Grey Key Academy (Voice Acting)

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It's life for him. He's a hardcore gamer, I'm a hardcore roleplayer. He goes to play Minecraft, comes back to wreck cars and kill computer generated superheroes. REPEAT about 3 times, then goes to pet dog. REPEAT about 4 times, goes to table and begs for Halos (the oranges). REPEAT FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. Wait, half an hour before bed, ice cream break. Yup.
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*siiiigh* He sounds like an older version of my brother. -____- Brothers, though.. XD
c: You're like the DJ of this roleplay group or somethin', firejay!
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Can't help myself. I've been music-starved lately.

Name - Cassidy Cane
Age - 16
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Pansexual
Religion - Atheist


Brief Background
"Well what about Molecule Man or Kitty Pryde? They're powers are based off of science! What's so bad about comics if half of the characters powers directly correlate to science itself?"

Cassidy was raised by scientist parents who believed that science was the single most important thing in the universe and that nothing else trumps it. So when Cassidy began displaying a talent in art, they did not approve. At the young age of ten, they sent Cassidy to a science based boarding school in hope that the environment would rub off on her and she would shape up and fly right. However the experience only resulted in her being inspired to create a comic book about a super heroine who uses chemistry to right the wrongs of the world. Despite her obvious attempt to have her parents accept her passion, her parents still disapproved but gave up on trying to 'correct' her.
At the age of sixteen, Cassidy received her invitation to Grey Key Academy and left to hone her skills.

Position in the Club

Illustrating, writing and chemistry.

What a cutie! Accepted! I have a feeling she'll be the logic of the group. <3 Okay, last girl. XD <3
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I wanna do a boy character to practice my guy voice. xD (It's terrible! T.T)

Name - Trent Astor
Age - 15
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Gay
Religion - Monotheist


Brief Background
"This is Trent Astor and you're listening to Trent's Radio Show."

Trent used to be adorable. When he was born, the doctor had to check him twice just to make sure he was in fact a boy. As a toddler, his mother dressed him in girl's clothing because she thought lame boy clothing was wasted on him. She doted on her sweet, boy until puberty, when everything changed.
Along with growing pains, and getting 'the talk', Trent got a new voice or rather two new voices. His once sweet, soft and almost female like voice, had a demonic hell spawn with an intruding, deep voice, so that every time Trent spoke his voice cracked horrifically. With his new attribute, Trent began getting picked on at school, and he soon retreated into his shell and became somewhat of a shut in. He despised his voice, and tried his best to never talk. His mother was devastated that her little baby could ever hate a part of himself and so she introduced him to something that would get him to love his voice; Radio Shows.
Trent became obsessed with radio shows and even started a few of his own, his listeners were't much, but the few that listened into his shows, loved his voice and thought he was hilarious. And even though they were basically doing the same things that the bullies at school were doing, Trent liked it because he had control. He chose to go on air and talk about nonsense, no one forced him to.
The love and support of his fans and mother, made Trent want to pursue his passion and so he went to Grey Key Academy in hopes of gaining more skill in Radio Show hosting.

Position in the Club

Stand up comedy, track and swimming.

IDEA: Since the limit is two, one person could make a boy char. if they only have one, and then, leave room for two boys from Seklin!
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I wanna do a boy character to practice my guy voice. xD (It's terrible! T.T)

Name - Trent Astor
Age - 15
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Gay
Religion - Monotheist


Brief Background
"This is Trent Astor and you're listening to Trent's Radio Show."

Trent used to be adorable. When he was born, the doctor had to check him twice just to make sure he was in fact a boy. As a toddler, his mother dressed him in girl's clothing because she thought lame boy clothing was wasted on him. She doted on her sweet, boy until puberty, when everything changed.
Along with growing pains, and getting 'the talk', Trent got a new voice or rather two new voices. His once sweet, soft and almost female like voice, had a demonic hell spawn with an intruding, deep voice, so that every time Trent spoke his voice cracked horrifically. With his new attribute, Trent began getting picked on at school, and he soon retreated into his shell and became somewhat of a shut in. He despised his voice, and tried his best to never talk. His mother was devastated that her little baby could ever hate a part of himself and so she introduced him to something that would get him to love his voice; Radio Shows.
Trent became obsessed with radio shows and even started a few of his own, his listeners were't much, but the few that listened into his shows, loved his voice and thought he was hilarious. And even though they were basically doing the same things that the bullies at school were doing, Trent liked it because he had control. He chose to go on air and talk about nonsense, no one forced him to.
The love and support of his fans and mother, made Trent want to pursue his passion and so he went to Grey Key Academy in hopes of gaining more skill in Radio Show hosting.

Position in the Club

Stand up comedy, track and swimming.

Ohh I love him!!! :3
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@Princess of the Teacup: Omg, you're so talented! *-* I'm in awe as well, you are amazing! *clap clap clap* Thank you for the boy character, I loooove him!

@Madeline: Well, everyone on this thread already has two characters, don't they? o-o And I don't think Seklin is coming back. *siiigh* That's okay, we'll find a way to deal. c: I could make another boy character and someone else on this thread could make another boy character. It's not that big a deal.
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Alrighty, we have a volunteer! I'll work on mine as well. c:
If you don't mind, I'll make another male?
Oh sure, go on! ^^' That might make our males uneven, though. He might be lonely!
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I might make another male, if that's fine, even though we already filled two more dorms. It will help the balance, since we have eighty gazillion (hyperbole) girls and a couple of boys.
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Oh, yes, thank you, Madeline! It will fill all the dorms, in fact! <3 And by the way, my male is up on the front page.
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Oh, okay~~~ I'll get a character up later~~~ hanging with friends right now...
Will check him out before I eat dinner. Will post the male CS up after I eat. IT'S LEFTOVER TURKEY AND CRANBERRY SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WORLD IS HEAVEN!!!!
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