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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
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  2. Adaptable
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This the General Chat thread! This is where questions, comments, and concerns will be posted as well as out of character chatter.​

ROUND 2: June 24th - July 24th

Should have mentioned this earlier but I had a tiring day yesterday and when I was available, it was only to talk and answer questions. Anyway, because of Wicked's schedule eating 'em alive, I've decided to archive Lou until Wicked decides to return. I've also decided to conclude round 1. What does this mean for the current scene? We'll time skip to the next day and I'll let Namora decide if Cerise is still captured or not. If so, Zelda and Angelica could have returned to the girl's cave with the news of her capture during the night and we'll pick up again with the girls planning a rescue mission. This could be the opportunity for both sides to meet. The time skip will also allow for a smoother migration for the newest members and open up new opportunities for character interaction.

I'll start up round 2 later today/tonight and tomorrow I'll do what I had planned to do yesterday and work on updating/reworking the OOC thread again since I'm still getting questions about things that are already written out. I didn't have a clear idea on how long I should keep each round open for but swing as the first round managed to drag on for months I'm setting the closing date exactly thirty days after the initial opening, which means round 2 is opening today, June 24th, and closing July 24th.

Happy roleplaying and may the muse be with you :)

[Warning=red]From now on, you want to have a creature attack, you run it by me first.[/warning]

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But it's still the same no matter the degree or way to go about it. If every gravity user can do it, then it's not personal, it's general. I'm not saying your character can't do it, I'm saying you can't claim it specifically for your character.
If you.... want an example @Karakui, you could look at my cs or the other one in the archives tab.
But it's still the same no matter the degree or way to go about it. If every gravity user can do it, then it's not personal, it's general. I'm not saying your character can't do it, I'm saying you can't claim it specifically for your character.
But I'm not claiming it, I'm claiming the means, not the end. There's another means that anyone can use. Not everyone can use it. Everyone can make the same result, but not everyone can use the same method. For example, the end result of the spell is 4, so there are two ways of getting it - 2 + 2 and 3 + 1. I'm claiming 2 + 2, leaving 3 + 1 still available as the normal method (but not quite as cool cos 2 is an awesome number).
Going off your last post to help better explain my reasoning while also making you aware of your own application:

Other gravity users would still be able to do everything described by Relative Space, except they'd do it the normal way instead of how Shira does it.

In this case, every spell Shira casts would be a personal spell because of the unique circumstances you gave your own character. Because she uses organic gravity instead of Sorrel, who uses his perception of it, even the general spells would be personal using this logic.

This is my final decision. Relative Space cannot be claimed as a personal spell.
Going off your last post to help better explain my reasoning while also making you aware of your own application:

In this case, every spell Shira casts would be a personal spell because of the unique circumstances you gave your own character. Because she uses organic gravity instead of Sorrel, who uses his perception of it, even the general spells would be personal using this logic.

This is my final decision. Relative Space cannot be claimed as a personal spell.
Oh, I see, that makes sense. No need to argue further anyway :D

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This gravity girl is better than that gravity girl though because this one can make a candle flicker in the exact same way over and over again.
Just don't abuse the spell :P
But, but... ominous flickering candles!
My ominous mountain beats your ominous candles :P
Well I can make ominous flickering teleporting time travelling candles that explode* on impact!

*may not explode on impact.
You will all face death on my mountain >:D
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You will all face death on my flickering candle of ominosity!
Because this is gravity magic in a nut shell you can't really claim it as a personal spell, sorry. (Reminder: Personal Spells are unique to your character, ordinary spells are for use of the general public.)

@die_Sprachkenntnisse, unfortunately Earth (and Nature) have already been claimed. (Reminder: A list of acceptable spells that are open and taken can be found under the Rules tab: purple is the female counterpart and green is the male counterpart.) But I love your familiar :D I was wondering when someone would break off from everyday and venture into exotic ^.^
You're right! My bad I guess I misread the list or something o.o could I have spirit magic and still keep my current personal spells? I wanted a druid sort of character with James hence why I chose Earth, but I don't know if it's appropriate with spirit magic unless what I understand as spirit magic is different as to what it is in the game o,o

and yeah I thought it would be awesome to have different type of familiar, something that's not too obvious or typical (plus I love lizards :p )
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In my experience, Spirit magic is the reading and manipulation of the soul and mind - telekinesis, telepathy, aura reading etc. You could probably use it to control living entities, but I doubt it'd be able to control plants since they lack any kind of brain or nervous system.
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@Karakui I love the unique way of looking at gravity. I never thought of it that way really. And I am happy to see that you and Noctis could work things out :P ALSO LOVE THE FAMILIAR. Omg I am so flabbergasted by the whole orginality of your CS.. you were really thinking so much out of the box and came from such different views than I would have come and still I love it... I absolutely love it. okay I will shut up now before I embarras myself more and make people uncomfortable

You're right! My bad I guess I misread the list or something o.o could I have spirit magic and still keep my current personal spells? I wanted a druid sort of character with James hence why I chose Earth, but I don't know if it's appropriate with spirit magic unless what I understand as spirit magic is different as to what it is in the game o,o

and yeah I thought it would be awesome to have different type of familiar, something that's not too obvious or typical (plus I love lizards :p )
I do think wild call would be able to work with spirit. But the plants.. would be a bit hard for me to accept that (other spirit caster here)
@Karakui I love the unique way of looking at gravity. I never thought of it that way really. And I am happy to see that you and Noctis could work things out :P ALSO LOVE THE FAMILIAR. Omg I am so flabbergasted by the whole orginality of your CS.. you were really thinking so much out of the box and came from such different views than I would have come and still I love it... I absolutely love it. okay I will shut up now before I embarras myself more and make people uncomfortable

I do think wild call would be able to work with spirit. But the plants.. would be a bit hard for me to accept that (other spirit caster here)
Not to brag, but I really excel at manipulating technicalities to my advantage :D I'd make a great lawyer if I wasn't so antagonistic all the time. I spent all day (literally from about 9AM to 4PM) looking up electromagnetism and quantum physics and what not. I know more about physics from today than I ever learned in 5 years of physics at school XD Trust me, this is a VERY condensed form of the original ability, hopefully kept in a way that it can be understood by most readers.

I had originally been planning for an electricity based ability, so I was looking up what caused magnetism and whether manipulation of electron spin could be used to induce magnetism in non-magnetic materials, and I ended up getting all the way to finally understanding how Time is a geometric dimension XD

Interestingly enough - time travel is actually possible, but not backwards. You couldn't go back anywhere before the point at which the time machine was first built.
Not to brag, but I really excel at manipulating technicalities to my advantage :D I'd make a great lawyer if I wasn't so antagonistic all the time. I spent all day (literally from about 9AM to 4PM) looking up electromagnetism and quantum physics and what not. I know more about physics from today than I ever learned in 5 years of physics at school XD Trust me, this is a VERY condensed form of the original ability, hopefully kept in a way that it can be understood by most readers.

I had originally been planning for an electricity based ability, so I was looking up what caused magnetism and whether manipulation of electron spin could be used to induce magnetism in non-magnetic materials, and I ended up getting all the way to finally understanding how Time is a geometric dimension XD

Interestingly enough - time travel is actually possible, but not backwards. You couldn't go back anywhere before the point at which the time machine was first built.
Hihi I am studying law XD But anyway I love it and so far I understand it all. Then again I do like physics and did a lot of time figuring out a lot more of it that necessary for school. (I have no idea how I ended up at lawschool really) but yeah. I just love that someone was like 'hmm gravity. Let's get deeper into stuff' Not that I mind the other way of gravity casting. But it just makes it so very interesting to see how two of the same ability casters can be so extremely different with their spells.
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Hihi I am studying law XD But anyway I love it and so far I understand it all. Then again I do like physics and did a lot of time figuring out a lot more of it that necessary for school. (I have no idea how I ended up at lawschool really) but yeah. I just love that someone was like 'hmm gravity. Let's get deeper into stuff' Not that I mind the other way of gravity casting. But it just makes it so very interesting to see how two of the same ability casters can be so extremely different with their spells.
Lol, I actually went "Hmm, magnetism, what can I do with that. Maybe I should find out how it actually works first?" then when I saw Electricity was taken, I went "Hmm, I wonder if any of the other elements let me play around with all the fancy physics I just learned? Oh cool, gravity can!"
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In my experience Spirit magic is the reading and manipulation of the soul and mind - telekinesis, telepathy, aura reading etc.
Yes and no. Yes because that's right and no because it's not the complete answer. I have no idea why it has never occured to me to explain this before but spirit magic is actually magic in its rawest form o.o So it's ideal for someone who can't wrap their mind around the "elemental magic is based on subconscious perception and only the essence of that element".

While Wild Call can be an extension of telepathy, it would be something all telepathy users would be able to do. Then again, to have an area spell targeting small animals specifically could make it something unique to your Caster.

Exceptional Growth would not be applicable.

But I think if you play with it enough Spirit could be used for a Druid build :3

But it just makes it so very interesting to see how two of the same ability casters can be so extremely different with their spells.
Exactly what I'm trying to accomplish here :D I left the magics majority to interpretation to reflect how various it is in this world. It's one thing to say magic is different from Caster to Caster even for those of the same element, it's entirely another to show it through a diversity of people using their own knowledge, views, and personal experiences to create spells for their character ^.^
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