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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
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This the General Chat thread! This is where questions, comments, and concerns will be posted as well as out of character chatter.​

ROUND 2: June 24th - July 24th

Should have mentioned this earlier but I had a tiring day yesterday and when I was available, it was only to talk and answer questions. Anyway, because of Wicked's schedule eating 'em alive, I've decided to archive Lou until Wicked decides to return. I've also decided to conclude round 1. What does this mean for the current scene? We'll time skip to the next day and I'll let Namora decide if Cerise is still captured or not. If so, Zelda and Angelica could have returned to the girl's cave with the news of her capture during the night and we'll pick up again with the girls planning a rescue mission. This could be the opportunity for both sides to meet. The time skip will also allow for a smoother migration for the newest members and open up new opportunities for character interaction.

I'll start up round 2 later today/tonight and tomorrow I'll do what I had planned to do yesterday and work on updating/reworking the OOC thread again since I'm still getting questions about things that are already written out. I didn't have a clear idea on how long I should keep each round open for but swing as the first round managed to drag on for months I'm setting the closing date exactly thirty days after the initial opening, which means round 2 is opening today, June 24th, and closing July 24th.

Happy roleplaying and may the muse be with you :)

[Warning=red]From now on, you want to have a creature attack, you run it by me first.[/warning]

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Speaking of fighting and all @Noctis the Devious how do you plan on choosing winners of fights? I know that in this one role play I'm in (I'm sure you're familiar with it -cough- Hoggy -cough) we have this system. And recently we've decided to roll a dice to see who wins what should there be a competition. Just to be fair, avoid bias, and avoid power playing and such. So I was just curious to see what exactly we would do when our characters eventually fight each other and how the match will be determined xD That's all xDDD
@Cybermoon, Yeah sure ^.^ Truth be told there was supposed to be air instead of gravity, but when making the list (I wanted tp start off with at least eight elements) I totally forgot air and instead included gravity x.x

@Misaou, Actually, I haven't decided on a system yet >.< Here's one I'm contemplating implementing (because I do love me some dice, but I know not everyone likes basing such scenes on luck):

Everyone in the fight must roll a six faced die. The attacker must roll to decide if their attack is effective and the defender must roll to decide if they block, dodge, or counter attack effectively. Counter attacks would be trying to neutralize an incoming attack with you're own attack. For example, Raina doesn't use defense spells and instead manipulates what are suppose to be offensive spells (a spike wall for example) to try and either stop the attack or block the attack. This would count as a counter attack as these spells don't have the normal defense attributes such as absorbing impact, absorbing energy, or reflecting attacks entirely, making them inadequate in most situations. Then you have an element facing against another element and they both attack, either the attack will nuetralize or, depending on the roll, one attack would over power the other and continue on towards the intended target. In this instance the original attacker, or the defender if the counter attack failed, would be forced to roll again to determine if they dodge, block, or counter attack effectively.

1-3: You are bound to fail.

4-6 You are likely to succeed.

If the attacker's roll falls between 1-3 they are bound to fail, especially if the defender's roll falls between 4-6. Like wise, if the attacker's roll falls between 4-6 they are likely to succeed and if the defender's roll falls between 1-3 they are bound to fail. The one exception being if the defender manages to roll the same number as the attacker as this means they were both equally effective and no winner is decided that round. In the event the defender goes for a counter attack, they must either roll the same number as the attacker, roll one below the attacker, or roll one above to nuetralize the attack. To roll two or more higher than the attacker means they not only nuetralize the attack but their attack is still coming at the original attacker; however, if you want your character to dodge and then counter in the same move you roll two dice. The first represents your dodge and the second represents the effectiveness of your attack. You must roll successfully on your dodge for the move to be complete. The original attacker will always have the oppurtunity to dodge, block, or counter if another attack, or their own in the instance of a reflect, is being sent at them.

Now the number of rolls decide the strength of the attack.

If the players rolls once it's a basic attack. If the player rolls twice it's a powerful attack. If the player rolls three times (and no more than three) you are attempting a complex attack. The complexity of the attack depends on energy, the power it takes, and the control with one die representing each attribute (1st roll: energy, 2nd roll: power, 3rd roll control). If you want a successful powerful attack your power must not be less than your consumed energy. So if your energy falls between 4-6 but your power falls between 1-3 your attack will likely blocked, dodged, or countered. If you want a successful complex attack your control must be greater than your power.

An example of a powerful attack would be Raina's Shadow Redemption as it relies on brute force. Most area attacks will also fall under powerful attacks but some (especially if their falling from the sky) will be complex attacks. If you have questions about your attacks and whether or not they fall under powerful or complex just ask :) I would much rather handle spells on a case by case basis.

EDIT: Not everyone will have a complex spells. Trent, for example, may not even have typical powerful spells as he likes to mix his magic with alchemy. His personal spell would technically count as a complex spell as it takes energy to feed the flames, power for their intensity, and control over the alchemy. I would also like to point out once more a spell doesn't have to be your personal spell to be powerful or complex. There's a dark caster illusion spell called Shadow Play, and it works by starting off as a typical illusion spell that reflects your worse fears, and than "physically" manifests itself as any other shadow manifestation. This is a rather advanced spell and rather unpredictable as the more vivid and detailed the victim's worse fear is, the more energy it takes to manifest and control. If the caster doesn't have the power or control to manefest a fear the spell fails.

To block or counter against a powerful spell depends on the attacker's power attribute and will more likely take two dice rolls if you want to block or counter against and the powerful spell is successful. Complex spells may take three dice rolls to block or counter against. Simply dodging will take one dice but the roll will have to be higher than the energy roll.

Mind you, I've never actually implemented this system before so there may be kinks or special circumstances I'm unaware of. I'm also not sure if I should only use this system in PvP or also during boss battles. Either way this system won't be utilized against NPCs or situations like the cave in Raina caused as long as you guys are responsible with your spells. Another thing to note: you won't be able to use Iwaku's dice system until after you post. So you can either A) use the OOC thread to decide rolls, or B) post a reply, then roll, then edit your reply, or C) reply, roll, let your opponent fill in the blanks.

EDIT: OR you can simply discuss with others the out come of the battle so you don't have to use the dice if you don't want to.

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Yeah... how do we roll dice on this website? I have never done this sort of fighting before.
Once you post a "More Options" appears. Click that and it'll give you the option to throw a dice ^.^
@Noctis the Devious the system looks solid. I've never been a fan of RNG based systems since they prioritise luck over skill (decision making and analysis skills are what I consider vital in Text Fights) I'd usually go abd try to not BS until someone wins. Heck in another RP I had to kill my character three times because I couldn't really answer properly to the situations. So I like to think I don't BS much.

But leaving that aside, I don't really have problem with said systems, they can bring some very funny moments when handled correctly. Now on the system itself, I think the conditional for the second roll (having it be lower than the first) it's going to be really frustrating. I could be wrong but I think that it could pretty much ruin someone's day. Sadly, I don't have any idea of how to change that so I'm leaving that in someone else's hands ^-^;

If Dark has posted by the time I get home (like... 4-5~ hours from now) I'll post asap.
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If Dark has posted by the time I get home (like... 4-5~ hours from now) I'll post asap.
I don't think I will post before that time. I am laying in bed with a fever and have a hard time reading any thing that is longer than three sentences. So feel free to go ahead and post and I will post after you. I am sorry

@Noctis the Devious The system looks great. I have never been a fan of using dices, but this looks like a good system. I will go over it when I have more brainpower, because it literally took me hours to read that
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Now on the system itself, I think the conditional for the second roll (having it be lower than the first) it's going to be really frustrating. I could be wrong but I think that it could pretty much ruin someone's day.

Powerful spells and complex spells are suppose to be harder to cast than oridnary spells, and I was just trying to reflect that >.>; Like I said, I never used this system before so there may be dome kinks and special circumstances I haven't accounted for. It's likely we won't truly know how effective this system will be until it's actually put to use.

But as I edited in: you can simply discuss with the other player the outcome of these battles if you much rather forgo the system.

I don't think I will post before that time. I am laying in bed with a fever and have a hard time reading any thing that is longer than three sentences. So feel free to go ahead and post and I will post after you. I am sorry

@Noctis the Devious The system looks great. I have never been a fan of using dices, but this looks like a good system. I will go over it when I have more brainpower, because it literally took me hours to read that


Get well soon, Dark ^.^
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Now the number of rolls decide the strength of the attack.

If the players rolls once it's a basic attack. If the player rolls twice it's a powerful attack. If the player rolls three times (and no more than three) you are attempting a complex attack. The complexity of the attack depends on energy, the power it takes, and the control with one dice representing each attribute (1st roll: energy, 2nd roll: power, 3rd roll control). If you want a successful powerful attack your power must not be less than your consumed energy. So if your energy falls between 4-6 but your power falls between 1-3 your attack has taken more energy to cast with little power to back it up and is easily blocked, dodged, or countered. If you want a successful complex attack your control must be greater than your power.
Okay here are my thoughts, and it seems like I might be the unpopular opinion here since I think this system is still a work in progress.

Now I understood the majority of what was being said but there were some parts I was confused about. Like for example, this section I quoted. What exactly are these basic attacks that you're speaking of? And going to the dice representing each attribute. What way do we have to measure each attribute? Now I'm thinking of this like in video games. In video games, they give you a max HP(health) and max out your mana. That way, you can see the results of you getting hurt or see the effects of the spells on your mana reserves. I think that by having the gauge to judge our energy depletion, it will be easier for us to play and help avoid that nasty power playing. Now with all that being said the reason why I believe this system to still be a work in progress is because I just think it can be so much more. Details, details, details. Now I've had my share of working on system's similar to this and I know the key is to explain everything. There are people out there like me who simply don't understand the things right off the bat. So basically, you have to dumb down your explanation. Assume that everyone is a child and you're explaining things so that a child understands. If that is your baseline then you can avoid confusion later on because not everyone can read your mind, so not everyone can understand exactly what you mean. Like me for example, when I don't understand things I call my translator @Wicked to clear things up for me.

Here is where I helped out our friend @Nemopedia fix her system. She had to go through the process of clarifying things and putting in lots of details as well. I just put this here as an example that's all. These are my thoughts on the matter. If you choose to continue working on your system I am happy to help. I'll probably drag Nemo into helping as well should you need it because having 3 pairs of eyes is better that 1 pair. Y'know xD
  • Nice Execution!
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@Misaou, not sure if I understand what your asking but I'll try my best to answer:

Basic spells are literally just that: basic spells o.o Raina's Shadow Quills and her 1​Dark Pikes (the spells she used in the cave) are basic spells because they can be cast without much thought. Your typical fire ball or anything else you can throw up/throw out at a moments notice would be basic. They're weak, often small and take little energy. Her Shadow Hands, however, would be a powerful spell because it requires slightly more time to cast, more focus, and more control.

And as for the dice, they're mostly for probability. If you roll a 1 and Nemo rolled a 3 the probability of you attacking her successfully is out of the question as she rolled higher than you and successfully dodged or blocked your attack.

Regarding the powerful spells: I'm simply just going to change up my wording on this one. Instead of it literally taking more energy to cast with little to show for it (this wasn't what I going for originally anyway) If your power die rolls lower than your energy but your opponent rolls higher on for their defence, then your opponent successfully blocks the attack. Simple as that. The fact you rolled higher for energy than power is irrelevant to your character because the die are meant more for probability than actually determining the amount of energy comsumed.

For complex spells - same concept. Powerful and complex spells are supposed to be harder to cast than basic spells
and decreasing the odds of you successfully casting such spells against another caster seemed like a great way to portray this.

On the matter of energy consumption: I have never actually figured out a clean way to do this without bogging every thing down. If you have ideas hit me up I guess.

1​Depending on the degree to which she uses Dark Pike - in it's weakest form it's a single spike and at it's strongest it's a wall of spikes, making it a versatile spell. ​
Really long collab post coming up, watch out! Tl;dr'ers be warned!

Also, uh, regarding this dice thing, me and @Cybermoon kinda did a fight scene before seeing this mechanic being added. What we did is sort of a free form thing where we choose where our characters get hit in the fight and such. (Obviously neither side is dodging everything, or that'd be just boring.)

I'm happy to use this dice system in the future and I'll be sure to do it in future fights, though! I just hope it's alright we did a fight thing in freeform style, because we kinda already wrote it.
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As I said, players don't have to use the dice system even if it is implemented :) If you would rather discuss the fight scenes than use the system, go for it!
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If all the guys and girls she comes across are good looking, she may just say screw the competition and flirt around until she either wound up with one person or a harem.

Hehe ♡​
Aaand this is what I get for not watching the OOC thread (Bravo me ;u;)
Well, in any case, I really dunno how to squeeze little Angelica into all this. I think it was Sorrell that was with Trap and Lou? I could be wrong >>
Yep, Sorrell is with Lou and Trap :)
Sorrell was with Lou. Trap just had a fight with Zelda, leaving little angelica alone for a while, and Cerise just had a run in with lou and sorrell.
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@Noctis the Devious
Do you mind if I make a tiny detail on D & R (Drain and Rejuvenation)?
In the spell, it claims that Angelica will be able to drain energy from plants into her own body to enhance herself, and she is able to do it vice versa so long as there are no dead plants. Is it alright if I add that she is able to transfer the energy to others through direct contact with a medium or direct contact with herself, allowing them to inherit the enhancements?
Make it so she can transfer the energy only through direct contact then yeah, you can add it in.
Uh... a tad bit of a problem. My tablet has been refusing to charge for the last couple of days so I'm kind of stuck using my phone so my replies will be even more slow than usual and maybe ever shorter since my phone isn't the best thing to reply from >.>; And my tablet is one of those outdated ones that are no longer made so I can't sinply replace the charger or the tablet either v.v (Though this one of the threads I'm used to replying to from my phone).
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