smartphone if Ren is not mistaken. Once the aristocrat school girl noticed their arrival, Umeko casually walked to them. After a quick intro, they finally entered the main topic. Umeko was surprised that they are not here because of Social Morals.

"Yes, it isn't about that. You see you heard about how class A's Virtual Reality equipment got broken, right? We came her to ask if our class could merge with yours, so we could go on with lessons."

Yuri immediately slotted in their purpose of meeting with Umeko. The carefree girl took a while to process the sentence, before returning a response. A slightly surprised one.

"Wait, so you guys want to share a classroom with us? It's like a temporary thing, right?"

From there, the Social Morals Club officer shook her head and immediately stated that the merge will last throughout the year.

"The whole year, huh? Are you kidding me?"

Even though Ren has been quiet as Yuri and Umeko exchanged conversations, she began to feel that the conversation is shifting to Umeko's favor. That iconic smirk in Umeko's expression after Yuri let out a desperate response of "Please!" is surely a clear hint that even the great Social Morals Club officer is losing to the Social Butterfly of 2-B. Ren shook her head in response, as she continued to observe the conversation. Perhaps Yuri finally realized what she lacks in when compared to Ren's distant, but similarly aged sister?

Then, Ren finally found herself in the spotlight when Umeko directed the topic to her.

"So then, Ren. How's chiyo been lateley? Apologies for not calling back home as of late, I've just been sooo busy with work as of late, as well as learning all about Social Morals and stuff. It's a whole lot of learning how to do paperwork and forms for the most part it seems."

The short girl simply straightened her pose and looked at Umeko. She barely hid her disturbed expression when Umeko asked about Chiyo. At this moment, Yuri attempted to change the topic back to the class merging, but...

"Considering you brought my sister here, wouldn't it only make sense that she be the one to convince me?"

Another headshot to Yuri by Umeko, shutting her down, possibly for good. Ren could notice that Yuri was speechless. It is the first time that Ren saw Yuri getting put down like that. Then, Umeko turned to her distant sister and continued once more.

"Besides, I bet it'd be a great chance to get caught up again. How about it?"

At this moment, Ren began forming her sentences. Yuri once again told Umeko she should focusing on the class merge, but as usual...

"Like I said, Nozomi-san. If you're going to use my sister to convince me, when why don't you actually give her a chance to actually try to do some convincing."

Umeko said all of that to Yuri, with a mischievous grin. Then to seal the deal that Ren has to step in, Umeko tilted her head to the side, before looking at Ren as if she has high regard of her shorter sister.

"I'm pretty sure my adorable little Ren doesn't need you to hold her hand, Nozomi-san."

A part of Ren wanted to throw up when she heard that line, but fortunately she managed to reduce it to a mere frown at Umeko. Even with her sister, Ren dislikes being reminded about her size, specifically her height. Umeko did tease her about her height and that usually ends with hilarious results, with Ren being the unfortunate victim. While the light blue haired shorty continued to think what she wants to say...

"C'mon Ren. I won't know how to help if you don't ask me."

Umeko urged Ren to respond. At this point, her sister was clearly annoyed with the whole conversation. Like her sister, Ren was somewhat ticked off as well. She did not expect that the negotiation would be today. She would like to have some preparations before going to deal with Umeko. But since that she is here, in 2-B, Ren has to make a move, or she would risk betraying the whole 2-A just by staying quiet.

After moments later, which it felt like hours between the 3 girls, Ren took a deep breath and finally mustered the courage to speak with Umeko.

"... Chiyo's fine, at least for now. We still don't get along with each other. She still hates me for objecting her relationship with that yellow-haired playboy. All I know is that she's going to prepare a birthday party for one of her classmates, so she's kind of busy lately. Oh, she also decided to 'save' someone... If you know what I mean."

Ren purposely omitted some important details, thinking that Umeko might have heard the incidents through her extensive network of human connections in Hisakawa, especially that Chiyo is going to prevent Leo Kane from being expelled. She was not sure that Umeko has heard about the news of the surprise birthday for Robert West, however. She even did the quotes gesture when she mentioned the word save. Ren decided it is better to word it this way so that she would not end up attracting some unwanted attention.

After taking another a gasp of air, Ren continued on.

"As for the class merging thing, I know it's kind of unexpected." Then, a brief pause. But the following sentence from Ren however carried some weight. "Even I don't really want to have it that way. If I'm not mistaken, 2-B also reached its limit already."

She continued on.

"But things simply just happened when Ishida-san tore down that front door of ours and went missing ever since, causing the VR systems in 2-A to malfunction." She shrugged afterwards. "I wonder whose brilliant ideas that Hisakawa's curriculum has to be closely interfaced with the Virtual Reality. I mean... they should have at least a backup plan if they are going to walk that high technology path."

After her complains on the VR system, Ren returned to the main topic. She was not going to take the pleading route, however.

"Anyway... Umeko, if you decide to accept the merge between 2-A and 2-B, I'll help you on solving the overcrowding issue resulted from the merging."

The short girl decided not to elaborate on the solution to 2-B's overcrowding issue should Umeko agrees to let 2-A join them. After all, that will be an all new but serious issue that presumably 3 of them has to solve together...

@Ehb @Raven Haruka @2bstragglers @busybodiesfrom2a
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[fieldbox=Chiyo Imada, #fbceb1, solid]
~June 8th, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Classroom 2-A~

"Yeah sure"

"Awesome! You see, it's going to be at the pool, and I've already asked Ren-san to hook up a sound system with music that he would probably like."

Just keep on talking, he'll eventually forget about it. It's not like he's that worried for you anyhow, he just wants to be a good friend. Hah, at least he's better at being friends then you are.

"Though whether or not she will do it, I don't- "


"Hmm?" Said girl stopped talking, turning her head to look at Leo, only to instantly go rigid when she felt arms surround her petite figure, tensing at the unexpected contact with another. "L-Leo-kun?" Alarm quickly spread throughout her body as she began to internally question the situation.

What's going on? I made him worry, didn't I? Wasn't he going to just forget about it, like I asked?

"If there was anything in the universe that you certainly aren't Chiyo, it's stupid."

No, stop it. Why are you disagreeing with me? Chiyo stopped smiling, focusing instead on how to get out of this...whatever it was. This wasn't how she planned on things going, why couldn't he just ignore her?

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met."

No, don't say that. The peach went to shake her head, but that was kind of a hard thing to do when you're cornered in a hug. As he broke off the hug, she realized that she had forgotten to breathe, taking a breath and getting herself readjusted to the mix of gases that we call air. But, that attempt quickly blew up in her face, when Leo decided to lean down and look into her eyes, foggy from the moisture.

"If there's anything I think I know. It's that crying in a hallway probably isn't something to shrug off."

Yes, it is. That's exactly what you're supposed to do. Chiyo stared back at Leo, unsure what expression she should put on her face. Happiness apparently didn't work anymore, and there was no way she was going to cry again, that would only make things worse.

"So please Chiyo. If there's anything I can do, even if it's just listening. Then tell me."

Ah, this isn't good. Not knowing how to deal with this, the peach-haired girl panicked, her eyes looking at anything but the boy's honest stare. She wished she could just shrink up into nothingness and disappear, but that wasn't possible. Why was she even here in the first place? Lifting her hands, Chiyo stared at them for a minute, closing her eyes and leaning towards the friend trying to help her...

"I-....I'm here"

...only to place them on his shoulders and push as hard as she could, trying to keep some distance between the two as she lowered her head. She didn't want to see the expression of hurt he must have because of her. Feeling the ever-looming threat of more tears approach, she leaned even further into the wall, fiddling with a piece of her hair as the rest of it covered her face.

"T...There's nothing wrong with me, Leo-kun! I-"

I don't have the right for there to be anything wrong with me, when you are on the brink of expulsion.

The thought, unfinished out loud, very nearly stopped Chiyo's breathing altogether, instead causing her to shakily inhale and exhale slowly. Crossing her arms, she tried to shake off this chilling feeling of hers, making it seem as if she was retreating further into her mind. Really now, if only she never waited outside class, maybe then her relationship wouldn't be as strained now.

Looking up, Chiyo was scared to see Leo's expression, fear clearly shown on her face. This isn't something she deals with normally, and that alone is frightening. Add the possibility of ruining a friendship, and you had a very, very scary situation. So, what would a normal person such as Chiyo do when faced with a scenario such as this?

Of course she would run away from the person causing this fear to fester. She would flee from the unknown, not just because it scared her, but also because she just didn't know what else to do. After all, her normal way of brushing things off wasn't working, and she honestly just had zero clue on how else to deal with it.

Bolting away from Leo, Chiyo fled from the building, running without a clue as to where she was running to, or how long she would need to run. But of course, she wasn't fit for this sort of physical exertion, and after running just a couple blocks away from school, she found herself tripping over her own feet, faceplanting into the hard sidewalk of city property. Rubbing her nose, she noticed it was bleeding, but really paid no attention to that, and instead tried to figure out where she was. Apparently her stomach had led her to a familiar place, as the scent of ramen filled the air.

Turning around, she tried to see whether or not her friend followed her. It wouldn't have been that hard of a thing to do in the first place, considering her slow 2 miles-an-hour speed that she called sprinting. [/fieldbox]

@Rithas @OtherPeepsWhoWantFood~
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