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Thar be an ETA for that relationship pool, Ehb?
Name: Imada, Chiyo
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Romantic Rolls: 1
Same Sex Relationships: No
Trope Relationships: Yes

[fieldbox= Chiyo Imada, #fbceb1, solid, 10] [Core Information Section]
"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream."
(-Vincent Van Gogh)
Face Claim: Megurine, Luka (I believe the original image is here?)
Character Color Code: #fbceb1
Full Name: Imada, Chiyo
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 6, March
Sex: Female
Most Relevant Sin: Wrath
Most Relevant Virtue: Kindness
Most Relevant Ideology: Anarchy
With a height of 5'4 and a weight of 123 lbs., Chiyo's frame is small and frail, chocolate-brown eyes accenting her childish face. Her hair, naturally being the color of peaches, usually is divided into two loose-fitting braids, commonly tied off with some sort of oddly-paired ribbons.
When out of the school uniform, the peach can be found wearing pastel-esque colors, usually a boyfriend cardigan covering a long-sleeved button-up top. A bowtie is commonly found around her neck- the color usually pairing up with whatever color skirt she's wearing at the time (which would be a navy, burgundy, brown, or black). Underneath the shorter-length skirt, a pair of leggings are worn, and a simple pair of flats complete the outfit in which Chiyo is commonly found in.

~Astronomy: Chiyo's love of the night sky and all of its wonders is most noticeable when it's dark out, or you manage to get her onto the subject of it. She's a huge nerd about it, and constantly enjoys late nights out stargazing.
~Bubbles: As childish as it seems, the peach loves blowing bubbles, and watching them float up-and-away with the wind. She couldn't explain why, but she's always found that her thoughts flow more smoothly while she's entertained this way.
~Cats: For as long as she's known, Chiyo has always wanted a cat. Due to certain circumstances back at her own home, pets weren't allowed, but that didn't stop the young girl from looking up basic care--in case the day came that she could own a cat.
~Cooking: Back when she was younger, Chiyo took on the hobby of cooking after learning her sister had a heart condition leaving her unable to do much outside. So, in order to maintain happiness between the two of them, she was constantly making all sorts of meals, treats, snacks-- practically anything she could find a recipe for.

~Overcast/rainy days: Of course, Chiyo wouldn't like a single day where she couldn't see the sky. Because of this, most tend to find her a bit more quiet on these sort of days,
~Sweets: While cooking them is a blast for the peach, eating them is not. In fact, almost any food that relies solely on sugar for taste tends to be nausea-inducing for Chiyo--especially chocolate.

~Baking/Cooking: Chiyo's love of cooking tends to leave the girl with leftovers. Combined with the fact she doesn't eat very big meals, and you have somebody who's constantly giving out extra food to her friends...though sometimes this is just to get outside opinions on a new recipe.
~Stargazing: Deriving from her love of astronomy, frequent nights spent out stargazing leave the girl a bit more on the tired side of life...though only for a part of the morning, until the coffee kicks in.

~Deep Water (bathophobia): Due to nearly drowning in her hometown's lake as a child, Chiyo has a major fear of deep water. You'll probably never catch her near lakes or oceans, unless it's deemed completely necessary (though she can't swim either, so it's rare enough that she'll actually be near bodies of water to begin with).


For strangers, Chiyo Imada is a bubbly, cheerful girl- whose optimism and enthusiasm has her known school-wide as a bit of a dreamer. Some may think she's too formal, others believe she's a bit shy, and some will just think she's outright dumb.

To her friends, Chiyo seems like a somewhat quiet girl, who excels at listening and giving motivating comments when needed. The peach is somebody who you could talk and vent to, without worrying about the repercussions of doing so (most of the time).

Her really close friends, though, know her as a cooking and astronomy freak, not to mention somebody who wouldn't mind getting her hands (or face) dirty for the sake of food or stargazing. Chiyo's super energy can turn into super protectiveness towards those she holds dear to her heart, but at the same time she still tries not to pry too much into somebody's business (note- she tries, but sometimes curiosity seems too tempting for the peach).

Chiyo mostly gives the cold shoulder to her 'enemies', but every now and then she'll throw a sarcastic comment at them (though honestly most of her insults are rather mild).

Self Introduction:
"Hello, my name's Chiyo Imada! I'm fifteen years old, and was born in Hakone, where my mother was made a single mom who worked as a tour guide. Sadly, she needed to hand over her children to her sister, who lives in Onomochi as a semi-famous author - some of you might know her as the author of "The Closet Princess", a story of fandoms warring against one another for rights over the legendary fangirl."

"Though to just hand us over to somebody we only met that day, and without even saying goodbye...well, that's kind of depressing, don't you think? Oh well, it was thanks to Mother that I fell in love with the sky, and my aunt actually enjoys my cooking (or, at least she does when she actually comes out of her room, taking a break from her so-called 'writer's therapy'...if you asked me, I think she just watches Netflix while snacking on the treats I made)."

Character Theme:
Character Battle Theme:
[hr= solid] [/hr]

[Virtu-Ava Section]

Similar to her normal appearance, the most noticeable thing found within Chiyo's avatar is the complete change of attitude shown within it's appearance. In other words, her avatar looks nothing like the genki-glasses girl most would know.

Weapon: Ataraxia
Ataraxia is a Greek term for a lucid state of robust tranquility, characterized by ongoing freedom from distress and worry. Despite its shape, the bubble wand is around 3 inches long, and makes unusually-shaped bubbles, the most common being small, three-dimensional stars.

[Battle Actions]

Skill 1:
[Meteor Shower]
TYPE: Fast
DESCRIPTION: Using Ataraxia, Chiyo blows a flurry of star-shaped bubbles at the opponent, which cause small individual explosions on contact.

Skill 2:
TYPE: Guard
DESCRIPTION: Chiyo engulfs herself in a giant star bubble which- instead of exploding as the name would suggest- acts like elastic, deflecting the opponent's attack.

Skill 3:
[Void Bubble]
TYPE: Heavy
DESCRIPTION: Using Ataraxia, Chiyo blows one oversized bubble, which makes its way over to the opponent before exploding in their face.

Skill 4:
[Whisk Faster!]
TYPE: Fast
DESCRIPTION: Creating a bubble version of a whisk, Chiyo attempts to hit the opponent on the head, the whisk breaking apart into smaller bubbles as it makes contact with the opponent. After a short delay, these smaller bubbles explode, and the rest of the weapon dissipates.

Skill 5:
[Comet Trail]
TYPE: Guard
DESCRIPTION: Using her bubble wand, Chiyo rapidly creates a "trail" made from many little bubbles that she is able to walk upon, floating up and out of the way of any harm before sending the whole cascade of them down onto the opponent.

Skill 6:
[*Gasp*, Not the Pie!]
TYPE: Heavy
DESCRIPTION: A simple attack, Chiyo creates an oven-shaped bubble, before hurling it at the opponent. The bubble does not explode on contact, but instead seems to take on a more solid form- dealing some blunt damage to the opponent.

[Relationships Section]

The World / ??? / Uneasy Submission
"As long as it doesn't provide devastatingly unfair harm towards anybody I know, I guess I can accept that my world's run by the RNG."

Sagawa Mizunohara / F-16 / Positive / New Friends
"I was really surprised when Sagawa-san asked me first if we could be friends. But I won't complain, as I'm equally as excited to get to know her better!"

"I gave Mizunohara-san some extra meat buns I made earlier this year, since I heard about how much she enjoys them. She seemed like a really nice person."

Kira Oshiro / F-17 / Positive / Acquainted
"Yes, I've met Oshiro-san, but I don't really know that much about her."

Yuuki Iwasawa / M-16 / Positive / Middle School Friends
"I met Yuuki-kun back in middle school, when even then everybody seemed to think he was a girl! I might have used the wrong pronouns the first time I met him, but that's not the case anymore! Besides, that doesn't even matter, because he's super cool!"

Michio Kamijou / M-16 / Positive / Social Morals Reps (Trope)
"Me and Michio-kun are the Social Morals Reps for class 2-A! Although, it seems that he does most of the paperwork involved, I try to help him as best as I can! I always make sure to bring extra snacks for him too, though I'm not too sure how helpful that would be to him..."

Rei Saioniji / F-16 / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"Saioniji-san? She seems...disinterested in me, I guess? I don't know, it's just really hard to actually talk to her..."

Taigi Narita / M-18 / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"Narita-san..." *sigh* "Well, Michio-san seems to be really good friends with him- but still... I have a hard time approaching him, I guess? Probably because he's got that whole stereotypical 'delinquent' aura around him."

Leo Kane / M-16 / Positive / Middle School Friends
"Oh, Leo-kun? Yep, we've been friends since middle school! It may not seem like it, but he's actually really good company- once you get to know him, of course."

Kyouko Himura / F-16 / Positive / New Friends
"Himura-san and I both love the stars...and also share a dislike for sweets, it seems. Though, I do wish she didn't have such a hazardous relationship with Iori-san and Yuuki-kun..."

Ayame Sayato / F-18 / Positive / New Friends
"I first met Sayato-san when she was accompanying Michio-san. We seemed to hit it off pretty well...I think? All I'm sure about is that she's one of the few people nowadays I'll gladly make sweets for."

Mana Kamei / F-16 / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"Kamei-san is...very nosy. While I'm sure she's somewhat responsible and mature, I can't seem to understand why she needs to know everything."

Sayuri Alexander / F-16 / Positive / Acquainted
"Yes, I've talked to Alexander-san before. I feel like I can relate myself to her...except for our opinions on sweets."

Ryuu Miyamoto / M-16 / Positive / Gourmands (Trope)
"Ah, Miyamoto-kun! Yep, we have weekly cooking and baking competitions...with the theme chosen by the cooking club each week! It's actually a lot of fun--we even share our techniques with one another after the event! It's almost like...like he's the big brother I never had. (Don't tell him I said that, please.) But, even with this knowledge...I'll be sure to win this summer's festival competition!"

Nyoko Morita / F-16 / Positive / New Friends

"Heh, Morita-san first met me with interest of an interview for the student radio. After that...well, I guess you could say we hit it off decently? For example, we both can't stand deep water!

Ayama Fujimoto / F-15 / Positive / Middle School Friends

"I met Ayama-san back in middle school, where we quickly bonded over a mutual love for astronomy. She also took pleasure in telling me lots of ghost stories back in middle school--not that I mind of course... still, it's fun to see her in her element, you know?"

Naomasa Ishida / M-16 / Negative / Irrelevant Relationship
"I think Ishida-san had asked me about my relationships with Ren-kun...and wasn't very pleased with the answer, going on to rant about how we should be closer and such. Even if he was correct, the fact remains that we've been drifting apart ever since then."

Annashi Koriumi
/ F-16 / Positive / New Friends
"Koriumi-san is pretty mature in my opinion-some people tend to say I do all of the talking in our conversations, though."

Kirari Shimizu
/ F-16 / Negative / Toxic Friend (Trope)
"Kirari-san is always so sad--and as a friend, of course it's my job to cheer her up! Though, back in middle school, it tended to get me in a bit of trouble...but that's fine! Kirari-san meant well--and now she's doing much better!"

Arata Ueda
/ M-16 / Romance / Why Not Both?
"Ueda-san? Ah, he's a very sweet person--always listening to me rant on about astronomy and such things. In fact, I'd say that he's a pretty wonderful guy all-round...huh? Am I interested in him???
...W-well, I'm sure he isn't interested in me that way, because he acts the same way with everyone else, especially Sagawa-san! It's especially sweet of him to try and fit everybody's needs--but, I worry that sometimes it isn't the most healthy of things for him...d-don't get me wrong though!"

Lisa Yamagawa / F-16 / Positive / Childhood Friends
"I've been friends with Lisa since...ummm...since childhood?!? Wow, I guess she must've rubbed off on me a bit, huh...?"
"I wish Lisa-chan's parents would let me talk to her. I'm actually really worried..."

Yura Yukitani / M-17 / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"I've seen Yukitani-san a few times in class, and he's probably a really nice person! It's just, I haven't really spoken to him that much..."

Misheru Tachibana / F-17 / Negative / Broken Friends
"Mish- I mean, Tachibana-san...we got into a bit of an argument, to say the least. She took the careless words of a single student to heart and- as much as I'm grateful for the consideration- told me they should be reprimanded, even going so far as to offer doing the deed herself. Needless to say, I asked her not to, one thing lead to another and- well, you can see the end results."

Yuuki Kimura / M-15 / Negative / Bad Occurrence
"Ah...Kimura-san. Well, I could say that he's a decent human being, were it not for the fact that he tends to have some tactless tendencies. For example, running down the hallway and crashing head-first into a female student's chest, getting nothing but a bloody nose and the amazing idea to voice their opinion on the matter- ignoring how insulting it may have been."

Sein Ravel / M-16 / Negative / Broken Friends

Abe Kuroya / M-16 / Negative / Rejected Romance (Trope)
"Oh, Kuroya-san? I guess you could say I knew him from second-hand experience- he's good friends with Lisa, you see." *cough* "Ah, umm, well you see...it'd be really cool if we could become better friends, I guess, but I don't think that would be very fair to him..."

Noxi Keoni / M-17 / Positive / Acquainted
"Keoni-san? I've met him once before...I think."

Iori Nishimura / F-16 / Positive / Maid and Servant (Trope)
"Iori-san? Well, while she's technically my maid, I like to believe that she's a great person, who I have the honor of calling a friend."
"Iori-san...please don't be dead. I don't think I could take it, so please..."

Mika Tsubasa / F-16 / Negative / Bad Occurrence
"Tsu...Tsubasa-san? I, um, don't think she likes me very much now, not after what happened."

Kiyoko Minami / F-15 / Negative / Bad Occurrence
"Oh, Minami-san. Somebody told me she called me 'childish' and 'dumb, if I remember correctly? I'm not too sure of her motives behind saying those, and because of that I tend to stay away from her now."

Kogi Yoshitaka / M-16 / Negative / Broken Friends
"Yoshitaka-san...he's in my class, right? Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know him very well, either. He seems to avoid me, though...was it something I did?"

Garuhaji Marsama / M-15 / Negative / Broken Friends
"Well, you see, me and Garuhaji-san had a...falling out, of sorts. It's something I'd prefer not to talk about, if that's alright."

Hinomari Tanari / F-17 / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"Ah, Tanari-san really looks like a nice person! Then again, I'm not actually friends with her yet, so..."

Ganzo Hayabusa / M-17 / Negative / Broken Friends
"Oh, Hayabusa-san. I guess you could say I overreacted a little bit- but he was the one who kept it from me in the first place!"

Pratt Rikuto / M-16 / Romance / Lady-Killer In Love
"Rikuto-kun? Yep, he's a really sweet guy--though just a bit lazy too, if you ask me. My friends tell me he's some sort of ladies' man, though...? Well, that's really none of my business."

Last edited by a moderator:
*Wheeze* I... Finally got this batch done.

Also, since we're numbering at about 15+ if you include a couple others still waiting for an ending before porting their characters, signups for this RP will now be set to invite only for the time being. If you Really REALLY want to get in, you can show your desire by completing a CS and PMing it to me, and I will sincerely consider slotting you in.

Note that if you didn't get your romantic partner yet, don't fret! A future roll with newer characters may get you that rare romance roll! Or alternatively, you can have a romance spring up in the IC if you play your cards right.

For now, here is the Rolled relationships for everyone who's posted thus far.
Name: Mizunohara Sagawa
Age: 16
Gender: F
Romantic Rolls: 1
Same Sex Relationships: No
Trope Relationships: Yes

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Sein Ravel / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Abe Kuroya / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Michio Kamijou / Romance / Childhood Promise
"You promised to marry one another, all the way back then. But, does a childhood promise still hold up years later?"

Lori Nishimura / Positive / Unwavering Bonds (Trope)
"Few new friendships hit it off as well as the one you two struck this year. It's almost as if it was fated..."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Ehb's Notes: Her relationship set starts off a bit weaker compared to the other Hisakawa GM characters thus far due to her not being as amazing as the other ones..

Name: Oshiro, Kira
Age: 17
Gender: F
Romantic Rolls: 1+
Same Sex Relationships: Y
Trope Relationships: Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Dishonored (Trope)
"A long time ago, Misheru made look Kira look like a fool after besting her at something she was very proud of. Kira promised to herself on that day to get her back for what she did.

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Troubled Stepsiblings (Trope)
"You two are brother and sister. But not of the same blood. That fact is just one reason you two don't get along."

Sein Ravel / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Bad Occurence
"You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Ehb's Notes: Received one of the first tropes, and is one of the few siblings made thus far.

Name: Yamagawa, Lisa
Age: 16
Gender: F
Romantic Rolls: +1
Same Sex Relationships: Y
Trope Relationships: Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Kira Oshiro / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Yura Yukitani / Romance / Arranged Romance
"Your parents promised you both to each other for marriage. An antiquated way of doing things, but it seems you'll have to live with it."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Betrayed (Trope)
"You sold each other out at one point. It dosent really matter who started it or not. But you both think each other as scum."

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Sein Ravel / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Bad Occurence
"You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Ehb's Notes: She has a unique romantic situation.

Name: Yukitani, Yura
Age: 17
Gender: M
Romantic Rolls: 1
Same Sex Relationships: N
Trope Relationships: Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Kira Oshiro / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Lisa Yamagawa / Romance / Arranged Romance
"Your parents promised you both to each other for marriage. An antiquidated way of doing things, but it seems you'll have to live with it."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Sein Ravel / Negative / Bully (Trope)
"Back in Elementary School, Yura and a bunch of other boys harassed Sein to the point that he broke down in class. Sein returned the favor the year after whem Yura's friends left. But did that really settle things?"

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Noxi Keoni / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings."

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Ehb's Notes: Everyone has done bad things in the past. At least you got a waifu out of it.

Name : Iwasawa Yuuki
Age : 16
Gender : M
Romantic Rolls : 1
Same Sex Relationship : Y (Why not)
Trope Relationship : Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Kira Oshiro / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Sein Ravel / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Ehb's Notes: Rng wasn't particularly nice to this one.

Name : Tachibana, Misheru
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Romantic Rolls : +1
Same Sex Relationship : No
Trope Relationship : Yes

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Dishonored (Trope)
"A long time ago, Misheru made look Kira look like a fool after besting her at something she was very proud of. Kira promised to herself on that day to get her back for what she did.

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Betrayed (Trope)
"You sold each other out at one point. It dosent really matter who started it or not. But you both think each other as scum."

Yura Yukitani / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Sein Ravel / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Noxi Keoni / Romance / Tsundere Romance
"You two always talk about how much you dislike each other. But everyone then wonders how you two are always together anyways."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Lori Nishimura / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Chiyo Imada / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Ehb's Notes: She has a certain amount of history.

Name: Kimura Yuuki
Age: 15
Gender: M
Romantic Rolls: 0
Same Sex Relationships: N
Trope Relationships: Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Troubled Stepsiblings (Trope)
"You two are brother and sister. But not of the same blood. That fact is just one reason you two don't get along."

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Sein Ravel / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Abe Kuroya / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Noxi Keoni / Positive / The ORG (Trope)
"In Hisakawa, there is a secret organization that seeks to preserve the beauty of some of the student body for all eternity through photography. Keoni and Yuuki Kimura are heads of this elaborate operation."

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Lori Nishimura / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Chiyo Imada / Negative / Bad Occurence
"You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along."

Ehb's Notes: Canonical Pervert

Name: Ravel Sein
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Romantic roles: 0
Same sex relationshios: No
Trope relationships: Yes

Sagawa Mizunohara / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Kira Oshiro / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Yura Yukitani / Negative / Bully (Trope)
"Back in Elementary School, Yura and a bunch of other boys harassed Sein to the point that he broke down in class. Sein returned the favor the year after whem Yura's friends left. But did that really settle things?"

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Abe Kuroya / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Noxi Keoni / Positive / The Duo (Trope)
"Back in middle school, both of you fought a bunch of gang members. Through a miracle, you both won, outnumbered 3 to 1. A testament to your bond as friends."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Chiyo Imada / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Ehb's Notes: Canonically bullied but got tougher later

Name: Kuroya, Abe
Age: ( # ) 16
Gender: (M/F/?) M
Romantic Rolls: ( # ) 0
Same Sex Relationships: (Y/N) Y
Trope Relationships: (Y/N) Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Kira Oshiro / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Sein Ravel / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Lori Nishimura / Positive / Fake Romance (Trope)
"You two are dating. But in reality, you two have absoluteley no interest in each other beyond being friends. However, for whatever reason, pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend ended up being mututally beneficial."

Chiyo Imada / Negative / Rejected Romance (Trope)
"A week ago, there was a confession that went on between Abe Kuroya and Imada Chiyo. However, it ended in rejection. Now things between them are very ackward."

Ehb's Notes: Voted most likely generic harem MC
Name: Keoni Noxi
Age: ( # ) 17
Gender: (M/F/?) Male
Romantic Rolls: ( # ) +1
Same Sex Relationships: (Y/N) No
Trope Relationships: (Y/N) Yes

Sagawa Mizunohara / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Misheru Tachibana / Romance / Tsundere Romance
"You two always talk about how much you dislike each other. But everyone then wonders how you two are always together anyways."

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / The ORG (Trope)
"In Hisakawa, there is a secret organization that seeks to perserve the beuty of some of the student body for all eternity through photography. Keoni and Yuuki Kimura are heads of this elaborate operation."

Sein Ravel / Positive / The Duo (Trope)
"Back in middle school, both of you fought a bunch of gang memembers. Through a miracle, you both won, outnumbered 3 to 1. A testament to your bond as friends."

Abe Kuroya / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Lori Nishimura / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Ehb's Notes: Would be a Sunohara if he didn't have the romantic roll

Name: Kamijou Michio
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Romantic Rolls: 1
Same Sex Relationships: N
Trope Relationships: Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Romance / Childhood Promise
"You promised to marry one another, all the way back then. But, does a childhood promise still hold up years later?"

Kira Oshiro / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
"You dislike one another's personality for some reason. How annoying."

Sein Ravel / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Abe Kuroya / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Always trying to one up one another, somehow in some way. People don't like it when you two are in the same room."

Noxi Keoni / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Social Morals Reps (Trope)
"Though classrooms typically only have one Social Morals Representative, due to the situation with Nozomi, class 2-A was assigned to both Chiyo Imada and Kamijou Michio to hold this position."

Ehb's Notes: Most likely to not be living his life correctly

Name: Nishimura, Iori
Age: 16
Gender: F
Romantic Rolls: 0
Same Sex Relationships: N
Trope Relationships: Y

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Unwavering Bonds (Trope)
"Few new friendships hit it off as well as the one you two struck this year. It's almost as if it was fated..."

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Bad Occurence
"You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along."

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Bad Occurence
"You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along."

Yura Yukitani / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Sein Ravel / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Fake Romance (Trope)
"You two are dating. But in reality, you two have absoluteley no interest in each other beyond being friends. However, for whatever reason, pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend ended up being mututally beneficial."

Noxi Keoni / Positive / New Friends
"You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already."

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Maid and Servant (Trope)
"Due to a random prize raffle, Nishimura became Chiyo Imada's Personal Maid, much to the chargin of many people. While not what Nishimura was expecting when she got hired, she gets paid well for a student."

Ehb's Notes: Nostalgia character downgraded to being a maid... again.

Name: Imada, Chiyo
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Romantic Rolls: 1
Same Sex Relationships: No
Trope Relationships: Yes

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Kira Oshiro Chiyo Imada / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Childhood Friends
"You two have been friends since elementary school. You two might as well be siblings.

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"You're classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!"

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Middle School Friends
"You two became friends around middle school, and saw each other progress from being immature, to slightly less immature."

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Bad Occurence
"You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along."

Sein Ravel / Negative / Broken Friends
"You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."'

Abe Kuroya / Negative / Rejected Romance (Trope)
"A week ago, there was a confession that went on between Abe Kuroya and Imada Chiyo. However, it ended in rejection. Now things between them are very ackward."

Noxi Keoni / Positive / Aquainted
"You two have spoken a couple of times in class, or were in the same project. You get along."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / Social Morals Reps (Trope)
"Though classrooms typically only have one Social Morals Representative, due to the situation with Nozomi, class 2-A was assigned to both Chiyo Imada and Kamijou Michio to hold this position."

Lori Nishimura / Positive / Maid and Servant (Trope)
"Due to a random prize raffle, Nishimura became Chiyo Imada's Personal Maid, much to the chargin of many people. While not what Nishimura was expecting when she got hired, she gets paid well for a student."

Ehb's Notes: Cursed for her previous life.
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"In Hisakawa, there is a secret organization that seeks to preserve the beauty of some of the student body for all eternity through photography. Keoni and Yuuki Kimura are heads of this elaborate operation."

Yasssssssss. It was worth staying up till 4AM to read of this.
Welp, might as well get some stuff rolling while I still refuse to sleep.

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Aquainted
They probably were in the same group project recently, being one of the instances where she didn't do all the work on her own, because Yuuki doesn't like being useless.
@God Empress Wen
Kira Oshiro / Negative / Troubled Stepsiblings (Trope)
Let's see...Yuuki's parents were both in love more with their work than each other (or their son). Maybe a divorce and a quick remarriage happened recently, forming that whole stepsibling relationship? Gotta figure out why they wouldn't like each other though...unless it really is just a difference in musical taste (and the fact that Yuuki somehow peer pressured her into going out to karaoke, leading to embarrassment and suffering)?

Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Amiable Classmates
Not much to say here. Maybe they originally knew each other's names because of some awkward moment where someone asked for help and they simultaneously volunteered? XD

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Middle School Friends
Yura would have been one of the few people who'd have known Yuuki before high school. Back then, Yuuki would have been full anti-social and perpetually grumpy. Dunno how they even became friends, all things considered.

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Broken Friends
Clearly, I have no idea here. Maybe Yuuki becoming an idol-fag and a perverted dog did something.

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / New Friends
How girls don't see him as the scum of the earth is beyond me. Maybe she gets laughs out of his eccentricities though. Or maybe they take totally platonic scooter rides down scenic routes~ <3

Sein Ravel / Negative / Hated Rivals
Yuuki doesn't really care. He'll just stone wall and smile. Maybe go full deaf-mute. As for the reason though...perhaps it has to do with how Noxi is beginning to chill a lot more with Yuuki, due to organization laifu?

Abe Kuroya / Negative / Hated Rivals
Who knowssssssssssss. Maybe Yuuki's just jealous of his harem set up, and somehow, Abe picked up on that and reciprocates.

Noxi Keoni / Positive / The ORG (Trope)
Wub wub, clearly this is where Noxi and Yuuki work to candidly take suggestive photos of girls around the school, utilizing stuff such as drilling holes in walls or hiding in bushes or praying for a divine wind. As the number of photos increase, so too does their power amongst the less savoury males (and lesbo females) within the school. Of course, being a big porn lover, Yuuki's probably just gonna be giving them out for free, like Jesus with bread and fish.
Michio Kamijou / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
Who knowssssssssssssss. Probably a petty reason though. Maybe Michio's all lovey-dovey with his wifey, and that triggers the perpetually horny Yuuki.

Iori Nishimura / Positive / Amiable Classmates
Good thing she only knows his name. God knows how she'd respond in relation to the connection down below.

@Raven Haruka
Chiyo Imada / Negative / Bad Occurence
This particular wedge could totally be Yuuki's face wedged between her boobs during a particularly (mis)fortunate collision in the school hall. To make it even worse, it could be after that super awkward confession with Abe. Neither talk about it, because both (read: only Chiyo) sorta just want to forget it.
Well, a little spoiler on my character. Iwasawa Yuuki is a tsundere prince(ss), there is a reason why I put (ss) on it. Yuuki is a pretty boy that looks really like a girl. And acts all tsun and really girl-ish, giving a bit of an idea on how would you guys write the relationship on Iwasawa Yuuki.

Welp. There goes the spotless record. </3
I'll try to work with that. I shall communicate with everyone later.

"Would be a Sunohara if he didn't have the romantic roll"

I'm just curious as to what you mean by that
@Raven Haruka
Chiyo Imada / Negative / Bad Occurence
This particular wedge could totally be Yuuki's face wedged between her boobs during a particularly (mis)fortunate collision in the school hall. To make it even worse, it could be after that super awkward confession with Abe. Neither talk about it, because both (read: only Chiyo) sorta just want to forget it.

@ERode She's flat che--
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...OH SNAP. AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE?! I did not expect that for Lisa O_________O
Well, a little spoiler on my character. Iwasawa Yuuki is a tsundere prince(ss), there is a reason why I put (ss) on it. Yuuki is a pretty boy that looks really like a girl. And acts all tsun and really girl-ish, giving a bit of an idea on how would you guys write the relationship on Iwasawa Yuuki.
Well whenever I can get Sakura up, she's a really boyish girl. I want to know what their relationship will end up being.
I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that I'm almost always fine with whatever history you create for our characters. c: But here's some ideas or thoughts if you can be as indecisive as me. By the way, my character is Misheru Tachibana.

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Amiable Classmates
-As the title given, they're probably in the acquaintance stage. Nothing much really. I'd probably provide with thoughts, and positive ones at that, obviously.

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Dishonored (Trope)
-I can't really think of what Kira would be good at that Misheru would like to purposely top her at, so I guess we'd either have to wait for each other's character sheet or you can just let me know. :3

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Betrayed (Trope)
-For this relationship, I was thinking maybe since Misheru has a blunt demeanor, it could probably turn out that at one point, Lisa had mentioned something about what they thought of someone else, and had specifically told her not to mention it to anyone else, but guess what Misheru did? Or if you have anything else in mind, feel free to let me know. c:

Yura Yukitani / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
-As the relationship roll given, I think it would be best to say that their relationship faded, I guess? Nothing much to elaborate unless you would want a background story and etc. XD

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Hated Rivals
-We can agree on something the two of them strive hard for. It can be something serious or something even ridiculous like how my character envies how Yuuki can act more like a girl than she can, haha.

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / New Friends
-The latter of your suggestion is so cute. ;; Or she could probably laugh at his attempts at trying to gauge the opposite sex. o(^w^)o

Sein Ravel / Positive / Amiable Classmates
-Like Sagawa's relationship roll, they probably started being friendly by waving whenever they saw each other and other friendly actions.

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
-She could be your character's senpai from middle school, and now that they are in high school, they could have gotten closer and are now hanging out quite often. X3

Noxi Keoni / Romance / Tsundere Romance
-I assume the two are not together yet, but they recognize they have feelings for each other? But considering the two are rather reserved about their feelings, they show it by teasing and sort of insulting each other. XD

Michio Kamijou / Positive / Amiable Classmates
-Like many others, they started getting along as of recently because of friendliness, I guess?

Lori Nishimura / Positive / New Friends
-My character has so many new friends now. X3 Same as the rest, I guess, but I'll add personal thoughts to everyones.

Chiyo Imada / Negative / Broken Friends
-I guess we will have to see each other's contradictory traits or come up with something? I keep thinking of my past character that I can't really think of anything else either than her being indifferent to other's feelings, haha. XD
Alright, guess I better talk about the relationships Lisa will have.

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / New Friends
I get the feeling they would've met at the beginning of the school year (Or at cram school or something if we're starting at the beginning of the school year.) and they hit it off well.

@God Empress Wen
Kira Oshiro / Positive / Aquainted
Nothing much here, maybe Lisa helps Kira with her homework or something. Can't think of anything else at the moment.

Yura Yukitani / Romance / Arranged Romance
Like I said, maybe their parents knew each other and saw how the two got along so they decided to arrange the marriage? Lisa isn't sure what to make of that, though, and things might be a little awkward between them.

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Childhood Friends
Nothing much here either, considering they knew each other since they were young.

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Betrayed
I don't know much about your character yet, sadly, so I have no idea how this will work. EDIT: Just read what you wrote down for Lisa, I think that'll work fine.

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / Amiable Classmates
Lisa probably helps out with Yuuki's homework as well. Or we can go with the awkward volunteering, that'll work.

Sein Ravel / Negative / Broken Friends
Again, I don't know your character yet so I'm not sure how to proceed with this. Maybe one of them broke a promise or something?

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
Self explanatory here, they knew each other since middle school.

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Mututally Annoyed
I don't know how this will work since I don't know your character yet, maybe it's an odd habit from the other they dislike?

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
Maybe Lisa got busy with her work and filming habit to keep up with the friendship?

Lori Nishimura / Negative / Bad Occurence
I have no idea what caused this. Maybe one of them was pushed into an embarrassing situation by the other?

@Raven Haruka
Chiyo Imada / Positive / Childhood Friends
Self explanatory, they were friends since childhood.
Last edited by a moderator:
"I'm honored to serve you, Imada-dono." - Nishimura, while donning a maid outfit.

But anyway, just want to say that Ionia (yes that's Iori's nickname) character sheet will be late, because apparently after midterms the semester continues to screw me with even more assignments before my midterm break arrives.
OK question for the profiles listed do we pick which one we like or do a random pick?
Hm...if Iwasawa really was princely and tsundere and a trap...well, Kimura doesn't like people who nag and all that stuff. Could easily have just drifted apart after a particularly long game of cold shoulder. Doubt Iwasawa would be dere enough to apologize from wrons, and Kimura is totally non-confrontational, so it's not like he'd ever try to explain his own reasons for going bai bai

@God Empress Wen
Probably didn't read muh CS, huh? Both of Yuuki's parents pretty much gave up on him by 13 and handed him off to his uncle and aunt. And Yuuki pretty much doesn't care about what his parents think at this point. Goes out of his way to pretend they don't exist.

Yup, that works with me, as long as Misheru is fine with being gauged as well.

Is Lisa the type to go out of her way to do things without even being asked? Cause Yuuki wouldn't ever ask for help with homework, since he doesn't really care about school to begin with. Maybe she gave him some handouts for the classes he skipped though.

Ah- hm. She usually does people's homework if they come up to her to ask. Maybe the handout thing will work better.
Name: Oshiro, Kira
Age: 17
Gender: F
Romantic Rolls: 1+
Same Sex Relationships: Y
Trope Relationships: Y

[fieldbox="Oshiro Kira, #ffa938, solid"]
[Core Information Section]

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe~" - Lao Tzu

Character Color Code: Goldenrod (#ffa938)
Full Name: Oshiro Kira
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 4th of March
Sex: Female

Height: 180 cm
Weight: 76 kg

Most Relevant Sin: Greed
Most Relevant Virtue: Diligence
Most Relevant Ideology: Control

Extroverted: Kira enjoys being around people, and chatting with them, even large groups, as long as they don't get in her way. She likes the attention when she's the focus of other people.
Flirtatious: Kira wants to think of herself as smooth, and silver-tongued, but she's generally too awkward in most situations. It doesn't stop her from approaching every interesting girl at least once though.
Enthusiastic: Kira approaches life with a wide smile, open arms, and an optimistic attitude. She wants to learn things, and she loves being engaged with new interests.

Likes: Music (Metal, rock): There is no greater music than rock to Kira, except maybe metal. She wasn't allowed to listen to much music as a kid. Things changed after her parents' divorce though. Growling vocals in particular appeal to her, since her parents doesn't like it.

Flirting: Kira can be quite flirty with girls, if she likes them or finds them attractive, and she loves it when they flirt back.

Drums: Hard to believe, but her father bought her a drumset when she asked for one after the divorce. Maybe he wanted to buy her love. It's still the greatest gift she's been given.

Podcasts/radio: Kira enjoys listening to people talking about their favourite subjects, and hearing their stories. It's almost as awesome as rock!

Expensive treats or gifts: Nothing says 'I'm trying to buy your affection' like gifts, so why settle for less than the most expensive? Kira doesn't care about quality, only the price tag.

Jogging: Kira used to be more of a health freak, especially when she was more into dancing, but she still enjoys jogging with her headphones. She has to get energy from somewhere, so keeping fit is vital.

Headphones: Kira has a number of different headphones, which she keeps in different places where they're easy to get, depending on where she is.

Learning and practicing: She loves to learn new things, and practices until she becomes at least a little competent at them. One of the main reasons she switches hobbies like she does is because she gets easily caught up with subjects that engages her.

Space/stargazing: Kira has fond memories of stargazing, and talking about space with Rei when they were younger, or listening to her friend talk about them.

Prosthetics: Kira has entertained the thought of chopping off a limb to replace it with a cybernetic or bionic prosthetic. More than once. She thinks it would be very useful to have an arm like that, but she's afraid of hurting herself.

Elvis Presley: Kira loves Elvis. His style, his voice, and his music. It's not something she'll admit to just anyone though, and she might hide her posters if a stranger was to visit her home. She only acts like that because of his sappy love songs, which she doesn't want others to know just how much she freaking adores. Can't help falling in love with you~ A little less conversation!

Dislikes: Crowds: Kira hates crowds. She has places to be, and things to do. They are in her way!

Laziness/slobs: If Kira could do all her hobbies, at the same time, she would. She could need some clones. Lazy people and slobs get on her nerves, because they don't even try to become anything.

Pop music = Garbage.

Boys that flirt with her: Kira never grew out of the 'Ew, boys' phase. She grew into the 'women are hot' phase instead.

Unwarranted optimism: Kira is energetic and positive, but nothing is more annoying than people insisting that every single situation has something positive in it, or that pessimism is bad. Let's be realistic.

Hobbies: Drumming: She's had a lot of hobbies, but nothing ever clicked with her like banging on her drumset, loudly, till she was exhausted and sweaty. There was just something about it that made her feel like she had found her place in the universe. She's still rather new at it, but maybe she does have some natural talent.

Acting: There was a time when Kira read Shakespeare, because she wanted to see what the big fuss was about. A week later she signed up for drama class. She never got particularly good at it, and did it more because it was fun.

Painting: Kira had noticed how Rei had paint on her hands more than once, so she got curious, and interested in painting. She's been doing it for some years now, and thinks she's mediocre in comparison to others, yet she gets compliments from time to time.

Dancing: Her parents made her take dancing lessons when she was a young girl. They paid quite a bit of money for her to get good at it. She isn't sure why they did it. Maybe they wanted her to do something else than sit at home, and play that one video game. Either way, it's kind of how her obsession with doing every hobby that interested her began.

Reading: Kira loves reading, especially non-fiction, but she reads fiction books too when she's got the time. Books and reading was how she got one of her closest friends, so she cherishes them.

Podcast/radio production: She started dabbling in it even more recently than she started drumming, as she was convinced by others that she might need something to fall back on, and this way she could still play music. Even if it wasn't her own. It's not like she's going to fail at becoming a famous rockstar though.

Fears: Failure: She knows she should have gotten used to it by now, considering how her life is one long sequence of failures, but she still tries to avoid it if she can. Inadequacy hurts.

Embarassment: The only thing worse than failure is other people watching her fail, and laughing at her.

People hearing her sing: She thinks she would embarrass herself if she tried singing in front of anyone, but there are a few rare people that have heard her sing.

People finding out how much she loves sappy love songs: She would lose her credibility as a cool delinquent, as a rocker, if anyone knew about it, and they would most certainly make fun of her.

That girl who insists she'll be a famous rockstar, but can't read musical notes, and is afraid of singing where anyone might hear her. Kira does her best in school, yet is often distracted by one of her hobbies. She's prone to change her interests every now and then, when she discovers something new. It makes her seem absent-minded. Music is her newest passion, which she's pursuing with more fervor than anything before, carrying drumsticks everywhere.

She is loyal to her friends, and can be a great listener if she doesn't have other things on her mind. Then again, people might not notice since she nods when she feels she should. Sometimes she borrows things without returning them, or asking, and when confronted she acts as if she's confused about how it got into her possession. Kira is a drama queen when dealing with her enemies, overplaying her emotions, because that's how she practiced acting when she was more into that. There have been rumours about crimes she committed, but none of them were ever confirmed as true, so she may have more of a delinquent reputation than she has earned. Kira didn't like them at first, but now that she's going to be a rockstar she basks in the glory the rumours have created for her.

Stranger 1: Oh yeah, the drummer. She can be way too loud at times, and I wish she'd turn it down a notch. At least, she seems to have gotten better...

Stranger 2: I heard she's a shoplifter, even though her family seems to be well-off. I don't know if it's true though.

Friend 1: Kira can be a sweet and loyal friend, but I'm pretty sure she stole my teddybear. Why would she even want that? I guess it's a good thing she's as dependable as she is, for her sake.

Friend 2: Sometimes I think she's listening, yet the next day she might ask me the same question again. She's certainly fun to be around though, with a great taste in music.

Enemies 1: Little miss drama queen. Screw her. I'm so sick of arguing with someone that keeps responding like she thinks she's in a play.

Enemies 2: She's a criminal, right? Well, even if she isn't, she's a loud nuisance that seems to have no respect for anyone else than herself.

Self Introduction: I had a summer fling with this angel a couple of years ago now. Well, maybe not angel. She would have hated it if I described her like that. She dressed in this black skirt with frills, dark makeup, and fake piercings. I didn't think they were fake at first, but she told me in a hushed confession.

My parents owned a small hotel, and we got guests pretty much all year round. I was this proper girl who helped her parents with their business when I didn't have school, and dressed like they wanted me to. It was rare for me to get much time for myself on the summers.

One evening I was performing my duties as a waiter, taking orders, and carrying food. I was about to carry a large order to a table, stepped out of the kitchen, and everything, when I spotted her. I was mesmerized for a moment, with my heart stuck in my throat, as she walked up to me. Then reality made itself known, and my younger brother flung the kitchen door open, so it hit me. I dropped the order I had been carrying. She giggled, and went on her way. My mother started shouting at me about something, but I was more upset about how I'd made a fool out of myself in front of someone like that.

Some days later, we met again when I was cleaning the baths as punishment. She gave me a flower, and complimented my eyes. I blushed, stuttered, could barely get a word out. She got this cocky grin. That was the beginning of my greatest, and only, summer fling. She showed me so many new things. We snuck away in the nights, and I shirked some of my duties at the hotel. I got into rock because of her.

But such romances never last, and before you know it she's gone back to her country, blocked your e-mail, two years has passed, and your parents break up because your father cheated on your mother. Just regular stuff. I'm still into rock though, metal too. I'm going to stop being a failure at my hobbies, try harder, and I'm going to become a wealthy rockstar. Love scars, love wounds, but money is forever, baby.

Character Theme: Link
Character Battle Theme: Dir En Grey - Uroko
Character Voice Actor: Rita

[Virtu-Ava Section]

Weapon: Four hot pink crystalline shotguns. They float around Kira in a circle when they're not attacking, and she can control them without putting her hands on them.

Skill 1: Paint It Black
Type: Fast
Kira's shotguns fires black corrosive paint.

Skill 2: When The Wild Wind Blows
Type: Heavy
The shotguns whirl around the opponent, stirring up a storm, and unleashing a barrage of shells.

Skill 3: Thunderstruck
Type: Guard
Pink sparks and lightning connects the shotguns around Kira, forming an electrified bubble.

Skill 4: Shadowplay
Type: Fast
Kira and her shotguns teleport between shadows, before striking.

Skill 5: Replica
Type: Heavy
Numerous replicas of the four shotguns appear as reinforcements, while the originals aim for critical hits.

Skill 6: Pretend We're Dead
Type: Guard
A shotgun misfires, hitting Kira, and the others shatter. It's a feint, as they reappear behind the opponent.

[Relationships Section]

The World
"I am dancin' to the RNG rock!"

Sagawa Mizunohara / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"I had this sick beat going with my drumsticks on the walls, as I walked, and she appeared out of nowhere. Didn't move, just stood there. Are you allowed to be so lazy? She should have gotten out of the way!"

Yuuki Iwasawa / Positive / Acquainted
"I am puzzled, partly because of his looks, and partly because of Rei's... attraction to him? He seems okay, though we haven't interacted that much."

Michio Kamijou / Positive / Childhood Friends
"We're quite different, no doubt, but he's still one of my oldest and closest friends. Our love for learning, reading, brought us together. We have spent so many hours reading together, or chatting about it. I'm glad I have someone like that, especially now that I'm supposed to have a certain reputation as a rockstar. It's nice to spend time with someone who knows your nerdier side."

Chiyo Imada / Positive / Acquainted
"We've talked once or twice, but not really much else."

Rei Saionji / Positive / Childhood Friends
"Rei is my best friend. I know her secrets, and she knows mine. There is no one I trust more. We've been friends for many years, since we were tiny kids, and I hope we'll be friends even after I become famous. I've read about how some ditched their friends after they got famous, but I couldn't do that to her. She's the coolest, probably keeps me grounded too."

Taigi Narita / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Another jock, except this one is... just slimy. I don't want anything to do with him, and I'm going to avoid him when I can."

Leo Kane / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"I know his name, and yeah, that's about it."

Kyouko Himura / Romance / Undeniable Sparks
"Oh, no... She heard me sing that one time. I thought I was alone, but she snuck up on me and told me all kinds of weird things. My voice isn't that great! I don't think my face's ever been so red. Now every time I see her my knees get weak... She's got this really hot and unique look, and she is strong. I wish she'd hold me close, and protect me instead of some boy. No! I did not say that out loud! Man, I even remember the song I was singing, and now it makes me think of her... Turbo Lover."

Ayame Sayoto / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"The waste of space. Meh, I wouldn't really care for her one way or the other if she wasn't intent on being in the way. I doubt Rei or Michio needs a bodyguard. It would be nice to see less of her."

Mana Kamei / Positive / New Friends
"Mana is cool. I'm torn between flirting with her and remaining just friends. She's not Rei, and she's not a boy, so logically... Well, knowing how that usually goes, it's best I don't. I do like that she's into music as well. If I weren't too busy with my own drumming, maybe we could have made some sweet music together."

Ryuu Miyamoto / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"He thinks I'm a thief, like any of his stuff is actually worth stealing! I could buy everything he owns, and I'd still have more money than I'd know what to do with. It's not my fault I forget to give back the stuff I borrow. He should be more careful with what he leaves within reach."

Nyoko Morita / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"Hardwired is... my boss, I guess. We don't really get along, and I wouldn't be too surprised if she punched me one of these days. Not because I did something too bad, but because she couldn't control her anger. I'm not going to bow to her like everyone else does just because they're scared. I'm not."

Amaya Fujimoto / Positive / New Friends

"She's the leader of the music club, so I guess she's more of a nerd than me, but she's cool anyway. People seem to gossip about her, and she's a bit strange, but I'm still going to call her my friend, you know? Who cares what others think? She probably doesn't mean to stare at Kyouko like she does."

Naomasa Ishida / Negative / Hated Rivals
"He's not remotely funny, but he seems to think he is. He's probably slow or something, like those turtles he likes. Who likes turtles anyway? There's nothing cool about them. Just like there's nothing cool about this guy. He interrupted me when I was practicing too. That's basically an unforgiveable sin."

Arata Ueda / Positive / Childhood Friends
"I call him Green River, because the song reminds me of all the fun things we used to do as children. (Still work in progress, will add an expanded opinion later.)

Annashi Koriumi / Negative / Broken Friends

"We were never close friends to begin with, but I humoured her since she seemed lonely. Then I told her how I wanted to be a rockstar, and she decided she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. Okay...? I don't really care."


Lisa Yamagawa / Positive / Acquainted
"I helped her with a video she wanted to make. She seems cool."

Yura Yukitani / Positive / Acquainted
"We both like music, and he's pretty good with his flute. I did extend an invitation to him to practice with me sometime. I haven't really tried playing anything else than rock or metal, but drums do exist in pretty much every genre. It could be a learning experience!"

Misheru Tachibana / Negative / Dishonored (Trope)
"My greatest enemy! Ever since she beat me at that game, which name escapes me, but it's not important, I've wanted to top her! After many years, I think I've finally found a way to do it too. Who knew she wrote fanfiction? Well, I found out, and I'm going to get more readers than her on my writing. Sure, I may not have much experience, but I'll give it my all."

Yuuki Kimura / Negative / Troubled Stepsiblings (Trope)
"My mother remarried recently, and Yuuki is supposed to be my stepsibling, I guess? I don't see or speak with him much. Not like we were friends before they married though. I'm not entirely sure what is going on between him and his father, but it's none of my concern. Besides, his father is showering me with gifts, and encouragement, so he's cool in my books."

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Middle School Friends
"We became friends after I asked him to teach me archery, which I'd seen him practice a few times. I tried to get into it for a while, but it didn't work out, wasn't for me. I did get a good friend out of it though! Win, win!"

Noxi Keoni / Negative / Mutually Annoyed
"Eugh, the jock with a stick up his- Forget it. I'm not going to talk about him, and I'm not going to talk to him if it can be avoided."

Iori Nishimura / Negative / Bad Occurence
"She's nice, showed me around the Music Club, for the brief time that I was there. I thought we were getting along well. Wink, wink. Turns out I was wrong, and it's been awkward since I made a move on her."

Mika Tsubasa / Positive / Amiable Classmates
"I know her name, but she's one of those lazy people."

Kiyoko Minami / Romance / Undeniable Sparks
"I've known Kiyoko for years, and uh, we used to be great friends. She, Rei, and I used to hang out quite a bit. Recently though... Well, ever since I was dumped by Summer Nights, really, I've been drawn to her. I'm pretty sure she doesn't think of me like that, but... I can't stop staring at her legs. How wrong is it to stare at your friend when she isn't looking? At least, I hope she hasn't noticed."

Hinomari Tanari / Negative / Hated Rivals
"Wow, she hates me for my taste in music? What's next? Is she going to hate me for my sexuality too? If I asked her to spell petty, do you think she'd be able to do it?"

Ganzo Hayabusa / Positive / Middle School Friends
"Ah, yeah, I met Ganzo when I was working at the hotel a lot more than I do these days. We were quite different back then, when I obeyed my parents' every wish. I used to think he should be more like me, but that was before a certain Summer Night(s). I think we were both quite bored at the hotel, so we played games to pass the time. These days we're quite alike, and I think we get along great."

Pratt Rikuto | Negative | Drum N' Bass (Trope)
"Everybody knows the bassist is the least coolest member of a band. This guy's delusional. The singer gets the most attention, albeit unwarranted, then comes the guitarist and the drummer. Although, at least he plays a real rock instrument."

Sayuri Alexander / Positive / Dreams of the Stage (Trope)
"Nobody likes a copycat! Least of all me. She's even got the heart sticker, though mine's more rock, naturally. Still, disregarding her most glaring flaw, Sayuri is a nice person to be around. She's supporting, which is more than I can say for some. I'm not interested in being in a band, but if I was I'd definitely invite Sayura. She actually likes music other than that bland stuff from anime, so that's a huge plus too."

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