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I asked Neo because I want an answer from someone with enough cultural background knowledge to tell me whether or not said windmill belongs alongside the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, or if there's something else going on.

I assumed that just searching "famous windmill in Holland" would get me something, but like, whose definition of famous? How famous? Again, is it famous enough that it belongs alongside the aforementioned landmarks? Or famous enough that, I dunno, they could make a pokestop out of it?
Well I mean, the fact that you don't know a famous windmill. When everone knows the efiffel tower and big ben and such kinda tells you the answer.
Well I mean, the fact that you don't know a famous windmill. When everone knows the efiffel tower and big ben and such kinda tells you the answer.
...True. :/
Anout the famous windmills... Not really? Sure, we have windmills and a lot of them, but famous ones? No, not really, at least none that I know of. Honestly, we don't have a whole lot of famous landmarks that actually shout "Yo, this is the Netherlands you're looking at" (In fact, I'm pretty sure that none of our landmarks say anything period, but that's neither here nor there). We do have some other famous landmarks like the Anne Frank-house (As in, the house in which Anne Frank hid during World War 2), some palaces and museums and a handful of giant dams, but those are not nearly as recognisable as, say, the Eiffel Tower or the Big Ben.
My honest guess is that they just picked the stereotypical Dutch thing, namely windmills, even though the vast majority are only still around because they attract tourists. And yes, I know you said that's not an acceptable answer, but I wouldn't know any other alternative if the presumption that the windmill in question is actually related to the Netherlands in the first place is correct.
but I wouldn't know any other alternative if the presumption that the windmill in question is actually related to the Netherlands in the first place is correct.
Well, I wanted to get a screenshot so you could tell me whether or not it looked like a Dutch windmill (or a specific, recognizable windmill -- assuming such a thing existed), but the thing about this game is that the textures for everything change periodically, and I have a feeling at at least some of the textures are randomly-generated, because sometimes the colors are such a mess that it's hard to tell what you're even looking at. @_@ And such was the case during that particular visit to the landmark-filled area. It was hard to find a good camera angle where it even looked like a windmill at all.

And then, right before I could actually take the screenshot... my character woke up.

And I decided that trying to play this game with the goal of taking pictures of specific things just isn't a good idea. >.>

SO maybe I'll try to get a screenshot if I happen to land in that area at a time when the textures are 'normal'.

And I didn't try very hard to find a picture online because I want to avoid seeing walkthroughs and the like.
Hey @Takumi I'm going to ramble about big-name video game fandoms again.

So I've already made quite a few posts about the whole Mario/Sonic rivalry. But the one thing that I don't think I've mentioned about all this is that I think the rivalry would be very one-sided. Like, I don't think Mario would really care about the rivalry nearly as much as Sonic does. This is partially because Mario is pretty much objectively a bigger success than Sonic and really has no reason to care about competition, but also because everything about Mario is just so... vanilla. So while 90s Sonic would certainly love going out of his way to troll Mario, it's hard to picture Mario wanting to do the same to him. So aside from getting reasonably annoyed at Sonic's antics, I feel like Mario would mostly be rather carefree and not really concerned about Sonic. At most, I think he'd just sort of playfully go along with the whole rivalry thing, but he'd see it as more of a lighthearted game and not realize just how much this matters to Sonic. And in more recent years, Mario would probably just assume that Sonic's completely over all of that rivalry stuff and that the two of them are buds now -- blissfully unaware of the fact that Sonic is still really messed-up about it and has some inferiority issues as a result of being stuck in Mario's shadow for most of his life.

Now, none of this is new. This is how I've pictured their relationship for a long time -- I just never bothered to type it all out, I don't think.

But there's a reason why I want to bring up Mario's carefree nature. Because it recently occurred to me -- there's another video game icon who's debatably even bigger than Mario, and even more carefree, and who I feel would never even consider himself to be 'rivals' with anyone -- and who'd generally just be an adorable little thing who just wants to play video games.


Just imagine this little yellow-clad cutie, making 8-bit-y noises to himself as he parks himself in front of any port of his legendary game. Speaking of which -- this guy's basically been playing the exact same game for more than 30 years now and he's totally ok with that. You tell him that there's going to be a PS4 port of the original Pac-Man? With no changes except for maybe some graphical and/or sound upgrades? Oh he couldn't be more excited about it. He loves it. He loves all versions of that game. Well except for the Atari version because that was just a disgrace.

He's been around since practically the dawn of video games altogether and he's been at the top ever since -- and he's not even arrogant about it. He has no reason to be arrogant. All he wants to do is play games, eat food, and occasionally chase ghosts out of his house.


It's just been on my mind lately.


Also it just occurred to me that you probably won't even see this until after the site comes back online from the update. This'll be an interesting little thing to return to, I guess.
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Also it just occurred to me that you probably won't even see this until after the site comes back online from the update. This'll be an interesting little thing to return to, I guess.
Hey @Takumi I'm going to ramble about big-name video game fandoms again.

So I've already made quite a few posts about the whole Mario/Sonic rivalry. But the one thing that I don't think I've mentioned about all this is that I think the rivalry would be very one-sided. Like, I don't think Mario would really care about the rivalry nearly as much as Sonic does. This is partially because Mario is pretty much objectively a bigger success than Sonic and really has no reason to care about competition, but also because everything about Mario is just so... vanilla. So while 90s Sonic would certainly love going out of his way to troll Mario, it's hard to picture Mario wanting to do the same to him. So aside from getting reasonably annoyed at Sonic's antics, I feel like Mario would mostly be rather carefree and not really concerned about Sonic. At most, I think he'd just sort of playfully go along with the whole rivalry thing, but he'd see it as more of a lighthearted game and not realize just how much this matters to Sonic. And in more recent years, Mario would probably just assume that Sonic's completely over all of that rivalry stuff and that the two of them are buds now -- blissfully unaware of the fact that Sonic is still really messed-up about it and has some inferiority issues as a result of being stuck in Mario's shadow for most of his life.

Now, none of this is new. This is how I've pictured their relationship for a long time -- I just never bothered to type it all out, I don't think.

But there's a reason why I want to bring up Mario's carefree nature. Because it recently occurred to me -- there's another video game icon who's debatably even bigger than Mario, and even more carefree, and who I feel would never even consider himself to be 'rivals' with anyone -- and who'd generally just be an adorable little thing who just wants to play video games.


Just imagine this little yellow-clad cutie, making 8-bit-y noises to himself and all that. This guy's been playing the exact same game for more than 30 years now and he's totally ok with that. You tell him that there's going to be a PS4 port of the original Pac-Man? With no changes except for maybe some graphical and/or sound upgrades? Oh he couldn't be more excited about it.

He's been around since practically the dawn of video games altogether and he's been at the top ever since -- and he's not even arrogant about it. He has no reason to be arrogant. All he wants to do is play games, eat food, and occasionally chase ghosts out of his house.


It's just been on my mind lately.
Also,don't forget he's a family man. Unlike Mario and Sonic, he settled down, had a wife and kids who shares his hobby.
I will have a post for all my characters when the site updates!
And just when you think this site couldn't get any more confusing.
What happened to my layout? D:

EDIT: Also, what is with these false accusation in the alerts? I didn't eat any cake! In fact, I didn't even know there was any cake! Why did nobody tell me about the cake? T_T
okay.....havent been here for a few days. i skimmed, but it seems like you're just talking about windmills and usernames so....i didn't really read. :p lol


  1. What the frick frack snick snack is this new layout????? it looks so.....weird and small and white and bright????
  3. Kaga sent me a reminder Thursday that I didn't see cuz I was busy with packing. I'll post for W101 sometime today hopefully
  4. This god damn heat in these residence halls.... I miss the freshman dorm. There was actually AC.... The heat has pretty much melted my brain and it's been hard to think/function and even motivate myself when im in my room....dear god I cant wait for the weather to get cooler....
  5. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........I feel like there was something else i had to mention, but i forgot. lol whoops.
What the frick frack snick snack is this new layout????? it looks so.....weird and small and white and bright????
If you switch to "shades of gray" in the ad styler, the color scheme becomes really similar to the old layout. OwO I'm not really a fan of the new update's visual style either, but changing back to that black-and-teal look is really an amazing improvement. XD

Edit: That being said, I really want to know why the teal color scheme is called "shades of gray"...

This god damn heat in these residence halls.... I miss the freshman dorm. There was actually AC.... The heat has pretty much melted my brain and it's been hard to think/function and even motivate myself when im in my room....dear god I cant wait for the weather to get cooler....
Be sure to get a fan and keep a window open. Air circulation is the most important thing -- if you don't have that, the heat will just pile up and it'll actually be hotter inside your dorm than out in the sun. It's the same reason why a car parked in the sun will quickly turn into an oven if you don't leave the windows open.

I don't have AC in my dorm, either -- but, I also don't have AC in my house back in Rochester. So, while the heat sucks, I'm at least sort-of used to it and know how to deal with it. :P

Plus I get to look at everyone else dying in the heat and say "Ha! You think this is bad?? Try living without AC every summer for every year of your life." Fuckin' AC privilege...

But yeah, I totally understand what you're saying about the lack of motivation. Heat can be a real energy drain. :/ BUT, buying a fan really helps. I honestly don't even feel hot after putting a fan right on my desk and letting that blow in my face for an hour or two. XD
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There, let's try to defrost at least one scene...

Also, one OOC note: @AquaTheLita , would you agree to Touhou leaving without explaining to ADR exactly how the Spell Card works, for the purpose of future shenanigans?
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There, let's try to defrost at least one scene...

Also, one OOC note: @AquaTheLita , would you agree to Touhou leaving without explaining to ADR exactly how the Spell Card works, for the purpose of future shenanigans?
ye sure lol

gonna try to post for Sub and ADR later this week if needed/if i can.
@Neobullseye @Gwazi Magnum @Minerva @Rithas

And, there we have it! The museum group is officially not completely frozen, and we can keep moving again. OwO

I didn't want to do this to the poor Doctor, but, like I've said before, the Dalek fights always felt so stale and pointless -- and I realized the biggest contributing factor to that was that we knew none of our characters would die or get hurt, so there was no real sense of danger. ...So I fixed that. Plus, you know, the whole reason why I made this post at all was because we still haven't gotten a post for the character who was supposed to go back in time and save his life. ...So, with that character not having shown up, this is just what would make the most sense from a meta perspective. XP (To clarify, the Doctor was only hit on the wrist -- that's why it didn't instantly kill him like it would've if the Dalek had managed to hit his torso. He can survive a hit like that -- but, you know, it was still a Dalek laser, so he's definitely in a pretty weak state right now. And, as mentioned in the post, it also sort of turns him into a sitting duck -- easy for the Dalek to finish off if given a clear shot.)

Also, I know it feels like the Cybermen are all kind of standing around doing nothing right now, but I thought the post would feel too crowded or would go on for too long if I tried to post for them, as well. But, they're NPC's, so, you guys can feel free to decide what the Cybermen (and Dalek) do from here. :P
Wow, two IC posts from me today?? It must be a full moon out or something.
Wow, two IC posts from me today?? It must be a full moon out or something.
The something is a blue moon. A full moon happens sometimes twice a month. * may be taking astronomy this year*
The something is a blue moon. A full moon happens sometimes twice a month. * may be taking astronomy this year*
...Given the fact that we are only two days into the month of September, I'm not sure it's possible for there to have been two full moons in this month already.

In any case, it was a figure of speech and I have no idea what phase the moon is actually in right now.
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...Given the fact that we are only two days into the month of September, I'm not sure it's possible for there to have been two full moons in this month already.

In any case, it was a figure of speech and I have no idea what phase the moon is actually in right now.
Psst... the phrase is once in a blue moon...
Psst... the phrase is once in a blue moon...
Which is a totally different figure of speech than saying that there must be a full moon out because weird things are happening. What I was saying was that things are weird tonight because I got a 2nd IC post up -- so I said that there must be a full moon out because that's what you say when things are strange.

Saying that something happens "once in a blue moon" means that it happens rarely -- so I can sort of see where you're coming from with that. But no one says "wow I did something that I rarely do which means there must be a blue moon out" because that's not how that saying goes.
Which is a totally different figure of speech than saying that there must be a full moon out because weird things are happening. What I was saying was that things are weird tonight because I got a 2nd IC post up -- so I said that there must be a full moon out because that's what you say when things are strange.

Saying that something happens "once in a blue moon" means that it happens rarely -- so I can sort of see where you're coming from with that. But no one says "wow I did something that I rarely do which means there must be a blue moon out" because that's not how that saying goes.